User Guide, Global Drive Loader Tool
User Guide, Global Drive Loader Tool
User Guide, Global Drive Loader Tool
1. Insert the CD you received with this User Guide into the computer's drive and start the program
called 'GD-Loader.exe' in the GDLoader_V30_Setup folder.
2. Install the program on your computer's C: drive
3. Connect the drive PLC to the PC. Unplug the original cable and plug in the new cable.
It is very important to unplug this new cable and reconnect the original cable
after the download completes.
8. In the screen entitled Select target system, select Drive PLC as the target drive. Click on the
button labelled 'OK'.
Global Drive Loader Tool DO DSF 9 KA Nr. KA Datum Ae Seite Format Spr.
User Guide 801477 01.11.07 0 J 264188 2 A4 EN
Schindler Aufzüge AG CH-6030 Ebikon I:\TRC-PLM\PLM-MOD\1 - PLM-MOD Projects\Doors\DO DSF9\Documentation DO DSF 9 C8\GD-
Loader_Tool_J_264188_000_01 Eng..doc
10. Select and open the BIN file containing the new version.
11. This prompt relates to the GDC parameter-record file, but since this file is not needed simply
tick the checkbox to suppress the prompt in future, and click on the button labelled 'OK'
13. This prompt tells you that the target system is still running and should be stopped before you
proceed with the program download. Click on the button labelled 'Yes'
Global Drive Loader Tool DO DSF 9 KA Nr. KA Datum Ae Seite Format Spr.
User Guide 801477 01.11.07 0 J 264188 3 A4 EN
Schindler Aufzüge AG CH-6030 Ebikon I:\TRC-PLM\PLM-MOD\1 - PLM-MOD Projects\Doors\DO DSF9\Documentation DO DSF 9 C8\GD-
Loader_Tool_J_264188_000_01 Eng..doc
14. Wait until the program has downloaded to the target system. (This takes about 2 minutes.)
16. This prompt tells you that the download has completed and asks whether you want to restart
the PLC program. Click on the button labelled Yes. You now return to the main menu.
Global Drive Loader Tool DO DSF 9 KA Nr. KA Datum Ae Seite Format Spr.
User Guide 801477 01.11.07 0 J 264188 4 A4 EN
Schindler Aufzüge AG CH-6030 Ebikon I:\TRC-PLM\PLM-MOD\1 - PLM-MOD Projects\Doors\DO DSF9\Documentation DO DSF 9 C8\GD-
Loader_Tool_J_264188_000_01 Eng..doc
17. Exit
a) Click on the Close binary file icon
b) then log off from the PLC Log off
c) and exit the GD Loader tool by clicking on the button labelled Exit.
18. Unplug the cable connecting the target system to the PC and reconnect the cable of the
controller. Restart the door drive in accordance with the instructions in the document entitled
'Commissioning and diagnosis', J264103 .
Global Drive Loader Tool DO DSF 9 KA Nr. KA Datum Ae Seite Format Spr.
User Guide 801477 01.11.07 0 J 264188 5 A4 EN
Schindler Aufzüge AG CH-6030 Ebikon I:\TRC-PLM\PLM-MOD\1 - PLM-MOD Projects\Doors\DO DSF9\Documentation DO DSF 9 C8\GD-
Loader_Tool_J_264188_000_01 Eng..doc