Geotechnical Design of Underground Infrastructure Works For The Mine Chuquicamata in Chile
Geotechnical Design of Underground Infrastructure Works For The Mine Chuquicamata in Chile
Geotechnical Design of Underground Infrastructure Works For The Mine Chuquicamata in Chile
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ABSTRACT: The paper presents the design philosophy and criteria applied for the geotechnical design of the
permanent underground infra-structure works of the future Chuquicamata underground mine, located in the
Atacama Desert, Chile. The design was carried out at an advanced basic engineering level, as part of the integral
feasibility study of the mine, which will constitute one of the largest underground mining operations in the world.
The design scope included the permanent traffic access, ore transport and ventilation tunnels with lengths varying
from 4.3km to 7.45km, with steep gradients (-9% to -15%) and low to high overburden conditions (up to 1250m),
in addition to various associated ancillary structures, such as shafts and connection drifts. Excavations will be
carried out in intrusive and meta-plutonic rocks with different degree of alteration with the use of the conventional
excavation method.
1 Introduction
The mining complex Chuquicamata is located in the Atacama Desert, 1.650 km north of Chile’s capital
city, Santiago, and 2.870 m above sea level. It corresponds to one of the main operations of the
National Copper Corporation of Chile (CODELCO), which counts currently with two productive open
pit mines, denominated “Chuquicamata” and “Mina Sur”.
Since the large copper ore reserve that lies below the “Chuquicamata” open pit will no longer be
economically feasible to mine from the end of this decade, the mine is currently planning to change
the operation from an open pit to an underground mining type, where the block caving method with
macro-blocks will be used. The future underground mine will correspond to one of the largest
underground mining operations in the world, with reserves equivalent to more than 60% of the ore
extracted over the last 90 years, and a production rate of about 140 thousand tons per day.
As part of this major CODELCO´s project, several permanent underground works are required for the
permanent mine access and operation. This paper presents the approach used for the geotechnical
design of these works, carried out at an advanced basic engineering level for the construction tender,
as part of the integral mine feasibility study commissioned to Hatch, with Geoconsult as specialist
consultant for tunnelling and geotechnical design. Construction of these infra-structure tunnels have
started in early 2012 and the underground mine operation is expected to initiate in 2018.
• Five (5) fresh air injection tunnels and five (5) air extraction tunnels, all with a length of 4.3 km and
cross section areas of 73-102 m and a steep longitudinal gradient of -15%.
• Associated ancillary structures, such as shafts, cross passages, parking and emergency bays,
niches and others.
Access Tunnel
Open Pit
Conveyor Tunnel
Figure 1. Overall View of Permanent Infrastructure Works: Air Injection, Air Extraction, Traffic Access and
Ore Transport Tunnels
Tunnels’ geometric design results from the best compromise among relevant factors, such as
geotechnical-structural behaviour, constructive and operational aspects, as well as durability and
safety requirements. The access and ore transport tunnels’ alignment are mainly governed by the
need to maintain longitudinal gradients to acceptable limits, resulting in straight lines from the surface
(entrance portals) to the first production level. For the mine traffic access tunnel, due to its hybrid
mine/transportation character, project-specific safety and operational criteria had to be defined. For
the ventilation tunnels, alignment is governed mainly by the mining layout. Injection tunnels consist of
parallel tubes, starting at the surface and ending at the mining level. Due to the great depth,
alignments are subdivided in three sub-horizontal segments interconnected by vertical intermediate
shafts, with about 180 m depth. Extraction tunnels, on the other hand, are connected to the surface by
means of very deep shafts (with about 970m depth), but have also a layout similar to the injection
tunnels, with three intermediate vertical shafts with about 180 m depth, connecting the system to the
different mining levels.
Excavation will be carried out mostly from the surface, with some sections carried out from within the
open pit and the mine interior. The use of the conventional excavation method, with consideration of
high mechanization and automation levels, is envisaged for the tunnelling works. Since the use of
TBM for the tunnel excavation had already been discarded by the client in the previous design stage,
mainly due to the steep tunnel inclination and the rock abrasivity, this construction method was not
further considered in the scope of the basic engineering design.
Geological setting consists of intrusive (granites, diorites, granodiorites, tonalites, quartzifer diorites
and monzonites) and meta-plutonic rocks (amphibolites) of the Chuquicamata complex, as well as
their respective hydrothermal alterations (weakly leached and structurally leached rocks). Along the
alignment, tunnels are expected to encounter mostly fair to good rock quality. Nevertheless, also some
adverse geological conditions are expected, such as in minor faults zones and areas affected by
leaching and weathering with different degrees of alteration. Ground water conditions are mostly
favourable and no major water inflows are expected, even though the presence of sodium sulphate
and other metals in the water, probably derived from adjacent mining chemical processes carried out
at the surface, could negatively affect the tunnel lining durability. The area is characterized by seismic
events of low to medium magnitude; however the region as a whole may be considered as highly
seismic with more than 80 events per day. Another relevant factor for the tunnel design and
construction is the in-situ stress conditions, with stress anisotropy and low to high tunnel overburden,
which will reach up to 1250m below the ground surface.
3 Geotechnical Design
Figure 2. Geotechnical Design Process (left); Design development throughout Project Stages (right)
tunnels´ alignment, the existence of massive gravel and sterile mine dumps hindered the execution of
drillings, so that conditions at these sections had to be inferred by extrapolation of geotechnical data.
Sterile Dumps
Table 1. – Main Sources of Opening Instability – Gomes, A. (2009)
Sources of Instability Failure mechanisms mainly controlled by
(GD) Gravity and discontinuities (e.g. block and wedge failure, etc.)
(SI) Stress-induced (with/without association with discontinuities) due to stress redistribution
or dynamic loads (e.g. buckling, plastic or brittle fractures and creep).
(GW) Effect of groundwater (e.g. flowing ground, water pressure exerting, water inflow, etc.)
(MI) Presence of minerals (e.g. swelling, slaking, etc.), affected by water and environment
(CX) Presence of complex conditions, such as faults, mixed face, stratification, bim-rocks,
frequently changing ground, highly disturbed zones, low overburden, etc. (e.g. unstable
ground, ravelling, cave-in, etc.)
The next table provides the general concept applied for the ESCs regarding excavation and support
measures for the principal tunnels (not applicable to singular sections, such as intersections, enlarged
profiles or the other ancillary structures).
Table 3. Excavation and Support Classes (ESCs) Concept - Principal Tunnels - Typical Sections (43-49m )
It shall be noticed that, only in case of unexpected conditions, such as occurrence of zones with large
water inflow, inner concrete lining installation is foreseen. Therefore, installed support measures are
generally proposed as structures of permanent character.
3.7.1 General
The assessment of the rock mass/system behaviour is carried out with the support of engineering
tools (e.g. empirical, analytical or numerical methods), in the light of savvy engineering judgment.
Since geotechnical analyses are intrinsically affected by uncertainty - both in terms of input data and
inherently limitations of engineering tools – results must be treated probabilistically. This condition
must be properly expressed in the tender documents to allow for flexibility and an adequate risk
management during construction. In all cases, the actual tunnel behaviour must be monitored, verified
and corroborated on site (observational approach).
Phase2D V7.0 of Rocscience, with the consideration of multiple stage analyses, allowing the
simulation of the tridimensional excavation process and the estimation of excavation longitudinal
displacement profiles (Vlachopoulus, 2009). Typically, the ground was modelled as a continuum,
applying the Hoek-Brown failure criteria based on the GSI (Hoek et al 2002). For rock masses with
GSI≤40, the post-failure behaviour was simulated with an elasto-plastic constitutive model, whereas
for GSI in the range 40 to 70, a simplified strain-softening constitutive model (with peak and residual
rock mass parameters as a function of ground strain) was applied, as shown in item “c)” of the
illustration below. The reduced GSI (GSIr) shall roughly cater for the ‘post’ excavation rock mass
degradation and the effects of anisotropic behaviour due to the orientation of weakness planes and
structural features.
εp εr
Figure 5. a) FEM model b) BEM Model and c) Residual Parameters Criteria (GSI=40-70)
For competent rock masses (GSI≥70), failure criteria was mostly based on the analysis of stress
distribution in the rock mass (e.g. degree of concentration and relaxation), supporting the analysis of
tensile/brittle failure modes by means of empirically based methods (see 3.7.2).
Also MAP3D (Mine Modelling Pty Ltd) and FLAC3D (Itasca Inc.) modelling, based on the boundary
element and finite-difference methods, respectively, were applied to assess tunnel sections where 3D
stress conditions (overstress or loss of confinement) were relevant, such as in fault zones, tunnel
crossings and enlargements.
32 36 40 44
5% 90% 5%
34,3136 39,9009
3.9 Conclusions
It is intrinsic that geotechnical information is hardly totally accurate and the most relevant tunnel
design and construction decisions have to be made in an earlier stage of the project, where actual
ground behaviour can only be inferred. Hence, the geotechnical design philosophy herewith outlined
focus on the definition of suitable and flexible excavation methods and permanent support measures,
based on the expected ground and system behaviours and the identification of geotechnical risks,
which may affect tunnel construction. The geotechnical design is aimed at providing a comprehensive
baseline and a traceable framework for both the tender process and the actual construction stage,
where tunnelling documentation and monitoring shall build on the proposed geological model and
enhance the understanding of the effective ground/system behaviour, i.e., requirements of excavation
and support, enabling the actual completion of the geotechnical design process.
3.10 Acknowledgments
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the National Copper Corporation of Chile
(CODELCO), and the companies Hatch and Geoconsult Latinoamerica, for the permission to publish
this article.
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