Hmi Basic Panels Getting Started en-US en-US PDF
Hmi Basic Panels Getting Started en-US en-US PDF
Hmi Basic Panels Getting Started en-US en-US PDF
Configuring Screens
Configuring alarms
Getting Started Basic Panels ______________
Configuring recipes
Configuring screen changes
Getting Started
Finishing the project
Legal information
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and
operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes
in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and
label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be adhered to. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this
publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent
1 Welcome.................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Creating a project ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Projects in WinCC flexible..............................................................................................................7
2.2 Creating a project...........................................................................................................................7
2.3 The new project............................................................................................................................11
3 Configuring Screens ................................................................................................................................ 20
3.1 Function of the screens................................................................................................................21
3.2 Configuring fill level displays........................................................................................................22
4 Configuring alarms................................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Alarms in project ..........................................................................................................................29
4.2 Configuring discrete alarms .........................................................................................................30
4.3 Configuring analog alarms ...........................................................................................................33
4.4 Configuring an alarm view ...........................................................................................................36
5 Configuring recipes.................................................................................................................................. 38
5.1 Function of the recipes.................................................................................................................39
5.2 Configuring a new recipe .............................................................................................................40
5.3 Configuring a Recipe view ...........................................................................................................44
6 Configuring screen changes .................................................................................................................... 46
6.1 Creating a Selection screen.........................................................................................................47
6.2 Configuring screen change with function keys ............................................................................49
6.3 Configuring screen change with buttons......................................................................................51
7 Finishing the project................................................................................................................................. 56
7.1 Consistency check and simulation...............................................................................................57
7.2 Running the consistency check ...................................................................................................58
7.3 Simulation in Runtime ..................................................................................................................59
8 Transferring and using a project .............................................................................................................. 64
8.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................65
8.2 Requirements...............................................................................................................................66
8.3 Check connection parameters .....................................................................................................68
8.4 Transfer the project to the HMI device.........................................................................................69
8.5 Using project with S7 controller ...................................................................................................71
"Configuring" relates to the creation and configuration of the user interface for an HMI
The "CD_1" folder of the enclosed WinCC flexible DVD contains programs that will allow you
to carry out these configuration steps by yourself. In addition, install the WinCC flexible
edition "Compact", "Standard" or "Advanced" on your configuration computer.
The following components are used for the example in this "Getting Started - First Time
Users" manual:
Only the configuration computer is required for the configuration steps mentioned.
3 4
The WinCC flexible project wizard opens. The project wizard provides supports when
creating a project by guiding users step-by-step through the configuration settings. The
project wizard has various scenarios for frequently required configurations. Complete the
configuration settings for your project by selecting the scenarios provided.
3. To operate the fruit juice mixing system, only one HMI device and one control unit are
needed. Select the scenario "Small machine" and accept the selection with "Next".
5. Click on "Next" to apply the standard settings provided on the next page "Screen
6. Click on "Next" to apply the standard settings provided on the next page "Screen
7. Click on "Next" to apply the standard settings provided on the next page "System
8. Click on "Next" to apply the standard settings provided on the next page "Libraries."
9. Now enter the information on the project and create the project with "Finish".
This "Getting Started" shows the principles of configuration using the "KTP600 Basic" HMI
device as an example. You can apply the same configuration process to other HMI
devices. Some steps in the configuration sequence may be different for a given HMI
device. Additional information is available in manual for your HMI device and in the WinCC
flexible online help.
You have created the project with the project wizard.
In this section you will be introduced to the WinCC flexible software interface.
On the left you see the Project View with its tree structure. In this window, you have access
to the project properties and the device settings of the HMI device. The tree structure
includes all elements of the project. You open all elements, such as configurable objects and
available editors, from this window. The number of available elements depends on the range
of functions offered by the HMI device.
The HMI device is shown in the central Work Area. You edit all configurable objects of the
project in the work area. All windows of WinCC flexible are arranged around the work area.
With the exception of the work area, you can size, move, pin or hide all windows. You show
hidden windows using the "View" menu.
The Property View is used to edit object properties, such as size or color of screen objects.
The configurable properties may differ with the object. The property view is only available in
specific editors.
The Toolbox on the right includes objects, graphics and other elements required for the
configuration. The window is divided into several areas:
● "Simple objects" includes preconfigured objects, such as I/O field, button, graphics and
text field.
● "Advanced objects" includes objects with extended functionality, such as alarm windows.
● Graphics includes a collection of images to create screens and objects.
● The library area offers access to objects you have created yourself as well as external
objects, such as your own collection of graphics or objects from other projects.
The "Template" screen is available under "Screens" in the project tree.
The "Start screen" of the HMI device is automatically opened in the work area to the right of
the tree structure. You will see two overlapping alarm windows in the display of the HMI
device. The gray shading of the Alarm Window indicates that this alarm window is inserted in
the "Template" screen. The Error Alarm Window and the System Alarm window are required
for later operation of the HMI device on the fruit juice mixing system.
With the scenario configured in the project wizard you have already defined the
"Connections" between HMI device and PLC:
Under "Options > Settings" you can hide all template objects independent of the levels.
The objects will then no longer be displayed on the screens during configuration. All
objects included in the template will be reported in the project documentation.
2. Minimize the window so that you will be able to see the alarm indicator below:
3. Hide the layers with the alarm windows (1, 2) and close the template (3).
"Docking" refers to the integration of a window into the WinCC flexible workbench.
You can automatically hide docked frames in order to increase your workspace.
1. Unhide the Object view (1) and configure the view so that it is not automatically
hidden (2):
2. Move the Object view into the Project view and dock the frame as soon as the gray frame
has adapted to the Project view:
3. The Object view contains the contents of the area selected in the Project view, such as
Interrupting configuration
You can stop configuration at any time and continue later.
● If you want to interrupt configuration, save the project (1).
● Select a suitable storage location and save the project with a self-explanatory
name (2, 3):
The next time WinCC is started, the project is displayed in the project wizard:
1 2
The user interface of the fruit juice mixing system is comprised of four screens. The operator
uses the fill level indicator to monitor the fill levels of the storage tanks.
The following section explains the configuration of the fill level indicators for water,
concentrated juice, sugar and flavoring. The fill levels should be indicated on the HMI device
both graphically and numerically.
1 2
The process tags of the PLC will store the tank fill levels which are determined by
measuring transmitters. If the configured tags have been configured to match the
associated process tags, then the data in the PLC and HMI device will be compared by the
set connection.
2 3
If you drag a tag from the Object view to the screen using drag-and-drop, an input/output
field (IO field) will be created automatically which is connected to the tag.
– Adapt the size (2) and align the bar to the right (3, 4):
3. In the same way, create another text field labeled "l" for liters.
2. Match the size of text and display of the configured objects to your display.
With the TP1500 Basic you will reserve a part of the screen area for buttons.
Adding the fill level displays for juice, sugar and flavoring
1. In the same way, create the fill level displays for juice, sugar and flavoring:
You multiply the elements of the fill level display quickly with copy and paste.
"Copy&Paste" saves time when creating objects. Make sure that the correct tags are
interconnected with the IO fields.
The fill level display is configured. When the system is running, the operator can read the
current fill levels of the tanks on the HMI device.
Each tank in the fruit juice mixing system is equipped with an inlet valve. The following
section explains how to configure an alarm display in which the states (open or closed) of the
inlet valves for water, juice, sugar and flavoring are shown.
When a valve opens or closes during operation, the corresponding discrete alarm is
1 2
1 2
When the water tank valve opens, the discrete alarm "Valve (water) open" is triggered.
3. In the same way, configure the discrete alarm "Valve (water) closed" which represents
the "closed" status.
4. Configure the discrete alarms for the "juice", "sugar" and "flavoring" valves in the same
Add a second discrete alarm by double-clicking the next empty line. The settings of the first
discrete alarm will be adapted. The alarm number and bit number are automatically
incremented. Now adjust the text.
The fruit juice mixing system's mixing tank is equipped with a mixer whose speed must be
monitored. When the speed moves outside the upper or lower limit value, the corresponding
alarm should appear on the HMI device.
1 2
3. In the Property view, select the "Cyclic continuous" mode under "General".
Cyclic updates of tags add to system load. Use cyclic updates only within the scope of the
system limits (WinCC Information System > Performance > System Limitations).
– The speed of the mixer is to be stored in the "Mixer_Speed" tag. Select the tag
3. Similarly, configure the "Mixer speed too low" alarm. The alarm should be triggered if the
speed drops below 400 (at "falling edge").
The settings from the first analog alarm are transferred to the second analog alarm settings
by double-clicking in the empty line. You will only have to adapt the settings. The alarm
number is automatically incremented.
Alarms of the "Errors" alarm class must be acknowledged by the operator.
Error alarm windows inform operators about irregularities during operation of the plant. Error
alarm windows are available in the template for this project so that they will be displayed in
each screen in case of an error.
The alarm view shows all the error alarms and warning alarms which have occurred to date.
The following steps will show you how to configure an alarm view.
– Make the necessary selections so that the last incoming message is displayed in the
first line and the alarm text is displayed with the time:
1 2
When the system is in operation, the status of the water, juice, sugar and flavoring tanks
appear on the screen "FillLevels".
The operating states of the valves for water, juice, sugar and flavoring are listed in the alarm
Deviations in mixer speed are shown as error alarms with time in a separate error alarm
window and recorded in the alarm view.
Recipes collect production parameters in parameter records that are easy to use.
Recipes enable the fruit juice production to be switched to other mixing ratios or flavors in
the simplest of ways.
The following section explains how to create the "Orange" recipe together with the
associated mixing ratios for juice, nectar and beverage.
1 2
2. Enter the name and view name for the recipe element:
4. In the same way, create the recipe elements "Litre_Concentrate", "Kilo_Sugar" and
The mixing ratios can also be entered in external programs, such as MS Excel, and
imported on the HMI device.
An example for such a file is available on the WinCC flexible DVD in the
"CD_3\Documents\[Language]Getting Started" folder. For additional information, refer to
the documentation for WinCC flexible.
1. Create a new recipe data record called "Beverage":
4. In the same way, create the recipe data records for "Nectar" and "Juice":
The operator is to change and manage the recipes on the HMI device during operation. This
step requires a recipe display that offers the following commands:
● Create recipe data record
● Save recipe data record
● Delete recipe data record
● Transfer recipe data record to fruit juice mixing system
● Read recipe data record from fruit juice mixing system
To do this, a Recipe view is inserted:
1. Create a new screen:
4. Enable the functions in the Property view that should be available in the Recipe view.
1 2
1 3
1. Open the "Start Screen" screen:
6. Define the start screen in the "Device Settings" of the Project view:
– The start screen will always be displayed first when you start the HMI device. Because
the "Start screen" created with the Project wizard was adapted, the "Selection" screen
has already been entered as start screen.
2 3
On pressing the <F1> function key on the HMI device during operation, the screen with
the fill levels appears in the display.
3. Assign the change to "Messages", "Recipes" and "Selection" on the function keys <F2>,
<F3> and <F4>.
Function keys configured in the Template will have a global effect. The same function will
be triggered in each screen with the same key. You can also configure the functions of the
keys individually in the respective screen.
2 3
3. Save the project with "Project" > "Save" in a directory of your choice for the settings to
become effective.
Project names including the .hmi extension may not exceed a length of 120 characters.
The path name including the .hmi extension may not exceed a length of 218 characters.
There are no function keys on the TP1500 Basic. You configure buttons in the Template that
will trigger the screen change. These buttons are displayed in all screens and have a global
2 3
Buttons configured in the Template will have a global effect. The same function will be
triggered in each screen with the same button.
3. Assign the "StopRuntime" system function on the "Press" event of the button:
The program only simulates the tags in the configuration if no PLC is connected.
If a PLC is connected, then the Simulator will change the values of the respective process
tags in the S7 program. The configuration is simulated together with the PLC. This means
you can check to see if the values are transmitted correctly between process and project
You have just created your first project. Before the configuration is concluded, the project
can be tested and simulated using the migration consistency check function and the
simulator provided by WinCC.
If there no errors or warnings have occurred during compilation, the project can be
If an error has occurred, you can jump directly from the context menu to the error location
in the project by double-clicking the error entry in the output window.
The simulation function helps you to find logical configuration errors, such as incorrect limit
The following sections explains how to simulate the fill level indicator and alarms for the
valve states.
1 3
The WinCC flexible Runtime Simulator is controlled via the displayed simulation table.
You select configured tags in the "Tag" column and enter them consecutively in the lines
of the table. The properties of the tags are shown in the columns "Data Type" and
"Current val." with yellow shading. The entries in the white columns are the simulator
settings and control the simulation process.
2 3
If you activate the "Start" option of a tag, you will start the simulation of this tag. The
Simulator alters the value of the tag according to the selected setting.
For a reliable function test, you should select the settings of the Simulator so that they
correspond to the function of the tag. Tags whose values depend on each other can be
simulated together.
2. Change to the "FillLevels" screen and observe how the fill levels change:
3. Change to the "Messages" screen and observe how the alarms on the valve status are
4. Change to the "Recipes" screen and open any recipe data record:
3 4
You can operate the device representation in the simulator window. Acknowledge the
pending error alarm with the corresponding function of the alarm window in the display of
the HMI device.
Power supply
The HMI device is connected to an matching power supply.
The HMI device is designed for power supply through a SIMATIC PLC. The power supply
must meet the following requirements:
● Use only 24 VDC power supply units with safe electrical isolation in accordance with IEC
60364-4-41 or HD 384.04.41 (VDE 0100, Part 410), for example, in accordance with the
PELV standard.
● The supply voltage must be within the specified voltage range for your HMI device. The
power consumption may not exceed the value specified for your HMI device. Otherwise,
malfunction at the HMI device cannot be ruled out. The information is available in the
operating instructions or on the rating plate on the back of the HMI device.
● For non-isolated design: Connect the "GND" connection from the 24 V power supply
output to equipotential bonding for a uniform reference potential. You should always
select a central point of termination.
● Only qualified personnel may connect and commission the HMI device according to the
operating instructions.
The "PC Adapter USB" has its own power supply and you connect it to the configuration PC
using the supplied USB cable. If the associated software is installed on the PC, the adapter
will be detected automatically and offers a flexible MPI interface for connection of control and
HMI devices.
We have used the "PROFIBUS" MPI/DP interface in this project. This interface was set in
your project under "Connections" as "Connection_1".
Additional information on transfer is available in the operating instructions of the Basic
Panels in the Internet ( and
the WinCC flexible online help.
Connect PN devices of the Basic Panels via Ethernet with the configuration PC.
You save and restore data, transfer a project or update the operating system via MPI.
You cannot update the operating system with "Reset factory settings" via MPI.
2. Check the settings you have made when creating the project with the Project wizard.
The following addresses must be set:
– HMI device: 1
– PLC: 2
The PLC and HMI device communicate with each other via an MPI network.
You will have to set the HMI device to transfer mode so that it can receive the transmitted
1. Switch on the power supply of the HMI device.
The HMI device starts. The Loader is displayed.
2. Select the entry "Transfer" in the Loader to switch the HMI device into transfer mode for
data transmission.
The HMI device switches to transfer mode. The dialog window displays the message
"Connecting to host ...".
Transmit the project data to your HMI device:
1. Start the transfer (1) in WinCC flexible.
You can also start the transfer via the "Project > Transfer > Transfer settings" menu.
2. Check the displayed settings for the transfer (2, 3) and start the transfer to your HMI
device (4):
3. Track the displayed transfer steps in WinCC flexible and on your HMI device.
When the project is transferred to the HMI device, a consistency check is automatically
performed. If the project still includes errors, then the transfer will be interrupted with a
corresponding error message.
If the project you want to transfer is greater than the internal memory of the device, then
the project will not be transferred completely and you will see a message to that effect.
Risk of injuries when touching components carrying line voltage!
S7-300/400 modules are classified as open equipment. The danger of components carrying
live voltage is given once the power supply is connected to the mains.
S7 modules have to be installed by trained personnel according to the respective operating
instructions on a grounded DIN rail. The mains connection has to be touch-protected
according to applicable standards.
S7 modules may only be installed in housings, control cabinets or electrical equipment
rooms. Access must be key or tool controlled and limited to instructed and trained
The S7 program
A matching control program has been prepared for your "Getting Started" configuration. It
simulates the function of the configured fruit juice mixing plant in the connected S7 controller.
The cyclic change of the values in the process tags triggers the configured alarms and the
display of the fill levels will vary. You can now operate the project on the HMI device.
The control program "S7_Mixing" is available in the "CD_3\Documents\[Language]Getting
Started" folder on your data carrier or the WinCC flexible DVD.
STEP 7 and the installed "PC Adapter USB" is required to transfer the control program to the
S7 controller. Information on this step is available in the S7 online help or the S7
Programming Manual.
1. Start STEP 7 on the configuration computer and run the control program "S7_Mixing".
2. Transfer the control program to the S7 control.
Danger of unexpected movement or function of plant parts!
The "Getting Started" S7 program does not include any safety functions. When using
the program in the PLC of a real plant or machine, you may trigger functions
involuntarily and endanger persons in the close vicinity.
Do not transfer the "Getting Started" S7 program to the PLC of a real plant or machine.
The PLC used for the "Getting Started" may not be connected to a functioning plant or
its parts. The "Getting Started" S7 program was intended solely for use as part of this
tutorial on a separate SIMATIC S7 controller.
● By transferring the project to the HMI device you have successfully carried out the tasks
in "Getting Started - First-Time Users" and created a runnable project.
● You have become familiar with the basic use of your project by connecting the HMI
device with the controller. You are now able to reproduce all steps of the simulation with
an HMI device and PLC.