Chemistry Syllabus Grades 7 and 8
Chemistry Syllabus Grades 7 and 8
Chemistry Syllabus Grades 7 and 8
Grades 7 and 8
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Chemistry syllabus: Grade 7 and 8
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................
Grade 7
General Objectives of Grade 7 Chemistry ...............................................................
Unit 1: Chemistry and its Importance ......................................................................
Unit 2: Substance ....................................................................................................
Unit 3: The Language of Chemistry .......................................................................
Unit 4: The Structure of Substances ......................................................................
Unit 5: Periodic Classification of the Elements ......................................................
Grade 8
General Objectives of Grade 8 Chemistry ...............................................................
Unit 1: Classification of Compounds.......................................................................
Unit 2: Some Important Metals ...............................................................................
Unit 3: Some Important Nonmetals ........................................................................
Unit 4: Environmental Chemistry ...........................................................................
Unit 5: Calculations Based on Formulas ................................................................
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Chemistry syllabus: Grade 7 and 8
The teaching of chemistry must go beyond the factual content of the education at grade 8 familar with hydrocarbons which they encounter in
syllabus. While it is important that a student acquires factual knowledge, their daily lives and demands forwarded in the needs assessment.
there are also other skills beyond recall and understanding. These are The new curriculum framework of Ethiopian schools allocated two periods
application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Since chemistry is an a week for grades 7 and 8 chemistry courses. Since there are 40 weeks in
experimental science, practical, experimental and investigative skills should the academic calender; the 70 periods allotted for each of the grade levels
also be implemented. In order to deliver these skills, students must be are expected to be completed in 35 weeks.
encouraged to take a more active role in their own education, which is a The format of the syllabus is different from the traditionally used format.
student centered lesson. There are only three columns of competency, content and suggested
The grades 7 and 8 curriculum materials were revised based on the new activities respectively in the syllabus below which comes the assessment
curriculum frame work of Ethiopian Schools and the findings of needs row.
assessment made in 2007. This revision of the syllabus then took the main In the assessment the minimum learning competencies for students working
comments of the needs assessment and some current economic and social at the minimum requirement level are listed to evaluate their performances.
issues of our country into consideration. The major focuses of the It also suggests assistance to be made for students working below and above
curriculum revision include: the required levels. Assessment is done through continuous process;
• making the content load appropriate to the period alloted.; however, specific assessment techniques are selected in order to collect
• making the content difficulties appropriate to the grade level; information about how well students are achieving the competencies. The
• giving more emphasis to active learning approach; assessment techniques used at any particular time depends on what facility
• integrating agriculture and technology; with the knowledge, skill, or process the teacher wants the student to
• reducing unnecessary repetition of contents; demonstrate. The appropriateness of the techniques therefore results on the
• improving logical order of the content organization; content, the instructional strategies used, the level of development of the
• organizing contents around competencies for learning and continuous students and what is to be assessed. The environment and culture of the
assessment. students must also be considered.
This curriculum revision also considered international standards which Various assessment techniques are listed below. The techniques listed are
required assessing curriculum materials of different countries from Africa, meant to serve only fore reference, since the teacher exercises professional
Asia, Europe and America. International consultants had also contributed in judgment in determining which technique suit the particular purpose of
sharing experience on development of curriculum material starting from the assessment.
flowchart up to the syllabus.
The courses of both grade 7 and 8 are designed in five units as the previous
one. However, as mentioned above there are shifting of units from one
grade to the other, merging of topics and introducing new concept to the
grades. Some of the exmaples for these are the introduction of organic
chemistry in grade 8 under the unit Classification of Compounds and
inclusion of applicaiton in agriculture and industry. The rational behind the
introduction of organic chemistry is to make students those quit their
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Chemistry syllabus: Grade 7 and 8
Instructional Strategies Some Important Active Learning Some corresponding Assessment Techniques
Methods for Science
• Demonstrations • Group/Individual (Peer/Self): Performance
Direct Assessments
• Short-Answer Quizzes and Tests
• Concept • Individual/Group: Presentations
Indirect Mapping/formation/Attainment • Oral Assessments
• Inquiry • Performance Assessments
• Problem Solving • Written Assignments
• Conducting Experiments • Group/Individual: performance Assessments;
Experiential • Field Observations and Trips Written Assignments;
• Model Building • Peer/Self: Oral Assessments
• Simulations • Technical Skills
• Reports • Performance Assessments
Independent Study • Homework • Portfolios
• Research Projects • Presentations
• Quizzes
• Written Assignments
• Brainstorming • Group/Peer: Oral Assessments
Interactive • Co-operative Learning Groups • Written Assignments
• Discussion
• Laboratory Groups
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Chemistry syllabus: Grade 7 and 8
To implement the revised curriculum there are a number of curriculum III. Curriculum Expert from Region
materials prepared besides the syllabus. These materials are: flowchart, • Solomon Asegidew (Addis ababa)
minimum learning competencies, student text books, teacher's guide, IV. Teachers from the Regions
practical activities manual and student work book. • Ayenalem Aboye (Dire Dawa)
This syllabus of grade 7 and 8 was revised and reviewed by 14 national and • Guta Degefa (Addis Ababa)
international education experts: • Endris Mekonnen (Afar)
I. International consultant on science education • Mekonnen Legesse (Addis ababa)
• Derek McMonagle • Mengesha Tsegaye (Oromia)
II. Curriculum Experts from Ministry of Education • Tesfaye Shimelis (Harar)
• Alemayehu W/Kirkos • Wasihun Bitew (Somali)
• Nega Gichile • Zenebe Hailu (SNNPR)
• Tesfaye Jinore
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Chemistry syllabus: Grade 7 and 8
Allotment of Periods
for Units and Sub-units of Chemistry
Grades 7 and 8
Number of Periods
Grade Unit Sub-unit Sub-unit Total
1.1 Definition and essence of chemistry 1 4
Unit 1: Chemistry and its importance 1.2 Relationship between chemistry and other natural 1
7 1.3 Role played by chemistry in production and society 1
1.4 Some common chemical industries in Ethiopia 1
2.1 Properties of substances 3 21
Unit 2: Substance 2.2 Groupings of substances 8
2.3. Changes around us 4
2.4. Separation of mixtures and its application 6
3.1. Symbols of elements 2 19
Unit 3: The language of chemistry 3.2. Chemical formulas 8
3.3. Qualitative and quantitative significance of 2
symbols and formulas
3.4. Simple chemical reactions and equations 7
4.1. Historical development of the atomic nature of 1 15
Unit 4: The structure of substances substances
4.2 Atomic theory 2
4.3. The structure of the atom 10
4.4. Molecules 2
5.1 Historical development of periodic classification of 1 11
Unit 5: Periodic classification of elements elements
5.2. Mendeleev’s periodic classification 2
5.3. Modern Periodic Table 7
5.4. Importance of Modern Periodic Table 1
1.1. Introduction 1 17
8 Unit 1: Classification of compounds 1.2. Organic compounds 4
1.3. Inorganic compounds 12
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Chemistry syllabus: Grade 7 and 8
Number of Periods
Grade Unit Sub-unit Sub-unit Total
2.1 General properties of metals 1 12
Unit 2: Some important metals
2.2 Sodium and potassium 2
2.3. Magnesium and calcium 2
2.4 Aluminium 1
2.5 Iron 1
2.6 Copper and silver 1
2.7 Gold, platinum and tantalum 2
2.8 Alloys 2
3.1. General properties of non-metals 1 10
Unit 3: Some important non-metals
3.2. Carbon 2
3.3. Nitrogen 2
3.4. Phosphorus 1
3.5. Oxygen 1
3.6. Sulphur 1
3.7 Uses of some common compounds of non-metals 2
4.1. Air 5 20
Unit 4: Environmental chemistry
4.2 Water 6
4.3 Soil 6
4.4. Fuels 3
5.1Introduction 1 11
Unit 5: Calculations based on formulas
5.2. Atomic mass, molecular mass and formula mass 2
5.3 The mole concept 3
5.4 Percentage composition of compounds 2
5.5 Determination of formulas 3
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