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II United States An Atlas and Illustrated Guide to

Departme nt of
Agriculture the Threatened and Endangered
Southeastern Forest
Experim~ntstation Vascular Plants of the Mountains
them. Range maps indicate the location of each species and additional sources of
infomation are also given for each species.

June 1983
Southeastern Forest Experiment Station
Asheville, North Carolina
An Atlas and Illustrated Guide to the
Threatened and Endangered Vascular Plants
of the Mountains of North Carolina and Virginia

J . R. Massey, D. K. S . Otte
T. A. Atkinson, and R. D. Whetstone

Illustrations by Susan Sizemore

J. R. Massey , Curator
University of North Carolina Herbarium
Chapel Hill

D. K. S. Otte, Research Associate

University of North Carolina Herbarium
Chapel Hill

T. A. Atkinson, Botanist
Carolina Biological Supply Company
Burlington, North Carolina

R. D. Whetstone, Herbarium Curator and

Associate Professor
Jacksonville State University
Jacksonville, Alabama

Susan Sizemore, Staff Artist

Department of Biology
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill

s his publication was undertaken by the University of North Carolina Herbarium and
the Highlands Biological Station of the University of North Carolina in cooperation
with the U .S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experi-
ment Station, Asheville, North Carolina.

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Background and Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Scientific name with author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Commonname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1
Synonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Other common names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Phenology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Legal status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Habitat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Atlas and Illustrated Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Index to Scientific Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 14
Index to Common Names of Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217


1. Species Described . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Mountain Counties in North Carolina and Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Institutional Herbaria Consulted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Families of Described Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5. Threatened and Endangered Species Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
This illustrated guide and atlas was prepared to assist public and private efforts to protect and to con-
serve endangered and threatened species and their habitats. The 45 species of vascular plants (List 1)
treated here have been proposed or designated as threatened or endangered by Federal andior State
authorities and have been at least reported to occur in the mountain counties (List 2) of North Caro-
lina and/or Virginia. The descriptive and distributional information should assist in the identification of
these species, encourage the reporting of new station< or change in population status or occurrence,
and stimulate the badly needed ob\ervations and <tudies on the biology of these species.


The present treatment represents a much condensed summary of two detailed and thoroughly docu-
mented reports prepared for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service, in 1978 and 1979
under cooperative research agreements between the Service and the Highlands Biological Station. '
These reports were compiled from extensive literature searches and from herbarium specimens deposited
in 19 herbaria (List 3). Only a limited number of field observations were made.
The work on this guide is part of the three-phase endangered plant species program developed
for the Highlands Biological Station by Massey and Whitson. The original plan was to collect and
make available basic background information (Phase I) which would be used to locate and evaluate
populations of these species (Phase 11) so that well-designed scientific studies, management plans,
and population and habitat monitoring procedures (Phase 111) might efficiently be conducted or developed.
This guide is the result of Phase 1 activities and a limited amount of data from Phase 11* for several
Documentation for the information presented here for work completed in 1978-79 is retained in
the University of North Carolina Herbarium files. Reviews of recent literature, status reports, and lists
of protected plants from various states have been consulted. Descriptions and improved illustrations
and maps have been especially prepared for this publication.
The criteria for the selection of the species reviewed here include those species proposed or
listed by Federal and/or State agencies for protection, reported to occur in mountainous areas of Vir-
ginia or North Carolina, and surveyed for distribution for our 1978-;79 reports. In considering the
various plant lists, the most significant is the report of 15 December 1980 in the Federal Register (Vol.
45, No. 242) entitled "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Review of Plant Taxa for
Listing as Endangered or Threatened Species." All species in Lists 1 and 2 in the Register are given
primary concern. Plants proposed or listed as either endangered or threatened in Virginia and/or
North Carolina are included. The two documents used to determine status in these States are "Rare and
Endangered Vascular Plant Species in Virginia" by D. M. Porter, published in 1979 by the Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (species
proposed but without legal status), and the list released by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture,
Pesticide and Plant Protection Division, pursuant to Plant Protection and Conservation Act, Article 19B,
Chapter 106, Section 202.12-212.14 of the General Statutes of North Carolina.


ALs~~lenicrm rnonar~t1ze.s Hudsonia moiztancr
Astilbe c.rvncltilohcr Hyclrustis c~arzcrcic.n.sis
B12tulcz c.ordif)liu Ilicifnna corei
B ~ t u l cubvr
~ /sotri(i mc~cl~oloiclrs
Buc.kleyci tlistic*l~ophylIn trifi'c1u.s ssp. c.arofirzinnus
Cucalicr rrigelicr Licrtris lzcflrri
Cnlczmagro.stiLsportrri Lili~rrng r c ~ i

' USDA-FS Cooperat~veAgreement\ 18-606. 18-62?. and 18-668

' U.S. F ~ s hand Wildlrfe Service Contract 14-160003-78-108.
Carex aenea Lindernia suxicola
Carex biltmoreana Listera cordata
Carex misera Panax quinquefolium
Carex purpurifera Prenanthes roanensis
Cimicifuga rubifolia Sagittaria fasriculata
Clematis viticaulis Sarracenia jonesii
Coreopsis latifalia Saxifraga careyana
Cymophyllus fraseri Saxifraga carolirtiana
Dalibarda repens Sedum rosea var. roarzense
Eriocaulon lineare Senecio millefolium
Geum geniculatum Shortia galac$olia
Geum radiatum Solidago spithamaea
Glyceria nubigena Sporobolus heterolepis
Grammitis nimbata Sjjnandra hispidzlla
Helonias bullata Trisetum spicatum var. molle
Hexastylis contracta


Alleghany Macon
Ashe Madison
Avery McDowell
Buncombe Mitchell
Burke Polk
Caldwell Surry
Cherokee Swain
Clay Transylvania
Graham Watauga
Hay wood Wilkes
Henderson Y ancey

Albemarle Lee
Alleghan y Loudoun
Amherst Madison
Augusta Montgomery
Bath Nelson
Bedford Page
Bland Patrick
Botetourt Pulaski
Buchanan Rappahannock
Carroll Roanoke
Clark Rockbridge
Craig Rockingham
Dickenson Russell
Fauquier Scott
Floyd Shenandoah
Franklin Srnyth
Frederick Tazewell
Giles Warren
Gray son Washington
Greene Wise
Highland Wythe
Clemson University, Clemson, S .C.
Duke University, Durham, N.C.
Furman University, Greenville, S .C.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park Museum,
Park Headquarters, Gatlinburg , Tenn .
Harvard University (Gray Herbarium, Arnold Arboretum),
Cambridge, Mass.
Longwood College, Farmville, Va.
Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Va.
New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, N. Y.
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N. C.
The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.
Smithsonian Institution (U.S . National Herbarium),
Washington, D.C.
University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
University of South Carolina at Columbia
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, N.C.

This guide is divided into three major parts: the first consists of the species reports or accounts, includ-
ing description, documentation, maps and illustrations; the second is a glossary of technical terms
used in the species descriptions and comparisons; and the third is an index to the scientific names,
synonyms, and common names.
The individual species accounts are arranged alphabetically by scientific name. The general
format used in these reports is presented below with brief explanations and comments:


Generally, the scientific name is consistent with that used on threatened and endangered
plant lists. The author is the person who first validly published the name or combination.

The most widely used common (English) name on the various protected plant lists is given.
Scientific and common name. All family names used here end in the suffix -acme; thus Poaceae
(for Cramineae), Larniaceae (for Labiatae), and Asteraceae (for Compositae) are used. The families
and the taxa included in this publication are given in List 4.


Alismataceae Labiatae . See Lamiaceae
Sagittaria fasciculutu Lamiaceae
Araliaceae Synandra hispidula
Panm qzlinquefolium Liliaceae
Aristolochiaceae Helonias bullata
Hexastylis contracta Lilium grayi
Aspleniaceae Malvaceae
Asplenium monanthes Iliamna corei
Asteraceae Orchidaceae
Cacalia rugelia Isotria medeoloides
Coreopsis latifolia Listera cordata
Liatris helleri Poaceae
Prenanthes roanensis Calamagrostis porteri
Senecio millefolium Glyceria nubigena
Solidago spithamaea Sporobolus heterolepis
Betulaceae Trisetum spicatum var. mulle
Betula cordifolia Ranunculaceae
Betula uber Cimicifuga rubifolia
Cistaceae Clematis viticaulis
Hudsonia montana Hydrastis canadensis
Compositae . See Asteraceae Rosaceae
Dalibarda repens
Geum geniculatum
Sedum rosea var. roanense
Geum radiatum
Cyperaceae Santalaceae
Carex aenea Buckleya distichophylla
Carex biltmoreana
Carex misera Sarraceniaceae
Carex purpurifera Sarracenia jonesii
Cymophyllus fraseri Saxifragaceae
Diapensiaceae Astilbe crenatiloba
Shortia galacifolia Saxifraga careyana
Saxifraga caroliniana
Eriocaulon lineare Scrophulariaceae
Lindernia saxicola
Gramineae. See Poaceae
Grammitis nimbata
Juncus trifidus ssp. carolinianus
The most commonly encountered synonyms are included to assist users in locating appropriate
information in manuals and other references.


The common names (mostly English) found in literature or on herbarium specimens consulted
during preparation of this work are listed. The names are given as found, and no attempt has been made
to be consistent or to follow any rules for composition. See Index for a list of common names and
their equivalent scientific names.

Each technical species description is based on a compilation of information from the original
description, manuals and floras, and specimens examined. The habit, duration, stems, leaves, inflorescence,
flowers, and fruits (where appropriate) are described and comparisons with other similar or related
species are often included. A glossary is provided to assist with the technical terminology in these

The phenophases (flower, fruit, vegetative) are based only on documented data from literature,
herbarium specimens, or observations. Therefore, continuity in months is often broken (e .g ., Flowers,
April, June- July) or it may appear that a plant fruits before it flowers (e.g., Flowers, April to May;
Fruits, March, May to June). These problems are due to a lack of information and serve to illustrate the
need for additional field observations and better reporting and documentation.

Distribution is given on a state (for U.S.), country, andlor province basis. For North Caro-
lina and Virginia, counties are listed.

Legal status for the included species is given for all Southeastern States with the exception of
Delaware, which at the time of preparation of this guide had no threatened or endangered species
list We have attempted to ascertain whether species are indeed legally protected or are only candidates
for proposed or pending legislation. See List 5 for reports on threatened and endangered species.

General habitat information is based on specimen labels, limited personal observations, and
selected literature. A better understanding of the specific and diversity of habitat types occupied by
each species is badly needed.

Documentation is divided into sections. The first consists of the references consulted in
preparing the treatment and includes the place of publication of the scientific name or binomial as well
as state lists and "printouts" consulted for legal status and distribution. Journal abbreviations gener-
ally follow B-P-H: Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum (G. H. M. Lawrence, A. F. G. Buchheim, G. S.
Daniels. and H. Dolezal, eds. 1968. Hunt Botanical Library, Pittsburgh, Pa.). The second consists of
a list of herbaria consulted. Specimens used in preparation of this study have been annotated by one or
more of the authors of this guide.
Freeman, J. D., A. S. Causey, J. W. Short, and R. R. Haynes. 1979. Endangered, threatened,
and special concern plants of Alabama. Departmental Series No. 3, Dep. of Botany and
Microbiology, Agric. Exp. Stn., Auburn Univ., Auburn, Ala.

Arkansas Department of Planning. 1974. Arkansas natural area plan. State of Arkansas, Little
Rock. [See G . E. Tucker, "Threatened native plants of Arkansas," p. 39-65.]

Ward, D. B ., editor. No date. Rare and endangered biota of Florida. Vol. V. Plants. Univ.
Presses of Fla., Gainesville.

McCollum, J. L., and D. R. Ettman. 1977. Georgia's protected plants. Ga. Dep. Natural Resources,
Research Planning Section, OPR Endangered Plant Program, Atlanta.

Endangered Species Committee, Kentucky Academy of Sciences, and Kentucky Native Pre-
serves Commission. No date. Endangered, threatened and rare animals and plants of Kentucky.
Ky. Nature Preserves Commission, Frankfort. Unpublished manuscript.

Curry, M. G. 1981. Status of Louisiana vascular plants listed in the 1 July 1975 Federal
Register. Environmental and Developmental Control Dep., Metairie, La.

Broome, C. R., J. L. Reveal, A. 0 . Tucker, and N. H. Dill. 1979. Rare and endangered vascu-
lar plant species in Maryland. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton Corner, Mass.

Mississippi Natural Heritage Program, Dep. of Wildlife Conservation. No date. Special plant
list. Miss. Mus. Natural Sciences, Jackson. Unpublished manuscript.


Plant Conservation Board, N. C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protec-
tion Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh.

Rayner, D. A., Chairman, and The South Carolina Advisory Committee on Endangered,
Threatened and Rare Plants. 1979. Native vascular plants endangered, threatened, or otherwise
in jeopardy in South Carolina. South Carolina Museum Commission, Mus. Bull. No. 4.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants
of Tennessee. J. Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128-133.

U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife
and plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Fed-
eral Register 45(242):82480-82569.

Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic
Institute and State Univ., Blacksburg.

Fortney, R. H., R. B. Clarkson, C. N. Harvey, and J. Kartesz. 1978. Rare and endangered
species of West Virginia: A preliminary report. Vol. I. Vascular plants. W. Va. Dep. Natural
Resources, Heritage Trust Program, East Charleston.

A distribution map for each species is included. Distribution is based on herbarium speci-
mens examined by the authors (indicated on maps by solid circles), literature or other reports (solid
triangles), or field observations (solid squares). For wide-ranging species the distribution is only
representative rather than complete since herbarium surveys were limited mostly to institutions in the
Southeastern United States.

The line drawings generally have been prepared from herbarium specimens or from photo-
graphs of herbarium specimens. In a few cases field-collected seeds and fruits have been used. All
drawings have been prepared by Susan Sizemore, Staff Artist of the Department of Biology, University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Documentation for each is indicated in the legend by citation of the
herbarium acronym and sheet number where applicable. The original plates are deposited in the Univer-
sity of North Carolina Herbarium, Chapel Hill.

We wish to thank A. E. Radford and Rob Sutter for reading and commenting on the entire manuscript,
Julie Moore and Charles Roe of the North Carolina Heritage Program for providing a printout of speci-
men citations and localities from the N.C. Heritage Program data bank, Duncan Porter for sharing
unpublished distributional data, Josephine Henry for supplying seeds and fruit of Gray's lily, L. L.
Gaddy and Joan Gibson for making unpublished reports available, and Joy Mermin for help in check-
ing specimens and descriptions. Special recognition is due Richard Bruce and Michael Lennartz who
have provided constant encouragement and managed extra paperwork and bookkeeping throughout
the several years we have been engaged in the various stages of this work.

ASPLENZM MONANTHES Linnaeus Single-sorus spleenwort

Family.-Aspleniaceae (Spleenwort Family)
Synonymy.-Asplenircm morzanthemurn L. f. ; A. irzaequilaterale Mart. & Gal. (non Willd.): A. leptophyllum
Fee; A. bland~cllcmFee; A. dentex Lowe; A. galeotti Fke; A menziesii Hook. & Grev. ; A.
polivpfzyllum Bertol. ; A. arcuatum Liebm. ; A. polj~merisMoore; A. bertolonii Donn. ; A.
trichomanes var. viridissimr~mChrist. ; A. viridissimum Bommer (as synonym)
Other common names.-Kumu kumu, monosorial spleenwort, San Felasco spleenwort
Description .-Small, tufted, evergreen ferns. Rhizome short, creeping, obscured by many old petiole
bases, scales narrowly lanceolate, lustrous, in an appressed latticelike series. Leaves erect,
sterile and fertile ones generally alike; blades narrowly elliptic, 15-40 cm long, 1-3 cm
wide, I-pinnate throughout, pinnae numerous, short-petiolulate, mostly opposite, oblong,
reduced to mere auricles at base of blade, dentate along upper margin, entire along lower
margin, base auriculate above; petioles and rachises basically glabrous, lustrous, wiry, purple-
brown; veins forked, distinct and not reaching the margin, main vein along lower edge of
pinna. Sori dorsal, elongate, on the lowermost pinnae usually few in number or solitary and
borne parallel to the lower margin, on the upper pinnae frequently several in number (as many
as 7) and borne obliquely to the margins of the uppermost pinnae, or often all pinnae bear
only a single parallel sorus; indusia scarious, glabrous, those of lower row attached along one
margin at one side of a veinlet facing away from the main vein.
Species similar to A. monanthes include A. platyneuron, A. trichomanes, A. resiliens,
and A. heteroresiliens. Asplenium platyneuron is most easily distinguished from A. monanthes
because it has dimorphic fronds (fertile erect and sterile spreading and lying on the ground) and
alternate pinnae, whereas A. monanthes has like sterile and fertile fronds and opposite pinnae.
The characteristic most definitive of A. monanthes is sori typically one or few, at least on the
lowermost pinnae, and borne parallel to the lower margins of these pinnae. This feature
separates this species from A. trichomanes, A. resiliens, and A. heteroresiliens, in which the
pinnae (including the lowermost) typically bear numerous sori that lie obliquely to the margins.
The pinnae of the last two species closely resemble those of A. monanthes, whereas those of A.
trichomanes display a rather distinctive shape, varying from round to roundish-oblong to
fan-shaped, and margin, being crenate.
Pheno1ogy.-Sporulates, April to December; Vegetative, January to December
Distribution.-Ariz., Fla., Hawaii. N.C. (Transylvania County), S.C.: Azores Islands, Brazil, Canary
Islands, Chile, Costa Rica (Cartago Province), Ecuador, Ethiopia, Germany Guatemala,
( I ? ) ,

Jamaica, Madagascar, Madeira Islands, Manila, Mexico (Chiapas, Durango, Guerrero, Jalisco,
Mexico, Morelos, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Vera Cruz), Panama (Chiriqui), Peru, Republic of Colombia,
Republic of South Africa (Capc of Good Hope, Natal), Sandwich Islands, West Indies
Legal status .-N. C. - Endangered (Protected); S .C. - Endangered, Possibly extinct (Candidate)
Habitat.-Shaded, moist, granitic boulders and steep, rocky bluffs in cool shaded ravines near rivers
and waterfalls. Frequently rooted in moss-liverwort mats.
Anderson, L. E., and T. T. Bannister. 1952. An addition to the fern flora of North Carolina. J. Elisha
Mitchell Sci. Soc. 68:81-84.
Blomquist, H. L. 1948. Asplenium morzanthes in South Carolina. Am. Fern J. 38: 171-176.
Christensen, C. 1973. Index filicum. (Reprint of the 1906 edition.) Otto KoeItz Antiquariat, Koenigstein.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Hooker, W. J . 1860. Species filicum. William Pamplin, London.
Kearney, T. H., and R. H. Peebles. 1969. Arizona flora. 2nd ed. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley.
Lakela, O., and R. W. Long. 1976. Ferns of Florida. Banyan Books, Miami.
Linnaeus, C. 1961. Mantissa plantarum. (Facsimile of the 177 1 edition.) J. Cramer, Weinheim.
Maxon, W. R. 1913. Studies of tropical American ferns. Contrib. U.S. Natl. Herb. 17:133-179.
Mickel, J. T. 1979. How to know the ferns and fern allies. Wm. C. Brown Co. Publishers, Dubuque,
Plant Conservation Board, N .C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Evans, Aspleniaceae, p. 32.1
Rayner, D. A., Chairman, and The South Carolina Advisory Committee on Endangered, Threatened and
Rare Plants. 1979. Native vascular plants endangered, threatened, or otherwise in jeopardy
in South Carolina. S.C. Museum Commission, Mus. Bull. No. 4.
Wagner, W. H., Jr., D. R. Farrar, and B. W. McAlpin. 1970. Pteridology of the Highlands Biological
Station area, Southern Appalachians. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 86: 1-27.
Ward, D. B., Chairman Special Committee on Plants. No date. Rare and endangered Florida plants.
Florida Committee on Rare and Endangered Plants and Animals. Dep. of Botany, Univ. Fla.,
Gainesville. Unpublished manuscript.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of Tennessee
University of Georgia Vanderbil t University
University of North Carolina at Western Carolina University
Chapel Hill
Asplenium monunthes ( A S P L E ~ Y A C ~ E )

a Plant habit. b Fertile pinnae. c Fertile pinnae.

a from NCU 9233 1 & 92333;b from NCU 381639;c from NCU 92333
ASTILBE CRENATILOBA (Britton) Small Roan false goat's-beard

Family.-Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family)

Synonymy.-Astilbe decandra D. Don var. crenatiloba Britton; Asrilbe biternata (Vent.) Britton var.
crenatiloba (Britton) Wheelock; Astilbe crenatilobata (Britton) Small
Other common names .-Feather-trees , Roan astilbe
Description.-Xoarse, robust perennial herb to 1 m high from stout rhizomes. Leaves basal and cauline,
similar, alternate, large, often to 6 dm broad, 2-3 ternately compound or ternately and odd-
pinnately decompound, petiolate; terminal leaflets usually 3-lobed, occasionally more, or blade
ovate, 8 - 15 cm long, 4- 15 cm wide, acute to obtuse, crenate with mucronate teeth, base
usually cordate; lateral leaflets ovate to elliptic, ?-lobed or more often lobed on I side, smaller,
acute to obtuse, crenate with mucronate teeth, base oblique or cordate, petiolulate. Inflores-
cence an elongate (often 3 dm long) widely spreading, many-branched, plumelike, terminal
compound panicle of racemes. Flowers numerous, perfect or imperfect, actinomorphic, bracteate,
short-pedicellate, becoming reflexed in fruit. Sepals 5, basally fused to form a shallow campanu-
late cup, persistent in fruit; petals 5 or absent in pistillate flowers, distinct, white, attached
at the base of the calyx; stamens 10 or abortive in imperfect flowers, distinct; gynoecium of 1
compound pistil, ovary slightly inferior, carpels and locules 2, placentation axile , styles 2,
stigmas 2 and capitate. Fruit a 2-beaked, ovoid capsule composed of the 2 folliclelike carpels,
each dehiscing longitudinally in the stylar region. Seeds numerous, lustrous, reddish-brown.
This Roan Mountain endemic closely resembles its more widespread relative A. biternata
but apparently is quite distinct (pers. commun., T. L. Mellichamp). The following compari-
son chart may be used to separate these two species.

A . crenatilobu A. biternuta
HEIGHT I m 1-2 m
MARGIN crenate serrate
SHAPE broadly ovoid lanceoloid

Astilbe is also similar to Aruncus dioicus (goat's-beard) of the Rosaceae. They may be
readily separated by the following characters: Astilbe has 10 stamens, 2 carpels, and a termi-
nal leaflet that is 3-lobed, and Aruncus has 15 or more stamens, 3 carpels, and a terminal
leaflet that is not lobed.
Phenology.-Flowers, Summer (no documentation for flowering months); Fruits, September; Vegetative,
Distribution.-N.C. (Mitchell County);* Tenn. (thought to be extinct)
Legal status .-N. C. - Endangered, Possibly extirpated (Protected); Tenn. - Endangered, Possibly
extinct (Candidate); Federal - Under review.
Habitat.-Wooded slopes on Roan Mountain.

* Individuals of this species have not been seen in the field since Britton's
(1888) original collection. A search was con-
ducted in the summer of 1979 by Massey, Whitson, and Atkinson (1980) but proved unsuccessful.
Britton, N. L. 1888. New or noteworthy North American Phanerogams. I. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 15:97-104.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Massey, J. R., P. D. Whitson, and T. A. Atkinson. 1980. Endangered and threatened p!ant survey of
twelve species in the eastern part of Region IV. Contract 14-160004-78- 108. Highlands
Biological Station, Contractor. Unpublished manuscript.
Mellichamp, T. L. (Dep. of Biology, Univ. N.C., Charlotte). 1977. Personal communication, letter in
NCU files.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press. Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Saxifragaceae, p. 523.1
Small, J. K. 1903. Flora of the southeastern United States. Published by the author, New York.
. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. Published by the author, New York.
. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile of the 1933 edition. 1972.) Hafner Publish-
ing Co., New York.
Small, J. K., and P. A. Rydberg. 1905. Saxifragaceae. N. Am. Flora I. 22:8 1-158.
Spongberg, S. A. 1972. The genera of Saxifragaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal
Register 45 (242):82480-82569.
Wheelock, W. E. 1896. A list of species of the smaller herbaceous genera of North American Saxifragaceae.
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23:76-78.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128-133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (photographs of type, which is deposited in New York
Botanical Garden, by T. L. Mellichamp).
Astilhe cretzcrtifoha (SAXIFRAGACEAE)

a Compound leaf. b Infructescence. c Capsule.

Fron~NCU 483233, photo
Mountain paper birch

Family.-Betulaceae (Birch Family)

Synonymy.-Betuiri papjriferu Marsh. var. cordifolili Regel; B . rilhn ssp. i~upyr{ferci cordifoliri Regel;
B. papyrucea var. corciqufia Dippel; B. albu var. iwrdijiblitr Fernald; B . pc1pyrifi.m Marsh. var.
cordifolin (Regel) Fernald
Other common names.-Heart-leaved paper birch
Description.-Monoecious tree to 20 m tall with vvhite to gray. pinkish bark, exfoliating into thin papery
sheets, especially on young stems, with prominent brown lenticels in horizontal stripes; twigs
glabrous or pubescent and reddish brown. Terminal buds absent; lateral buds ovoid, acute,
gummy. covered with imbricate, chestnut-brown scales. Leaves deciduous, simple, alternate,
often appearing paired on spur shoots because of shortened internodes, stipulate (stipules
often quickly deciduous), ovate, to 10 cm long and 8 cm wide, pubescent beneath along the
veins, acuminate, doubly serrate, base cordate (sometimes oblique or truncate), venation
prominently pinnate; petioles usually pubescent, 0.7 - 3 cm long. Numerous, minute (so small
that one really needs a hand lens or a dissecting microscope to examine them) male and
female flowers are borne in different catkins on the same tree; catkins with numerous, imbri-
cate scales. Staminate catkins slender, 2-3-clustered near ends of twigs, appearing in late
summer and remaining all winter, producing pollen in early spring, becoming long and drooping;
pistillate catkins cylindric, erect and solitary on peduncles at the ends of spur shoots, appear-
ing in spring. The basic unit of the inflorescence is a cyrnule (to the observer this unit appears
to be the "flower"), each subtended by a complex of bracts and spirally arranged. Stami-
nate cymule 3-flowered, subtended by a complex of bracts, 2 small, lateral secondary bracts
and 1 large, ciliate primary bract that covers the entire cymule; pistillate cymule 3-flowered,
subtended by a single ciliate, 3-lobed scale, the lobes representing 3 bracts (1 central primary
and 2 lateral secondary) fused together basally. Staminate flower: calyx minute, represented
by a single tepal (actually a fusion of 4 tepals), stamens 2. Pistillate flower: perianth absent,
consists solely of 1 compound pistil, ovary nude (inferior in other family members), carpels
2, locules 2, each locule with 2 ovules (1 abortive in fruit), placentation apical, styles 2 and
persistent in fruit, stigmas 2. Fruiting catkins conelike, 2.5-4.5 cm long. Fruit a samara,
body (nutlet) ellipsoid with 2 thin lateral wings; samaras transversely oblong, 2.5-4 mm long,
4-6 rnm broad, wings 1-1.5 mm wide and erose, body usually ciliate apically.
The species most similar to B . cordifolia is B . papyrifera, of which it is sometimes
considered a variety ( B . papyrifera Marsh. var. cordifalia Regel). The two may be identified
using the following comparison chart.

B. cordifolia B . pc~pyrqera
TWIG sparsely pubescent or densely pubescent
VESTITURE usually glabrous
BARK white, with pinkish white, without pinkish
COLOR tint tint
BASE cordate cuneate to rounded
STYLE obscured by not obscured by
BASES pubescence pubescence

Two other birch species of interest here are B. lutea and B . uber. Betula lutea occurs
in similar habitats, however, the golden-yellow or bronze bark and sessile pistillate catkins
readily distinguish it from B . cordifolia. Betula uber is an extremely rare species found only
in Smyth County, Virginia (see next species treatment in this publication). It differs from B .
cordijfolia in its dark bark with a wintergreen fragrance and its almost round leaves.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers. April. May. July. August; Fruits, June to October, Vegetative, January to December
Distribution.-Conn., Iowa, Maine, Mass., Minn., N . H . , N.Y., N.C. (Buncombe, Yancey Counties),
Tenn., Vt., Wis.; Canada - British Columbia. Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia. Ontario
Legal status.-N.C. - Endangered, Special Concern (Protected); Tenn. - Threatened (Candidate)
Habitat.-ln the Southeast it occurs at high altitudes in moist or dry, rocky soil in various community
types, such as Fraser fir (Ahiesfraseri) - red spruce (Picwen r~4bens);Fraser fir - yellow birch
(Betulcr 1uteu)ifire cherry (Pr~inuspertsyl\-lcinicalI);yellow birchimixed heaths.

Ashe, W. W. 1918. Notes on Betulcr. Rhodora 20:63-64.
Bartlett, H. H. 1 909. The submarine Clzamcrecyparis bog at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Rhodora
Candolle, A. de. 1864. Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis. Vol. 16. Treuttel et Wurtz,
Paris. [See Regel, E. A. von, Betula, p. 166.1
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Dippel, L. 1892. Handbuch der Laubholzkunde. Vol. 20. Gartner und Forstleute, Berlin.
Engler, A. 1904. Das Pflanzenreich. K. Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, Berlin. [See Winkler, Betulaceae,
p. 61.1
Fernald, M. L. 1901. The vascular plants of Mount Katahdin. Rhodora 3: 166-177.
. 1945. Some North American Corylaceae (Betulaceae). I. Notes on Betula in eastern North
America. Rhodora 47:303-329.
. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. American Book Co., New York.
Fowells, H. A., compiler and reviser. 1965. Silvics of forest trees of the United States. Agric. Hand-
book 27 1. U.S. Dep Agric.. Forest Service, Washington, D.C.
Gray Herbarium Card Index. 1894 + . Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.
Hardin, J. W. 1971. Studies of the southeastern United States flora. 1. Betulaceae. J. Elisha Mitchell
Sci. Soc. 87:39-41.
House, H. 1). 1924. Annotated list of the ferns and flowering plants of New York state. New York
State Mus. Bull. 254. The Univ. of the State of N.Y., Albany.
Huber, F. C., J. A. DeLapp, and C. A. Mitchell. 1977. Betula papryifera var. cordifolia (Regel) Fernald
in Tennessee. Castanea 42:324-325.
Lakela, 0. 1965. A flora of northeastern Minnesota. Univ. Minn. Press, Minneapolis.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N .C . Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Development.
1981. Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Preston, R. J., Jr. 1976. North American trees. 3rd ed. The MITTPress, Cambridge, Mass.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Betulaceae, p. 368.1
Ramseur, G. S. 1960. The vascular flora of the high mountain communities of the Southern Appalachians.
J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 76:82- 112.
Regel, E. 1861. Monographische Bearbeitung der Betulaceen. Nouveaux Memories de la Societe Imperiale
de Naturalistes de Moscou 8:86-87.
Seymour, F. C. 1969. The flora of New England. Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vt.
Wofford. B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128-133.
Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of Tennessee
University of North Carolina at Western Carolina University
Chapel Hill

Betula cordifolia (BETULACEAE)

a Fruiting branch. b Bark. c Staminate bract (abaxial or outer surface). d Twig with
staminate catkins. e Samara. f Pistillate bract (abaxial or outer surface). g Twig features.

a,e,f,g from NCU 237 186; b,c,d from NCU 64050

BETULA UBER (Ashe) Fernald Round-leaf birch

Family.-Betulaceae (Birch Family)

Synonymy.-Berula dii1ergerz.s Ashe, B. lenta Linnaeus var. uber Ashe, B. rzigra Linnaeus var. uber
(Ashe) Massey & Hundley, B. ditis Ashe (?). B. alleghenierzsis (sic) Britton x B, p~trnilaLinnaeus
var. glandul$ercr Regel, B. x iturpusii Schneider pro purre, B, lutea Michaux f. x B. pumila
Linnaeus, B. x juckii Schneider pro pcirte, B. lerztcz Linnaeus x B. pumilu Linnaeus, B. lenta
Linnaeus x B. p~tmilaLinnaeus var. glaridulfercr Regel, B. purnilu Linnaeus pro parte.
Other common names.-Ashe birch, Ashe's birch. Virginia birch, Virginia little-leaved birch, Virginia
round-leaf birch
Description.-Small monoecious tree averaging ca. 10.5 rn high, major branches beginning on the up-
per part of the trunk and giving rise to many relatively slender spreading branchlets. Bark
and branches with wintergreen flavor and fragrance when cut or broken. Bark blackish-brown,
rather thin, relatively smooth, with prominent horizontal lenticels, exfoliating on young stems.
Twigs usually glabrous and reddish brown; branchlets glabrous, blackish-brown, with prominent,
whitish, round lenticels. Terminal buds absent; lateral buds ovoid to lanceoloid, acuminate,
covered with imbricate chestnut brown scales, scales ciliate along upper margin. Leaves deciduous,
simple, alternate, often appearing paired on spur shoots because of shortened internodes,
stipulate (stipules often quickly deciduous); blades suborbicular, 1.4-6 cm long, 1.5-4.5 cm
wide, pubescent above and below along the veins, obtuse to rounded, coarsely serrate, teeth
with prominent mucros, base mostly cordate; petioles 0.5- 1.5 cm long, pubescent with long,
soft, white hairs, especially where the petiole meets the blade. Numerous, minute (so small
that one really needs a hand lens or a dissecting microscope to examine them) staminate and
pistillate flowers are borne in different catkins on the same tree; catkins with numerous,
imbricate scales. Staminate catkins slender, 2-3-clustered near ends of twigs, appearing in late
summer and remaining all winter, producing pollen in early spring, becoming long and
drooping; pistillate catkins cylindric, sessile at the ends of spur shoots, erect, appearing in
spring. The basic unit of the inflorescence is a cyrnule (to the observer this unit appears to be
the "flower"), each subtended by a complex of bracts and spirally arranged. Staminate cymule
?-flowered, subtended by a complex of bracts, 2 small, lateral secondary bracts and 1 large,
ciliate primary bract that covers the entire cymule; pistillate cymule 3-flowered, subtended by a
single, minutely and sparingly ciliate, 3-lobed scale, the lobes representing 3 bracts (1 cen-
tral primary and 2 lateral secondary) fused together basally. Staminate flower: calyx minute,
represented by a single tepal (actually a fusion of 4 tepals), stamens 2. Pistillate flower:
perianth absent, consists solely of 1 compound pistil, ovary nude (inferior in other family
members), carpels 2, locules 2, each locule with 2 ovules (1 abortive in fruit), placentation
apical, styles 2 and persistent in fruit, stigmas 2. Fruiting catkins conelike, 1- 1.5 cm long.
Fruit a samara, body (nutlet) obovoid with 2 thin lateral wings; samaras broadly cuneiform,
1.5-2 mm long, ca. 1 mm broad, dark brown, ciliate apically, wings broadened upward,
usually narrower than nutlet.
Two other birches, B. lenta and B. alleghuniensis, occur in the habitat area of B.
uber. The comparison chart included here may be used to separate these species.
Betulcr uber is completely disjunct by nearly 500 miles from the other members of
the series Hurniles. Its nearest relative, B. pumilu, is not found south of New York and north-
ern New Jersey and is easily distinguished from B. uber by being a shrub 0.5-3 m high
and by having the middle lobe of the pistillate bract narrow and much longer than the lateral
Phenologq .-Staminate catkins, May, September; Fruiting, July, September; Vegetative, January to
December. Our phenology data are very limited because of a paucity of specimens.
Distribution.-Virginia (Smyth County)
Legal status.-Va. - Endangered (Protected); Federal - Endangered (Protected)
Habitat.-Streambank and flood plain of creek
Ashe, W. W. 1918. Notes on Betula. Rhodora 2053-64.
Elias, T. S. 1980. The complete trees of North America: Field guide and natural history. Van Nostrand
Reinhold Co. , New Y ork .
Fernald, M. L. 1945. Some North American Corylaceae (Betulaceae). I. Notes on Betula in eastern
North America. Rhodora 47:303-329.
. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. 8th ed. American Book Co., New York.
Getto, L. 1976. Ogle's birch tree discovery is drawing national acclaim. The Hilltopper VI (51, 26
January: 1 3. Virginia Highlands Community College, Abingdon.
Johnson, A. G. 1954. Betula leata var. uber Ashe. Rhodora 56: 129-131.
Kartesz, J. T., and R. Kartesz. 1977. The biota of North America. Part 1. Vascular plants. Rare plants,
Vol. I. BONAC, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Kinkead, E. 1976. Our footloose correspondents: The search for Bettila uber. The New Yorker, 12
January: 58-69.
Massey, A. B., and L. R. Hundley. 1955. Betula uber (Ashe) Fernald in Smyth Co.. Va. Virginia J.
Sci. 6:247-248.
Mazzeo, P. M. 1974. Betula uber-What is it and where is it? Castanea 39:273-278.
Ogle, D. W., and P. M. Mazzeo. 1976. Betula uber, the Virginia Round-leaf Birch, rediscovered in
southwest Virginia. Castanea 4 1:248-256.
Porter, D. M. 1979a. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
. 1979b. Vascular plants. Pages 3 1- 122 in D. W. Linzey, ed. Proceedings of the symposium on
endangered and threatened plants and animals of Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute and State
Univ., Blacksburg. May 19-20, 1978.
Reed, C. F. 1975. Betula uber (Ashe) Fernald rediscovered in Virginia. Phytologia 32:305-311.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.

Specimens examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Havard University University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill

B. uber B. lenta B. alleghaniensis

COLOR blackish brown blackish brown golden yellow, bronze
SHAPE suborbicular ovate ovate
APEX rounded acuminate acuminate
VENATION 4-6 pairs 8 - 12 pairs 8 - 12 pairs

MEDIAL broad, low, prolonged and prolonged and narrow;

BRACT and rounded; narrow; much much longer than
subequal to longer than lateral lobes
lateral lobes lateral lobes
Betulu uber (BETULACEAE)

a Fruiting branch. b Pistillate bract (abaxial or outer surface). c Samara. d Staminate

twig. e Staminate flowers on adaxial (inner) surface of staminate bract complex. f Staminate bract
(abaxial or outer surface).

All from Virginia: Smyth Co., July 2 1 , 1976, coll. Ogle.

except b and c from NCU 20896
B UCEEYA DZSTfCHOPHYLLA (Nuttall) Torrey Piratebush

Family .-Santalaceae (Sandalwood Family)

Synonymy.-Bova distichoph~~lla Nuttall
Other common names.-Buckleya
Description.-Dioecious s h b s to 3.5 m tall from large, white rhizomes, root parasites of Tsuga (hemlock)
and several other woody and herbaceous plants. Stems freely branched, branches terete, distichous;
young stems green, puberulent, fanlike and ascending; older stems gray to grayish green,
puberulent; lenticels conspicuous, whitish, circular to elliptic, 1-2 mm long, I mm wide; leaf
scars depressed obovate, ca. 1 mm wide and 1 rnrn high, with a single vascular trace.
Terminal buds absent; lateral buds up to 4.5 mm long, 2 mm wide, sessile, ligneous, scales
imbricate in 6- 9 opposing pairs, acute to short acuminate. Leaves deciduous, simple, opposite,
distichous on green branches of the growing season thus giving the impression of large pin-
nately compound leaves, pale green, lanceolate to elliptic, 1 -8 cnl long, 0.5-2.5 cm wide,
increasing in size on each branch from base to apex. upper leaves acuminate, apices of lower-
most leaves acute and ligneous, entire, base broadly cuneate, puberulent, especially along
the midvein and margin, sessile to short petiolate. Staminate flowers in umbels of 3-7 flowers,
terminating lateral twigs, pistillate solitary and terminal on lateral twigs. Flowers actinomorphic,
unisexual, small. Perianth of only one series, the calyx. Staminate flowers: sepals 4, distinct.
rotate, green, elliptic, 2-2.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, puberulent; petals absent; stamens 4,
distinct, opposite the sepals, 1 - 1.5 mm long, with curved-ascending filaments, inserted on the
sinuses of a conspicuous, flat, 4-lobed disc. Pistillate flowers: sepals as in male flowers;
petals absent; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary inferior, carpels 4, locule 1, placentation
basal, style 1, stout and terete, stigma 4-lobed; subtended by 4 foliaceous, persistent, lanceo-
late bracts. Fruit a drupe, fleshy, 1-seeded, yellow green, ellipsoid, 2-3 cm long. 1- 1.4 cm
wide, with white protuberances, the bracts remaining almost to maturity.
In addition to Buckleya, in North America the Santalaceae is composed of three other
genera, each with only one species: Cornandmi urnbellata, Nestronia urnbellula, and Pyrularia
puberu. Cornandrc~is a herbaceous plant rarely more than 2 dm tall. The three shrubs can be
easily distinguished with the following comparison chart.

P~rularia Nestronia
ARRANGEMENT opposite alternate opposite
INFLORESCENCE staminate flowers racemelike staminate flowers in
TYPE in umbels; pistillate spikes umbels; pistillate
flowers solitary flowers solitary
INFLORESCENCE tcrlninal on leafy
POSITION branches terminal in leaf axils
FRUIT pyriform t o
SHAPE ellipsoid ovoid ovoid

Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, April to July; Fruits, June to October; Vegetative, January to December

Distribution.-N.C. (Buncombe, Guilford, Iiaywood, Macon, Madison, Swain Counties), Tenn., Va.
(Bland, Craig, Giles, Montgomery, Roanoke, Wythe Counties)
Legal status .-N. C. - Endangered (Protected); Tenn. - Threatened (Candidate); Va. -Threatened
(Candidate); Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Generally found in openings of hemlock (Tsuga) stands on streambanks, cliffs, bluffs, or
steep slopes. Usually parasitic on hemlock.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N .C., Charlotte.
Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. 8th ed. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York.
Freeman, 0. M. 1941. Notes on plant distribution. Castanea 6:77-78.
Gleason, H. A,, and A. Cronquist. 1963. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and
adjacent Canada. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York.
Howard, R, A, 1977. BuclGleyc~-The oldest cultivated plant in the Arnold Arboretum. Arnoldia 37: 151-156.
Kelsey , H. P., and W. A. Dayton. 1942. Standardized plant names. J. Horace McFarland Co., Harrisburg,
Massey, A. B. 1961. Virginia flora. Va. Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Bull. 155. Blacksburg.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N.C. Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Development.
1981. Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Nuttall, T. 1818. The genera of North American plants. Published by the author, Philadelphia, Pa.
Plant Conservation Board, N. C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div. , Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Santalaceae, p. 396.1
Sargent, C. S. 1880. New or little known plants. Buckleya distichophylla. Gard. & Forest 3:236-237.
. 1896. Buckleya again. Gard. & Forest 9: 163.
Small, J. K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. Published by the author. New York.
Torrey, J. 1843. Buckleya. An editorial footnote in S. B. Buckley. Description of some new species of
plants. Am. J. Sci. 45:170-177.
Totten, H. R. 1937. Notes on Buckleya and Pyrulariu (Buffalo-nut). J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 53:226.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal
Register 45 (242):82480-82569.
Wofford, B. E., ed. 1980, Inventory of proposed threatened and endangered plant species: Cherokee
National Forest, Tennessee. U. S. Forest Service, Atlanta, Ga.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128- 133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Clemson University University of North Carolina at
Duke University Charlotte
Furrnan University University of South Carolina at
Harvard University Columbia
Lynchburg College University of Tennessee
North Carolina State University Vanderbilt University
The College of William and Mary Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
University of Georgia State University
University of North Carolina at Western Carolina University
Chapel Hill
a Branches with immature fruits. b Pistillate flower. c Staminate branch. d Anther.
e Staminate flower. f Mature drupe. g Mature drupe (cross section).

a from NCU 73760; b f r o n ~NCU 476872; c, d , e from NCU 15880;

f and g from NCU 94884
CACALlA RUGELIA (Shuttleworth e x C h a p m a n ) Rugel's ragwort
Barkley & C r o n q u i s t

Family.-Asteraceae (Composite. Aster. or Sunflower Family)

Synonymy .-Rugpiit1 rzrrtlic.ctrltis Shuttlekvorth ex Chapman; r ~ g e i i u(Shuttleworth) Gray
Other conlmon names.-Rugel's groundsel, LV inter-well
Description.-Tufted, coar\e. subscapose perennial herbs with basal rosettes of leaves arising from well-
developed, thick. tough rhizomes covered with somewhat persistent leaf bases from past
\easons. Stems 3-5 dm tall, ribbed, floccose belou, villous and glandular above, or eventu-
ally glabrate. Basal leaves several. simple, alternate; blades ovate. 5 - 16 crn long, 3- 12 cm
wide, mostly acute, the margins coarsely and distantly dentate, the teeth with short bristle-tips,
base truncate. rounded. or cordate, floccose-villous, becoming glabrate with age; petioles as
long as or longer than the blade, flattened. winged, sheathing at the base, viltous, particularly
along the margins. Stem leaves similar to basal leaves but few and much reduced, alternate,
mostly sessile and bractlike. Flowers (florets) small and sessile in a compact head on a com-
mon enlarged receptacle, collectively surrounded by an involucre, each head appearing to be
a single flower; secondary inflorescence determinate and racemiform or sometimes paniculate,
the heads somewhat nodding when young, becoming erect with maturity, on elongate pedun-
cles 2-9 cm long, the peduncles subtended by the uppermost bracteal stem leaves. Heads
usually few (2-6) but sometimes as many as 20, discoid; involucre campanulate, 10- 15
mm long, 8 -25 mm broad, a single series of 10- 15, equal phyllaries (bracts), more or less
herbaceous, lanceolate, pale green with scarious margins, pubescent; receptacle flat to slightly
convex, naked. Florets (flowers) numerous, commonly 30-40, all discoid and perfect; calyx
represented by a pappus of numerous capillary bristles; corolla tubular, the lower half nar-
rowly constricted, the upper half somewhat expanded, with 5 spreading lobes, tube '7-8 mm
long, lobes 1-2 mm long, dull, dirty-white; stamens 5, syngenesious (the anthers fused
together to form a cylinder around the style), this cylinder much exserted beyond the corolla
tube; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary inferior, carpels 2, locule 1 , ovule 1, placenta-
tion basal, style I , much exserted, 2-branched at the apex, the branches recurved and flattened,
with broad stigmatic lines along the inner surface margins. Fruit a cypsela (achene or nutlet
of some authors), tan to brown, cylindric, ca. 6 mm long, 0.8- 1 mm broad, 10-ribbed, glabrous;
pappus persistent, white to tan, 8 - 12 mm long.
Cacalia rugelia may be distinguished from most other Cacalia species by having 10- 15
involucral bracts and numerous flowers (commonly 20-40), as opposed to 5 involucral
bracts and 5 flowers. The species most similar to C . rugelia is C . suaveolens, which has
chiefly cauline leaves, the larger ones hastate, and is mostly 1-2.5 m tall, whereas C .
rugelia has basally disposed leaves, none of them hastate, and is well under 1 m tall. Cacalia
rugelia has often been placed in the genus Senecio. A very conspicuous difference between
these two genera is flower color: yellow to orange in Senecio and white to creamy in Cacalia.
Phenology .-Flowers, June to August; Fruits, July to October; Vegetative, June to November
Distribution.-N.C. (Haywood, Swain Counties), Tenn.
Legal status .-N. C. - Threatened (Protected); Tenn. - Threatened (Candidate); Federal - Under
Habitat.-Forest openings, moist woods, and thickets at high elevations (mostly above 5,000 ft) in the
mountains. Dominant forest species are the coniferous evergreens, red spruce (Picen rubens)
and Fraser fir (Ahies~fmLspri). Frequently roots in deep moss mats. Largely restricted to the
Smoky Mountain region in the Blue Ridge physiographic province of N.G. and Tenn.
Alexander, E. J . 1 937. Serzecio rugelia. Addisonia 20:29-30 (pl . 655).
Barkley, T. M., and A. Cronquist. 1974. Cacalia rugelia: A new combination for a North American
Senecionoid. Rhodora 76:48-50.
Chapman, A. W. 1860. Flora of the southern United States. Ivison, New York.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J . E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson. and
J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina. Bookstore,
Univ . N .C. , Charlotte.
Cronquist, A. 1980. Vascular flora of the southeastern United States. Vol. I. Asteraceas. Univ. N.C.
Press, Chapel Hill.
Gray, A. 1884. Contributions to North American botany. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts 19:1-96.
Kelsey, H. P., and W. A. Dayton. 1942. Standardized plant names. 2nd ed. J . Horace McFarland Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Plant Conservation Board, N. C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div. , Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Seizecio, p. 1034.1
Ramseur, G. S. 1960. The vascular flora of high mountain communities of the Southern Appalachians.
J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 76:82- 1 12.
Rogerson, C. T., ed. 1978. Compositae-Mutisieae, Senecioneae, Vernonieae. N. Am. Flora 11. 10:1-245.
[See Pippen, Cacalia, p. 151.1
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants:
Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register 45
Vuilleumier, B. S. 1969. The genera of Senecioneae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor.
50: 104-123.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci . 53: 128- 133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Furman University University of North Carolina at
Great Smoky Mountains National Chapel Hill
Park Museum University of Tennessee
North Carolina State University Vanderbilt University
University of Georgia Western Carolina University
a Plant habit. b Head. c Phyllary. d Stigma and \tyle. e Portion of style. f Disc
flower. g Pappus bristle5. h Cypsela (achene).

a from NCU 13557 1 & 78822; b- h from NCU 78822

CALAMACROSTIS PORTER1 Gray Porter's reed grass

Family.-Poaceae (Grass Family)

Synonymy.-Deye~lxia porteri (Gray) Vasey, Ron D . purteri Dudley
Other common names.-Porter's reed bent
Description.-Tufted perennial herbs with slender rhizomes. Culms (stems) terete. ribbed, erect, unbranched,
slender, usually glabrous, 6- 12 dm tall, internodes hollow, nodes closed and swollen. Leaves
cauline, simple, alternate, 2-ranked, composed of a blade. sheath, and ligule; blades greatly
elongate and narrow, strap-shaped and narrowly lanceolate. 1.5-4.5 dm long. 4-8 mm wide,
flat, spreading. lax, parallel-veined, sparingly to densely glandular-pubescent, scaberulous,
margins white and scabrous; sheaths encircling the culms, split, densely pubescent on the collar.
margins brownish-scarious; ligules membranous, scarious, erose traps of tissue, 2-2.5 mm
long. Flowers in the axils of bracts. inconspicuous and minute, reduced to the essential organs
(the stamens and pistil), the perianth represented by minute scales (lodicules) at the base of
the flower. Floret a unit composed of a flower with two bracts (lemma and palea) enclosing it;
the lemma is the lower bract, lies to the outside of the spikelet. and encloses the palea; the
palea is the inner, upper bract, lies next to the rachilla, and envelopes the flower. Infloresence
compound, with the basic, primary inflorescence (the ultimate unit) a spikelet consisting of 1
flower and its lemma and palea and 2 empty bracts (glumes) at the base, the lower glurne
called the 1st glume, the upper one the 2nd glume. Spikelets secondarily arranged into a
narrow but rather loose, erect or somewhat nodding pale or purplish panicle, 10- 15 cm long.
Spikelets 1-flowered, light green when young, straw-colored when mature, the rachilla disar-
ticulating above the glumes, prolonged behind the palea as a short, hairy bristle, callus bearing
a tuft of hairs at the sides, these hairs rather scant, nearly half as long as the lemma. Glumes
about equal, acurninate, 4-6 mm long, scaberulous; lemmas slightly shorter than the glumes,
toothed at the apex, with an awn from near the base, about as long as the lemma, bent and
protruding from the side of the glumes; paleas about as long as the lemma. Stamens 3, distinct,
exserted, filaments slender, anthers large, appearing versatile; gynoecium of 1 compound
pistil, ovary superior, carpels 2, locule 1 , ovule 1 , placentation basal, styles 2, stigmas 2,
plumose. Fruit a lanceoloid grain (caryopsis), 1 - 1.5 mm long.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, July to August; Fruits, July to December; Vegetative, July to December
Distribution.-Fla., N. Y., N.C. (Clay, Transylvania Counties), Ohio, Pa., Va. (Albemarle, Alleghany,
Amherst, Appomattox, Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Botetourt, Carroll, Craig, Franklin, Frederick,
Giles, Grayson, Greene, Highland, Lee, Madison, Montgomery, Nelson, Page, Pulaski,
Rappahannock, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Warren, Wythe Counties),
W. Va.
Legal status.-Ky. - Undetermined (Candidate); N.C. - Endangered (Protected); W. Va. - Threat-
ened (Candidate)
Habitat .-Dry, rocky upland woods, sand barrens, ledges, shale barrens.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Endangered Species Committee, Kentucky Academy of Science, and Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission.
No date. Endangered, threatened and rare animals and plants of Kentucky. Ky. Nature Pre-
serves Commission, Frankfort. Unpublished manuscript.
Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. 8th ed. American Book Co., New York.
Fortney, R, H., R. B. Clarkson, C. N. Harvey, and J. Kartesz. 1978. Rare and endangered species of
West Virginia: A preliminary report. Vol. I. Vascular plants. W.Va. Dep. Natural Resources,
Heritage Trust Program, East Charleston.
Gray, A. 1862. Revision of the North American species of the genus Calamagrostis, sect. Deyeiixin.
Proc. Am. Acad. Arts 6:77-80.
Gress, E. M. 1924. The grasses of Pennsylvania. Pa. Dep. Agric.. Bureau of Plant Industry, Tech.
Series No. 2, Vol. 7, No. 5 (Gen. Bull. 384), Harrisburg.
Harvill, A. M., Jr., C. E. Stevens, and D. M. E. Ware. 1977. Atlas of the Virginia flora. Part 1.
Pteridophytes through Monocotyledons. Va. Botanical Associates, Farrnville.
Hitchcock, A. S. 1950. Manual of the grasses of the United States. 2nd ed. Revised by A. Chase. U.S.
Dep. Agric. Miscellaneous Publication No. 200. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
House, H. D. 1924. Annotated list of the ferns and flowering plants of New York state. N.Y. State
Mus. Bull. No. 254. The Univ. of the State of N.Y., Albany.
Kelsey , H. P., and W. A. Dayton. 1942. Standardized plant names. 2nd ed. J. Horace McFarland Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Lamson-Scribner, F. 1899. American grasses-11. U. S .D.A., Div. of Agrostology, Bull. No. 17 (Agros.
40). U. S . Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.
Nash, G. V. 1909. (Poales) Poaceae. N. Am. Flora I. 17:501,508.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Poaceae, p. 1 12.1
Straubaugh, P. D., and E. L. Core. No date. Flora of West Virginia. 2nd ed. Seneca Books, Inc.,
Grantsville, W. Va.
Vasey, G. 1885. A descriptive catalogue of the grasses of the United States. Gibson Brothers, Printers
and Bookbinders, Washington, D. C.
Weigman, P. G. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Pennsylvania. Western Pa.
Conservancy, Pittsburgh.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Lynchburg College University of North Carolina at
North Carolina State University Chapel Hill
The College of William and Vanderbilt University
Mary Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
University of Georgia State University
a Vegetative parts and inflorescence. b Plant habit. c Grain. d Palea. lemrnas and
awn. e Glurncs. f Spikelet. g Sheath fronl side. h Sheath split to show lipule.

a i'l-om NCU 359296 & 156577: b, c, h from NCU 459296: d, e,

f from NCU 429343: g horn NCU 196577
CAREX AENEA Fernald Bronzy sedge
Family.-Xyperaceae (Sedge Family)
Synonymy.--Care.x praticola Britt. & Rydb.; C. adjusts Boott pro pnrte @tie Fernald, 1902, and Mackenzie,
1935); C. odjusfa var. sparsgora Bailey; C . albolutescens var. sparstflora Olney (vide Fernald,
1902); C . foenea Willd. var. aenea (Fern.) Kukenthal; C . foenea var. perple--a Bailey (vide
Mackenzie, 1935, name only); C. foenea var. spnrsiflora Howe; C . straminea var. minor Dewey
(vide Mackenzie, 1935); C . tenera f. erecta Olney; C . aerzea Mackenzie
Other common names. -Fernald' s hay sedge
Description,4rasslike, monoecious, tufted perennial herbs arising from very short, black, fibrillose
rootstocks. Culms (stems) slender, nodding, exceeding the leaves, 3- 12 dm tall, obtusely
triangular and smooth on the angles except immediately beneath the inflorescence, brownish
at base and clothed with old leaves. Leaves with well-developed blades 3-6 to a fertile culm,
on the lower half, but not bunched, 3-ranked; blades ascending, weak, flat, light-green,
1-3 dm long, 2-4 mm wide, roughened towards apex; sheaths tight, green-and-white-mottled
dorsally, thin-hyaline ventrally, slightly yellowish-tinged and concave at mouth, short-prolonged
beyond base of blade and continuous with ligule. Flowers minute, inconspicuous, staminate or
pistillate; staminate flower simply a cluster of 3 stamens; pistillate flower simply a pistil
surrounded by a specialized, saclike bract (perigynium); staminate and pistillate flowers each
subtended by a glumelike scale (bract). Inflorescence compound, with the basic, primary
inflorescence (the ultimate unit) a spikelet (a small spike), the staminate spikelet composed of
the spirally arranged staminate flowers and their bracts, the pistillate spikelet composed of a
single pistillate flower, perigyniurn, and bract; spikelets secondarily arranged into 4- 10 subglobose
spikes, these in turn arranged into a flexuous moniliform (beadlike) inflorescence 3.5-7 cm
long. Spikes 3 - 7, 7 - 25 mm long, 5 - 7 mm wide, all separate or the upper 2 or 3 aggregated,
oblong or oblong-obovoid, gynecandrous (the pistillate flowers above the staminate); scales
ovate, acute to acuminate, dull or yellowish brown with narrow hyaline margins and 3-nerved
green center, nearly as wide and as long as perigynia and nearly concealing them. Perigynia
numerous, appressed-ascending , concavo-convex, ovoid, 4 -5 mm long, ca. 2 mm wide,
membranous. dull green but soon brownish, nerved on outer (dorsal) face, obscurely nerved
on inner (ventral) face, serrulate above, short-stipitate, tapering at apex into a conspicuous beak
about half the length of the body; beak ca. 1.5 mm long, flat, serrulate, obliquely cut dorsally,
bidentate, reddish-brown-tipped, the orifice light-reddish-brown-tinged at margins. Lower bracts
cuspidate, the upper scalelike. Perianth none; stamens 3, distinct; gynoecium of 1 compound
pistil, ovary superior and enclosed by the perigynium, carpels 2, locule I , placentation basal,
style 1, 2-branched above, each branch with an elongate, slender, reddish brown stigma
exserted at anthesis. Fruit a lenticular achene (nutlet of some authors), 1.6- 1.7 mm long,
1.1- 1.5 mm broad, substipitate, apiculate, jointed with the deciduous style, dull, yellow-
ish brown.
Carex aenea is a member of the section Ovules, the largest and best developed
group of Carices in North America, where about 75 species occur. Carex aenea and four other
species form a complex known as Foeneae. Field characteristics useful in recognizing C.
aenea are the flexuous, moniliform inflorescence; the perigynia with the body widest near the
base, dull-green, soon brownish, essentially nerveless ventrally or occasionally few-nerved,
the beak reddish-brown-tipped; and scales dull or yellowish brown.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, June to August; Fruits, July to September; Vegetative, June to September
Distribution.-Alaska, Calif., Conn., Idaho, Maine. Mass., Mich., Minn., Mont., N.H., N.J., N.Y.,
N.C. (Avery, Mitchell Counties). Pa., S. Dak., Vt., Wis.; Canada - Alberta, British Columbia,
Labrador. Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan
Legal status .-N .C. - Endangered (Protected)
Habitat.-Usually dry, open places in woods and thickets or on banks, roadsides, sandy ridges, slopes.
Frequently in cut- or burned-over areas. Often associated with rocky, gravelly, or sandy
soil. In N.C. on grassy balds.
Bailey, L. H. 1889. Studies of the types of various species of the genus Carex. Notes on Carex. XI.
Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 1:1-85.
Bean, R. C., D. C. Richards, and F. HyIand. 1966. Check-list of the vascular plants of Maine. Revi-
sion of 1948 edition, by E. C. Ogden, F. H. Steinmetz. and F. Hyland. Bull. Josselyn Bot.
Soc. Maine 8: 1-71.
Boott, F. 1968. illustrations of the genus Carex. (Facsimile of the 1858 edition.) Verlag von J. Cramer,
New York.
Britton, N. L., and A. Brown. 1970. An illustrated flora of the northern United States and Canada.
Vol. I. Ophioglossaceae to Polygonaceae. (Facsimile of the 1913 edition.) Dover Publications,
Inc., New York.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Davis, R. J. 1952. Flora of Idaho. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa.
Dewey, C. 1826. Caricography. Am. J. Sci. 11:304-325.
Engler, H.G.A. 1901. Das Pnanzenreich. Vol. 38. Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, Berlin. [See Kukenthal,
Carex, pp. 67-824.1
Fernald, M. L. 1902. I. The northeastern Carices of the Section Myparrhenae. 11. The variation of some
boreal Carices. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts 37:447-5 14.
. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. American Book Co., New York.
House, H. D. 1924. Annotated list of the ferns and flowering plants of New York state. New York
State Mus. Bull. No. 254. The Univ. of the State of N.Y., Albany.
Hulten, E. 1942. Flora of Alaska and Yukon. C. W .K. Gleerup, Lund, Sweden.
Mackenzie, K . K. 1935. (Poales) Cyperaceae---€ariceae. N. Am. Flora I. 18: 1-478 (pp. 169-170).
. 1940. North American Cariceae. Vol. I. The New York Botanical Club, New York.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Cyperaceae, p. 228.1
Seymour, F. C. 1969. The flora of New England. Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vt.
Voss, E. G. 1972. Michigan flora. Part I . Gymnosperms and Monocots. Cranbrook Institute of Science
and Univ. of Mich. Herbarium. Bulletin 55. Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Weigman, P. G. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Pennsylvania. Western Pa.
Conservancy, Pittsburgh.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of Tennessee
University of Georgia Vanderbilt University
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Carex aenea (CYPERACEAE)

a Plant habit. b Achene (nutlet). c Pistillate spikelet (pistil enclosed in perigynium). d Pistillate
scale. e Pistillate inflorescence.

a from NCU 155949 & 181 161; b from NCU 375600;

c, d from NCU 181 161 ; e from NCU 155949
CARElX BILTMOREANjl Mackenzie Biltrnore sedge

Family .-Xyperaceae (Sedge Family)

Synonymy.-4. tetanica sensu Small (1903) non Schk.
Other common names .-None.
Description . 4 r a s s l i k e , monoecious, tufted and stoloniferous perennial herbs. Rootstock stout, internoven;
stolons short. stout. ascending. Fertile culms (stems) 3-7 dm tall, erect, slender above, stout
towards the base (3-4 mm thick), exceeding the leaves, sharply triangular, smooth or rough
above, purple-tinged and somewhat fibrillose at base; sterile shoots numerous. elongate. Leaves
with well-developed blades usually 3-5 per fertile culm, near the base, but usually not
bunched, 3-ranked; blades of fertile culrns flat with slightly revolute margins, light-green, thin,
minutely hispidulous, 0.5-2 dm long, 3.5-5 mm wide, the lower much smaller than the
upper, very rough towards apex; blades of sterile culms 2-3.5 dm long; sheaths overlapping,
loose, glabrate, white- or yellowish-hyaline ventrally, concave at mouth; ligules longer than
wide, often much prolonged. Flowers minute, inconspicuous, staminate or pistillate; staminate
flower simply a cluster of 3 stamens; pistillate flower simply a pistil surrounded by a specialized,
saclike bract (perigynium); staminate and pistillate flowers each subtended by a glumelike scale
(bract). Inflorescence compound, with the basic, primary intlorescence (the ultimate unit) a
spikelet (a small spike), the staminate spikelet cornposed of the spirally arranged staminate
flowers and their bracts, the pistillate spikelet composed of a single pistillate flower, perigynium,
and bract; spikelets secondarily arranged into 2-4 elongate spikes per culm. Terminal spike
staminate, linear, 2 -3 cm long, 4 - 5 mm wide, strongly rough-peduncled; scales numerous,
closely appressed, oblong, obtuse, purplish brown or with age reddish brown, with 3-nerved
green center and white-hyaline apex and margins. Lateral spikes 1-3, pistillate, linear or
linear-oblong, 1.5-3.5 cm long, 4-8 mm wide, few- and loosely-flowered, erect on slender,
roughish, usually much exserted peduncles; scales ovate, as wide but rather shorter than the
mature perigynia, varying from obtuse to mucronate to short-awned, purplish brown or with
age straw-colored, with 3-nerved green center and narrow hyaline margins; perigynia 6-20,
ascending, obovoid, 2.5 - 3.5 rnm long, 1.5- 2.25 mm wide, not inflated, 2-keeled, many-
nerved, yellowish green, membranous, minutely punctate, stipitate, tapering to base, abruptly
rounded at apex into a short, often bent beak (sometimes absent), the orifice hyaline, entire
(nonbidentate). Bracts long-sheathing, the blades shorter than the culm, the sheaths tight,
smooth, 5-30 mm long. Perianth none; stamens 3, distinct; gynoecium of I compound pistil,
ovary superior and enclosed by the perigynium, carpels 3, locule 1, placentation basal, style
1, 3-branched above, each branch with an elongate, slender, reddish brown stigma. Fruit an
achene (nutlet of some authors), obovoid, 2.3-2.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, triangular with
concave sides, closely enveloped by the perigynium, yellowish brown, granular, tapering at
base, abruptly strongly bent-beaked, jointed with the persistent style.
Carex biltmoreana belongs to the section Paniceae and most strongly resembles three
other species in this section: C. tetanica, C. woodii, and C . meadii. A combination of the
following characteristics distinguishes C. biltmoreana in the field: culms stout and strongly
purplish-tinged at base, rootstocks stout and interwoven, larger leaf blades 5 mrn wide.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, May to June; Fruits, May to June; Vegetative, May to June
Distribution. *---Ga., N.C. (Buncombe, Haywood, Macon, Rutherford Counties ), S .C., Va.?
Legal s t a t u s . 4 a . - Threatened (Protected); N.C. - Endangered, Possibly extirpated (Protected); Fed-
eral - Under review.
Habitat.-Rocky woods and cliff crevices at high elevations.

* A study prepared by L. L. Gaddy, 1981. for the Plant Protection Board of the N.C. Department of Agriculture reports verifica-
tion of population at type locality on Satulah Mt. (Macon County), and also populations in Greenvillc and Oconee Counties.
South Carolina, and Towns County, Georgia.
i Counties in which C. biltmoreana occurs in Va. are unknown. Occurrence in t h ~ sstate is from Radford, Ahles. and Be11 (1968).
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Mackenzie, K. K. 1910. Notes on Carex. VI. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 37:231-250.
, 1935. (Poales) Cyperaceae4ariceae. N. Am. Flora I. 18: 1-478 (p. 240).

McCollum, J. L., and D. R. Ettrnan. 1977. Georgia's protected plants. Ga. Dep. of Natural Resources,
Research Planning Section, OPR Endangered Plant Program, Atlanta.
Massey, J. R., P. D. Whitson, and T. A. Atkinson. 1980. Endangered and threatened plant survey of
twelve species in the eastern part of Region IV. Contract 14-140004-78-108. Highlands
Biological Station, Contractor. Unpublished manuscript.
Plant Conservation Board, N.G. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Cyperaceae, p. 234.1
Small, J . IS. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile of the 1933 edition. 1972.) Hafner
Publishing Co., New York.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U. S . Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University The New York Botanical Garden
Harvard University University of Georgia
Carex biltmoreanu (CYPERACEAE)

a Plant habit. b Perigynium. c Pistillate scale. d Pistillate infructescence. e Staminate

scale. f Staminate inflorescence.

From NY (Bilt. Herb. 268a)

CAREX MISERA Buckley Wretched sedge

Family.4yperaceae (Sedge Family)

Synonymy.Xarex miser Buckley (emended by Small [I9331 to C. misera), C. jutzcea sensu Small
(1903, 1913) nun Willd., non C . misera Franchet (type from Japan), non 6 . rnisera Phil., non
C , maritima var. misera (Phil. ) Fernald, non C. melanocystis var. misera (Phil.) Kukenthal,
non C. iacuwa var. misera (Phil.) Kukenthal, C . rugeliana Kunze pro parte
Other common names .-None
Description,4rasslike, monoecious, tufted perennial herbs. Rootstocks short, slender, tough, purplish.
Culms (stems) 1.8-5.0 dm tall, very slender but erect, exceeding the leaves, sharply triangular,
minutely pubescent to glabrous and roughened on the angles, strongly purplish at base. Leaves
with well-developed blades 2-4 per fertile culm, on the lower half but not clustered; blades
ascending, flat or channeled at base, light green, ciliate and sparsely short-pubescent beneath,
6-30 cm long, 1-3 mm wide, long-attenuate, roughened towards apex; sheaths tight, purplish,
red-dotted, sparsely pubescent ventrally, truncate and strongly ciliate at mouth; ligules very
short. Flowers minute, inconspicuous, staminate or pistillate; staminate flower simply a clus-
ter of 3 stamens; pistillate flower simply a pistil surrounded by a specialized, saclike bract
(perigynium); staminate and pistillate flowers each subtended by a glumelike scale (bract).
Inflorescence compound, with the basic, primary inflorescence (the ultimate unit) a spikelet (a
small spike), the staminate spikelet composed of the spirally arranged staminate flowers and
their bracts, the pistillate spikelet composed of a single pistillate flower, perigynium, and bract;
spikelets secondarily arranged into 3-4 elongate spikes per culm. Terminal spike staminate,
peduncled, linear, 2.5 cm long, 11.0- 2.5 mm wide; scales rather loose, oblong-obovate, obtuse,
reddish brown with narrow, white-hyaline margins and a lighter midrib. Lateral spikes 2-3,
pistillate, erect, strongly separate, linear, 10-25 mm long, 2 - 3 mm wide, loosely flowered
below, closely above, the lower spikes on long, capillary, slightly rough peduncles, the
upper short-peduncled; scales ovate, obtuse or short-cuspidate, about the width of, but only i/2
to 2/3 the length of, the perigynia, brownish red with lighter, sharply defined midrib and
narrow, white-hyaline margins; perigynia 10-25, appressed-ascending, in few rows, lanceoloid
to ellipsoid, 4-4.5 mm long, 1.25 mm wide, obscurely triangular, slightly flattened, rounded
on outer, concave on inner surface, not inflated, light-green , membranous, minutely punctuate,
red-dotted, sparsely pubescent towards apex, lightly few-nerved (the two lateral sharply defined),
long-tapering at base and apex, sometimes short-beaked, the orifice entire (nonbidentate) . Low-
est bract leaflike, 3-6 cm long, slightly auriculate at base, not sheathing: upper bracts much
shorter. Perianth none; stamens 3, distinct; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary superior
and enclosed by the perigynium, carpels 3, locule 1, placentation basal, style 1, 3-branched
above, each branch with an elongate, slender, reddish brown stigma. Fruit an achene (nutlet of
some authors), narrowly oblong-ellipsoid, 2.5 mm long, scarcely 1 mm broad, triangular
with somewhat concave sides, rather closely enveloped by the perigynium, tapering and substipitate
at base, minutely beaked, jointed with the style.
Carex misera belongs to the section Gracillimae of which there are 7 other members:
C. aestivaliformis, C. aestivalis, C . davisii, C . formosa, C . gracillirna, C . oxylepis, and C .
prasina. Carex misera is fairly distinct from these species because of the following combina-
tion of characteristics: leaf sheaths and blades pubescent, perigynia beaked, terminal spike
staminate, bracts sheathless, pistillate scales brownish red, and achenes narrowly oblong-ovoid.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, May to July; Fruits, May to July; Vegetative, May to September
Distribution.4a., N.C. (Ashe, Avery , Buncombe, Burke, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Mitchell, Swain,
Transylvania Counties). Tenn.
Legal status.--(;a. - Threatened (Protected); N.C. - Threatened (Protected); Tenn. - Threatened
Habitat.-Rocky crevices and balds at high elevations.
Buckley, S. B. 1843. Description of some new species of plants. Am. J . Sci. 45: 170-177.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina,
Bookstore, Univ. N.C.. Charlotte.
Fernald, M. L. 1933. Recent discoveries in the Newfoundland flora. Rhodora 35:395-403 (p. 397).
Gray Herbarium Card Index. 1894 + . Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.
Hooker, J. D., B. D. Jackson, and others. 1893-1895. Index Kewensis. The Clarendon Press, Oxford.
McCollum, J, L, , and D. R. Ettman. 1977. Georgia's protected plants. Ga. Dept. of Natural Resources,
Research Planning Section, OPR Endangered Plant Program, Atlanta.
Mackenzie, K. K. 1935. (Poales) Cyperaceae-Xariceae. N. Am. Flora. I. 18: 1-478 (p. 283).
. 1940. North American Cariceae. Lancaster Press, Inc., Lancaster, Pa.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N .C. Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Development.
1981. Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., 11. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. of N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Cyperaceae, p. 242.1
Small, J. K. 1903. Flora of the southeastern United States. Published by the author, New York.
. 1913. Flora of southeastern United States. Published by the author, New York.
. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile of the 1933 edition. 1972.) Hafner Publish-
ing Co., New York.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128-133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of South Carolina at
Great Smoky Mountains National Columbia
Park Museum University of Tennessee
University of Georgia Vanderbilt University
University of North Carolina at Western Carolina University
Chapel Hill
a Plant habit. b Base of pistillate inflorescence. c Achene (nutlet). d Pistillate spikelet
(pistil enclosed in perigynium). e Pistillate scale. f Staminate scale.

From NCU 20442 1

CAREX PURPURIFERA Mackenzie Purple sedge
Family.--4yperaceae (Sedge Family)
Synonymy.--Carex lusq7ora var. purpurifera (hllackenzie) Gleason
Other common names .-None
Description.--Crasslike, monoecious, tufted perennial herbs arising from short rootstocks. Fertile culms
(stems) 2 - 5 dm tall, largely lateral, erect, usually ascending. sometimes decumbent, exceeding
the leaves, slender, triangular. the angles irregularly and sharply papillose, very strongly
bright-purple-tinged at base; sterile shoots elongate, forming conspicuous culms. Leaf blades of
the sterile shoots erect, flat, thin, not semi-evergreen, green or in age yellowish green, the
longer ones 1.5-2.5 dm long, 3-8 mm wide, roughened on the margins and towards the apex
on the veins, sharp-pointed. conspicuously whitish-striate beneath, the midvein prominent on
the lower surface and the two mid-lateral veins on the upper; leaves with well-developed blades
3 to several to a fertile culm, the blades similar to above but smaller, the sheaths long, only
slightly enlarged upwards, not strongly serrulate, very thin and whitish-hyaline ventrally, con-
spicuously prolonged at mouth, the ligules conspicuous, longer than wide. Flowers minute,
inconspicuous, staminate or pistillate; staminate flower simply a cluster of 3 stamens; pistillate
flower simply a pistil surrounded by a specialized, saclike bract (perigynium); staminate and
pistillate flowers each subtended by a glumelike scale (bract). Inflorescence compound, with
the basic, primary inflorescence (the ultimate unit) a spikelet (a small spike), the staminate
spikelet composed of the spirally arranged unisexual flowers and their bracts, the pistillate
spikelet composed of a single pistillate flower, perigynium, and bract; spikelets secondarily
arranged into 3-3 elongate spikes per culm. Terminal spike staminate, long-peduncled, strongly
overtopping the pistillate spikes and their bracts, linear, 1-3 cm long, 1-3.5 mm wide;
scales oblong-obovate, cuspidate or short-awned. d~illpurplish brown with several-nerved,
lighter center and narrow hyaline margins, the peduncle minutely serrulate. Lateral spikes 2 or
3, pistillate, all widely separate. the upper erect and \lightly or not at all exaertcd, the lower
strongly exserted, the peduncles very slender, weak, terete, slightly roughened, the spikes
2.0-5 cm long, 2-4 Inn1 wide, very loosely 4- 15-flo\vered, the perigynia zilternately ar-
ranged in few rows, strongly qmrate and not overlapping, erect. the uppermost scales often
empty, the rachis granular, sharp-edged, the joints enlarged upwards: scales obovate or oblong-
obovate, very thin and membranous, more or le\s purple-t~nged,often notched, ulually whitish-
hyaline ~ ~ i at 3-nerved,
h green center extended as a conspicuous rough awn, as wide below as
the perigynia but usually shorter; perigynia usually obovoid, sometimes elliptic to ovoid,
3.6-4.25 mm long, nearly 2 rnm wide, not at all inflated, obtusely triangular, membranous,
glabrous, many-nerved, dull-green, with age greenish, stramineous, strongly stipitate, con-
tracted into a spongy base, tapering into the straight or slightly excurved, 0.25 mm long beak,
the orifice oblique. Bracts strongly sheathing, not purple-tinged nor strongly semlate-margined,
the blades rather long, exceeding the culm. Perianth none; stamens 3, distinct; gynoecium of 1
compound pistil, ovary superior and enclosed by the perigynium, carpels 3, locule 1 , placenta-
tion basal, style l , 3-branched above, each branch with an elongate, slender, reddish brown
stigma. Fruit an achene (nutlet of some authors), obovoid, 2.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide,
triangular with concave sides and blunt angles, closely filling the upper part of the perigynium,
granular, dull yellowish brown, subsessile, short-apiculate, jointed with the very short style.
Superficially, Carex purpilrifera resembles a number of other woodland sedges belong-
ing to the section Lax-ijlorae, one of the most difficult complexes in a difficult genus. These
similar species include: C. abscodita, C. albursim, C. austrocarolirziam, 6. blundcz, C. digitalis,
C. gracilescetzs, C. lnxiculmis, C . laxlflorn, C . plantuginea, C. plutyphyllu, C. striutula,
and C. syloJlexa. Field characteristics useful in recognizing C. purpurifera are bright, purple-
tinged bases, brownish staminate spikes on peduncles that exceed the pistillate spikes, and
obovoid perigynia with convex faces.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, March to June; Fruits, April to July; Vegetative, h/larch to July
Distribution.-Ala., Ga., Ky., N.C. (Ashe, Clay, Haywood, hdacon Counties), Tenn.
Legal status.-Ala. - Threatened (Candidate); Ga. - Threatened (Protected); N.C. - Endangered
Habitat.--On rich, rocky wooded slopes at moderate elevations. Soils are calcareous or at least circumneutral
and well-drained. Usually found in cove hardwood communities with a well-developed herb
Babcock. J . V. 1977. Endangered plants and animals of Kentucky. Office of Research and Engineer-
ing Services, College of Engineering, Univ. Ky.. Lexington.
Braun. E. L. 1931. Notes on Kentucky plants. 111. Castanea 6: 10- 12.
Committee on Vascular Plant\. 1977. Vatscular plant\. Reprinted from J . E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J . B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered ant1 threatened plant5 and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Unib . N.C.. Charlotte.
Freeman, J. D., A. S. Causey, J . W. Short, and R. R. Haynes. 1979. Endangered, threatened, and
special concern plants of Alabama. Departmental Series No. 3 , Dep. of Botany and
Microbiology, Agric. Exp. Stn., Auburn Univ., Auburn, Ala.
Gray Herbarium Card Index. 1894 + . Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.
McCollum, J. L., and D. R. Ettman. 1977. Georgia's protected plants. Ga. Dep. of Natural Resources,
Research Planning Section, OPR Endangered Plant Program, Atlanta.
Mackenzie, K . K. 1935. (Poales) Cyperaceae-€ariceae. N. Am. Flora I. 18: 1-478 (pp. 253-254).
. 1940. North American Cariceae. Vol. 11. The New York Botanical Garden, New York,
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N. C. Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Development.
1981. Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Plant Conservation Board, N .C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Small, J . K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile of the 1933 edition. 1972.) Hafner
Publishing Co., New York.
Wofford, B. E., ed. 1980. Inventory of proposed threatened and endangered plant species: Cherokee
National Forest, Tennessee. U. S. Forest Service, Atlanta, Ga.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Aci. 53: 128-133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
University of Georgia University of Tennessee
University of North Carolina at Vanderbilt University
Chapel Hill Western Carolina University
a Plant habit. b Perigynium. c Achene (nutlet). d Pistillate scale. e Portion of pistillate
infructescence. f Leaf sheath. g Staminate scale.

From NCU 168580

Appalachian bugbane

Family.-Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family)

Synonymy.---Cimicifugu cordifolia Pursh pro parte, C. racemosa (Linnaeus) Nuttall var. cordifolia (Pursh)
Gray pro parte
Other common names.-Keamey's bugbane
Description.-Tall, coarse, long-lived perennial herbs arising from hard, knotted rhizomes. Rhizomes
thick. horizontal, attaining a maximum length of ca. 10 cm, bearing numerous, strong fibrous
roots. Stems solitary-, wandlike, erect, mostly 8- 14 dm tall. rather stout at the base, but
diminishing rapidly toward the apex, usually dark purplish brown, rather acutely 4-angled below,
but terete toward the apex, more or less grooved lengthwise, especially below, smooth and
glabrous or with a few, lax, delicate hairs up to the inflorescence. Leaves 1 or 2, near the
base, alternate, quite large, biternately compound, petiole 2- 5 dm long, rather stout, straight
or sometimes curved below, angled, with a rather deep groove on the upper face, densely
pubescent in the groove, otherwise nearly glabrous or sparsely ~ubescenttoward the summit,
petiole base much enlarged and with thin, winglike margins clasping the stem; central primary
division (leaflet) usually trifoliolate, sometimes unifoliolate, always much larger than the
others, terminal secondary leaflet of this central division very broadly obovate, equilateral,
9-30 (mostly 14- 17) cm long, 0-25 (mostly 15- 16) cm wide between the apices of the
two widest lobes, apex acuminate, base usually deeply cordate, deeply and acutely palmately
3-5 lobed, the primary lobes themselves less deeply 2-3 lobed, coarsely and irregularly
dentate, thin, dark green above, paler beneath, sparsely short-ciliate, smooth and glabrous above,
sparsely to rather densely pubescent with rather long, appressed hairs along the veins beneath;
other leaflets smaller, 8 - 24 cm long, 6- 22 cm wide, usually inequilateral, othenvise similar;
petiolules similar to main petiole, although smaller.
Inflorescence a simple panicle of 2-6 slender racemes, the terminal and longest one
15-30 cm long; rachis sparsely or sometimes densely puberulent. Flowers numerous,
actinomorphic, pedicellate and bracteate; pedicels rather slender, much thickened at summit of
raceme, ca. 2 mrn long in flower, becoming 4-5 mm long in fruit, subtended by a lance-
subulate bract ca. 2 mm long and 2 laterally disposed, ovate-triangular, acute, ciliolate bractlets
ca. 1 mm long. Sepals 5, distinct, petaloid, white, quickly deciduous, 4.5-5 mm long,
3-4 mm wide, rounded at apex, narrowed at base, concave; petals absent; stamens numerous,
distinct, spirally arranged into a globose cluster forming the most conspicuous part of the
flower, filaments ca. 4 mm long, flattened especially toward summit, white, showy; gynoecium
of I (rarely 2) simple pistil, ovary superior and strongly compressed laterally, carpel and
locule I , placentation marginal, the style and stigma only slightly differentiated from the body
of the ovary, style very short, slightly recurved, stigma minute. Fruit a follicle, laterally
compressed, oblong, 8-21 mm long, with sides rounded towards base on the ventral face,
beaked by the short, blunt, hardened, apically somewhat enlarged, ascending style that de-
parts from the ventral side, just below the apex, at an angle of ca. 4S0, pale green, walls thin,
becoming almost like paper, veins prominent. Seeds usually 6, lenticular, ca. 3 mm long,
ca. 1.5 mm wide, reddish brown, covered with reddish brown, thin, chaffy scales, particularly
along the edges where they form a well-developed, lacerate wing.
Three species of Cimicifugu occur in eastern North America: C. rubifolia, C. racemosa,
and C. arnericurzu. Cirnicificga rubifolia differs from the other two species in many respects,
as can be seen from the following comparison chart.
C . crmeric.unu
NUMBER 20 or more
LEAFLET cuneate, rounded, cuneate, rounded,
BASE deeply cordate or subcordate or subcordate
TERMINAL 5-9 prominent
LEAFLET veins arising 3 prominent veins 3 prominent veins
VENATION from base arising from base arising from base
OCCURRENCE absent present present
NUMBER 1 (2) 3-8
POSITION sessile sessile stipi tate
SHAPE oblong broadly ellipsoid ellipsoid

SURFACE scaly scaly smooth

Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, July to October; Fruits, July, September to October; Vegetative, April to October
Distribution.-Ill., Ky., N.C, (no counties documented), Tenn., Va. (Scott, Smyth Counties)
Legal status.-My. - Threatened (Candidate); Tenn. - Threatened (Candidate); Va. - Threatened
(Candidate); Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Wooded bluffs, ravines, coves, or north-facing talus slopes; prefers limestone or calcareous
Ayensu, E. S., R. A. DeFilipps. 1978. Endangered and threatened pIants of the United States. The
Smithsonian Institution and World Wildlife Fund, Inc., Washington, D.C.
Bailey, W. M., and J. R. Swayne. 1951. New Illinois plant records. Am. Midl. Naturalist 46:256.
Britton, N. L., and A. Brown. 1897. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the
British Possessions. Vol. 2. 1st ed. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.
. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions.
Vol. 2. 2nd ed. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.
Elliott, S. 1824. Sketch of the botany of South Carolina and Georgia 2: 17, J. R. Schenk, Charleston,
Endangered Species Committee, Kentucky Academy of Science, and Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission.
No date. Endangered, threatened and rare animals and plants of Kentucky. Ky . Nature Pre-
serves Commission, Frankfort. Unpublished manuscript.
Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. 8th ed. American Book Co., New York.
Gattinger, A. 1901. The flora of Tennessee. Gospel Advocate Publishing Co. , Nashville.
Gleason, H. A. 1952. The new Britton and Brown illustrated tlora of the northeastern United States and
Canada. Vol. 2. The New York Botanical Garden, New York.
Gray, A., and others. 1895-1897. Synoptical flora of North America 1:55. Edited by B. L. Robinson.
American Book Co., New York.
Huth, E. 1893. Revision der Kleineren Ranunculaceen--Gattungen Myosurus, Trautvetteria, Hamadryas,
Glaucidium, Hydrastis, Eranthis, Coptis, Anemonopsis, Actaea, Cimicifuga und Xanthorrhiza.
Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16:278-324.
Jones, G. N., and G. D. Fuller. 1955. Vascular plants of Illinois. The Univ. Ill. Press, Urbana, and Ill.
State Museum, Springfield.
Kal-tesz, J. T., and R. Kartesz. 1977. The biota of North America. Part 1. Vascular plants. Rare plants,
Vol. I. BONAC, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Kearney, T. H., Jr. 1893. Additions to the Tennessee flora. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 20:253-254.
. 1893. Letter to Britton, re: C . cordifolia, 16 March 1893. The New York Botanical Garden,
New York.
. 1897. New or otherwise interesting plants of eastern Tennessee. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24:560-564.
Keener, C. S. 1977. Studies in the Ranunculaceae of the southeastern United States. VI. Miscellaneous
genera. Sida 7:l-12.
Massey, A. B. 1961. Virginia flora. Va. Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Bull. 155. Blacksburg.
Mohlenbrock, R. H., and J. W. Voigt. 1959. A flora of southern Illinois. Southern 111. Univ. Press,
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Ramsey , G. W. 1965. A biosystematic study of the genus Cimicifuga (Ranunculaceae). Ph.D. dissertation.
Univ . Tenn. , Knoxville.
Sims, J. 1819. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 462069.
Torrey, J., and A. Gray. 1838- 1843. A flora of North America. Vol. I. Wiley and Putnam, New
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128-133.
Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Harvard University University of North Carolina at
Lynchburg College Chapel Hill
North Carolina State University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
Cinzic.iJtrglir-rr hitolizr ( KANL'N('~'I
..l\~'r:,l\ t;)

a Plant habit. b Follicle. c Sceci. d Flo\ver. e Leaf. f Inflorescence.

a ft-on1 NCU 473700, 367 189; b, c from NCU 748 1%;

d, f from NCU 473700: e from 467 189
CLEMATIS VITICAULIS Steele Grape leather-flower

Family .-Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family)

Synonymy .-None
Other common names .-Leather flower
Description.-Erect, suffruticose perennial herbs from woody caudices densely clad with long, unbranched,
fleshy, brownish roots, these sometimes reaching 30 cm long with little diminution of size.
Stems erect, often clustered. light brown to dark purplish brown, finely hirtellous with many
short twisted or straight hairs, often glandular, sometimes spreading villose or with stellate
hairs intermixed, usually solid and 6-angled or -ribbed, the main axis 3-3.5 ( 3 . 5 ) dm tall.
simple or branched, the branches 1 - 13, usually overtopping the central axis and forming a
round, bushy plant. Leaves deciduous, simple, opposite, decussate, dark green. flaccid and
membranous, narrowly ovate to elliptic-lanceolate. the largest on the main axis 4-7 cm long,
2-3.5 cm wide, entire, seldom serrate with a few teeth, acute to obtuse, often rnucronate,
base usually obtuse, lower surface nearly glabrous or with a few, scattered hairs along the
major veins, rarely markedly pubescent, upper surface glabrous; subsessile to petiolate, peti-
oles 2-8 mm long, pubescent like the stem. Flowers solitary, terminal on primary branches,
nodding, actinomorphic, narrowly urceolate, on hirtellous, recurved peduncles lengthening
to 1-4 cm and straightening to a nearly erect orientation in fruit. Sepals 4, distinct, thick,
fleshy, leathery, petaloid, purplish lavender, sometimes with greenish backs, lanceolate, 14- 25
mm long, 6- 10 mm wide, tips blunt to tapering, spreading to recurved, outer surface minutely
pilose to puberulent with few to many short, straight to bent hairs, margins densely pubes-
cent with short hairs, less than 1.5 mm thick. Petals absent. Stamens numerous, distinct, spi-
rally arranged, pubescent; filaments 6-9 mm long; anthers 4-5 mm long; connective extend-
ing beyond the anther sacs. Gynoecium of numerous, distinct simple pistils spirally arranged on
a convex receptacle, ovaries superior, unicarpellate, unilocular, with 1 ovule, placentation
marginal, style 1, much elongated into a plumose "tail" that persists on the fruit, stigma 1.
Fruit a conspicuous, spherical aggregate of achenes; achenes dark purplish brown, laterally
compressed, more or less orbicular to fusiform, 4-5 mm long, 3-4.5 mm broad, with evident
narrow rims, usually symmetrical with the styles attached more or less erect from the tip,
pubescence spreadingly short-pilose above the middle, strongly ascending along the carpel rim;
achene tails 1.5-3.5 cm long, plumose with deep brown to reddish-brown hairs, straight to
recurved to form a loosely compact, more or less spherical fruiting aggregate.
Five similar species of Clematis in Section Viorna Subsection Integrifoliae occur in
North America: C . fremontii, C . albicoma, C . coactilis, C . viticaulis, and C . ochroleuca.
Clematis fremontii occurs in the barrens of eastern Mo. and the prairies of Kans. and Nebr.
and differs from the other species in having essentially glabrous achene tails. Clematis albicoma,
C . coactilis, and C . viticaulis are endemics restricted to western Va. and eastern W. Va.
and occur in shale barrens, a unique habitat marked by a surface layer of resistant, fissile,
highly siliceous shale fragments of the Braillier Formation of the Upper Devonian (Keener,
1967). Clematis ochroleuca is a more widespread species, has a wider ecological amplitude,
and grows in a moist, well-drained, shaded woods to sunny, rather dry, open roadside banks
and cutover areas over basic rock. The following comparison chart can be used to separate the
last four species.
C. \ * i f i < * ~ ~ z ~ i i , ~ C , c.ocrc.zlii,c C. oc-firoleuc*ct
hirteilous, often fine and \ilky
\hart-appresscd pubescent villous
COLOR dark green dark green light green light green
LEAF glabrous or with glabrous or with
C ESTITCKk a fetk scattered a few scattered
(LOLVkR SURI-Act:) hairs along vein\ hairs along veins pubescent
n~inuteljpilose dense, silky, dense, silky
to puberulent inattecl hairs hairs
VESTITLREi ascending spreading spreading ascending

ACHENE TAIL deep brown to white to white to yellowish white

COLOR reddish brown pale yellow pale yellow to tawny
LENGTH 3-4.5 cin

Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, April to June; Fruits, June to September; Vegetative, April to October

Distribution.-Va. (Augusta, Bath, Roanoke, Rockbridge Counties)
Legal status.-Va. - Endangered (Candidate); Federal - Under review
Habitat .-Shale barrens.

Erickson, R. 0. 1943. Taxonomy of Clematis section Viorna. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 30: 1-60.
Fernald, M. L. 1943. Virginia botanizing under restrictions. Rhodora 45:357-4 13, 445-480, 485-5 11 (p.
Gleason, H. A. 1952. The new Britton and Brown illustrated flora of the northeastern United States and
adjacent Canada. The New York Botanical Garden, New York.
Keener, C. S. 1 967. A biosystematic study of Clemati~subsection Irltegrifoliae (Ranunculaceae). J.
Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 83: 1-41.
. 1975. Studies in the Ranunculaceae of the southeastern United States. 111. Clematis L. Sida
Massey, A. B. 1961. Virginia flora. Va. Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Bull. 155. Blacksburg.
Porter, D. hf. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Steele, E. S. 1911. New or noteworthy plants from the eastern United States. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb.
Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Harvard University University of North Carolina at
Lynchburg College Chapel Hill
North Carolina State University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
The College of William and Mary State University

a Fruiting branches. b Achene. c Flower. d Stamen. e Anther. f Closeup of stem

and leaf base.

a, b, f from NCU 276605: C, d , e from NCU 47 1266

COREOPSIS LATIFOLIA Michaux Broad-leaved tickseed

Family .-Asteraceae (Composite. Aster, or Sunflower Family)

Synonymy.-Leiodon latifolium (Michaux) Shuttlewonh
Other common names .-Broadleaf coreopsis
Description.-Erect, slender, essentially glabrous perennial herbs with long rhizomes. S t m s 7- 15 dm
tall, with 6- 10 nodes below the inflorescence, erectly branched toward the apex, puberulent
on upper portions. Leaves conspicuous all or nearly all the way to the apex of the plant,
opposite, short-petiolate (0 -2 cm) or subsessile, cauline, lance-ovate to lance-elliptic, 8 - 20
crn long, 3 - 10 crn wide, markedly reduced upward, menlbranous and veiny, acuminate,
ciliate and coarsely senate to dentate with mucronate teeth, base cuneate to attenuate. Flowers
(florets) small and sessile in a compact head on a common enlarged receptacle, collectively
surrounded by an involucre, each head appearing to be a single flower; secondary inflorescence
loosely corymbose-paniculate, peduncles 0.5 - 3 cm long. Heads few to numerous, ca. 4 cm
broad including the rays, radiate; involucre narrowly campanulate, biseriate, outer bracts
linear, 4-6 mm long, spreading, herbaceous, inner bracts lanceolate, 7- 8 mm long, erect,
membranous, brownish to yellowish; receptacle flat, chaffy, with a slender, thin, flat bract
(chaff, pale) subtending each disc fiower. Ray flowers 4-5, yellow, 1 -2 cm long, not or
inconspicuously toothed, pistillate; disc flowers few (ca. 10- 18), yellow, 5-toothed, perfect;
pappus absent; stamens 5 , syngenesious (the anthers fused together to form a cylinder around
the style), this cylinder exserted beyond the corolla tube; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil,
ovary inferior, carpels 2, Iocule 1, ovule 1, placentation basal, style 1, much exserted,
2-branched at the apex, the branches acute and ending in a fairly sharp point, each with incon-
spicuous stigmatic tissue. Fruit a cypsela (achene or nutlet of some authors), 6-8 mm long,
lance-oblong, wingless, truncate and without pappus awns at the narrow apex.
'4 combination of characteristics distinguish C. latifolia from other Coreo1;)sisspecies:
leaves opposite and coarsely serrate but not pinnatifid, cypselas wingless, style branches acute
and sharp pointed, disc corollas 5-toothed, and ray flowers only 3-5 (most species have 8).
Coreopsis is a large genus, poorly delimited h m the closely related, even larger genus, Bidem,
from which it cannot be separated definitely by any one character. The following key (modified
from Sherff and Alexander, 1955) might aid in identification of the 2 genera:
Herbs or shrubs, some species climbing; heads discoid or more often radiate with
rays yellow; cypselas not membranous-winged, commonly beakless, usually awned, the
awns more often retrorsely barbed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bidens
Some species shrubs, but none climbing; heads radiate with rays yellow; cypselas in
most species membranous-winged, awnless or, if awned, never with awns retrorsely
barbed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coreopsis.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, August to September; Fruits, August to October; Vegetative, August to October
Distribution.4a. (?), N .C. (Buncombe, Cherokee, Henderson, Polk Counties), S .C.
Legal status.-N. C. - Endangered (Protected); S .C . - Threatened (Candidate); Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Rich, moist woods at upper elevations in the Blue Ridge province.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J . E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Cronquist, A. 1980. Vascular flora of the southeastern United States. Vol. I. Asteraceae. Univ. N.C.
Press. Chapel Hill.
Kartesz, J . T., and R. Kartesz. 1977. The biota of North America. Part 1. Vascular plants. Rare plants,
Vol. I. BONAC, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Michaux, A. 1803. Flora Boreali-Americana. Caroli Crapelet, Paris and hrgentorati.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div.. Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Asteraceae, p. 1125.1
Rayner, D. A., Chairman, and The South Carolina Advisory Committee on Endangered, Threatened and
Rare Plants. 1979. Native vascular plants endangered, threatened, or otherwise in jeopardy
in South Carolina. S.C. Museum Commission, Museum Bull. No. 4.
Sherff, E. E. 1936. Revision of the genus Coreop,tis. Field Museum of Ndtural History. Botanical
Series I 1 :279-475.
Sherff, E. E.. and E. J . Alexander. 1955. Compositae-Heliantheae, Coreopsidinae N. Am. Flora 11.
Small, J. K. 1903. Flora of the southeastern United States. Published by the author, New York.
Smith, E. B. 1976. A biosystematic survey of Coreopsis in eastern United States and Canada. Sida
6: 123-215.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal
Register 45(242):82480-82569.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of North Carolina at
North Carolina State University Chapel Hill
University of Georgia University of South Carolina at
liltifblici ( A S T ~ U , \ C I . - . ~ ~ )

a Plant habit. b Flowering poi-tion of plant. c Head. d Outer phyllary . e Inner phyllary .
f Chaff. g Ray flowcr. h Stigmas and apical portion of style. i Disc flower (with stigma
pulled outside anthers). j Cypsela (achene). d

a-i from NCU 381672: j from Kral's material

CYMOPHYLLUS FRASERI (Andrews) Mackenzie Fraser's sedge

Family .-Xyperaceae (Sedge Family)

Synonymy .--Care.x fraseri Andrews, C . fraseriana Sims, C . lagopus Muhlenberg , Cronopzrs tripitus
Kin, Olamblis fraseri Rafinesque. Mupania sy1vatic.a fide Pursh (non M. sylvarica Aublet)
Other common names .-Fraser' s carex, Lily-leaf sedge
Description.drasslike, monoecious, tufted, evergreen perennial herbs arising from short. thick rhizomes.
Culms (stems) slender. erect to arching, glabrous, slightly ribbed, pale green, 1.2-5.0 dm
tall, 1.5 - 2.5 mrn wide, obscurely triangular (often flattened when pressed), surrounded on
lower half by 4 -6 overlapping, cylindrical, involute, membranous, striate, bladeless sheaths.
these glabrous, 0.5 - 17 cm long, broadly acute apically. margins entire. Leaves basal, evergreen,
pale green when young, becoming dark green at maturity, blades flat, thick and coriaceous,
without midrib, but with many, fine, parallel veins, widely linear and straplike, 1-7 dm long,
1.5-5 cm wide, rounded to obtuse, margins narrowly scarious, undulate (hence finely crum-
pled upon drying), minutely sermlate and scabemlous; sheaths and ligules absent. Inflorescence
compound, with the basic, primary inflorescence (the ultimate unit) a spikelet (a small spike);
the staminate spikeiet composed of minute, inconspicuous flowers (reduced simply to stamens),
each in the axil of a glurnelike scale (bract), the bracts spirally arranged; the pistillate spike-
let composed of a single flower (reduced simply to a pistil), surrounded by a saclike scale
(perigynium) and subtended by a single bract. Spikelets secondarily arranged into a terminal,
solitary, erect spike that is milky-white, bractless, androgynous (the upper half with staminate
flowers, the lower with pistillate), 1-2.5 cm long, 0.8- 1.5 cm wide. Pistillate portion of
spike ovoid-globose, flowers very dense, 20-30, in many rows, ascending but soon spreading;
perigynia obscurely 3-nerved, white, hyaline, ovoid to subglobose, 4 -6 mm long, 2- 2.5
mrn wide, with a short beak; scales white, hyaline, very thin, ovate, 3 -5 mm long (half the
length of the perigynia), acute to obtuse, the midvein very faint. Staminate portion of spike
short cylindric; scales white, hyaline, very thin, obovate, spathulate, or oblanceolate, 4.5 -5.5
rnm long, acute to obtuse, the midvein very faint. Perianth none; stamens 3, distinct, white,
much exserted at anthesis on filiform filaments ca. 1.2 cm long; gynoecium of 1 compound
pistil, ovary superior and enclosed by the perigynium, carpels 3, locule 1, placentation basal,
style I, but 3-branched above, each branch with an elongate stigma, stigmas exserted at anthesis.
Fruit a 3-sided achene (nutlet of some authors), shiny, dark brown at maturity, ovoid or
obovoid, the sides concave, loosely enveloped in the lower two-thirds of the perigynium, strongly
stipitate, jointed with the persistent style.
Cyrnophyllus fraseri is quite distinctive and the only living member of the genus. It is
related to the genus Carex in that it does produce a perigynium; consequently, it has often
been placed into this genus by botanists. Important field characteristics include the milky-white
spikes and the broad, flat, dark-green, straplike leaves without midrib and sheath. Carex has
inconspicuous, mostly green spikes and keeled, usually dull-green leaves with midrib and sheath.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, March to June; Fruits, March to July; Vegetative, January to December
Distribution.da. (?)*, Ky ., N. C. (Alleghany, Ashe, Avery , Caldwell, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson,
Macon, McDowell, Mitchell, Swain, Watauga, Wilkes, Yancey Counties), Pa., S .C., Tenn.,
Va. (Grayson, Highland, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, Wise, Wythe Counties), W.
Legal status.-Ky . - Threatened (Candidate); S .C. - Extinct (Candidate); Tenn. - Threatened (Candidate);
Va. - Threatened (Candidate); W. Va. - Threatened (Candidate)
Habitat.-This southern Appalachian endemic inhabits rich woods, cool, moist slopes, and strean~banks
in various types of communities, e.g., northern hardwoods (Acer saccharurn [sugar maple],
Fagus grurzdifolia [American beech], Betula luteu [yellow birch]), Rhododet?dron ma~ximum
(rosebay) thickets, cove hardwoods (a number of different tree species), and T ~ u g ucbanaciensis
(Canadian hemlock) forests.

* This state is from a herbarium

specimen collected by S. B. Buckley and labeled "in montibus Carolinae et Georgiae." To our
knowledge, no confirmation of its presence in Georgia has been made.
Andrews, H. 18 11. Botanists repository. Vol. X. Printed by T. Bensley for the author, London.
Braun, E. L. 1941. Notes on Kentucky plants. 111. Castanea 6: 10- 12.
Britton, N. L., and A. Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the
British possessions. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. [See Mackenzie. Cyrnophyllus, p.
441 . ]
Carpenter, I, W., and M. L. Hicks. 1976. The vascular flora of Stone Mountain State Park in Wilkes
and Alleghany Counties of North Carolina. ASB Bull. 23:48.
Clarkson, R. B . 1961 . Fraser's Sedge, C_t.rnop!zyllusfraseri ( Andrews) Mackenzie. Castanea 26: 129-136.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Endangered Species Committee, Kentucky Academy of Science, and Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission.
No date. Endangered, threatened and rare animals and plants of Kentucky. Ky. Nature Pre-
serves Commission, Frankfort. Unpublished manuscript.
Fortney, R. H., R. B. Clarkson, C. N. Harvey, and J. Kartesz. 1978. Rare and endangered species of
West Virginia: A preliminary report. Vol. 1. Vascular plants. W. Va. Dep. Natural Resources,
Heritage Trust Program, East Charleston, W. Va.
Harvill, A. M., Jr., C. E. Stevens, and D. M. E. Ware. 1977. Atlas of the Virginia flora. Part 1.
Pteridophytes through Monocotyledons. Va. Botanical Associates, Farmville.
Hooker, J. D., B. D. Jackson, and others. 1893-1895. Index Kewensis. The Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Mackenzie, K. K. 1935. (Poales) Cyperaceae---Cariceae. N. Am. Flora I. 18:1-478. [See Cymophyllus,
p- 8.1
. 1940. North American Cariceae. Vol. 11. The New York Botanical Garden, New York.
Muhlenberg, G. H. E. 1817. Descriptio Uberior Graminurn. Published by F. A. Muhlenberg, Philadelphia,
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N. C. Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Development.
1981. Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Pittillo, J. D. 1978. Field observations of Fraser's Sedge (Cymophyllus fraseri-Cyperaceae). ASB Bull.
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Cyrnophyllus, p. 216.1
Rafinesque, C. S. 1840. The good book. Philadelphia, Pa.
Rayner, D. A., Chairman, and The South Carolina Advisory Committee on Endangered, Threatened and
Rare Plants. 1979. Native vascular plants endangered, threatened, or otherwise in jeopardy
in South Carolina. S.C. Museum Commission, Museum Bull. No. 4.
Sims, J . 181 1. Ccrr-cx,frcrserinrzu. Fraser's Carex. Bot. Mag. 34: 139 1 .
Small, J. K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.) Hafner Publish-
ing Co., New York.
Small, J. K., and A. M. Vail. 1893- 1894. Report of the botanical exploration of southwestern Virginia
during the season of 1982. Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 4:93-202 (p. 162).
Strausbaugh, P. D . , and E. L. Core. No date. Flora of West Virginia. 2nd ed. Seneca Books, Inc.,
Grantsville, W. Va.
Wofford, B. E., ed. 1980. Inventory of proposed threatened and endangered plant species: Cherokee
National Forest, Tennessee. U. S. Forest Service, Atlanta, Ga.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128-133.
Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of North Carolina at
Furman University Chapel Hill
Great Smoky Mountains National University of South Carolina at
Park Museum Columbia
Harvard University University of Tennessee
Lynchburg College Vanderbilt University
North Carolina State University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
The College of William and Mary State University
University of Georgia Western Carolina University

a Plant h;lbit. b Pistillate scale. c Staminate scale. d Stamen. e Achene (nutlet). f Early
inlloreaccnce. g Late inflorescence.

a from NCU 300828; b-e from NCU 360368;

f, g from Paul Marx's material
DALIBARDA REPENS Linnaeus Dalibarda
Family .-Rosaceae (Rose Family)
Synonymy .-Dalibarda cordata Steph. ; D . violaeoides Michaux; Rubus dalibarda L. ; Rubus repens
(L.) Kuntze
Other common names.-Dew-drop, false violet, robin-runaway, star-violet, star-violet dalibarda, swamp
Description.-Low, unarmed perennial herbs with densely tufted. evergreen leaves arising directly from
creeping, slender rhizomes. Leaves simple; blades rounded to cordate, 1.5-4 cm long, with
long, soft hairs (trichomes) on both surfaces, crenate; petioles long (2-7 cm), slender,
pubescent; stipules small, linear, deeply trifid. Flowers solitary on axillary peduncles and of
two kinds: petaliferous, usually sterile flowers, and apetalous, fertile ones. Sterile flowers on
upright peduncles usually longer than the petioles, actinomorphic; sepals 5, distinct, divergent,
apically 3-toothed; petals 5, distinct, white; stamens numerous, distinct, inserted on a disk-
shaped floral cup; gynoecium of few, distinct, villous simple pistils, usually abortive. Fertile
flowers on curved peduncles usually shorter than the petioles, actinomorphic; sepals 5, distinct,
erect, apically 3-toothed, persistent and enclosing the mature fruit; petals absent; stamens 5- 10,
distinct, inserted on a disk-shaped floral cup; gynoecium of 5- 10, distinct, villous, simple
pistils, ovaries superior, unicarpellate, unilocular, placentation axile. Fruit of 5- 10 achenelike
drupelets, white, nearly dry, pubescent.
Pheno1ogy.-flowers, June to September; Fruits, May, July to September; Vegetative, January to December
Distribution.-€onn., Maine, Mass., Md., Mich., Minn., N.H., N. J., N.Y., N.C. (Transylvania County),
Ohio, Pa., Va. (Carroll County), Vt., W. Va.; Canada - Nova Scotia (?), Ontario, Quebec
Legal status.-N.C. - Endangered (Protected); Va. - Endangered (Candidate); W. Va. - Peripheral
Habitat.-Rich, moist, cool or shaded woods or swamps with deciduous or evergreen forest canopy or
mossy bogs.
Bean, R. C., D. C. Richards, and F. Hyland. 1966. Check-list of the vascular plants of Maine. Revision
of 1948 edition, by E. C. Ogden, F. H. Steinmetz, and F. Hyland. Bull. Josselyn Bot. Soc.
Maine 8: 1-7 1.
Britton, N. L., and A. Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States and Canada and
the British Possessions. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.
Clark, A. G, 1904. Dalibarda repens near Boston. Rhodora 6:227.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J . B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. American Book Co., New York.
Fortney, R. H., R. B. Clarkson, C. N. Harvey, and J. Kartesz. 1978. Rare and endangered species of
West Virginia: A preliminary report. Vol. I. Vascular plants. West Virginia Dep. Natural Resources,
Heritage Trust Program, East Charleston, W. Va.
Gibson, J. R. 1969. The flora of Alder Run Bog, Tucker County, West Virginia. M.A. thesis. Dep. of
Botany, Univ. N.C., Chapel Hill.
Hooker, J. D., B. D. Jackson, and others. 1893- 1895. Index Kewensis plantarum phanerogamarum.
The Clarendon Press, Oxford.
House, H. D. 1924. Annotated list of the ferns and flowering plants of New York state. New York
State Mus. Bull. 254. The Univ. of the State of N.Y., Albany.
Kartesz, J. T., and R. Kartesz. 1 977. The biota of North America. Part 1. Vascular plants. Rare plants,
Vol. I. BONAC, Pittsburgh.
Kelsey, H. P., and W. A. Dayton. 1942. Standardized plant names. J. Horace MacFarland Co., Harrisburg,
Kuntze, C. E. 0 . 1891. Revisio generum plantarum. Leipzig.
Linnaeus, C. 1762. Species plantarum. Editio secunda aucta. Stockholm.
. 1957. Species plantarum. (Facsimile of the 1753 edition.) The Ray Society, London.
Marshall, hf. P. 1977. A vascular flora of Bennington County, Vermont. M.A. thesis. Dep. of Botany,
Univ. N.C., Chapel Hill.
Michaux, A. 1803. Flora Boreali-Americana. Caroli Crapelet, Paris and Argentorati.
Pease, A. S. 1964. A flora of northern New Hampshire. New England Botanical Club, Inc., Cambridge,
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Virginia Polytechnic Insti-
tute and State University, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Rosaceae, p. 542.1
Robertson. K. R. 1974. The genera of Rosaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor.
Robinson, J. 1880. The flora of Essex County, Massachusetts. Essex Institute, Salem.
Rydberg, P. A. 19 13. Rosaceae. North American Flora. Vol. 22, Part 5.
Schaffner, J. H. 1914. Catalog of Ohio vascular plants. Ohio Biol. Surv. 1 , Bull. 2.
Seymour, F. C. 1969. The flora of New England. Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vt.
Strausbaugh, P. D . , and E. L. Core. 1952. Flora of West Virginia. Part I . West Virginia Univ. Bull.
Series 52, No. 12-2.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of North Carolina at
Furman University Charlotte
North Carolina State University University of Tennessee
University of North Carolina at Vanderbilt University
Chapel Hill
a Plant habit. b Petaliferou\ flower. c Stamen5 (abauiai 2nd adaxial views of anthers).
d Pctal. e Sepal. f Pi\til(carpcl). g Drupelet. h Seed. i Stipulei. j Apetaliferous
flower ( k z i t h carpels removccl).

a f'ritrn NCU 79458: b, d , e from NCU 361373; c, f, g, h from

NCIJ 305336; i from NCU 133721 : j from NCU 13272 1
ERIOCAULON LINEME Small Linear pipewort

Family .-Eriocaulaceae (Pipewort Family)

Synonymy.-Eriocaulon lineare Small var. gigas Moldenke
Other common names.-Narrow pipewort
Description.-Rosulate, scapose, tufted perennial herbs, reproducing vegetatively either by short lateral
offshoots (in moist situations) or by pale, elongated, leafy rhizomes (in submersed or wet
situations). Roots pale, thick, fleshy, evidently cross-partitioned, appearing unbranched. The
stems very short, unbranched. Leaves in a basal rosette, bluish green, simple. arranged in a
close spiral toward the apex of the short stem, linear, 1 - 10 cm long, curved, tapering from
a widened sheath-like base to the acuminate apex, pale and noticeably aerenchymatous (with
air spaces) basally, greener and less distinctly lacunate above, the chlorenchymatous (green)
proportion of the leaves increasing with extent and duration of emergence. Mature scape erect,
slender, much exceeding the leaves, 5 -32 cm long and ca. 1 mm thick below the head
(longest and thickest when the plants are submersed), slightly twisted, with 4-7 slightly elevated,
dark green ridges, the shallow grooves yellowish to pale green, sheathed basally with a
tubular leaf. Flowers small and sessile in a compact, buttonlike head on a common enlarged
receptacle, collectively surrounded by an involucre, each head appearing to be a single flower;
heads solitary on the scapes, hemispheric, 4-9 mm broad. Bracts of the involucre imbricate,
orbicular or ovate, 2-2.5 mm long, pale, the tips rounded, entire, sometimes squarrose, the
margin often scarious. Bractlets within the inflorescence 1 per flower, obovate or cuneate, ca.
2 mm long, the bases scarious with a slightly darkened midrib, the apices hairy on the backs
with white, clavate (club-shaped) hairs. Flowers unisexual, regular, the perianth members sim-
ilar and chaffy. Staminate flower: sepals 2, fused into a short-tubular base, scarious and
translucent, grayish, concave-curvate, oblong-linear , 1.5 -2 mm long, acute, the outer surfaces
with white, clavate hairs apically; petals 2, largely fused into a narrow cylindrical structure
1- 1.5 mm long, basal end narrow, gradually broadened above at which point the two short
(ca. 0.5 mm) ciliate corolla lobes depart, each with a sessile black gland on the concave
inner surface; stamens 4, distinct, arising from the summit of a claviforrn structure (androphore-
apparently a fusion of filaments and corolla tube) bearing 2-3 dark-colored glands in its
center, anthers jet black and exserted from the heads on white filaments. Pistillate flower:
sepals 2, fused at the base, oblanceolate, ca. 2 mm long, keeled, curvate, greenish or grayish
brown, the apices rounded and with a covering of white clavate hairs on the backs; petals 2,
fused at the base, spathulate, 1.5-2 mm long, flat, yellowish white, the apices rounded and
white-hairy on both sides, the inner surfaces often with a mixture of clear and opaque hairs;
gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary superior, stipitate, carpels 2, locules 2, styles 2,
stigmas 2, ovules 1 per locule, pendulous from the summit of each locule (apical placentation).
Fruit a thin-walled capsule, dehiscence loculicidal, the style persistent. Seeds red, ellipsoid.
Superficially, E. lineare most closely resembles E. septangulare, whose range (the
Canadian Shield of southern Canada, the Great Lakes region, New England, and south in
the Appalachians into mountainous N.C.) it may contact to the north and northwest, and E.
texense, whose range (Western Fla. Panhandle, S.W.Ala. to e. Tex.) it does contact to the
west. The following comparison chart may be used to separate these three species.

E. lineare E. texense E. septarzgulare

SURFACE naked conspicuously hairy naked
FILAMENTS ciliate glabrous glabrous
BRACTCOLOR whitish dark grayish dark grayish
PERIOD late summer early spring late summer
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, April to May, July to September; Fruits, July to September: Vegetative. April to
Distribution.-Ala., Fla., Ga., N.C. (Henderson County)
Legal status .-Ala. - Special Concern (Candidate); Miss. - Rare (Candidate); N. C. - Endangered,
Possibly extirpated (Protected)
Habitat.-Wet, acid situations, such as wet woods and moist pinelands, savannahs, bogs, shallow pools,
and ditches.

Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Freeman, J . D., A. S. Causey, J. W. Short, and R. R. Haynes. 1979. Endangered, threatened, and
special concern plants of Alabama. Departmental Series No. 3, Dep. of Botany and Microbiology,
Agric. Exp. Stn., Auburn Univ., Auburn, Ala.
Godfrey, R. K., and J. W. Wooten. 1979. Aquatic and wetland plants of southeastern United States:
Monocotyledons. The Univ. Ga. Press, Athens. [See Kral, Eriocaulaceae, p. 5 10.1
Kartesz, J. T., and R. Kartesz. 1977. The biota of North America. Part 1. Vascular plants, Vol. I.
BONAC, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Kral, R. 1966. Eriocaulaceae of continental North America north of Mexico. Sida 2285-332.
Mississippi Natural Heritage Program, Dep. of Wildlife Conservation. No date. Special plant list. Miss.
Museurn of Natural Sciences, Jackson. Unpublished manuscript.
Moldenke, H. N. 1937. Eriocaulaceae. N. Am. Flora I. 19:17-50.
. 1974. An unusual Florida pipewort. Phytologia 27:444.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Eriocaulaceae, p. 266.1
Small, J. K. 1903. Flora of the southeastern United States. Published by the author, New York.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of North Carolina at
University of Georgia Chapel Hill
Vanderbilt University
a Plant habit. b Staminate flower ~ % i tpcrianth
h removed. c Staminate flower. d Bractlet (at
base o f flower). e Involucral bract. f Pistillate flower uith \epals and petal removed. g Pistillate
flower. h Seed.

a from NCU 236503; b-g from NCU 374213; h from NCU 268305
GEUM GENICULATUM Michaux Bent avens
Family.-Rosaceae (Rose Family)
Synonymy.-4eum geniculatrrm Michaux var. m(lc.rectrzum Gray
Other common names .-None
Description.-Erect, hirsute perennial herbs with basal rosette of leaves arising frons short, vertical rootstocks
Stems 4- 8 dm tall, slightly angled. Basal leaves odd-pinnately compound. sometimes appear-
ing simple and reniforrn or 3-lobed, coarsely dentate, with long petioles, the 3 terminal leaflets
usually ovate and often larger than the lower ones which are of varying sizes, some usually
greatly reduced or absent; stem leaves similar to basal ones, but usually less compound and with
shorter petioles, often simple in the inflorescences; stipules prominent, 0.8- 1.5 cm long,
those of basal leaves completely adnate to the petioles and forming wings, those of stem leaves
free. Inflorescence terminal. an open, weakly paniculate cyme. Flowers nodding, actinomorphic,
epicalyx of 5 , small, lanceolate bracts present. Sepals 5 , spreading, fused at the base, 5 - 10 mm
long, green, with glandular hairs; petals 5 , distinct, about as long as or a little longer than
the sepals, pinkish, whitish, or lavender, spathulate, almost truncate at the apex, gradually
nanowed to prominent claws; stamens and pistils numerous, distinct; pistils longer than the
petals, simple, ovaries superior and covered with long, stiff hairs, unicarpellate, unilocular,
placentation basal, styles 7- 12 mm long, jointed and abruptly bent near the middle with the
apical part often deciduous, sometimes with a few short hairs, the apical part plumose with
very dense, long, stiff hairs. Receptacle ringed with dense, tan, stiff hairs. Fruit a hemi-
spheric aggregate of hirsute achenes with persistent styles (beaks).
"Nodding flowers, spathulate petals that are truncate or emarginate above and clawed
below, and plumose styles that exceed the calyx lobes at or soon after anthesis (the terminal
stylar portion as long as or longer than the beak portion) characterize this species. . ." (Robertson,
1974). Geum geniculatum differs from G . rivale and G . radiatum in several characteristics.
The following cornparison chart can be used to identify the three species.

G. g e n i c faturn
~~ G. rivale G. radiatuin
LEAF cauline and cauline and predonsinantly basal,
POSITION basal basal sten1 leaves reduced
PERIANTH strongly
ORIENTATION spreading ascending spreading
PETAL pinkish, whitish, yellowish to
COLOR or lavender purplish yellow

TYPE geniculate geniculate straight
STYLE part above joint part above joint wholly persistent
DURATION deciduous, leav- deciduous, leav- in fruit
ing a hooked beak ing a hooked beak
on fruit on fruit
STYLE basal portion basal portion basal portion
VESTITURE glabrous hirsute hirsute
FRUIT hemispheric globose hemispheric
a Portion of plant in flower. b Plant habit in t'ruit. c Achene. d Pistil (carpel). e Petal.
f Bract. g Sepal. h Stamens.

a from NCU 223575. 30128; b, c from NCU 223576;

d - h from NCU 30 128
GEUM RAL>IATUM Michaux Appalachian avens

Family .-Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Synonymy.-Acomas~lis radintn (Michaux) F. Bolle; Geum radiatum Gray (not validly published);
Parageum radiata (Michaux) Hara; Sieversia radiata (Michaux) Greene
Other common names.-Spreading avens
Description.-Erect, hirsute perennial herbs with basal rosettes of leaves arising from horizontal rhizomes.
Stems 2 -5 dm tall, with extremely dense spreading hairs. Basal leaves odd-pinnate1y compound,
terminal leaflet reniform and much larger (7- 15 cm wide) than the lateral leaflets which are
greatly reduced in size (so much so that the terminal leaflet may appear to be a simple leaf)
or absent, slightly lobed or uneven margins, serrate, with long petioles; stem leaves considera-
bly smaller than the basal, rounded to obovate, margins irregularly cut, sessile and clasping;
stipules not evident, Inflorescence terminal, a few-flowered, indefinite cyme. Flowers actinomorphic,
epicalyx of 5, small, lanceolate bracts present. Sepals 5, fused at base, 6- 10 mm long,
ovate, green, hirsute; petals 5, distinct, 1.3-2 cm long, obcordate, bright yellow; stamens and
pistils numerous, distinct; pistils simple, ovaries superior and hirsute, unicarpellate, unilocular,
placentation basal, styles ca. 1 cm long, straight, essentially glabrous except at the base, persistent
as a beak in fruit. Receptacle ringed with dense, tan, stiff hairs. Fruit a hemispheric aggre-
gate of hirsute, beaked achenes.
Geum radiatum strongly resembles its close relative, G . peekii. However, many
characteristics distinguish G . radiatum from another threatened Geum, G . geniculatum. The
following comparison chart can be used to identify the three species.

G . radiatum G . prckii
PLANT densely hirsute sparingly pubescent
VESTlTURE with spreading to glabrate sparsely hirsute
SEPAL triangular to
SHAPE lanceolate broadly ovate triangular to ovate
LEAF predominantly predominantly
POSITION basal, stem basal, stem cauline and basal
leaves reduced leaves reduced
PETAL pinkish, whitish, or
COLOR yellow yellow lavender

TYPE straight straight geniculate
STYLE wholly persistent wholly persistent part above joints
DURATION in fruit in fruit deciduous, leaving
a hooked beak on fruit
STYLE basal portion basal portion basal portion
VESTITURE hirsute hirsute glabrous

Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, June to October; Fruits, July to October; Vegetative, May to October

Distribution.-N.C. (Ashe, Avery , Buncombe, Mitchell, Watauga, Yancey Counties); Tenn.
Legal status.-N.C. - Threatened, Special Concern (Protected); Tenn. - Endangered (Candidate);
Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Endemic to balds on high mountains. Often occurs on steep rock faces and narrow ledges.
Britton, N. L., and A. Brown. 1970. An illustrated flora of the northern United States and Canada.
Vol. 2. (Republication of the 1913 edition.) Dover Publications, Inc., New York.
Brown, D. M. 1941. Vegetation of Roan Mountain: A phytosociological and successional study. Ecol.
Monogr. 11:61-97.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Gray Herbarium Card Index. 1894 + . Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.
Hooker, J . D.. B. D. Jackson, and others. 1893-1895. Index Kewensis plantarum phanerogan~arum.The
CIarendon Press. Oxford.
Massey, J. R., P. D. Whitson, and T. A . Atkinson. 1980. Endangered and threatened plant survey of
twelve species in the eastern part of Region IV. Contract 14- 160004-78- 108. Highlands
Biological Station, Contractor. Unpublished manuscript.
Michaux, A. 1803. Flora Boreali-Americana. Typis Caroli Crapelet, Paris and Argentorati.
Morgan, S. W. 1980. Species general information system: Species population, habitat, and threat inven-
tory species status summary for Geum radiatum Michaux. M.S. problem. Botany Dep.,
Univ. N.C., Chapel Hill.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div.. Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill [See Ahles, Rosaceae, p. 545.1
Rarnseur, G. S. 1960. The vascular flora of the high mountain communities of the southern Appalachians.
J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 76:82- 112.
Robertson, K. R. 1974. The genera of Rosaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor.
Small, J. K . 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.) Hafner Publishing Co..
New York.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128- 133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Clemson University University of North Carolina at
Furman University Charlotte
Great Smoky Mountains National University of South Carolina at
Park Museum Columbia
Harvard University University of Tennessee
Lynchburg College Virginia Polytechnic Institute
North Carolina State University and State University
University of Georgia Western Carolina University
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
a Portion of plant habit in flower. b Plant habit. c Stamens. d Petal. e Bract.
f Sepal. g Pistil (carpel). h Achene.

a, b from NCU 323956; c- h from NCU 20175 1

GLYCERIA NUBIGENA W. A. Anderson Smoky Mountains mannagrass

Family .-Poaceae (Crass Family)

Synonymy .-None
Other common names .-None
Description.<oarse, short-rhizomatous perennial herbs. Culms (stems) terete, erect, slender to rather
stout. glabrous, smooth, shining, 8- 14 dm tall, internodes hollow, nodes closed and swollen.
Leaves cauline, simple, alternate, 2-ranked, composed of a blade, sheath, and ligule; blades
narrowly lanceolate and straplike. to 4.5 dm long, 5 - 10 mm wide, smooth below, scabrous
above, parallel-veined; sheaths encircling the culms. closed, glabrous or scaberulous, mar-
gins and orifice scarious, the lower much longer than the internodes: ligules scarious, truncate.
erose, 1 .5 -3 mm long. Flowers in the axils of bracts, inconspicuous and minute, reduced to
the essential organs (the stamens and pistil), the perianth represented by minute scales (lodicules)
at the base of the flower. Floret a unit composed of a flower with two bracts (lemma and
palea) enclosing it; lemma is the lower bract, lies to the outside of the spikelet, and encloses
the palea; palea is the inner, upper bract, lies next to the rachilla, and envelopes the flower.
Inflorescence compound, with the basic, primary inflorescence (the ultimate unit) a spikelet
consisting of 2-3 flowers, each with its lemma and palea, and 2 empty bracts (glumes) at
the base, the lower glume called the 1st glume and the upper one the 2nd glume. Spikelets
secondarily arranged into an open panicle, 2- 3 dm long, 2- 2.5 dm broad; panicle branches
stiffly spreading, scaberulous. Spikelets 2- 3-flowered, ca. 3.5 mm long, 1.5- 2.2 mm wide,
the rachilla disarticulating above the glumes and between the florets. Clumes unequal, 1-nerved,
scarious, acute, 1st glume 1.4- 1.6 mm long, 2nd glume 1.8- 2.1 mm long; lemmas 2.5 - 3
mm long, awnless, convex on the back, firm, obtuse to subacute, margins and apex scarious,
7-nerved, nerves prominent, parallel; paleas 2.3 - 2.8 mm long, rounded, margins usually charta-
ceous with thin scarious edges. Stamens 3, distinct, exserted, filaments slender, anthers
large, appearing versatile; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary superior, carpels 2, locule 1,
ovule 1, placentation basal, styles 2, stigmas 2, plumose. Fruit a grain (caryopsis), ellipsoid,
1.5 mm long, lustrous, olivaceous, cancellate (resembling latticework).
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, June to July; Fruits, March (?), June to August; Vegetative, March to August
Distribution.-N.C. (Swain County), Tenn.
Legal status .-N. C. - Endangered (Protected); Tenn . - Endangered (Candidate); Federal - Under
Habitat.-Seepage areas, balds and high ridges.
Anderson, W. A. 1933. A new species of Glyceria from the Great Smoky Mountains. Rhodora 35:320-322.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N. C . , Charlotte.
Hitchcock, A. S 1950. Manual of the grasses of the United States. 2nd ed. Revised by A. Chase. U.S.
Dep. Agrmc. Miscellaneous Publication No. 200. U. S. Government Pnnting Office, Washington,
Kelsey, H. P., and W. A. Dayton. 1942. Standardized plant names. 2nd ed. J. Horace McFarland Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Massey, J. R., P. D. Whitson, and T. A. Atkinson. 1980. Endangered and threatened plant survey of
twelve species in the eastern part of Region IV. Contract 14-160004-78-108. Highlands Biologi-
cal Station, Contractor. Unpublished manuscript.
Plant Conservation Board, N .C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection Section.
1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Poaceae, p. 80-8 1 . ]
Ramseur, G. S. 1960. The vascular flora of high mountain cornrnunities of the southern Appalachians.
.I. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 76:82- 1 12.
Small, J . K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.)Hafner Publishing Co.,
New York.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal
Register 45 (242):82480-82569.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128-133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of North Carolina at
Great Smoky Mountains National Chapel Hill
Park Museum University of Tennessee
Harvard University Vanderbilt University
a Vegetative parts. b Terminal portion of inflorescence. c Grain. d Sheath split to show
ligule. e Clo\ed sheath. f Spikelet. g First glun~e. h Second glume. i Lemma from
side. j Lemma f'rotii back. k Lemma in cross section. I Palea.

Froni NCU 180042

GRAIMMITIS NIMBATA (Jenrnan) Proctor Dwarf polypody fern

Family.4rammitidaceae (Dwarf Polypody Family)

Synonymy.-Polypodium nimbatun? Jenman
Other common names.-Trifling polypody
Description.-Diminutive ferns with minute, creeping rhizomes less than 0.5 mm in diameter, covered
with pale brown, ovate scales. Leaves erect, clustered, very small, less than 3 cm long and 1
cm wide, ribbonlike and linear, narrowed at the base, deeply pinnatifid, hairy with numer-
ous dark brown setae ca. 2 mm long; segments close, ascending, linear, entire, rounded, re-
duced to auricles at base of blade, one 1-forked vein per segment. Sori round, without
indusia, at the base of the leaf segments near midrib, with brown hairs protruding between the
sporangia, Spores green, tetrahedral.
Grammitis nimbata closely resembles a miniature, delicate Polypodium. However, G.
nimbata has fronds 2-5 cm long and is soft and hairy, whereas Polypodium has fronds
7.5 -60 cm long and is leathery and naked or scaly.
Pheno1ogy.-Sporulates, June; Vegetative. June, October
Distribution.-N. C. (Macon County); Cuba, Jamaica
Legal status.-N.C. - Endangered (Protected); Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Known only from one locality in N.C.; inhabits moss mats in the grottos and ledges under
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C.. Charlotte.
Farrar, D. R. 1967. Gan~etophytesof four tropical fern genera reproducing independently of their sporo-
phytes in the southern Appalachians. Science 155:1266-1267.
Jenrnan, G. S. 1886. Some additional Jamaica ferns. J. Bot. 24:265-274.
Massey , 9. R., P. D. Whitson, and T. A. Atkinson. 1980. Endangered and threatened plant survey of
twelve species in the eastern part of Region IV. Contract 14-160004-78-108. Highlands
Biological Station, Contractor. Unpublished manuscript.
Maxon, W. R. 19 16. Studies of tropical American ferns. No. 6. Contrib. U.S. Natl. Herb. 17:541-608.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection Section,
1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Proctor, G. R. 1953. A preliminary checklist of Jamaican pteridophytes. Bull. Inst. Jamaica, Sci. Ser.
No. 5:1-89.
Radford, A . E . , H . E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Evans, Gr-ammitidaceae, p. 33-34. j
Simpson, D. P. 1960. Cassell's new Latin dictionary. Funk & Wagnalls, New York.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.
Wagner, W. H., Jr., D. R. Fanar, and B. W. McAlpin. 1970. Pteridology of the Highlands Biological
Station area, southern Appalachians. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 86:l-27.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Harvard University University of Tennessee
University of North Carolina at Western Carolina University
Chapel Hill

a Plant habit. b Leaf portion (abaxial surface). c Leaf portion (adaxial surface),

From NCU 48 1070

HELONUS BULLATA Linnaeus Swamp-pink
Family.-Liliaceae (Lily Family)
Synonymy.-Helonias Adanson non L. ( = Lilichgacinthus Ortega), Helonias Eatifotia Michaux, H .
latifolia Muhlenberg , H . scnpigera Stokes, H . striata Rafinesque
Other common names.-Stud flower
Description.-Subscapose, glabrous perennial herbs arising from thick stocky rhizomes. Scapes stout
and hollow, 1-4 dm long in flower, to 6 dm in fruit, with many small, scalelike leaves or
bracts, 0.5-2 cm long. Leaves in a basal rosette, simple, evergreen, oblanceolate and straplike,
0.9-3.0 dm long, 1.5-4 cm wide, base attenuate. Inflorescence an ebracteate raceme, 2-8
cm long. Flowers actinomorphic. Perianth in 2 very similar series of 3 distinct segments (tepals)
each, petaloid, pink to lavender, 5-9 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, persistent in fruit; stamens
6, in 2 whorls, as long or slightly longer than the perianth, persistent; gynoecium of 1 com-
pound pistil, ovary superior, carpels and locules 3, placentation axile, stigmas 3, separate,
sessile, 1- 1.5 mm long, ascending to arching. Fruit a 3-lobed, papery capsule, 3 -5 mm long,
8-10 mm wide.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, April to May, August; Fruits, May to July, September; Vegetative, April to
Distribution.-Del., Ga., Md., N.J., N.Y., N.C. (Henderson, Jackson, Transylvania Counties), Pa.,
S .C., Va. (Augusta, Henrico, Nelson Counties)
Legal status.-Md. - Single Maryland station, Possibly extirpated, Local, Vulnerable (Candidate);
N. C . - Threatened (Protected); S .C . - Endangered (Candidate); Va. - Threatened (Candidate);
Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Swamps and bogs
Britton, N. L. 1882. Helonicrs bullata on Staten Island. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 9: 101.
Britton, N. L., and A. Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States and Canada. 2nd
ed. (Reprint edition. 1970.) Dover Publications, Inc. New York.
Broorne, C. R., J. L. Reveal, A. 0. Tucker, and N. H. Dill. 1979. Rare and endangered ~~ascular plant
species in Maryland. U.S. Fi\h and Wildlife Sercice, Nenton Corner, Mass.
Brown, S. 19 10. Hclotticrs hulfntn Linnaeus. Bartonia 3: 1-6.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Fernald, M. L. 1937. Local plants of the Inner Coastal Plain of southeastern Virginia. Contrib. Gray
Herb. 120:32 1-366, 379-4 15, 433-459, 465-49 1.
Harvill, A. M., Jr., C. E. Stevens, and D. M. Ei. Ware. 1977. Atlas of the Virginia flora. Part 1.
Pteridophytes through Monocotyledons. Virginia Botanical Associates, Farmville.
Hooker, J. D., B. D. Jackson, and others. 1893- 1895. Index Kewensis. The Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Index nominum genericorum. 1955 . International Association for Plant Taxonomy, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Kelsey, H. P., and W. A. Dayton. 1942. Standardized plant names. J. Horace McFarland Co., Harrisburg,
Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species plantarum. (Facsimile edition, 1957.) The Ray Society, London.
McDowell, G. W. 1973. The swamp-pink, an unreported native of South Carolina. Castanea 38:407-408.
Michaux, A. 1803. Flora Boreali-Americana. Caroli Crapelet, Paris and Argentorati.
Plant Conservation Board, N. C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div. , Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Virginia Polytechnic Insti-
tute and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. K. Bell. 1968. Manual o f the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Liliaceae, p. 299.1
Rayner, D. A , , Chairman, and The South Carolina Advisory Committee on Endangered, Threatened and
Rare Plants. 1979. Native vascular plants endangered, threatened, or otherwise in jeopardy
in South Carolina. S.C. Museum Comn~ission,Mus. Bull. No. 4.
Small, J. K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.) Hafner Publishing Co.,
New York.
Stone, W. 191 1. The plants of southern New Jersey. Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum
Tatnall, R. R. 1946. Flora of Delaware and the eastern shore. Intelligencer Printing Co., Lancaster, Pa.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal
Register 45 (242):82480-82569.
We~gman,P. G. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Pennsylvania. Western Pennsylva-
nia Conservancy, Pittsburgh.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Clemson University University of North Carolina at
Duke University Charlotte
Furman University University of South Carolina at
North Carolina State University Columbia
University of Georgia Vanderbilt University
University of North Carolina at Western Carolina University
Chapel Hill
a Plant habit anti roc~t. b Capsule. c Seed. d Flower. e Stamens (adaxial and abaxial
views of anthers). f Inner tepal (petal). g Outer tepal (sepal).

a fro111 NCU I3353 1 . 373565; b, c from NCU 407099;

d-g from NCU 352310
HEXASTYLIS CONTRACTA Blornquist Mountain heart leaf

Family.-Aristolochiaceae (Birthwort Family)

Synonymy .-None
Other common names .-Southern heartleaf.
Description.-Low, aromatic perennial herbs with evergreen leaves (actually persistent for one year,
then replaced by a new leaf in the spring) arising directly from light-colored, fleshy, freely
branching rhizomes with short internodes. Roots thick and fleshy. Leaves simple; blades
essentially glabrous, leathery, lustrous, heart-shaped, 4 -7 cm long or wide, not variegated,
basal lobes often overlapping the petiole; petioles long, averaging 12 cm. Flowers apetalous,
actinomorphic, solitary, axillary on short, fleshy, often-curved peduncles, subtended by a keel-
shaped bract, often hidden under leaf and forest litter. Perianth a firm, fleshy, petaloid,
tubular calyx; calyx tube broadly flask-shaped, prominently contracted above the base, ex-
panded upward then again contracted, 15-27 mm long, 12- 17 mm broad, outer surface
pale yellow to purplish, inner surface purplish-brown, sparingly ridged-reticulate in lower part,
short-pilose in upper part; calyx lobes 3, erect, inner surface purplish, marked with colorless
spots, short-pilose. Stamens 12, in 2 whorls, the outer whorl slightly shorter than the inner,
epigynous, the short filaments adnate to (sitting on) the base of the gynoecium, the anther
connective slightly prolonged into a short appendage. Gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary
one-third inferior, carpels and locules 6, placentation axile; styles 6, distinct, erect, thick,
fleshy, with a bifid extension above the 6, obvious, globose, extrorse stigmas. Fruit a fleshy
capsule that retains floral characteristics (so much so that it is easily mistaken as a flower),
the only difference being a swollen base (mature ovary); dehiscence occurs by general disintegration,
a dry deliquescence. Seeds with a prominent, fleshy caruncle.
This species may be distinguished from other Hexastylis species by its unmottled leaves
and characteristic calyx that is flask shaped and conspicuously contracted toward the base
with low-relief ridged-reticulations inside.
Phenology .-Flowers, April to June; Fruits, June; Vegetative, January to December.
Distribution .-N .C. (Buncombe, Henderson, Stokes Counties), Tenn.
Legal status.-N.C. - Endangered (Protected); Tenn. - Currently under review as threatened;
Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Specific preferences unknown. Occurs in deciduous, evergreen, or mixed forests with domi-
nants such as hemlock (Tsuga), oak (Quercus), pine (Pinus), mountain-laurel (KuErnia), and
rhododendron (Rhodocleaclron), on various topographic features (streambanks, slopes, ravines,
bluffs, waterfalls), over several types of soil (acid, humus, sandy, rocky), and in mesic to dry
moisture conditions.
Blomquist, H. L. 1957. A revision of Hexasiylis of North America. Brittonia 8:255-281.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Kartesz, J. T., and R. Kartesz. 1977. The biota of North America. Part 1. Vascular plants. Rare plants,
Vol. I. BONAC, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September), North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Bell, Aristolochiaceae, p. 400.1
Small, J . K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.) Hafner Publishing Co.,
New York.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register 45
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128-133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of Tennessee
University of North Carolina at Vanderbilt University
Chapel Hill
(AKIST~L~CHIACEAE),\ ~.orztr~rc.trr

a Plant habit. b Flouer (with portion of calyx removed). c Flower (external view).

From Duke Univ. Godfrey and Anderson 5 1225 Type

HUIDSOMA M O M A N A Nuttall Mountain golden heather

Family.-Cistaceae (Rockrose Family)

Synonymy.-Nudsonia ericoides L. ssp. montana (Nuttall) Nickerson & J. Skog
Other common names.-False-heather, mountain beachheather, mountain hudsonia
Description.-Low, spreading, decumbent, freely branched, heathlike shrubs from short, thick crowns,
rarely more than 3 -4 dm tall, often forming a dense, circular mat. Leaves deciduous, simple,
alternate, crowded, needle-shaped, 3-7 mm long, spreading-ascending, at first villous, becom-
ing glabrate, rigid, moderately thickened, often curved. Flowers solitary, on stalks at the ends
of short leafy branchlets or terminating normal branches. Sepals 5, basally fused, persistent,
unequal, 5 -7 mm long, lobes lanceolate, villous, acute to acuminate; petals 5, distinct, yellow,
slightly to 2 X longer than the sepals; stamens usually numerous, distinct; gynoecium of 1
compound pistil, ovary superior, hairy to base, carpels 2, locule 1, placentation parietal, style
slender and elongate with a minute stigma. Fruit a unilocular, 1-2-seeded, ovoid capsule,
enclosed in the persistent calyx.
Two other similar species of Hudsonia exist: H. tomerztosa and H. ericoides. The following
comparison chart can be used to identify the three species.

H. montann H. tomentosn H. ericoides

LENGTH less than 3 mm 6-8 mm
ORIENTATION spreading-ascending appressed spreading
PRESENCE pedicillate sessile pedicillate
OVARY ovary pubescent ovary pubescent only
VESTlTURE throughout glabrous above the middle
APEX long acuminate rounded, mucronate acute

Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, May to July; Fruits, July to September; Vegetative, January to December

Distribution.-N.C. (Burke County)
Legal status .-N .C . - Threatened (Protected); Federal - Threatened (Protected)
Habitat.--Clearings on heath balds on quartzitic ledges and cliffs on high peaks and ridges. Usually
rooted in shallow, acidic, sandy or stony soil in depressions or cracks in rocks. Appears to be
limited to eastern exposures. Requires full sun for best development. According to Sanders
(1980) the cornrnunity most often associated with N. montana is: Leiophyllum buxifoliumlXerophyllum
asphodeloides/Nudsortia montanalRhododendron minus (sand myrtlelturkey beardlmountain
golden heatherlrhododendron) .
Brizicky, G. K. 1964. The genera of Cistaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor.
Committee of Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J . E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J . B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N. C . , Charlotte.
Kelsey , H. P., and W. A. Dayton. 1942. Standardized plant names. 2nd ed. J . Horace McFarland Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Lawrence, G. H. M. 1951. Taxonomy of vascular plants. The Macmillan Co., New York. [See Cistaceae,
pp. 608-609. j
Morse, L. E. 1981. Report on the conservation status of Hudsorzia montaiza, a candidate endangered
species. Pages 283-308 in L. E. Morse and M . S. Henifin, eds. Rare plant conservation:
Geographical data organization. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York.
Nuttall, T. 1818. The genera of North American plants. Vol. 11. Printed for the author by D. Heartt,
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Cistaceae, p. 7 18.1
Radford, A. E. and others. 1976. Table Rock. Page 25. In Vegetation-habitats-floras-natural areas in
the southeastern United States: Field data and information. Univ. N.C. Student Stores, Chapel Hill.
Sanders, B. 1980. Population status study: Hudsonia rnontana (Nutt .) [sic]. Unpublished manuscript
completed in the course of a status study for the U.S. Forest Service.
Skog, J . T., and N. H. Nickerson. 1972. Variation and speciation in the genus Hudsanici. Ann. Mis-
souri Bot. Gard. 59:454-464.
Small, J. K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.) Hafner Publishing Co.,
New York.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
North Carolina State University University of North Carolina at
University of Georgia Chapel Hill
Western Carolina University
a Plant habit. b Flower. c Stamen. d Capsule with persistent \tanlens and calyx. e Capsule
with calyx removed. f Stem with leave\. g Seed. h Leaf iabaxiai surfice). i Leaf (adaxial

a, b, c, h, i from N C U 3041 12: d-g from NCU 73299

HYDRASTIS C N N E N S I S Linnaeus Golden seal

Family.-Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family)

Synonymy.-Hydrastis triJblia Rafinesque, Hydrophyllum vertlrn . . . Linnaeus (as polynomial), Wczrnera
canadensis Miller, W. diphjlla Rafinesque, W. tinctoria Rafinesque
Other common names .-Eye-balm, eyebright, eyeroot, goldenroot, ground-raspberry , Indian dye, Indian-
dye, Indian-iceroot, Indian paint, Indian plant, Indian-turmeric, jaundice root, Ohio cucuma,
orange-root, turmeric, turmeric-root, wild turmeric, yellow eye, yellow eyewright, yellow
Indian paint, yellow paintroot, yellow puccoon, yellow root, yellowwort
Description.-Erect, pubescent perennial herbs arising from thick, yellow rhizomes. Stems 1.5-5 dm
tall, sparsely pilose. Leaves usually 1 basal (often quickly deciduous) and 2 cauline towards
the apex of the stem, simple, alternate (appearing opposite), cordate, 0.5-2.5 dm wide at
maturity, palmately (3) 5-9-lobed. the lobes broad, acute, doubly serrate and'or lobed, pubescent.
Flower solitary, subtended by the upper cauline leaf, actinomorphic, greenish white, 8- 10
mm broad, scape densely hirsute, 0.5 -2.5 cm long. Sepals 3, distinct, petaloid, quickly deciduous;
petals absent; stamens numerous, distinct, spirally arranged, strongly exserted and showy;
gynoecium of numerous, distinct, spirally arranged simple pistils, ovaries superior, carpel and
locule 1 per pistil, placentation marginal, style 1, short and curved, stigma 1, minute. Fruit
an ovoid aggregate of 1 -2-seeded, dark berries, each berry tipped with the short, curved,
persistent style.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, March to June; Fruits, March to August; Vegetative, March to October
Distribution.-Ala., Ark., Conn., Del., Ga., Ill., Ind., Iowa, Kans., Ky., Md., Mich., Minn., Miss.,
Mo., Neb., N.Y., N.C. (Buncombe, Jackson, Madison, Rockingham* Counties), Ohio, Okla.,
Pa., Tenn., Vt., Va. (Campbell, Henry, Lee, Montgomery, Pulaski, Rockbridge, Srnyth,
Tazewell, Washington, Wythe Counties), W. Va., Wis. ; Canada - Ontario, Quebec.
Legal status.-Ala. - Endangered (Candidate); Ga. - Endangered (Protected); Ky. - Special Concern
(Candidate); Md. - Few, Vulnerable (Candidate); Miss. - Endangered (Candidate); N. C. -
Endangered, Special Concern (Protected); Tenn. - Threatened (Candidate); Va. - Threat-
ened (Candidate); W. Va. - Status Undetermined (Candidate)
Habitat.-Rich, mesic woods; usually over basic bedrock.

Ayensu, E. S., and R. A. DeFilipps. 1978. Endangered and threatened plants of the United States. The
Smithsonian Institution and World Wildlife Fund, Inc., Washington, D.C.
Barkley , 1;. M. 1968. A manual of the flowering plants of Kansas. The Kans. State Univ. Endowment
Assoc., Manhattan.
Braun, E. L. 1943. An annotated catalog of Spermatophytes of Kentucky. John S. Swift Co., Inc.,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Britton, N. L., and A. Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States and Canada.
Vol. 11. 2nd ed. (Reprint edition, 1970.) Dover Publications, Inc., New York.
Broome, C. R., J. L. Reveal, A. 0 . Tucker, and N. H. Dill. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant
species in Maryland. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton Corner, Mass.
Charette, L. A. 1964. Hydrastis canadensis L., in New England. Rhodora 66:94-96.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N. C., Charlotte.
Deam, C. C. 1940. Flora of Indiana. State of Ind. Dep. of Conservation, Div. of Forestry, Indianapolis.
Endangered Species Committee, Kentucky Academy of Science, and Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission.
No date. Endangered, threatened and rare animals and plants of Kentucky. Ky. Nature Pre-
serves Commission, Frankfort. Unpublished manuscript.
Fortney, R. H., R. B. Clarkson, C. N. Harvey, and J. Kartesz. 1978. Rare and endangered species of
West Virginia: A preliminary report. Vol. I. Vascular plants. W. Va. Dep. Natural Resources,
Heritage Trust Program, East Charleston.

* Reported by Joan Gibson and by J. M. Lynch, 1981, in unpublished natural area reports.
Freeman, J . I).. A. S. Causey, J . W. Short. and R. R. Haynes. 1979. Endangered, threatened, and
special concern plants of Alabama. Departmental Series No. 3. Dep. of Botany and
Microbiology, Agric. Exp. Stn., Auburn Univ., Auburn, AIa.
Guldner, L. F. 1960. The vascular plants of Scott and Muscatine Counties. Davenport Public Museum
Publications in Botany, No. 1. Davenport, Iowa.
Harvill. A. M.. Jr. 1970. Spring flora of Virginia. McClain Printing Co., Parsons. W. Va.
Harvill, A. M., Jr., T. R. Bradley, and C. E. Stevens. 1981. Atlas of the Virginia flora. Part 11. Dicotyledons.
Va. Botanical Associates, Farmville.
Henry, L. K. 1971. An annotated list of the vascular flora of Butler County, Pennsylvania. Ann. Carne-
gie Mus. 43:115-178.
House, H. D. 1924. Annotated list of the ferns and flowering plants of New York state. New York
State Mus. Bull. No. 254. Univ. of the State of N.Y., Albany.
Jones, G. N., and G. D. Fuller. 1955. Vascular plants of Illinois. Museum Scientific Series, Vol. VI.
Univ. Ill. Press, Urbana, and 111. State Museum, Springfield.
Keener, C. S. 1977. Studies in the Ranunculaceae of the southeastern United States. VI. Miscellaneous
genera. Sida 7:1-12.
Krochmal, A., R. S. Walters, and R. M. Doughty. 197 1. A guide to medicinal plants of Appalachia.
U.S. Dep. Agric., Forest Service, Handbook No. 400. U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C.
Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species plantarum. (Facsimile edition, 1957.) The Ray Society, London.
. 1759. Systema naturae. (Facsimile edition, 1964.) J. Cramer, Weinheim, Germany.
McCollum, J. L., and D. R. Ettman. 1977. Georgia's protected plants. Ga. Dep. of Natural Resources,
Research Planning Section, OPR Endangered Plant Program, Atlanta.
Macoun, J. 1883. Catalogue of Canadian plants. Part 1. Polypetalae. Dawson Brothers, Montreal, Canada.
Merrill, E. D. 1949. Index Rafinesquianus. Arnold Arboretum of Harvard Univ., Jamaica Plain, Mass.
Mississippi Natural Heritage Program, Dep. of Wildlife Conservation. No date. Special plant list. Miss.
Museum of Natural Sciences, Jackson. Unpublished manuscript.
Mohr, C. 1901. Plant life of Alabama. (Reprint edition, 1969.) J. Cramer, Lehre, Germany.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N .C. Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Development.
1981. Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Peterson, N. F. 1912. Flora of Nebraska. Published by the author, Lincoln, Nebr.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Ranunculaceae, p. 455.1
Reveal, J. L., and C. R. Broome. 1981. Minor nomenclatural and distributional notes on Maryland
vascular plants with comments on the state's proposed endangered and threatened species. Castanea
46 ( 1):50-82.
Roosa, D. M., and L. J. Eilers, 1978. Endangered and threatened Iowa vascular plants. State Preserves
Advisory Board, State Conservation Commission, Des Moines, Iowa.
Schaeffer, R. L., Jr. 1949. The vascular flora of Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Ph.D. dissertation
in Botany, Univ. Pa., Philadelphia.
Steyermark, J. A. 1963. Flora of Missouri. lowa State Univ. Press, Ames.
Strausbaugh, P. D., and E. L. Core. No date. Flora of West Virginia. 2nd ed. Seneca Books, Inc.,
Grantsville, W. Va.
Tatnall, R. R. 1946. Flora of Delaware and the eastern shore. The Society of Natural History of Delaware,
[Wilmington] .
Taylor, R. J., editor. 1978. New, rare, and infrequently collected plants in Oklahoma. Publication No.
2. Herbarium, Southeastern Okla. State Univ., Durant.
Waterfall, U. T. 1969. Keys to the flora of Oklahoma. 4th ed. Published by the author, Oklahoma State
Univ., Stillwater.
Weigman, P. G. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Pennsylvania. Western Pa.
Conservancy, Pittsburgh.
Wofford, B. E.. and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128-133.
Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of Tennessee
Harvard University Vanderbilt University
Lynchburg College Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
North Carolina State University State University
University of Georgia Western Carolina University
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill

a Plant habit (in flower). b Plant habit (in fruit). c Flower. d Seed. e Young aggregate
of berries.

a from NCU 475600 & 1 1 1403; b, d from NCU 254950;

c from NCU 1 1 1403; e from NCU 398206
ILIAMNA CORE1 (Sherff) Sherff Core's globe mallow

Family.-Malvaceae (Mallow Family)

Synonymy.-Iliamtia remota Greene var. corei Sherff, I . remota Greene pro parte, Phymosia remota
(Greene) Britton pro parte, Sphaeralcea remota Fernald pro parte
Other common names.-Iliamna, Peter's-mountain mallow
Description .-Perennial herbs from woody rhizomes. Stems erect, ascending-branched, to 1 m high,
pale green, densely stellate-pubescent. Leaves simple, alternate; blades maplelike, suborbicu-
lar to ovate in general outline, 5 - 10 cm long, less than 10 cm wide, palmately 5 -7-lobed, the
lobes triangular and prolonged with the terminal the longest and lanceolate, lobe tips acuminate,
sinuses acute, margins serrate to dentate, bases truncate to cordate, stellate-pubescent on both
surfaces; petioles 3 -6 cm long, spreading-ascending, slender but stiff; stipules conspicuous,
lance-triangular, early deciduous; lowest leaves the largest (lowermost usually absent by flowering
time), gradually reduced upward on stem and branches, ultimately becoming bracteal leaves
at tips. Flowers solitary or clustered in axils of upper leaves, actinomorphic, to 5 cm in diameter;
peduncles spreading-ascending , at anthesis 5 - 10 mm long, stellate-tomentose, bearing at
their tips, directly below the calyx, 2-3 linear, densely stellate-tomentose bracts to 1 cm long.
Sepals 5, fused 1/4 to 112 their length into a broadly campanulate calyx, lanceolate, ca. 1.5
cm long, acuminate, the backs stellate-hairy, inside cottony-tomentose, persistent and reflexed
in fruit; petals 5, distinct, rose, basally adnate to stamina1 column, spreading, broadly obovate,
2.5 -3.0 cm long, notched at the apex, the bases cuneate or attenuate to a short claw, this
bristly-ciliate; stamens numerous, filaments basally fused into a tube (monadelphous) 7-8
mm long and paper-thin except for 5 strong nerves, filaments apically distinct and spreading at
tube apex to form a "sphere" of short, purplish anthers; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil,
ovary superior, the surface with dense, pale, erect, bristly hairs, carpels and locules numerous,
forming a lobed ring (the ovary), the style slender and with ca. 10 clavate-tipped branches at
the level of the stamen tips, stigmas as many as style branches and capitate. Fruit a lobed
capsule with mature carpels oblong, 8- 10 mm long, walls papery and veiny, sides smooth,
the backs coarsely hirsute, dehiscent from apex toward base 2/3 down the ventral (inner) margin.
Seeds 2-4 in each carpel, rounded, pubescent.
Iliamna corei is so closely related to I. remota that some botanists have considered
them to be conspecific or the former a variety of the latter (I. remota var. corei Sherff).
Apparently the two are distinct. Iliamna corei is known only from Giles County, Va., whereas
I. remota is known from a few stations in Ill., Ind., and Va. The following comparison
chart can be used to identify the two species.

I. corei 1. remota
HEIGHT I m or less 2 m or less
ODOR odorless very fragrant
WIDTH less than 10 cm t 15 cm
LOBE lanceolate deltoid
ANGLE acute obtuse
MARGIN serrate-dentate crenate
Iliamna can be distinguished from other eastern Malvaceous genera in the following
ways: from Hibiscus, Gossyium, and Koste1et:kyci by having more than 5 carpels; from
Afthaea, Mnlva, Muf~~crstrum, Spf~aeralcea,Cc~flirhoe, Anocici, Siclei, and Nez~~aecr
by having 2
or more seeds per carpel; and from Abutilor-2, iWocliolcr, and Sicla by having beakless carpels.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, July to August; Fruits, July to September: Vegetative, July to October
Distribution.-Va. (Giles County)
Legal status.-Va. - Endangered (Candidate); Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Soil-filled pockets and crevices in sandstone outcrops; growing in full sunlight in open woods.

Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. 8th ed. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York.
Gleason, H. A., and A. Cronquist, 1963. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and
adjacent Canada. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, N. J.
Kartesz, J. T., and R. Kartesz. 1977. The biota of North America. Part 1 . Vascular plants. Rare plants,
Vol. I. BONAC, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Keener, C. S. 1964. New Virginia locality for Iliamna. Castanea 29: 191- 192.
Linzey, D. W., editor. [1979]. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of Virginia. Symposium,
Va. Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Blacksburg, May 19-20, 1978. [See Porter, "Vascular
plants," p. 3 1- 122.1
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Sherff, E. E. 1946. Notes on certain plants in the Gray's manual range. Rhodora 48:89-98.
. 1949. Miscellaneous notes on dicotyledonous plants. Am. J. Bot. 36:499-5 11 .
Strausbaugh, P. D., and E. L. Core. 1932. Phymosia rernota. Rhodora 34: 142-146.
U.S. Dep. of Agric., Forest Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened species of the southeastern
United States, including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Atlanta, Ga. [See Kral, Iliamna
remota, Report 67.1
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U. S . Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
Harvard University State University
North Carolina State University
a Plant habit (upper portion ). b Leaf icloseup of abaxial surfitcc). c Portion of stem. d Seed.
e Immature capsule. f Mature capsule.

From Herbariu~nof Virginia Polytechnic

Institute and State University 20866
ISOTRIA MEZ)EOLOILIES (Pursh) Rafinesque Small whorled pogonia

Family.4rchidaceae (Orchid Family)

Synonymy.-Arethusa medeoloides Pursh, Pogonia afinis Austin, Isotria afinis (Austin) Rydberg, Odonectis
afinis (Austin) Schlecter, Pogonia verticillata (Muhlenberg) Nuttall var. medeoloides Eaton
Other common names.-Fairy frill, green five-leaved orchid, little five-leaves, little whorl-crest, small
whorled crest-lip, smaller whorled pogonia
Description.-Low. glabrous, terrestrial perennial herbs with long, slender, filamentous, hairy roots.
Stems slender, 9.5-25 cm tall, hollow-cylindrical, greenish- or purplish-tinged, glaucous. Leaves
mostly 5(6) in a whorl at the apex of the stem, drooping, pale dusty green, glaucous, elliptic
to elliptic-obovate, 2 - 8.5 cm long, 0.8 -4 cm wide, widely rounded and apiculate to short
acuminate apically. Inflorescence composed of 1 (rarely 2) flowers just above the leaves.
Flowers inconspicuous, zygomorphic, ringent, yellowish green, sessile to subsessile (though the
slender, elongate ovary resembles a peduncle) or with a short peduncle after fertilization.
Perianth biseriate, sepals and petals free, similar and subequal. Sepals 3, distinct, petaloid,
linear-oblanceolate, narrowly spathulate, or narrowly elliptic, to 2.5 cm long, ca. 3 mm
wide near the middle, apex acuminate, somewhat narrowed at base. Petals 3, distinct; lateral
petals similar to sepals, pale green, oblanceolate, to 1.7 cm long, ca. 3 mm wide, apex
rounded to obtuse; medial petal modified into a labellum or lip that is greenish white and
veined with green, obovate-cuneate to oblong-oval, 1.O- 1.5 cm long, ca. 5 mm wide,
3-lobed, lateral lobes narrowly triangular and involute, middle lobe rounded, undulate, upper
surface with a longitudinal yellow green crest that breaks up into blunt, elongated, wartlike
processes that stand erect on the middle nerves of the middle lobe. Stamens, styles, and stig-
mas united to form an organ called the column (gynandrium) in the center of the flower;
column free, terete, white, 9 mm long, toothed at apex. Anther 1 , terminal on the column,
white, stalked, operculate, pollen bound into 2 powdery masses (pollinia). Gynoecium of 1
compound pistil, ovary inferior, carpels 3, placentation parietal, style 1 (portion of column),
stigmas 3, the 2 lateral ones fertile and functional, fused together into a concave, papillose
structure below the anther on the under surface of the column, the median stigma sterile and
nonfunctional, modified into a reduced rostellar flap situated between the anther and the 2
fertile stigmas. Fruit a capsule with loculicidal dehiscence, erect, ellipsoid-cylindrical, 1.7 -3
cm long, on a short pedicel to 1.5 cm long, valves hygroscopic.
Only one other species belongs to the genus Isotria, I. verticillata; however, the two
are readily distinguishable, as can be seen from the following comparison chart.

I. rnedroloicfc7.s
PRESENCE OF flowers sessile flowers pedicellate with a
PEDICEL to subsessile pedicel at least 1.5 cm long
LENGTH less than 2.8 CIII more than 3 cm
COLOR light green brownish purple
ORIENTATION reflexing (drooping) spreading
STEM cYr LEAF glaucous (gives the plants not glaucous (though the leaves
SURFACE a gray or hoary aspect) may be somewhat so beneath)
BIi\SE OF with 2 or 3 small,
STEM alternate leaves without leaves
Both species of Isotria superficially resemble nonflowering plants of Medeola virginiana
(Liliaceae), with which they are commonly associated. In fact, this is how I. rnedeoloides
received its specific epithet, which means "like a Medeola, ' ' referring to the resemblance of
the leaves to those of Indian cucumber. In Medeola the stem is solid, hairy, dark green, and
the more slender leaves are 6 or more in number whereas in Isotria the stem is hollow,
glabrous, light green, and the broader leaves are mostly 5 in number.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, May to July; Fruits, June; Vegetative, May to July
Distribution.--Corm.*, Del.*, Ga., Ill., Maine, Md.*, Mass.*, Mich., Minn.*, Mo.*, N.H., N.J.,
N.Y.*, N.C. (Cumberland, Harnett*, Henderson, Macon, Suny* Counties), Pa., R.I., S.C.,
Vt.*, Va. (Buckingham*, Gloucester, James City*, New Kent* Counties); Canada - Elgin,
Legal status .-Md. - Few (Candidate); N. C. - Endangered (Protected); Va. - Endangered (Candidate);
Federal - Currently proposed
Habitat .--Open, dry deciduous or mixed pine-deciduous woods, or along streambanks. Mehrhoff ( 1980)
states that all sites are second-growth deciduous or deciduous-coniferous forest, with an
open canopy and shrub layer and a sparse herb layer. He also lists various situations in which
the species occurs: old fields or pastures, windthrow areas, cutover forests, old orchards,
near semipermanent canopy breaks, such as streams, highways, old logging roads, lakes, or
cliffs. Site conditions, e.g., soils, aspect, topography, vary a great deal.

* Possibly extinct in these states and counties. At one time I. medeoloides was known from 49 counties in 17 states, but today it
is known from only 12 counties in 11 states and Canada.
Bean. R. C . , D. C. Richards, and F. Hyland. 1966. Check-list of the vascular plants of Maine. Revi-
sion of 1948 edition. by E. C. Ogden, F. H. Steinmetz, and F. Hyland. Bull. Josselyn Bot.
Soc. Maine 8: 1-7 1.
Britton, N.L. 1901. Manual of the flora of the northern states and Canada. Henry Holt and Co., New
York. [See Rydberg, Orchidaceae. p. 297-298. ]
Broome, C. R.. J. L. Reveal, A. 0. Tucker, and N. H. Dill. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant
species in Maryland. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton Comer, Mass.
Case, F. W., Jr., and W. Schwab. 1971. Isotria rrtedeoloides, the Smaller Whorled Pogonia, in Michigan.
Michigan Bot. 10:39-43.
Church, G. L., and R. L. Champlin. 1978. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Rhode Island.
The New England Botanical Club, in cooperation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton
Corner, Mass.
Coddington, J., and K. G. Field. 1978. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Massachusetts.
The New England Botanical Club, Cambridge, Mass.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Correll, D. S. 1950. Native orchids of North America north of Mexico. Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham,
Eames, E. H. 1926. Pogonia afinis in Maine. Rhodora 28:31-34.
Fernald, M. L. 1947. Additions to and subtractions from the flora of Virginia. Rhodora 49:85- 1 15,
121-142, 145-159, 175-194 (p. 134-136).
Graves, C. B., and Committee of the Connecticut Botanical Society. No date. Catalogue of the flower-
ing plants and ferns of Connecticut growing without cultivation. Conn. Geological and Natural His-
tory Survey, Bull. No. 14, Hartford.
Gray, A. 1867. Manual of the botany of the northern United States. 5th ed. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor
and Co., New York.
Gray Herbarium Card Index. 1894 . Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.
Grimes, E. J. 1921. A new station for Pogonia afinis. Rhodora 23: 195-197.
Harvill, A. M., Jr. 1969. Isotria rnedeoloides on the Piedmont of Virginia. Rhodora 7 1:303-304.
. 1970. Spring flora of Virginia. McClain Printing Co., Parsons, W. Va.
Harvill, A. M., Jr., C. E. Stevens, and D. M. E. Ware. 1977. Atlas of the Virginia flora. Part 1.
Pteridophytes through Monocotyledons. Va. Botanical Associates, Farmville.
Henry, L. IS.,W. E. Buker, and D. L. Pearth. 1975. Western Pennsylvania orchids. Castanea 40:93- 168.
Luer, C. A. 1975. The native orchids of the United States and Canada excluding Florida. The New
York Botanical Garden, New York.
Massey, A. B. 1961. Virginia flora. Va. Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Bull. 155. Blacksburg, Va.
Mehrhoff, L. A.. 111. 1980. The reproductive biology of the genus Isotria (Orchidaceae) and the ecol-
ogy of Isotria rnedeoloides. Master's thesis. Botany Dep., Univ. N.C., Chapel Hill.
Mohlenbrock, R. H., and D. M. Ladd. 1978. Distribution of Illinois vascular plants. Southern Ill. Univ.
Press, Carbondale, Ill.
Morris, F., and E. A. Eames. 1929. Our wild orchids. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Porter, B. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Pursh, F. 18 14. Flora Arnericae Septentrionalis. Vol. 11. White, Cochrane, and Co., London.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Correll, Orchidaceae, p. 342.1
Rafinesque, C. S. 1836. Flora Telluriana. Part 1. Published by the author, Philadelphia, Pa.
Reed, C. F. 1964. Orchidaceae of Maryland. Delaware and the District of Columbia. Castanea 29:77-109.
Schlecter, R. I91 1. Die Polychondreae (Neottiinae Pfitz.) und ihre systematische Einteilung. Bot.
Jahrb. Syst. 45:375-410.
Seymour, F. C. 1969. The flora of New England. Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vt.
Steyermark, J. A. 1963. Flora of Missouri. The Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa.
Storks, I. M., and G. E. Crow. 1978. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in New Hampshire.
The New England Botanical Club, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Newton Corner, Mass.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Proposal to determine "Isotria medeoloides" (Small Whorled Pogonia) to be an endan-
gered species, U. S. Federal Register 45 (178):59909-599 14.
. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endan-
gered or threatened species. U. S . Federal Register 45 (242):82480-82569.
Voss, E. G. 1972. Michigan flora. Part 1. Gymnosperms and Monocots. Cranbrook Institute of Science
and Univ. of Mich. Herbarium, Bloomfield Hills.
Weigman, P. G. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Pennsylvania. Western Pa.
Conservancy, Pittsburgh.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of North Carolina at
Longwood College Chapel Hill
Isotria medeoloides (ORCHIDACEAE)

a Plant habit (from NCU 49954).

JUNCUS TRIFIDUS L. ssp. CAROLINIANUS Hamet-Ahti One-flowered rush

Family.-Juncaceae (Rush Family)

Synonymy .-Juncus monanthos Jacquin pro parre, J. trz3dus L. var. monanthos (Jacquin) Bluff & Fingerhuth
pro parte, J. trifidus L. ssp. monanthos (Jacquin) Asch. & Graebner pro purte
Other common names.-For species: highland rush, three-leaved rush
Description,-Densely tufted, glabrous, rhizomatous, grasslike perennial herbs. Sterns erect, 1-3 dm
tall. Leaves mostly basal. reduced to almost bladeless sheaths. these 3-4 cm long, blades to
1 ern long or missing; stem leaves usually 3, alternate, linear to filiform, flat to involute,
grasslike, at least the inner of the tuft well-developed, much exceeding the inflorescence, the
base of the lowermost situated 1-3 cm below the inflorescence, the two uppermost usually
subtending the inflorescence, margins serrulate; auricles deeply fimbriate. Inflorescence a
cluster of 1-2 ( 3 ) flowers. not ~ts~tallydensely urowdeci. Flowers small, actinomorphic, with
bracteoles. Perianth in 2 very similar series of 3 distinct 5egments (tepals) each, tepals
undifferentiated, dark brown, glumaceous, coriaceous , dry, membranous, lanceolate, 3 -4 mm
long, equal or the inner whorl (petals) slightly shorter than the outer (sepals); stamens 6,
distinct, opposite the perianth segments; gynoecium of I compound pistil, ovary superior, car-
pels and locules 3, placentation axile, style 1, 3-branched apically, each branch with an
elongate stigma. Fruit a dry, few-seeded loculicidal capsule, equal to or slightly shorter than
the perianth, dark brown, obovoid, beaked (beak ca. 0.7 mm long), surrounded by persistent
perianth and bracteoles. Seeds small, 1- 1.3 rnrn long, irregularly angled.
Juncus trifiidus ssp. carolinianus closely resembles J. trifidus ssp. trifidus and ssp.
monanthos, thus causing great taxonomic confusion. The Appalachian specimens, here referred
to as ssp, caroliniaizus, have usually been included in ssp. monanthos. Hamet-Ahti (1980)
determined that several characteristics (e.g., plant height, flower number, leaf length, perianth
length) distinguish the three subspecies. She also states that subspecies carolinianus and
monanthos are different ecologically: monanthos occurs only in alpine limestone areas, whereas
carolinianus, like trifidus, prefers oligotropic schistose rock crevices.
Juncus trifidu ssp. carolinianus differs from other members of the genus in characters
such as presence of bracteoles, fimbriate auricles, and serrulate leaf margins. It is most
similar to J. tenuis, a more widespread species occurring along roadsides and paths. Juncus
tenuis has more than 3 flowers per culm and entire auricles, whereas J. trzjtdus ssp. carolinianus
has 1-3 flowers per culm and deeply fimbriate auricles.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, June to September; Fruits, June to September; Vegetative, June to September
Distribution.*-N.C. (Buncombe County), N. Y.
Legal status.-N .C. - Endangered (Protected)
Habitat.-Rock crevices in schistose rocks at high elevations

*The exact distribution and the location of the northern limit of this new taxon is not known as yet. Further study is needed.
Subspecies inonanrhos occurs in Maine, N.H.. Tenn.. Va., and Vt.
Bean, R. C., D. C. Richards, and F. Hyland. 1966. Check-list of the vascular plants of Maine. Revi-
sion of 1948 edition, by E. C. Ogden, F. H. Steinmetz, and F. Hyland. Bull. Josselyn Bot.
Soc. Maine 8: 1-7 1.
Bluff, M. J., and C. A. Fingerhuth. 1825. Flora Germaniae. Tomus I. Norimbergae.
Britton, N. L., and A. Brown. 1970. An illustrated flora of the northern United States and Canada.
(Reprint of the 1913 edition. 1 Dover Publications, Inc., New York.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted frcrni J . E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J . B. Funderburg. eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. IS.C., Charlotte.
Fernald, M . L. 1925. Persistence of plants in unglaciated areas of boreal America. Mem. Gray Herb.
2:24 1-342.
. 1950. Gray's nilan~lalof botany. 8th ed. Anlerican Book Go., New York.
Hamet-Ahti, L. 1980.,r tr-ifi'i1lr.s L. subsp. c-clr-oliiziirr?trsI-Iitnet-,4hti. rz. subsp., in eastern North
America. Pages 7-13 irz H. Lieth and E. Landolt, eds. Contrib~~tions to the knowledge of flora
and vegetation in the Carolinas. Proceedings of the 16th International Phytogeographical Excur-
sion (IPE), 1978, through the SE United States, Vol. 2. Vercjfkntlichungen des Geobotanischen
Institutes der ETH. Stiftung Riibel, Z~trich.
Hulten, E. 1971. Atlas of the distribution of vascular plants in northwestern Europe. Ab Kartografiska
Institute, Stockholm.
Jacquin. N. J. 1762. Enumeratio Stirpium Plerarumque. Joannis Pauli Kraus, Vindobonae.
Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species plantarum. (Facsimile edition, 1957.) The Ray Society, London.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Polunin, N. 1959. Circumpolar artic flora. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Batson, Juncaceae. p. 275.1
Seymour, F. C. 1969. Flora of New England. Charles E. Tuttte Co., Rutland, 'Jt.

Specinlens of this species exar~iinedand annotated at the following herbaria:

Duke University University of North Carolina at
North Carolina State University Chapel Hill
University of Georgia Vanderbilt University
Western Carolina University

f These references often treat Jrincxs trifidt1.r or ssp. trifirlirs or tnoncztzthos rather than ssp. carolinianus. which is
a newly described subspecies.
$ The specimens examined at these herbaria were all annotated as J. trifidrr,~ssp. tt?ottuntitossince our study was
done before ssp. t,nrolit?iuntr.shad been named. Specimens of ssp. cc1ro1itriuttu.s were examined only at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Juncus trifidus ssp. carolinianus (JUNCACEAE)

a Plant habit. b Gynoecium. c Anther. d Seed. e Sheath of leaf. f Capsule.

g Infructescence. h Bract. i Outer tepal (sepal). j Inner tepal (petal). k Bracteoles.

From NCU 226884

LIATRIS HELLERI Porter Heller's blazing star

Family.-Asteraceae (Composite, Aster, or Sunflower Family)

Synonymy .-Lacinaria helleri ( Porter) Porter
Other common names.-Button-snakeroots, Heller's gayfeather, rattlesnake-masters
Description.-Small, glabrous perennial herbs with a thickened, more or less globose, cormlike rootstock.
Stems erect, 1-5 dm tall. Leaves rather numerous and crowded, gradually decreasing in size
upward to bracts subtending the flower heads, linear to lanceolate, all narrow, the lowest
ones mostly 2-20 cm x 3-7(10) mm, alternate, spirally arranged, simple, entire, glabrous,
scarcely punctate, sessile. Flowers (florets) small and sessile in a compact head on a com-
mon enlarged receptacle, collectively surrounded by an involucre, each head appearing to be a
single flower; secondary inflorescence elongate and racemiform. the heads flowering from
the top to the bottom. Heads turbinate, 3-20(30). closely ascending, discoid; involucre nar-
rowly campanulate, 7- 10 mm high. its bracts irnbricate in several series, glabrous or with
minute hairs along the margins, the outer commonly lance-triangular and entirely green and
herbaceous, the others more oblong or linear and rounded at the apex, thinner, often with
hyaline-scarious margins and often partly purplish, especially toward the apex; receptacle flat to
somewhat convex, naked. Florets (flowers) mostly 7- 10 per head, all discoid and perfect;
calyx represented by a pappus of bristles (see below for further description); corolla purple to
lavender, tubular, with 5 spreading lobes, the tube 5-7 mm in length, short-hairy inside
toward the base; stamens 5 , syngenesious (the anthers fused together to form a cylinder around
the style), included within the corolla tube; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary inferior,
carpels 2, locule I, ovule I , placentation basal, style I , much exserted, 2-branched at the apex,
the branches elongate and somewhat stiff and erect, with inconspicuous stigmatic lines along
the inner surface margins near the base. Fruit a cypsela (achene or nutlet of some authors),
2.5-5 m long, tan to blackish, somewhat cylindrical but tapered at the base into a blunt
point, ribbed, hairy, particularly along the ribs; pappus of rather stout, capillary, barbellate
bristles, tan, notably short, 112 or less the length of the corolla tube, hardly showing beyond
the involucre at time of flowering.
Liatr-is species are often difficult to identify, although L. helleri is fairly distinctive
in its very short pappus (only l/2 or less the length of the corolla tube) and its short stature. Two genera
very similar in appearance to the genus Liatris are Trilisu and Car-phcphonrs;however, these two in-
habit the coastal plain, not the mountains, and have heads arranged in moderately loose, spreading
panicles or corymbs, not in compact racemes.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, July to September; Fruits, August to October; Vegetative, July to October
Distribution.-Ala. (has not been recently documented), N.C. (Avery, Burke, Caldwell, Mitchell, Watauga
Counties), Va. (not documented)
Legal status.-Ala. - Threatened (Freeman and others, 1979, placed this species in their publication in
Appendix I, which consisted of species listed for Alabama by the U.S. Department of the
Interior in a 1975 issue of the Federal Register as endangered or threatened, but not treated
elsewhere in their publication, due to lack of recent documentation.); N.C. - Threatened
(Protected); Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Open, rocky outcrops, ledes, cliff faces, and woods at high elevations.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Cronquist, A. 1980. Vascular flora of the southeastern United States. Vol. I. Asteraceae. Univ. N.C.
Press, Chapel Hill.
Freeman, J . D., A. S. Causey, J . W . Short, and R. R. Haynes. 1979. Endangered, threatened, and
special concern plants of Alabama. Departmental Series No. 3, Dep. of Botany and Microbiology,
Agric. Exp. Stn., Auburn University, Auburn, Ala.
Gaiser, L. 0. 1936. The genus Liatris. Rhodora 48: 165-183, 216-263, 273-326, 33 1-382, 393-412.
Plant Conservation Board, N .C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Porter, T. C. 1891. A new Liatris from North Carolina. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 18:147-148.
. 1900. Muhlenbergia 1:6 (Gray Card Index).
Radford. A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Asteraceae, p. 1050.1
Small, J . IS. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.) Hafner Publishing Co.,
New York.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior. 1975. Threatened or endangered fauna or flora: Review of status of vascular
plants. U.S. Federal Register 40:27825-27924.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of North Carolina at
Harvard University Chapel Hill
Liatris helleri (ASTERACEAE)

a Plant habit. b Head. c Phyllary. d Flower (with corolla split to show stigma division).
e Cypsela (achene). f Flower. g Pappus bristles.

From NCU 78477

LILIUM GRAY[ Watson Gray's lily

Fantilj .-Litiaceae f Ltlc Famil) )

Synon) my .--%one
Other common namc..s.-Bell-lily, orange-bell lily. Roan Illy
Description.<aulescent perennial herbs arising from deep-set, subglobose, scaly bulbs, these putting
forth stoloniferous offshoots that terminate in new bulbs. Stems solitary, stout, strict. erect, to
2 m tall, terete. pale green basally. often deeper green tinted with maroon upuardly. Leaves
simple, spreading, firm, occasionally alternate, mostly in whorls of 4- 1 1 on fairly well-spaced
nodes, elliptic to lanceolate, 3 - 13 em long, 0.8 - 2.5(4j cm wide, acuminate, scabrous on
the margins and often on the veins beneath. the bases narrowlj cuneate or attenuate to a short
petiole or sessile, the upper surface dark green. the lower surfxe paler with several raised
and parallel nerves. Inflorescence terminal, solitary or unlbellate ~ i t h1 -9 flowers, occasion-
ally racemose or flowers solitary in upper leaf axils. Flouers actinon~orphic,somewhat nod-
ding or spreading (often almost horizontal) on long, erect or moderately curbed pedicels.
Perianth campanulate, in 2 very similar series of 3 distinct segments (tepals) each, tepals
petaloid. oblanceolate, 3 -5 cnl long, 1 - 1.5 cm wide, broadening gradually from cuneate base
to above he middle. abruptly rounded to acute, rnucronate apices, flared very little but slightly
recurved apically, the outer surfaces a deep orange-red with deeper purple-brown midnerves,
paler and with greenish tints basally, the inner surfaces orange-red toward the tips, yellowish
rnedially and basally, heavily spotted with purple-brown spots almost to apex, quickly deciduous;
stamens 6, in 2 whorls, distinct, slightly shorter than the tepals, 2-4.0 cm long, the filaments
slender, broadening slightly toward base. yellowish, the anthers versatile, bromn to purplish;
gynoeciurn of 1 compound pistil, ovary superior, carpels and locules 3, placentation axile.
style 1 and very long, stigma 3-lobed. Fruit a 3-lobed loculicidal capsule, oblong, 3-4 cm
long. Seeds numerous, flat.
Several lily species resemble L. grayi. Lilium rnichnrixii and L. ~uperburnhave leaves
with smooth margins and tepals that are strongly recurved (the apices being turned back to
or beyond the base of the perianth), whereas L. gruyi has leaves with scabrous margins and
tepals that are straight to slightly recurved at the tips. Liliunt philadelphicum differs from L.
grayi in having erect flowers and tepals with long. narrow claws. The two species most similar
to L. grayi are L. cnnadense and L . rnichiga~zense.The following comparison chart may be
used to separate these species.

TEPAL straight to slightly moderately recurvcd 4trongly recirrved

ORIENTATION recurved at tips into tin open, flaring
LENGTH 4- 5 crn 5- 10 crn 5- 10 cm
TEPAL SPOT as dense near the sparse toward apex sparse toward apex
DISTRIBUTION apex as at the base

Phenology .-Flowers, May to July; Fruits, July to September; Vegetative. May to September
Distribution.-Md. *, N.C. (Alleghany. Ashe, Avery , Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson. McDowell,
Mitchell, Watauga, Yancey Counties), Tenn., Va. (Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Carroll, Floyd.
Grayson, Wythe Counties), W. Va.
Legal status .-N .C. - Threatened, Special Concern (Protected); Tenn. - Endangered (Candidate); Va.
- Threatened (Candidate); Federal - Under re+iew .
Habitat.-Mountain balds, meadows, and forest openings.

* Reveal and Broome (1981) fee1 that the Md local~ty(Ayensu cSi DeFrl~pps,1978) 1s very que5tionabIe and that the specles
probably IS L ranadense var edttorilm
Ayensu, E. S., and R. A. DeFilipps. 1978. Endangered and threatened plants of the United States. The
Smithsonian Institution and The World Wildlife Fund, Inc., Washington, D.C.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Cleason. H. A., and A. Cronquist. 1963. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and
adjacent Canada. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc. Princeton, N.J.
Harvill, A. M . , Jr., C. E. Stevens, and D. M. E. Ware. 1977. Atlas of the Virginia flora. Part 1.
Pteridophq tes through Monocotyledons. Va. Botanical Associates, Farrnville.
McGilliard, E. 1955. The family Liliaceae in Tennessee. J . Tennessee Acad. Sci. 30: 19-26.
Massey, A. B. 1961. Virginia flora. Va. Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Bull. 155. Blacksburg.
Massey, J. R., P. D. Whitson, and T. A. Atkinson. 1980. Endangered and threatened plant survey of
twelve species in the eastern part of Region IV. Contract 14-160004-78- 108. Highlands
Biological Station, Contractor. Unpublished manuscript.
Plant Conservation Board, N .C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Liliaceae, p. 3 1 1 .]
Reveal, J . L., and C. R. Broome. 1981. Minor nomenclatural and distributional notes on Maryland
vascular plants with comments on the state's proposed endangered and threatened species. Gastanea
Small, J. K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile of the 1933 edition. 1972.) Hafner
Publishing Co., New York.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal
Register 45 (242):82480-82569.
Watson. S. 1879. Contributions to American botany. 1 . Revision of the North American Liliaceae. 2.
Descriptions of some new species of North American plants. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts 14:213-303
(p. 256).
Wherry, E. T. 1946. A key to the eastern North American lilies. Bartonia 24:5-8.
Wofford, B. E., ed. 1980. Inlrentory of proposed threatened and endangered plant species: Cherokee
National Forest, Tennessee. U.S. Forest Service, Atlanta, Ga,
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 58: 128-133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Clemson University Lynchburg College
Duke University University of North Carolina at
Furman University Chapel Hill
Great Smoky Mountains National University of Tennessee
Park Museum Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
Harvard University State University
Longwood College Western Carolina University
Liliurn grnyi (LILIACEAE)

a Plant habit (flowering portion). b Flower (with portion of perianth and androecium removed)
c Flower. d Capsule. e Capsule (cross section). f Seed.

a, b, c from NCU 259470: d , e, f from NC: Davidson Co.

LINDERNIA SRXlrCOLA Curtis Rock false pimpernel

Family.-Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family)

Synonymy.-Z1~7santhes refi-acta Bentham (pro parte?)." I . refracta var. sasicola (Curtis) Gray, 1. saxicola
(Curtis) Chapman
Other common names.-False pimpernel
Description .-Small, erect perennial herbs. Stems numerous, slender, angled, sparingly branched, leafy,
7- 12 cm tall, glabrous. Leaves simple, opposite, basal and cauline; basal leaves spathulate,
1 - 2 cm long; cauline leaves nanowly elliptic to oblong, 5 - 10 mm long, entire, the lowest
attentiate at base, glabrous, minutely glandular-punctate. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedun-
cles much longer than the leaves, 0.7- 1.5 cm long, without bractlets below the calyx, spar-
ingly glandular-puberulent. Sepals 5, distinct or siightly connate, subequal, linear, ca. 2 mm
long; corolla of 5 connate petals, lavender blue to pale blue, with 2 yellow, pubescent ridges in
the throat, zygomorphic, bilabiate, 8- 11 mm long, the lobes shorter than the cylindrical
tube; stamens 4, didynamous, distinct, epipetalous, upper 2 stamens fertile, lower 2 filaments
partially adnate to the yellow ridges in the corolla throat; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil,
ovary superior, carpels 2, locules 2, placentation axile, style 1 , stigma bilobed. Fruit a septici-
dal capsule, ovoid, 1 -2 mm long, glabrous, terminated by the persistent style. Seeds numerous,
minute, ovoid, brownish yellow.
Lindernia saxicola most closely resembles L, monticola, both being erect and hav-
ing minutely glandular-punctate leaves and ovoid seeds about as long as they are wide. The
following comparison chart may be used to separate these two species.

LEAF sten1 uniformly leafy stem nearly leafless above
UPPER LEAF not greatly reduced, the greatly reduced and bractlike,
SIZE cauline being little the cauline much smaller
smaller than the basal than the basal
on rocks in rapid moist, sandy soil on granite
rnountain streams outcrops

Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, July to September; Fruits, August to September; Vegetative, July to September

Distribution.---Ga., N.C. (Cherokee County)
Legal status.-&. - Endangered (Protected); N.C. - Endangered, Possibly extirpated (Protected);
Federal - Under review
Habitat.-On rocks in rapid mountain streams

* Described in De Candolle's Prodromus, Vol. 10 ( I 846)-reference not seen, ~ ' i d eHooker and Jackson (1893). Chapman (1860)
placed L. monticola Nuttall in synonymy. If Bentham's I@sm?fhesrefracta was based on L. refracta Elliott, then the combinatio
n o w of Bentham was preceded by that of Rafinesque in his Autikon Botanikon (1840). If this presumption is correct, Itysanthes
refructa (Ell.) Raf. should be listed as well.
Chapman, A. W. 1860. Flora of the southern United States. Ivison, Phinney, and Co., New York.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Curtis, M. A. 1843. An account of some new and rare plants of North Carolina. Am. J . Sci. 44:80-84.
Gray, A. 1878. Synoptical flora of North America. Vol. 2. American Book Go., New York.
Hooker, J. D., D. B. Jackson, and others. 1893- 1895. Index Kewensis. The Clarendon Press, Oxford.
McCollum, J. L., and D. R. Ettman. 1977. Georgia's protected plants. Ga. Dep. of Natural Resources,
Research Planning Section, OPR Endangered Plant Program, Atlanta.
Pennell, F. W. 1935. The Scrophulariaceae of eastern temperate North America. The Academy of Natu-
ral Sciences of Philadelphia Monographs, No. 1. Philadelphia.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Bell, Scrophulariaceae, p. 942. j
Rafinesque, C. S. 1840. Autikon Botanikon. (Facsimile edition, 1942). Arnold Arboretum, Harvard
University, Cambridge, Mass.
Small, J . K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.) Hafner Publishing Co.,
New York. [See Pennell, Rhinanthaceae, p. 1 195.]

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
The New York University of Georgia
Botanical Garden
Lindernia saxicola (SCROPHULARIACEAE)

a Plant habit. b Capsule. c Flower.

From NY (Small, s.n.)

LISTERA CORDATA (Linnaeus) R. Brown Heart-leaved twayblade

Family . 4 r c h i d a c e a e (Orchid Family)

Synonymy .-Bifolium cordatt~m(L.) Nieuwland. Diph~lIi111~ corClatum (L. ) Kuntze, Distomaea cordata
(L.) Spenner, Listeru cordatn (L.) R. Brown var. chlorantha Beauverd, L. curdata (L.) R.
Brown var. nephrophyllu (Rydberg) Hultkn, L. curdata R. Brown ssp, nephrophylla (Rydberg)
Love & Love, L. cordatu f. disjuncts Lepage, L. cordata (L.) R. Brown var japonica Hara,
L. cordata Nuttalll vide Stone, L. rzqhrophylla Rydberg, illeoftia curdata Rich.. 0phrq.s
rzephrophylla Rydberg, Pollinirhiza corclata Dulac
Other common names.-Double-leaf. heart-leaved listera, lesser twayblade, twayblade.
Description,-Small, inconspicuous, terrestrial perennial herbs. Roots fibrous. often somewhat matted.
Stems slender, delicate, 5-35 cm tall, glabrous below leaves, usually glandular-pubescent
above the leaves, the pubescence sometimes extending into the inflorescence, base surrounded
by a few thin sheaths. Leaves 2, simple, opposite or subopposite, sessile, inserted at about
the middle of the stem, widely to narrowly ovate, deltoid, or cordate, 1-4 cm long, 0.7-3.8
cm wide, mucronate, base truncate. cuneate, or cordate. Inflorescence a raceme, slender,
1.5- 10 cm long, 8 - 15 mm in diameter, loosely to densely flowered, with up to 25 minute
flowers. Floral bracts small, 1 mm long, purplish to yellowish green. Flowers zygornorphic,
green to yellowish green to purple; pedicels slender, 1-4 mm long. Perianth biseriate, sepals
and petals free, similar and subequal. Sepals 3, distinct, petaloid; lateral sepals ovate-oblong
to elliptic or oblong-linear, obtuse, somewhat oblique, 2-3 mm long, 0.5 - 1.5 mm wide;
medial sepal ovate-oblong to oblong-elliptic, obtuse, 2- 3 mm long, ca. I mm wide. Petals
3, distinct; lateral petals similar to sepals, elliptic to oblong-linear, obtuse or occasionally truncate,
1.5-2.5 mm long, 0.5 - 1 mm wide; medial petal modified into a labellum or lip that is
linear-oblong, 3-4 mm long, cleft one-half to two-thirds of the distance to the base into two
linear-lanceolate lobes, with a pair of spreading, hornlike papillose teeth near the base, lam-
ina 3 - 6 mm long, 1 - 1.5 mm wide near the middle. Stamens, styles, and stigmas united to
form an organ called the column (gynandrium) in the center of the flower, column short, ca.
0.5 mm long. Anther 1 and borne on the back of the column near the apex, pollen bound into
2 powdery masses (pollinia). Gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary inferior and almost
globular, carpels 3, placentation parietal, style 1 (portion of column), stigmas a depression in
the under surface of the column and divided into 3 lobes, the upper one of which is modi-
fied into a broad, flat rostellum (a small beak) that lies between the fertile stigmas and the
anther and curves over the fertile stigmatic surfidce. Fruit a capsule with longitudinal dehiscence,
semierect, subglobose, slender, small, 3-4 mm long, 2-3 mm broad, pedicellate, valves
hygroscopic. Seeds relatively few.
Three similar species of Listera inhabit the Southeastern United States, including L .
cordata, L. smallii, and L. australis. The following comparison chart may be used to sepa-
rate these three species.

L . sr?~ullii L . o~~str(l1i.s
LIP linear to obovate- linear to
SHAPE oblong cuneate oblong
LIP linear rounded linear
LIP with 2 hornlike with 2 hornlike
BASE teeth teeth without teeth
LIP 2 x longer than 3 - 8 >c longer than 3 - 8 X longer than
LENGTH lateral petals lateral petals lateral petals
COLOR green '? purple
Phenology .-Flowers. April to September; Fruits. July to September; Vegetative, April to September
Distribution.-Alaska. Calif., Colo., Conn., Idaho. Maine, Mass., Md., Mich., Minn., Mont., N.H.,
N.J.. N. Mex., N.Y., N.C. (Avery, Buncombe, Transylvania Counties), Ohio, Oreg., Pa.,
R.I.. Utah, Va. (Giles County), Vt., Wash., Wis., W. Va., Wyo.; Asia Minor, Austria,
Bulgaria, Canada (Alberta, Anticosti, British Columbia, Keewatin, Labrador, Mackenzie,
Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario. Prince Edward Island,
Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon), Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England, Finland. Germany, Greenland,
Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Ireland, Italy , Japan. Miquelon Islands, Norway , Poland, Romania,
Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey. U.S.S.R., Wales, Yugoslavia.
Legal status,--N.C. - Special Concern; Va. - Peripheral, Vulnerable (Candidate); W. Va. - Periph-
eral (Candidate)
Habitat.-Damp, mossy forest floors and wooded acid bogs, especially under evergreens.
Aiton, W. T. 1813. Hortus Kewensis. Vol. V. 2nd ed. London. [See Brown, Listera, p. 201 .]
Bean, R. C., C. D. Richards, and F. Hyland. 1966. Check-list of the vascular plants of Maine. Revi-
sion of 1948 edition, by E. C. Ogden, F. H. Steinmetz, and F. Hyland. Bull. Josselyn Bot.
Soc. Maine 8:l-71.
Braun, E. L. 1967. The Monocotyledoneae. Cat-tails to orchids. Ohio State Univ. Press, Columbus,
Britton. N. L., and A. Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States and Canada. 2nd
ed. (Reprint edition, 1970.) Dover Publications, Inc., New York.
Coddington, J., and K. G. Field. 1978. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Massachusetts.
The New England Botanical Club, Cambridge, Mass.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Correll, D. S . 1950. Native orchids of North America north of Mexico. Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham,
Cronquist, A. , A. H. Holmgren, N . H. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren. 1977. Intermountain
flora. Vascular plants of the intermountain west, U.S.A. Vol. 6. The Monocotyledons. Colum-
bia Univ. Press, New York.
Davis, R. J. 1952. Flora of Idaho. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa.
Fassett, N. C. 1976. Spring flora of Wisconsin. 4th ed. (Revised by 0. S. Thomson.) Univ. of Wiscon-
sin Press, Madison.
Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. 8th ed. American Book Co., New York.
Fortney , R. H., R. B. Clarkson, C. H. Harvey, and J. Kartesz. 1978. Rare and endangered species of
West Virginia: A preliminary report. Vol. I. Vascular plants. W. Va. Dep. of Natural Resources,
Heritage Trust Program, Charleston.
Gray Herbarium Card Index. 1894 + . Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.
Henry, L. K., W. E. Buker, and D. L. Pearth. 1975. Western Pennsylvania orchids. Castanea 40:93-168.
House, H. D. 1924. Annotated list of the ferns and flowering plants of New York state. New York
State Mus. Bull. No. 254. The Univ. of the State of N.Y., Albany.
Hultin, E. 1968. Flora of Alaska and neighboring territories. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, Calif.
. 1971. Atlas of the distribution of vascular plants in northwestern Europe. Ab Kartografiska
Institutet, Stockholm.
Lakela, 8. 1965. A flora of northeastern Minnesota. Univ. of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
Linnaeus, C. 1959. Species plantarum. (Facsimile of the 1753 edition.) The Ray Society, London.
Luer, C. 1975. The native orchids of the United States and Canada, excluding Florida. The New York
Botanical Garden, W. S. Cowell, Ltd., Ipswich, England.
Massey, A. B. 1961. Virginia flora. Va. Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Bull. 155, Blacksburg.
Munz, P. A., and D. D. Keck. 1959. A California flora. With supplement by P. A. Munz. Univ. of
California Press, Berkeley.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N.C. Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Development.
1981. Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Ohwi, J. 1965. Flora of Japan. Revised edition. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Piper, C. V. 1906. Flora of the state of Washington. Contrib. U. S. Natl. Herb. Vol. 11.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Polunin , N . 1959. Circumpolar arctic flora. The Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Correll, Orchidaceae, p. 340.1
Rydberg, P. A. 1900. Catalogue of the flora of Montana and the Yellowstone National Park. Mem.
New York Bot. Card. Vol. I.
. 1905. Studies on the Rocky Mountain flora. XV. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 32597-610.
. 1906. Flora of Colorado. Colorado Agricultural College, Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 100. Fort
Seymour, F. C. 1969. The flora of New England. Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vt.
Stone, W. 1911. Plants of southern New Jersey. Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum 1910.
Strausbaugh, P. I)., and E. L. Core. 1952. Flora of West Virginia. Part I. 2nd ed. W. Va. Univ. Bull.
Series 52, No. 12-2.
Summerhayes, V. S. 1968. Wild orchids of Britain. Collins, London.
Voss, E. G. 1972. Michigan flora. Part I. Gymnosperms and Monocots. Cranbrook Institute of Science
and University of Michigan Herbarium. Bulletin 55. Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Wooten, E. O., and P. C. Standley. 1915. Flora of New Mexico. Contrib. U.S. Natl. Herb. Vol. 19.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
North Carolina State University University of North Carolina at
University of Georgia Charlotte
University of North Carolina at University of Tennessee
Chapel Hill Vanderbilt University
Listera cordata (ORCHIDACEAE)

a Plant habit. b Flower (anterior view). c Flower (lateral view). d Immature capsule.

a from NCU 384128; b, c from NCU 220261; d from NCU 35078

P M A X QUINQUEFOLIUM Linnaeus American ginseng
Family .-Araliaceae (Ginseng Family)
Synonymy.-Aralia qrrinquefolia Decaisne & Planchon, Ginseng quinquPfolium Wood, Panux americanum
Rafinesque , P. americanunl Rafinesque var. elat~tmRafinesque, P. americanum Rafinesque
var , obot~atumRafinesque, P . cuneatlim Rafinesque, P . obomtum Rafinesque, P. quinquefolium
Linnaeus , P. guinquefolium Linnaeus var . americanum Rafinesque , P. quinquefoliurn Linnaeus
var. cuneatut-zz Rafinesque, P . quinqzcefoliunz var. obovatum Rafinesque
Other common names .-B Iue ginseng, dwarf groundnut, five fingers, garantogen, garentoquere, gensang ,
ginseng, grantogen, Hsi-1ang-shcn, Hua-ch'i-shen, jinshard, man's health, manroot, ninsin.
redberry, sang, tartar root. wild ginseng, wild ginsing
Description.---Glabrous, polygamo-dioecious perennial herbs arising from short rhizomes and tuberous
roots. Roots large and spindle-shaped, elongate or globose, fleshy. aromatic, often branched,
sometimes shaped in the form of a person. Stems erect, 1.5-6 dm tall, slender, subterete,
often striate, base subtended by a few scales. Leaves (2) 3-4, in a single whorl at apex of
stem, palmately compound, long-petiolate (petiole to 10 cm long); leaflets 3 - 5, elliptic or
obovate, to 15 cm long and 8.5 cm wide, acuminate, serrate, base oblique or merely obtuse,
membranous, petiolulate. Inflorescence a terminal, solitary, simple umbel; peduncles slender,
elongate, 2 -25 cm long. Flowers 6 -20 per umbel, actinomorphic, perfect, staminate, or pistillate;
pedicels to 12 mm long, swollen distally, subtended by lanceolate bracts 2-5 mm long.
Sepals 5 , reduced and minute, fused into a fleshy cupuliform calyx adnate to the ovary, at
anthesis erect, ca. 2 mm long and in diameter, the lobes deltoid, acute, ca. 0.5 mm long;
petals 5, distinct, arising from the margin of the cupuliform nectariferous disc, greenish white,
oblong, 0.5- 1 mm long, ca. 1 mm broad, subacute and slightly incurved at the apex,
membranous, slightly granular-papillose distally; stamens 5, distinct, inflexed in the bud but
ultimately spreading, inserted on the nectariferous disc, filaments fleshy, narrowed distally;
gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary inferior, carpels and locules 2, ovule solitary in each
locule, placentation apical, styles 2, fleshy, slightly curved, 1 - 2 mm long, persistent, stig-
mas 2. Fruit a bright red, subglobose (to '9 rnrn long and 10 mrn in diameter), 2-sulcate drupe
with persistent calyx lobes and styles and with 2 oblong stones (seeds plus surrounding hard
Panax quinquefolium can be easily confused with Panar trifolium or Aralia nudicaulis.
The following comparison chart can be used to separate these three species.

P. quinquefolium P. trifolium A. rzudicaulis

LEAF alternate (usually
ARRANGEMENT whorled whorled a solitary leaf)
NUMBER 3-5 3 3-5
POSITION petiolulate sessile petiolulate
SHAPE spindle-shaped globose not applicable
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, May to September; Fruits, May to October; Vegetative, April to October
Distribution.-Ala., Ark., Conn., Del., Fla. (now extirpated vide Ward), Ga., Ill., lnd., Iowa, Ky.,
La., Maine, Mass., Mich., Minn.. Miss., Mo., Nebr., N.H., N.J., N.C. (Ashe, Buncombe,
Burke, Caswell, Clay, Durham, Graham, Haywood, Henderson. Jackson, Lee, Macon, Madison,
Martin, Mitchell, Moore, Orange, Polk, Stokes, Swain, Transylvania, Wake, Watauga, Wilkes,
Yancey Counties), Ohio, Okla., Pa., S.C., Tenn., Vt., Va. (Albemarle, Arnherst, Appomattox,
Arlington, Augusta, Bedford, Bland, Botetourt, Buchanan, Buckingham, Campbell, Caroline,
Carroll, Craig, Cumberland, Dickenson, Fairfax, Floyd, Franklin, Frederick, Giles, Grayson,
Greene, Halifax, Henry. Highland, James City, Loudoun, Madison, Montgomery, Nelson, Orange,
Page, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Prince Edward, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Scott, Smyth,
Spotsylvania, Surry, Tazewell. Warren, Washington, Westmoreland, York Counties), W. Va.,
Wis.; Canada - Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec
Legal status.-Ala. - Endangered (Candidate); Ark. - Endangered (Candidate j; Ky . - Threatened
(Candidate); Md. - Widespread but infrequent, Declining, Vulnerable (Candidate); Miss. -
Threatened (Candidate); N.C. - Special Concern; S.C. - Threatened (Candidate); Tenn. -
Threatened (Candidate); Va. - Threatened (Candidate); W. Va. - Status Undetermined
Habitat.-Rich mesic woods of slopes and coves.

Allen, C. M., M. G. Curry, and B. F. Martin. 1975. A vascular flora of St. Helena and West Feliciana
Parishes, Louisiana. Univ. Southwestern La. Research Series No. 39, Biology. Lafayette.
Arkansas Dep. of Planning. 1974. Arkansas natural area plan. State of Arkansas, Little Rock. [See
G. E. Tucker, "Threatened native plants of Arkansas," pp, 39-65.]
Bean, R. C., D. C. Richards, and F. Hyland. 1966. Check-list of the vascular plants of Maine. Revi-
sion of 1948 edition, by E. C. Ogden, F. H. Steinmetz, and F. Hyland. Bull. Josselyn Bot.
Soc. Maine 8: 1-71.
Benner, W. M. 1932. The flora of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Ph.D. dissertation in Botany, Univ.
Pa., Philadelphia.
Bingham, M. T. 1945. The flora of the Oakland County, Michigan. Bull. Cranbrook Inst. Sci., No. 22.
Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Braun, E. L. 1943. An annotated catalog of Spermatophytes of Kentucky. John S. Swift Co., Inc.,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Broome, C. R., J. L. Reveal, A. 0 . Tucker, and N. H. Dill. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant
species in Maryland. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton Corner, Mass.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Deam, C. C. 1940. Flora of Indiana. Dep. of Conservation, Division of Forestry, Indianapolis, Ind.
Duke University Environmental Center. No date. Analysis of Bernheim Property. Durham, N .C.
Eastman, L. M. 1976. Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius L., in Maine and its relevance to the Critical
Areas Program. Planning Report No. 16. State Planning Office, Augusta.
Endangered Species Committee, Kentucky Academy of Sciences, and Kentucky Nature Preserves
Commission. No date. Endangered, threatened and rare animals and plants of Kentucky.
Ky. Nature Preserves Commission, Frankfort. Unpublished manuscript.
Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. 8th ed. American Book Co., New York.
Fortney, R. H., R. B. Clarkson, C. N. Harvey, and J. Kartesz. 1978. Rare and endangered species of
West Virginia: A preliminary report. Vol. I. Vascular plants. W. Va. Dep. Natural Resources,
Heritage Trust Program, East Charleston.
Freeman, J. D., A. S. Causey, J . W. Short, and R. R, Haynes. 1979. Endangered, threatened, and
special concern plants of Alabama. Departmental Series No. 3, Dep. of Botany and Microbiology,
Agric. Exp. Stn., Auburn Univ., Auburn, Ala.
Funderburg, J. B. No date. The North Carolina Ginseng protection program. N.C. State Museum, Raleigh.
Graham, S. A. 1966. The genera of Araiiaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor.
Guider. L. F. 1960. The vascular plants of Scott and hluscatine Counties. Davenport Public Museum
Publication in Botany, No. 1. Davenport, Iowa.
Harvill, A. M., Jr. 1970. Spring flora of Virginia. McClain Printing Co., Parsons, W. Va.
Harvill, A. M.. Jr., T. R. Bradley, and C. E. Stevens. 1981. Atlas of the Virginia flora. Part 2. Dicotyledons.
Va. Botanical Associates, Farmville.
Henry, L. K. 1971. An annotated list of the vascular flora of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Ann.
Carnegie Mus. 43: 1 15-178.
Henry, L. K., and W. E. Buker. 1951. Check list of the vascular flora of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Trillia 11:3-128.
House, H. D. 1924. Annotated list of the ferns and flowering plants of New Vork. N.Y. State LMus.
Bull. No, 254. Albany.
Hu, Shiu-Ying. 1977. A contribution to our knowledge of Ginseng. Am. J . Chinese Med. 5: 1-23.
Jones, G. N., and G. D. Fuller. 1955. Vascular plants of Illinois. Museum Scientific Series, Vol. V1.
The Univ. 111. Press, Urbana, and Ill. State Museum, Springfield.
Kartesz, J. T., and R. Kartesz. 1977. The biota of North America. Part 1 . Vascular plants. Rare plants,
Vol. I. BONAC, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Krochmal, A., R. S. Walters, and R. M. Doughty. 1971. A guide to the medicinal plants of Appalachia.
U.S. Dep. Agric. Handbook No. 300. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Lewis, W. H. 1980. American ginseng: A forest crop. Mo. Dep. Conservation, Jefferson City.
Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species plantarum. (Facsimile edition, 1957.) The Ray Society, London.
Lowe, E. N. 1921. Plants of Mississippi. Miss. State Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 17. Hederman Bros., Jackson.
McCollum, J. L . , and D. R. Ettman. 1977. Georgia's protected plants. Ga. Dep. of Natural Resources,
Research Planning Section. OPR Endangered Plant Progranl. Atlanta.
Massey, A. B. 1961. Virginia flora. Va. Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Bull. 155. Blacksburg.
Mississippi Natural Heritage Program, Dep. of Wildlife Conservation. No date. Special plant list. Miss.
Museum of Natural Sciences, Jackson. Unpublished manuscript.
Mohr, C. 1901. Plant life of Alabama. Contrib. U.S. Natl. Herb. No. 6. (Reprint edition, 1969,
edited by J. Cramer.) Verlag von J. Cramer, New York.
Moore, J. W., and R. M. Tryon, Jr. 1946. A preliminary check list of the flowering plants, ferns and
fern like allies of Minnesota. Dep. Botany, Univ. Minn., Minneapolis.
Natural History Section, Missouri Dep. of Conservation. 119801. Official proceedings of the Second
National Ginseng Conference. May 19 and 20, 1980, Jefferson City, Mo.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N .C. Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Development.
1981. Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Peterson, N. F. [1912]. Flora of Nebraska. Published by author, State Printing Co., Lincoln, Nebr.
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Radford. A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular tlora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Araliaceae, p. 760.1
Rafinesque, C. S. 1830. Medical flora. Samuel C. Atkinson, Philadelphia, Pa.
Rayner, D. A., Chairman, and The South Carolina Advisory Committee on Endangered, Threatened and
Rare Plants. 1979. Native vascular plants endangered, threatened, or otherwise in jeopardy in
South Carolina. S.C. Museum Commission, Mus. Bull. No. 4.
Seymour, F. C. 1969. The flora of New England. Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vt.
Small, J. K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile of the 1933 edition. 1972.) Hafner
Publishing Co., New York.
Smith, A. C. 1944. Araliaceae. N. Am. Flora I. 28B:3-41.
Stemen, T. R., and W. S. Myers. 1937. Oklahoma flora. Harlow Publishing Corporation, Oklahoma
Steyermark, J. A. 1963. Flora of Missouri. The Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames.
Stone, H. E. 1945. A flora of Chester County, Pennsylvania. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia.
Storks, I. M., and G. E. Crow. 1978. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in New Hampshire.
The New England Botanical Club. in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Newton Corner, Mass.
Strausbaugh, P. D., and E. L. Core. No date. Flora of West Virginia. 2nd ed. Seneca Books, Inc.,
Grantsville, W. Va.
Tatnall, R. R. 1946. Flora of Delaware and the eastern shore. The Society of Natural History of Delaware,
[Wilmington] .
Taylor, R. J., editor. 1978. New. rare, and infrequently collected plants in Oklahoma. Publication No.
2. Herbarium, Southeastern Okla. State Univ.. Durant.
Wagner, P. R. 1943. The flora of Schuylkill County Pennsylvania. Ph.D. dissertation in Botany. The
Univ, Pa., Philadelphia.
Ward, D. B., editor. No date. Rare and endangered biota of Florida. Vol. V. Plants. Univ. Presses of
Fla., Gainesville.
Wheeler, C. F., and E. F. Smith. 1881. Catalogue of the phanerogamous and kascular cryptogamous
plants of Michigan. W. S. George and Co., Lansing, Mich.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128- 133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Clemson University University of North Carolina at
Duke University Chapel Hill
Furman University University of North Carolina at
Great Smoky Mountains National Charlotte
Park Museum University of South Carolina at
Harvard University Columbia
Longwood College University of Tennessee
Lynchburg College Vanderbilt University
North Carolina State University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
The College of William and Mary State University
University of Georgia Western Carolina University
a Plant habit (in fruit). b Immature drupe. c Seed. d Stamen. e Gynoecium (longitudinal
section). f Flower.

a from NCU 299004 & 366283; b from NCU 400007; c from

NCU 489730; d, e, f from NCU 221883
PRENANTIIES ROANENSIS (Chickering) Chickering Roan rattlesnakeroot

Family.-Asteraceae (Composite, Aster, or Sunflower Family)

Synonymy.-kbalrcs roanensis Chickering, N . cylindricus Small, Prenunthes cylin&icu (Small) Braun,
P. cylindricus (Small) Braun
Other common names.-Piedmont (sic) rattlesnake-root, white lettuce
Description.-Erect, caulescent, unbranched perennial herb with milky juice and a tuberous-thickened
root. Stem 6- 10 dm tall, hollow, ribbed, green throughout, green above and purple below,
or entirely purple, glabrous below the inflorescence, or sometimes conspicuously long-hairy.
Leaves simple, alternate, variable in shape and size, blades 3 - 13 cm long and 2- 10 cm
wide, essentially glabrous except for the very short, stiff hairs along the veins; leaves on lower
half of the plant often absent; the middle leaves with an ovate or deltoid to mostly sagittate
or hastate, irregularly toothed and sometimes deeply palmately lobed blade, petiolate, the peti-
oles winged on the distal portion; the upper leaves reduced, lanceolate, and sessile or short-
petiolate. Flowers (florets) small and sessile in a compact head on a common receptacle, collec-
tively surrounded by an involucre, each head appearing to be a single flower; secondary
inflorescence elongate and narrow, occupying 112 to li3 the total length of the plant, thyrsoid-
racemiform, leafy-bracteate at least below, the branches all very short. Heads cylindric,
nodding, ligulate; involucre of 2 series of bracts, the inner whorl of 5 -9, equal bracts, linear
to lanceolate, 10- 12 mm long, stiff, pale green with a darker median line and tip, hyaline-
scarious margins, and often a purplish apex, pubescence of scattered hairs mainly along the
midrib, these inner bracts subtended by 4-6, much reduced, translucent, blackish, outer
bracts that are 1-3 mm long, triangular to ovate, and densely pilose; receptacle small, flat,
naked. Florets (flowers) 5- 13 per head, all ligulate (ray) and perfect; calyx represented by a
pappus of bristles (see below for further description); corolla pale green-yellow, strap-shaped,
8- 10 mm long, the tube about half the length of the corolla; stamens 5 , syngenesious (the
anthers fused together to form a cylinder around the style), exserted beyond the corolla tube
but shorter than the strap-shaped portion of the corolla; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil,
ovary inferior, carpels 2, locule 1, ovule 1, placentation basal, style 1 , much exserted, 2-branched
at the apex, the branches terete, recurved, and barbed, each with inconspicuous stigmatic
tissue. Fruit a cypsela (achene or nutlet of some authors), 4-5 rnm long, fusiform, subterete or
angled, indistinctly ribbed, glabrous, light tan; pappus of numerous capillary bristles, up-
wardly barbed, 5-8 mm long, light tan to whitish.
Prenanthes roanensis, which has a limited distribution, resembles the more com-
mon and widespread species, P . ultissirna and P . serpentaria. The following comparison chart
may be used to separate these three species.

P . rounensis P . serpet~tcrria P. ultissirna

INVOLUCRAL with long, coarse with long, coarse glabrous
BRACTS hairs hairs
SECONDARY narrowly thyrsoid- diffusely paniculate; diffusely thyrsoid;
INFLORESCENCE racemiform; branches at least some at least some
all very short branches elongate branches elongate

Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, August to September; Fruits, August to October; Vegetative, July to October

Distribution.-Ky ., N.C. (Ashe, Avery , Buncombe, Burke, Haywood, Jackson, McDowell, Mitchell,
Surry, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga, Yancey Counties), Tenn., Va. (Grayson, Smyth Counties)
Legal status .-N. C. - Threatened (Protected); Tenn. - Threatened (Candidate); Va. - Threatened
(Candidate); Federal - Under review
Habitat.-A Southern Appalachian endemic that is predominantiy a \uccessional species often abundant
on disturbed sites at high elevatic~ns.Founci in various habitat\: rich woods; open, ~noist
sites on grass and heath balds; open, moist wooded slopes; roadsides and parking areas; pasture
margins; along trails; borders of and clearings in forests; cliffs or precipices. Associated
with several types of communities: Fraser fir (Abic,r fiwLrcri)and,or red spruce (Picea rubens);
red spruce-Canadian hemlock (T.\trgccr c*crttnc~c~iz.riL~i-yelIc>w
birch (Brtufn liitecll; Canadian
hemlock- yellow birch-maple (Acer spp. 1; yellou birch; oak fQurt-6-usspp. )-hickory (Carya
spp.), northern red oak [Quercus rzcbru var. borealis), fire cherry (Priinus prnsyltwnica),
other deciduous forest species, and various types of shrub (often heath) or grass balds.

Braun, E. L. 1943. An annotated catalog of Spermatophytes of Kentucky. John S. Swift, Inc., Cincinnati,
Chickering, J. W. 1880. Nnbalus Roanensis, n. sp. Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 5: 155.
. 1881 . Prenanthes (Nabalus) Roanensis, Chickering. Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 6: 19 1.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Cronquist, A. 1980. Vascular flora of the southeastern United States. Vol. I. Asteraceae. Univ. N.C.
Press, Chapel Hill.
Kartesz, J. T., and R. Kartesz. 1977. The biota of North America. Part 1. Vascular plants. Rare plants,
Vol. I. BONAC, Pittsburgh.
Milstead, W. L. 1964. A revision of the North American species of Prenanthes. Ph.D. thesis. Purdue
Univ., West Lafayette, Ind.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N.C. Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Development.
11 98 1. Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Pittillo, J. D. 1976. Potential natural landmarks of the Southern Blue Ridge Portion of the Appalachian
Ranges Natural Region. Dep. Biology, Western Carolina, Univ., Cullowhee, N.C.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Virginia Polytechnic Insti-
tute and State University, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Blacksburg.
Radford, A. E., H . E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Asteraceae, p. 1020.1
Ramseur, G. S. 1960. The vascular flora of high mountain communities of the Southern Appalachians.
J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 76:82-112.
Small, J. K. 1903. Flora of the southeastern United States. Published by the author, New York.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa fhr listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal
Register 45(242):82480-82569.
Vuilleumier, B. S. 1973. The genera of Lactuceae (Compositae) in the southeastern United States. J.
Arnold Arbor. 54:42-93.
Wofford, B. E., ed. 1980. Inventory of proposed threatened and endangered plant species: Cherokee
National Forest, Tennessee. U.S. Forest Service. Atlanta, Ga.
Wofford, 8 . E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The cdre vascular plants of Tennessee.
J. Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128- 133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
United States National Herbarium Vanderbilt University
University of North Carolina at Western Carolina University
Chapel Hill
Prenunthes roarzensis (ASTERACEAE)

a Plant habit (basal and apical portions). b Flower. c Head. d Pappus bristles. e Cypsela
(achene) .

a from NCU 1 15975 & 2 15442; b, c , d from NCU 2 12637;

e from NCU 1 15975
SAGIUARIA H S C I C U L A T A Beal Bunched arrowhead

Family.-Alismataceae (Water-plantain or Arrowhead Family)

Synonymy.4agittaria graminea var. macrocarpa (J, G . Smith) Bogin pro parte, excluding holotype,
non S. macrocarpa J. G. Smith; S . macrocarpa J. G , Smith sensu Small
Other common names.-Clustered arrowhead
Description.-Emersed, aquatic, monoecious, scapose perennial herbs from stout rhizomes. Roots fibrous.
Leaves simple, basal, usually emersed, spathulate or narrowly oblanceolate and straplike, to
3 dm long and 2.0 cm wide, reticulately veined with few primary parallel veins converging
apically and numerous close and parallel transverse veins, sheathing. Scapes erect, overtop-
ping the leaves, 9-30 cm long. Flowers in 2-4 whorls, only the lowest pistillate, the upper
staminate, each whorl subtended by 3 bracts connate at the base and to 0.5 cm long. Flow-
ers unisexual, actinomorphic. Sepals 3, distinct, green, persistent, in pistillate flowers spread-
ing or recurving in fruit, 3 -6 mm long; petals 3, distinct, white, 6- 18 mm long, rather
quickly deciduous; staminate flowers with numerous, distinct stamens, filaments pubescent,
dilated at base; pistillate flowers with gynoecium of numerous, crowded simple pistils
spirally arranged on a domelike receptacle, ovaries superior, unicarpellate, unilocular, placenta-
tion basal. Fruit a globose aggregate of achenes, 0.5- 1.5 cm broad; achenes obovoid, 2.5 - 3.5
mm long, flattened, winged, the prominent dorsal wing crenate-crested, usually with a lateral
beak or beakless.
Only a few hundred plants of this endemic species grow in a very restricted area in the
lower mountains of N.C. and the upper Piedmont of S.C. Sagittarin fasciculata is distinctive
with its comparatively wide, spathulate leaves and large, crested achenes.
Pheno1ogy.-Rowers, May to July; Fruits, May to July, September; Vegetative, April to July, September
Distribution.-N .C. (Buncombe ?, Henderson Counties), S .C.
Legal status .-N.C. -Endangered (Protected); S .C. - Endangered (Candidate); Federal - Endangered
Habitat.-Swamps, bogs, and sluggish streams.
Beal, E. 0, 1960. The Alismataceae of the Carolinas. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 76:68-79.
. 1977. A manual of marsh and aquatic vascular plants of North Carolina with habitat data. N.C.
Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Bull. No. 247. N.C. State Univ., Raleigh.
Bogin, C. 1955. Revision of the genus Sagittarin (Alisn~ataceae).Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9: 179-233.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper. S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A, E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Beal. Alismataceae. p. 52.1
Rayner, D. A., Chairman, and The South Carolina Advisory Comnlittee on Endangered, Threatened and
Rare Plants. 1979. Native vascular plants endangered, threatened, or otherwise in jeopardy in
South Carolina. South Carolina Museum Conlmission, kluseum Bull. No. 3 .
Small. J. K. 1909. Alismaceae. N. Am. Flora I. 17:43-62.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of North Carolina at
Furman University Charlotte
University of Georgia Western Carolina University
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill

a Plant habit. b Bracts on infructescence. c Staminate Rower. d Pistillate flower. e Achene.

a from NCU 421882; b-d from NCU 174834; e from NCU 456809
SMRACENIA JONESII Wherry Mountain pitcherplant

Family.-Sarraceniaceae (Pitcherplant Family)

Synonymy.4arracenia rubra Walter forma jonesii (Wherv) Bell. S. rubra Walter ssp. jonesii (Wheny)
Other common names.-For this species: Red pitcher plant. meet pitcher plant, upland red pitcher-plant;
for genus: bog-bugles, bugle-grass, buttercups, dumb-watches, Eve's cups, frog-bonnets, pitcher
plants, trumpets, watches
Description,-Insectivorous, rhizomatous perennial herbs. Leaves clustered. numerous, erect, 2 -7.5
dm tall, averaging 4.5 dm, hollow and trumpet-shaped (almost tubular), forming long, nar-
row pitchers covered by a lid (hood), diameter of pitcher narrow and expanding sharply in
upper 114 of tube, somewhat bulged on abaxial surface below hood neck, with a narrow,
linear wing often slightly wider at or below middle, firm, thick, Naxy, dull green, usually
finely but profusely reticulate-veined with maroon-purple, especially on inside of hood neck,
the tube retrorsely hairy within, often partially filled with moisture and decayed insects; hood
ascending, held high over orifice, cordate, 1.5-6.5 cm long, 2.0-5.4 cm wide, rim tightly
rolled, margins weakly to moderately reflexed; orifice exposed, diameter 1-4 cm. Flowers
actinomorphic, solitary, nodding on erect scapes usually exceeding the leaves, delicate1y
sweet-scented. Bracts 3, appressed, persistent. Sepals 5, distinct, ovate, 2-3 cm long, obtuse,
persistent in fruit, very strongly recurved after petals fall, maroon on outside with green
inner surface; petals 5, distinct, obovate and fiddle-shaped, 2.5-5 cm long, to 3 cm wide,
pendulous between lobes of style disc, obtuse to rounded, dark red to maroon on outside,
often yellow green and tinged with red on inner surface, deciduous, with nectar-secreting glands
at bases; stamens numerous, distinct; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary superior and
rugose, 3-5-carpelled and -1oculed and with as many lobes, placentation axile, style 1, much
enlarged apically into an umbrella-shaped disc with 5 lobes, each lobe with a small V-shaped
cleft, at the lower point of which is located a small stigmatic lobe. Fruit a %valved loculicidal
capsule 5 - 15 mm in diameter.
Sarracenia jonesii very closely resembles S. rubru, of which it is often considered a
variety or subspecies. Sarracerzia jonesii is a very narrow endemic of the Blue Ridge Moun-
tains in N.C. and S.C.. whereas S. rubra is more widespread, although infrequent, and occurs
in the Coastal Plain of N.C. and S .C. and in Ala., Fla., Ga., and Miss. The comparison
chart included here can be used in identifying the two species.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, April to June; Fnxits, August; Vegetative, April to August
Distribution.-N .C. (Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania Counties), S .C.
Legal status.-N.C. - Endangered, Special Concern (Protected); S.C. - Endangered (Candidate);
Federal - Under review
Habitat.-In bogs and along streams in mountains

Bell, C. R. 1948. A taxonomic study of the Sarraceniaceae of North America. M.A. thesis. Botany
Dep., Univ. N.C., Chapel Hill.
. 1949. A cytotaxonomic study of the Sarraceniaceae of North America. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci.
Soc. 65: 137-166.
Case, F. W., and R. B. Case. 1947. Sarraceniu alabamensis, a newly recognized species from central
Alabama. Rhodora 76:650-665.
. 1976. The Sarracenia rubra complex. Rhodora '78:270-325.
Lloyd, F. E. 1942. The carnivorous plants. Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham, Mass.
McCollum, J. L., and D. R. Ettman. 1977. Georgia's protected plants. Ga. Dep. Natural Resources,
Research Planning Section, OPR Endangered Plant Program, Atlanta.
McDaniel, S . T. 1966. A taxonomic revision of Sarracenia (Sarraceniaceae). Ph. D. dissertation. Fla.
State Univ., Tallahassee. (Available from Univ. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.)
-- . 1971 . The genus Surruceniu (Sarraceniaceae). Bull. Tall Tin~bersRes. Stn. 9: 1-36.
Plant Conservation Board. N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Rayner, D. A., Chairman, and The South Carolina Advisory Cornmittee on Endangered, Threatened and
Rare Plants. 1979. Native vascular plants endangered, threatened, or otherwise in jeopardy
in South Carolina. S.C. Museum Commission, Mus. Bull. No. 4.
Schnell, D. E. 1976. Carnivorous plants of the United States and Canada. John F. Blarr. Publisher,
Winston-Salem, N.C.
. 197'7. Infraspecific variat~onin Sarrcicenia ruhru Walt. : Some observations. Castanea 32:149-170.
Schnell, D. E., and D. W. Kricfer. 1976. Cluster analysis of the genus Surruceetzicr L, in the southeastern
United States. Castanea 31: 165-176.
Slack, A. 1979. Carnivorous plants. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Small, J. K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. Published by the author, New York.
Ward, D. B., editor. No date. Rare and endangered biota of Florida. Vol. V. Plants. Univ. Presses of
Fla.. Gainesville.
Wherry. E. T. 1929. Acidity relations of the Sarrdcenias. J . Washington Acacl. Sci. 19:379-390.
. 1972. Notes on Scrr-rctc*cnicrsubspecies. Castanea 37: 146- 147.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbariuni:
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill

HEIGHT 21 -73 cm (avg. 45)
PITCHER narrow, expdnding relatively narrow througlnvut ,
CHAMBER sharply in upper evenly and grad~t~lllytapered
SHAPE 114 of t~tbe upward
LENGTH 113 length of leaf less than li3 length of leaf
PETIOLE abaxial portion of rounded in cross section
SHAPE petiole flattened in
cross scction
DIAMETER 1-4 cn1
ascending, helcf high usually close ovcs crritice in
over exposed orifice a plane at nearlq right angles
to long axis of pitcher
SHAPE cordate
HOOD weakly to moderately scarcely or not at all
MARGINS reflexed retlexed
SCAPE about equaling pitcher 1.5-2 ;< height of
LENGTH height pitchers
a Leaf. b Plant habit. c Hood (view of inside). d Hood (view from back). e Flower
(portions of prrianth and andnxcium removed). f Iinmatuse fruit ipess~stentcalyx and style). g Anther
(abaxial surfuce). h Anther (adaxial surface). i Petal. j Ovary \usface.

a, c, d, f, i, j from NCU 483053: e fro111NCU 71208; g, h

from NCU 460885; b from C.R. Bell the\is photo
SAXIFRAGA CMEYANA Gray * Carey saxifrage

Family .-Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family)

Synonymy .-Micranthes careyana (Gray) Small, M . tennesseensis (Small) Small, Snxqraga grayana
Kearney , S. tentzesseensis Small
Other common names. --Golden-eye saxifrage
Description.-Glandular-pubescent, acaulescent perennial herbs with very short caadices Scapes scslitary,
arising from basal rosettes, erect, 10- 30 cm tall. glandular-pilose throughout, 4-7 - branched
above in a paniculate manner, each branch subtended by sessile. linear bracts to 1.5 cm long,
lower bracts foliose. Leaves in basal rosettes, spreading, simple, alternate, blades ovate to
slightly obovate, to 14 cm long (including petiole) and 4 cm wide, thin and membranous,
green above and mottled to dark purple beneath, especially along the veins, puberulent on
both surfaces, coarsely dentate to serrate, ciliate, obtuse or acute, base cuneate to attenuate,
narrowed to a winged petiole, petioles commonly exceeding blades in length, much more
pubescent than blades. Inflorescence of terminal cymes disposed in a broad panicle; peduncles
and pedicels very slender or filiform, glandular-pubescent. Flowers actinomorphic. numerous,
widely scattered. Sepals 5, fused about Y4 their length into a campanulate caylx tube, ovate,
1-2 mm long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm wide, acute, obscurely 1- 3-nerved, erect to spreading and
sometimes nearly flat at anthesis, persistent in fruit; petals 5, distinct, white, mostly lacking
two yellowish-green spots at base, inner surface papillose, elliptic to oblanceolate and clawed
at base, 2-5 mm long, 0.5 - 1.5 mm wide; stamens 10, distinct, exserted, filaments filiform,
2.5 - 3.3 mm long, persistent in fruit, anthers orange; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil fused
only at the base of the 2 carpels and locules, ovary superior, at anthesis surrounded by a
narrow, lobed band of glandular tissue ca. 1 mm wide, placentation axile below and mar-
ginal above, styles and stigmas 2, distinct. Fruit a capsule with locules divergent and separate
213 the length, thus appearing follicular, capsule ovoid, 2.5-3 mm long, green, surrounded
by persistent sepals and filaments. Seeds numerous, brown, fusiform, ca. 0.5 mm long, lined
with minute papillae.
Five species of Saxifraga closely resemble one another and inhabit similar habitats: S.
careyana, S . caroliniana (another threatened species), S. rnichauxii, S. rnicranthidifoliu, and
S. virginiensis. The two threatened species, S. careyanu and S. caroliniana, are similar enough
to suggest that they are indeed one species. However, they differ in four characters-sepal
orientation, filament shape, petal coloration, and fruit length. The following comparison chart
will prove useful in identifying these five species.

* Because the taxonomy involved in the Saxifraga "careyana-caroiiniana" complex is confusing, this treatment more or less
reflects the systematic concepts of Lord (1961). M. Weber of the Dep. of Botany at North Carolina State University is
currently studying the complex.
S . ccrrc-.JarzLr S . c.crrolir?icrrtcz S . mic.12crir.t-ii S . mic~r~ir~tlriclifolicr
S . virgirzier~sis
LEAF ovate to ovate to oblanceolate lanceolate to
SHAPE obovate obovate to vbctvate oblanceolate ovate
ORIENTATION erect erect re flcsed erect

actinomorphis actiilomorphic
uith yellow 3 petal~ith with yellom blotch
lack spots spot\ yellow spots belom middle lack spots
SHAPE club-shaped club-shaped filiform
LENGTH 3.5 mm ( ' I ) (I)
STAMEN included to
POSITION exserted exserted barely exserted exserted included
POSITION superior superior superior 1/3 inferior


FRUIT without without with distinct without without

SURFACE nerves nerves longitudinal nerves nerves

Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, March to July; Fruits, April to August; Vegetative, March to August

Distribution.--Ga., N.C. (Ashe, Avery , Buncombe, Caldwell, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Macon,
Madison, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Watauga, Yancey Counties), S.C., Tenn., Va.
(Craig, Dickenson, Giles, Grayson, Russell, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington Counties)
Legal status.-N .C . - Special Concern; S .C . - Threatened (Candidate); Va. - Threatened (Candidate);
Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Endemic of the southern Appalachians; moist rocks and cliffs, seepage slopes, on damp,
moss-covered boulders and rock faces, or along streambanks; usually shaded.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J . E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Gray, A. 1842. Notes of a botanical excursion to the mountains of North Carolina. J . Am. Sci.
42: 1-49. (Published also in London J. Bot., 1842 + , Vol. 1 .)
Harvill. A. M. . ' ~ r . .T. K. Bradley, and C. E. Stevens. 1981. Atlas of the Virginia flora. Part 11.
Dicotyledons. Va. Botanical Associates, Farmville.
Mtirtesz, J. T., and R. Kartesz. 19'77. The biota of North America. Part 1. Vascular plants. Rare plants,
Vol, I. BONAC, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Kearney, T. H.. Jr. 1894. New or little-known plants of the southern states. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club
2 1 :260-266.
Lord, L. P. 1961. The genus Sa-~ifrugaL. in the southern Appalachians. Ph.D. dissertation. Dep. Botany,
Univ. Tenn., Knoxville.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Will. [See Radford, Saxifragaceae, p. 529.1
Rayner, D. A , , Chairman. and The South Carolina Advisory Committee on Endangered, Threatened and
Rare Plants. 1979. Native vascular plants endangered, threatened, or otherwise in jeopardy
in South Carolina. S.C. Museunl Commission, Mus. Bull. No. 4.
Small, J. K . 1896. New and noteworthy species of Saxifi-aga. Bull. Toney Bot. Club 23:362-368.
. 1903. Flora of the southeastern United States. Published by the author, New York.
-- . 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile of the 1933 edition. 1972.) Hafner Publish-
ing Co., New York.
Small, J . K . , and P. A. Kydberg. 1905. Saxifragaceae. N. Am. Flora 1. 22:8 1-1 58 (p. 142).
Spongberg, S. A. 1972. The genera of Saxifragaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal
Register 45 (242):82480-82569.
Whesry. E. T. 1937. Saxifraga careyana in Virginia. Claytonia 3:56.
Wofford. B. E., ed. 1980. Inventory of proposed threatened and endangered plant species: Cherokee
National Forest, Tennessee. U.S. Forest Service, Atlanta, Ga.
Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Clemson University University of North Carolina at
Duke Ciniversity Charlotte
Fuman University University of Tennessee
Wafvard University Vanderbiit University
Longwood College Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
Lynchburg College State University
North CaroIina State University Western Carolina University
The College of William and Mary
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Srr.tifi-crgtr c.trt.ri\ ~ r r l t r (S 'tXI!-fi I(; Z<'EAF)

a Plant habit. b Flower (longituctinal vie&). C Flower-. d Stantens. e Seed. f Capsule.

a-d from N C U 129602: e, f from NCU 3 153 1 1

SAXIFRAGA CAROLINIAN4 Gray* Carolina saxifrage

Family.-Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family)

Synonymy.-Micranthps carnliniana (Gray) Small, 134.grayarzu Small, Sar~fz-agacureyana var. caroliniam
Engler, S. graynna Britton
Other common names.-Dwarf-saxifrage. Gray's saxifrage, mountain lettuce
Description.4landular-pubescent, acaulescent perennial herbs with very short caudices. Scapes solitary,
arising from basal rosettes, erect, 10- 20 cm tall, glandular-pilose throughout with glands
often purple-tinged, 3-9-branched above in a paniculate manner, each branch subtended by
sessile, linear bracts to 1.5 cm long, lower bracts foliose. Leaves in a basal rosette, spreading,
%imple.alternate, blades ovate to slightly obovate, 6- I0 cm long (including petiole), 3 -7 cm
wide, thin and membranous, green above and mottled to dark purple beneath, puberulent on
both surfaces, coarsely and shallowly dentate, ciliate, acute to obtuse, base attenuate to truncate.
narrowing abruptly to a winged petiole, petioles about equal in length to the blade, pubescent,
particularly along the margins. Inflorescence of terminal cymes disposed in a broad panicle;
peduncles and pedicels slender and elongating, glandular-pubescent. Flowers actinomorphic,
numerous, widely scattered. Sepals 5 , slightly fused at base forming a campanulate calyx tube,
elliptic to ovate, 1 .2 - 2.3 mm long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm wide, acute, reflexed at anthesis, persis-
tent in fruit; petals 5, distinct, white with 2 yellowish-green spots near the base, inner surface
papillose, obovate and clawed at base, 2.0-3.8 mm long, 1 .O- 1.5 mm wide; stamens 10,
distinct, exerted, filaments clavate, 3.0-4.3 mm long, persistent in fruit, anthers orange; gynoe-
cium of 1 compound pistil fused only at the base of the 2 carpels, ovary superior, at anthe-
sis surrounded by a narrow ridge of glandular tissue that disappears at maturity, carpels and
locules 2, placentation axile below and marginal above, styles and stigmas 2, distinct. Fruit
a capsule with locules slightly spreading and separate 2i3 the length, thus appearing follicular,
capsule ovoid, 4-5 mm long, green, surrounded by persistent sepals and filaments. Seeds
numerous, brown to black, fusiform, ca. 0.5 mm long, lined with minute papillae.
Five species of Saxifraga closely resemble one another and inhabit similar habitats:
S. careynna (another threatened species), S. carolirziana, S. michauxii, S. nzicranthidifolia, and
S . virginiensis. The two threatened species, S. caroliniana and S. careyana, are similar
enough to suggest that they are indeed one species. However, they differ in four characters-
sepal orientation, filament shape, petal coloration, fruit length. The comparison chart follow-
ing the description of S. careyana will prove useful in identifying these five species.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, April to July; Fruits, April to August; Vegetative, April to August
Distribution.-Ky . , N.C. (Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Graham, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison,
Mitchell, Rutherford, Swain, Watauga, Yancey Counties), Tenn., Va. (Grayson, Smyth,
Tazewell, Washington Counties), W. Va.
Legal status.-N.C. - Special Concern; Va. - Threatened (Candidate); Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Endemic of the southern Appalachians; steep, moist, moss-covered rocks and cliffs, seepage
slopes, along strearnbanks; under a diverse mixture of hardwood and coniferous species;
apparently restricted to sites with steep, rocky terrain provided with dense shade and abundant

Because the taxonomy ~nvolvedIn the Sarlfra,qu "rare\una-carolrntana" complex 1s confusing, thls treatment more or less
reflects the systematic concepts of Lord (1961) M Weber of the Dep of Botany at North Carolma State Un~vers~ty 19
currently studying the complex
Babcock, J. V. 1977. Endangered plants and animals of Kentucky. Office of Research and Engineering
Services, College of Engineering, Univ. Ky . , Lexington.
Committee of the Botanical Club, A.A.A.S. 1893- 1894. List of Pteridophyta and Spematophyta growing
without cultivation in northeastern North America. Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 5: 1-377 (p. 178).
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J . E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J . B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N. C., Charlotte.
Fortney, R. H . , R. B. Clarkson, C. N. Harvey. and J. Kartesz. 1978. Rare and endangered species of
West Virginia: A preliminary report. Vol. I. Vascular plants. W. Va. Dep. Natural Resources,
Heritage Trust Program, East Charleston.
Gray, A. 1848. Chioris Boreali-Americana.
Kartesz, J. T., and R. Kartesz. 1977. The biota of North America. Part 1 . Vascular plants. Rare plants,
Vol. 1. BONAC, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Lord, L. P. 1961. The genus Saxifraga L. in the southern Appalachians. Ph.D. dissertation. Dep. Botany,
Univ. Tenn. , Knoxville.
Porter, D. M. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Saxifragaceae, p. 529.1
Small, J. K. 1903. Flora of the southeastern United States. Published by the author, New York.
. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.) Hafner Publish-
ing Co., New York.
Small, J. K., and P. A. Rydberg. 1905. Saxifragaceae. N. Am. Flora I. 22:81-158 (p. 146).
U.S. Dep. of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.
Wofford, B. E., ed. 1980. Inventory of proposed threatened and endangered plant species: Cherokee
National Forest, Tennessee. U. S. Forest Service, Atlanta, Ga.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of Tennessee
Harvard University Vanderbilt University
North Carolina State University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
The New York Botanical Garden State University
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Str-lift-trgcr ('cl!-ofifliclf?~r

a Plant habit. b Flower (long~tudinalview). c Flower. d Stan~en\. e Seed. f Cap\uIc

a-e from NCU 42 1626; f from NCU 129565

Britton. N. L . , and J . N.Rose. 1903. New or noteworthy North American Crassuiaceae. Bull. New
York Bot. Gard. 3:l-45.
--. 1905. Crassulaceae. N. Am. Flora 1. 2 7 - 7 4 .
Ctausen, R. T. 1975. Sed~lmof North America north of the Mexican Plateau. Cornell Univ. Press,
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J . E. Cooper, S , S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N ,C., Charlotte.
Engler, A . , and K . Prantl. 1930. Die Maturl~ohcnPflanzenfarnilien. Verlag \on Wiihelm Engelrnann,
Leipzig. /See Berger, Sedrlm, p. 430.1
Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species plantarum. (Facsimile edition, 1957.) The Ray Society, London.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N.C. Dep. of Natural Rest>urces and Comnlunity Development.
1981 . Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Crassulaceae, p. 5 15.J
Scopoli, G. A. 177 1. Flora Carniolica. Vol. I . 2nd ed. Wien.
Small, J. K. 1903. Flora of the southeastern United States. Published by the author, New York. [See
Britton, Sedaceae, p. 497.1
. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.) Hafner Publishing Co.,
New York.
Spongberg, S. A. 1978. The genera of Crassulaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor.
59: 197-248.
Sprague, T. A., and M. S. Sprague. 1939. The herbal of Valerius Cordus. J . kinn. Soc., Bot, 52: 1- 1 13.
Wofford, B. E., and Cornm~tteefor Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128- 133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
North Carolina State University University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
St.drrtn rosccr var. rocltzc1n,\c>( C R ~ S S L ' L A C F : A ~ )

a Plant habit. b Flower (with portion of calyx and carc)lla removed). c Pistil (carpel). d Stamens
(anthers from front and 5ide). e Inflorescence branch.

From N C U 7 1322
SENECIO MILLEF(3LIUM Torrey & Gray Divided-leaf ragwort

Family.-Asteraceae (Composite. Aster, or Sunflower Family)

Synonymy.-Serzecio memmingeri Britton, S. millefolium T. & G. var. memmingeri (Britton) Small
Other common names.-Divided-leaf groundsel, divided-leaf squaw-weed, piedmont (sic) ragwort, yarrow-
leaved ragwort
Description.4espitose perennial herbs arising from weakly creeping, branching, fibrous-rooted rhizomes-
caudices. Stems 3-7 dm tall, hollow. unbranched or branched above, floccose-tomentose
when young, becoming glabrous at maturity except for some persistent tomentum in the leaf
axils. Leaves basal and cauline, simple but deeply dissected and appearing compund, alternate;
basal leaves ovate to lanceolate in general outline, 10-30 cm long (including the long petiole),
3- 10 cm wide, finely 2 to 3 times dissected, the divisions linear to filiform; cauline leaves
few (about 2-6). progressively decreasing in size and becoming sessile up the stem, half as
long or less than the basal leaves, still much pinnately dissected. Flowers (florets) small and
sessile in a compact head on a common enlarged receptacle, collectively surrounded by an
involucre, each head appearing to be a single flower; secondary inflorescence an open,
corymbiforrn cyme. Heads numerous, usually more than 20, radiate; invoiucre narrowly
campanulate, 4-7 mIn long. 4-6 mm broad, a single series of ca. 21, equal phyllaries
(bracts), erect, herbaceous, green or sometimes pink-tipped, the apex often with a minute tuft
of hair, sometimes with a few remote small bracts at base; receptacle flat to slightly convex,
naked, pitted. Kay flowers ca. 8- 10 ( 13). the corolla ligulate, the ligules 8- 12 mm long,
irregularly toothed, yellow, pistillate and fertile; disc flowers numerous, usually 50-60, the
corolla tubular, 5-lobed, lobes 0.5-0.8 mm long, tube 4-5 mm long. yellow, perfect and
fertile; calyx in both ray and disc flowers represented by a pappus of bristles (see below
for further description); stamens 5, syngenesious (the anthers fused together to form a cylin-
der around the style), this cylinder only slightly exserted beyond the corolla tube; gynoecium of
1 compound pistil, ovary inferior, carpels 2, locule 1 , ovule I , placentation basal, style 1 ,
slightly exserted, 2-branched at the apex, the branches recurved and flattened, with stigmatic
lines along the inner surface margins. Fruit a cypsela (achene or nutlet of some authors),
brown, oblanceolate, 1.7-2.2 mm long, 0.5 -0.6 mm broad, angled, 5- 10 nerved, hairy on
the angles; pappus of numerous, capillary, barbellate bristles, soft, white, 4 - 5 mm long,
Senecio millefolium superficially resembles S. glabellus and S. anonymus. However,
habitat and distribution patterns differ somewhat: S. millefolium occurs on or near rock
outcrops in the Blue Ridge Mountains of N.C., S.C., and Ga.; S. glabellus inhabits alluvial
woods, swamp forests, and wet pastures from N.C. to s. Fla., w. to S. Dak., and Tex.; and
S. anonymus grows in meadows, pastures, roadsides, woodlands, and savannahs from s. Pa. to
n. Fla., w. to Ky., Tenn., and c. Miss. Also, the following chart may be used to separate
these three species.

DURATION perennial perennial annual

LEAF leaves progressively leaves progressively leaves distributed

DISPOSITION reduced in size up- reduced in size up- equally along the
ward along the stem ward along $tern stem
DIVISION 2-3 times pinnatifid simple (undivided) simple (undivided)
DIVISION 2-3 times pinnatifid once-pinnatifid once-pinnatifid
LOBES linear to filiform narrowly oblong orbicular
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, April to June; Fruits, May to July; Vegetative, April to August, N.C. (Buncombe, Burke, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Polk Counties), S .C .
k g a l status. 4 a . - Threatened (Protected); N.C. - Threatened (Protected); S .C. - Threatened (Candidate)
Habitat.-On or near exposed, dry rock outcrops or rocky sites at high elevations in the mountains

Alexander, E. J. 1937- 1938. Senecio millefolium. Addisonia 20:3 1-32 ( pl. 656).
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular Plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Cronquist, A. 1980. Vascular flora of the southeastern United States. Vol. 1, Asteraceae. Univ. N.C.
Press, Chapel Hill.
Greenman, J. M. 1915. Monograph of the North and Central American species of the genus Senecio.
-Part 11. Ann, Missouri Bot. Gard. 2:573-626.
Kartesz, J. T., and R. Kartesz. 1977. The biota of North America. Part 1. Vascular plants. Rare plants,
Vol. I. BONAC, Pittsburgh, Pa.
McCollum, J. L., and D. R. Ettman. 19'77. Georgia's protected plants. Georgia Dep. of Natural Resources,
Resource Planning Section, OPR Endangered Plant Program, Atlanta.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Development.
1981. Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N. C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Senecio, p. 1035.j
Rayner, D. A., Chairman, and The South Carolina Advisory Committee on Endangered, Threatened and
Rare Plants. 1979. Native vascular plants endangered, threatened, or otherwise in jeopardy
in South Carolina. South Carolina Museum Commission, Mus. Bull. No. 4.
Rogerson, C. T., ed. 1978. Compositae-Mutisieae, Senecioneae, Vernonieae. N. Am. Flora 11.
10:1-245. [See Barkley, Senecio, p. 50.1
Small, J . K. 1898. Studies in the botany of the southern United States. X111. Bull. Torrey
Bot. Club 25: 134- 15 1 .
. 1903. Flora of the southeastern United States. Published by the author, New York.
. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.) Hafner Pub-
lishing Co., New York.
Small, J. K., and A. A. Heller. 1892. Flora of western North Carolina and contiguous territory. Mem.
Torrey Bot. Club 3: 1-36.
Torrey, J., and A. Gray. 1838-1840. A flora of North America. Wiley and Putnam, New York.
Vuilleumier, B. S. 1969. The genera of Senecioneae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor.
50: 104-123.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria.
Clemson University University of Georgia
Duke University University of North Carolina at
Furman University Chapel Hill
Harvard University University of South Carolina at
North Carolina State University Colurnbia
a Plant habit. b Head (adaxial and side view\). c Kaq ilowcr. d Disc flower. e Cypsela
(achene). f Pappus bristles. g Finely dissected leaf. h Goarwly dissected leaf.

a t'r-onl NCC 7811 17 & 498 1 1 ; b from NCU 788 17; c. d, f fro it^ NCU 788 18;
e, h from NCU 498 I 1 : g from NCU 398 10

Familj .-Diapensiaceae (Diapensia Family)

Synonymy.-Shenz~ooclia gcrlerc-ifijlicr (Tone> & Gray) House. nor? Shorticr Rafinesque. Shortia galcrcifolia
Torrey & Grti] var. hi"c7vi~fyf~~ Davie\
Other common names.-Hyams sparkling shortia. one-flower coltsfoot, shortia
Description .--Low, rhizomatous, acaulescent, glabrous, evergreen perennial herbs, forming dense clumps
or carpets. Leaves simple, alternate, clustered basally, arising from horizontal rhizomes,
mostly widely elliptic to elliptic, 3-8 crn long, leathery, lustrous, truncate to emarginate,
coarsely crenate to serrate, occasionally dentate, base rounded to cordate, sometimes oblique;
petiole 4- 15 cm long. Flowers nodding, actinomorphic, solitary, scapose, scapes to 18 cm
long, 3-5 bracteate, these often closely subtending the calyx. Sepals 5, barely united at
base, ovate to elliptic, 8- 12 mm long, acute to obtuse, imbricate. Petals 5, united li4 or less
their length, white to pale pink or blue, obovate, 2-2.5 cm Iong, apex undulate-crenate
notched, corolla open-campanulate. Androecium of 2 whorls: an outer of 5 fertile, distinct
stamens with conspicuous, 2-loculed anthers bent sharply inward and connivent in the tube,
and an inner of 5 very short staminodia borne near the base of the corolla and incurving over
the ovary; filaments adherent to the petals. Gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary superior,
carpels and locules 3, placentation axile, style I . elongate, stigma 3-lobed. Fruit a loculicidal
capsule, globose, 5-6 mm long, 3-valved.
Shortia closely resembles another species in the Diapensiaceae, Galax aphylla. They
can be quite easily distinguished in flower: Shortia flowers are large, solitary, and have
undulate-crenate notched petal apices; Galax flowers are small, numerous and in racemes, and
have entire petal spice\. Vegetatively, the two beco~i~e much more difficult to separate; this
can best be accomplished with side-by-side con~parison.Shortiu has mostly widely elliptic, coarsely
crenate-serrate leaves with prominent veins, whereas Gcilct-u has mostly orbicular, dentate-serrate
leaves with bristle-tipped teeth. Additionally, Shorticz has a much more restricted range along the
Blue Ridge escarpment, whereas Gcr1a.u is common in the mountains and local in the Piedmont and
Coastal Plain. Their habitats also differ, Shortiu inhabiting rich woods, streambanks, and gorges,
Galax drier, rocky woods, often on west-facing slopes.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, March to April; Fruits, April to September; Vegetative, January to December
Distribution.-Ga., N.C. (Burke, Jackson, Macon*, McDowell, Swain, Transylvania Counties), S.C.,
Va. (Amherst County)**
Legal status .--Ga. - Endangered (Protected); N .C. - Endangered, Special Concern (Protected);
S .C. - Threatened (Candidate); Federal - Under review
Habitat.-Rich woods along mountain streams, often under Rhododendron maximum (Rosebay) and
Kalmin latifolia (mountain-laurel).

* Probably only cultivated in Macon County.

"* Crandall (1956) reported the occurrence of Shortia in Va. Doubts exist as to whether this population is natural or not (vide
Davies, 1959).
Boynton, F. E. 1889. The home of S h o r t i ~ Gard.
~. & Forest 2:2 14-215.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plantc. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and 3. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N .C.. Charlotte.
Grandall, D. L. 1956. Shortict ~cil~ri*ifilicr
in Gray's manual range. Rhodora 58:38-40.
Davies, P. A. 1952. Geographical t ariations in Shorriir g~r/lic*ifilici.Rhodora 54: 12 1 - 134.
1959. Remarks on the Virginia location of Slzortiu girlirc~fc~lia. Rhodora 61 :297-3631 .
Dunn, B. A., and S. M. Jones. 1978. Geographical distribution of Sl-~orricig~llac.ifi~fia in Oconee and
Pickens Counties, South Carolina. J . Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 95:32-41.
Gray, A. 1842. Notes of a botanical excursion to the mountains of North Carolina. Am. J. Sci. 42: 1-49
(p. 48). (Published also in London J . Bot., 1842 + , Vol. 1 .)
Hatley, J. R. 1977. An analysis of variation in Shortin g~tliri~!'fbfic~.
M.S. thesis. Dep. Botany. North
Carolina State Univ.. Raleigh.
House, H. H. 1907. The genus Shortiir. Torreya 7:233-235.
Jenkins, C. F. 1942. Asa Gray and his quest for Shortiir gcrlac.foliij.
McCollum, J . L.. and D. R. Ettman. 1977. Georgia's protected plants. Ga. Dep. of Natural Resources,
Research Planning Section, OPR Endangered Plant Program, Atlanta.
Massey, J . R., P. D. Whitson, and T. A. Atkinson. 1980. Endangered and threatened plant survey of
twelve species in the eastern part of Region 1V. Contract 14- 160004-78-108. Highlands Biological
Station, Contractor. Unpublished manuscript.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Diapensiaceae, p. 818.1
Rafinesque, C. S . 1840. Autikon botanikon . (Facsimile edition, 1942). Arnold Arboretum. Har-
vard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Rayner, D. A., Chairman, and The South Carolina Advisory Committee on Endangered, Threatened and
Rare Plants. 1979. Native vascular plants endangered, threatened, or otherwise in jeopardy
in South Carolina. S.C. Museum Cornmission, Mus. Bull. No. 4.
Small, 3. K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. (Facsimile edition, 1972.) Wafner Publishing
Co., New York.
South Carolina Heritage Trust Program. No date. Abstracts of South Carolina's rare, threatened, or
endangered plants. S .C. Wildlife and Marine Resources Dep., Div. of Natural Area and Re-
sources Planning, Columbia.
Stafleu, F. A , , Chairman of Editorial Committee. 1972. International code of botanical nomenclature.
Regnum Vegetabile 82. A. Oosthoek, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal
Register 45 (242):82480-82569.
Wood, C. E., Jr.. and R. B. Channel]. 1959. The Empetraceae and Diapensiaceae of the southeastern
United States. J . Arnold Arbor. 40: 164- 1 7 1 .
Specimens of thi\ species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Glerrison\lty Lniveriit) of North Carolina at
Duke University Charlotte
Furman University Universit) of South Carttlina at
Great Smokq Mountain\ National Columbia
Park Mucleum Univer\it> of Tennessee
Hasti 3rd Univer\ity Vanderbilt University
Lynchburg College Virginia Polytechnic Institute
North Carolina State University and State University
Univeri~tyof' Georgia We\tcrn Carolina University
Uniter\it> of' North Carolina at
Chapel Hill

s/zo!.r!llq ~ l / ~ l t ~ i j o~Di,iPi:vsl
/i~l 1c-i; \id)

a Plant habit, b Petal. c Sepal. d Seed. e Portion of corolla with \tarnens.

f Gynoecium.

a fro111 NCU 29342'7 & 66695; d from Guy Neictril's n~aterial;

b, c, e, f from Janet Hatley's material, Pickens Co.
SOLIDAGO SPITHAMAEA M. A. Curtis Skunk goldenrod

Family.-Asteraceae (Composite, Aster. or Sunflower Family)

Synonymy .-Aster spithamae~dsKuntze ( ?)
Other common names.-Blue-Ridge goldenrod
Description.-Erect, caulescent, somewhat foul-smelling perennial herbs arising from short, stout rhi-
zomes or branched caudices. Stems angled above, 1-4 dm tall, sparsely to densely pubescent,
or glabrate below. Leaves basal and cauline, simple, alternate, similar in shape (elliptic to
ovate), serrate. smooth to slightly scabrous above, glabrous beneath, ciliate; the basal and
lowermost cauline leaves relatively large, mostly 3- 10 crn long and 1.5-4 cm wide, and
persistent, with the blade gradually contracted to a definite winged petiole, the cauline leaves
progressively reduced and less petiolate upward, those near and above the middle of the
stern sessile. Flowers (florets) small and sessile in a compact head on a common enlarged
receptacle, collectively surrounded by an involucre, each head appearing to be a single flower;
secondary inflorescence densely corymbiforrn. Heads relatively small, radiate; involucre campanulate,
3-6 mm long, 4-7 mm broad, its bracts imbricate in several series, firrn, glabrous, green-
tipped, rather narrow; receptacle small, flat or slightly convex, naked. Ray flowers ca. 8 (13),
2-4 mm long, the corolla ligulate, notched at the apex, yellow, pistillate and fertile; disc
flowers numerous, 20-60, yellow, perfect and fertile, the corolla tubular, deeply 5-lobed, the
lobes almost as long as the tube and erect; calyx in both ray and disc flowers represented by
a pappus of bristles (see below for further description); stamens 5, syngenesious (the anthers
fused together to form a cylinder around the style), this cylinder only slightly exserted beyond
the corolla tube; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary inferior, carpels 2, locule 1, ovule 1,
placentation basal, style 1 , exserted beyond the corolla, 2-branched at the apex, each branch
flattened and somewhat thickened, with a lanceolate, externally hairy appendage and with stig-
matic lines along the inner surface margins. Fruit a cypsela (achene or nutlet of some authors),
2.5 - 3 mm long, subterete, several-nerved, pubescent; pappus of numerous, capillary, up-
wardly barbellate bristles, 2.5 - 3.5 mm long, white.
Solidago spithamaea is a fairly distinctive species in a rather large, difficult genus. It
is one of three species having a corymbiform inflorescence and yellow rays, the other two
being S . nitida and S . rigida. The following comparison chart may be used to separate these
three species.

S . Lspijharnc~c~er
INVOLUCRAL not striate- striate-nerved striate-nerved
BRACTS nerved
DISTRIBUTION high altitudes in not at high not at high
the mountains altitudes altitudes

porteri, the other rare Soliciugo in this region, differs from S . spitha~naeaby having
elongate, rather loose, open cymose intlorescences.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, July to September; Fruits, July to October; Vegetative, July to October
Distribution .-Ala. (has not been recently documented), Ga. (has not been recently documented), N. C.
(Avery, Caldwell, Mitchell Counties), Tenn.
Legal status.-Ala. - Threatened (Freeman and others, 1979. placed this species in their publication in
Appendix I , which consisted of species listed far Alabama by the U.S. Department of the
Interior in a 1975 issue ctf the Federal Register as endangered or threatened, but did not treat it
elsewhere in their publication, due to lack of recent documentation.); N.C. - Endangered
(Protected): Federal - Under review; Tenn. (no specimens seen)
Habitat.-Rock crevices and balds at upper elevations in the mountains.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Cronquist, A. 1980. Vascular flora of the southeastern United States. Vol. I. Asteraceae. Univ. N.C.
Press, Chapel Hill.
Freeman, J . D., A. S. Causey, J . W . Short, and R. R. Haynes. 1979. Endangered, threatened. and
special concern plants of Alabama. Departmental Series No. 2, Dep. of Botany and Microbiology,
Agric. Exp. Stn., Auburn University, Auburn, Ala.
Gray. A. 1842. Notes of a botanical excursion to the mountains of North Carolina. Am. Sci.
42: 1-49. (Published also in London J . Bot.. 1 832 + , Vol. 1 .)
Kuntze, 0. 1891. Revisio generum plantarum. Pars. I . Arthur Felix, Leipzig.
Massey, J. R., P. D. Whitson, and T. A. Atkinson. 1980. Endangered and threatened plant survey of
twelve species in the eastern part of Region IV. Contract 14-160004-78-108. Highlands Biological
Station, Contractor. Unpublished manuscript.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N. C . Dep, of Natural Resources and Community Development.
1981. Unpublished computer printout. Raleigh.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Ahles, Asteraceae, p. 1088.1
Torrey, J., and A. Gray. 1838- 1840. A flora of North America. Wiley and Putnam, New York.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.

Specimens of this species exarnined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Harvard University University of North Carolina at
North Carolina State University Chapel Hill
University of Georgia University of Tennessee
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
a Plant habit tin flower). b Rosette. C Di\c flower (front portion of pappus rerrloved to \how
corolla tube). d Early disc cypsela (achcnc!. e Head. f Kay flouer (fi-ont portion of pappus
removed to \how corolla tube). g Kay cypsela (achene). h Pappus bristle\.

a, b from NCU 305367; c, e, f, h from NCU 213737

d, g from NCU 304308
SPOROBOLUS FIETEROLEPIS (Gray) Gray Prairie dropseed

Family.-Poaceae (Grass Family)

Synonymy .-Agrostis heterolepis Wood, Sporobolus junce~lssensu Higley and Raddin nor1 (Michx.)
Kunth, Viva heterolepis Gray, rzorz Viva heterolepis Lapham
Other common names .-Northern dropseed
Description.-Densely tufted perennial herbs. Culms (stems) terete, erect, unbranched, slender, wiry,
usually glabrous, 3.6- 10 dm tall, internodes hollow, nodes closed and swollen. Leaves
basal and low cauline, simple, alternate, 2-ranked, composed of a blade, sheath, and ligule;
blades filiform, the basal ones usually equaling the culm, 12-55 cm long, the upper ones
shorter, 6- 12 cm long, 1-2 mm wide, flat, folded or involute at the slender tapering tip,
glabrous, with scabrous margins and midribs, parallel-veined; sheaths encircling the culms,
split, longer than the internodes, somewhat pilose at the throat and on either side of collar, the
upper glabrous on the back, the lower sometimes sparsely pilose on the back, margins scarious;
ligules minute, 0.1-0.3 mm long, erose-ciliate. Flowers in the axils of bracts, inconspicuous
and minute, reduced to the essential organs (the stamens and pistil), the perianth represented
by minute scales (lodicules) at the base of the flower. Floret a unit composed of a flower with
two bracts (lemma and palea) enclosing it; lemma is the lower bract, lies to the outside of
the spikelet, and encloses the palea; palea is the inner, upper bract, lies next to the rachilla,
and envelopes the flower. Inflorescence compound, with the basic, primary inflorescence
(the ultimate unit) a spikelet consisting of 1 flower and its lemma and palea and 2 empty bracts
(glumes) at the base, the lower glume called the 1st glume and the upper one the 2nd
glume. Spikelets secondarily arranged into a narrowly pyramidal or ellipsoidal, open, exserted
panicle, 5-20 cm long and 1.5-6 cm wide, dark green or lead-colored; panicle branches
primarily alternate, spreading to ascending, 3-6 cm long, loosely flowered, often naked on the
lower li4 to 112, bearing the spikelets toward their tips. Spikelets I-flowered, lead-colored,
4-6 mm long, the rachilla disarticulating above the glumes. Glumes purplish, glabrous, smooth,
shining, 1-nerved, unequal, 1st glume almost reduced to a scaberulous awn 2-4.5 mrn
long, 2nd glume lanceolate, 4 -6 mm long, acuminate or awn-pointed, membranous; lemmas
1-nerved, membranous, awnless, smooth, occasionally scaberulous apically, slightly shorter
than the 2nd glume, 3.5-4 mm long, acute, margins scarious; paleas prominent and almost as
long as the lemma, 3 - 3.5 mm long, 2-nerved, glabrous, occasionally scaberulous apically,
acute, splitting between nerves as fruit matures. Stamens 3, distinct, exserted, filaments slender,
anthers large, orange-red, appearing versatile; gynoecium of 1 compound pistil, ovary superior,
carpels 2, locule 1, ovule 1, placentation basal, styles 2, stigmas 2, plumose. Fruit a utricle
(not a true grain or caryopsis because the pericarp is not adnate to the seed coat), globose,
1.5- 1.8 mm in diameter, smooth and shining, indurate, finally splitting the palea, spreading
the parts of the spikelet and falling readily at maturity.
Phenology .-Flowers, August to November; Fruits, August to November; Vegetative, August to November
Distribution.-Ark., Colo., Conn., Ill.. Ind., Iowa, Kans., Ky., La., Mass., Mich., Minn., Mo.. Nebr.,
K.Y., N.C. (Clay. Jackson Counties), N. Dak., Ohio. Okla., Pa., S. Dak., Tex., Wis., Wyo.;
Canada - Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan
Legal status .-Ky . - Endangered (Candidate): N .C. - Endangered (Protected)
Habitat.-Prairies, glades, rocky cliffs, open ground along railroads, lightly grazed pastures, serpentine
barrens, pine barrens over olivine.
Braun, E. L. 1967. The Monocotyledoneae. Cat-tails to Orchids. Ohio State Univ. Press, Columbus.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J . E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Deam, C. C. 1940. Flora of Indiana. Wm. B. Burford Printing Co.. Indianapolis, Ind.
Dorn, R. D, 1977. Manual of the vascular plants of Wyoming. Garland Publishing Co., Inc., New
Endmgered Species Cornittee, Kentucky Academy of Science, and Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission.
No date. Endangered, threatened and rare animals and plants of Kentucky. Ky. Nature Pre-
serves Commission, Frankfort. Unpublished manuscript.
Fassett, N. C. 1951. Grasses of Wisconsin. The Univ. Wis. Press, Milwaukee.
Gates, F. C. 1937. Grasses in Kansas. Report of the Kans. State Board of Agric., Vol. 55, No. 220-A.
Kansas State Printing Plant, Topeka.
Gould, F. W. 1975. The grasses of Texas. Texas A & M Univ. Press, College Station.
Gray, A. 1835. A notice of some new, rare, or otherwise interesting plants from the northern and
western portions of the state of New York. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 3:221-238.
. 1848. A manual of the botany of the northern United States. James Munroe and Co., Boston,
Gress, E. M. 1924. The grasses of Pennsylvania. Pa. Dep. Agric. Gen. Bull. 384, Harrisburg, Pa.
Harrington, H. D. 1964. Manual of the plants of Colorado. Sage Books, Denver, Colo.
Hitchcock, A. S. 1971. Manual of the grasses of the United States. (Reprint of the 2nd ed., revised by
A. Chase. U.S. Dep. Agric. Misc. Publ. No. 200.) Dover Publications, Inc.. New York.
House, H. I>. 1924. Annotated list of the ferns and flowering plants of New York. New York State
Mus. Bull. No. 24. Univ. of the State of N.U., Albany.
Jones, G. N., and G. D. Fuller. 1955. Vascular plants of Illinois. The Univ. 111. Press, Urbana, and the
Ill. State Museum, Springfield.
Lapham, I. A. 1854. Transactions of the Wisconsin State Agric. Soc.
Nash, G. V. 1901. (Poales) Poaceae. N. Am. Flora 1. 17:481, 492.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Radford, A. E. 1948. The vascular flora of the olivine deposits of North Carolina and Georgia. J.
Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 64:45- 106.
Radford, A. E., I-I. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill. [See Radford, Poaceae, p. 105.]
Steyemark, J. A. 1963. Flora of Missouri. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa.
Voss, E. G. 1972. Michigan flora. Part 1. Gyrnnosperms and monocots. Cranbrook Institute of Science
and Univ. of Mich. Herbarium, Bloomfield Hills.
Weigman, P. G. 1979. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Pennsylvania. Western Pa.
Conservancy, Pittsburgh.
Winter, J. M. 1936. An analysis of the flowering plants of Nebraska. Bull. 13 Conservation Dep. of the
Conservation and Survey Div., Univ. Nebr.. Lincoln.
Wood, A. 1868. Class-book of botany. A. S. Barnes and Co., New York.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University Vanderbilt University
North Carolina State University Western Carolina University
University of Georgia
Sporobolus heterotepis (POACEAE)

a Plant habit. b Plant habit. c Glumes. d Second glume. e First glume. f Palea,
lemma, and grain. g Lemma (abaxial surface). h Sheath. i Sheath split to show ligule.

a, b, f - i from NCU 465 145; c, d, e from NCU 465 146

Sy nandra
Family.-1,anliaceae (Mint Family)
Synonymy.-ZL~tmium Ir~z~rpicfzilurrt Mlchaux, nort Sirltarzdrcr Schrader, S;,tltrtrdra gr~~tzdiflora
Nuttall, S .
hi~pirlrila(Michaux) Hrittonv. Torrcyix $rtxtztliflora Kafinesque
Other contmt>n names.-Guyaniiotte bsltut) . g j anciotte
Description.-Annual or biennial. sirrlple or tittle-branched, pubescent herbs arising from overwintering
rosettes. Stems 2 -6 dm tall, erect. quadrangular, soft, striate, spreading-pubescent. Rosette
and cauline leaves similar, cauline leaves simple, opposite, larger upuard, cordate-ovate, 2--7
c111 long, 3-5.5 cm wide. acute to acuminate, crenate tc:, coarsely serrate, base cordate.
sparsely pubescent: petiole often longer than the blade, 2- 12 cm long. Ini'lorescence a bracte-
ate raceme, 3- 15 cm long, the flowers solitary in the axils of the bracts, lowest pair of
bracts resembling the foliage leaves and scarcely smaller, but sessile, the upper ones progres-
sively reduced. Flowers sessile or on pedicels 0.5- 1 mm long. Calyx 4-lobed (the median
upper lobe usually absent), persistent, pubescent. narrowly campanulate, 5-8 mrn long, irregular,
each lobe a different size, lanceolate, acuminate. 1 lobe with a lateral tooth; petals 5 (the
upper 2 fused into I ) , fused into a zygomorphic, strongly 2-lipped corolla, yellow to whitish,
often streaked with purple, membranous, 2.5 - 3.5 cm long, the tube much dilated distally,
upper lip not lobed, concave, arched, slightly galeate, the margin minutely erose, the lower lip
spreading, 3-lobed, the middle lobe broadest and slightly erose; stamens 4, epipetalous,
didynamous (in 2 unequal pairs). exserted, ascending under the upper lip, the lower pair longer,
filaments hairy, incurved at the summit, bringing the anthers into contact. anthers 2-loculed,
short-spurred, the sacs divergent, the two upper anthers each with one fertile and one sterile
locule, the latter locules cohering; gynoecium of 1 compound pistll, ovary superior, carpels
2 (each deeply lobed and appearing as 4), locules 2 but appearing as 4 because of the intrusion
or constriction of the ovary wall, ovules 2 per carpel, placentation basal, style I , gynobasic
(arising between the 2 carpels from their inner bases). unequally bifid, stigmas 2. Fruit a schizo-
carp of 4 mericarps (nutlets), smooth, biconvex, obovoid, ca. 4 mn? long, sharply angular, contained
in the persistent, inflated calyx.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, April to June; Fruits, May to June; Vegetative, April to June
Distribution.-Ala., Ill., Ind., Ky., N.C. (Swain County), Ohio, Tenn.. Va. (Scott, Smyth, Tazewell,
Washington, Wise Counties), W. Va.
Legal status.-Ala. - Endangered (Candidate); Ky. - Threatened (Candidate); Tenn. - Threatened
(Candidate); Va. - Threatened (Candidate); W. Va. - Threatened (Candidate); Federal -
Under review
Habitat.-Rich, mesic, wooded slopes and streambanks; often over limestone or shale; requires perma-
nently moist soil.

* T h ~ comb.
s nov. was publlshed In 1894; therefore, ~t was \uperfluous uhen publlshed, becau\e Baillon's name appeared 2 yearb
Baillon, H. 1892. Labiees. I n Hrstoire des plantes. VoI. 11. Likralrie Hachette et Cie, Parrs, France.
Page 45.
Braun, E. L. 1943. An mnotated catalog of Spnnatophytes of Kentucky. 9. S. Swift Co., Inc., Cincinnati,
Britton, N. L., and A. Brown. 1970. An illustrated flora of the northern L1nited States and Canada.
Vol. 111. Gentianaceae to Compositae, iFacsimile of the 1913 edition. ) Dover Publications,
Inc.. New York.
Committee of the Botanical Club, A. A .A.S. 1893- 1894. List of Pteridophgta and Sprmatophyea growing
without cultivation in northeastern North America. Men1 Torrey Bot. Club 5:I-377. [See
Britton, Sjnundra, p. 285,j
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S S. Robitsson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Erldangered and threatened plants arid animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Deam, C. C. 1940. Flora of Indiana. State of Ind. Dep. of Conser-vat~on.Div. of Forestry, Indranapolis,
Endangered Species Committee, Kentucky Academy of Science. and Kentucky Nature Preserves Cornmission
No date. Endangered, threatened and rare animals and plants of Kenzucky. My. Nature Preserve
Commission, Frankfort.
Fernald. M . L. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. D. Van Nostrand Co., Kew York.
Fortney , R. H., R. B . Clarkson, C . N.Harvey, and J . Kartesz. 1978. Rare an3 endangered bpecies of
West Virginia: A preliminary report. Vol. I. Vascular plants. W. Va. Dep. Natural Resources,
Heritage Trust Program, East Charleston.
Freeman, J. D., A. S. Causey, J. W. Short, and R. R. Haynes. 1949. Endangered, threatened, and
special concern plants of Alabama. Departmental Sernes No. 3, Dep. of Botany and
Microbiology, Agric. Exp. Stn., Auburn Univ., Auburn, Ala.
Gleason, H. A., and A. Cronyuist. 1963. Manual of vascular plants of northeastcrtt United States and
adjacent Canada. Van Nostrand Ksinhold Co., New York.
Harvill, A. M., Jr., T. R. Bradley, and C. E. Stevens. 1981. Atlas of the 'l'lrgiriia flora. %);a
t Dlcotyledcpns.
Va. Botanical Association, Farmville.
Hooker, J. D., B. D. Jackson, and others. 1893- 1895. Index Kewensis. The Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Jones, G. N., and G. D. Fuller. 1955. Vascular flora of Illinois. Museum Scientific Series, Vsl, VI.
Univ. Ill. Press, Urbana, and the Ill. State Museum, Springfield.
Massey, A. B. 1961. Virginia flora. Va. Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Bull. 155. Blacksburg.
Michaux, A. 1803. Flora Boreali-Americana. 'Tomus secundus. Fratres Levrault, Paris, France.
Nuttall, T. 1818. The genera of North American plants. Vol. 11. Printed for the author by D. Keartt,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Porter, D. M. 19'79. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in Virginia. Va. Polytechnic Institute
and State Univ., Blacksburg.
Small, J. K. 1933. Manual of the southeastern flora. Published by the author, New York.
Strausbaugh, Y. D., and E. L. Core. No date. Flora of West Virginia. 2nd ed. Seneca Books, Inc.,
Grantsville, W. Va.
U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1980. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants: Review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species. U.S. Federal Register
45 (242):82480-82569.
Weishaupt, C. G. 1968. Vascular plants of Ohio. A manual for use in field and laboratory. Mev~seded.
Wm. C. Brown Book Co., Dubuque, Iowa.
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants, 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128-133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Great Smoky Mountains National University of North Carolina at
Park Museum Chapel Hill
Harvard University University of Tennessee
University of Georgia Vanderbilt University
a Plant habit. b Flower (anterior view). c Mericarp (nutlet). d Flouer (lateral view).
e Anther and apical portion of filament. f Gynoecium with portion of calyx and nectary.

a, e, f from NCU 446703; b, d from NCU 3 19608;

c from NCU 1878 17
TRISETUM SPICATUIV (Linnaeus) Richter Soft spike trisetum
var. MOLLE (Kunth) Beal

Famil y .-Poaceae (Grass Family)

Synonymy .-Avenu tlzcrlli~Michaux (non -4. vtznllis Salisbury. r?on A . mollis Koel .), Koeleria carzesceizs
Torr,, Rnpestrinu puhesc~i?sProvancher. Tri.~etumrnolle (Michaux) Kunth, T . molle (Michaux)
N.Paul, T. spic*ufui~? ssp. nzolle (Michx.) Hulten. 7'.spicatum s ~ p molle . (Kunth) Hulten, T .
M 1Z Richter var. michauxii St.
spit-ntum (L.) Richter var. molle (Michx.) Piper, T . S ~ ~ C * L I ~ U(L.
John, T , subs~~icutzim var. molle Gray, T. trlJlor~lmssp. rnofle (Hillten) Love & Love, T .
triflorrlm ssp. molle (Kunth) Love & Love.
Other common names.-Soft trisetum
I>escriptic?n.-Densely t~iltedperennial herbs. Cuhni (itcmi) terete, itronglq tltrrowed, erect, 15-50
cm tall. vestiture variable, glabrou\ to pubcrulent to densely piloic or villoui. internodes hollow,
nodes closed and swollen. Leaves mostly basal, simple, alternate, 2-ranked, composed of a
blade, sheath, and ligule; blades flat to loosely involute, ascending, to 15 cm long, 1-2.5 Inm
wide, usually pubescent below, scaberulous above, margins ciliate, parallel-veined; sheaths
encircling the culms, split, pubemlent; ligules scarious, truncate, erose-dentate, 1-2 mm long.
Flowers in the axils of bracts, inconspicuous and minute, reduced to the essential organs
(the starnens and pistil), the perianth represented by minute scales (lodicules) at the base of the
flower. Floret a unit composed of a flower with two bracts (lemma and palea) enclosing it;
lemma is the lower bract, lies to the outside of the spikelet, and encloses the palea; palea is the
inner, upper bract, lies next to the rachilla, and envelopes the flower. Inflorescence compound,
with the basic, primary inflorescence (the ultimate unit) a spikelet consisting of 2 flowers, each
with its lemma and palea, and 2 empty bracts (glumes) at the base, the lower glume called
the 1st glume and the upper one the 2nd glume. Spikelets secondarily arranged into a dense,
narrow, spikelike panicle, 2-4.5 cm long, 0.8- 1 cm broad, yellowish green; panicle branches
ascending, villous. Spikelets 2-tlowered, 4-6 mm long, 2 mm wide, the rachilla disarticulat-
ing below the glumes, prolonged behind the upper floret, rachilla-joint shortly appressed-
pilose, callus bearing a tuft of very short hairs. Glumes lanceolate, somewhat unequal in length,
scarious, scabrous-keeled, appressed hirsute to glabrous, I st glume 1-nerved, narrow, acuminate,
3.5 -4 mm long, 2nd glume 3-nerved, wider than 1st, cuspidate, longer than lowest lemma, 5
mm long; lernmas 5-nerved, keeled, pubescent or glabrous, sometimes papillose, margins
scarious, acuminate to bidentate, the teeth setaceous, body 4.5-5 mm long, lemma of first
floret longer than the glumes, curved dorsal awns 3-6 mm long, attached about 1/3 below
the tip. geniculate, exserted, flexuous at base; paleas scarious, 4 mm long, nerves ciliolate.
Stamens 3, distinct, exserted, filaments slender, anthers large, appearing versatile; gynoe-
cium of I compound pistil, ovary superior, carpels 2, locule 1 . ovule 1, placentation basal,
styles 2, stigmas 2, plumose. Fruit a grain (caryopsis), oblong, somewhat flattened, mostly
ca. 2.5 rnm long.
Pheno1ogy.-Flowers, June to August; Fruits, June to August; Vegetative, June to August
Distribution.-Alaska, Ariz., Calif., Colo., Conn., Idaho, Maine, Mass., Mich.. hlinn., Nev., N.H.,
N. Mex.. N.Y., N.C. (Avery, Mitchell Counties), Oreg., Pa., Tenn. (possibly extirpated),
Utah, Vt., Wash, Wis.: Canada (Alberta, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario,
Quebec, Saskatchewan), Haiti, Mexico, Santo Domingo, U .S .S.R.
Legal status.-N.G. - Endangered (Protected): Tenn. - Possibly extirpated (Candidate)
Habitat.--ln K.C.. it occtrrc on rocky ledges on balds in the high mountains. cool shores, meadows, and
boitltier field\.
Beal, W, J. 1896. Grasses of North America. H. Holt and Co., New York.
Bean. R. C., D. C. Richards, and F. Hyland. 1966. Check-list of the vascular plants of Maine.
Revision of 1948 edition, by E. C. Ogden. F. H. Steinmetz, and F. Hyland. Bull. Josselyn
Bot. Soc. Main 8:I-71.
Committee on Vascular Plants. 1977. Vascular plants. Reprinted from J. E. Cooper, S. S. Robinson,
and J. B. Funderburg, eds. Endangered and threatened plants and animals of North Carolina.
Bookstore, Univ. N.C., Charlotte.
Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren. 1977. Intermountain
flora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 6. The Monocotyledons.
Columbia University Press, New York.
Gould, F. W. 1973. Grasses of southwestern United States. (Reprint of the 1951 edition.) The Univ.
Ariz . Press, Tucson.
Gray, A. 1856. Manual of the botany of the northern United States. 2nd ed. George P. Putnam and
Co., New York.
Hitchcock, A. S. 1950. Manual of the grasses of North America. 2nd ed. Revised by A. Chase. U.S.
Dep. Agric. Miscellaneous Publication No. 200. U. S . Government Printing Office, Washington,
Hultkn, E. 1959. The Trisetum spicatum complex. Trisetum spicatum (L.) Richt., an artic-montane
species with world-wide range. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 53:203-228.
Louis-Marie, Fr. 1928. The genus Trisetum in America. Rhodora 30:209-223, 237-245.
Michaux, A. 1803. Flora Boreali-Americana. Typis Caroli Crapelet, Paris and Argentorati.
Munz, P. A , , and D. D. Keck. 1959. A California flora. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley.
Nash, G. V. 1909. (Poales) Poaceae. N. Am. Flora I. 17:551, 555-556.
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, N. C. Dep. Natural Resources and Community Development.
1981. Unpublished conlputer printout. Raleigh.
Piper, C. V. 1906. Flora of the state of Washington. Contrib. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1 I.
Plant Conservation Board, N.C. Dep. Agric., Pesticide and Plant Protection Div., Plant Protection
Section. 1 980 (September). North Carolina protected plant list. Raleigh. Unpublished manuscript.
Pretz, H, W. 1919. Discovery of Trisetum spicatum in Pennsylvania. Rhodora 2 1:128-132.
Seymour, F. C. 1969. The flora of New England. Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vt.
Sharp, A. J., and others. No date. A preliminary checklist of monocots in Tennessee. Mimeograph.
Voss, E. G. 1966. No~nenclaturalnotes on monocots. Rhodora 68:435-463,
Wofford, B. E., and Committee for Tennessee Rare Plants. 1978. The rare vascular plants of Tennessee. J.
Tennessee Acad. Sci. 53: 128-133.

Specimens of this species examined and annotated at the following herbaria:
Duke University University of North Carolina at
North Carolina State University Chapel Hill
University of Georgia University of Tennessee
Vanderbilt University
Trisetum spic-atrlm var. molle (PQACEAE)

a Plant habit. b Sheath split to show ligule. c Sheath. d First floret. e Second
floret. f Glumes. 9 Spikelet.

a-c from NCU 155951; d-g from NCU 331828

This glossary is provided to assist the reader with the technical, specialized vocabulary encountered in
plant identification and description. An attempt has been made to account for the more
technical or unusual morphological term\ used in this publication. Learning the "language of
plants" is a difficult process indeed and requires much time, effort, and perseverance. This
glossary primarily endeavors to define the terms as used in this publication znd does not pro-
vide all existing definitions. Moreover. definitions of most terms have been simplified and
therefore represent a practical, not theoretical, treatment. It is also important to realize that the
definitions portray general concepts and that \ariation occur\ in nature $0 that a particular
plant or species may not conform exactly to the definitions.
Several references have been used in co~npletingthis glossary (\ee li\t below). The
reader may desire to consult one or several of these for additional discussion. an illustration,
further examples, or derivation of a term.

Featherly, H. I. 1954. Taxonomic terminology of the higher plants. The Iowa State College Press,
Harrington, H. D. 1977. How to identify grasses and grasslike plants (sedges and rushes). The Swallow
Press. Inc., Chicago, 111.
Harrington, H. D., and L. W. Durrell. 1957. How to identify plants. The Swallow Press, Inc., Chicago,
Jackson, B. D. 1928. A glossary of botanic terms with their derivation and accent. 4th ed. J. B. Lippincott
Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Lawrence, C.H.M. 1951 . Taxonomy of vascular plants. The MacmiIlan Co., New York.
-- . 1955. An introduction of plant taxonomy. The Macrnillan Go., New York.
McKechnie, J. L., editor. 1980. Webster's new twentieth century dictionary of the English language.
Unabridged 2nd ed. William Collins Publishers, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Morris, W., editor. 1969. The American heritage dictionary of the English language. American Heri-
tage Publishing Go., Inc., and Hsughton Mifflin Co., New York.
Porter, C. L. 1967. Taxonomy of flowering plants. 2nd ed. W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco,
Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas.
Univ. N.C. Press, Chapel Hill.
Radford, A. E., W. C. Dickison, J. R. Massey , and C. R. Bell. 1974. Vascular plant systematics. Harper
& Row, Publishers, New York.
Smith, J. P., Jr. 1977. Vascular plant families. Mad River Press, Inc., Eureka, Calif.
Tippo, O., and W. L. Stern. 1977. Humanistic botany. W. W. Norton and Co., Inc., New York.

"Glossary prepared by Deborah K. S . Otte, UNC-Chapel Hill herbarium, in 1981.

A - . PI prefix meaning without, as in apetalous.
Abaxial. Back; pertaining to the back or outer surface of a part or organ; the surface most distant from
the axis; lower side of leaf; dorsal.
Abortive. Imperfectly developed or not fully developed at maturity, as abortive stamens with filaments
only or the abortive seeds in a banana.
AcauEesc.ent. Apparently stemless, with no aerial stem but possibly with a scape.
Accessory orguns. Calyx and corolla, the parts of a flower not necessary for reproduction.
Achene. Dry, indehiscent, one-seeded, unilocular fruit with seed generally attached to pericarp at one
point and usually tightly enclosed by it; may be simple (derived from unicarpellate. superior
ovary) or compound (derived from compound [syncarpous]. superior ovary). Compare with
cypseta .
Actiizomorphic (regular or radial). A type of symmetry in which parts or structures are divisible into
halves in two or more planes, used especially for the calyx or corolla: said of a flower in
which the parts radiate from the center like spokes in a wheel, the parts mostly similar in
size and shape; as in lily or tobacco flowers. Compare with irregular; zvgomorphic.
Acuminate. Pertaining to an apex with straight to convex margins forming a terminal angle of less than
Acute. Apex or base with straight to convex margins forming a terminal angle of 45" to 90"; more
properly, an acute base is actually a cuneate base.
Aclaxial. Front; pertaining to the inner face or part of an organ: the surface nearest the axis; the upper
surface of a leaf; ventral.
Adherent. A condition in which two dissimilar organs or parts touch each other but are not grown or
fused together. Compare with coherent, adnate.
Adnate. A general fusion term meaning fusion of unlike parts, as stamens to petals. Compare uith
connate, adherent.
Aerenchymatous. Tissue with large, air-filled intercellular spaces that usually aid in floating.
Aggregate.fruit. Fruit derived from several ovaries in a single flower (a grouping of primary fruits), as
in blackberry, rose.
Alternate. One leaf per node; the leaves at two consecutive nodes usually on different sides of the
stem. Compare with opposite.
Androecium. The whorl(s) or series of stamens inside the perianth; a collective term for all the stamens
in a flower.
Androgynous. Inflorescence with staminate flowers above or inside and pistillate flowers below or outside,
as in Cymophyllus.
Androphore. A stalk or other supportive structure bearing the stamens.
Angled. A surface with angles that usually form ridges of some sort, e.g., a four-angled stem as in
mints (Lamiaceae).
Annual. Living 1 year or less. Compare with biennial; perennial.
Anther. The pollen-bearing part of the stamen, borne at the top of the filament or sometimes sessile.
Anther connective. The filament extension between the 2 cells of an anther: used especially when the
anther cells are separted or the connective extends beyond the anther.
Anthesis. The act of flowering; strictly, the time of expansion of a flower when pollination takes place,
but often used to designate the flowering period.
Apetalous. Without petals.
Apex. The tip or distal end of a two-dimensional structure that is usually bounded by the upper 5%- 10%
of the margins; the top of a three-dimensional structure.
Apic.01 (terminal). At tip. top, or end of stem or other plant structure.
Apiccrl plcrcrntation. Placenta(-tae) at top or apex of ovary; often called pendulous or suspended; as in
Apiculcrte. Terminated by a short, \harp, flexible point. often slightly curled.
,4ppPtz~li~gc. An attached subsidiary or secondary part, as a projecting part or a hanging part or supplement.
Af717ressc.d. Pressed clo4ely to axis in an upward direction with angle of divergence 15" or less.
Aromatic. Having a pleasant, characteristic odor, usually sweet- or spicy-smelling, as licorice.
Ascending. Directed upward with angle of divergence 16"-45".
Attenuate. Long, gradually tapered base, margins usually concave.
Auricle. An ear-shaped part or appendage. as the projections at the base of some leaves and petals,
Aicriculute. Base with sinus and a pair of rounded, earlike lobes; the outer margins concave, the inner
convex or straight.
Alvn. A bristlelike or stiff and slender part or appendage, as on the glumes of grasses; often used to
indicate members of a certain kind of pappus in composites.
Axil. Upper angle that an organ or organ part, especially a petiole, leaf, or peduncle, makes with the
axis that bears it.
A-rile pl~zcerztation.Placentae attached to center or central axis of a septate, compound ovary; a type of
placentation in which the ovules are borne at or near the center of a compound ovary on the
axis formed by the union and fusion of the septa (partitions) and usually in vertical rows; as
in the nightshades (Solanaceae) or figworts (Scrophulariaceae).
Axillary. In an axil; usually used in sense of axillary buds (lateral buds), which are in the axils of
leaves or leaf scars.
Barbed. With terminal or lateral spinelike hooks or rigid points that are usually bent backward sharply
like the barb of a fishhook; used most often to describe bristles or awns.
Barbellate. Finely barbed.
Bark. The outer covering of woody stems, branches, roots, and main trunks of woody plants: tissues of
plant outside xylem (wood).
Basal (radical). At the base, near the ground. Compare with cauline.
Basal placentation. Placentae at the base of the ovary; a type of placentation in which the ovules are
few or reduced to 1 and borne at the base of the ovary, the ovule when solitary often filling the
cavity; as in the mints (Lamiaceae).
Beak. A long, prominent and substantial point; applied particularly to pistils and fruits.
Berry(-ries). Indehiscent fruit with a fleshy or pulpy pericarp, lacking a stony endocarp; most are syncar-
pous and several-seeded and result from a superior ovary, e. g ., a tomato or grape.
Bidentate. With 2 teeth.
Bienniul. Living 2 years, usually flowering and fruiting the second year. Compare with nnrzuul, pererzniul.
Bifid. Cut or divided into 2 lobes or parts.
Bilabiutc. Two-lipped, with two unequal divisions, as in the corollas of many mints (Lamiaceae).
Biseriate. With two series; in 2 whorls or cycles; as a perianth composed of a calyx and a corolla.
Biternately coinpound. See ternately compound.
Blade (lamina). The expanded and usually flattened portion of a leaf.
Bract. A reduced or modified leaf found in or directly under an inflorescence.
Bructeate. With bracts.
Bracteole . See bractlet.
Bractlet (bracteole). A small or much-reduced leaf in an inflorescence; a second-order bract, as on the
Bristle. A stiff hair; any slender body that may be likened to a hog's bristle; a member of a capillary
pappus in a composite.
Bristle-tip. A stiff hair, usually on a tooth of a leaf, as in oaks.
Bristf?. Bearing stiff, strong hairs or bristles.
Bird Embryonic axis or stem bearing leaf and/or flower primordia. often enclosed or surrounded by
Bud scales. Modified protective leaves covering a bud.
Callus. A thickened, raised area, which is usually hard; in grasses, the indurated downward extension
of the lemma below its point of insertion that is grown to, and hence morphologically often a
part of, the axis or rachilla of the spikelet.
Cu1y.r. The lowermost or outermost of the 4 whorls of floral parts; a collective term for sepals; a series
of modified leaves usually green and foliaceous, sometimes referred to as one of the acces-
sory organs of a flower.
Campanulate. Bell-shaped; with a flaring tube about as broad as long and a flaring limb..
Cancellate. Resembling latticework.
Cnpilluv. Hairlike, very slender; often used to describe a pappus in composites.
Cupitate. Headlike; formed like a head; in heads; aggregated into a very dense, compact cluster.
Ccy>sule. Syncarpous, dry, usually 2- to many-seeded fruit opening (dehiscingf by various means, such
as pores, slits. lids; several types of capsules based on type of dehiscence are recognized. See
loculicidal, septicidal, poricidal.
Carpel. The floral organ that bears ovules; the basic unit of the gynoecium; unit of a compound pistil.
simple pistils have only I carpel; a rnegasporophyll of an angiosperm flower.
Caruncle. An outgrowth or appendage on the seed at or about the point where the seed stalk is attached.
Capupsis. See grain.
Catkin. A short, erect or pendulous spike or spikelike inflorescence, the flowers unisexual and sessile,
the entire inflorescence commonly falling as a unit; flowers typically small with petals and/or
sepals much reduced or absent, often arranged into cymules lateral along the main axis.
Caude.x(-dices). A short, thick, vertical or branched perennial stem usually subterranean (sometimes at
ground level), as in Viola (violet).
Cuulescent. With an aerial stem.
Cauline (stem). Pertaining to the stem; more or less evenly distributed on stem: often used to distin-
guish leaves along a stem from basal or rosette leaves.
Cespitose. See tufted.
Chaf(pale). A small, thin, dry, and membranous scale or bract; in particular, the bract subtending each
individual flower (floret) in the head of some composites.
C h a f i . Thin, dry, and membranous; like the bracts in the heads of composites.
Channeled. With longitudinal grooves.
Chartaceous. Of papery or tissuelike texture and not usually green in color.
Chlorenchymatous. Tissues with chlorophyll and therefore a green color.
Ciliate. With conspicuous hairs (trichomes) along the margins.
Ciliolate. With inconspicuous, tiny hairs (trichomes) along the margin.
Clavate. Club-shaped; said of a long body thickened toward the top, like a baseball bat.
Claviform. See clavate .
Claw. The long, narrow, petiolelike base of the petals or sepals in some flowers.
Cleft. Divided or indented, usually 114- 1/2 the way to midrib or base of blade.
Climbing. Ascending upon other objects by means of tendrils, roots, or other special structures, as in
poison ivy (Rhus radicans) or English ivy (Hedera helix).
Closed. Having complete boundaries, as in the leaf sheath of most sedges (Cyperaceae); completely
filled in with tissue, as the nodes in grasses (Poaceae).
Coarse. Lacking in delicacy; consisting of large structures; not fine in texture; rough; harsh.
Coherent. A condition in which two or more similar parts or organs of the same series touch one
another but are not fused; connivent. Compare with cldl?ercizt, c'onrlcite.
Collar. A band of tissue that lies behind the ligule and at the junction of the blade and sheath, often
lighter in color than the rest of the leaf; best seen when the leaf is viewed from the back.
Column. A single central structure composed of stamens, style, and stigmas united in varying degrees,
as in orchids (Orchidaceae) (also known as gynandrium, gynostemium); a structure resulting
from fusion of stamens, as in mallows (Malvaceae).
Compound leaf. Leaf divided into leaflets, the leaflets usually 2 or more.
Compound pistil. A pistil produced by the fusion of 2 or more carpels into one structure.
Concave. Curved like the inner surface of a sphere.
Configuration. Surface pattern usually resulting from internal structural form, exclusive of venation.
Connate. A general fusion term meaning fusion of like parts, as petals to petals to form a corolla tube.
Compare with adnate; coherent.
Connective. See unther cotuzectic~co.
Connivent. Coming together or converging, but not fused, the parts often arching: coherent.
Constricted. Drawn together; contracted.
Convex. Having a more or less rounded surface; having a surface or boundary that curves or bulges
outward, as the exterior of a sphere.
Cordate. A shape that is ovate in general outline with a sinus and rounded lobes at the base; often
restricted to the basal portion rather than to the outline of the entire organ; heart-shaped.
Coriaceous. Thick and leathery.
Corm. A solid, upright, thick, hard or fleshy, and usually subterranean stem with dry, scaly leaves, as
in gladiolus and crocus.
Corolla. The whorl(s) or series of floral parts located above and inside the sepals and below and outside
the stamens; collective term for petals: also referred to as one of the accessory organs or part of
a flower; often white or brightly colored.
Cor).nrb. An unbranched, flat-topped or convex primary inflorescence with pedicels of varying lengths,
usually indeterminate, a:, in pear or apple trees.
Covmhiform. Flowers or primary inflorescences (e.g.. heads) arranged in the form of a cory mb: not a
true corymb: corymblike.
Crcuqing. Lying flat on substrate and typicall> rooting at nodes.
Crennte. Shallowly ascending, low, and rounded teeth that are cut less than 1,'8 way to midrib or
midvein; scalloped.
Crest. An elevated and irregular or toothed ridge.
Crotzsrz. The part of a plant, usually at ground level, between the root and the stem.
Culm. The stem of grasses or sedges.
Cuneate, A shape that is inversely triangular, the length to width ratio most13 6.1-3: 1 ; a base with
stratght to convex margins that form a terminal angle 45"-90"; wedge-shaped.
Cuspldurc. An apex somewhat abruptly and sharply concavely constricted into an elongate, coriaceous
and tip.
C:\:lindric(-a!). Long-tubular, length to width ratio usually more than 2: 1; elongated with a circular cross
Cyme ~ l c i z u s i u m j A
. determinate inflorescence with flowers 3, pedicellate, and borne on a common
peduncle, the central flower the oldest and opening first.
Cymule, h diminutive cyme, many usually aggregate along a common axis to form a catkin.
C p s e l a . An achenelike fruit derived from a syncarpous, inferior ovary, as in con~posites(Asteraceae).
Compare with achene.
Deciduous. Parts not persisting for more than one growing season; commonly applied to plants that shed
their leaves or branchlets at the end of each growing season. Compare with evergreen.
Decompound. A general term for more than once compound.
Decumbent. Stems reclining or lying upon the ground but with ends or tips ascending
Decussute. Opposite leaves occur in 4 rows up and down the stem alternating in pairs at right angles.
Dchrsc*rncc.The act of opening spontaneously when ripe, as capsules; the nlethod ctr process of
opening of a fr~iitor an anther.
Dellyuescerzce. The act or process of dissolving or melting away, the parts becoming semiliquid or
powdery and quickly disappearing.
Deltoid. Triangular.
Dentate. Margins with sharp, coarse teeth that point outward at right angles to midrib or midvein, cut
1116- 1i8 distance to midrib or midvein.
Determinate. Pertaining to the maturation of flowers in the inflorescence, with the central or uppermost
one maturing first with the subsequent arrest of the growth or elongation of the main axis.
PI~li~n~itnou.\. A stamen arrangement in which there are 3 stamens in two pairs, one pair long, the other
pair short, as in man] mtnts (Lam~aceae).
Dimorphic. Occurring in two forms, as in ferns with sterile foliaceous fronds and fertile fronds.
Dzorciou,r. Species with all flowers imperfect, staminate and pistillate flowers on separate plants.
D~~articulate. To separate at a joint at maturity; used most often in grasses (Poaceae).
Dl.rc.. A more or less fleshy or elevated development of the receptacle or of ccjale\ced nectarles or
stanrinodes about or below the pistil.
Disc. flolrt.r,\. 'The tubular flowers in the center of the heads of composites, as (iistingui$hed from ray
flowers, the flowers are cyltndrtcal in shape and corollas have a con\plcuous tube with short
Discvid. Shaped like a disc; the head of a composite in which only disc flowers are present.
Disposecf. Set or arranged in a particular order or position.
Dispcjsitior?. The manner in which plant organs or their component parts are placed, arranged, or
Dr,\.rrc-rcd. Deeply dittded into many and usually slender 5cgn1ents.
L)i.rtlli. Away from the potnt of origin or attachment.
Distichous. Two-ranked, with organs or organ parts (such as leaves, leaflets, or flowers) on opposite
sides of an axis and in the same plane.
Dislinc.t. A general fusion term meaning like parts unjoined and separate from one another, as a corolla
of 5 separate petals. Compare with free.
D~vergent.More or less horizontally spreading with angle of divergence 15" or less up or down from
the horizontal.
Ditiision. The separation, divergence, or forking into segments, parts, lobes, or branches of any organ
or it parts.
Dorsal. See abaxial.
Doubly serrate (biserrate). Serrations with serrate teeth.
Drupe. Indehiscent, 1- to few-seeded, fleshy fruit. the stony endocarp enclosing the seedis) and forming
a p ~ or
t one or more pyrenes; most drupes are derived from a compound (syncarpousj ovary, as
in cherry, holly, peach.
Drllpelet. One drupe in a fruit that is composed of an aggregation of drupes, as in the blackberry;
usually small in size. See drape.
Duration. Length of time that a plant or any of its parts exists, e.g., evergreen Leaves.
Ebracteate. Without bracts.
Ellipsoid. Shape of solid figure with widest axis at midpoint of structure and with margins symmetri-
cally curved, the length to width ratio 2: 1-3:2.
Elliptic, With widest axis at midpoint of structure and with margins symmetrically curved, the length to
width ratio 2: 1 - 3:2,
Emarginate. In general terminology, with a shallow notch at the apex or base.
Emersed. Rising above the surface of the water, as leaves or stems of aquatic plants.
Endocarp. Innermost differentiated layer of pericarp; very often indistinguishable from outer and middle
layers of pericarp unless it is different in texture, e.g., the stony endocarp of a drupe, as in
Entire, Margin smooth, without indentations, teeth, spines, etc.; may be ciliate.
Epicalyx. A series of bracts directly subtending and resembling the calyx, the bracts usually alternating
with the sepals.
Epigynous. A term used to describe the perianth, calyx, corolla, and/or androecium position-these
parts appear to be inserted above the ovary, generally inserted on the hypanthium that is
adnate to the ovary; ovary position in an epigynous flower is inferior.
E;jslpetc.rlous.Borne upon the petals.
Equal. Alike as to length. size, or number.
Equilureral. Equal-sided.
Erect. Standing upright; vertical; used for stem habit or orientation.
Erose. Irregularly, shallowly toothed andlor lobed margins or apices; appearing gnawed.
Essential organs. Androecium and gynoecium, the parts necessary for reproduction.
Evergreen. Persistent for two or more growing seasons; plants that always have sorne leaves; remaining
green during dormant season. Compare with ci'crcicluous.
E,$oliating. To peel off in thin layers.
Exsertcd. Sticking out; projecting beyond, as stamens or stigma from a corolla. Compare with included.
Extrorse. Facing or opening outward.
Female. See pistillate.
Fern. Any herbaceous plant that is a flowerless. seedless vascular plant of the class Filicopsida, and
characteristically reproduces by means of spores.
Fertilc. Capable of bearing pollen: capable of producing fruit; a leaf that bears the reproductive organs;
said of a "female9' flower, those that possess pistils; functional in receiving pollen. as in a
fertile stigma.
Fibrillose, Furnished with fine fibers.
Fibrous. Much-branched roots system in which all ro<>tsare of similar size. none markedly larger, and
resemble fibers; with fine, threadlike or slender roots.
Filament. The stamen stalk upon which the anther sits.
Filamentous. Threadlike; formed of filaments or fibers.
FiliJtbrm. Threadlike, long, and very slender.
Fimbrinte. Fringed, the long, slender processes longer or coarser than ciliate hairs.
Flaccid. Withered and limp, flabby.
Flask-shaped. Having the form of a flask, somewhat globular with a drawn-out neck.
Flat. Having no curves; extending or lying completely in a plane; having an even, level surface; lying
Flc..slz.~.Succulent: firm and pulpy, as the f-lesh of a peach.
Flc-urous. Bent alternately in different directions forming a more or less ztgzag or wavy pattern.
Ffoccose. Covered with dense, appressed trichornes in patches or tufts.
Floral cup (hypanthium). A shallow cuplike to elongate tubular structure, resulting from the fusion of
the perianth and the androecium and surrounding the gynoecium; in some cases it appears to be
derived from receptacle tissue.
Floret. Individual small flowers that compose a very dense form of inflorescence, as in composites
( Asteraceae) and grasses (Poaceae). The characteristic reproductive structure of flowering plants (angiosperms): an axis bearing at
the least l or more pistils or 1 or more stamens or both; when complete, flowers consist of
sepals, petals, stamens. and carpels.
Foliaceous. Leaflike; said particularly of sepals, calyx lobes, or bracts that in texture. size, or color
look like leaves.
Foliose. See foliaceous.
Follicle. Unicarpellate, dry, dehiscent fruit opening along one suture.
Free. A general fusion term meaning unlike parts unjoined and separate from one another, as stamens
being free from (not connected to) the petals. Compare with distinct.
Frond. The leaf of a fern.
Fruit. In angiosperms (flowering plants), the structure produced by the maturation of the ovary, the
whole pistil, and/or sometimes other portions (such as an involucre or hypanthium) of the
plant adjacent to these parts; the seed-bearing organ.
Fused. United or coalesced into one structure, as petals fusing to form a corolla tube.
Fusqorm. Spindle-shaped; narrowed both ways from a swoIlen middle.
Fusion. The coalescence or union of like or unlike organs or parts, as the fusion of sepals to form a
calyx tube.
Galeate. Helmet-shaped, as one sepal is in monk's hood (Aconitum).
Geniculate. Bent at an abrupt angle like that of a bent knee, usually jointed so as to be capable of
bending in such a manner.
Glubrctte. Neariy glabrous, or becoming glabrous with maturity or age.
Glabrous. Without hairs; often incorrectly used in the sense of smooth (see smooth).
Glandular. Having or bearing secreting organs (glands); with vestiture composed of secretory or excre-
tory trichomes, usually with swollen or capitate tips.
Glandular-punctate. A surface having depressions or pits with sessile glands.
Glaucous. Covered with whitish substance (bloom) that easily rubs off, as in a plum or cabbage leaf.
Globose. Having the shape of a globe; round.
Globular, Having the shape of a globe; round.
Glumaceous. Resembling the glumes of grasses (Poaceae); thin, dry, and membranous.
Glume. One of the two chaffy, empty bracts (do not contain flowers) at the base of a grass spikelet.
Glumelike. Resembling the glumes of grasses (Poaceae); thin, dry, and membranous.
Grain (caryopsis). Dry, unilocular 1-seeded fruit derived from syncarpous ovary and with seedcoat
adnate to pericarp, as in grasses (Poaceae).
Granulur. Covered with very small particles or grains; finely mealy.
Grclsslike. Resembling grasses, that is having narrow, slender leaves like true grasses (Poaceae).
Gynandrium . See column.
Gynecandrous. With staminate and pistillate flowers in the same inflorescence, the pistillate inside or
above and staminate outside or below.
Gynobasic. Arising between carpels from their inner bases, as the styles in mints (Lamiaceae).
Gjnoecium. The innermost and uppermost whorl, series, or structure in a complete flower; a collective
term for the pistils in a flower; the so-called female element of the flower, typically consisting
of one or more carpels or pistils; when only 1 pistil is present, pistil and gynoecium are
Hair (trichome). An outgrowth of the epidermis.
Hastate. Apex or base with sinus and a pair of lobes that are pointed and oriented outward or divergent
in relation to petiole; halberd-shaped.
Head (capitulum). A primary inflorescence in which the flowers are sessile or subsessile and crowded
on a common, usually enlarged receptacle, as in composites (Asteraceae).
Heathlike. With vegetative characteristics like shrubs in the heath family (Ericaceae), usually low-
growing and having small, leathery, evergreen leaves.
Hemispheric. Shaped like a hemisphere (half a sphere).
Herb. Plants with annual aboveground stems.
Herbaceous. Nonwoody, somewhat soft or succulent, annual, aerial sterns with Lln~ltedif any second-
ary growth.
Hirsute. Covered with long, rather stiff. coarse hairs.
Hirtellous. Softly or minutely hirsute or hairy.
Hispid. Covered with very long, stiff hairs.
Nispidulaus . Approaching hispid, minutely hispid .
Hood. A bladelike flap of leaf tissue that covers the opening into the ti~bulap.leaves (pitchers) of
Sarracenia (pitcherplants) ,
Hood neck. The contracted portion at the base of the hood in Sarruceniu (pitchevlanti leaves.
Hooked. Curved or bent back at the tip.
Hyaline. Thin and translucent or transparent.
Eiygroscopic. Capable of expanding or contracting on presence or absence of water or water t apor:
altering form or position through changes in humidity.
Imbricate. Leaves or other structures closely overlapping. as shingles on a roof.
I m p e ~ e c t(unisexual). With either stamens or carpels absent in the flower. Compare with pefect.
Included. Not protruding beyond the surrounding organ. Compare with exserted.
Indefinite. Capable of continuous growth, extension, or elongation, as tht: indefinite elongation in a
Indeterminate. Pertaining to the development andlor maturation of flowers in an inflorescence, \kith the
lateral or lowermost ones maturing first without the growth or elongation of the rl~ainaxis
being arrested, e. g., in gladiolus or snapdragons.
Indurate. Hardened.
Inclusium(-sin). A thin, membranous, protective layer covering a sorus.
Ineyuilaternl. With unequal sides.
Inferior. A position in which one organ lies below another; especially used when other floral parts
appear to be inserted above the ovary, the hypanthium adnate to the ovary, as in squash.
InBated. Bladderlike; swollen; distended or expanded by or as if by gas or air.
InjZorescence. The arrangement of flowers on a plant or axis; classified into many rqpes based o n type
and number of parts, position and arrangement of flowers. sequence of flowering, and hranch-
ing pattern of the axis. See also primary inflorescer-zce,and secondary.
Insectivorous. Said of those plants that capture insects and absorb nutrition from them, as in flytraps
(Diorzaea) or pitcherplants (Surrucenitr).
Inserted. Attached to, or appearing to be growing out of, a structure, as a stamen on the corulla.
Internode. Region of stem between the nodes. See rzode.
Involucrnl. Pertaining to an involucre, e. g . , involucral bracts.
Involucre. A cluster of bracts subtending an inflorescence, as in composites (Asreraceae) and urnbels
(Apiaceae); may be fused or distinct.
Involute. Margin rolled in from the edges, toward the upper surface. Compare with revolute,
Irregular. Not symmetrical; of uneven occurrence, as a leaf being irregularly toothed; more speclfi'ically,
in floral symmetry, with floral parts within a whorl dissimilar in shape, size, or fusion so
that the structure cannot be divided into two symmetrical halves. Compare with zj1gomorphic.
Jointed. With nodes or points of real or apparent articulation (separation).
Joint. An articulation, or place where separation may naturally occur, as in grass inflorescences.
Keeled. Ridged like the bottom of a boat, like a ship's keel.
Keel-shaped. Having the shape of a ship's keel.
Labeklum (lip). The medial petal of a corolla, usually enlarged and often muck modified: especially
used in mints (Lamiaceae) and orchids (Orchidaceae); the upper lip of orchids is made to
appear as the lower lip by a twist of the ovary.
Lacerate. Irregularly torn or cleft along the margin or apex.
Lacunate. With an extensive system of intercellular spaces.
Lamina. The limb, blade, or expanded part of a leaf or petal.
Lanceolate. With widest axis below the middle and with margins symmetrically cur\jed, the length to
width ratio 3: 1-6: 1; in a leaf the petiole attached at the broad end; lance-shaped.
Lanceoloid, Shape of solid figure with widest axis below the rniddle and with margins symmetrically
curved, the length to width ratio 3: 1-6: 1 ; lance-shaped.
Latercrl. On or at the side.
Lateral (axillary) bud. A bud in the axil of a leaf or leaf scar.
Latticelike. Resembling a lattice; with regular, patterned spaces.
Leafscar. A mark indicating former place of attachment of petiole or leaf base.
Leaflet. A separate and distinct segrnent of a compound leaf.
Leah. With leaves; full of leaxes, the leaves often inore or less evenly distributed on the stem.
Lertznza. The lower of the 2 bracts enclosing a grass flower above the glumes; formerly called "flowering
Length. The measurement of the extent of something from apex to base, as distinguished from width.
Lenticel. A lens-shaped or rounded spot on young bark, corresponding to an epidermal stomate; a pore
in the bark.
Let-tticulur. Lens-shaped. rather flattened u ith both side\ con\ ex.
Lignltrtc~.Stray-shaped; having a tong~rzlikeotitgrouth (iigule) at the base of a blade or top of a sheath
of a leaf. as in grasse\ (Poaceae);corolla of the ray tlouer of a cotnposite (i2steraceae); a composite
head in which onlj ray flc3wers are present.
Ligule. A tonguelike or strap-shaped projection from top of a leaf sheath at juncture with the blade, as
in grasses (Poaceae); also a strap-shaped corolla, as in the ray flowers of composites (Asteraceae).
Limb. The expanded, usually flat part of an organ; in particular, the expanded portion of calyx or
corolla above the tube, throat, or claw.
Linear. Long and narrow, with widest axis at midpoint of structure and with margins essentially parallel,
length to width ratio mostly 2: 1 or greater.
Li19. One of the two divisions of a bilabiate corolla or calyx, that is, the corolla or calyx is cut into an
upper and lower portion, although one lip is sometimes wanting; the labellum of orchids.
Lobe. Any past or segment of an organ: especially, a part of corolla, calyx, or leaf that represents a
Lobed. With lobes; often technically used to describe a structure cut 1/8- li4 distance to midvein with
the sinuses and lobes rounded.
Locule. A cavity, chamber, or cell within an ovary or fruit; also used to denote a pollen chamber in an
Laculicidal dehiscence. In a fruit, dehiscing longitudinally into the locule.
Lodicule. Small scales or protuberances, usually 2 and situated near the edges at the base of the lemma;
thought to be vestiges of the perianth.
Longitudinal dehiscence. Dehiscing along the long axis of a structure.
Lustrous. Glossy, shiny.
Main vein. See midrib; midvein.
Male. See staminate.
Margin. The border region of the side of a two-dimensional or plane structure.
Marginal placentation. With the placentae along the margin of a simple ovary.
Medial. Situated in the middle, as in the medial sepal of the Orchidaceae; upon or along the longitudi-
nal axis.
Membranous. Thin, more or less flexible, and translucent; like a membrane.
Mericmrp. A portion of a fruit that separates and functions at maturity as a fruit; a segrllent of a schizocarp;
usually 1-seeded, indehiscent, and often called a nutlet; not a fruit type but a fruit part.
Midrib. The central conducting and supporting structure (vein) of the blade of a simple leaf; often used
interchangeably with midvein.
Midvein. Central conducting and supporting structure (vein) of the leaflet blade; often used interchange-
ably with midrib.
Milky juice. Said of a plant when it possesses an opaque, white juice (latex), as in milkweeds (Asclepias).
Monadelphous. Stamens united into one group by fusion of their filaments, as in mallows (Malvaceae)
and some members of the pea family (Fabaceaej.
lVonil$orm. Constricted laterally and appearing like a string of beads.
Monoecious. Species with all flowers imperfect, staminate and pistillate flowers on same plant.
Mottled. A pattern in which the color is disposed in various irregular spaces.
Mucro. A short and sharp tip.
Mucronate. Terminated abruptly by a distinct and obvious short and sharp tip (mucro).
Multiple fruit. Fruit formed from the coalescence of the ovaries and accessory tissues of several flowers
borne on a common axis, as in mulberry, pineapple.
Naked. Lacking its usual covering, as flowers without a perianth, a bud without scales, a composite
receptacle without chaff.
Nectarij"erous. Nectar-bearing.
Nerve. Usually a simple or unbranched vein or slender rib.
~Veldter.Flowers without stamens or carpels, or sex organs abortive.
Ncjdding. Drooping.
Node. Region of stem from which leaves and branches arise.
Nude. Bare, naked, uncovered; in particular, an ovary position in which no perianth menlbers are pres-
ent with which to determine whether the ovary is superior or inferior.
Nut. Dry, I-seeded, indehiscent fruit derived from 1- to several-locular ovary, the pericarp usually hard
and boney, most derived from syncarpous (compound) oaary (carpels often abortive, thus fruit
appears unicarpellate), as in oaks and walnuts.
Nutlet. An ambiguous term used to describe small nuts and nutlike fruits. See nut.
Obcordate. Inversely cordate or heart-shaped.
Oblanceolate. A shape that is inversely lanceolate, in a leaf the petiole attached at the nanow end; wrth
widest axis above the middle and with margins symmetrically curved, the length to width
ratio more than 6: 1- 3: 1.
Oblique. Asymmetrical, the sides unequal, as in elm leaf bases; generally, having a slanting or sloping
direction or position.
Oblong. A shape with the widest axis at midpoint of structure and with margins essentially parallel.
Obovate. A shape that is inversely ovate, in a leaf the petiole attached at the narrov, end; with widest
axis above the middle and with margins symmetrically curved, the length to width ratio 2: 1-32.
Obovoid. Shape of solid figure that is inversely obovate with widest axis above the middle and with
margins symmetrically curved, the length to width ratio 2:l-32.
Obtuse. Base or apex with straight to convex margins forming a terminal angle more than 90".
Odd-pinnate (imparipinnate). A pinnately compound leaf with the apex ot rachis with a single leaflet.
0fj"shoot. A lateral shoot that is often a propagative stem.
Once-pinnate. A pinnately compound leaf with the blade dividzci i ~ n l yonce (one order of leaflets), the
leaflets arranged along the rachis.
Operculate. With a lid or cover produced by a transverse line of dehiscence, as in some fruits (e.g.,
rose moss) or anthers (e.g., blueberry).
Opposite, Two leaves per node, directly across from each other. Conmpare with ulrernate.
Orbicular. Flat with a circular outline.
Orientation. Arrangement of parts in relation to vertical angle of divergence from a central axis or
point, for example, spreading or ascending leaves.
Orifice. An opening.
Outline. A line described in the plane of vision by the outer boundary of any object or figure: when the
object or figure is lobed, the general outline cuts off half the lobes and fills in half the
Ovary. The swollen, basal, ovule-bearing part of a pistil; when mature becomes a fruit.
Ovate. A shape in which the widest axis is below the middle, the margins are symmetrically curved,
and the length to width ratio is mostly 2: 1 -3:2; egg-shaped.
Ovoid. Shape of solid figure with widest axis below the middle, margins symmetically curved, and the
length to width ratio mostly 2: 1 - 3 : 2 ; egg-shaped.
Ovule. The egg-containing unit of the ovary; the body that, after fertilization, becomes the seed,
Pale. See chafj".
Palea. The upper and inner of the 2 bracts that enclose a grass flower; it is usually enclosed by the
lower bract, the lemma.
Palmate. Lobed or divided or ribbed in a palmlike or handlike fashion, the lobes or divisions attached
or running down to one place at the base; common!> used to describe a compound leaf or
Palmately compound. A compound leaf in which the leaflets radiate from a common point at the end of
the petiole or axis.
Panicle. An elongate primary inflorescence with pedicellate flowers and the central axis branched; a
branched raceme.
Paniculate. Resembling a panicle; flowers or primary inflorescence (e.g ., heads) arranged in the f o m
of a panicle; often used to describe an inflorescence that is not a true panicle.
Papilla(-lae). Minute pimplelike or nipple-shaped protuberance(s).
Papillose. Bearing minute pimplelike protuberances.
Pappus. Peculiar modified outer psrianth series of composites. borne on the ovary and persisting in
fruit, being plumose, bnistlelike, scaly. or otherwise: generally accepted as a modified calyx.
P n ~ ~ j lr7~ncltton.
l~l Veins more or le\\ eyual in $ 1 dnci ~ exrend~ngfrom base to apex, es\entlally paral-
lel t o one anothct , a\ i n nnanj r?iront,cc,t\, \uch a\ 1111~s.
P ~ i r ~ l , t lPlant
r ~ . dcricirtg fijocil or m~ncralnutr~tlon,or- hoth, frft-onl another living organlrm (host).
Parietal plnc~~rztutrotz . Placentae on the wall crr inemding partitions of a compound isy ncarpous) , unilocular
ovary, a placentation type in which the ovules are borne on the walls within a compound
ovary, or on intrusions of the wall that form incomplete partitions or false septa within the
Pedicel. The stalk of I flower irt an inflorescenc~;in grasses, applted to stalk of a single spikelet.
Pedtc*ellate, With pediceI(s).
Pedurztle. Stalk of an inflorescence or of an ~ndividualflower when inllorescence consists of only a
so1ita1-y flo%er; in an lnflsrescence the peduncle begins below the first flower(s), above that
f'loiver the axns becomes the rachis.
Pendulous, Drooping, hanging downward,
Pererztziul. Living for 3 or more years or growing seasons. Compare with unnuul; biennial.
Pe$>ct (bisexual). With hoth stamens and carpels in the flower.
Periunlh. A cilPlective term for the calqx and corolla.
Pcric.cir/l, Fruit u all; mature, riperncd ovttry u all.
P e r l ~rzium.
l The saclike bract in the p~stlllate flower of \edges r Cy peraceact that completely surrounds
the ovary; i t is often inflated and almost or completely jolned at the edge\.
Persistent. Enduring; lasting past rnaturity without falling off.
Petal. One unit or member of the corolla; usually white or brightly colored.
Petaliferous. Bearing petals; sometimes used to mean petaloid.
Petaloid. Like a petal; resembling a petal in color and shape.
Petialnte. With a petiole.
Petiole. Leaf stalk: in a co~r~pound leaf, the petiole begins directly below the first leaflet(s), above that
the central axis is the rachis.
Pctiolul~rrc.With a petioiute.
Perinlrilc3. Stalk of a leaflet of a compound leal.
Pl?yllarj-!.(-ric.$). One of the ~nvolucraileaves or bract\ subtending a head, as in composites (Asteraceae).
Pi1o.w. With soft, shaggy trichomes.
Pinna(-nae). A primary division of a compound fern leaf; equivalent to leaflet.
Pinnately compound. Leaflets arranged on either side along a common axis (rachis). like a feather; may
be once-pinnate , twice-pinnate , thrice-pinnate .
Pinnatifid. Cut pinnately, like a feather; best used when a structure (e.g., a leaf] is lobed, cleft, parted,
or divided. not truly compound.
Pistil. A component of the gynoeciurn, typically consisting of stigma, style, and ovary and including
one or more distinct or fused carpels; when only 1 pistil is present, pistil and gynoeciurn are
synonymous; may be either simple or compound (which see).
Pistillate (carpellate or female). With only carpels in the flowers, stamens absent; may also be used for
inflorescence or plant sex (with pistillate flowers only).
Pitcher. Ventricose to tubular insecttvorous leaf, as in pitcherplants (Sarrucenra).
Plac.entcr(-tctc). A place or part in the ovary where ovtlles are attachccl.
Plcri~enfcrtictiz.The position or location of placentae relativc to the \epta or wall of the ovary; the arrange-
ment of c)vules withir, the (war).
P l u m a ~ e .Pubescent in a manner simulating a feather or plume, as the pappus of some composites
Pollen. The fine, powderlike grains or material produced in the anthers, containing the male element.
Poltinium(-nia). A coherent mass of pollen grains, as in orchids and milkweeds.
Polygamo-dioecious. Species predominately dioecious, but with some perfect flowers on staminate or
pistillate plants or both.
Position. Location or attachment of organs or parts with respect to other, dissimilar organs or major
Prinzuq. First in order of time or development; the main division of a structure, often the larger.
Primaqfruit. Unit or simple fruits that are derived from a single ovary within one flower; these pri-
mary fruits can group together to form aggregate or multiple fruits or can occur singly. See
aggregate fruit; multiple fruit; simple ,fruit.
Primaty inflorescence. Simple, distinctive, and relatively easily recognizable types of inflorescences,
such as cyme. head, raceme; secondary intlc~reccencesare crtn~pohedof 1 or more types or
orders of primary inflorescences.
Prolonged. Drawn out or lengthened.
Protuberance. A structure that protrudes: a projection; bulge; swelling.
Puberulerrt. Minutely pubescent, the hairs soft, straight, erect, scarcely visible to the unaided eye.
Pzlbescence. Hairiness. Compare with ~*estiture.
Pubesce~zt,Usually with straight, slender trichomes; often used as a general tern1 meaning hairy.
Pt.rr7ctate. With translucent or colored dots or deprecsictnc or pits.
O r a m i d ~ l Shaped
. like a pyramid.
Pyriform. Shaped like a pear.
Quadrangular, Having 4 angles that are usually right angles.
Raceme. An unbranched, elongate primary intlorescence with pedicellate flowers; typically indeterminate,
i.e., the lowermost flowers opening first.
Racenzelike. Resembling a raceme, but not a true raceme.
Racemqorm. Flowers or primary inflorescences (e.g., heads) arranged in the form of a raceme; not a
true raceme.
Rachilla. A small rachis, especially used for the axis of a grass or sedge spikelet-portion of axis above
the glumes and to which florets are attached.
Rachis. Main axis of a compound leaf or an inflorescence; an axis bearing leaflets or flowers or flower-
ing branches; begins above the first flower(s) or leafletis), below that becomes the peduncle or
petiole, respectively.
Rncliate. Said of a con~positehead with ray florets present on the peripheqi and disc florets on the rest
of the receptacle.
Ray (ligulate) flower. The strap-shaped flowers with a very short tube in composites, as distinguished
from disc flowers; most often occur on the periphery of a composite head but can compose
an entire head.
Receptacle (torus). The region at the end of a pedicel or flower axis to which other flower parts are
attached; usually is more or less enlarged or elongated; in an inflorescence, the expanded or
elongated (often greatly so) end of the peduncle or axis to which the flowers are attached, as
in the head of composites.
Recurved. Curved outward or downward.
Reduced. Decreased in size as compared to other similar parts or organs.
R<flcxed. Abruptly curved or bent downward or backward.
Renifomrn. Kidney-shaped.
Retic*ulc~te (netted) \~rr~atio~z.
Major and wcondary veins forming a network. c.g., venation in a maple
or an oak leaf.
Retrorse. Bent or directed downward, as the barbs on a pappus or hairs on a stem.
Revolute. Margin rolled in from the edges, toward the lower surface. Con~parewith involute.
Rhizome. An elongate, horizt?ntal, underground stem, usually with ciry or scaly and often minute leaves,
as in Iris.
Ribbed. With longitudinal nerves on the surface.
Ridged. With longitudinal ridges on the surface.
Ringent. Wide open, gaping.
Rootstock. A term applied to miscellaneuus types of underground stems or parts, usually used when
specific stem type is not knovvn.
Rnsctrr. An arrangernct-rt of leakes ~acfiatirlgfrom ri crt-iwn or center and usually at or close to the
gr-ound, as in cianctelion\.
Ro.stelllrm. A \mall beak; a slender extenkton of the median $tign-r;i that is generally \terile and lies
betuecn thc pollen-beilring mrirrer and the fertile \tignias on the under surface of the column,
as in orchids.
Rosulate. In the form of a rosette; especially used in reference to leaves, these clustering at or near the
base of the plant.
Rotate. Wheel-shaped; applied to a sympetalous corolla with a short tube and a flat and circular limb at
right angles to the tube.
Round. A shape with a circular outline; an apex or base in which the margins and apex form a smooth
Sagitrate. Base with sinus and a pair of pointed or rounded lobes that point downward or inward in
relation to petiole; like an arrowhead in form; often used for leaf shape also.
Samara. Dry, l-seeded, indehiscent, winged fruit derived from a syncarpous ovary; a winged achene,
as in elms, ashes; sornetimes confusingly used to describe the winged mericarps of a schizo-
carp, as in maples.
Scaberulous. Slightly rough, minutely scabrous.
Scabrous. Having a harsh surface; feeling rough to the touch.
Scale. A name given to many kinds of small, dry, thin leaves or bracts, often only vestigial, as in the
inflorescences of sedges, the buds of trees.
Scape. A naked flowering stem with or without a few scale Leaves, arising from an underground stem,
for exaxnple, the flowering stem of a tulip, daffodil, or grape hyacinth.
Scapose. With a solitary flower or inflorescence on a leafless peduncle or scape, usually arising from a
basal rosette of leaves.
Scarious. Applied to leaflike parts or bracts that are not green but thin, dry, membranaceous, and often
more or less translucent.
Schizocarp. Dry, indehiscent fruit derived from a syncarpous ovary, the fruit splitting into 1-seeded
segments or mericarps, as in parsley, mints, or maples.
Secondav. Not primary, subordinate; a branch of a many-branched axis; a structure that often develops
from a primary structure.
Seed. A mature, ripened ovule containing an embryo.
Sepal. One unit or member of the calyx; usually green and foliaceous.
Septicidal dehiscence. In a fruit, dehiscing (opening) longitudinally, and splitting the septa.
Series. A row or whorl.
Serrate. Saw-toothed; teeth coarse, sharp, and ascending and cut 1116- 118 distance to midrib or
midvein. See also doubly serrate.
Serrulate. Minutely serrate; teeth cut to 1/16 distance to midrib or midvein.
Sessile. Not stalked; as in sessile leaf, which lacks a petiole.
$eta(-tae). A bristle or bristle-shaped body.
Setaceous. Having setae or bristlelike hairs.
Shape. The outline of specific forms of plane or two- or three-dimensional structures.
Sheath. A tubular portion of a leaf surrounding the stem, as in grasses (Poaceae) and sedges (Cyperaceae).
Sheathing. Enclosing, as a sheath encloses a stem.
Showy. Making a conspicuous display; striking.
Shrub. Woody perennials, usually much branched and without a single trunk: in general usage shorter
than a tree. Compare with tree.
Simple fruit. Fruit derived from the ovary of a solitary pistil in a single flower.
Simple inflorescence. One that is not branched, as a spike or raceme.
Simple leaf. A leaf not divided into leaflets; blade not divided into discrete segments but may be cleft,
lobed, parted, divided, or dissected.
Simple pistil. A pistil of only one carpel, the resultant structure being unicarpellate and unilocular; in
this case, carpel, pistil, and gynoecium are synonymous .
Sinus. The space or recess between 2 lobes or divisions of a leaf or other expanded organ.
Smooth. Surfaces devoid of vestiture, other epidermal outgrowths, or configuration.
Solitary. Borne singly or alone; usually used in sense of an "inflorescence" being 1-flowered, the flower
borne either at the apex of the flowering stalk or in the axil of a leaf and supported by a
peduncle, pedicel absent.
Sorust-ri). In ferns, a cluster s f spore cases, or sporangia (which contain the spores), usually on the
undersides of the leaves; when young appear as tiny, greenish. round or elongate spots, with
maturity rum brown.
Spilt/tulnte (sgahulate). Spoon-shaped; oblong or obovate apically with long attenuate base.
Spike. Elongate, usually indeteminate, unbranched inflorescence with sessile flowers.
Spiral. Arranged as though wound around an axis, as a spring.
Spomngiam(-gia). A spore case; a sac or body bearing spores; in many ferns it is composed of a stalk,
a capsule, and an annulus.
Spore. A simple reproductive body, usually composed of a single detached cell, containing a nucleated
mass of protoplasrn (but no embryo) and capable of developing into a new individual after
being released; used particularly in reference to pteridophytes and lower plants.
Spreadirzg. In orientation. standing out-ard or horizontally nearly at right angles from vertical axis or
plane; when used in stem habits, trailing or lying flat upon the ground.
Spur shoot. A very short, compact branch with little or no internodal development, usually bearing
flowers and fruits, as in cherries or apples, or leaves. as in Ginkgo.
Spurred. With a tubular, saclike, or pointed projection from a flower. as from a petal or sepal, as in
columbines; usually contains a nectar-secreting gland.
Squarrose. Sharply curved downward or outward at the tip.
Stalk. An elongate supportive structure (the "stem") of a plant part or organ, e.g., the petiole, peduncle,
pedicel, filament.
Stamen, A unit of the androeciutn typically composed of anther and filament, sometimes reduced to
only an anther; a reproductive organ, specifically the polien-producing part of the flower.
Stamina1 column. See column.
Staminate (male). With only stamens in the flower, carpels absent; may also be used for inflorescence
or plant sex (with staminate flowers only).
Staminodiurn(-dia). A sterile stamen, or a structure resembling such, borne in the stamina1 part of the
flower; may be modified into a nectary or petaloid and showy structure, as in canna lily
Stellate. Starlike; stellate hairs have radiating branches, or when falsely stellate, are separate hairs
aggregated into starlike clusters.
Stem. See cauline.
Sterile. Barren; lacking functional sex organs; in grasses, composites, and other groups used for stami-
nate or neuter flowers; said of a leaf without reproductive organs; area of tissue upon which
pollen will not germinate; nonfunctional, as a sterile stigma; incapable of producing pollen,
as a sterile anther.
Stigma. The pollen-receiving portion of the pistil, usually at the apex of the style.
Stipitcite. Borne on a stipe or short stalk.
Stipulate. With stipule(s).
Stipule. Basal, often leaflike appendage of a petiole; often paired; may be modified into spines or
Stolon (runner). An indeterminate, elongate, aboveground propagative stem bearing long internodes and
rooting at the tip to form new plants, as in strawberries.
Stoloitiferous. With stolons.
Stone (pit, pyrene). A seed enclosed by a bony endocarp, usually in a drupe, as the pit in a cherry or
plum; sometimes referred to as the nutlet of a drupe.
Stramineous. Straw-colored or strawlike.
Striate. With fine longitudinal lines, channels, ridges, or nerves.
Style. The elongate, necklike, nonovule-bearing portion of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma.
Sub-, A prefix usually signifying somewhat, slightly, rather, or almost.
Subequal. Almost equal in length, size, or number.
Subglobose. Almost globosc. See also globose.
Subopposite. Almost opposite, not quite directly across from each other.
Suborhicular. Almost orbicular in shape.
Subscapose. Alnlost scapose, flowering stem usually with a few leaves.
Subtend. To stand below and close to, as a bract below a flower or a leaf below a bud.
Subterete. Almost circular in cross section. See also terete.
Subulate. Awl-shaped; with a fine, sharp point; a solid shape with 3 sides and 3 angles (triangular) and
with a length to width ratio more than 12: 1 .
Suflruticose (suffrutescent). Pertaining to a low and somewhat woody plant, usually woody at base with
herbaceous shoots apically.
Sulcate. Grooved or furrowed lengthwise.
Summit. The highest point or part; the top.
Slyc'rior. Said of one organ when pct\itioned above another; particularly used with superior ovary, an ovary with
other floral part\ attached below the ovary. which is free from all other floral parts.
Surface. Features derived from epidermal outgrowths or excrescences, exclusive of trichome cover types.
Symmetrj. A character defined as the correspondence or proportion of parts with respect to size, form,
and arrangement on opposite sides of a plane, line, or point.
Syncarpous. A multicarpellate gynoeciu~nwith fused carpels.
Syngelzesious. Said of stamens fused by their anthers to form a cylinder about the style, as in compos-
ites ( Asteraceae).
Tepal. A unit or member of a perianth, when the perianth is not obviously differentiated into a distinct
calyx and corolla, as in tulip.
Terete. Circular in transverse or cross section; imperfectly cylindrical because the object may taper one
or both ways.
Terminal (apical). At the tip, apical, or distal end.
Terminal bud. A bud at the apex or end of stem.
7t')-fzat~'j\~ ~ i f ~ ~ pLeaflets ~ ~ . palmately compound with 3 leaflets; the terms biternate and
o ~ ~ ii r zl threes:
triternatz tire used tct denote leaves with second and third orders of ternate leaflets.
Terrestrial. Growing in the soil, as distinguished from those growing in the water or other habitats.
Tetrczhedrui. Four-sided, as a h i d e d pyramid and its base.
Three-mnked (3-ranked). In 3 vertical rows.
Thrice-pinnate. A compound leaf with the blade divided thrice; with three orders of leaflets, each order
pinnate1y compound.
T/zroczt. The opening or orifice into a gamopetalous corolla or perianth; an open, expanded tube in the
corolla or perianth; also used for opening of a leaf sheath.
Thyrse. Secondary inflorescence type - a many-flowered inflorescence with opposite lateral cymes or
compound cymes and often with an indeterminate central axis; frequently confused with panicle.
TJ~yrsoid.Flowers or primary inflorescences (e.g., heads) arranged in the form of a thyrse; not a true
th yrse.
Tornentose. Covered with dense, interwoven trichomes.
Tornentum. A densely matted pubescence.
Tooth (teeth). A small, pointed marginal lobe, most often used in reference to leaf margins.
Transverse. Dehiscing at right angles to the long axis; situated or lying across; crosswise.
Tree. Woody perennials, usually with a single main truck; in general usage taller than shrubs. Compare
with shrub.
Trichome. A hairlike outgrowth of the epidermis; can be simple- to many-celled, stellate, and many
other forms; composes the hairy cover (vestiture) on a leaf or other surface of a plant.
Trifld, Cut or divided into 3 lobes or parts.
fiifofiate. Three-leaved..
Truncate. Appearing as i f cut straight across; ending abruptly almost at right angles to midrib or midvein;
usually pertaining to apex or base.
Tube. The cylindrical part of the corolla, calyx, or perianth that results from fusion of the petals,
sepals. or perianth parts.
Trnberous root. Fleshy roots resembling stem tubers, e.g., a sweet potato.
Tubular. Cylindrical.
Trlfi~ca'(cespitose). Much-branched plant forming a cushlon, tuft, or clump.
Tztrbinate. Top-~haped;inversely conical (shaped like a cone).
Twice-pirznute. ikcompound leaf with the blade divided twice - with two orders of leaflets, each order
pinnately compound.
Twig. The shoot of a woody plant representing the growth of the current season and terminated basally
by bud scale scars; incorrectly used as a young woody stem.
T\t9irzin,q.Twisted around a central axis, as in many vines
Tll*or ~ r r ~ k(2-ranked).
~d In 2 vertical rows.
Lirt~b~I, 5-orvound. A branched or second-order umbel; secondary umbels (umbellets) arranged in umbellike
fashion; an umbel with primary rays (branches) arising from a common point with a secondary
umbel rather than a flower terminating the rays.
LJmhei, si~n~v/r. An unbranched, deteminate or indeterminate, flat-topped or convex inflorescence with
pedicellate Glower?, the pedicels arising or appearng to originate from a common point at the
apex of the peduncle, as in members of parsley or carrot family (Apiaceae).
U~zarmed.Without any armature, such as thorns. spines, prickles, barbs.
L:rzequcri. Not equal in length, size. shape, or number.
Cin$olinte. One-leaved.
Unise--4~z~aE. See imp6' f f'ect.
Urcr~nliifr.Urn-\haped. as corolla in many heaths, such as blueberries.
illtrirlr 1% dry, unilocrtlar, bladdery or inflated, I-seeded fruit derived from a compound (syncarpous)
ovary, 3'. in amaranths or pigweeds; a bladdery compound achene.
Vahte. One of the pieces of a fruit after dehiscence, commonly used to describe the portions of the
ovary that separate after dehiscence, as in capsules of the morning glory (Ipomoea).
Variegated. The color disposed in various irregular, sinuous spaces.
Vascular trace, A mark indicating former place of attachment within the leaf scar of the vascular
bundle (vein).
Vein. Prominent line or ridge on surface of a leaf blade; the vein conducts food and water and provides
Veialet. A small vein; the ultimate division of a vein.
Ventral. See adaxial.
Versatile. Anther attached dorsally and medially to apex of filament, but anther seemingly swinging free
on the filament.
Vestiture (jndument). The type of trichome or hairy cover on a leaf or other surface of a plant.
ViEloz4s (villose). Shaggy vestiture; trichomes long. soft, crooked but not matted.
Vine. Plants with elongate, non-self-supporting stems; can be herbaceous, woody, annual, perennial.
Whorl. With 3 or more similar structures arranged in a circle around a common axis; most often used
with sepals, petals, stamens, or carpels.
Width. The measurement of the extent of something from side to side; usually done at its widest point.
Wing. Any thin, dry or membranous expansion attached to an organ (on a woody stem or branch the
wing is woody); said of a petiole with flattened, bladelike margins.
Winged. With a wing.
Wiry. Like a wire; slender but tough.
Woodj. Persistent, hard or lignified stems, usually with considerable secondary growth.
Zygornorphic (bilateral). Floral parts within a whorl so disposed that the structure can be divided into
two symmetrical halves along only one plane; with inequality in the size, form, or union of
similar parts in a whorl. Compare with actinornorphic; irregular.

AcomciLs~lis rcicliatcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 CAREX PlENEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Agrostis lxeterctlc>pis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 86 Ccireer alholuteLsc.eiz.svar . syrcir i.v7oru . . . . . . . 36
Arrrlicr nrrclic*nuli.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 CAREX BILTMOREANA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Aruliu yuitzytiefo ficr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Curex Joerxeer var . aettrcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Arethustr inc>clt~oloide.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 14 Ccrre.~foenr7cr var . perp1e.u~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
A.spleniiim crrc-ztatzrm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Carex fi>c.rzea var . s l?crrs!'flor:r. . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Asplenium hr7rtolonii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 s c7ri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
C u r ~.frcr.s hlcrndzrlum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Carex f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Asplei-ri~tmdente.~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Carex inc-urva var . tniseru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Asplenium guleotti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Curex junceu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
A.splcniirtn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ccrra lagopus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
A.s~~lc.~zitimIeptophyllum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Cares Ia,x rjlora var . purpurijera . . . . . . . . . . 48
A~plerziuinmrizriesii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Carex rnaritirnu var . mi.ser.u . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Aspletxiurn motzunthernum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Carex melanocystis var . rniseru . . . . . . . . . . 44
ASPLENIUM MONANTHES . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 CAREX MISERA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Asl?leizium po1ymeri.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 CAREX PURPURIFERA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Aspleniztm polyphyllum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Carex prcrtic~olci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Aspleni~imtric.homuixe.s var . k~iridi.s.simirtn . . . . 8 Carex rugeliatzu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Aspletxirtrn viricr'issimum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Carex stramiizecr var . minor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Aster spithcrtncreiis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Carex tenc~rcrf . erectu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Astilbe hitc~rnnta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Carex tetnnicu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Astilbe biternatcz var . crerzatiloba . . . . . . . . . 12 Cirnicifugu arnericcrna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
ASTILBE CRENATILOBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Cimicijuga c*ordijolia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Astilbe c-rencrtilobutcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Cimicijuga mcemoscr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Astilbe decandm var . crenatiloba . . . . . . . . . 12 Cirniciflrgcr rcrcenzoscr var . cordifolicr . . . . . . .52
Avena mo1li.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 CIMICIFUGA RUBIFOLIA . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Clenzcrtis cilhicoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Betula alba var . cordifolia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Clematis c-ocrc-tilis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Betulu crlba ssp . papyrijercr var . corclifolia . . . 16 C1emati.s .fi-ernoiztii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Betula allegheniensis X B . pumila . . . . . . . . 20 Clemntis ochro1cuc.a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
BETULA CORDIFOLIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 CLEMATIS VITICAULIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Betula ditis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Comcrndru urnbellatex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Betula divergens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 COREOPSIS LATIFOLIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Betula x jackii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cronopus tripitits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Betula lentu x B . purnila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CYMOPHYLLUS FRASERI . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Betztla lenta var . uber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Betula l~iteu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Dulibcrrda c-ordutcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Betula Ezrtea x B . pumila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 DALIBARDA REPENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Betulu izigra var . uber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dalibardcr violc~eoicfe~s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Betula papyrucea var . c*ordifolicr. . . . . . . . . . 16 Deyeuxicr porteri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Betula papyrifera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Diphryll~trnc.ordutum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Betula pupvrifera var . c.ordfo1iu . . . . . . . . . . 16 Distomcren c-orcl~itu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Betzrlet pumilu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Betula x puipirsii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ERIOCAULON LINEARE . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
BETULA UBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Eriocaulou lirzecrrr var . gigns . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Bifoli~trncordatirm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Erioc.auloiz sc~ptcriz~gulctr~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
B o p a di.stic.hophyllu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24't?.sc7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
BUCKI, EYA DISTICHOPHYLLA . . . . . . . . 24
GEUM GENICULATUM . . . . . . . . . . .78. 82
CACALIA RIJGELIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Geutn gc~nic.ulcrturnvar . rncrc*reciizrrm . . . . . . .78
Caculiu suaveo1c.n~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Geum peckii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
CAIAMAGROSTIS PORTER1 . . . . . . . . . . 32 CEUM RADIATUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78. 82
Car-ex ucoustcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Geurn r i ~ ~ z l .e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Cure .r ucfjusrcz var . spczrszzora . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Ginseng y~~iizyuefi7liutn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
GLYCERIA NUBIGENA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
GRAMMITIS NlhlBATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

HELONIAS BULLATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Helorziu r Icrt folier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
I f elonins sc.crpigeru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Ifeloniirs stricrtu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94
HEXASTY LIS CONTRACTA . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Ifucisonicr eric*oid~s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Hudsonia ericoide.~ssp . morztur-lcr . . . . . . . . 102
HUDSONIA MONTANA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
H~ei.rc)tziafor~entosu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Punu.~americcrnzim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Punczx umericcrnilm var . elcrtlrm . . . . . . . . . . 142
H y ~ l r i z ~rrifolicr
ti~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Pancrr am~ricanuizzvar . obc~vatunz . . . . . . . 142
Hydrt~hyllumktrrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Pancix obovutuizz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
ILIAMNA CORE1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 PANAX QUINQUEFOLIUM . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Zliarnizu remota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 Panux quirzq~lefoliz(rnvar . americanum . . . . 142
Iliamna remoter var . cborei . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 Punux yuinyzlclfolium var . cuizeatum . . . . . . 142
Ilj.sunthes refrac-ta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Panax quinyuefoliii var . obo~atum . . . . . . 142
Ilysantlzes rclfractu var . saxic.01-l . . . . . . . . . 132 Parzax trifoli~lm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Ilysanthes sczxic.ola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Parageum radiutu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Isotricr ezjfinis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 14 Phymosia retnota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
ISOTRIA MEDEOLOIDES . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Pogonia cifliizis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Isotria ~~erticillata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 14 Pogoniu r. erticillrtcr var . mecieoloides . . . . . 114
Pollinirhizu cordutu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Juncus morzanthos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Polj~odiumrzimbcrturn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
JUNCUS TRIFIDLIS SSP . CAROLINIANUS . 120 Preizanthc~snlji.s.rimcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Juncus tr$idus ssp . monirnlhos . . . . . . . . . . 120 Prerzanthes cylinciricu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Jurzcus trifidus var . monanthos . . . . . . . . . . 120 Prenanthes c.ylindric~us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
PRENANTHES ROANENSIS . . . . . . . . . . 148
Prenanthes serpentaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Pyrulnria pubera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Lacinaria helleri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Rhodiola roanensis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

Lurniurn hispidulum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Rhodiolu rosecr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Leioclorz IatiJolium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Rubus dalibcrrdcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
LIATRIS HELLERI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Rubus repens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Lilium ennudense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Rugeliu nrrdicaulus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
LILIUM GRAY1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Rupestrirza puhesc.eizs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Liliirm michiganensc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Linclernia monticolcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 SACITTARIA FASCIGULATA . . . . . . . . . 152
LINDERNIA SAXICOLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Sagittarin grumineu var . mac.rocarpa . . . . . 152
Listera uustrulis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Sagittariu mac*roccrrpa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
LISTERA GORDATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 SARRACENIA JONESII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Listercr corderfer var . c.hlorczrzthcr . . . . . . . . . 1 36 Surracerzicr rubrcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Listera c.orclcltir f . ciisjunc'ta . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Scrrrac.enin rubrcr f . ~orzesii. . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Lisfercl c*orcictfcrvar . ~jcrfloniccr . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Sarrcic-enia rubrcr ssp . jonesii . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Listercz c.orcicztcr ssp . ~~cyhrc?ph~llii . . . . . . . . 1 36 SAXIFRAGA CAREYANA . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Listerei c.orclirtcr var . n c ~ l t h r - .1 . . . . . . . 136 Sa-rifiuger c-arcycrnu var . c*arolirzicznu . . . . . . 166
Listercr neplzrophyllcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 36 SAXIFRAGA CAROLINIANA . . . . . . 16 1 . 166
Listera smc~llii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Scr.rifraga grc~clrzcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Su.rifrcrga mic.hczt(.~ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161, 166
Susifraga micrunthidifolicr . . . . . . . . . . 16 1 , 166
Saxifragcr tennesseensis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Suxifl-aga i,irgirziensis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Seclidm rhocliolu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Sedzim roanense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 SPOROBOLUS HETEROLEPIS . . . . . . . . . 186
SEDUM ROSEA VAR . ROANENSE . . . . . 170 Sporobolus junceus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Sedurn roseum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Synandra grandflora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Sedum telephioides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 70 SYNANDRA HISPIDULA . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Sedum telephirim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Senecio anonymus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Torre~ugrarzdiflorcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Senecio glabellus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 nisetum molle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Senecio memmingeri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Triset~imspit-arum var . mic.haz,uii . . . . . . . . 194
SENECIO MILLEFOLIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Trisetum spicaturn ssp . molle . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Senecio millefolium var . memmirzgeri . . . . . . 174 TRISETUM SPICATUM VAR . MOLL, E . . . 194
Senecsio rugelia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Trisetum subspic.utun? var . molle . . . . . . . . . 194
Shentioodiu galacifalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Trisetum trzyorum ssp . molle . . . . . . . . . . . 194
SHORTIA GALACIFOLIA . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Shortia galacifolia var . brevistvla . . . . . . . . 178
Sieversia rrzdiatu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Vilfa heterolepis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Solidago nitida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Solidago rigida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Wuraera chanudensis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
SOLIDAGO SPITHAMAEA . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Warnera diphy lla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Sphaeralcea remota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 Warnera tinctoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
American ginseng . Pcrrzci-x-~ijuinyuefoliurrt . . 142 Garentoquere --- Panas yuinyuc~folium. . . . . 142
Appalachian avens . Germ rudiarun? . . . . . . 83 Gensang -- Pnnau yuirzyuc~folium. . . . . . . . 142
Appalachian bugbane . Ciri~icf~iga rubifijlia . . 52 Ginseng . Puna.~yuitzyuefoliunz . . . . . . . . 142
Ashe birch . Betulcz uber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Golden-eye saxifrage -SaEuifrc~gac.areyuncr . . 160
Ashe's birch . Betulcl uher . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Goldenroot -- Hydr~zstisccrrzadrtzsi.~. . . . . . 106
Golden seal -- Hydt-(z~tise~rnudeizsi~ . . . . . . 106
Bell-lily . Liliikm gt-uyi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Grantogen -- Paizux yuiizyuef(~1ianz. . . . . . . 142
Bent avens . I; grnic~rlcrtiirn. . . . . . . . . 78 Grape leather-flower . Clematis ~'itic.cruli.r. . 58
Biltmore sedge . Ccrrex hiltmorennn . . . . . .40 Gray's lily --- liliutzz grcryi . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Blue ginseng --- Puttu-u tjuitzyucfolium . . . . . 142 Gray's saxifrage . Sc1.u rlfrcrgcr c*aroli~-2iczna. . 166
Blue-ridge goldenrod-Solickgo spithumcrcu . . 1 82 Green five-leaved Orchid . lsotricz
Bog-bugles -- Surrrrcc.nicx jotzesii . . . . . . . . 156 mrdeoloides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Broadleaf coreopsis --- Coreclpsis Itrtifilia . . . 62 Ground-raspberry . Hycirastis c~trrzct~ieizsi.s. . 106
Broad-leaved tickseed . Coreopsi.~lcrtifolia . . 62 Guyandotte beauty . Synaizclrrr hispictulcr . . 190
Bronzy sedge - care.^ aeizea . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Gyandotte beauty . Syrzaizdra hispiclula . . . 190
Buckleya . Buckleycr disticizophyllr . . . . . . . 24
Bugle-grass - Sarracenia jonesii . . . . . . . . 1 56 Heart-leaved listera -- Listera corclntct . . . . . 136
Bunched arrowhead . . 152 Heart-leaved paper birch . Betula c*or-difrlicr . . 16
Buttercups - Surrac.enicr jonesii . . . . . . . . . 156 Heart-leaved twayblade . Listera c-orduta . . 136
Button-snakeroots - Liatris helleri . . . . . . . 124 Heller's blazing star --- Liatris helleri . . . . . 124
Heller's gayfeather . Liatris helleri . . . . . . 124
Carey saxifrage --- Saxifmga careyarza . . . . 160 Highland rush . Juncus trifidus ssp .
Carolina saxifrage . Saxifraga carolinianrz . . 166 carolinianus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Clustered arrowhead . . . 152
S~gittaria~fu~~cic~ilc~ta Hsi-yang-shen --- Panax quiizyuefolium . . . . 142
Core's globe mallow . Ilicrnzma corei . . . . 1 10 Hua-ch'i-shen . Panax quinquefoliurn . . . . 142
Hyams sparkling shortia-Shortia galac-ifilic~. . 178
Dalibarda . Dalibtrrclu repeizs . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Dew-drop . Dulibardu repens . . . . . . . . . . 70 Iliamna -- Iliurnrza corei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Divided-leaf groundsel -Senecio rnillefoliurn . . 174 Indian-dye -- Hydrastis canaclensis . . . . . . . 106
Divided-leaf ragwort . Senecicr millefc~lium . . 174 Indian dye . Hydrastis canadeizsi.~. . . . . . . 106
Divided-leaf squaw-weed . Senecaio Indian-iceroot . Hydrastis canucletzsis . . . . 106
millefolium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Indian paint . Hydrastis canadensis . . . . . . 106
Double-leaf -Listera cordata . . . . . . . . . . 1 36 Indian plant . Hydrastis canadensis . . . . . . I06
Dumb-watches -- Sarracenia jonesii . . . . . . 156 Indian-turmeric . Hydrastis canadensis . . . 106
Dwarf groundnut -- Punax quinquefnlium . . . 142
Dwarf polypody fern . Grammitis nimbata . . 90 Jaundice root . Hydrastis canadensis . . . . . 106
Dwarf-saxifrage . Saxifraga curoliniana . . 166 Jinshard -- Panax quiizquefolium . . . . . . . . 142

Eve's cups . Surraceniu jonesii . . . . . . . . 156 Kearney's bugbane . Cimicifuga rubifolia . .52
Eye-balm . H~drctstiscanadensis . . . . . . . 106 Kurnu kumu . Asplenium monaizthes . . . . . . .8
Eyebright . Hydrastis canadensis . . . . . . . 106
Eyeroot -- Hydrastis c.aizadensis . . . . . . . . . 106 Leather flower . Clematis r7itic.uuli.s . . . . . . 58
Lesser Twayblade - Listerel corckttu . . . . . 136
Fairy frill . lsotria medeoloides . . . . . . . . 1 1 4 Lily-leaf sedge - Cymoph~llusfmseri . . . . . 66
False-heather -- Hudsotzia rnontanu . . . . . . 102 Linear pipewort - Erioc.aulorz lineure . . . . . 74
False pimpernel --- Lincierizia sa7uic*ola. . . . . 132 Little five-leaves - Isotria medeoloi(k.\ . . . 114
False violet --- Dalibtrrcia repens . . . . . . . . . 70 Little whorl-crest - Isotria mec.leo1oide.s . . . 114
Feather-trees . .
Astilbc crenutiloha . . . . . . , 12
FernaId's hay sedge . Carex aenea . . . . . . . 36 Manroot --- Panax quinquefolium . . . . . . . . 142
Five fingers . Patzax quinyuefirliun? . . . . . . 142 Man's health -- Ptznax yuinyuqfcrlium . . . . . 142
Fraser's carex --- Cymoph~llusfraseri . . . . . . 66 Monosorialspleenwort-Aspleiziurn morlcrt~tizes. . 8
Fraser's sedge -.-Cymopizyllus.fraseri . . . . . . 66 Mountain beachheather-Hud.rotzi~~moizt(1na . . 102
Frog-bonnets --- Sarraceizia jonesii . . . . . . . 156 Mountain golden heather . Hudsonia
tnoiztcrizn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.
. . . . . . 142
Garantogen -- Panax yuinyuc~fi)ii~~rn Mountain heart leaf . . 98
Mountait-t hudsonia . Htid~oizietr ~ z ~ i z t ~ z.t.~102
n Small whorled crest-lip . Isotrici meeledoides . . 1 14
Mountain lettuce.. Scr-rifragcr i-eirofinicrncr . . 1ti6 Small whorled pogonia . Isotric~medeoloiries . . 1 14
Mountain paper b~rch-- Bc~tultrc.orclififi,lin. . . 16 Smaller whorled pogonia . lsotria
Mountain pitcherplant . jorzesii . . 156
Scrrr~ic.c~izici medeoloides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Smoky Mountains mannagrass . Glyc3eria
Nanow pipewort -- Erioc-crulorr lirzoare . . . . . 74 nubigena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Ninsin --- Puncix yuitzyuqfi>iium . . . . . . . . . 142 Snowdon rose . Sectl-lmroseu var, roanense . . 170
Northern dropseed . Sporobo/lrs hetcrnlc2pis . . 186 Soft spike trisetum . Triscturrz spicatuvlz var .
rnolle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Oconee-bells -- Sharticr
. gc~lcrc~ifoficz . . . . . . . 178 Soft trisetum . Trisetzim spicatl-lmvar . rrzc~lle . . 194
Ohio cucunsa . .Hydrcrstis . . . . . 106 Southern heartleaf . H e . ~ ~ i s ~c*ontrrrc.tu
lis . . . 98
One-flower coltsfoot - Shortiu gitlclc.{fijliu . . 178 Spreading avens . Geiim radiutum . . . . . . '82
One-flowered rush - Juncus trifidus ssp . Star-violet . Dciliburda repens . . . . . . . . . - 7 0
caroliniarzi~s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Star-violet dalibarda . Datiburckm repens . . -70
Orange-bell lily - Lrliurrz grayi . . . . . . . . . 128 Stud flower . Helonias brcllata . . . . . . . . . - 9 4
Orange-root . . . . . 1 06 S wamp-pink --- Helonius bzcllatu . . . . . . . . . 94
Swamp robin -- Dulibarclu repens . . . . . . . 70
Peter's-nlountain mallow . lliamrzu cor'i . . 1 10 Sweet pitcher plant . Sarrac-enia jonesii . . . 156
Piedmont ragwort -- Senecio millqfoliurn . . . 174 Synandra -- Synandru hispiciulu . . . . . . . . . 190
Piedmont rattlesnake-root . Prerzarzthes
roelnensis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Tartar root . Panux yuinyliefolium . . . . . . 142
Piratebush -- Bucklqu di.stichophylla . . . . . . 24 Three-leaved rush . Juncus trlfidus ssp .
Pitcherplants . Surracenia jonesii . . . . . . . 156 c-arolinianus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Porter's reed bent . Calavlzagrostis porteri . . 32 Trifling polypody . Grammitis nimbuta . . . . 90
Porter's reed grass . Calcrm~gro~stis porteri . . 32 Trumpets -- Sarracenia jonesiz . . . . . . . . . 156
Prairie dropseed . Sporobolus heterolepis . . 186 Turmeric -- Hycirustis cunudensis . . . . . . . . 106
Purple orpine rosewort . Seclum rosea var . Turmeric-root -- Hycircrsri,, ccmc~riensis . . . . 106
rounense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Tway blade . Listcru c.circirtci . . . . . . . . . . 136
Purple sedge -- Carex purpurzferu . . . . . . . . 48
Scirrcrc*erricr~jclnesii. . 156
Upland red pitcher-plant.
Rattlesnake-masters . Liatris hellvri . . . . . 124
Redberry . Pczrzu.~quincjuefolium . . . . . . . . 142 Virginia birch --- Betula irber . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Red pitcherplant . Sarraceniu jonesii . . . . . 156 Virginia little-leaved birch - Betula uber . . . 20
Roan astilbe --- Astilbe c=rencitiloba. . . . . . . . 12 Virginia round-leaf birch.. Betulu uber . . . - 2 0
Roan false goat's-beard-Astilbe crenatiloba . . 12
Roan lily . Lilium grayi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Watches --- Sarrace/zia jonesii . . . . . . . . . . 156
Roan rattlesnakeroot- Prenanthes roanensis . . 148 White lettuce -- Prenarzthes roanensis . . . . . 148
Robin-runaway --- Dafibarclcr repens . . . . . . . 70 Wild ginseng --- PanciIx yuinquclfblir~m. . . . . 142
Rock false pinnpernel . Linderiziu s uxic~olcz . . 132 Wild ginsing --- Puitux yuiizyuqfi~liurn . . . . . 142
Roseroot -- Sedurn rosecr var . r-ounense . . . . 170 Wild turmeric . Hydrcrstis canaciensis . . . . 106
Round-leaf birch . . Berulc~uber . . . . . . . . . . 20 Winter-well . Cacalicr rugelia . . . . . . . . . . 28
Rugel's groundsel -- C a c ~ ~ l rugelia
iu . . . . . . 28 Wretched sedge . Carc.u misercr . . . . . . . . . 44
Rugel's ragwost --- Cacalia rugelia . . . . . . '28
Yarrow-leaved ragwort-Senecio millqfi.lium . . 174
Yellow eye - Hydrastis canaderzsis . . . . . . 106
San Felasco spleenwort-A,$ j~leiti~~r?~r~~orzcrnthe.~. .8 Yellow eyewright . Hyc1ra~ti.scanadensis . . 106
Sang - Panel-r yicinyut~fi>lium . . . . . . . . . . 142 Yellow Indian paint . Hytir~a.stise*anudensis . . 106
Scurvy grass . Sediirrz rosea var . . . 170 Yellow paintroot . f-lvdrastis canaden.sis . . 106
Shortia .. Shortia guluc.!folia . . . . . . . . . . . 1 78 Yellow puccoon . Hycli-ustis curzadensi.~. . . 106
Single-sorusspleenwort-Asplerzium tnoncznttze.~. . 8 Yellow root -- Hjdra.sri.s c*anaclensi.s. . . . . . 106
Skunk goldenrod - Solickgo spithnmuea . . 182 Yellowwort - Hjdrustis c.eznncierzsis . . . . . . 106
Massey, J . R . ;Otte, D.K. S .; Atkinson, T. A. ;Whetstone, Massey, J. R.; Otte, D.K.S.; Atkinson, T. A.; Whetstone,
R. D. R. D.
An atlas and illustrated guide to the threatened and An atlas and illustrated guide to the threatened and
endangered vascular plants of the mountains of North endangered vascular plants of the mountains of North
Carolina and Virginia. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-20. Asheville, Carolina and Virginia. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-20. Asheville,
NC: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Southeastern Forest Experiment Station; 1983. 2 1 8 p. Southeastern Forest Experiment Station; 1983. 2 18 p.

Provides detailed description and illustration of 45 spe- Provides detailed description and illustration of 45 spe-
cies of endangered vascular plants to assist public and cies of endangered vascular plants to assist public and
private efforts to protect and to conserve them. Range private efforts to protect and to conserve them. Range
maps indicate the location of each species and additional maps indicate the location of each species and additional
sources of information are also given for each species. sources of information are also given for each species.

Keywords: Natural habitats, conservation, herbaria. Keywords: Natural habitats, conservation, herbaria
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