Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads PDF
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads PDF
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads PDF
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads
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2 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads
Table of Contents
This document has 163 pages
Summary of changes................................................................... 12
1 Introduction to installing Flexi RRH modules............................... 14
2 Unpacking Flexi Multiradio RRH delivery.....................................16
2.1 Contents of the Flexi 2x40 delivery.............................................. 16
2.2 Contents of the Flexi 2x60 delivery.............................................. 17
2.3 Contents of the Release 4 RRH delivery..................................... 17
2.4 Contents of the Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840 100W (FHPC) delivery.
2.5 Contents of the Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and FHGB) delivery...
2.6 Contents of the Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA) delivery.............18
2.7 Contents of the Flexi Pole Kit (FPKC) delivery............................ 19
2.8 Contents of the mounting bracket for pole (FMFC) delivery........ 20
2.9 Contents of the pole mounting kit (VMPB) delivery......................20
2.10 Contents of the mounting kit for floor, wall and pole (FMFA)
3 Installation tools and torque values..............................................23
3.1 BTS installation tools and equipment...........................................23
3.2 Torque values...............................................................................24
4 Before you start............................................................................26
5 Dimension guidelines for wall and pole mounting........................ 28
6 Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole.................. 31
7 Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole.................. 44
8 Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole.......................57
9 Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto a pole.... 76
10 Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and FHGB) onto
a pole........................................................................................... 87
11 Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FHCA) onto a pole....99
12 Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for FHCA (FFCB)
onto a pole................................................................................. 107
13 Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for FHCA (FFCB)
onto a wall.................................................................................. 115
14 Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840 (FHPC) onto a
Issue: 06A DN09185846 3
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads
15 Installing and cabling s-RRH850 (FHCB)...................................122
16 Installing and cabling s-RRH1800 (FHEC).................................123
17 Installing Flexi RRH 2TX onto a pole opposite to FMFA............ 124
18 Installing Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a wall.................................... 127
19 Installing Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a wall.................................... 131
20 Installing RRH Release 4 onto a wall.........................................135
21 Installing Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840 (FHPC) onto a wall........... 137
22 Installing first RRH with FPKC................................................... 140
23 Installing a second RRH with FPKC...........................................146
24 Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto the same side with
25 Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto opposite sides with
26 Flexi RRH 2TX external alarm connection................................. 162
4 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads
List of Figures
Figure 1 Flexi pole mounting kit (FPKA)........................................................... 19
Figure 2 Contents of the pole mounting kit (VMPB) delivery............................ 21
Figure 3 Delivery contents of FMFA................................................................. 22
Figure 4 Dimension guidelines for installations onto poles (2x40 W RRH)...... 28
Figure 5 2x60 RRH Spacing............................................................................. 29
Figure 6 Dimension guidelines for installations onto poles (2x60 W RRH)...... 29
Figure 7 Dimension guidelines for installations onto walls (2x40 W RRH)....... 30
Figure 8 Dimension guidelines for installations onto walls (2x60 W RRH)....... 30
Figure 9 FRGQ interfaces.................................................................................31
Figure 10 FRMB, FRHB, FHEA, and FHDA interfaces.......................................32
Figure 11 Releasing strain relief......................................................................... 33
Figure 12 Releasing strain relief......................................................................... 33
Figure 13 Fixing the upper screws to the FPKA bracket.................................... 34
Figure 14 Applying the lower screws to the FPKA..............................................35
Figure 15 Attaching DC cable clamp.................................................................. 35
Figure 16 Connecting grounding cable...............................................................36
Figure 17 Wrapping tape around shielded DC cable.......................................... 36
Figure 18 Wrapping extra tape around the DC cable......................................... 36
Figure 19 Inserting DC power cable into an IP boot........................................... 37
Figure 20 Removing narrow end of an IP boot................................................... 38
Figure 21 Properly secured shielded DC cable (left) and non-shielded DC cable
(right).................................................................................................. 39
Figure 22 Connecting DC feeder cable wires..................................................... 39
Figure 23 Example of conduit usage.................................................................. 40
Figure 24 Fixing DC cable clamp........................................................................40
Figure 25 Connecting antenna cables................................................................ 41
Figure 26 Connecting RET cable........................................................................41
Figure 27 Connecting optical cables...................................................................42
Figure 28 Connecting EAC cable....................................................................... 42
Figure 29 Connecting RX out cable....................................................................42
Figure 30 Connecting LMP cable....................................................................... 43
Figure 31 Securing cables with cable ties.......................................................... 43
Figure 32 FHDB, FHEB, FHEF, and FHEG interfaces........................................44
Figure 33 Lower fixing bracket of 2x60 W RRH..................................................45
Figure 34 Placing the RRH upside down (2x60 W RRH)................................... 46
Figure 35 Aligning lower fixing bracket............................................................... 46
Figure 36 Attaching DC cable clamp (2x60 W RRH)..........................................47
Figure 37 Lifting RRH onto a pole...................................................................... 47
Figure 38 Connecting grounding cable (2x60 W RRH)...................................... 48
Issue: 06A DN09185846 5
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads
Figure 39 Removing the DC protective cover (2x60 W RRH)............................ 48
Figure 40 Removing and reserving DC protective cover.................................... 49
Figure 41 Wrapping tape around DC cable........................................................ 49
Figure 42 Inserting DC feeder cable to an IP boot............................................. 50
Figure 43 Removing narrow end of an IP boot................................................... 51
Figure 44 Connecting wires to screw terminals (2x60 W RRH)..........................52
Figure 45 Connecting braid to the middle screw terminal (2x60 W RRH).......... 52
Figure 46 Fixing the IP boot (2x60 W RRH)....................................................... 53
Figure 47 Example of conduit usage.................................................................. 53
Figure 48 Securing the cable with the cable clamp (2x60 W RRH)....................54
Figure 49 Connecting the RET cable (2x60 W RRH)......................................... 54
Figure 50 Connecting antenna cables (2x60 W RRH)........................................55
Figure 51 Connecting the EAC cable (2x60 W RRH)......................................... 55
Figure 52 Connecting optical transceiver and cable (2x60 W RRH).................. 55
Figure 53 FRGY and FRAA interfaces............................................................... 57
Figure 54 FRCC and FRCG interfaces...............................................................58
interfaces............................................................................................ 58
Figure 56 Lower mounting bracket of RRH Release 4....................................... 59
Figure 57 Vertical spacing options for the RRH Release 4.................................60
Figure 58 Assembling the lower pole bracket with the lower fixing bracket for a
FHFB.................................................................................................. 62
Figure 59 RRH with the plastic cover faced down.............................................. 62
Figure 60 Attaching a DC clamp.........................................................................63
Figure 61 Aligning key holes on the lower fixing bracket....................................63
Figure 62 Sliding lower bracket into place.......................................................... 64
Figure 63 RRH with lower bracket in place.........................................................64
Figure 64 Lifting RRH onto a pole...................................................................... 65
Figure 65 Connecting grounding cable (4 ANT)................................................. 66
Figure 66 Connecting antenna cables (4 ANT).................................................. 66
Figure 67 Wrapping tape around DC cable........................................................ 67
Figure 68 Wrapping extra tape around DC cable............................................... 67
Figure 69 Inserting DC power cable into an IP boot........................................... 68
Figure 70 Removing narrow end of an IP boot................................................... 69
Figure 71 Properly secured shielded DC cable (left) and non-shielded DC cable
(right).................................................................................................. 70
Figure 72 Connecting DC feeder cable wires..................................................... 70
Figure 73 Example of conduit usage.................................................................. 71
Figure 74 Securing DC cable clamp................................................................... 71
Figure 75 FRNC DC cable..................................................................................72
Figure 76 Connecting FRNC DC cable...............................................................72
6 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads
Figure 77 Connecting RET and EAC cables (4 ANT).........................................73
Figure 78 Connecting optical cables (4 ANT)..................................................... 73
Figure 79 Connecting RXO cables (4 ANT)........................................................74
Figure 80 Securing cables with ties and clamps.................................................74
Figure 81 Connecting all the cables for FRCC and FRCG................................. 74
Figure 82 Mounting additional modules onto a pole........................................... 75
Figure 83 FRLB interfaces..................................................................................76
Figure 84 Releasing strain relief plate................................................................ 77
Figure 85 Fixing FPKA onto FRLB..................................................................... 77
Figure 86 Fixing strain relief screws................................................................... 78
Figure 87 Lifting FRLB........................................................................................79
Figure 88 Fixing FPKA lower bracket................................................................. 80
Figure 89 Connecting grounding cable...............................................................80
Figure 90 Connecting EAC cable....................................................................... 81
Figure 91 Connecting LMP cable....................................................................... 81
Figure 92 Connecting optical cables...................................................................82
Figure 93 Connecting antenna cables................................................................ 82
Figure 94 Wrapping tape around DC cable........................................................ 83
Figure 95 Inserting DC feeder cable into an IP boot...........................................83
Figure 96 Removing narrow end of an IP boot................................................... 84
Figure 97 Example of conduit usage.................................................................. 84
Figure 98 Attaching DC cable clamp.................................................................. 85
Figure 99 Securing a DC cable in place............................................................. 85
Figure 100 Connecting RET cable........................................................................86
Figure 101 Connecting two RX out cable............................................................. 86
Figure 102 Securing cables with cable ties.......................................................... 86
Figure 103 FRIG interfaces.................................................................................. 87
Figure 104 FHGB interfaces................................................................................. 88
Figure 105 Releasing strain relief......................................................................... 89
Figure 106 Fixing FPKA onto FRIG...................................................................... 89
Figure 107 Fixing strain relief screws................................................................... 90
Figure 108 ............................................................................................................91
Figure 109 Attaching FPKA lower bracket............................................................92
Figure 110 Connecting a grounding cable............................................................92
Figure 111 Connecting EAC cable....................................................................... 93
Figure 112 Connecting LMP cable....................................................................... 93
Figure 113 Connecting antenna cables................................................................ 94
Figure 114 Wrapping tape around DC cable........................................................ 94
Figure 115 Inserting DC power cable into an IP boot........................................... 95
Figure 116 Removing narrow end of an IP boot................................................... 95
Issue: 06A DN09185846 7
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads
Figure 117 Example of conduit usage.................................................................. 96
Figure 118 Attach DC cable clamp....................................................................... 96
Figure 119 Securing DC cable in place................................................................ 97
Figure 120 Connecting RX out cable....................................................................97
Figure 121 Securing cables with cable ties.......................................................... 98
Figure 122 FHCA interfaces................................................................................. 99
Figure 123 Releasing strain relief....................................................................... 100
Figure 124 Releasing strain relief....................................................................... 100
Figure 125 Fixing FHCA to the FPKA bracket.................................................... 101
Figure 126 Attaching DC cable clamp................................................................ 102
Figure 127 Connecting antenna cables.............................................................. 103
Figure 128 Connecting optical cables.................................................................104
Figure 129 Wrapping tape around DC cable...................................................... 104
Figure 130 Inserting DC power cable into an IP boot......................................... 105
Figure 131 Removing narrow end of an IP boot................................................. 105
Figure 132 Fixing DC power cable..................................................................... 106
Figure 133 Threading hose clamps on a mounting bracket................................107
Figure 134 Hose clamps in place....................................................................... 108
Figure 135 Mounting FFCB on a pole.................................................................109
Figure 136 Tightening worm screw assembly.....................................................110
Figure 137 FFCB on a pole................................................................................. 111
Figure 138 Connecting FFCB grounding cable (M5).......................................... 112
Figure 139 Connecting jumper cable to BTS1.................................................... 113
Figure 140 Connecting jumper cable to ANT1.................................................... 114
Figure 141 Marking FFCB screw hole locations................................................. 115
Figure 142 Fixing FFCB on a wall.......................................................................116
Figure 143 FHPC interfaces............................................................................... 117
Figure 144 Installing a static mounting bracket to the FPKA.............................. 118
Figure 145 Installing FHPC onto a vertical pole..................................................119
Figure 146 FHPC mounted onto a pole with a mounting bracket....................... 119
Figure 147 Connecting a grounding cable..........................................................120
Figure 148 Connecting antenna cables.............................................................. 120
Figure 149 Connecting DC power cable.............................................................121
Figure 150 Connecting power supply................................................................. 122
Figure 151 Connecting power supply................................................................. 123
Figure 152 Moving RRH mounting kit brackets.................................................. 124
Figure 153 Releasing strain relief....................................................................... 125
Figure 154 Attaching strain relief screws............................................................126
Figure 155 Drilling mounting holes (RRH mounting kit fixing bolts fixed to the
innermost holes)............................................................................... 127
8 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads
Figure 156 Drilling mounting holes (RRH mounting kit fixing bolts fixed to the
outermost holes)...............................................................................128
Figure 157 Lifting RRH onto a wall..................................................................... 128
Figure 158 Releasing strain relief....................................................................... 129
Figure 159 Fixing strain relief screws................................................................. 129
Figure 160 Attaching DC cable clamp................................................................ 130
Figure 161 Placing the RRH upside down (2x60 W RRH)................................. 131
Figure 162 Aligning lower fixing bracket............................................................. 132
Figure 163 Attaching DC cable clamp (2x60 W RRH)........................................132
Figure 164 Drilling mounting holes..................................................................... 133
Figure 165 Lifting RRH onto a wall..................................................................... 134
Figure 166 Drilling mounting holes..................................................................... 135
Figure 167 Lifting RRH onto a wall..................................................................... 136
Figure 168 Drilling holes in a wall for FHPC....................................................... 137
Figure 169 Mounting a static mounting bracket on a wall...................................138
Figure 170 Mounting FHPC module onto a static mounting bracket.................. 138
Figure 171 FHPC mounted onto a wall with a mounting bracket........................139
Figure 172 Screw cut locations...........................................................................140
Figure 173 Screw installation slots..................................................................... 140
Figure 174 Placing FPKC upper brackets around a pole................................... 141
Figure 175 Inserting screws................................................................................142
Figure 176 Mounting a lower bracket................................................................. 142
Figure 177 Fixing lower bracket..........................................................................143
Figure 178 Fixing counterpart of a lower bracket............................................... 144
Figure 179 Tightening screws on an upper bracket............................................144
Figure 180 Inserting screws to upper brackets...................................................146
Figure 181 Fixing the lower bracket to a RRH....................................................147
Figure 182 Lifting RRH to a pole........................................................................ 148
Figure 183 Tightening screws on an upper bracket............................................148
Figure 184 Fixing a lower bracket.......................................................................149
Figure 185 Installing an upper bracket............................................................... 150
Figure 186 Inserting screws to an upper bracket................................................151
Figure 187 Fixing lower bracket to a RRH..........................................................151
Figure 188 Lifting RRH to a pole........................................................................ 152
Figure 189 Fixing counterpart of a lower bracket............................................... 153
Figure 190 Tightening screws on an upper bracket............................................153
Figure 191 Third RRH installed.......................................................................... 154
Figure 192 Installing fourth RRH........................................................................ 155
Figure 193 Installing upper bracket.................................................................... 156
Figure 194 Inserting screws to the upper brackets.............................................157
Issue: 06A DN09185846 9
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads
Figure 195 Fixing lower bracket to RRH.............................................................157
Figure 196 Lifting RRH to the pole..................................................................... 158
Figure 197 Securing counterpart of lower bracket..............................................159
Figure 198 Tightening screws on upper bracket.................................................160
Figure 199 Installing fourth RRH........................................................................ 161
Figure 200 Flexi System Alarm Cable for Flexi RRH 2TX.................................. 162
10 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Heads
List of Tables
Table 1 Releases covered by the document................................................... 12
Table 2 Allowed cable diameters.....................................................................18
Table 3 The Flexi pole mounting kit (FPKA) delivery content..........................19
Table 4 The Flexi pole kit (FPKC) delivery content......................................... 20
Table 5 Tools for installation............................................................................ 23
Table 6 Torque values for the BTS.................................................................. 24
Table 7 Installation tools..................................................................................61
Table 8 Pole diameter table related to cut location and installation slot for
optimum pole mounting.................................................................... 141
Table 9 Flexi RRH 2 TX EAC pinout............................................................. 162
Issue: 06A DN09185846 11
Summary of changes Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Summary of changes
Changes between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document
issue contains all changes made to previous issues.
This document is common for all Radio Access Technologies (RAT). The document
contains information about solutions that are unavailable or unsupported in specific SW
or RAT releases. Table RAT releases covered by the document lists all SW releases
covered by the content of this document. For features supported in your SW release, see
the respective feature documentation chapter in the system library.
Table 1 Releases covered by the document
Long Term Evolution (LTE) RL70, FDD-LTE 15A, FDD-LTE 16
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840 (FHPC) onto a pole
• Static mounting bracket has been updated.
• Figure 145: Installing FHPC onto a vertical pole: FHPC adapter has been lifted up to
70 mm.
12 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Summary of changes
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and FHGB) onto a pole
• Title has been changed.
Issue: 06A DN09185846 13
Introduction to installing Flexi RRH modules Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Use Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA) when installing Flexi Remote Radio Head onto
poles. If your FPKA includes both plinth (FMFA) and RRH 2TX installations, see
Installing Flexi RRH 2TX on the pole opposite to FMFA for instructions.
You can also use Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKC) when installing Flexi Remote Radio
Head 2TX onto a pole. To do this, see Installing Flexi RRH 2TX on the pole with FPKC
for instructions.
For the additional information on Flexi RRH modules, see Flexi Multiradio BTS RF
Module and Remote Radio Head Description.
For pole and wall installation instructions for the following 2x40 W modules, see Installing
2x40 W RRH on a pole and Installing 2x40 W RRH on the wall:
• Flexi RRH 2TX 800EU (FRMB)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 2600 (FRHB)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 2100 (FRGQ)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 1800 (FHEA)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 900 (FHDA)
For pole and wall installation instructions for the following 2x60 W modules, see Installing
2x60 W RRH on a pole and Installing 2x60 W RRH on the wall:
• Flexi RRH 2TX 900 (FHDB)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 1800 (FHEB)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 1800 (FHEF)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 1800 (FHEG)
For pole and wall installation instructions for the following Release 4 modules, see
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole and Installing RRH Release 4 onto a
• Flexi RRH 4TX 1900 (FHFB)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 2100 (FRGY)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 750 (FRBE)
• Flexi RRH 4TX 760 (FRBF)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRBG)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FRCC)
• Flexi RRH 4TX 2300 (FRNC)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FRCG)
• Flexi RRH 4TX 1800 (FHED)
• Flexi RRH 4TX 2600 (FRHG)
• Flexi RRH 4TX 1800 (FHEH)
• Flexi RRH 2TX 450 (FRAA)
For pole installation instructions for the following modules, see Installing and cabling
Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and FHGB) onto a pole:
14 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Introduction to installing Flexi RRH modules
• Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG)
• Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FHGB)
For Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840 (FHPC) installation instructions, see Installing and cabling
Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840 (FHPC) onto a pole and Installing Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840
(FHPC) onto a wall.
For Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) installation instructions, see Installing Flexi RRH 2TX
730 (FRLB) on the pole.
For Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FHCA) installation instructions, see Installing Flexi RRH 2TX
850 (FHCA) on the pole, Installing Flexi TRS External Filter for FHCA (FFCB) on the
pole or Installing Flexi TRS External Filter for FHCA (FFCB) on the wall
If Flexi Power AC/DC sub-module (FPAC/D/E) is also to be installed, see the instructions
in Installing Flexi Multiradio Base Station and Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Station Optional
Issue: 06A DN09185846 15
Unpacking Flexi Multiradio RRH delivery Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
w NOTICE: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) might damage the modules. Wear an ESD wrist
strap or use a corresponding method when handling the modules.
• Remote Radio Head (FRGQ)
• 1 x IP boot for the DC cable
• 1 x grounding cable
• 2 x strain relief clamps for optical cables
• 1 x cable clamp to secure the DC cable + 2 x screws
• 1 x M5x12 screw
• 7 x cable ties
The Flexi RRH 2TX (FRMB, FRHB, FHEA, and FHDA)
The Flexi Remote Radio Head 2TX (FRMB, FRHB, FHEA, and FHDA) delivery contains:
• Remote Radio Head (FRMB)
• 1 x IP boot for the DC cable
• 1 x grounding cable
16 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Unpacking Flexi Multiradio RRH delivery
• 2 x strain relief clamps for optical cables
• 1 x cable clamp to secure the DC cable
• 2 x screws to secure the cable clamp
• 1 x M5x12 screw
• 8 x cable ties
• Remote Radio Head (FRNC)
• 1 x Lower Mounting Bracket
• 2 x M8x20 Hexagonal Screw
• 3 x M5x12 Torx Screw
• 3 x Optical Cable Clamps 3
Issue: 06A DN09185846 17
Unpacking Flexi Multiradio RRH delivery Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
• 1 x Optical Cable Boot
• 1 x DC Connector
• 1 x DC Cable Clamp
• 7 x Cable Ties
Table 2 Allowed cable diameters
Element Code
473789A FMNA Fiber cable IP boot
Allowed cable diameter is 4.5 to 9 mm
473790A FMNB 2 way DC Input Cable connector
Allowed DC cable diameter is 7 to 17mm
Allowed cross-section is 1-10 mm2 (17-8 AWG)
The Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and FHGB) delivery contains:
• Remote Radio Head (FRIG or FHGB)
• 1 x IP boot for the DC cable
• 1 x grounding cable
• 3 x strain relief clamps for optical cables
• 1 x cable clamp to secure the DC cable
• 2 x M5x12 screw
• 7 x cable ties
18 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Unpacking Flexi Multiradio RRH delivery
The Flexi pole mounting kit (FPKA) is designed for poles between 30 mm (1.2 in.) and
120 mm (4.7 in.).
Table 3 The Flexi pole mounting kit (FPKA) delivery content
Description Quantity
Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA) 1
Aluminum castings 2
Assembling bolts 2
Module fixing screws 6
Bolt restrainer 2
Flexi pole mounting kit (FPKA) shows the FPKA including all of the additional delivery
Figure 1 Flexi pole mounting kit (FPKA)
Fixingpoints BoltM10X120
184mm(7.2in.) 105mmthread
The Flexi pole kit (FPKC) is designed for poles between 60 mm (2.4 in.) and 300 mm
(4.7 in.).
Issue: 06A DN09185846 19
Unpacking Flexi Multiradio RRH delivery Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Table 4 The Flexi pole kit (FPKC) delivery content
Description Quantity
Flexi Pole Kit (FPKC), (472821A) 1
FPKC Bracket 2
FMFA Rodent Block Plate 1
Stud Grounding Press Stud (ESD) 1
M8x30 hexagonal screws with nuts 5
M10x315 hexagonal screws 2
M5x12 screws 8
M8x20 hexagonal screws 5
The FMFC Mounting Bracket delivery contains only FMFC Mounting Bracket.
The pole mounting kit (VMPB) is an optional item that can be ordered separately, if
The figure Contents of the pole mounting kit (VMPB) delivery presents the contents of
the pole mounting kit delivery.
20 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Unpacking Flexi Multiradio RRH delivery
Figure 2 Contents of the pole mounting kit (VMPB) delivery
2.10 Contents of the mounting kit for floor, wall and pole
(FMFA) delivery
List of items of the mounting kit for floor, wall and pole (FMFA) delivery.
The FMFA mounting kit is an optional item that has to be ordered separately, if needed.
The FMFA delivery contains:
• Mounting kit for floor, wall and pole
• 2 pcs fixing plate for the casing
• 12 pcs M5x8 screws
• 2 pcs M5x12 screws
See the following figure for more information on FMFA delivery contents.
Issue: 06A DN09185846 21
Unpacking Flexi Multiradio RRH delivery Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 3 Delivery contents of FMFA
22 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installation tools and torque values
This section lists the installation tools and equipment.
Table 5 Tools for installation
Installation tools
Allen key: 8 mm
Allen key: 6 mm
Allen key: 3 mm
Allen key: 2.5 mm
ESD wrist strap and cable
TORX screwdriver set: T10, T20, T25, T45
Screwdriver set: Phillips 0 , 1, 2 and flathead
Wrench 13 mm (0.51 in.)
Folding knife
Monkey wrench
Side cutters
Hose clamps
Crimping tool for 16 mm² grounding cable
Torque wrench for antenna cables
Lint-free swab or wipe and 99% alcohol for cleaning optical connectors
Cable ties for routing cables
Tape measure
Flashlight, pocket lamp or torch
Issue: 06A DN09185846 23
Installation tools and torque values Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Table 5 Tools for installation (Cont.)
Installation tools
Hammer drill
Marker pen or comparable tool
Lubricant for cables
Nokia strongly recommends the following torque values for the various different bolts and
screws (assuming that lubricant has been applied). Use these values unless stated
For the torque values of the DC connector and its IP boot, refer to installation
Table 6 Torque values for the BTS
24 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installation tools and torque values
Table 6 Torque values for the BTS (Cont.)
Issue: 06A DN09185846 25
Before you start Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
The installation pictures show how a Single RRH is set-up and configured.
g Note: Do not paint over the plastic cover as extra layers of paint can cause cooling
problems. Ensure the RRH solar shield or plastic cover is in the standard issue color for
guaranteed optimum performance.
Consider the following guidelines before installing the RRH module:
• The RRH module is designed to be installed in a vertical position.
• Up to three RRH Modules can be fitted onto one FPKA (excluding
• Up to two RRH Modules can be installed onto one VMPB or FPKC. FPKC kits can be
expanded to support up to 6 RRHs.
• If an FMFA is already installed using a pole mounting kit, only one 2x40 W RRH
module can be installed using the same pole mounting kit.
• If two FMFAs are installed using a pole mounting kit, 2x40 W RRH cannot be
installed using the same pole mounting kit.
• A 2x60 W RRH can be installed next to FMFA on FPKA. Requires FMFA to be
installed on front face of FPKA.
• FPKA enables the FPAD/E to be installed behind the RRH when FPKC is connected.
The FPKC can only be mounted behind the RRH when the FPKC is connected to a
further FPKC. Expansion brackets need to be installed/fixed/ applied onto the side of
the FPKC in order to allow more than two RRHs to be mounted onto a pole.
• Up to one 2x60 W RRHs or one 4x40 W RRHs can be installed with one FMFA on
the same FPKA.
• Angle or straight lugs can be used for ground cabling.
• Optical cables can be straight or angled.
• Antenna cables must be rated IP65.
The TORX screw driver sizes required for RRH installation are T10 (DC cable clamp),
T45 (M8 grounding interface), and T25 (all M5 screws).
g Note: Do not install RRH modules inside an enclosed space without proper ventilation
or climate control, as the module is cooled by convection.
g Note: If RET is used, consider the length of the RET and the antenna jumper cables
and their physical path to the antenna tilt meter when choosing an installation location
on the pole. All cables connecting to the interfaces above the RRH should be routed
down below the RRH and then looped up to help prevent water ingress. The loop must
not exceed the minimum bending radius specified by the manufacturer.
w NOTICE: Risk of damage to equipment. Optical fibers are sensitive and therefore must
be kept clear of contaminants which lower the mechanical strength of the optical fiber,
possibly dampening the transmission of the light in the fibers. Clean all optical fiber
connectors before installation using an optical fiber connector cleaning kit.
26 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Before you start
w NOTICE: Risk of damage to equipment. Incorrect cables and seals do not offer
optimum protection against extreme weather conditions. Only use tested IP65 class
outdoor cables with seals provided by Nokia for outdoor installations.
w NOTICE: Risk of damage to equipment. Overbending optical fiber cables can damage
the cables and can detach or damage the connectors. Do not exceed the minimum
bending radius of 70 mm (2.76 inches) for optical cables with a diameter 7 mm (0.28
inches) or 50 mm (1.97 inches) for optical cables with a diameter 5 mm (0.20 inches).
w NOTICE: Risk of damage to equipment. Remote Radio Head uses convection cooling.
To avoid module overheating, cables should be routed so they do not block airflow
through the cooling fins. Never route cables between cooling fins.
Issue: 06A DN09185846 27
Dimension guidelines for wall and pole mounting Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
g Note: For guidelines for the Release 4 RRH, see:
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole.
Dimension guidelines for installations onto poles
RRH mounting kit brackets can be fixed to longer or shorter dimensions according to site
specifications. To install RRH mounting kit, see: Installing Flexi 2x40 W RRH on the pole
next to FMFA. The following illustrations provide guidelines for using these dimensions.
g Note: The minimum spacing (392.5 mm) is required only when installing the 2x60W
RRH onto the same pole kit or fixing rails as the legacy RRH with 392.5 mm vertical
spacing. Use 482.5 mm (19 in) or longer spacing when mounting the FPAD onto the
back of the RRH during FPKA installations.
Figure 4 Dimension guidelines for installations onto poles (2x40 W RRH)
For 2x40WRRHonly onFPKA/FPKC, For 2x40WRRHandFMFA onthesame
usethelongerdimensionsbetweenupperand FPKA/FPKC,useshorterdimensions
lowerFPKA/FPKC brackets. betweenupperandlowerFPKA/FPKC
Fixing FPKC bracket
Antenna bracket
FPKA Pole Antenna
28 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Dimension guidelines for wall and pole mounting
Figure 5 2x60 RRH Spacing
g Note: The 392.5 mm (15.45 in) spacing applies only to FHDB, FHEB, and FHEG
Figure 6 Dimension guidelines for installations onto poles (2x60 W RRH)
Fora 2x60WRRH onthesameFPKA/VMPB Fora 2x60WRRH andFMF A inthesame
asa 2x40WRRH (installedwith532mmdimensions), FPKA/VMPB,usethe"FMF A"dimensions
usethe"AL T"dimensionsgivenonthefixingbrackets. givenonthefixingbrackets.
Antenna bracket
Pole Pole
Dimension guidelines for installations onto walls
Issue: 06A DN09185846 29
Dimension guidelines for wall and pole mounting Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 7 Dimension guidelines for installations onto walls (2x40 W RRH)
g Note: The dimensions in the figure also apply to FRGQ, FRLB, 4x30 W RRH, and
FHCA modules.
For 2x40WRRHonly onawall For 2x40WRRHandFMFA onthesameset
usethelongerdimensions offixingrails useshorterdimensions
Fixing Fixing
2x40WRRH 2x40WRRH FlexiModule 2x40WRRH
rails rails
Figure 8 Dimension guidelines for installations onto walls (2x60 W RRH)
Fora 2x60WRRH onthesamefixingrails
asa 2x40WRRH (installedwith532mm For 2x60WRRH and FMF A onthesamesetof
dimensions),usethe532 dimensionsgiven fixingrails,usethe482.5dimensions.
Fixing Fixing
2x60WRRH 2x60WRRH FlexiModule 2x60WRRH
rails rails
30 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole
The RRH 2TX variant shown in the figures is Flexi RRH 2TX 800EU (FRMB). The order
of the interfaces under to RRH can vary between Flexi RRH 2TX variants, however,
these instructions apply to all variants.
The Flexi 2x40 W RRH interfaces are shown in the following diagram.
Figure 9 FRGQ interfaces
Issue: 06A DN09185846 31
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 10 FRMB, FRHB, FHEA, and FHDA interfaces
(LEDModulestatus) (LED Txstatus)
Before you start
1 Install Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA) as instructed in Installing Flexi Pole
Mounting Kit (FPKA).
32 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole
Figure 11 Releasing strain relief
Figure 12 Releasing strain relief
Issue: 06A DN09185846 33
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
4 Lift the module RRH onto the upper part of the FPKA bracket and tighten the
M8 bolts to 20 Nm (14.75 ft-lb.). Use the lifting point.
w NOTICE: Do not lift the RRH onto a pole by the handle. Use the lifting point instead.
This does not concern FRGY. For FRGY lifting point is part of the handle.
w NOTICE: Use a rope which is strong enough to support the module.
w NOTICE: Do not remove the lifting rope until the RRH is secured to the FPKA bracket.
Figure 13 Fixing the upper screws to the FPKA bracket
34 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole
5 Apply the lower screws to the FPKA lower bracket to 30 Nm (22.12 ft-lb.).
Figure 14 Applying the lower screws to the FPKA
Figure 15 Attaching DC cable clamp
Issue: 06A DN09185846 35
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 16 Connecting grounding cable
a) Strip about 10 cm (4 in) of the DC cable and wrap some tape around the GND
mesh and the cable sheath neck.
Figure 17 Wrapping tape around shielded DC cable
b) Wrap extra tape around the exposed wires to prevent to IP from breaking..
Figure 18 Wrapping extra tape around the DC cable
36 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole
c) Insert the taped end of the DC feeder cable into the IP boot.
Figure 19 Inserting DC power cable into an IP boot
When using a thick cable, the narrow end of the IP boot can be removed using
scissors. Use a single cut to ensure a clean cut surface. For details, see Figure
20: Removing narrow end of an IP boot for details. The cable diameter cannot be
wider than 25 mm (1 in.) or be narrower than 6 mm (0.24 in.).
w NOTICE: The IP boot edge must be smooth. Ensure there are no cracks present in the
edge, as it compromises boot IP protection.
Issue: 06A DN09185846 37
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 20 Removing narrow end of an IP boot
Cablediameter15.1 -20.0 mm
Cablediameter10.1 - 15.0 mm
d) Remove the extra tape from DC cable.
g Note: Keep the tape around the GND mesh and cable sheath neck to protect an IP
boot from sharp edges.
38 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole
Figure 21 Properly secured shielded DC cable (left) and non-shielded DC
cable (right)
e) Connect the wires to the screw terminal and tighten to 3.0 Nm (26.55 in-lb.).
Figure 22 Connecting DC feeder cable wires
f) Fix the IP boot in place and tighten the screw to max 2.0 (17.7 in-lb.).
Issue: 06A DN09185846 39
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
g Note: On sites where birds or rodents are a concern, it is recommended that exposed
cables and DC terminal seals be protected with conduit. Use any suitable standard
conduit for that purpose. Make sure that the conduit is securely locked in position as
close to the IP seals as possible.
Figure 23 Example of conduit usage
g) Secure the cable in place with the cable clamp.
Figure 24 Fixing DC cable clamp
w NOTICE: When using a large torque wrench to tighten the cable connections, be
careful not to damage any of the other smaller connectors.
40 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole
Figure 25 Connecting antenna cables
Figure 26 Connecting RET cable
13 Connect the optical cables and secure them using cable clamps.
Straight optical cables are recommended. Do not exceed minimum bending radius of
70 mm (2.76 inches) for cables with diameter 7 mm (0.28 inches) or 50 mm (1.97
inches) for cables with diameter 5 mm (0.20 inches).
Issue: 06A DN09185846 41
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 27 Connecting optical cables
Figure 28 Connecting EAC cable
Figure 29 Connecting RX out cable
42 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a pole
Figure 30 Connecting LMP cable
Figure 31 Securing cables with cable ties
Issue: 06A DN09185846 43
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
g Note: For FHDB A.102/FHEB A.102/FHEF A.101/FHEG A.101 and earlier, see Issue 5
of this document.
The Flexi 2x60 W RRH interfaces are shown in the following diagram.
Figure 32 FHDB, FHEB, FHEF, and FHEG interfaces
44 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole
Figure 33 Lower fixing bracket of 2x60 W RRH
A Standard cable fixing plane
B 45° cable fixing plane
C Mounting to pole or wall (532 mm spacing)
D Optical cable clamp interfaces
E Mounting to pole or wall (482.5 mm spacing)
F Mounting to pole or wall (392.5 mm spacing)
G Module mounting
H DC cable clamp interfaces
g Note: The module is delivered with the upper bracket pre-installed.
For dimension guidelines for 2x60 RRH installation onto walls and poles, see Dimension
guidelines for wall and pole mounting.
a) Place the RRH upside down.
Issue: 06A DN09185846 45
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 34 Placing the RRH upside down (2x60 W RRH)
b) Align the M8 screw holes on the fixing bracket with the RRH.
Figure 35 Aligning lower fixing bracket
c) Tighten the two M8 screw holes to 20 Nm (14.8 ft-lb).
46 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole
Figure 36 Attaching DC cable clamp (2x60 W RRH)
4 Lift the RRH onto the pole using the lifting point.
w NOTICE: Take care when lifting the Remote Radio Head as it is very heavy.
w NOTICE: Use a rope which is strong enough to support the module.
Figure 37 Lifting RRH onto a pole
Issue: 06A DN09185846 47
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 38 Connecting grounding cable (2x60 W RRH)
M8 M5
Figure 39 Removing the DC protective cover (2x60 W RRH)
48 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole
Figure 40 Removing and reserving DC protective cover
c) Strip 7 cm (2.75 in.) off the outer jacket of the DC cable and wrap tape
around the exposed wires to avoid breaking the IP boot.
Figure 41 Wrapping tape around DC cable
Issue: 06A DN09185846 49
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
d) Insert the taped end of the DC feeder cable to the IP boot and feed it
Figure 42 Inserting DC feeder cable to an IP boot
When using a thick cable, the narrow end of the IP boot can be removed using
scissors. Hold the IP boot at the rigid part and twist the end so that it comes off.
50 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole
Figure 43 Removing narrow end of an IP boot
Cablediameter15.1 -20.0 mm
Cablediameter10.1 - 15.0 mm
f) Strip 12 mm (0.47 in.) off the + and - wires and connect those wires to the +
and - screw terminals. Tighten to 3.0 Nm (26.55 in-lb).
t Tip: The square metal plate secures the cable against a fixture. To avoid it from
falling out, do not remove the screw completely when loosening to connect the
power supply. Instead, apply slight pressure to the screw so that metal plate
creates an opening for the cable.
Issue: 06A DN09185846 51
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 44 Connecting wires to screw terminals (2x60 W RRH)
+ -
g) If a shielded cable is used, connect the cable braid or ground wire to the
middle screw terminal. Tighten to 3.0 Nm (26.55 in-lb).
Figure 45 Connecting braid to the middle screw terminal (2x60 W RRH)
52 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole
h) Secure a tie wrap around the end of the IP boot to complete IP65
i) Apply the IP boot in place and fix the screw to max 2.0 Nm (17.07 in-lb).
Figure 46 Fixing the IP boot (2x60 W RRH)
g Note: On sites where birds or rodents are a concern, it is recommended that
exposed cables and DC terminal seals be protected with conduit. Use any
suitable standard conduit for that purpose. Make sure that the conduit is securely
locked in position as close to the IP seals as possible.
Figure 47 Example of conduit usage
Issue: 06A DN09185846 53
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
j) Tighten the clamp to 0.5 Nm (4.4 in-lb.) and secure the cable in place with
the cable clamp.
Figure 48 Securing the cable with the cable clamp (2x60 W RRH)
Figure 49 Connecting the RET cable (2x60 W RRH)
54 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole
Figure 50 Connecting antenna cables (2x60 W RRH)
Figure 51 Connecting the EAC cable (2x60 W RRH)
Figure 52 Connecting optical transceiver and cable (2x60 W RRH)
Issue: 06A DN09185846 55
Installing and cabling Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
w NOTICE: Risk of damage to equipment. Do not overbend cables. The minimum
bending diameter for the cables is listed in the Appendix Bending diameter for cables.
56 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole
This document describes RRH installation without FPAD/E. For FPAD/E installation
instructions, see Installing Flexi Multiradio Base Station and Flexi Multiradio 10 Base
Station Optional Items.
The lower mounting bracket interfaces and cable fixing plates are shown in the Figure
56: Lower mounting bracket of RRH Release 4.
The images in the following instruction show FRGY RRH module, but the installation
order applies to all Release 4 modules listed in the introduction.
The RRH Release 4 interfaces are shown in the following diagrams.
Figure 53 FRGY and FRAA interfaces
Issue: 06A DN09185846 57
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 54 FRCC and FRCG interfaces
Figure 55 FHFB, FRBE, FRBF, FRBG, FRNC, FRHG, FHEH, and FHED interfaces
58 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole
Figure 56 Lower mounting bracket of RRH Release 4
A 45° cable fixing plane
B Standard cable fixing plane
C Mounting to pole kit or wall (482.5, 532 mm vertical
spacing) for modules defined in
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole.
D Module mounting
E Key hole for shoulder bolts/M8 screws (back of a module)
F 4 ANT/FRCC/FRCG mounting to pole kit or wall
(482.5mm, 532mm vertical spacing)
G Mounting to pole kit or wall (392.5 mm vertical spacing) for
modules defined in FRGY and FRAA chapter.
H Optical cable clamp interfaces
I DC cable clamp interfaces
g Note: The module is delivered with the upper bracket pre-installed.
g Note: The strain relief is designed for optical cables with straight ingress protection (IP)
boots (00). For a complete list of Flexi optical cable lengths and types, see
Optional Items Description.
There are three vertical spacing options allowed, shown in the Figure 57: Vertical
spacing options for the RRH Release 4:
Issue: 06A DN09185846 59
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
• 482.5 mm (19 in) - common with FMFA and all legacy RRH variants. Recommended
for all new pole or wall installations or co-siting with legacy modules using this
• 532 mm (21 in) – recommended only for co-siting with legacy RRH variants using
this dimension.
• 392.5 mm (15 in) – modules with two antenna connectors only. Recommended for
co-siting with legacy RRH variants using this dimension. FPAC/D mounting on a
RRH is not supported by this dimension.
Figure 57 Vertical spacing options for the RRH Release 4
g Note: Avoid installing RRH modules inside enclosed spaces without proper ventilation
or climate control, as the modules are cooled by convection.
g Note: If RET is used, consider the length of the RET and the antenna jumper cables
and their physical path to the antenna tilt meter when choosing an installation location
on the pole. All cables connecting to the interfaces above the RRH must be routed
down below the RRH and then looped up to help prevent water ingress. The loop must
not exceed the minimum bending radius specified by the manufacturer.
w NOTICE: Risk of damage to equipment. Optical fibers are sensitive and therefore must
be kept clear of contaminants which lower the mechanical strength of the optical fiber,
possibly dampening the transmission of the light in the fibers. Clean all optical fiber
connectors before installation using an optical fiber connector cleaning kit.
w NOTICE: Risk of damage to equipment. Incorrect cables do not offer optimum
protection against extreme weather conditions. Only use tested IP65 class outdoor
cables with seals provided by Nokia for outdoor installations.
60 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole
w NOTICE: Risk of damage to equipment. Overbending the optical fiber cables can
damage the cables and can detach or damage the connectors. Do not exceed the
minimum bending radius of 70 mm (2.76 inches) for optical cables with a diameter 7
mm (0.28 inches) or 50 mm (1.97 inches) for optical cables with a diameter 5 mm (0.20
w NOTICE: Risk of damage to equipment. Remote Radio Head uses convection cooling.
To avoid module overheating, cables should be routed so they do not block airflow
through the cooling fins. Never route cables between cooling fins.
Release 4 RRH installation requires the following driver sizes. For a complete list of
required tools, see BTS installation tools and equipment.
Table 7 Installation tools
Required tool
Torque wrench capable of 10-30 Nm (7.4 - 22.1 ft-lb) with extensions
Torque screw driver capable of 0.8-5 Nm (7-44 in-lbs.)
TORX screw driver sizes are T10 (DC cable clamp), T45 for M8 ground screw (not required for
dual M5/NEBS ground screws), and T25 (M5 screws)
Hexagonal socket size is 13 mm (1/2 in)
Allen driver size for FPKA/C is 8 mm (5/16 in)
g Note: If you are expanding a FPKC beyond two kits, then a 6 mm (1/4 in) Allen screw
driver is required.
For front panel interfaces, see Flexi Multiradio BTS Radio Module and Remote Radio
Head Description.
w NOTICE: Before installing the 4 ANT/FRCC/FRCG module onto the RRH, preassemble
the lower pole bracket (FPKA or FPKC) with the lower fixing bracket, as shown in
Figure 58: Assembling the lower pole bracket with the lower fixing bracket for a FHFB.
For the lower pole bracket installation instructions, see:
Mounting the plinth on a pole with FPKA or . Use a space of 482.5 mm or 532 mm
vertically for the 4 ANT/FRCC/FRCG, as shown in
Figure 56: Lower mounting bracket of RRH Release 4.
Note that if you are installing an 4 ANT/FRCC/FRCG onto an existing FPKA/FPKC, the
lower mounting bracket should be preinstalled on the lower FPKA/FPKC bracket.
Issue: 06A DN09185846 61
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 58 Assembling the lower pole bracket with the lower fixing bracket for a
Figure 59 RRH with the plastic cover faced down
62 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole
b) Attach the DC cable clamp on the lower fixing bracket. Tighten the screws
half way to secure them during lifting.
Figure 60 Attaching a DC clamp
c) Rotate the lower fixing bracket with the cable tie points facing down.
d) Align the key holes on the lower fixing bracket with the M8 TORX alignment
screws on the RRH.
Figure 61 Aligning key holes on the lower fixing bracket
Issue: 06A DN09185846 63
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 62 Sliding lower bracket into place
Figure 63 RRH with lower bracket in place
64 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole
2 Install the Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA or FPKC). See Mounting the plinth on
a pole with FPKA or Installing Flexi RRH 2TX on the pole with FPKC for
instructions, substituting the RRH with the plinth where applicable.
3 Lift the RRH onto the pole as shown in the Figure 64: Lifting RRH onto a pole.
Use the lifting point.
w NOTICE: Use a rope which is strong enough to support the module.
Figure 64 Lifting RRH onto a pole
g Note: FRCC and FRCG are 2ANT modules, but they have to follow the 4ANT mounting
pattern. The work order is the same. For details see
Figure 81: Connecting all the cables for FRCC and FRCG.
g Note: Install the grounding cable according to local standards. For example, use M8
bolts in Europe and 2 x M5 bolts in USA. Tighten M8 bolts to 20 Nm (14.75 ft-lb) and
M5 bolts to 4.2 Nm (37 in-lb).
Issue: 06A DN09185846 65
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 65 Connecting grounding cable (4 ANT)
6 Connect the antenna cables. Tighten the connectors according to the antenna
cable manufacturer instructions.
Figure 66 Connecting antenna cables (4 ANT)
66 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole
Figure 67 Wrapping tape around DC cable
b) Wrap extra tape around the exposed wires to prevent to IP from breaking.
Figure 68 Wrapping extra tape around DC cable
c) Insert the taped end of the DC feeder cable into the IP boot and feed it through.
Issue: 06A DN09185846 67
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 69 Inserting DC power cable into an IP boot
When using a thick cable, the narrow end of the IP boot can be removed using
scissors. Use a single cut to ensure a clean cut surface. For details, see: Figure
70: Removing narrow end of an IP boot. The cable diameter cannot be wider
than 25 mm (1 in) or be narrower than 6 mm (0.24 in).
w NOTICE: The IP boot edge must be smooth. Ensure there are no cracks present in the
edge, as it compromises IP boot protection.
68 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole
Figure 70 Removing narrow end of an IP boot
Cablediameter15.1 -20.0 mm
Cablediameter10.1 - 15.0 mm
d) Remove the extra tape from DC cable.
g Note: Keep the tape around the GND mesh and cable sheath neck to protect IP boot
from sharp edges.
Issue: 06A DN09185846 69
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 71 Properly secured shielded DC cable (left) and non-shielded DC
cable (right)
e) Connect the wires to the screw terminal and tighten to 3.0 Nm (26.55 in-lb).
Figure 72 Connecting DC feeder cable wires
f) Fix the IP boot in place and tighten the screw to max 2.0 Nm (17.07 in-lb).
70 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole
g Note: On sites where birds or rodents are a concern, it is recommended that exposed
cables and DC terminal seals be protected with conduit. Use any suitable standard
conduit for that purpose. Make sure that the conduit is securely locked in position as
close to the IP seals as possible.
Figure 73 Example of conduit usage
g) Secure the cable in place with the cable clamp and tighten it to 0.5 Nm (4.43 ft-
Figure 74 Securing DC cable clamp
For DC feeder cable details, see Feederless site and Distributed site solution
requirements in the Flexi Multiradio BTS WCDMA Installation Site Requirements
Issue: 06A DN09185846 71
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 75 FRNC DC cable
Figure 76 Connecting FRNC DC cable
72 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole
Figure 77 Connecting RET and EAC cables (4 ANT)
g Note: When cabling FRNC, check the manufacturers instructions for optical cable boot
Figure 78 Connecting optical cables (4 ANT)
Issue: 06A DN09185846 73
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 79 Connecting RXO cables (4 ANT)
g Note: Tighten optical cable clamps to 2 Nm (18 in-lb).
Figure 80 Securing cables with ties and clamps
Figure 81 Connecting all the cables for FRCC and FRCG
74 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole
When installing additional RRH modules onto the same FPKA bracket, follow the
instructions above. Modules must be hung onto existing FPKAs, as shown in Figure 82:
Mounting additional modules onto a pole.
Figure 82 Mounting additional modules onto a pole
Issue: 06A DN09185846 75
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
a pole Heads
Use Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA) for installing Flexi Remote Radio Head 2TX 730
(FRLB) onto a pole. If your FPKA includes both plinth (FMFA) and RRH 2TX
installations, for instructions, see Installing Flexi RRH 2TX on the pole opposite to FMFA.
The FRLB interfaces are shown in the following diagram.
Figure 83 FRLB interfaces
1 Install the upper FPKA bracket onto the pole as instructed in Installing Flexi
Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA).
76 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto
Heads a pole
Figure 84 Releasing strain relief plate
3 Fix the lower FPKA bracket onto the back of the FRLB.
Figure 85 Fixing FPKA onto FRLB
Issue: 06A DN09185846 77
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
a pole Heads
4 Fix the strain relief onto the lower bracket using two M5 screws and tighten
them to 4 Nm (2.95 ft-lb.).
Figure 86 Fixing strain relief screws
5 Lift the RRH onto the pole using the lifting point.
g Note: Do not lift the RRH onto a pole by the handle. Use the lifting point instead.
g Note: Take care when lifting the Remote Radio Head as it is very heavy.
g Note: Use a rope which is strong enough to support the module.
78 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto
Heads a pole
Figure 87 Lifting FRLB
Issue: 06A DN09185846 79
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
a pole Heads
Figure 88 Fixing FPKA lower bracket
Figure 89 Connecting grounding cable
80 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto
Heads a pole
Figure 90 Connecting EAC cable
Figure 91 Connecting LMP cable
11 Connect the optical cables and fix them using cable clamps.
Straight optical cables are recommended. Do not exceed minimum bending radius of
70 mm (2.76 inches) for cables with a diameter 7 mm (0.28 inches) or 50 mm (1.97
inches) for cables with a diameter 5 mm (0.20 inches).
Issue: 06A DN09185846 81
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
a pole Heads
Figure 92 Connecting optical cables
w NOTICE: When using a large torque wrench to tighten the cable connections, be
careful not to damage any of the other smaller connectors.
Figure 93 Connecting antenna cables
a) Strip about 10 cm (4 in) of the DC cable and wrap some tape around the
exposed wires to prevent to IP from breaking.
82 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto
Heads a pole
Figure 94 Wrapping tape around DC cable
b) Insert the taped end of the DC feeder cable into the IP boot and feed it through.
Figure 95 Inserting DC feeder cable into an IP boot
When using a thick cable, the narrow end of the IP boot can be removed using
scissors. Use a single cut to ensure a clean cut surface. For details, see Figure
Removing narrow end of IP boot. The cable diameter cannot be wider than 25
mm (1 in.) or be narrower than 6 mm (0.24 in.).
Note that you can insert only one DC cable with a diameter of max. 25 mm (1 in.)
to the IP boot.
w NOTICE: The IP boot edge must be smooth. Ensure there are no cracks present in the
edge, as it compromises boot IP protection.
Issue: 06A DN09185846 83
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
a pole Heads
Figure 96 Removing narrow end of an IP boot
c) Remove the tape.
d) Connect the wires to the screw terminal and tighten to 3.0 Nm (3.69 ft-lb.).
e) Secure the IP boot, apply the screws and tighten (them) to max 7.0 Nm (17.7 in-
g Note: On sites where birds or rodents are a concern, it is recommended that exposed
cables and DC terminal seals be protected with conduit. Use any suitable standard
conduit for that purpose. Make sure that the conduit is securely locked in position as
close to the IP seals as possible.
Figure 97 Example of conduit usage
f) Attach the DC cable clamp to the strain relief.
84 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto
Heads a pole
Figure 98 Attaching DC cable clamp
g) Secure the cable in place with a cable clamp.
Figure 99 Securing a DC cable in place
Issue: 06A DN09185846 85
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 730 (FRLB) onto Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
a pole Heads
Figure 100 Connecting RET cable
Figure 101 Connecting two RX out cable
Figure 102 Securing cables with cable ties
86 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and
Heads FHGB) onto a pole
Use Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA) for installing Flexi Remote Radio Head 4TX 1.7/2.1
GHz (FRIG) onto a pole. If your FPKA includes both plinth (FMFA) and RRH
installations, see Installing Flexi RRH 2TX on the pole opposite to FMFA for instructions.
Two FRIG modules can be installed onto one FPKA.
The FRIG and FHGB interfaces are shown in the following diagrams.
Figure 103 FRIG interfaces
Issue: 06A DN09185846 87
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
FHGB) onto a pole Heads
Figure 104 FHGB interfaces
1 Install the upper FPKA bracket onto the pole as instructed in Installing Flexi
Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA).
88 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and
Heads FHGB) onto a pole
Figure 105 Releasing strain relief
3 Fix the lower FPKA bracket onto the back of the FRIG.
Figure 106 Fixing FPKA onto FRIG
Issue: 06A DN09185846 89
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
FHGB) onto a pole Heads
4 Fix the strain relief onto the lower bracket using two M5 screws and tighten
them to 4 Nm (2.95 ft-lb.).
Figure 107 Fixing strain relief screws
w NOTICE: Do not lift the RRH on the pole by the handle. Use the lifting point instead.
g Note: Use a rope which is strong enough to support the module.
90 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and
Heads FHGB) onto a pole
Figure 108
Issue: 06A DN09185846 91
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
FHGB) onto a pole Heads
Figure 109 Attaching FPKA lower bracket
Figure 110 Connecting a grounding cable
92 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and
Heads FHGB) onto a pole
Figure 111 Connecting EAC cable
Figure 112 Connecting LMP cable
11 Connect the optical cables and fix them using cable clamps.
Insert SFP modules to ports that are to be used.
g Note: Straight optical cables are recommended. Do not exceed minimum bending
radius of 70 mm (2.76 inches) for cables with a diameter 7 mm (0.28 inches) or 50 mm
(1.97 inches) for cables with a diameter 5 mm (0.20 inches).
w NOTICE: When using a large torque wrench to tighten the cable connections, be
careful not to damage any of the other smaller connectors.
Issue: 06A DN09185846 93
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
FHGB) onto a pole Heads
Figure 113 Connecting antenna cables
a) Strip about 10 cm (4 in) of the DC cable and wrap some tape around the
exposed wires to prevent to IP from breaking.
Figure 114 Wrapping tape around DC cable
b) Insert the taped end of the DC feeder cable into the IP boot.
94 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and
Heads FHGB) onto a pole
Figure 115 Inserting DC power cable into an IP boot
When using a thick cable, the narrow end of the IP boot can be removed using
scissors. Use a single cut to ensure a clean cut surface. For details, see Figure
116: Removing narrow end of an IP boot. The cable diameter cannot be wider
than 25 mm (1 in.) or be narrower than 6 mm (0.24 in.).
Note that you can insert only one DC cable with a diameter of max. 25 mm (1 in.)
to the IP boot.
w NOTICE: The IP boot edge must be smooth. Ensure there are no cracks present in the
edge, as it compromises boot IP protection.
Figure 116 Removing narrow end of an IP boot
c) Remove the tape.
d) Connect the wires to the screw terminal and tighten to 3.0 Nm (3.7 ft-lb.).
e) Secure the IP boot, apply the screws and tighten them to max. 7.0 Nm (1.5 in-
Issue: 06A DN09185846 95
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
FHGB) onto a pole Heads
g Note: On sites where birds or rodents are a concern, it is recommended that exposed
cables and DC terminal seals be protected with conduit. Use any suitable standard
conduit for that purpose. Make sure that the conduit is securely locked in position as
close to the IP seals as possible.
Figure 117 Example of conduit usage
f) Attach the DC cable clamp to the strain relief.
Figure 118 Attach DC cable clamp
g) Secure the cable in place with the cable clamp.
96 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and
Heads FHGB) onto a pole
Figure 119 Securing DC cable in place
Figure 120 Connecting RX out cable
Issue: 06A DN09185846 97
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 4TX 2100 (FRIG and Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
FHGB) onto a pole Heads
Figure 121 Securing cables with cable ties
98 DN09185846 Issue: 06A
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FHCA) onto
Heads a pole
Use Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA) for installing Flexi Remote Radio Head 2TX onto a
pole. If your FPKA includes both plinth (FMFA) and RRH 2TX installations, see Installing
Flexi RRH 2TX 850 on the pole opposite to FMFA for instructions.
The Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FHCA) interfaces are shown in the below diagram.
Figure 122 FHCA interfaces
+V48RTN -V48N
1 Install Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA) as instructed in Installing Flexi Pole
Mounting Kit (FPKA).
Issue: 06A DN09185846 99
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FHCA) onto Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
a pole Heads
Figure 123 Releasing strain relief
3 Fix the strain relief plate onto the lower bracket using two M5 screws and
tighten them to 4 Nm (2.95 ft-lb.).
Figure 124 Releasing strain relief
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FHCA) onto
Heads a pole
g Note: Do not lift the RRH on the pole by the handle. Use the lifting point instead.
g Note: Take care when lifting the Remote Radio Head as it is very heavy.
g Note: Use a rope which is strong enough to support the module.
Figure 125 Fixing FHCA to the FPKA bracket
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FHCA) onto Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
a pole Heads
Figure 126 Attaching DC cable clamp
a) Remove the two M5x10 screws from the grounding lug screw holes on the RRH.
b) Place the grounding lug above the holes and connect the grounding cable (not
included in the package) to the lug.
c) Re-insert and tighten the two M5x10 screws to the grounding lug screw holes on
the RRH with a torque of 4.5 Nm (39.8 in-lb.).
a) Remove the caps from the DIN 7/16 connectors on the bottom of the RRH.
b) Connect the feeder/jumper cables from the antenna/co-location filter with the DIN
7/16 connectors.
c) Tighten the connectors to 25 Nm (18.4 ft-lb.) using an adjustable wrench and
alligator pliers.
w NOTICE: When using a large torque wrench to tighten the cable connections, be
careful not to damage any of the other smaller connectors.
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FHCA) onto
Heads a pole
Figure 127 Connecting antenna cables
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FHCA) onto Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
a pole Heads
Figure 128 Connecting optical cables
a) Strip about 10 cm (4 in) of the DC cable and wrap some tape around the
exposed wires to prevent to IP from breaking.
Figure 129 Wrapping tape around DC cable
b) Insert the taped end of the DC feeder cable into the IP boot.
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FHCA) onto
Heads a pole
Figure 130 Inserting DC power cable into an IP boot
When using a thick cable, the narrow end of the IP boot can be removed using
scissors. Use a single cut to ensure a clean cut surface. For details, see Figure
131: Removing narrow end of an IP boot. The cable diameter cannot be wider
than 25 mm (1 in.) or be narrower than 6 mm (0.24 in.).
Note that you can insert only one DC cable with a diameter of max. 25 mm (1 in.)
to the IP boot.
w NOTICE: The IP boot edge must be smooth. Ensure there are no cracks present in the
edge, as it compromises boot IP protection.
Figure 131 Removing narrow end of an IP boot
c) Remove the tape.
d) Connect the wires to the screw terminal and tighten to 5 Nm (3.7 ft-lb.).
e) Secure the IP boot, apply the screws and tighten them to max. 2.0 Nm (17.7 in-
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2TX 850 (FHCA) onto Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
a pole Heads
f) Fix the DC cable clamp on the strain relief.
Figure 132 Fixing DC power cable
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for
Heads FHCA (FFCB) onto a pole
These instructions show the installation procedure for the Flexi TRS External Filter for
FHCA (FFCB) on a pole. Mounting brackets are pre-installed.
1 While on the ground, thread the hose clamps through the two slots on each
mounting bracket.
Figure 133 Threading hose clamps on a mounting bracket
Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
FHCA (FFCB) onto a pole Heads
Figure 134 Hose clamps in place
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for
Heads FHCA (FFCB) onto a pole
2 Position the FFCB on the pole with ANT1 and ANT2 connectors at the top.
3 Wrap the hose clamps around the pole and thread them through the worm
screw assembly.
Figure 135 Mounting FFCB on a pole
Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
FHCA (FFCB) onto a pole Heads
Figure 136 Tightening worm screw assembly
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for
Heads FHCA (FFCB) onto a pole
Figure 137 FFCB on a pole
Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
FHCA (FFCB) onto a pole Heads
5 Connect the grounding cable (grounding point is located between the BTS1
and BTS2 ports).
Figure 138 Connecting FFCB grounding cable (M5)
6 Connect a 7/16 antenna jumper cable (approximately 1.5 meters long, included
in the delivery) from the FHCA RF output (ANT1 connector) to the port labelled
BTS1 on the FFCB.
Only use the antenna jumper cables provided with the delivery. Tighten to 25 Nm
(14.8 ft-lb.).
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for
Heads FHCA (FFCB) onto a pole
Figure 139 Connecting jumper cable to BTS1
Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
FHCA (FFCB) onto a pole Heads
7 Connect a jumper cable from the port labelled ANT1 on the FFCB to the
antenna feeder cable.
Figure 140 Connecting jumper cable to ANT1
9 Check that the connectors are correctly mated and securely fastened.
Make sure that the bend radius of the cables do not place stress on the cable or
10 Make sure that any excess cabling is securely fixed to the pole to prevent it
from moving.
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for
Heads FHCA (FFCB) onto a wall
These instructions show the installation procedure for Flexi TRS External Filter for FHCA
(FFCB) on a wall. Mounting brackets are pre-installed.
1 Using the FFCB as a template, mark the screw hole locations on the wall.
Figure 141 Marking FFCB screw hole locations
Installing and cabling Flexi TRS External Filter for Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
FHCA (FFCB) onto a wall Heads
3 Position the FFCB on the wall with ANT1 and ANT2 connectors at the top.
Figure 142 Fixing FFCB on a wall
5 Proceed with cabling as instructed in Installing Flexi TRS External Filter for
FHCA (FFCB) on a pole.
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840
Heads (FHPC) onto a pole
Use Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA) when installing Flexi Remote Radio Head 2-pipe
700/840 100W (FHPC) onto a pole.
g Note: Make sure that the minimum distance between the gap of N connector and cable
ladder is 120 mm.
The FHPC interfaces are shown in the following diagram.
Figure 143 FHPC interfaces
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840 Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
(FHPC) onto a pole Heads
1 Install the upper FPKA bracket onto the pole as instructed in Installing Flexi
Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA).
2 Install the static mounting bracket onto the FPKA bracket with four M8 bolts.
Figure 144 Installing a static mounting bracket to the FPKA
f Take care when lifting the Remote Radio Head as it is very heavy.
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840
Heads (FHPC) onto a pole
Figure 145 Installing FHPC onto a vertical pole
Step result
FHPC is mounted onto a mounting bracket.
Figure 146 FHPC mounted onto a pole with a mounting bracket
Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840 Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
(FHPC) onto a pole Heads
g Note: Make sure that the minimum distance between the gap of N connector and cable
ladder is 120 mm.
Figure 147 Connecting a grounding cable
6 Connect the antenna cables and tighten them to 0.9 Nm (0.7 ft-lb).
w NOTICE: When using a large torque wrench to tighten the cable connections, be
careful not to damage any of the other smaller connectors.
Figure 148 Connecting antenna cables
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840
Heads (FHPC) onto a pole
Figure 149 Connecting DC power cable
Installing and cabling s-RRH850 (FHCB) Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
1 Slide the FHCB module into the rack and fix it with four screws.
Figure 150 Connecting power supply
-48VConnection +27VConnection
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing and cabling s-RRH1800 (FHEC)
1 Slide the FHEC module onto the rack and fix it with four screws.
Figure 151 Connecting power supply
-48V GND
Installing Flexi RRH 2TX onto a pole opposite to FMFA Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Use Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA) when installing Flexi Remote Radio Head 2TX onto
a pole. Follow these instructions if your FPKA includes both plinth (FMFA) and RRH 2TX
installations. Mount the RRH opposite the plinth (adjacent installation is not supported).
Only one RRH is supported in this configuration.
w NOTICE: FMFA requires 482.5 mm (19 in.) vertical spacing.
1 Install Flexi Pole Mounting Kit (FPKA) as instructed in Installing Flexi Pole
Mounting Kit (FPKA).
2 Move the RRH mounting kit brackets so that the fixing bolts are fixed to the
outermost holes. Tighten the bolts to 20 Nm (14.75 ft-lb).
Figure 152 Moving RRH mounting kit brackets
1 2
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing Flexi RRH 2TX onto a pole opposite to FMFA
3 Release the strain relief by undoing the screw. Reserve the screw for later use.
g Note: This step does not apply to FHDB and FHEB modules.
Figure 153 Releasing strain relief
g Note: This step does not apply to FHDB and FHEB modules.
Installing Flexi RRH 2TX onto a pole opposite to FMFA Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 154 Attaching strain relief screws
g Note: Handle the released strain relief with care when lifting the RRH to its target
5 Follow the instructions provided in Installing Flexi RRH 2TX on the pole (steps
2-15) for information on how to cable and lift the RRH onto a pole.
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a wall
1 Mark the mounting hole locations on the wall and drill holes for the screws.
For the two different options, see Moving RRH mounting kit brackets.
Figure 155 Drilling mounting holes (RRH mounting kit fixing bolts fixed to the
innermost holes)
532 mm
Installing Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a wall Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 156 Drilling mounting holes (RRH mounting kit fixing bolts fixed to the
outermost holes)
f Take care when lifting the Remote Radio Head as it is very heavy.
Figure 157 Lifting RRH onto a wall
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a wall
Figure 158 Releasing strain relief
Figure 159 Fixing strain relief screws
Installing Flexi 2x40 W RRH onto a wall Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 160 Attaching DC cable clamp
8 Connect the cabling as instructed in Installing Flexi RRH 2TX on the pole.
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a wall
a) Place the RRH upside down.
Figure 161 Placing the RRH upside down (2x60 W RRH)
b) Align the “FMFA” or “ALT” M5 screw holes on the fixing bracket with the M5 holes
on the RRH.
Installing Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a wall Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 162 Aligning lower fixing bracket
g Note: “ALT” should only be used when installing the 2x60W RRH onto a FPKA/VMPB
or wall rails with already installed 2x40W RRH (installed with 532 mm vertical spacing).
c) Tighten six M5 screws to 5 Nm (3.7 ft-lb).
Figure 163 Attaching DC cable clamp (2x60 W RRH)
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a wall
3 Mark the mounting hole locations on the wall and drill holes for the screws.
Figure 164 Drilling mounting holes
g Note: For vertical spacing options, see
Dimension guidelines for wall and pole mounting.
4 Lift the RRH onto the wall and mount it by performing the following steps:
a) Fix two upper mounting screws.
b) Hang the bracket on the screws.
c) Insert the lower screws.
d) Tighten four screws to 20 Nm (14.8 ft-lb).
w NOTICE: Take care when lifting the Remote Radio Head as it is very heavy.
w NOTICE: Use a rope which is strong enough to support the module.
Installing Flexi 2x60 W RRH onto a wall Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 165 Lifting RRH onto a wall
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing RRH Release 4 onto a wall
1 Install the lower fixing bracket as instructed in Step 1 of Installing and cabling
RRH Release 4 onto a pole.
2 Mark the mounting hole locations on the wall and drill holes for the screws.
w For available spacing options, see chapter
Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto a pole.
w NOTICE: The bottom holes can be drilled after hanging the module off the top screws.
Figure 166 Drilling mounting holes
3 Lift the RRH onto the wall. Use the lifting point.
f Take care when lifting the Remote Radio Head as it is very heavy.
w NOTICE: Do not remove the lifting rope until the RRH is secured on the bolts.
Installing RRH Release 4 onto a wall Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 167 Lifting RRH onto a wall
5 Connect the cabling as instructed in Installing and cabling RRH Release 4 onto
a pole.
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840 (FHPC) onto a wall
The RRH must be properly mounted to the wall and therefore it is necessary to use the
appropriate fixing construction or dowels for the type of wall. Use M8 screws for
mounting the RRH onto the wall.
g Note: Make sure that the minimum distance between the gap of N connector and cable
ladder is 120 mm.
1 Mark the mounting hole locations on the wall and drill holes for the screws.
Figure 168 Drilling holes in a wall for FHPC
250 mm
2 Install the static mounting bracket on the wall with four M8 bolts by performing
the following steps:
a) Apply two upper mounting screws.
b) Hang the static mounting bracket on the screws.
c) Insert the lower screws.
d) Tighten the four M8 bolts to 13.75 Nm (10 ft-lb).
Installing Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840 (FHPC) onto a wall Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 169 Mounting a static mounting bracket on a wall
3 Lift the FHPC module and mount it onto the static mounting bracket with eight
M5 bolts.
Shift the adapter up to obtain the result as shown in the Figure 171: FHPC mounted
onto a wall with a mounting bracket.
f Take care when lifting the Remote Radio Head as it is very heavy.
Figure 170 Mounting FHPC module onto a static mounting bracket
Step result
FHPC is mounted onto a mounting bracket.
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing Flexi RRH 2-pipe 700/840 (FHPC) onto a wall
Figure 171 FHPC mounted onto a wall with a mounting bracket
5 Connect the cabling as instructed in Installing and cabling Flexi RRH 2-pipe
700/840 (FHPC) onto a pole.
Installing first RRH with FPKC Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Flexi Pole Mounting Kit is required for mounting modules on poles. FPKC is designed for
poles between 60 mm (2.36 in) and 300 mm (11.81 in) in diameter.
Two FPKC kits are required for the minimum installation, which allows to install two
RRHs on opposite sides of FPKC.
There is no need to use thread-locking compound or lock nuts when installing the FPKC.
Figure 172 Screw cut locations
Figure 173 Screw installation slots
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing first RRH with FPKC
Table 8 Pole diameter table related to cut location and installation slot for optimum
pole mounting
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4
Cut 1 60-100 mm 101-140 mm N/A N/A
Cut 2 141-180 mm 181-220 mm 221-260 mm N/A
No cut N/A N/A N/A 261-300 mm
1 Place the upper brackets around the pole and fix them with M10 screws to 30
Nm (22.13 ft-lb).
Figure 174 Placing FPKC upper brackets around a pole
Installing first RRH with FPKC Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 175 Inserting screws
3 Mount the lower bracket to the bottom part of the RRH. Make sure that the
lower bracket is placed so that the lifting lug hole is facing down.
Figure 176 Mounting a lower bracket
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing first RRH with FPKC
4 Lift the RRH to the pole so it hangs off the hexagonal head screws. Do not
tighten the screws yet.
Figure 177 Fixing lower bracket
Installing first RRH with FPKC Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
5 If no additional RRHs are going to be installed, fix the counterpart of the lower
bracket with two M10x315 bolts.
Figure 178 Fixing counterpart of a lower bracket
Figure 179 Tightening screws on an upper bracket
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing first RRH with FPKC
Click here to watch a video on how to install the RRH.
g Note: The video serves as a procedure overview only. For full instructions always refer
to the steps in Installing first RRH with FPKC.
Installing a second RRH with FPKC Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Flexi Pole Mounting Kit is required for mounting modules on poles. FPKC is designed for
poles between 60 mm (2.4 in) and 300 mm (11.8 in) in diameter.
There is no need to use thread-locking compound or lock nuts when installing the FPKC.
1 Insert hexagonal head screws to the upper brackets. Do not tighten the screws
Figure 180 Inserting screws to upper brackets
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing a second RRH with FPKC
Figure 181 Fixing the lower bracket to a RRH
Installing a second RRH with FPKC Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
3 Lift the RRH to the pole so it hangs off the screws. Do not tighten the screws
Figure 182 Lifting RRH to a pole
4 Tighten the hexagonal head screws on the upper brackets to 20 Nm (14.75 ft-
Figure 183 Tightening screws on an upper bracket
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing a second RRH with FPKC
5 Fix the lower brackets of the first and second FPKC together with two M10x315
Figure 184 Fixing a lower bracket
Click here to watch a video on how to install the RRH.
g Note: The video serves as a procedure overview only. For full instructions always refer
to the steps in Installing a second RRH with FPKC.
Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto the Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
same side with FPKC Heads
Flexi Pole Mounting Kit is required for mounting modules on poles. FPKC is designed for
poles between 60 mm (2.36 in.) and 300 mm (11.81 in.) in diameter.
There is no need to use thread-locking compound or lock nuts when installing the FPKC.
1 Install two upper brackets perpendicularly to the first and second FPKC using
hexagonal socket-head screws. Secure the screws with M8 nuts.
Figure 185 Installing an upper bracket
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto the
Heads same side with FPKC
Figure 186 Inserting screws to an upper bracket
Figure 187 Fixing lower bracket to a RRH
Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto the Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
same side with FPKC Heads
4 Lift the RRH to the pole so that it hangs off the hexagonal head screws.
Figure 188 Lifting RRH to a pole
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto the
Heads same side with FPKC
5 If no additional RRHs are going to be installed, fix the counterpart of the lower
bracket with two M8x30 Allen screws with Nyloc nut and tighten them to 20 Nm
(14.75 ft-lb.).
Figure 189 Fixing counterpart of a lower bracket
Figure 190 Tightening screws on an upper bracket
Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto the Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
same side with FPKC Heads
Figure 191 Third RRH installed
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto the
Heads same side with FPKC
7 To install fourth RRH follow steps 1 to 4 and then fix the brackets together with
two M8x30 Allen screws with Nyloc nuts.
Figure 192 Installing fourth RRH
Click here to watch a video on how to install the RRH.
g Note: The video serves as a procedure overview only. For full instructions always refer
to the steps in Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto the same side with FPKC.
Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto opposite Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
sides with FPKC Heads
Flexi Pole Mounting Kit is required for mounting modules on the pole. FPKC is designed
for poles between 60 mm (2.36 in) and 300 mm (11.81 in) in diameter.
There is no need to use thread-locking compound or lock nuts when installing the FPKC.
1 Install an upper bracket perpendicularly to the first and second FPKC using
hexagonal socket-head screws and secure screws with M8 nuts.
Figure 193 Installing upper bracket
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto opposite
Heads sides with FPKC
Figure 194 Inserting screws to the upper brackets
Figure 195 Fixing lower bracket to RRH
Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto opposite Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
sides with FPKC Heads
4 Lift the RRH to the pole so that it hangs off the hexagonal head screws.
Figure 196 Lifting RRH to the pole
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto opposite
Heads sides with FPKC
Figure 197 Securing counterpart of lower bracket
Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto opposite Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
sides with FPKC Heads
Figure 198 Tightening screws on upper bracket
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto opposite
Heads sides with FPKC
7 To install a fourth RRH, follow steps 1 to 4 and then secure the brackets
together with two M8x30 Allen screws with Nyloc nuts.
Figure 199 Installing fourth RRH
Click here to watch a video on how to install the RRH.
g Note: The video serves as a procedure overview only. For full instructions always refer
to the steps in Installing additional Remote Radio Heads onto opposite sides with
Flexi RRH 2TX external alarm connection Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio
Figure 200 Flexi System Alarm Cable for Flexi RRH 2TX
Conn.1 Conn.2 Pairno:Color Signal
Pinno. Pinno.
25 1 1:White GND
7 2 1:Blue EXT Alarm(0)
31 3 2:White GND
32 4 2:Orange GND
8 5 3:White EXT Alarm(1)
26 6 3:Green GND
29 7 4:White GND
9 8 5:White EXT Alarm(2)
27 9 5:Gray GND
28 10 6:Red GND
10 11 6:Blue EXT Alarm(3)
36 12 7:Red GND
19 13 7:Orange 5VEAC
30 14 4:Brown GND
External alarms (EAC) interface
See the table below for the pinout of the external alarms (EAC) interface. Sub D 37 is
connected to Flexi System External Alarm (FSEB) and MDR 14 to the RRH bottom. If an
alarm connection box other than FSEB is used, cut off the Sub D 37 connector and
connect the wires according to the table below.
Table 9 Flexi RRH 2 TX EAC pinout
25 1 GND 1: White
7 2 EXT_ALARM (0) 1: Blue
Installing and Cabling Flexi Multiradio Remote Radio Flexi RRH 2TX external alarm connection
Table 9 Flexi RRH 2 TX EAC pinout (Cont.)
31 3 GND 2: White
32 4 GND 2: Orange
8 5 EXT_ALARM (1) 3: White
26 6 GND 3: Green
29 7 GND 4:White
9 8 EXT_ALARM (2) 5: White
27 9 GND 5: Gray
28 10 GND 6: Red
10 11 EXT_ALARM (3) 6: Blue
36 12 GND 7: Red
19 13 5V_EAC 7: Orange
30 14 GND 4: Brown