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Received September 29th, 2012; revised October 23rd, 2012; accepted November 23rd, 2012
This study examined the influence of psychological capital (PsyCap), on the well-being of university un-
dergraduates during an academic semester. PsyCap, a recently developed, higher-order construct, applied
to the world of work has been hypothesized to aid employees cope with stressors in the workplace. The
current study extends this concept to work in the academic environment. Psychological capital is hy-
pothesized to empower students with the necessary metal strength to cope up with adverse circumstances.
Among undergraduate students from a university in the Western US, Psychological Capital (PsyCap) me-
diated between stress and indices of psychological and physical well-being. In the case of Psychological
Symptoms and Health Problems, PsyCap buffered the impact of stress so that the relationship between
stress and negative outcomes was reduced. In the case of Satisfaction with Life, PsyCap augmented a
positive psychological outcome. We discuss implications for research on resilience to academic stress, the
power of the PsyCap construct to effect positive psychological outcomes in a variety of student situations,
and implications for educators in developing and promoting positive outcomes based on this valuable
personal capital.
freshmen college life (Ross, Niebling, & Heckert, 1999). Study- sure. These individuals have “positive” traits and abilities (e.g.,
ing how resilient cognitive factors alleviate students’ reaction to optimism, positive emotionality, hardiness, hope, ego resilience)
academic stress becomes important to finding ways to reduce which correlate negatively with physical and psychological
academic stress-related problems during their academic careers health symptoms (Seligman, 1998; Tugade & Fredrickson,
as well as afterwards (Burris, Brechting, Salsman, & Carlson, 2004). Psychological capital (PsyCap), is a meta-concept that
2009). incorporates various traits that have been found to foster psy-
chological resilience. PsyCap is defined as:
Academic Stress and Psychological Symptoms, “an individual’s positive psychological state of development
Health Symptoms, and Satisfaction with Life and is characterized by: 1) having confidence (self-efficacy) to
take on and put in the necessary effort to succeed at challeng-
A disconcerting trend in college student health is the reported ing tasks; 2) making a positive attribution (optimism) about
increase in student stress (Sax, 1997; Stallman, 2010). Acade- succeeding now and in the future; 3) persevering toward goals
mic stressors include the student's perception of the extensive and, when necessary, redirecting paths to goals (hope) in order
knowledge base required and the perception of an inadequate
to succeed; and 4) when beset by problems and adversity, sus-
time to develop it (Carveth, Gesse, & Moss, 1996). Each seme-
taining and bouncing back and even beyond (resilience) to
ster students report experiencing academic stress at certain
attain success.” (Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007: p. 3).
times with the greatest sources of academic stress ensuing from
PsyCap is operationalized by combining optimism, hope, ef-
taking and studying for exams, competition, and the large
ficacy, and ego resilience (Peterson, Walumbwa, Byron, &
amount of content to master in a small amount of time
Myrowitz, 2009). These separate measures have been found to
(Abouserie, 1994). More disconcerting is the finding that stu-
differentiate persons on different criteria of well-being (Block
dents suffering from psychological distress may consider this
& Kremen, 1996; Scheier & Carver, 1985; Snyder, Irving, &
condition “normal” and not seek relief (Stallman, 2010). For
Anderson, 1991). The combination of these capacities have
the purposes of the present study, we adapt from Cavanaugh,
been proposed by Peterson et al. (2009) to comprise a reliable
Boswell, Roehling, and Boudreau, (2000) the concept of stu-
dent challenge stressors which are school-related demands or higher-order construct whose composite is a potentially robust
circumstances that, although potentially stressful, have associ- predictor of coping and health. Initial research in the Indus-
ated potential gains for individuals. trial-organizational psychology field confirms a positive rela-
Students exposed to such stressors report adverse physical tionship between PsyCap and well-being (Culbertson, Mills, &
health outcomes, including poor self-reported health status, a Fullagar, 2010) as well as other important work attitudes, be-
greater number of medical problems and psychological im- haviors, and performance (Avey, Reichard, Luthans, & Mhatre,
pairment (Murphy & Archer, 1996; Stallman, 2010). The lit- 2011).
erature on stress in adolescent populations is limited by a focus We predict that students who maintain higher PsyCap will
on negative indicators of health (i.e., psychopathology), with perceive the academic environment as being less distressing
less attention paid to important positive indicators of adolescent and more than likely to see the positive elements that contribute
functioning (e.g., life satisfaction). One model of studying to their overall well-being. For example, despite a very stressful
stress includes indicators that measure beyond a negative or environment, an optimistic, hopeful, efficacious, and ego resil-
neutral point to desirable levels of functioning focusing on ient person is likely to believe he or she has sufficient resources
adolescent social-emotional development (e.g., subjective well- to prevent being overwhelmed and experience debilitating dis-
being) (Roeser, Eccles, & Sameroff, 2000). Using this model, tress.
health can be examined in terms of traditional indicators of We also anticipate that persons scoring high on PsyCap will
psychopathology as well as the presence of positive indicators perceive the environment as maintaining more challenging
of optimal functioning, such as happiness (i.e., life satisfaction). aspects, with the potential for benefits such as enjoyment,
Such a focus on positive individual traits and experiences is learning, and personal growth. Research suggests that people
consistent with the intent of the positive psychology movement can be particularly adaptive to demands they find challenging
(Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Previous research indi- (Lepine, Podsakoff, & Lepine, 2005). More optimistic person-
cates that the more stress students experience, the lower their alities tend to see the positive aspects associated with new de-
levels of life satisfaction (Chang, 1998). mands. Likewise, hope is associated with the salience of per-
sonal goals (hope-path) and with confidence that goal accom-
Adaptive Abilities and Resilient Personalities plishment will enable one to improve one’s life (hope-agency).
Together, these factors suggest that persons high in PsyCap will
Academic stressors that may contribute to the development more readily withstand stress and maintain physical and psy-
of problems ranging from concentration difficulty, fatigue, and chological well-being and happiness in the face of academic
anxiety, to eating disorders, and other illnesses. And yet, stress. These types of resilient adaptive personality and cogni-
whereas many young adults encounter psychological distress tive differences have been proposed to mediate the effects of
which often disrupts the completion of normal developmental stress on well-being for college students. Thus, if PsyCap actu-
and educational tasks, others do not suffer such consequences. ally enhances adaptation to stressors, we should expect to find
What distinguishes young adults who adapt with only limited that among students who are exposed to the same stressful cir-
psychological and physical effects from those who suffer a cumstances, those with higher PsyCap will have better health
great deal? One explanation may draw from psychological and well-being. This suggests the following hypotheses:
abilities and traits that facilitate or hamper adjustment to aca-
demic stress conditions.
Some young adults with more stress-resilient personalities
suffer fewer health degradation in response to the same expo- The general hypothesis is that psychological capital will
mitigate the effects of stress on various indices of psychological dysfunction; Depression: dysphoria and lack of motivation and
well-being. Specifically, we hypothesize the following: energy; Anxiety: nervousness, panic attacks, apprehension,
Hypothesis 1: Student stress will be significantly related to dread; and Hostility: thoughts, feelings or actions of anger.
reports of psychological symptoms (i.e., anxiety, somatic com- Coefficient alphas for the sub-scales were Somatization .845,
plaints, and depression), satisfaction with life, and health pro- Depression .852, Anxiety .827, Hostility .802.
blems. Health Problems. The physical health questions (25) of the
H1A: Student Stress will be positively related to psy- Lifestyle Questionnaire (Engs & Aldo-Benson, 1985) were
chological symptoms summed. Students indicated how frequently they suffered the
H1B: Student Stress will be negatively related to satisfaction specific health problems over the month previous; e.g. “heada-
with life che,” “cough,” “stomach upset.” The test-retest reliability coef-
H1C: Student Stress will be positively related to health ficient for this instrument was reported by the authors as .89.
problems Psychological Capital (PsyCap), Psychological capital is
Hypothesis 2: Psychological Capital will be significantly re- conceptualized as a combination of efficacy, optimism, resil-
lated to reports of psychological symptoms (i.e., anxiety, so- ience, and hope (Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007). The mea-
matic complaints, and depression), satisfaction with life, and sure used in this study is the sum of normalized scores from
health problems. several well-known instruments. Efficacy was drawn from the
H2A: PsyCap will be negatively related to psychological Professional Efficacy scale of the Maslach Burnout Inventory
symptoms (Student Survey, MBI-SS) The MBI-SS was constructed by
H2B: PsyCap will be positively related to satisfaction with Schaufeli, Martinez, Marques-Pinto, Salanova, and Bakker
life (2002). It measures students’ feelings while they study. The 6
H2C: PsyCap will be negatively related to health problems item Professional Efficacy scale was responded to on 7-point
Hypothesis 3: PsyCap will mediate the effects of student Likert scale is used, from 0 (never) to 6 (always). The alpha for
stress on psychological symptoms, life satisfaction, and health this sample was .778. Dispositional optimism was measured
problems. using the 4 item optimism sub-scale of the Life Orientation
Test (LOT) (Scheier & Carver, 1985). Alpha for the current
Methods sample was .755. Psychological resilience was measured using
the Ego-Resiliency Scale (Block & Kremen, 1996) which as-
Participants sesses the capacity to respond effectively to changing situ-
Participants were 141 organizational behavior, business stu- ational demands, especially frustrating or stressful encounters.
dents from a university in the Western US Average age was This scale consists of 14 items, each responded to on a 4-point
23.64 years with a range from 19 to 44 years. Males were 54% Likert scale, ranging from 1 (does not apply at all) to 4 (applies
and females 46%. The classes were populated mostly by Jun- very strongly) For the current sample, the alpha reliability
iors (40.4%), Seniors (30.5%) and fifth year students (23.4%). was .748. Hope was measured using two components of hope
On average they maintained 15.24 hours per week in outside developed by Snyder and his colleagues (Snyder, Cheavens, &
jobs while in school, and had an average of 5.67 years of pre- Sympson, 1997): Hope Agency (four items), the degree to
vious work history. which individuals felt that they might be able to act to achieve a
positive outcome, and Hope Path (four items), the degree to
Measures which an individual could see a way or path toward a positive
outcome. All hope items were rated using an eight point Likert
Student Stress. Student challenge stressors, as defined by Ca- scale ranging from 1 = Definitely false, to 8 = Definitely true.
vanaugh, Boswell, Roehling, and Boudreau, (2000) are school- Alphas for the current sample were Hope Agency = .829, Hope
related demands or circumstances that, although potentially Path = .806.
stressful, have associated potential gains for individuals; e.g.
“Time pressures I experience in school,” and “The number of Procedures
projects and or assignments I have in school.” This six item
scale used a 5 point Likert scale from 1 = Produces no stress, to Participants responded to the measures at two different times.
5 = Produces a great deal of stress. Alpha for the current sample First, after mid-term exams, but prior to the deadlines for class
was .742. papers and final exams. At this time they responded to the
Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). The SWLS is a five item PsyCap measures, and reported various demographic informa-
questionnaire using a seven point Likert scale to rate overall tion. The second time point was directly upon completing the
satisfaction with life using questions such as “In most ways my class final exam. At this point they responded to the BSI,
life is close to my ideal” (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, SWLS, Health Problems, and the Student Stress questions. All
1985). The SWLS can be viewed as a measure of psychological responses were kept confidential. Students received extra credit
adjustment since the scale demonstrated moderately strong in their classes for their participation.
criterion validity with several measures of psychological well-
being (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985 pp. 72-73). Results
Alpha for the current sample was .890. Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Psychological symptoms. Psychological well-being/strain
was measured based on the average of four sub-scales from the We conducted a confirmatory factor analysis to verify the
Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) (Derogatis & Melisaratos, higher-order factor of PsyCap. In this model, the first order
1983). The five to six item symptom cluster scales included indicator variables were the scale items. The secondary-factor
were Somatization: distress arising from perceptions of bodily model showed good model fit, χ2 = 481.21, df = 197, p < .01;
NFI = .96; GFI = .95; CFI = 97; RMSEA = .05. The standard- Table 1.
ized factor loadings for the higher-order factor of trait PsyCap Means, SDs, and correlations for major variables.
are .63 (optimism), .78 (hope), .87 (efficacy), and .80 (ego re-
silience), and the standardized factor loadings for the four Mean SD 1 2 3 4
first-order factors ranged from .47 to .75. Based on this support 3.47 0.77
Student Stress
for the higher-order PsyCap model, the aggregated means of the
four facets were used to index PsyCap in the subsequent analy- Satisfaction
5.05 1.20 –.27**
ses. with Life
3.29 2.89 .31** –.37**
Stress, PsyCap, and Psychological and Health Symptoms
Symptoms and Satisfaction with Life 21.9 25.24 .21* –.04 .44**
Health Problems
Table 1 illustrates the relation of research variables to each Psychological
other. An examination of Table 1 shows that hypothesis 1 is 0.00 0.71 –.28** .49** –.29** –.22**
supported since Student Stress was significantly positively
correlated with psychological symptoms and health problems, Note: *p < .05, **p < .01.
and inversely correlated with satisfaction with life. Hypothesis Table 2.
2 was supported since PsyCap was significantly inversely cor- Mediation analyses for psychological capital with student stress and
related with psychological symptoms and health problems, and three well-being measures.
positively correlated with satisfaction with life. Both student
stress and psychological capital operate in the predicted manner. Mediation Analyses B SE B
A mediation analysis, following Barron and Kenney (1986) Psychological Symptoms
tested impact of individual accumulation of the personal re-
sources associated with Psychological Capital. Step 1 Student Stress 1.156 .293 .318***
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