Melinda A. Galeno - PHYSICAL EDUCATION - October 24, 2019

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Melinda A.

Galeno • PHYSICAL EDUCATION • October 24, 2019

Actual Line Judges positions in a match; Photo from The Badminton Guide
Role of the Service Judge:
The service judge is responsible for making a ‘service fault’
call and to provide shuttles to the players. Due to the way
badminton is played, the serve is one of the most important and
perfected shots of the player and, especially when playing
doubles, players will bring the serve to the limit of the legality in
order to gain as much advantage as possible.
In addition to checking the service, the service judge usually
takes care of the shuttles, providing the players with new shuttles
whenever required.
In smaller championships, when there is no service judge, the
umpire takes the role of the service judge.
Service Judge Levels
You need the same training to become a Service Judge as to
become an umpire. Therefore, the same levels are present as the
roles are interchanged.
Service Judge Training and Assessment
Service Judge following a match
As with the levels, the training is also the same than that of
the Umpire.
Service Judge Retirement Age
As with the levels and the training, the retirement age is also Line Judge Levels
the same than that of the Umpire. The division of levels in line judges is not as
detailed as with umpires or referees. In this case,
LINE JUDGE it will largely depend on the country the line
The line judges are responsible for indicating whether a judge comes from, but most of them only have
shuttlecock landed “in” or “out” if the shuttle lands near the lines one level in the country. Once the line judge has
become a national line judge and has some
he/she is assigned to control. Due to the fast speed of the game
experience at a national or continental level, he
and the skill of the players, this is a very challenging job and, as a
or she can be nominated by the respective
result, the line judges are the officials that usually get more confederation to become a BWF line judge. The
pressure from the players. BWF will choose based on the nominations to
This very long rally ended in a very narrow miss which is hard to ensure appropriate regional representation.
see even with the slow motion on. Currently, the BWF has a pool of more than 100
In recent years, an Instant Review System has been implemented, international line judges who serve at BWF
that helps ensure that the right decision is taken, but which also major events such as the BWF World
adds pressure to the line judges as it clearly shows when a Championships, Sudirman Cup, Thomas & Uber
mistake has taken place. Each player has two incorrect calls per Cups, and major multi-sport events such as the
game of the match. Olympic Games.
The Instant Review Systems have helped ensuring a fair result on
every point Line Judge Training and Assessment
Depending on the level of the tournament, there may be as many The training, as the levels, is not as defined and
as 10 line judges assigned to a court for a particular match. This is demanding for line judges as it is for umpires or
the number recommended by the BWF. referees.
When 10 line judges are available, they are positioned as follows: All the training is done in the country or
 2 line judges for the short service line (one on each side of continent of origin and there is no BWF course
the court) or certification. This means that the path for the
 2 line judges for the centre line (one on each end of the line judges will vary a lot depending on the
court) country of origin. In England, for example, only
 4 line judges for the side lines (two on each side of a course is required to become a Line Judge.
the courte). Please note that the exact location will depend on Once you have become a national line judge, as
whether a singles match is being played (and they would we mentioned above, there is no extra training
required. The BWF focuses the improvement on
follow the singles side lines) or a doubles match is being
practice (page 12 of the document), so the line
played (and they would follow the doubles side lines
judge needs to get as much experience as
 2 line judges for the back boundary lines (one each end of
possible in order to be placed in more important
the court). Please note that, in the case of the doubles match, matches. Finally, the line judge will need the
these line judges check both the back boundary line and the endorsement of your national or continental
long service line. confederation in order to be considered for a
position as BWF Line Judge.
The umpire is the maximum authority in a particular match and it is
in charge of the court. The duty of the umpire is to make sure that
the specific match is conducted following the Laws of Badminton,
the regulations of the Badminton World Federation and/or any
other regulations that might be relevant in that specific competition.
It is the umpire responsibility to judge service faults and other
player faults. The umpire keeps a record of any misbehaviour or
incident and reports it to the referee. He/she is also responsible for
keeping the match score, which will be announced after each point
of the match.
The umpire has control over the specific match but also needs to
report any serious acts to the referee, who is, at the end, the
maximum authority of the tournament.
Outside of the major tournaments, the referee will also take the role
of an umpire in order to help with the process.

Umpire Levels
The first levels will depend on which country the umpire comes
from. Once the umpire gets to the Badminton World Federation
tournaments, the levels are unified. Within Europe, there are the
following levels:
A referee explaining the lines to the young player
 National Level Umpire
 BEC (Badminton Europe) Accredited Umpire
 BEC (Badminton Europe) Certificated Umpire
Once the umpire is a BEC (Badminton Europe) Accredited Umpire,
you need at least 24 months before he/she can be assessed towards
becoming a BEC (Badminton Europe) Certificated Umpire. After
that, another 24 months are needed before he/she can be proposed
for an Assessment towards the BWF Accredited Umpire. In the
Badminton World Federation, there are two additional levels:

 BWF Accredited
 BWF Certificated – the highest level.

Umpire Training and Assessment

The details towards the highest level will vary depending on the
specific country the umpire comes from. However, the general path
is fairly similar. First, the umpire will need to undertake some
training in his/her country in order to become a National Level
Umpire. The length and difficulty of this training will depend on
the country the official is at.
In the case of Europe, after becoming a National Level Umpire, the
umpire can apply to become BEC Accredited Umpire. This can be
achieved only after undertaking the Badminton Europe Umpire
course organised by Badminton Europe.
An Umpire can be assessed towards BEC Certificated Umpire after
usually 24 months of being a BEC Accredited Umpire.
The umpire following a match
After that, the Umpire needs to be active for another 24 months
before he or she can be proposed towards an Assessment to become
BWF Accredited or Certificated Referees.

Badminton officials play a very important role in the

badminton matches. Even though they are not as crucial as they can
be in other sports such as football or basketball due to the lack of
physical contact between players, they still are required in order to
ensure a smooth and fair match. The badminton officials are
divided into different roles or positions:

 Referee
 Umpire
Photo of a Badminton Player from
 Service judge The Badminton Guide Blog
 Line judge

Referee Training and Assessment
The referee is the most important official of the whole
The details towards the
tournament. He is in charge of the competition and needs to ensure
highest level will vary depending on
that the tournament is conducted following the Laws of Badminton
the specific country the referee is in.
(including court, rackets and shuttlecock measurements), the
However, the general path is fairly
regulations of the Badminton World Federation and/or any other
similar. First, the referee will need to
regulations that might be relevant in that specific competition.
undertake some training in his/her
country in order to become a National
In addition to that, the referee has the last word if there is an
Level Referee. The length and
argument between the umpire (in charge of the matches) and a
difficulty of this training will depend
player or team.
on the country the referee comes from.
Moreover, the referee makes sure that the facilities and the
In the case of Europe, after
conditions to play are up to the standards required for that specific
becoming a National Level Referee,
tournament. For example, he has to check that the badminton mats
the referee can apply to become a
are mounted correctly so they can enhance gameplay.
BEC Continental Referee. This can be
achieved only after undertaking
Finally, the referee is also in charge of the approval of the
a course organised by Badminton
schedule of matches and practice (if applicable).
Europe. Referees who are at a
Referee Levels
sufficient level and experience can be
The first levels will depend on which country the official is
promoted to BWF Accredited or
from. Once you get to the Badminton World Federation
Certificated Referees. In the case of
tournaments, the level is unified. Within Europe, there are the
Europe, it takes usually around 24
following levels:
In case of United States, the
National Level Referee
whole process is managed
European Continental Referee
through USA Badminton.
Once you are a European Continental Referee, it takes usually
24 months before you can be proposed towards the Badminton
World Federation. In there, there are two additional levels: Referee Retirement Age
The retirement age for
BWF Accredited referees is 65 years old, and no
BWF Certificated – the highest level. assessment to become a Badminton
Europe Referee is done to referees
over 60 years old.

Each organization is allowed 1 singles and 1 doubles team.

A student may compete in both. Individual Sport
A player must wait until his opponent is ready before
serving. If the opponent attempts a return then he is ruled having
been ready.
The feet of both players must remain in a stationary
position until the serve is made. Your feet can not be touching the o At the beginning of the game (0-0)
line at this time. and when the server’s score is
It is not a fault if you miss the shuttle while serving. even, the server serves from the
The shuttle cannot be caught and slung with the racket. right service court. When the
A player cannot hold his racket near the net to ward off a server’s score is odd, the server
downward stroke by his opponent or to interfere with his racket. serves from the left service court.
o If the server wins a rally, the server
The shuttle, at the instant of being hit is higher than the scores a point and then serves
servers waist or the head of the racket is higher than the servers again from the alternate service
racket hand. court.
The shuttle does not land in the correct service court. o If the receiver wins a rally, the
The server's feet are not in the service court or if the feet of receiver scores a point and
the receiver are not in the court diagonally opposite the server. becomes the new server. They
The server steps forward as he/she serves. serve from the appropriate service
Any player balking or feinting his opponent before serve or court – left if their score is odd,
during serve. and right if it is even.
A serve or shot that lands outside the court boundaries,
passes under or through the net, touches any other obstructions or a Doubles
players body or clothing. The boundary and service lines are
considered in play. o A side has only one ‘set’.
The shuttle in play is struck before it crosses the net to the o The service passes consecutively
striker's side of the net. You may follow through over the net. to the players as shown in the
A player touching the net or its supports with his body or diagram.
racket while the shuttle is in play. o At the beginning of the game and
Hitting the shuttle twice in succession by a player or team. when the score is even, the server
serves from the right service court.
Scoring System When it is odd, the server serves
from the left court.
o A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 points. o If the serving side wins a rally, the
o Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored. serving side scores a point and the
o The side winning a rally adds a point to its score. same server serves again from the
o At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that alternate service court.
game. o If the receiving side wins a rally,
o At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game. the receiving side scores a point.
o The side winning a game serves first in the next game. The receiving side becomes the
new serving side.
o The players do not change their
Interval and Change of Ends
respective service courts until they
win a point when their side is
o A 1 minute interval between each game is allowed. serving.
o In the third game, players change ends when the leading
score reaches 11 points.

1. Badminton Racket

Badminton rackets can be made from several

types of materials. Depending on the material selection,
this can result in different combinations of racket
weight, balance points and string tensions. With so
many different combinations, it will take time to decide
which is most suited for your playing style.

Instead of making purchases online, pop by a

badminton shop. Ask for assistance and select a racket
that you feel comfortable with. Swing the racket around
to get a good feel of its overall weight and grip.

2. There are two types of shuttlecocks - plastic and feathered shuttlecocks.

Plastic shuttlecocks are far more durable compared to the feathered types which are commonly used.
However, plastic shuttlecocks are only recommended for beginners who are just starting out. This is because
feathered shuttlecocks are expensive and fray easily especially if the wrong technique is used. Hence, plastic
shuttlecocks are good for beginners to use for training. Plastic shuttlecocks are usually used by young children
who play badminton for recreation.

Plastic shuttlecocks tend to travel shorter distances as they are heavier. Hence, they are good for building
strength as you make the transition to feathered shuttlecocks. Most people will progress to using feathered
shuttlecocks as they are used at all competitive tournaments.

3. Badminton Attire

For casual to non-competitive players, a comfortable

pair of shorts and cotton or dri-fit t-shirt is sufficient.
Some players may want to equip themselves with hand
grips, wrist bands and ankle guards.

Badminton shoes are designed to give you

better traction and grip to stop in time to return a shot.
They should also be lightweight have good cushioning
to absorb impact when you jump or land.

Do not wear jogging shoes as they usually lack grip and traction. You might end up crashing through
the badminton net if you are unable to stop in time to receive
Regulara drop shot.
players will find heel cups useful to prolonging
the lifespan of your shoes.
When it comes to badminton equipment, select what is appropriate before turning your attention to

Art of British nobles playing badminton from the History of Badminton;

Badminton's Bay Blog

Badminton has its origins in ancient civilizations in Europe and Asia. The ancient game known as
battledore (bat or paddle) and shuttlecock probably originated more than 2000 years ago.
In the 1600s battledore and shuttlecock was an upper class pastime in England and many European
countries. Battledore and shuttlecock was simply two people hitting a shuttlecock backwards and forwards
with a simple bat as many times as they could without allowing it to hit the ground.
Modern badminton can be traced to mid-19th century British India. It was created by British
military officers stationed there. A net was added to the traditional English game of battledore and
shuttlecock. As it was popular in the British garrison town of Poona, the game came to be known as
"Poona" or "Poonai" Initially, woolen balls were preferred by the upper classes in windy or wet conditions,
but ultimately shuttlecocks took over the role of a "ball." This game was taken by retired officers who got
back to England. It was introduced as a game for the guests of the Duke of Beaufort at his stately home
'Badminton' in Gloucestershire, England where it became popular. Hence, it became the origin for the name
In March 1898, the first Open Tournament was held at Guildford and the first 'All England'
Championships were held the following year.
The International Badminton Federation was formed in 1934 with nine founder members, England,
Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Holland, Canada, New Zealand and France. India joined as an affiliate
in 1936.
The first major IBF tournament was the Thomas Cup (world men's team championships) in 1948.
Since then, the number of world events has increased with the addition of the Uber Cup (women's team),
World Championships (individual events), Sudirman Cup (mixed team), World Junior Championships and
the World Grand Prix Finals.
Badminton is a relatively new Olympic sport. It was a demonstration sport at the 1972 Munich
Olympics. Badminton eventually became an Olympic sport in Barcelona in 1992. Only the singles and
doubles were introduced for the first time in the Olympic Games. Mixed doubles was included in the 1996
Atlanta Olympic Games and badminton is the only sport that has mixed doubles event in the Olympics.
Only five countries have won gold medals at the Olympics since badminton was introduced in 1992
- China, Indonesia and Korea, England and Denmark.
Susi Susanti from Indonesia won the women's singles in Barcelona, becoming Indonesia's first
medalist after forty years participating in the Olympics. Ironically, Susi's future husband, Alan Budi Usama
won Indonesia's second gold medal in the men's singles.

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