Primary Mass Casualty Incident Triage: Evidence For The Benefit of Yearly Brief Re-Training From A Simulation Study
Primary Mass Casualty Incident Triage: Evidence For The Benefit of Yearly Brief Re-Training From A Simulation Study
Primary Mass Casualty Incident Triage: Evidence For The Benefit of Yearly Brief Re-Training From A Simulation Study
Background: Triage is a mainstay of early mass casualty incident (MCI) management. Standardized triage protocols
aim at providing valid and reproducible results and, thus, improve triage quality. To date, there is little data supporting
the extent and content of training and re-training on using such triage protocols within the Emergency Medical Services
(EMS). The study objective was to assess the decline in triage skills indicating a minimum time interval for re-training. In
addition, the effect of a one-hour repeating lesson on triage quality was analyzed.
Methods: A dummy based trial on primary MCI triage with yearly follow-up after initial training using the ASAV algorithm
(Amberg-Schwandorf Algorithm for Primary Triage) was undertaken. Triage was assessed concerning accuracy, sensitivity,
specificity, over-triage, under-triage, time requirement, and a comprehensive performance measure. A subgroup analysis
of professional paramedics was made.
Results: Nine hundred ninety triage procedures performed by 51 providers were analyzed. At 1 year after initial training,
triage accuracy and overall performance dropped significantly. Professional paramedic’s rate of correctly assigned triage
categories deteriorated from 84 to 71%, and the overall performance score decreased from 95 to 90 points
(maximum = 100). The observed decline in triage performance at 1 year after education made it necessary to conduct re-
training. A brief didactic lecture of 45 min duration increased accuracy to 88% and the overall performance measure to 97.
Conclusions: To improve disaster preparedness, triage skills should be refreshed yearly by a brief re-education of all EMS
Keywords: Triage, Mass casualty incidents, Emergency medical services, Simulation, Training
Triage modalities
Teams of two participants performed the triage process.
The team leader examined the simulated patient and
made the clinical decisions, while the second member
documented the triage results and announced each tri-
age step from the written algorithm, which was available
to the participants throughout the triage process. After
examining ten patients, the team members changed their
roles and continued for the subsequent ten vignettes.
During triage, a written version of the triage algorithm
was available to the providers.
According to the triage algorithm, simulated patients
were assigned to one of four triage categories (red =
immediate treatment and/or transport, yellow = delayed
treatment and transport, green = minor injuries, and
black = dead). The triage team tagged red, yellow, and
black patients with a plastic band of the respective color.
Green patients were not tagged.
Fig. 1 The Amberg-Schwandorf Algorithm for Primary Triage (ASAV)
[4]. I = red category, II = yellow category, III = green category
When indicated, the team leader simulated the applica-
tion of bleeding control measures and/or the introduction
of an oropharyngeal tube by simply placing the respective
data acquisition was performed as reported previously in material on the patient dummy. Thus, these measures did
detail [3, 4]. not consume a relevant amount of time.
Members of the professional EMS staff of the district of The triage procedure was observed by two study assis-
Schwandorf (Bavaria, Germany), as well as volunteers of a tants who measured the time needed for each patient tri-
local disaster relief organization, participated in the study. age, rated the team performance according to predefined
Participants were recruited separately for each assessment criteria, and documented the results.
session. Thus, some study participants missed one of the
follow up assessments. Endpoints
During the development and implementation of ASAV For the evaluation of triage accuracy, the resulting triage
as a local triage algorithm, EMS personnel attended a category was compared to a predefined, consented stand-
4 h initial triage course (3 h oral lessons, 1 h practical ard solution. For details on the consensus process refer to
training on dummies), followed by a practical examin- Wolf et al. [4]. Discrepancies were categorized according
ation on patient dummies. The intention of the study to Table 1. Subsequently, rates of correct triage as well as
was to reassess the participants triage performance those of (critical) under- and over-triage were calculated.
yearly for up to three consecutive years. In case the pass Furthermore, sensitivity and specificity for red patients
rate of triage subjects (see endpoints section) would fall were calculated. In an analogous manner, the accuracy of
below 70%, the trial was planned to be stopped early to decisions concerning bleeding control and airway maneu-
allow for premature re-qualification of the personnel. vers was reported.
After the triage competency fell below the acceptable To assess overall triage performance of the providers,
threshold, an additional assessment was held, to evaluate a triage performance score was introduced. It consists of
the effect of a 45 min didactical lecture refreshing triage ten items (Table 2), which were rated for each individual
knowledge on the triage performance. triage procedure as being fulfilled (one point) or not (no
For practical training, examinations, and data acquisition, point), and summed up to result in the final triage
patient dummies with written dummy description cards performance measure. Team leader and triage assistant
displaying the relevant vital data as well as additional were rated separately. The maximum score that could be
Dittmar et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:35 Page 3 of 8
Table 1 Error Table distribution of resulting triage categories for each assessed
Expected Triage Category time point. A patient distribution of 20% red, 20% yellow,
Red Yellow Green Dead and 60% green patients was assumed [7].
Triaged as Red Ok Critical Over Critical Over Critical Over Provider based parameters (as specified under Part B)
Yellow Critical Under Ok Over Over were compared using paired statistical tests. Overall triage
Green Critical Under Under Ok Over
performance was compared by the paired T test, and the
examination pass rate (> = 90% triage performance) by the
Dead Critical Under Under Under Ok
non-parametric paired Wilcoxon test. Triage performance
Classification of triage errors according to [1, 2]
data were analyzed for normal distribution by the
gathered in 20 triage procedures was 100 points for each P values below 0.05 were considered statistically
team member. If a score of 90 or more was achieved, significant.
the respective EMS provider was deemed qualified for
performing triage. The fraction of subjects that reached Results
this threshold is reported as pass rate. Since triage performance had decreased substantially
Time requirements for each individual triage procedure after 1 year [3], the observational part of the study was
were taken from the arrival at one patient until the arrival stopped before the two-year follow-up data acquisition
at the subsequent patient. Thus, walking times between to allow a prior re-training.
patients were included into the measurement. The study participant characteristics concerning quali-
fication and employment status are displayed in Table 3.
Statistical analysis was performed using IBM® SPSS® Part A: analysis of triage procedures
Statistics Version 24 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, During the course of examination, the study assistants
United States). Values are expressed as mean and 95% evaluated 80 triage providers performing 1280 triage
confidence intervals. Since the study participant groups procedures (780 during initial training, 280 subsequent
at the different time points differed concerning their to 1 year, and 220 after re-training at around 2 years).
qualification (paramedic (in Germany Rettungsassistent), For analysis, triage runs were removed, if none of the
emergency medical technician (in Germany Rettungssanitä- two team members participated in the baseline evalu-
ter), others (mostly inferior qualification)) and employment ation and at least one of the follow-up sessions. Thus,
status (professional, volunteer), professional paramedics as N1 = 990 triage procedures (490 + 280 + 220) performed
largest subgroup among the participants were analyzed by 51 providers were included into the analysis of triage
further. procedures (Part A) (Fig. 2).
Parameters concerning triage procedures (as specified Follow-ups were undertaken at a mean latency of 14.6
under Part A), such as sensitivity, specificity, (critical) and 10.5 months, respectively. After 1 year, under-triage
over- and under-triage, were compared between time was more frequent, as demonstrated by specificity being
points by one-way analysis of variances (ANOVA) with higher than sensitivity. At this time point, the triage quality
Bonferroni post-hoc testing. had significantly decreased in respect to the rate of under-
Since triage duration is depending on the triage category triage, critical under-triage, over-triage, critical over-triage,
[4], and since for didactical reasons red and yellow pa- as well as the accuracy of airway handling measures
tients were over-represented in the patient collective, time and bleeding control measures (Table 4). Compared
requirement data were weighed to represent a realistic
Table 3 Participant characteristics (Part B)
Initial 2nd 3rd assessment
Table 2 Triage performance measure assessment assessment (after re-training)
Team leader Triage assistant Qualification
(maximum 6 points per patient) (maximum 4 points per patient)
Paramedic (Rettungsassistent) 19 (57.6%) 10 (45.5%) 14 (73.7%)
Correct role behavior Correct role behavior
EMT (Rettungssanitäter) 4 (12.1%) 3 (13.6%) 4 (21.1%)
Explicit communication Explicit communication
Other 10 (30.3%) 9 (40.9%) 1 (5.3%)
Correct indication for bleeding control Compliance to algorithm steps Total 33 (100%) 22 (100%) 19 (100%)
Correct indication for Airway control Correct documentation Employment
Correct triage category Professional 24 (72.7%) 13 (59.1%) 19 (100.0%)
Correct triage labeling Volunteer 9 (27.3%) 9 (40.9%) 0 (0.0%)
Depending on the current role of the provider, different criteria were checked. Total 33 (100%) 22 (100%) 19 (100%)
Each criterion is rated with 1 point if fulfilled correctly or no point if not
Dittmar et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:35 Page 4 of 8
Since the development of the Simple Triage and Rapid
Treatment (START) triage protocol in 1983 [8], numerous
such approaches have been published in the literature.
However, there is no evidence of one being clearly super-
ior over the others [9–15]. In addition, to date there is no
evidence based concept for education and re-training of
these algorithms available.
Triage education typically consists of theoretical lessons
followed by practical training, [1, 2, 4] or lessons without
further practical consolidation [16, 17]. In some concepts,
practical education is realized by computer based simula-
tion [2] or interactive oral case discussions [1]. One study
Fig. 2 Case processing. N of triage procedures is displayed as triage
reported video based teaching combined with written and
runs at baseline + runs at 1 year + runs at 2 years / after re-training
moulage training scenarios [5]. The authorities of the State
of Bavaria mandate for an initial training session of 3 h,
to the one-year follow-up, the brief re-training session and a yearly repetition of 45 min duration [18].
led to a significant improvement concerning sensitiv- Concerning the need for re-training, there are two studies
ity, under-triage, critical under-triage, airway and that show a rapid deterioration of triage skills after initial
bleeding management accuracy, and time requirement. education. Risavi and colleagues found a significant reduc-
The accuracy of airway measures was even superior tion in paper based and moulage triage performance at 6
to the results reached by initial training (Table 4). months [5]. In an evaluation of the Sort, Assess, Life-saving
At the one-year follow-up, triage procedures performed Interventions, Treatment/Transport (SALT) algorithm,
by professional paramedics had a significantly lower triage capabilities were reduced as early as 3 months after
accuracy in assigning the triage category, as well as airway training [1]. There is no data available evaluating the effect
and bleeding handling measures. Re-training significantly of brief re-education for primary MCI triage.
improved triage categorization accuracy and airway and In this study, data demonstrate that after the course of
bleeding management, as well as sensitivity, under-triage 1 year after initial training, the skill level has deterio-
and critical under-triage (Table 5). rated to a degree, which is not sufficient for providing
high quality triage. The threshold for triggering prema-
ture re-training was set at a pass rate of below 70%. At
Part B: analysis of triage providers this level, the calculated probability that at least one
In this analysis, all triage providers were included, which member of any given ambulance team still met the
participated in the baseline and in one or more of the qualification criteria was around 90%. Because of the
follow-up sessions (N2 = 33). These providers performed loss of triage skills, the observational part of this study
740 triage procedures (330 + 220 + 190). Triage perform- has been terminated to allow re-training instead of fur-
ance data was approximately normally distributed, as ther surveying triage ability evolution. A brief oral recap-
assessed by the Shapiro-Wilk-Test, except for the per- itulation of the matter was sufficient to restore practical
formance score of professional paramedics at 1 year. triage skills in this study.
Dittmar et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:35 Page 5 of 8
Triage algorithm specific results and yellow patients were overrepresented in the patient
ASAV algorithm is a functional derivative of the modified collective for didactical reasons. To make the time inter-
Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (mSTART) algorithm vals comparable between groups and to come closer to
and belongs to the START-algorithm family [6]. Both the real world incidents, time measurements for the different
mSTART and ASAV algorithm are prone to under-triage triage categories were weighed to build an idealized
regarding severe brain trauma and intoxication [2, 4, 17]. patient cohort. Patient cohort distribution followed the
As expected, the total proportion of under-triage was gen- assumptions recommended by the German consensus
erally higher in all groups. Fortunately, significantly less conference on MCI triage in 2012 (20% red and yellow
under-triage was observed after re-training. In contrast, respectively, 60% green) [7]. Over all participants, weighed
results for – quoad vitam less critical – over-triage did time requirements showed a positive development after
not change significantly after re-training. As this finding is re-training. However, there was no significant change in
not readily explained, one might assume that the psycho- the professional paramedic group. As the professional
logical barrier to commit an over-triage is lower. paramedic group’s total time consumption per triage
procedure was at the lower margin of the dataset, there
may have limited potential for further acceleration after
Time requirements re-training.
The time required to finish an individual triage procedure
is depending on the triage category: red and yellow
patients require significantly more time than green and Limitations
dead ones [4]. Since the patient vignette assignment for There are no insights into time dependent effects be-
different assessment sessions was made by random, the yond observed intervals. Especially, the duration of the
distribution of triage categories differed. In addition, red re-training’s effect could not be determined. The authors
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Table 5 Overview over the study results for professional paramedics only
Part A: Level of triage Professional Paramedics only (N1 = 460) Statistical comparisons Test
Initial assessment 2nd assessment 3rd assessment 2nd vs. Initial 3rd vs. Initial 3rd vs. 2nd
(N1 = 210) (N1 = 90) (after re-training)
(N1 = 160)
Time since initial training 0 15.2 (15.0–15.7) 25.0 (22.0–28.2)
Accuracy 84% (79–89) 71% (62–81) 88% (82–93) 0.024 ⇓ 1.000 0.003 ⇑ A
(triage category correct)
Sensitivity 88% (81–95) 73% (58–88) 93% (86–100) 0.073 1.000 0.016 ⇑ A
Specificity 88% (82–94) 79% (68–91) 87% (81–94) 0.355 1.000 0.496 A
Under-triage 10% (6–14) 16% (8–23) 4% (1–7) 0.370 0.104 0.005 ⇑ A
Critical under-triage 5% (2–8) 11% (4–18) 3% (0–5) 0.121 0.733 0.012 ⇑ A
Over-triage 6% (3–10) 13% (6–20) 9% (5–14) 0.137 0.861 0.860 A
Critical over-triage 6% (3–9) 12% (5–19) 8% (4–12) 0.169 1.000 0.743 A
Airway handling 91% (87–95) 77% (68–86) 98% (95–100) 0.000 ⇓ 0.088 0.000 ⇑ A
Bleeding management 93% (89–96) 83% (75–91) 94% (91–98) 0.019 ⇓ 1.000 0.008 ⇑ A
Time requirement (sec) 34.1 (31.8–36.4) 29.1 (25.8–32.3) 29.5 (26.6–32.3) 0.063 0.031 ⇓ 1.000 A
Time requirement (sec) 23.7 (21.2–26.1) 20.7 (17.5–23.9) 23.2 (20.4–25.9) 0.513 1.000 0.815 A
Part B: Level of providers Professional Paramedics only Statistical comparisons Test
Initial assessment 2nd assessment 3rd assessment 2nd vs. Initial 3rd vs. Initial 3rd vs. 2nd
(N2 = 18) (N2 = 9) (after re-training)
(N2 = 14)
Performance measure 95 (93–96) 90 (87–92) 97 (95–98) 0.023 ⇓ 0.209 0.061 ⇑ T
Pass rate (≥ 90% performance) 89% (72–100) 33% (0–69) 93% (76–100) 0.014 ⇓ 0.564 0.046 ⇑ W
Values are means and 95% confidence intervals. N1 number of triage procedures analyzed, N2 number of triage providers analyzed. Statistical testing: A ANOVA, T
paired T-Test, W Wilcoxon Test. Bold text indicates statistically significant changes. ⇓ indicates decline; ⇑ indicates improvement
Fig. 3 Triage Performance Results, Means and 95% confidence intervals of the triage performance measure. Dark blue: all participants, light blue:
professional paramedics only. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 compared to previous assessment time point, respectively
Dittmar et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine (2018) 26:35 Page 7 of 8
Fig. 4 Pass Rate, Virtual pass rate at the triage examination (threshold 90 or more points at the triage performance measure). Dark blue: all
participants, light blue: professional paramedics only. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 compared to previous assessment time point, respectively
Publisher’s Note 18. Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Transport (Bayerisches
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in Staatsministerium des Innern, für Bau und Verkehr). Richtlinie zur
published maps and institutional affiliations. Bewältigung von Ereignissen mit einem Massenanfall von Notfallpatienten
und Betroffenen (MAN-RL). 2016;
Author details fachbereich-menschenfuehrung.html?no_cache=1&download=2016-12-06_
Department of Anesthesiology, Regensburg University Medical Center, Hinweise_MANV_Endversion.pdf&did=871.
Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 11, 93053 Regensburg, Germany. 2Klinikum St.
Marien Amberg, Emergency Department, Mariahilfbergweg 7, 92224 Amberg,
Germany. 3Department of Anesthesiology, University of Erlangen Medical
Center, Krankenhausstraße 12, 91054 Erlangen, Germany.
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