This document provides a bibliography of sources related to rhythm and meter in tonal music. It lists over 70 references including journal articles, book chapters, books, and theses/dissertations that cover a wide range of topics within this subject area such as metric perception, accent structures, hierarchical theories of rhythm, pulse and meter, rubato, and more. The references are listed alphabetically by author.
This document provides a bibliography of sources related to rhythm and meter in tonal music. It lists over 70 references including journal articles, book chapters, books, and theses/dissertations that cover a wide range of topics within this subject area such as metric perception, accent structures, hierarchical theories of rhythm, pulse and meter, rubato, and more. The references are listed alphabetically by author.
This document provides a bibliography of sources related to rhythm and meter in tonal music. It lists over 70 references including journal articles, book chapters, books, and theses/dissertations that cover a wide range of topics within this subject area such as metric perception, accent structures, hierarchical theories of rhythm, pulse and meter, rubato, and more. The references are listed alphabetically by author.
This document provides a bibliography of sources related to rhythm and meter in tonal music. It lists over 70 references including journal articles, book chapters, books, and theses/dissertations that cover a wide range of topics within this subject area such as metric perception, accent structures, hierarchical theories of rhythm, pulse and meter, rubato, and more. The references are listed alphabetically by author.
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Rhythm and Meter in Tonal Music: A Bibliography
and Glossary of Terms specific to the
Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY l
Benjamin, William E. (1984). A Theory of Musical Meter. Music Perception
11.4, 355-413. Bernstein, Leonard (1976). "The Unanswered Question: Six Talks at Harvard". Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Berry, Wallace (1971). Review of Edward T. Cone's Musical Form and Musical Performance. Perspectives of New Music 9.2-10.1, 271-290. Berry, Wallace (1976). "Structural Functions in Music". Prentice-Hall, New Jersey. Berry, Wallace (1985). Metric and Rhythmic Articulation in Music. Music Theory Spectrum 7, 7-33. Berz, William (1995). Working Memory in Music: A Theoretical Model. Music Perception 12, 353-64. Boyle, John David (1987). An Exploratory Investigation of Meter Perception. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 91, 10- 14. Brown, A. Peter (1987). Performance Tradition, Steady and Proportional Tempos, and the First Movements of Schubert's Symphonies. Journal of Musicology 5/2, 296-307. Burkhart, Charles (1994). Mid-Bar Downbeat in Bach's Keyboard Music. Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy 8, 3-26. Butler, Mark J. (Dec 2001). Turning the Beat Around: Reinterpretation, Metrical Dissonance, and Asymmetry in Electronic Dance Music . Music Theory Online 7.6, . Clarke, Eric F. (1987a). Categorical Rhythm Perception: An Ecological Perspective. In "Action and Perception in Rhythm and Music" (Alf Gabrielsson, ed.), pp. 19-33. Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Stockholm. Clarke, Eric F. (1987b). Levels of Structure in the Organization of Musical Time. Contemporary Music Review 2(1), 211-38. Clarke, Eric F. and Carol L. Krumhansl (1990). Perceiving Musical Time. Music Perception 7, 213-252. Cone, Edward T. (1968). "Musical Form and Musical Performance". W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York, NY. Cone, Edward T. (1985). Musical Form and Musical Performance Reconsidered. Music Theory Spectrum 7, 149-158. Cooper, Grosvenor W. and Leonard B. Meyer (1960). "The Rhythmic Structure of Music". University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. Dawe, Lloyd A., Platt, John R., and Racine, Ronald J. (1994). Inference of Metrical Structure from Perception of Iterative Pulses Within Time Spans Defined by Chord Changes. Music Perception 12, 57-76. Deliege, Irene (1987). Grouping Conditions in Listening to Music: An Approach to Lerdahl and Jackendoff's Grouping Preference Rules. Music Perception 4, 325-360. Desain, Peter (1992). A (De)Composable Theory of Rhythm Perception. Music Perception 9, 439-54. Drake, Carolyn, Dowling, W. Jay, and Palmer, Caroline (1991). Accent Structures in the Reproduction of Simple Tunes by Children and Adult Pianists. Music Perception 8, 315-34. Drake, Carolyn, and Palmer, Caroline (1993). Accent Structures in Music Performance. Music Perception 10, 343-78. Epstein, David (1979). "Beyond Orpheus: Studies in Musical Structure". MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Grave, Floyd K. (1985). Metrical Displacement and the Compound Measure in Eighteenth-Century Theory and Practice. Theoria 1, 25-60. Graybill, Roger (1990). Towards a Pedagogy of Gestural Rhythm. Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy 4/1, 1-50. Green, Michael D. (1994). Mathis Lussy's Traite de l'expression musicale as a Window into Performance Practice. Music Theory Spectrum 16, 196-216. Hasty, Christopher (1997). "Meter as Rhythm". Oxford University Press, . Headlam, David (1985). A Rhythmic Study of the Exposition of the Second Movement of Beethoven's Quartet Op. 59, No. 1. Music Theory Spectrum 7, 114-38. Roy Howat (1983). "Debussy in Proportion". Cambridge University Press, New York. Hoyt, Reed (1988). Rhythmic Process in the Scherzo of Beethoven's Sonata Op. 110: Analysis as a Basis for Interpretation and Criticism. Indiana Theory Review 9(2), 99-134. Imbrie, Andrew (1973). "Extra" Measures and Metrical Ambiguity in Beethoven. In "Beethoven Studies" (Alan Tyson, ed.), pp. 45-66. Norton, New York. Jackson, Timothy L. (1992). Gabriel Fauré's Expansions of Nonduple Hypermeter in La fleur qui va sur l'eau, Op. 85, No. 2. In Theory Only 12(3- 4), 1-27. Johnson-Laird, Philip N. (1991). Rhythm and Meter: A Theory at the Computational Level. Psychomusicology 10, 88-106. Komar, Arthur J. (1971). "Theory of Suspensions: A Study of Metrical and Pitch Relations". University of Princeton Press, Princeton, NJ. Kramer, Jonathan D. (1985). Studies of Time and Music: A Bibliography.. Music Theory Spectrum 7, 72-106. Kramer, Jonathan D. (1988). "The Time of Music". Schirmer Books, New York. Krebs, Harald (1987). Some Extensions of the Concepts of Metrical Consonance and Dissonance. Journal of Music Theory 31, 99-120. Lerdahl, Fred, and Jackendoff, Ray (1983). "A Generative Theory of Tonal Music". MIT Press, Cambridge. Lester, Joel (1986). "The Rhythms of Tonal Music". Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville, IL. Lester, Joel (1986). Notated and Heard Meter. Perspectives of New Music 24(2), 116-28. Miller, Benjamin O. (1993). Time Perception in Musical Meter Perception. Psychomusicology 12, 124-53. Narmour, Eugene (1983). Some Major theoretical Problems Concerning the Concept of Hierarchy in the Analysis of Tonal Music. Music Perception 1(3), 129-199. Palmer, Caroline (1989). Mapping Musical Thought to Musical Performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology 15, 331-346. Parncutt, Richard (1987). The Perception of Pulse in Musical Rhythm. In "Action and Perception in Rhythm and Music" (Alf Gabrielsson, ed.), pp. 127-38. Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Stockholm. Parncutt, Richard (1994). A Perceptual Model of Pulse Salience and Metrical Accent in Musical Rhythms. Music Perception 11, 409-464. Pogorilowski, Andrei (1994). "Energies of Musical Time:Studies of Essential Pulsatory Functionalism". Ararat Publishing House, Bucharest. Povel, Dirk-Jan, and Essens, Peter (1985). Perception of Temporal Patterns. Music Perception 2, 411-40. Roberts, Simon C (1996). Interpreting Rhythmic Structures Using Artificial Nerual Networks. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Wales. Rosenthal, David (1989). A Model of the Process of Listening to Simple Rhythms. Music Perception 6, 315-28. Rothstein, William (1989). "Phrase Rhythm in Tonal Music". Schirmer Books, New York. Russell, Todd B. (July, 1993). Rhythm in Music: A Comparative Analysis of the Two Versions of Opus 18, No. 1 String Quartet (I, IV) by Beethoven. , University of Kentucky. Schachter, Carl (1976). Rhythm and Linear Analysis: A Preliminary Study. Music Forum 4, 281-334. Schachter, Carl (1980). Rhythm and Linear Analysis: Durational Reduction. Music Forum 5, 197-232. Schachter, Carl (1987). Aspects of Meter. Music Forum VI, 1-59. Serafine, Mary Louise, Glassman, Noah, and Overbeeke, Cornell (1989). The Cognitive Reality of Hierarchic Structure in Music. Music Perception 6, 397-430. Smyth, David (1990). Large-Scale Rhythm and Classical Form . Music Theory Spectrum 12.2, 236-246. Spillman, Robert and Stein, Deborah (1996). Chapter eight: Rhythm and Meter. In "Poetry Into Song: Performance and Analysis of Lieder" (, ed.), pp. 167-190. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford. Swain, Joseph P. (1986). The Need for Limits in Hierarchical Theories of Music. Music Perception 4, 121-48. Todd, Neil (1985). A Model of Expressive Timing in Tonal Music. Music Perception 3/1, 33-58. Upitis, Rena (1987). Children's Understanding of Rhythm: The Relationship Between Development and Music Training. Psychomusicology 7, 41-60. Westergaard, Peter (1975). Notes, Beats and Measures. In "An Introduction to Tonal Theory," pp. 225-308 (Ch. 7). W. W. Norton Company, New York. Yeston, Maury (1975). Rubato and the Middleground. Journal of Music Theory 19, 286-301. Yeston, Maury. (1976). "The Stratification of Musical Rhythm.". Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. Zuckerkandl, Victor (1956). "Sound and Symbol: Music and the External World". Trans. Willard R. Trask. Pantheon Books, New York.