My Body: Learning Objectives
My Body: Learning Objectives
My Body: Learning Objectives
This simple lesson plan will help your students gain a basic understanding of different body parts.
Learning Objectives
My Body (PDF)
Tell the students you are going to listen to a song to help them review their body parts.
Play the Body Parts Song for Kids video. Repeat the video if needed.
Review body parts with the students. Go over parts that you feel weren't gone over in the body part song.
Introduce the body tracing activity to the students.
Have a student trace you on a piece of paper and help you label your body parts.
Display you outline and review each body part—head , arms, legs, chest, hands, and feet—with the
Enrichment: Have advanced students use the backs of their worksheets to write descriptions for what
each body part does.
Support: Give struggling students one-on-one assistance with identifying the different body parts.
Life science Name each part of your body in the space below.