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CH-65, 8 Nov 2018

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Responsible BUPERS-32 Phone DSN 882-2978
Office COM (901)874-2978
FAX 882-2041
MyNavy Career Center Phone: Toll Free 1-833-330-MNCC (6622)
E-mail: askmncc@navy.mil
MyNavy Portal: https://my.navy.mil/

Reference(s) (a) OPNAVINST 1040.11D

(b) NAVPERS 15878L, Career Counselor Handbook
(c) BUPERSINST 1430.16F
(d) OPNAVINST 6110.1J
(e) SECNAV M-5216.5, Department of the Navy
Correspondence Manual

1. Background

a. Service members in the Navy counselor (NC) rating (less

career recruiter force (CRF)) manage the Navy Enlisted Retention
and Career Development Program for commands as outlined in
references (a) and (b). NCs are the command’s principal
advisors on policies and regulations related to Navy career
planning matters. The NC rating relies on conversion from other
ratings to achieve and maintain required manning levels. Their
duties include, but are not limited to:

(1) Evaluating enlisted career development programs at

their parent command and subordinate activities;

(2) Coordinating interviews and counseling sessions;

(3) Providing primary technical assistance, guidance,

and training to the command career development team;

(4) Maintaining awareness of revisions and initiatives

in career development programs through access to Navy
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directives, reference materials, experience, and regional


(5) Counseling individuals and providing presentations

to Service members and their family members on the associated
benefits and initiatives regarding career development programs
and retention;

(6) Establishing and maintaining an aggressive enlisted

command career development and retention program; and

(7) Training command leaders and career development

teams on all enlisted career development programs and policies.

b. The Command Career Counselor (CCC) Program provides for

assignment of personnel in ratings other than NC (less CRF) to
perform full-time CCC duties. Requirements and qualifications
are contained in MILPERSMAN 1306-905.

2. Policy. Due to the distinct purpose and unique nature of

duties involved in the NC rating, the quality of personnel
selected is of paramount importance and requires strict
adherence to eligibility criteria, procedures, and policy
pertaining to conversion to the NC rating (less CRF).

a. Conversions are open to the following groups:

(1) Petty officer first class (E-6) serving in Active

Component (AC), full time support (FTS), or Selected Reserve
(SELRES). Applicants must have completed 6 to 14 years of
active naval service. Waivers will be considered for applicants
who have up to 16 years of active naval service;

(2) A petty officer second class (E-5) serving in AC,

FTS, or SELRES. Applicant must be time-in-rate eligible for
petty officer first class at time of application.

b. Following conditions (if applicable) must be met:

(1) Applicant must be within 12 months of completing the

minimum time on station (TOS) or Department of Defense (DoD)
area tour (as appropriate);

(2) Applicant must be within 12 months of projected

rotation date;
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(3) Active duty (ACDU) applicant desiring to convert to

FTS must be within 12 months of expiration of active obligated
service (EAOS);

(4) Service member on an enlistment or extension of

enlistment for which a selective reenlistment bonus was paid
must be within 9 months of their EAOS;

(5) Service member within their career waypoints-

reenlistment application window must request an NC conversion
quota. If approved, Service members must submit application to
the NC rating enlisted community management (ECM) technical
advisor within 90 days;

(6) Service member must have or be able to incur a

minimum of 36 months obligated service from date of conversion
to NC (less CRF) rating without exceeding high year tenure
length of service gates as outlined in MILPERSMAN 1160-120.

c. Per reference (c), applicants approved for conversion to

NC (less CRF) who are subsequently selected for chief petty
officer (E-7) in their current rating prior to actual change of
rating, must submit a written request in writing to the Bureau
of Naval Personnel (BUPERS), Enlisted Career Administration
Department (BUPERS-328) to have the conversion reconsidered at
the E-7 pay grade.

3. Eligibility Requirements

a. All applicants must:

(1) Have no marks below 3.0 in previous 3 years of

performance evaluations;

(2) Have an Armed Services Vocation Aptitude Battery

(ASVAB) test score of VE + AR = 105 (minimum AR of 50 for
Profile of American Youth (PAY) 80 forms) or VE + AR = 104
(minimum AR of 51 for PAY 97 forms). If ASVAB test scores are
revised, most recent guidance will apply;

(3) Have at least 12 consecutive months of experience as

CCC, or departmental or divisional career counselor during the
previous 2 years prior to application date for conversion to NC
(less CRF). These positions must be clearly documented in
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evaluations or as determined by the immediate superior in

command (ISIC);

(4) Have no history of moral turpitude waivers within

the previous 36 months. Personnel with offenses that reflect
unfavorably upon their credibility or integrity, and or offenses
concerning moral turpitude are ineligible for the NC (less CRF)
rating (nonwaiverable);

(5) Be eligible for a secret security clearance;

(6) Have no speech impediments;

(7) Have a clear record, free from conviction by court-

martial, civil court (except for minor, non-repetitious traffic
offenses), or nonjudicial punishment (NJP) during the previous
36 months preceding application for conversion to NC (less CRF)

(8) Indicate stability in personal affairs without a

history of severe domestic or personal problems or chronic

(9) Be within Navy body composition assessment standards

per reference (d) and have no documented failures within the
last 3 years prior to application date;

(10) Be interviewed and recommended by the commanding

officer (CO). Use NAVPERS 1306/92 Special Program Screening
(complete all sections). CO’s endorsement must at a minimum

(a) Willingness to have Service member serve as

their CCC; and

(b) Whether Service member is world-wide assignable;


(c) Whether applicant possesses the requisite

initiative, temperament, and technical and professional acumen
to work in an independent setting.

(11) Have completed the following courses:

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(a) Duties and Responsibilities of the Educational

Services Officer NAVEDTRA 14083A;

(b) Evaluation & Fitness Report CIWT-002EF01;

(c) Preparing a Standard Naval Letter CNET-11456;

(d) Customer Service CSS-CUS-010i-3.0 and Customer

Service Lab CSS-CUS-010-3.0; and

(e) PAYPERS Command Pass Coordinator (CPC) Training


b. Personnel applying for conversion to NC (less CRF)

rating must be interviewed and provided a written recommendation
from the following:

(1) CCC who must verify all eligibility requirements per

paragraphs 2 and 3 and state verification of all requirements in

(2) Command senior enlisted leader (CSEL), who will

attest to the applicant’s potential to function as an
independent duty CCC, and whether the applicant has demonstrated
effective verbal and written communication across all levels of
the chain of command and the CSEL’s willingness to have Service
member serve as their CCC;

(3) ISIC career counselor (CC), who must state whether

the applicant can function as an independent duty CCC and
willingness to have Service member serve as subordinate CCC; and

(4) Type commander (TYCOM) force/fleet career counselor

in applicant’s administrative chain of command.

c. Personnel not eligible for conversion to NC (less CRF)


(1) Personnel in receipt of permanent change of station

(PCS) orders; or

(2) Personnel in a limited duty status until found fit

for full duty.
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4. Application Procedures/Requirements. The TYCOM CC in the

applicant’s administrative chain of command will review requests
for conversion to the NC rating. When eligibility criteria are
met, use reference (e) to submit the following:

Note: In the absence of a TYCOM master chief NC (NCCM) (less

CRF), the appropriate fleet NC will review and endorse requests
for conversion to the NC rating.

a. Lateral conversion and career waypoints conversion

requests must be submitted to BUPERS 328 via CO and TYCOM fleet
NCs in the applicant’s administrative chain of command. Provide
the following supporting documents:

(1) Copies of all performance evaluations covering the

past 3 years;

(2) Copies of certificates indicating completion of all

proficiency requirements for NC (less CRF);

(3) Copy of most recent ASVAB scores;

(4) NAVPERS 1306/7 Electronic Personnel Action Request

signed by the CO or officer in charge (OIC) (cannot be "by

(5) CO screening checklist, NAVPERS 1306/92 Special

Programming with all sections completed and signed by the CO or
OIC (cannot be "by direction");

(6) Copy of operational duty screening as stipulated in

MILPERSMAN 1300-800;

(7) Copy of Physical Readiness Information Management

System report showing physical fitness assessment results for 3
years prior to application date;

(8) Photographs of Service member in service uniform,

either black and white or color photographs approximately 5”
wide x 7” high, full-length, full-front and full-side view,
uncovered against a contrasting background. The applicant’s
name and date of photograph was taken must appear in the
photograph; and
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(9) Letters of recommendation from CCC (if applicant not

currently assigned as CCC), CSEL, ISIC CC, and NCCM (less CRF)
in applicant’s administrative chain of command.

Note: All electronic correspondence (e-mail) regarding Navy

personnel which contains names, social security numbers, or
other identifying information must be digitally signed and
Product Knowledge Incorporated (PKI) encrypted. The subject
line and attachments must contain “FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY” label,
and the body of the e-mail should contain the statement "FOR
disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties." E-
mail distribution must only include recipients having a
legitimate need-to-know about the personally identifiable
information (PII). In the event that encryption is not
possible, the only other authorized means of electronically
transmitting PII is through use of Safe Access File Exchange
(SAFE) Web site. SAFE may be accessed via the following web
link: https://safe.amrdec. army.mil/safe/ Welcome.aspx.

b. Any hard-copy correspondence must be pre-coordinated

before mailing to the ECM. If used, all hard-copy
correspondence containing names, social security numbers, or
other identifying information must:

(1) Be double wrapped with the inner layer labeled "FOR

disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties;"

(2) Include DD 2923 “Privacy Act Data Cover Sheet” as


(3) Be mailed to only those with an official need-to-


(4) Be sent via a mailing service that can provide

tracking information; and

(5) Be handled and destroyed per DoD privacy directives.

5. Selection Process. BUPERS-328 and BUPERS-326 will receive

and screen conversion applications for completion and proper
documentation. Complete applications will be forwarded to both
losing and gaining rating ECM for final determination.
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6. Selectees

a. Personnel will be converted to NC upon successful

completion of the CCC Course (A-501-0011) or direct conversion,
if they completed the CCC course within the past 24 months at
time of selection and currently hold Navy enlisted
classification 806R. If approved for direct conversion, the
effective date of conversion will coincide with TOS, prescribed
sea tour, or DoD tour completion date.

b. Applicants selected for conversion:

(1) Are detailed to their first rated NC assignment with

CCC course en route, if needed. Initial assignment will be sea
duty for a prescribed sea tour for a minimum of 24 months; and

(2) Must successfully complete the CCC course or may be

separated as outlined in MILPERSMAN 1910-133.

c. SELRES converted to NC (FTS) will be recalled to ACDU if

approved for conversion; and

Note: SELRES desiring to conversion to NC (less CRF) must be

endorsed by the component for which they are applying. ACDU
applications must be endorsed by an ACDU fleet NCCM. FTS
applications must be endorsed by the Commander, Naval Reserve
Force Command NCCM.

d. Personnel selected for conversion must maintain all

eligibility requirements as outlined within this article.
Failure to maintain eligibility requirements will automatically
result in an administrative review by a panel of 3 Fleet/Force
Navy Counselors to include the administrative chain of command.
This panel will report suitable or unsuitable findings to NC ECM
for further guidance.

7. Forced Conversions

a. Forced conversions into the NC (less CRF) rating must

meet all service and eligibility requirements as set forth
within this instruction.

b. For forced conversions out of the NC (less CRF) rating,

refer to MILPERSMAN 1440-011.
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8. No Fault Reversion/Conversion

a. No fault reversion is intended for first tour NCs with

less than 12 months onboard who are experiencing some limiting
deficiencies that were not apparent at the time of request for
conversion to NC (less CRF) as outlined in MILPERSMAN 1440-040.

b. Requests for rating reversion of personnel deemed

unsuitable for continued service in the NC (less CRF) rating
will be sent to BUPERS-328 via CO and NCCM (less CRF) in the
applicant’s administrative chain of command. Such requests must
include a detailed description of the circumstances or reasons
why Service member is no longer eligible to perform the duties
as an NC (less CRF) rating and be adequately and factually
supported by enclosures (e.g., evaluations, counseling sheets,
witness statements, documentary evidence, etc.).

c. Reversion is not considered derogatory action and should

not be interpreted unfavorably in any subsequent detailing or
board action.

9. Disciplinary Actions

a. In the event of CO’s loss of confidence, personnel

should be considered for forced conversion if they have been
convicted of crimes such as fraternization, theft, assault, or
any other incident which significantly diminishes their
credibility, personal integrity, and impairs their ability to
perform expected NC duties.

b. Personnel receiving formal disciplinary action for minor

infractions (e.g., NJP or civilian court) will not normally be
considered for forced conversion out of the NC (less CRF) rating
on the first offense. The command must enroll these personnel
in a formal probationary period for up to 1 year and provide
appropriate counseling and training, as required. Personnel
placed on formal probation will receive NAVPERS 1070/613
Administrative Remarks documenting the probationary period
duration, counseling, and retraining plan. The entry will
contain a statement concerning the potential for forced
conversion or recommendation for administrative separation
processing for failure to complete the probationary period and
or additional formal disciplinary action within the probationary
period. NAVPERS 1070/613 entry must be acknowledged in writing
by the individual and witnessed preferably by the CSEL.
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10. Detachment for Cause (DFC). For the administrative removal

from an assignment for substandard behavior or substandard
performance of duty, comply with MILPERSMAN 1616-010 Detachment
for Cause (DFC) of Enlisted Personnel.

11. Waivers. Eligibility criteria, as set forth in this

article, are necessary to ensure manning and command stability,
equitable treatment for those competing from various ratings,
and equal consideration for all conversion requests.

a. Waivers will be considered by NC rating ECM on a case by

case basis.

b. If required, applicant and endorser must state the

requirement for a waiver and cite justification.

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