How To Implement SMB Network 07.2018

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How to Implement a VoIP Network:

Assessing Needs and Ideal Deployments

How to Get Started

Implementing a unified communication solution from scratch can

be a challenge, specifically in SMBs where different components
and environments can require multiple custom solutions.
With a little guidance, you can deploy the right solution in no
time. We’ve developed a few key factors that can significantly
help users narrow down a solution that works for their specific
deployment and needs.

© 2018 Grandstream Networks. All rights reserved.

Assessing your Business Needs
One of the first steps in setting up a UC solution is figuring out
what your business lacks and creating a checklist of needs. A
typical checklist consists of the following questions:

What’s my budget? What communication technologies do I need to

Believe it or not, some businesses have no idea what support?
they want to spend on a VoIP network. This is an One of the best aspects of SIP platforms is that in
important factor to figure out early on the decision- addition to voice, they can also support video, data
making process because it can help integrators deploy and mobility features. This will allow businesses
a realistic solution that aligns with your budget. to build VoIP networks that also support video
conferencing, video security, facility access, CRM
integration, and more.
Will I need to upgrade current endpoints to VoIP
or should I create a mixed deployment with PSTN
and VoIP? How many people need to access my network
This is important to narrow down early on as it will and where are they located?
dictate the way the network is built, the devices This will help narrow down the total amount of users
used to run the network, and ideal service provider in your network, endpoints needed as well as overall
options. cost. It will also help you determine where your
network (the main IP PBX) should be located and if
you need one or multiple IP PBXs.

© 2018 Grandstream Networks. All rights reserved.

Feature Checklist Mobility Features

Bluetooth to pair headphones, contacts, call transfer-

Once you’ve figured out the core needs of your deployment, ring, etc.
you can concentrate on customizing a solution based on
features. This will give you a clear idea of what endpoints Mobile integration apps like our Grandstream Wave
or applications are the most important for your network. app to integrate SIP accounts directly to users’ smart-
Below is a list of features to guide you towards a custom phones
solution. Cordless endpoints like our WP series and DECT
phones to enable free roaming and cordless calling
Features like fax/voicemail-to-email forwarding, fax-
Telephony Features ing from the desktop, remote calling, remote access
to data tools (CDR, call recordings, etc.) and more
Audio only endpoints like our GXP series or DP series
Audio and video like our GXV IP video phones
Audio conferencing like our GAC2500 (also available
in all of our GXP phones)
Audio and video conferencing (available in our GXV
phones) Integration Features
Video conferencing, like our GVC series
Endpoints that offer computer telephony integration
(CTI) like our Grandstream Affinity which enables
click-to-dial and call management functions directly
CRM integration to streamline and optimize data.
Our IP PBX integrates with popular third-party CRMs
like Salesforce and SugarCRM to enhance
communication practices.

© 2018 Grandstream Networks. All rights reserved.

Deployment Examples

Most Popular Deployment: WiFi Deployment: WiFi Phones and Networking

IP PBX and Endpoints Solutions

This scenario consists of setting up a central IP PBX that Increasing migration from traditional to smart offices has
unifies and manages all endpoints under one network. created a demand for WiFi enabled endpoints. Grandstream
Whether it be all voice IP phones, IP video phones, or even can help you create a smart office with endpoints that
DECT solutions. Our UCM series of IP PBX can manage and support WiFi like the GXP1760W or WP820, adding mobility
streamline all business communications to enhance the way to any environment. For offices that require networking
you work.
devices, we offer a variety of APs as well as a router with
VPN options.

© 2018 Grandstream Networks. All rights reserved.

Deployment Examples Featured-Packed Deployment:
IP PBX, Endpoints and Integration Apps
Cost-Effective Deployment: Analog to VoIP
Certain environments require features that can keep up
with its demanding work culture. For these deployments,
You don’t have to spend much to reap the benefits of VoIP—
we recommend adding extra features to existing or new
the best cost-effective option to deploy a VoIP network is
Grandstream endpoints. Our products can work with one
implementing ATA’s to convert analog endpoints to VoIP. To
another as well as integrate with other applications to
get started, get an ATA like any of our HT series adapters, a
enhance your communication experience. For example,
modem to connect the ATA to the Internet, a few ethernet
adding our custom CTI application, Grandstream Affinity
cables to connect the ATA to your analog phones and you
to GXP phones, incorporating third-party applications
are done. As an option, you can add an IP PBX to unify all
through our UCM like CRM and PMS and even mobilizing
endpoints connected to your ATA and start streamlining all
your workforce by integrating your SIP accounts directly to
your communication under one hub.
employees’ smartphone through our mobile app, GS Wave.

© 2018 Grandstream Networks. All rights reserved.

© 2018 Grandstream Networks. All rights reserved.

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