ABI1002IPB02 - F.DOCX Ipb - Descripción de Revisiones de Software / Software Revision Description
ABI1002IPB02 - F.DOCX Ipb - Descripción de Revisiones de Software / Software Revision Description
ABI1002IPB02 - F.DOCX Ipb - Descripción de Revisiones de Software / Software Revision Description
Display now starts with screen off to avoid blinking at starting on mornings or ending at night
Graphics are scalable now in X axis in power graph and in Y axis in Energy graph
An error in day energy graph is fixed. The error affects to the end hour calculation.
Error in daily production is fixed. The graphic was not correct when the production passes 8 hours.
Digital input and backup mode are created but aren’t available yet.
Self consumption changed. In ESPAÑA country there is no possibility to change Power set point neither to
revert self consumption if selected.
Exit from FW update screen wasn’t refreshed always so sometimes couldn’t exit from processing.
Solved problem using SD card. Sometimes a reset could happen if previously a reset command was sent.
The V/F Settings and the Connection Waiting Time Settings are shown in the ”Inverter Data” menu.
Here we can see the correspondence between the monitored data on the screen and those indicated in
2016-2-03 16:05
Ajustes V/F
VacH2 ----V
VacH1 253V Protección contra sobretensiones breves V>>
VacL1 176V Protección contra caídas de tensión V<
VacL2 ----V
2016-2-03 16:05
Ajustes V/F
FacH2 ----Hz
Protección contra subidas de la frecuencia F>
FacH1 51.50Hz
FacL1 47.50Hz Protección contra caída de la frecuencia F<
FacL2 ----Hz
2016-2-03 16:05
Ajustes V/F
T.VacH2 100ms
T.VacH1 100ms Tiempo Protección contra sobretensiones breves V>>
T.VacL1 100ms Tiempo Protección contra caídas de tensión V<
T.VacL2 100ms
2016-2-03 16:05
Ajustes V/F
T.FacH2 100ms
T.FacH1 100ms Tiempo. Protección contra subidas de la frecuencia F>
T.FacL1 100ms Tiempo. Protección contra caída de la frecuencia F<
T.FacL2 100ms
2016-2-03 16:05
Ajustes V/F
Modo Habilitado
VacAvg 242V Protección contra sobretensiones (media 10-minutos) V>
2016-2-03 16:05
Ajustes V/F
Modo Habilitado
VacHOff 242V Límite Superior de tensión V>
VacLOff 187V
Límite inferior de tensión V<
2016-2-03 16:05
Ajustes V/F
Modo Habilitado
FacHOff 50.20 Hz Límite Superior de frecuencia F>
FacLOff 47.50 Hz
Límite Inferior frecuencia F<
2016-2-03 16:05
Tiempo de Espera
Estándar 60 s Tiempo reconexión. Incluido desconexiones breves.
Especial 60 s
Modo Esp. Deshabilitado
Settings menu and advanced settings menu haven’t anymore Not available options.
Solved problem changing some variables they weren’t updated after modification.
Solved problem when display sends FW version data to inverter. Now there is a specific function to do that.
Some Vac values in country regulation are not available for a 33 KW or 40 KW inverters.
Added new screen for auxiliary digital input configuration to allow on/off purpose. Auxiliary digital input can be
configured to start and to stop the inverter. This input can be used, for example, to fulfill with Australian
regulation, working as DRM0 command.
New countries added: New Zealand, El Salvador and Egypt have been added to “country regulation” display
New screens have been added to allow 1 and 2 digital inputs configuration. Both digital inputs can be
configured to start and to stop the inverter.
New screens to indicate when the fans test is available have been added. The test is only available when the
inverter is connected to the grid.
A new label for LOW_VAC Pac reduction has been included in the PowerDeratingReason structure.
Automatic restarting has been added to CAN communication. CAN communication could be locked with a lot
of errors. Now and automatic restarting is launched to restored the communication.
In the last screen of extra data, you can see the stop event and the instantaneous stop event.
In order to introduce another password to change the access level, you have to select “Access level” instead
of “Change password”.
If you wanted to select regulation for Brazil through the country filter, you could not choose any regulation.
Now you can choose the corresponding regulation and also, one of the normal grid voltages in Brazil.