Biodiesel From Waste Frying Oil. Two Step Process Using Acidified Sio For Esterification Step
Biodiesel From Waste Frying Oil. Two Step Process Using Acidified Sio For Esterification Step
Biodiesel From Waste Frying Oil. Two Step Process Using Acidified Sio For Esterification Step
Catalysis Today
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Biodiesel from waste frying oil. Two step process using acidified SiO2 for
esterification step
Grisel Corro a,∗ , Nallely Tellez a , Teresita Jimenez a , Armando Tapia a , Fortino Banuelos a ,
Odilón Vazquez-Cuchillo b
Instituto de Ciencias, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, 4 sur 104, Puebla, Puebla 72000, Mexico
Departmento de Ecomateriales y Energía, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Nuevo León 66451, Mexico
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Biodiesel was produced from waste frying oil (WFO) by the two step catalyzed process. The free fatty
Available online 6 October 2010 acids (FFA) were first esterified with methanol catalyzed by SiO2 pretreated with HF. The catalyst was
characterized by its acid surface sites, FTIR, SEM, and, its CO2 and H2 O adsorption reactivity. This catalyst
Keywords: was easy to recover, was not hydrated or carbonated, was not dissolved by the reactants or the products
Biodiesel of the reaction, showed a high activity for the FFA esterification and presented high stability. After 10
Waste frying oil
esterification runs, the catalyst activity remained unchanged. During the second step, the triglycerides in
Heterogeneous acid catalyst
WFO were transesterified with methanol catalyzed by NaOH. The biodiesel obtained was characterized
by its physical properties and its chemical composition. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
analysis revealed that the process proposed in this investigation led to a biodiesel containing 96% methyl
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction half the price of virgin oil [5–7]. In addition, using WFO could also
help to solve the problem of waste oil disposal [8].
Biodiesel, as an alternative fuel, is derived from a renewable, The most common way to produce biodiesel is by transesterifi-
domestic resource, thereby relieving reliance on petroleum fuel cation which refers to a catalyzed chemical reaction involving veg-
imports. It is biodegradable and non-toxic. Compared to petroleum- etable oil and an alcohol to yield fatty acid alkyl esters (biodiesel)
based diesel, biodiesel has more favorable combustion emission and glycerol (Fig. 1, reaction 2). Triglycerides, as the main compo-
profile, such as low emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), particulate nent of vegetable oil, consist of three long chain fatty acids esterified
matter and unburned hydrocarbons. Carbon dioxide produced by to a glycerol structure. When triglycerides react with an alcohol
combustion of biodiesel can be recycled by photosynthesis, thereby (e.g., methanol), the three fatty acid chains are released from the
minimizing the impact of biodiesel combustion on the greenhouse glycerol skeleton and combine with the methanol to yield fatty acid
effect [1,2]. Biodiesel is less volatile and safer to transport than methyl esters (FAME). Glycerol is produced as a by-product.
petroleum diesel [3]. These characteristics of biodiesel make it a For biodiesel production, chemically catalyzed processes,
good alternative to petroleum based fuel and have led to its use in including alkali catalyzed and acid catalyzed ones have proved to
many countries. be more practical than the enzyme catalyzed process. An alkali
Biodiesel production costs are rather high compared to catalyzed process can achieve high purity and yield of biodiesel
petroleum-based diesel fuel [4]. There are two main factors that product in a short time (30–60 min) [9–11]. However, it is very
affect the cost of biodiesel: the cost of raw materials and the cost sensitive to the purity of the reactants. Well refined vegetable oils
of processing. Processing cost could be reduced through simplified with low amounts of free fatty acid (FFA) can be used as the reac-
operations and eliminating waste streams. tant in this process [12]. When waste frying oil (WFO) with more
Exploring ways to reduce the high cost of biodiesel is of much than 10 wt% FFA is used, an acid catalyzed process is preferred, but
interest in recent biodiesel research. The use of waste frying oil it requires more excess of methanol, high pressure (170–180 kPa)
(WFO) instead of virgin oil to produce biodiesel is an effective way and high cost stainless steel equipment. Moreover, the yield of the
to reduce the raw material cost because it is estimated to be about product is low when sulfuric acid is used as the catalyst [12–14].
A combined process with acid catalyzed pretreatment was
developed to synthesize biodiesel from WFO. The first step is to
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 222 22955 00 7294; fax: +52 222 22955 00 7294. esterify the FFA with methanol by acid catalysis. When the FFA con-
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Corro). tent is lower than 0.5 wt%, the acid is drained, and the solid alkali
0920-5861/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Corro et al. / Catalysis Today 166 (2011) 116–122 117
Fig. 1. Biodiesel (fatty acid methyl esters) production by: FFA esterification catalyzed by SiO2 (HF) (reaction 1); triglycerides (TG) transesterification catalyzed by NaOH
(reaction 2).
is introduced into the system to complete the transesterification were removed by filtration before the esterification reaction. The
[12,15]. However, the drawbacks of this combined process include: analysis of the FFA chemical composition of this oil was performed
effluent of acid, no recovery of the catalyst and high cost of reac- with a gas chromatograph–mass spectrometer HP 6890, provided
tion equipment [16]. To overcome this problem, a novel method has with a 5973 Network Agilent Technology detector. The employed
been developed by Wang et al. [17] for the production of biodiesel standard method in the analysis of the FFA was the NMX-F-017-
from WFO of high acid value (75 mg KOH/g), by a two step catal- SCFI-205.
ysis process. At first step, a solid acid catalyst (ferric sulfate) was
introduced to catalyze the esterification reaction in which the FFA 2.2. Catalysts
in the WFO reacted with methanol. At the second step, potassium
hydroxide was added to catalyze the transesterification reaction 2.2.1. Catalysts preparation
in which the triglyceride (TG) reacted with methanol. This process The SiO2 –F6 (Baker 99.9%) was impregnated with the appropri-
showed advantages of no acid wastewater. Moreover, the catalyst ate amount of HF solution to obtain a 10 wt% HF in the SiO2 . The
was recovered and reused for several runs. However, during high suspension was stirred at room temperature for 1 h. After drying,
temperature esterification of FFA, water is generated as a product at 120 ◦ C overnight, the catalyst, called SiO2 (HF), was calcined in
of the reaction. This water may dissolve a part of the ferric sulfate air at 500 ◦ C for 12 h. A reference SiO2 sample was prepared in the
leading to a loss of the catalyst and to the presence of sulfates in the same way using only water. High temperature calcination process
biodiesel. During this biodiesel combustion in the engine, sulfates was performed on the catalysts, in order to reduce its porosity, thus
may generate the polluting SO2 in the exhaust gas. to lower the probability of water adsorption in its surface.
Now, in previous studies, we found that pretreatment of SiO2
with different strong acids (H2 SO4 , HCl, HNO3 , and HF), resulted in 2.2.2. Catalyst characterization
a strong generation of acid surface sites. SiO2 pretreated with HF Surface areas and pore volumes of the SiO2 and the SiO2 HF were
presented the highest number of acid surface sites in the catalysts determined on an ASAP 2010 analyser using UHP N2 adsorption at
studied. Thereafter, in this investigation, we wanted to study the −196 ◦ C. Prior to surface area analysis, the catalyst samples were
activity of SiO2 pretreated with HF for the esterification of FFA in the degassed at 150 ◦ C and 10−3 mmHg for 5 h. Textural data are given
WFO obtained from restaurants which without suitable treatment in Table 2.
available, would be discharged and cause environmental pollution. The catalysts microstructure analysis was performed on a scan-
The process proposed for the production of biodiesel is schematized ning electron microscopy SEM, JEOL 6490L using a carbon-coated
in Fig. 1. copper micro grid covered with a gold film. FTIR spectra were
recorded from 800 to 3500 cm−1 on a Bruker Vertex 70 spectrom-
2. Materials and methods eter. Spectra were recorded with a resolution of 5 cm−1 and 100
2.1. Waste frying oil In order to measure the CO2 and H2 O adsorbed from the atmo-
sphere over the catalysts, a sample (200 mg) was placed in a
The waste frying oil (WFO) was a mixture of different vegetable continuous flow tubular quartz reactor placed in a programmable
oils, provided by a local restaurant. Particles remaining in the WFO furnace. Measurements over the catalysts were performed using
118 G. Corro et al. / Catalysis Today 166 (2011) 116–122
Table 1
FFA content in WFO.
The determination of the free, bound, and total glycerin, and
mono, di, and triglycerides, was made according to the ASTM D
6584 test method, using the EZStart Chromatography Software pro-
vided by Shimadzu. SiO2(HF)
Table 2
Catalyst characterization data.
Property Catalyst
FFa conversion / %
0 2 4 6 8
Reaction time / h
Fig. 5. SEM micrograph of SiO2 HF sample (20,000×). Fig. 7. FFA conversion evolution catalyzed by SiO2 (HF) as a function of reaction time.
Reaction conditions: methanol/WFO ratio = 1/30; catalyst/WFO mass ratio = 4%;
temperature = 70 ◦ C.
tially in the presence of SiO2 (HF). However, the use of SiO2 for the
esterification reaction resulted in very low FFA conversion. There-
fore, only SiO2 (HF) was studied for FFA esterification and therefore,
only the products obtained after this process were investigated for
the transesterification of triglycerides with NaOH (Fig. 1, reaction
20 In Fig. 9 it can be seen the FFA esterification evolution over
SiO2 (HF) as a function of the number of runs at the optimal deter-
mined reaction conditions. This figure shows that after 10 runs, the
0 activity of the catalyst for the FFA esterification remained rather
30 40 50 60 70 80 unaffected.
Temperature / ºC
Fig. 6. Effect of temperature on FFA esterification catalyzed by SiO2 (HF). Reaction 3.3.2. Second step: alkali catalyzed transesterification of WFO
conditions: methanol/WFO ratio = 1/30; catalyst/WFO mass ratio = 4%; time = 4 h. The biodiesel obtained from the NaOH catalyzed transesterifi-
cation of WFO with methanol after the FFA esterification catalyzed
by SiO2 (HF) with methanol was characterized by its physical and
after 4 h of reaction in the specified conditions, FFA esterification chemical properties. The results are shown in Table 4.
remained rather constant. Fig. 6 shows the evolution of the FFA
esterification yield as a function of the catalyst/WFO mass ratio.
This figure revealed that the optimal catalyst/WFO mass ratio for 100
the reaction is 4%.
The results presented in Figs. 6–8 led us determine the optimal
conditions for the FFA esterification catalyzed by SiO2 (HF). Thus, 80
the reaction was performed in the presence of 4 g SiO2 (HF) in 100 g
WFO, at 70 ◦ C for 4 h.
FFA conversion / %
Table 3
Effect of the catalysts on the WFO acid value after the FFA esterification. Initial WFO
acid value: 15.8 mg KOH/g.
Catalyst Run number Final acid value FFA conversion (%)
0 2 4 6 8
(mg KOH/g WFO)
Catalyst / WFO / %
Without catalyst 1 15.8 0
SiO2 1 15.0 10
Fig. 8. Effect of catalyst/WFO mass ratio on the FFA esterification catalyzed by
SiO2 (HF) 1 2.3 86
SiO2 (HF). Reaction conditions: methanol/WFO ratio = 1/30; reaction time = 4 h; tem-
SiO2 (HF) 10 2.4 85
perature = 70 ◦ C.
G. Corro et al. / Catalysis Today 166 (2011) 116–122 121
100 uV(x100,000)
4.0 Chromatogram
FFA Conversion / %
20 0.0
2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 min
0 Fig. 10. Chromatogram of biodiesel obtained using SiO2 (HF) catalyst for esterifica-
0 2 4 6 8 10 tion reaction and NaOH homogeneous catalyst for transesterification reaction.
Run number
4. Discussion
Fig. 9. FFA %conversion evolution as a function of the run number over SiO2 (HF)
The pretreatment of SiO2 with HF resulted in a strong increase
of the surface acid sites, as shown in Table 2. Results in Table 3
Table 4 show that the use of SiO2 (HF) for esterification resulted in a strong
Biodiesel composition determined by gas chromatography (according to the EN
decrease of the content of FFA present in the WFO (86% FFA con-
14,103 test method) .
version) related to the use of untreated SiO2 (10% FFA conversion).
Compound Content (%) These results suggest that the Lewis acid sites of SiO2 (HF) gen-
Methyl butyrate 0.04 erated during SiO2 pretrated with HF are responsible of the high
Methyl hexanoate 0.11 catalytic activity for FFA esterification. The decreased SiO2 surface
Methyl octanoate 0.08 area should have resulted in a decrease in the SiO2 activity for the
Methyl tridecanoate 0.08
esterification reaction. However, this is not the case. These results
Methyl pentadecanoate 0.02
Methyl palmitate 0.45 can be explained assuming that the strong increase in acid sites gen-
Methyl palmitoleate 8.02 erated during the high temperature treatment of SiO2 impregnated
Methyl heptadecanoate 0.08 with HF, may largely compensate the loss in surface area.
Methyl elaidate 87.14
Now, Liu et al. [21] found that Nafion supported on silica has
Methyl oleate 3.44
Methyl linolaidate 0.08
comparable turnover frequencies (TOF) to H2 SO4 and a similar
Other compounds 0.46 reaction mechanism in esterification of the liquid acetic acid with
Total 100 methanol. The reaction occurs via a single site Eley–Rideal mecha-
nism involving a nucleophilic attack between adsorbed carboxylic
acid and unadsorbed alcohol as rate-determining step. The forma-
The FAME in the biodiesel obtained was analyzed using gas chro- tion of a more electrophilic species also occurs with homogeneous
matography. The chromatogram obtained from the analysis of the and heterogeneous Lewis acid catalysts as the first step in the
biodiesel is represented in Fig. 10. The quantitative and qualitative reaction mechanism [22]. In base of these results, we suggest the
analysis of the compounds contained in the biodiesel are listed in mechanism schematized in Fig. 11 for the FFA esterification with
Table 4. The contents of monoglyceride, diglyceride, triglyceride, methanol catalyzed by SiO2 (HF).
free, bound and total glycerin determined according to the ASTM
D 6584 test method, are reported in Table 5. In this table it can be (1) The mechanism follows 5 reaction steps:
observed that the biodiesel obtained presented very low values of (2) FFA adsorption on the acid site of SiO2 (HF).
these molecules. (3) Formation of the Lewis’ complex.
Table 5
Physical and chemical properties of FAME obtained from WFO, using SiO2 (HF) as catalyst for esterification of FFA and NaOH as catalyst for transesterification of triglycerides
with methanol.
Min Max
Fig. 11. Proposed mechanism for the FFA esterification catalyzed by SiO2 (HF).
(4) Formation of the methanol nucleophilic bonding. can be used for a high number of esterification cycles without being
(5) Formation of the new methylester and H2 O. activated by hydration and carbonation. The second step transes-
(6) Desorption of this methylester from the Lewis site and the cycle terification reaction of triglycerides present in the WFO catalyzed
is repeated. by NaOH produced a biodiesel with a high content of methyl esters.
After 10 consecutive runs, the SiO2 (HF) catalyst showed the Acknowledgements
same activity for FFA esterification as shown in Fig. 9. Thus, the
amount of catalyst during this reaction may remain unaffected. The The authors acknowledge support from FOMIX-CONACYT-
catalyst may not be dissolved in the H2 O produced during esteri- Gobierno del Estado de Puebla (Projectos 76981 y 130389), from
fication (Fig. 1, reaction 1) as it has been reported previously for PROMEP (Proyecto de Redes Tematicas de Colaboracion: Constuc-
other catalysts such as CaO [23]. This assumption is supported by cion de un Laboratorio Solar, 2009-2011), and, from Vicerrectoria
the results obtained from the temperature programmed desorption de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados, BUAP (Proyecto 31 NAT/10).
experiments over SiO2 (HF). After 10 days of SiO2 (HF) exposure to
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