Manu Skrip Indo - Id.en
Manu Skrip Indo - Id.en
Manu Skrip Indo - Id.en
Data Health Office Bandung Barat 2016 maternal mortality has risen 25 mothers.
Cadre important role in improving knowledge of pregnant moms to achieve
optimal health status. Pilot study was conducted with interviews obtained 8
pregnant women who do not know the high-risk pregnancy and have not received
special counseling about the dangers of high-risk pregnancy by a health worker.
The purpose of this study determine the relationship cadre with knowledge of the
role of high-risk pregnancy in pregnant women at 10 RW Cimanggu village.
Kader role is the behavior of cadres actively committed to helping people to deal
with health problems. Knowledge is the result out and this happens after a person
holding a specific sensing of an object. This study uses a quantitative method,
descriptive correlation design, through the cross-sectional approach. Sampling of
179 respondents in total samples were obtained. Univariate analysis showed more
than half the active cadres role (58.1%) and more than half of pregnant women
good knowledge (62.6%). The bivariate analysis using chi-square test showed no
association cadre with knowledge of the role of high-risk pregnancy in pregnant
women (p-value = 0.030). Advice to the health worker cadres and Ngamprah ie
once a month to do counseling with interesting topics about pregnancy, especially
high-risk pregnancy by delivering leaflets poster atapun time extension. 1%) and
more than half of pregnant women good knowledge (62.6%). The bivariate
analysis using chi-square test showed no association cadre with knowledge of the
role of high-risk pregnancy in pregnant women (p-value = 0.030). Advice to the
health worker cadres and Ngamprah ie once a month to do counseling with
interesting topics about pregnancy, especially high-risk pregnancy by delivering
leaflets poster atapun time extension. 1%) and more than half of pregnant women
good knowledge (62.6%). The bivariate analysis using chi-square test showed no
association cadre with knowledge of the role of high-risk pregnancy in pregnant
women (p-value = 0.030). Advice to the health worker cadres and Ngamprah ie
once a month to do counseling with interesting topics about pregnancy, especially
high-risk pregnancy by delivering leaflets poster atapun time extension.
99% of maternal deaths due to labor prevention efforts to reduce the
problems or births occur in developing maternal mortality rate (Sofiah, 2016).
countries. The maternal mortality ratio According to research Puti (2014) there
in developing countries is 240: 100,000 are factors causing this situation
live births, whereas in developed include a lack of knowledge about
countries 16: 100,000 births. The high-risk pregnancy that affect
research results Central Statistics maternal mortality.
Agency (BPS) (2016) noted that the According Notoatmodjo (2012)
infant mortality rate (IMR) reached that the person is a knowledge base and
25.5. That is, there were 25.5 deaths the ability to act and do something.
per 1,000 babies born. In 2015, WHO Based on knowledge about health care,
estimated that worldwide each year the purpose and benefits of health care
more than 585,000 pregnant women die in place allows the mother to attend to
in pregnancy or childbirth. the health center or to Posyandu (Elvi,
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is 2014). Health education and counseling
one of the development goals of can be provided to increase the
Sustainable Development Goals knowledge of pregnant women in
(SDGs) from 2015 to 2030, the purpose overcoming the dangers of high-risk
of the SDGs one target of reducing pregnancies in order to avoid death
maternal mortality rate of 70 per (Dwi, 2016).
100,000 live births, but according to The introduction and provision of
data from Indonesia Demographic health education will be the condition
Health Survey (2015) (IDHS) of high-risk pregnancies can be done
Indonesia figures AKI back as in 1997. proactively by health workers in health
One of the provinces that has centers or trained personnel in the
contributed AKI West Java. According community, such as the PKK,
to data from the West Java Provincial Posyandu cadres and youth (Sartika,
Health Office in 2015 the number of 2010). In the implementation of
AKI risk age group (<20 years) and development
maternal age (> 35 years) which led to Health district or city governments
the death of as many as 290 mothers can empower local communities, and to
compared with the West Java act to help the services of one of them
Provincial Health Data 2016 326 is a cadre of health (MOH, 2015).
maternal deaths. Whereas, in the region Kader is a community effort that is
of West Bandung data on maternal considered closest to the people
deaths in 2015 in the age group at risk because they are chosen by the people
(<20 years) and maternal age (> 35 themselves as executive personnel
years) that cause maternal mortality by services had to comply and was given
13 mothers, the data Health Office the task and responsibility for
Bandung Barat 2016 maternal mortality implementation, monitoring, and
has risen 25 mother. facilitate other activities (Fallen, 2010).
Based on the data the high The role of volunteers is as a motivator,
maternal mortality rate, needed to do
facilitator and educator (East Java
Health Office, 2011).
Results of a preliminary study
conducted on 28 November 2018, the
data obtained at the health center RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
during 2018 Ngamprah there are 185 1. characteristics of Respondents
high-risk pregnant women and Village a. Age
Cimanggu the village has the highest Table 1. Distribution of the sample by
number of pregnant women at high risk age.
of 55 pregnant women. Obtained three Age Frequency %
out of 10 pregnant women in the RemajaAkhir 65 36.3
DewasaAwal 95 53.1
village Cimanggu RW 8 included in the DewasaAkhir 19 10.6
category of high-risk pregnancies are total 179 100
two mothers under age 20, a pregnant Based on the above table shows more
woman aged 41 years and during the than half of respondents (53.1%) were
examination 37 weeks gestational age aged 26-35 years, and categorized early
of the fetus breech position. From adulthood.
interviews to 10 pregnant women in the
village Cimanggu RW 8 showed eight b. Education
out of 10 women do not know the high- Table 2. Distribution of samples is
risk pregnancy, including pregnancy if based on education
Education Frequency %
the distance is too close, pregnant at
basic education 74 41.3
age less than 20 years and more than 35 Middle education 104 58.1
years. higher education 1 0.6
total 179 100
According to the table 2 can be seen
that more than half of respondents
(58.1%) last education at the level of
The method used in this research is
secondary education.
descriptive quantitative research with
cross sectional design, through a c. Work
retrospective approach to the 108 Table 3. Distribution of samples is
respondents in Posyandu RW 09, based on the work
Village Cilame data in this study using Work Frequency %
trader 29 16.2
a non-probability techniques addition Farm 18 10.1
to the types of purposive sampling. workers 9 5.0
Researchers collected data by using a entrepreneur 123 68.7
questionnaire distributed to total 179 100
respondents to be filled and records Based on Table 3 can be seen that more
data cadre (checklist) regarding than half of respondents (68.7%) had a
immunization MR. job as a housewife (IRT).
Table 4. Distribution of samples
112 46 21 179
on the status of gravida p-value 0.030
Status Gravida Frequency %
primigravidas 66 36.9 Based on statistical tests on the table 8,
multigravida 113 63.1
total 179 100 by using the chi-square test obtained p-
Based on table 4 it can be seen that value = 0.030 compared with
more than half of respondents (63.1%) coefficient alpha (a) = 0.05, then the p-
multigravida. value of <0.05, it can be concluded that
Ha is accepted, so that there is a
2. Univariate analysis relationship between the role of Kader
with knowledge of High-Risk
a. role Kader Pregnancy in Pregnancy at 10 RW
Table 5. Distribution of samples based Village Cimanggu
on Role Kader
role Kader Frequency %
Active 104 58.1 Discussion
Not active 75 41.9
Total 179 100 1. The role of cadres to the
According to the table 5 it can be seen knowledge of high risk pregnancy
that more than half the respondents, in pregnant women at 10 RW
104 respondents (58.1%) said that the Cimanggu village.
role of cadres in the active category. The results of this study, the
majority of respondents as many as 104
b. Knowledge pregnant women (58.1%) said that the
Table 6. Distribution of samples based role of cadres in the active category
on Knowledge and a small proportion of respondents
Knowledge Frequency %
Well 112 62.6 said that the role of cadres in the
Enough 46 25.7 inactive category. This research result
Less 21 11.7
is in line with research conducted by
total 179 100
Based on table 6 it can be seen that Khomsah (2012) in which the active
more than half of the respondents as participation of cadres 79 (52.32%),
many as 112 respondents (62.6%) had more than cadres with less active
good knowledge about high-risk participation of 72 (47.68%). This is in
pregnancy. line according to Wahyutomo (2010)
Posyandu cadre members have an
Bivariate analysis important role because it is a health
Table 8. Relationship with Knowledge care (health care providers) are located
Kader Role of High Risk Pregnancy in near the target Posyandu activities and
Pregnancy at 10 RW Village Cimanggu frequency of cadres face more often
Knowledge Total than other health workers.
Role Well enough less Researchers found that volunteers
n % n % n % %
in the village Cimanggu active role
Active 73 70. 23 22. 8 7.7 100
Not 39 2 23 1 13 17.3 100 because of 104 (58.1%) of respondents
active 52. 30. stated that cadres always accompany
0 7
the pregnant woman during the open Based on research conducted by
Posyandu cadres during Posyandu researchers to 179 respondents in 10
activities provide information about RW Village Cimanggu, the results of
high-risk pregnancy through the univariate analysis of data shows
counseling together. Of respondents that more than half of the respondents
stated that the role of an active cadre of had a good knowledge of as many as
as much as 58.1%. 112 respondents (62.6%). Good
Based on the characteristics of knowledge of the respondents in this
respondents, education can affect the study because the respondents get
assessment of the role of cadres in this information from a variety of formal
regard is the process of learning and and informal terms, either from direct
cognitive processes (Notoatmodjo, experience (pregnant women
2007). This can be seen still their multigravida) or through the experience
secondary education level of of others. Based on interviews with
respondents ie 104 (58.1%) of cadres and pregnant women, the
respondents. Differences in education respondents in this study to get
level can lead to differences in the information about high-risk
assessment of the role of cadres, the pregnancies through health care
higher the education level, the better midwives, health cadres in Posyandu,
the assessment of the role of cadres KIA books, banners, information of
Posyandu (Notoatmodjo, 2007). cadres and others.
The results of this study are
2. Knowledge of high-risk pregnancy in supported by research Dwi (2015)
pregnant women in the village regarding the knowledge of pregnant
Cimanggu women with implementation to 31
Researchers obtain research results respondents and showed no correlation
that more than half (62.6%) score of knowledge of pregnant women
respondents' awareness of high-risk about pregnancy and danger signs in
pregnancies is good, less than half pregnancy after counseling given by
(25.7%) of respondents have sufficient volunteers.
knowledge and a fraction (11.7%) of The education level of respondents
respondents have less knowledge. in 10 RW Cimanggu village consists of
Factors that affect the knowledge, half of the respondents (58.1%) had a
among others, education, occupation, secondary education, less than half of
and age (Henry & Goddess, 2011). respondents (41.3%) had primary
Knowledge in this study are all education and almost none (0.6%) has
things that are known, understood, education high. This is in line with
applied by pregnant women on the research Wati (2012) about the factors
definition of high-risk pregnancy, the that influence knowledge about the
signs and symptoms of high-risk nutritional needs of pregnant women
pregnancy, purpose, and benefits of during pregnancy with the results
prenatal care and how to prevent high- showed that 26 (55.3%) of respondents
risk pregnancies. with secondary education level. The
level of education can determine multigravida mother pregnant before.
whether or not a person easy to absorb In women who have been pregnant, the
and understand the knowledge they mother already has experience on how
gain, in general, the higher the person's to cope with the discomfort during
level of education the better the pregnancy. Experience is the best
knowledge (Notoatmodjo, 2012). teacher, meaningful and is a source for
Education can also affect a person, obtaining the truth of knowledge itself
including behavior, the higher one's (Zulfatunnisa, 2016).
education, The level of knowledge a person
Knowledge is also influenced by can also be affected by the work. The
factors of age-related experiences of results of research showed that most
individuals. The study states that more respondents are housewives as many as
than half of the respondents were in the 123 respondents (68.7%). Henry &
age range 26-35 years as many as 95 Goddess (2010) says that work is
respondents (53.1%). This is in line generally a time-consuming activity.
with the research studies conducted by Working for pregnant women will have
Astuti (2011), where as many as an influence on the family.
71.69% of pregnant women in the age Respondents in the study who had a job
group between 20-35 years has a good as a housewife has a good knowledge,
level of knowledge. 26-35 years age because housewives have more time to
category is early adulthood (MOH, be exposed to information about high-
2009), which in this age range of young risk pregnancy. More housewives have
adults belonging to the cognitive plenty of time to search for
capacity of formal operational period information, but it is also time owned
(capable of logical thinking). This more mothers so that mothers have
causes the level of young adults have time for a visit to Posyandu.
the ability to understand, analyze, and
find a meeting point of ideas, ideas,3. Kader relationship with Knowledge
theories, Role At High Risk Pregnancy Pregnant
Researchers also get respondents women in the village Cimanggu.
with gravida status as multigravida Researchers get results obtained
mother as much as 113 (63.1%). This is chi-square test p-value = 0.030. So it
in line with research Sri (2008) with can be concluded that there is a
the Mann-Whitney U test obtained a relationship role cadre with knowledge
value of 6.5 in which the mother of high-risk pregnancy in pregnant
multigravida have good knowledge of women at 10 RW Cimanggu village.
the danger signs of pregnancy, the Knowledge of respondents were either
amount of experience that is more in influenced by formal and informal
multigravida since been pregnant information, either from direct
before and given counseling or experience or through the experience of
counseling during pregnancy first. others such as extension obtained from
According Zulfatunnisa (2016) which health volunteers.
states that already have experience
The results of this research was 1. Most of the respondents said that
supported by the results of research the role of cadres in Posyandu RW 10
Sukesih (2012) on factors related to Cimanggu village in the active
knowledge of pregnant women about category.
danger signs in pregnancy in 2. More than half of respondents have
Puskesmas South Tegal Tegal City in good knowledge about high-risk
2012. The results obtained by using the pregnancy.
chi-square test obtained by value p <0, 3. There is a relationship between the
05 (p = 0.001), which showed a role of cadres with knowledge of high-
statistically significant association risk pregnancy in pregnant women at
regarding the exposure of information 10 RW Cimanggu village.
by the role of cadres with knowledge of SUGGESTION
pregnant women about danger signs in 1. For health workers and cadres
pregnancy. Posyandu health centers Ngamprah
This is also supported by research expected to further improve the
Sakinah (2014) concerning the information to pregnant women about
relationship improving knowledge, once a month to do counseling with
attitudes and visit antenatal care (ANC) interesting topics about pregnancy,
pregnant women through especially high-risk pregnancy.
empowerment of ANC cadres. The 2. For cadres to improve their
results obtained are significant knowledge and skills by following a
differences between before and after regular basis every meeting held by the
the intervention in the experimental Health Center. Conduct home visits to
group and the control group. see if the mother has been carrying out
Information obtained by the the messages are written in the book
respondent can affect behavior and KIA, provide brochures and posters
have a good knowledge so that while doing outreach to pregnant
pregnant women examination and women.
determine high-risk pregnancies and 3. For pregnant women to maintain
their signs and symptoms. Information knowledge of high-risk pregnancy by
and knowledge of high-risk reading the information contained in
pregnancies obtained by extension the book of KIA and brochures given
respondents cadres, media leaflets / to health workers and pregnant women
brochures, health services, banners, who have not come to Posyandu to
books KIA and others. When pregnant approach and consult cause they do not
women get an accurate answer and the come to Posyandu antenatal to get
right information, then pregnant counseling by a cadre of high risk.
women can make the right decisions 4. Researchers suggest the next
and the right of the high-risk researcher to make research results as
pregnancy. supporting data and reference for
further research. Researchers can then
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