Acupuncture For Constipation in Patients With Stroke: Protocol of A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Acupuncture For Constipation in Patients With Stroke: Protocol of A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Acupuncture For Constipation in Patients With Stroke: Protocol of A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Acupuncture can promote intestinal canal peristalsis before the stroke diagnosis is not investigated but excluded
through contacting the intestinal wall and regulating trials reporting on patients with a history of constipation
nervous and body fluids.8 Acupuncture can increase before the stroke diagnosis. Stroke is defined as ‘rapidly
rectal internal pressure to restore the defecation sense by developed signs of focal or global disturbance of cerebral
stimulating parasympathetic nerve.8 function, lasting more than 24 hours or leading to death
A systematic review shows that acupuncture is safe for with no apparent cause other than that of vascular origin’,
chronic functional constipation.10 A randomised trial according to WHO criteria.17 We will include patients
supports the use of electroacupuncture for chronic severe with stroke irrespective of any type (ischaemic or haem-
functional constipation.11 However, whether the evidence orrhagic) or phase (acute, subacute or chronic). Acute
is transferable to the stroke population remains unclear. and subacute stroke is defined as less than 6 months since
The recent studies mainly focus on the incidence of onset, and chronic stroke lasts more than 6 months since
constipation after stroke.4 5 The management strategies onset.18
for constipation in patients with stroke remain poorly All of patients should be diagnosed as constipation
investigated.3 according to at least one of the current or past defini-
A 2014 systematic review evaluated the efficacy and tions or guidelines of constipation, such as Rome II/III
safety of acupuncture and moxibustion for poststroke diagnostic criteria or guidelines for clinical research on
constipation.12 This review had evident flaws that threat- Chinese new herbal medicine.12
ened the authenticity of their findings. First, meta-analysis There is no restriction on age, sex or ethnicity of the
found that acupuncture and moxibustion were signifi- enrolled subjects.
cantly more effective than other treatments (OR=2.10,
95% credible interval 1.25 to 3.54, p=0.005) for consti-
Types of interventions
pation in patients with stroke. Acupuncture and moxi-
Experimental interventions
bustion were addressed as a whole, and the efficacy of
acupuncture alone was not systematically investigated, We will include trials using either traditional or contem-
despite that five of the eight included trials compared porary acupuncture. Traditional acupuncture refers to
acupuncture alone with another treatment. Second, the needles inserted in classical meridian points.19 Contempo-
methodological quality of eight included articles was very rary acupuncture refers to needles inserted in non-meridian
poor. Third, the total effective rate, a subjective outcome or trigger points regardless of the source of stimulation (for
measure, was chosen as the primary outcome. Fourth, example, hand, electrical stimulation or fine needle).19 We
the sample size was small. To our knowledge, several new will exclude trials in which treatment without needling,
randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have been published such as acupressure, tap-pricking, point injection and laser
since the meta-analysis was published.13 14 Overall, there acupuncture. No restrictions are imposed on times of treat-
is a lack of supportive evidence on the efficacy and safety ment and length of treatment period.
of acupuncture for constipation in patients with stroke.
Comparator interventions
The aim of this study is to systematically review current
The control interventions could be placebo acupuncture,
available literature to assess the efficacy and safety of the
sham acupuncture, no treatment, another active treat-
acupuncture treatment for post-stroke constipation.
ment or medication.
Placebo acupuncture refers to a needle attached to the
skin surface without penetrating the skin.20
Sham acupuncture is defined as a needle placed in an
This protocol is developed following the guideline of
area close to but not in acupuncture points or sublim-
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
inal skin electrostimulation via electrodes attached to the
Meta-analyses Protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015.15
Inclusion criteria We consider another active treatment or medication to
Types of studies be pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment
We will only include RCTs which are more likely to provide or medication, such as laxatives, emollients, lubricants,
unbiased information than other study designs.16 We will lifestyle or dietary modification.
exclude quasirandomised RCTs, such as those allocating We will investigate the comparisons listed below:
by alphabetical order, alternate days of the week or date 1. Acupuncture only compared with no treatment;
of birth. Cross-over trials will be excluded because of 2. Acupuncture only compared with placebo or sham
potential for a carry-over effect. There is no restriction on treatment;
language or publication status. 3. Acupuncture plus another active treatment or med-
ication compared with another active treatment or
Types of participants medication alone;
We will include adults (over 18 years old) suffering from 4. Acupuncture plus another active treatment or medi-
constipation after a first or recurrent stroke. We also cation compared with placebo or sham treatment plus
consider RCTs in which a prior history of constipation another active treatment or medication.
will be used to evaluate the potential influence of missing The intervention effect will be analysed using the χ2
data.32 test, with p<0.05, indicating statistically significant differ-
1. Worst-case scenario analysis: all participants with miss- ences between subgroups.
ing data counted as failures.
2. Extreme worst-case analysis: participants with missing Sensitivity analysis
data in experimental group counted as failures and We will perform sensitivity analyses to evaluate the robust-
participants with missing data in control group count- ness of the pooled results excluding trials with high risk of
ed as successes. bias, trials in which a prior history of constipation before
3. Extreme best-case analysis: participants with missing the stroke diagnosis is not investigated and the option of
data in experimental group counted as successes and using missing data (worst-case scenario analysis, extreme
participants with missing data in control group count- worst-case analysis or extreme best-case analysis).32 34
ed as failures.
Summary of findings table
Assessment of heterogeneity We will prepare ‘summary of findings’ tables including
We will assess the statistical heterogeneity using a χ2 a grade of the overall quality of the body of evidence for
test.33 In addition, we will quantify heterogeneity using each outcome using Grading of Recommendations Assess-
the I2 statistic value which ranges from 0% to 100%.34 ment, Development and Evaluation profiler (GRADEpro)
P<0.1 of χ2 test or I2>50% indicates statistically significant Guideline Development Tool.36
heterogeneity.33 34 Potential clinical heterogeneity will be Two review authors will independently assess the quality
assessed by prespecified subgroup analyses. of the body of evidence according to five GRADE criteria:
study limitations, imprecision, inconsistency, indirectness
Assessment of reporting biases and publication bias. It will fall into one of four possible
When a meta-analysis includes 10 or more RCTs, we will ratings (high, moderate, low and very low). Any discrep-
assess asymmetry using funnel plots visually.32 In addition, ancy will be resolved by consensus or consultation with a
we will test asymmetry using the Harbord modified test third review author.
for dichotomous outcomes and Egger test for continuous
outcomes.32 Amendments
We will provide the date of any amendment, a description
Data synthesis of the change and the rationale in the event of protocol
We will combine more than one trial to estimate pooled amendments.
intervention effect using the meta-analysis when studies
examine the same intervention and outcomes with
comparable methods in similar populations.31
Ethics and dissemination
We will pool the continuous data using the inverse vari-
Ethical approval is not required because no primary data
ance method and dichotomous data using the Mantel-
are collected.
Haenszel method.31
This review will provide a comprehensive assessment
We will use the fixed-effect model to combine data
regarding the effect of acupuncture for constipation in
when statistical heterogeneity is low. However, when
patients with stroke. The results will be fundamental for
P<0.1 or I2>50%, the random-effect model will be used to
reliable recommendations in the management of post-
provide a more conservative estimate of effect.35
stroke constipation.
All analyses will be conducted with Review Manager
We will present findings from this systematic review
V.5.3 software. If a meta-analysis is not possible, we will
at scientific conferences and publish the findings in a
provide a narrative summary of the results from indi-
peer-reviewed scientific journal according to the PRISMA
vidual studies.
Subgroup analysis and investigation of heterogeneity Author affiliations
We will perform the following subgroup analyses to 1
Research institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional
investigate heterogeneity when sufficient data are avail- Chinese Medicine, Tianjin, China
able. We will conduct subgroup analyses based on age, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin
University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin, China
sex, type of stroke (haemorrhagic and ischaemic stroke), 3
Library, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin, China
different definitions of constipation, phase of stroke 4
School of Nursing, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin, China
(acute, subacute or chronic), type of acupuncture 5
Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinical Study Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University,
(manual acupuncture, electroacupuncture, etc) and Hong Kong, China
type of control group (placebo, sham acupuncture, no Key Laboratory of Chinese Internal Medicine of Ministry of Education and Beijing,
Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China
treatment or another active treatment or medication). A 7
First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin,
subgroup analysis based on population with different diet China
habits is under plan considering that diet habits may play 8
Laboratory for Biological Effects of Tuina, State Administration of Traditional
an important role in constipation development. Chinese Medicine, Tianjin, China
Contributors JZ, HL and GT conceived the study; these three authors provided 14. Haifei L, Fengjun S, Bihong Y. Therapeutic observation of
general guidance to the drafting of the protocol. JZ and WM drafted the protocol. acupuncture at He-Sea and Front-Mu points for post-stroke
JS designed the search strategy. JZ, YL, CZ and HS drafted the manuscript. JZ, WM, constipation. Shanghai J Acu-mox 2016;35:160–1.
15. Shamseer L, Moher D, Clarke M, et al. Preferred reporting items for
JS, YL, CZ, HL, GT and HS reviewed and revised the manuscript. All authors have
systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015:
read and approved the final version of the manuscript. elaboration and explanation. BMJ 2015;349:g7647.
Funding This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of 16. Gluud LL, Morgan MY. Endoscopic therapy and beta-blockers for
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17. Hatano S. Experience from a multicentre stroke register: a
Competing interests None declared. preliminary report. Bull World Health Organ 1976;54:541–53.
18. Momosaki R, Yamada N, Ota E, et al. Repetitive peripheral magnetic
Patient consent Not required. stimulation for activities of daily living and functional ability in people
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. after stroke. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2017;6:CD011968.
19. Cheong YC, Dix S, Hung Yu Ng E, et al. Acupuncture and
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the assisted reproductive technology. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits 2013;7:CD006920.
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