Custodianship Services Division: Calibration 2018 1st Semester Timeliness Rating

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Calibration 2018 Calibration CY 2019

No. 1st Semester Timeliness Rating 1st Semester Timeliness Rating

1 Conduct inspection of non-managed assets 5=

per request of other Divisions within the 4=
quarter upon which the request was 3 = March 31, 2018 5 = 11 working days
received. 2= 4 = 12-14 working days
1 = April 1, 2018 3 = 15 working days
2 = working days
1 = working days
2 Conducted inspection and turnover of 100% 5 = March 4, 2018 (March 5) Conducted inspection and
of PMO managed assets in 44 locations 4 = Mar. 6 to 30, 2018 turnover of PMO managed
nationwide within first quarter of C.Y. 2018. 3 = March 31, 2018 assets in 44 locations and submit
2 = April 1 to May 14, 2018 a report to CPO within 15 days
1 = May 15, 2018 or later after return from the last
scheduled travel

3 Submitted Turnover Report of disposed 5 = 1 working day Transmit to requesting 5 = 1 working day
assets to DPO for Marketing in 3 days after 4 = 2 working days officer/division Turnover report 4 = 2 working days
return from travel. 3 = 3 working days of assets disposed to third party 3 = 3 working days
2 = 4 working days within 3 working days after 2 = 4 working days
1 = 5 working days return from travel 1 = 5 working days

4 Incident Report: 5=
Untoward event/s - Endorse 4=
recommendation reports to CPO immediately 3 = Immediately Endorse incident reports to the 5=
2= concerned office/division for 4=
1 = 1 working day information/appropriate action 3 = Immediately
within 2 working days upon 2=
receipt of report 1 = 1 working day
5 Review and submit approved security billing 5 = 5 working days
to Finance Division within 7 working days 4 = 6 working days
after receipt of the security billing. 3 = 7 working days 5 = 5 working days
2 = 8 to 9 working days Transmit security billing to 4 = 6 working days
1 = 10 working days Finance Division within 7 3 = 7 working days
working days after receipt of 2 = 8 to 9 working days
security billing 1 = 10 working days
6 Records: 5 = 10 working days Approve or release/denial FOI
a) FOI - approve or deny request within 15 4 = 11 to 12 working days requests for documents to
working days after receipt of request 3 = 13 to 16 working days requesting party within 15
2 = 17 to 21 working days working days after receipt of 5 = 10 working days
1 = 22 working days request 4 = 11 to 12 working
3 = 13 to 16 working
2 = 17 to 21 working
1 = 22 working days
7 Records: 5 = 2 working days Other documents - Review and 5 = 3 working days
b) Internal - approve or deny request within 3 4 = approve for release documents 4 = 4 working days
working days after receipt of request 3 = 3 working days requested by PMO 3 = 5 working days
2 = 4 working days Office/Division within 5 working 2 = 6 working days
1 = 5 working days days after receipt of request 1 = 7 working days

Implemented other tasks in accordance with Implemented other tasks in

the instruction of the CPO on prescribed accordance with the instruction
deadline. or by requests of other

2nd Semester Timeliness Rating 2nd Semester Timeliness Rating

3 = March 31, 2018 5 = 11 working days
2= 4 = 12-14 working days
1 = April 1, 2018 3 = 15 working days
2 = working days
1 = working days
1 Transmit to requesting officer/division 1. Transmit to requesting 5 = 1 working day
Turnover report of assets disposed to third officer/division Turnover report 4 = 2 working days
party within 3 working days after return from 5 = 1 working day of assets disposed to third party 3 = 3 working days
travel 4 = 2 working days within 3 working days after 2 = 4 working days
3 = 3 working days return from travel 1 = 5 working days
2 = 4 working days
1 = 5 working days
2 2. Endorse incident reports to the concerned 2. Endorse incident reports to 5 = 1 working day
office/division for information/appropriate the concerned office/division for 4=
action within 2 working days upon receipt of information/appropriate action 3 = 2 working days
report 5 = 1 working day within 2 working days upon 2=
4= receipt of report 1 = 3 working days
3 = 2 working days
1 = 3 working days
3 3. Transmit security billing to Finance Division 3. Transmit security billing to
within 7 working days after receipt of Finance Division within 7
security billing 5 = 5 working days working days after receipt of 5 = 5 working days
4 = 6 working days security billing 4 = 6 working days
3 = 7 working days 3 = 7 working days
2 = 8 to 9 working days 2 = 8 to 9 working days
1 = 10 working days 1 = 10 working days
4 4. Approve or release/denial FOI requests for 4. Approve or release/denial FOI
documents to requesting party within 15 requests for documents to
working days after receipt of request requesting party within 15
working days after receipt of 5 = 10 working days
request 4 = 11 to 12 working
5 = 10 working days 3 = 13 to 16 working
4 = 11 to 12 working days days
3 = 13 to 16 working days 2 = 17 to 21 working
2 = 17 to 21 working days days
1 = 22 working days 1 = 22 working days
5 5. Other documents - Review and approve 5. Other documents - Review and 5 = 3 working days
for release documents requested by PMO approve for release documents 4 = 4 working days
Office/Division within 5 working days after requested by PMO 3 = 5 working days
receipt of request 5 = 3 working days Office/Division within 5 working 2 = 6 working days
4 = 4 working days days after receipt of request 1 = 7 working days
3 = 5 working days
2 = 6 working days
1 = 7 working days
6 7. Implemented other tasks in accordance 6. Implemented other tasks in
with the instruction or by requests of other accordance with the instruction
Offices/Division or by requests of other
1st Semester - 8 SIs

Comments (2019.06.04)

Transmitted Inspection Report of

non-managed assets in 15
working days after return from

Submitted to OCPO Inspection

and Turnover Report of all
managed assets in 15 working
days after return from the last
scheduled travel

Transmitted Turnover Report of

disposed assets to DPO for
Marketing in 3 working days after
return from travel.

Submitted recommendation
reports to OCPO/ODPO within 24
hours from receipt of report

Reviewed and submitted

approved security billing to FMD
in 7 working days after receipt of
the security billing
a) FOI - approved/denied request
in 15 working days after receipt of

Subject to verification from the

Other documents - Transmitted

documents requested by PMO
Office/Division in 5 working days
after receipt of request

Implemented other tasks in

accordance with the instruction of
the CPO on prescribed deadline.

2nd Semester - 9 Sis

1.Transmitted Inspection Report of
non-managed assets in 15
working days after return from

2.Transmitted to requesting
officer/division Turnover report of
assets disposed to third party
within 3 working days after return
from travel
3.Endorsed incident reports to the
concerned office/division for
information/appropriate action
within 2 working days upon
receipt of report

4.Transmitted security billing to

Finance Division within 7 working
days after receipt of security

5.Approved or released/denied
FOI requests for documents to
requesting party within 15
working days after receipt of

6.Other documents - Review and

approve for release documents
requested by PMO Office/Division
within 5 working days after receipt
of request

7. Submitted recommendation to
OCPO for inspection of at least 10
non-managed properties in 5
working days after the Planning
8. Completed construction of
fence and installation of electricity
in Toril property by December 31,

Note: For confirmation

9. Implemented other tasks in

accordance with the instruction or
by requests of other
Calibration 2018 Calibration CY 2019
No. 1st Semester Timeliness 1st Semester Timeliness

Appraisal Report Issue a total of 15 appraisal reports 5 = 20 reports

a. Real Estate properties (1 to 2 assets) - per semester 4 = 18 reports
within 10 working days after return from 3 = 15 reports
travel In case of urgent appraisal request, 2 = 11 reports
following periods shall be followed: 1 = 8 reports
b. Real Estate properties (3 to 20
properties) - within 20 working days after a. 1 to 2 real estate properties -
return from travel within 10 working days after return
from travel
c. Real Estate properties and/or chattels
(over 20 properties) - Transmit to b. 3 to 20 real estate properties -
requesting party appraisal reports within within 20 working days after return
30 working days after return from travel. from travel
In case of urgent appraisal requests, c. More than 20 real estate properties
counting of # of working days on present or chattels - within 30 working days
assignment will continue after after return from travel
submission of final report on the urgent
appraisal request

Transmit due diligence report to 5 = 5 working days Transmit due diligence report to 5 = 5 working days
requesting party 7 working days after 4 = 6 working days requesting party in 7 working days 4 = 6 working days
travel provided that documents are 3 = 7 working days after travel provided that documents 3 = 7 working days
2 readily available 2 = 8 to 9 working days are readily available 2 = 8 to 9 working days
1 = 10 working days 1 = 10 working days
Transmit estimate of 3rd party - appraisal 5 = 5 working days Transmit estimate of 3rd party - 5 = 5 working days
cost (agency estimate) to requesting 4 = 6 working days appraisal cost (agency estimate) to 4 = 6 working days
party within 7 working days after receipt 3 = 7 working days requesting party within 7 working 3 = 7 working days
of request 2 = 8 to 9 working days days after receipt of request 2 = 8 to 9 working days
3 1 = 10 working days 1 = 10 working days
Insurance 5 = 5 working days Insurance 5 = 3 working days
4 = 6 working days 4 = 4 working days
a. . Renewal/Exclusion of Assets - 3 = 7 working days a. New Assets - Endorse for approval 3 = 5 working days
recommend approval of insurance 2 = 8 to 9 working days insurance coverage/termination of 2 = 6 working days
coverage to CPO on or before February 1 = 10 working days coverage to CPO within 5 working 1 = 7 working days
28 (for CY S1 2018) days after receipt of request
5 = 3 working days 5 = 1 working day
b. Renewal/Exclusion of Personnel - 4 = 4 working days b. New personnel - endorse for 4 = 2 working days
reviewed and endorsed insurance 3 = 5 working days approval Personal Accident Coverage 3 = 3 working days
coverage to CPO within 7 working days 2 = 6 working days or termination thereof to CPO within 2 = 4 working days
before April 16, 2018 1 = 7 working days 3 working days after receipt of 1 = 5 working days
endorsement from Administrative
c. New Assets - Endorse for approval Division of newly hired or resigned 5 = 21 working days
insurance coverage/termination of personnel 4 = 22 to 24 working days
coverage to CPO within 5 working days 3 = 25 to 33 working days
after receipt of request c. Renewal - Endorse for approval the 2 = 34 to 44 working days
renewal of insurance coverage to CPO 1 = 45 working days
d. New personnel - recommend for 30 days before the expiration of
4 approval of Personal Accident Coverage policy
to GSIS within 5 working days after (*28 February 2019 for asset)
receipt of endorsement from (*16 April 2019 for personnel)
Administrative Division of newly hired or
resigned personnel

e. Process payment of GSIS billing within

4 working days after receipt

Implement other tasks in accordance Implement other tasks in accordance

with the instruction of CPO or by with the instruction of CPO or by
requests of other Office/Divisions requests of other Office/Divisions
2nd Semester Timeliness 2nd Semester Timeliness
Issue appraisal reports to requesting Issue a total of 15 appraisal reports 5 = 20 reports
parties as follows: per semester 4 = 18 reports
3 = 15 reports
a. 1 to 2 real estate properties - within 10 In case of urgent appraisal request, 2 = 11 reports
working days after return from travel following periods shall be followed: 1 = 8 reports

b. 3 to 20 real estate properties - within a. 1 to 2 real estate properties -

20 working days after return from travel within 10 working days after return
from travel
c. More than 20 real estate properties or
chattels - within 30 working days after b. 3 to 20 real estate properties -
return from travel within 20 working days after return
1 from travel

c. More than 20 real estate properties

or chattels - within 30 working days
after return from travel

Transmit due diligence report to 5 = 5 working days Transmit due diligence report to 5 = 5 working days
requesting party 7 working days after 4 = 6 working days requesting party 7 working days after 4 = 6 working days
travel provided, provided that 3 = 7 working days travel provided, provided that 3 = 7 working days
2 documents are readily available 2 = 8 to 9 working days documents are readily available 2 = 8 to 9 working days
1 = 10 working days 1 = 10 working days

Transmit estimate of 3rd party - appraisal 5 = 5 working days Transmit estimate of 3rd party - 5 = 5 working days
cost (agency estimate) to requesting 4 = 6 working days appraisal cost (agency estimate) to 4 = 6 working days
party within 7 working days after receipt 3 = 7 working days requesting party within 7 working 3 = 7 working days
3 of request 2 = 8 to 9 working days days after receipt of request 2 = 8 to 9 working days
1 = 10 working days 1 = 10 working days
Insurance 5 = 3 working days Insurance 5 = 3 working days
4 = 4 working days 4 = 4 working days
a. New Assets - Endorse for approval 3 = 5 working days a. New Assets - Endorse for approval 3 = 5 working days
insurance coverage/termination of 2 = 6 working days insurance coverage/termination of 2 = 6 working days
coverage to CPO within 5 working days 1 = 7 working days coverage to CPO within 5 working 1 = 7 working days
after receipt of request days after receipt of request
5 = 1 working day 5 = 1 working day
b. New personnel - endorse for approval 4 = 2 working days b. New personnel - endorse for 4 = 2 working days
Personal Accident Coverage or 3 = 3 working days approval Personal Accident Coverage 3 = 3 working days
termination thereof to CPO within 3 2 = 4 working days or termination thereof to CPO within 2 = 4 working days
working days after receipt of 1 = 5 working days 3 working days after receipt of 1 = 5 working days
endorsement from Administrative endorsement from Administrative
Division of newly hired or resigned Division of newly hired or resigned 5 = 21 working days
personnel personnel 4 = 22 to 24 working days
3 = 25 to 33 working days
c. Renewal - Endorse for approval the 2 = 34 to 44 working days
renewal of insurance coverage to CPO 1 = 45 working days
4 30 days before the expiration of
(*28 February 2019 for asset)
(*16 April 2019 for personnel)

Implement other tasks in accordance Implement other tasks in accordance

with the instruction of CPO or by with the instruction of CPO or by
requests of other Office/Divisions requests of other Office/Divisions

Comments (2019.06.04)

Issue a total of 15 appraisal

reports per semester

Transmitted due diligence report

to requesting party in 7 working
days after travel provided, that
documents are readily available
Transmitted estimate of 3rd
party - appraisal cost (agency
estimate) to requesting party in
7 working days after receipt of
request provided that
supporting documents are

a. New Assets - Endorse for

approval insurance
coverage/termination of
coverage to CPO in 5 working
days after receipt of request

b. New personnel - endorse for

approval Personal Accident
Coverage or termination thereof
to CPO in 3 working days after
receipt of endorsement from
Administrative Division of newly
hired or resigned personnel

c. Renewal - Endorse for

approval the renewal of
insurance coverage to CPO in 30
days before the expiration of

Target Dates:
(*28 February 2019 for asset)
(*16 April 2019 for personnel)

Implemented other tasks in

accordance with the instruction
of CPO or by requests of other
Issued a total of 15 appraisal
reports per semester

Transmitted due diligence report

to requesting party in 7 working
days after travel provided, that
documents are readily available

Transmitted estimate of 3rd

party - appraisal cost (agency
estimate) to requesting party in
7 working days after receipt of

a. New Assets - Endorse for

approval insurance
coverage/termination of
coverage to CPO within 5
working days after receipt of

b. New personnel - endorse for

approval Personal Accident
Coverage or termination thereof
to CPO within 3 working days
after receipt of endorsement
from Administrative Division of
newly hired or resigned

c. Renewal - Endorse for

approval the renewal of
insurance coverage to OCPO in
30 days before the expiration of
(*1 December 2019 for asset
and personnel)

Implemented other tasks in

accordance with the instruction
of CPO or by requests of other

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