TwoLegsFourLegs PreK-K FINAL

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Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More!

Traveling Outreach Program

Pre- and Post-Visit Activities
Grades Pre-K - K

Education Department
501 East Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

Reproduction for educational purposes only.

Printed on recycled paper, preserving aquatic habitats. 12/13
The National Aquarium
is a nonprofit organization
whose mission is to inspire conservation
of the world’s aquatic treasures.

501 East Pratt Street • Baltimore, MD 21202

This booklet was prepared by the Education Department at

the National Aquarium.

Illustration: Cindy Belcher

The educational goals of the National Aquarium are supported

by funding from the Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Aquatic
Education Endowment Fund.

The booklet may be reproduced by any teacher, school or

school district for educational purposes.

© 2012
Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More!
A 30-45 minute traveling outreach program for Grades Pre-K—K

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This booklet contains basic information for teachers about
Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! will expose the animals that could be used in the program, as well
students to a variety of animals, each with different numbers as some suggestions for related activities which can be
of legs. Students will mimic animal locomotion and practice used in the classroom. The content pages contain much
counting skills. Animals discussed include snakes, birds, more information than you will want to present to young
frogs, insects, spiders and millipedes. Appropriate animal children, but will provide teachers with excellent background
substitutions may be made on the day of the program if information. Since this program is designed for both
animals are not available. pre-kindergarten and kindergarten children, please modify
NOTE: Snakes, birds, and spiders are puppets only the enclosed activities as necessary.


The Slither, Slide, Creep, and Crawl program takes place in AAAS Benchmarks
your classroom. The students sit in a semi-circle around an
Aquarium instructor. Your assistance with the children
5A-K-2 #1: Some animals and plants are alike in the way
throughout the program is appreciated. Meeting and touching a
they look and in the things they do, and others are very
live animal for the first time is exciting! Please prepare your
different from one another.
students for this experience by discussing the following

1. Each student will rinse his/her hands prior to
5A-K-2 #2: Plants and animals have features that help
touching the animals to remove any loose dirt or debris.
them live in different environments.
2. The animals are held by the Aquarium instructor.
Students will have an opportunity to touch them.
No one is required to touch the animals.
12D-3-5#3: Use numerical data in describing and
3. We employ the “one finger touch” rule for the safety comparing objects and events.
of our animals: the students may touch the animals
with one finger, gently stroking the animals and not
poking them.
4. The animals in the program are gentle and cannot MD Voluntary Curriculum
bite, pinch, or sting.
5. Each student will wash their hands following the Grades PreK-2 #1 – Science- Skills and Processes
animal encounters. We will provide hand sanitizer, Constructing Knowledge
however students should wash their hands with soap Seek information through reading, observation, exploration
and water prior to eating. and investigations.

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 3

The day before your program, read the Teacher Background
information and share this information with your students.
As a pre-activity, you may want to include a discussion of
numbers and counting. Complete Activity 1– How Many
Legs game found on pages 13-14.


On the day of your outreach programs, an Aquarium instructor
will arrive at your school approximately 15 minutes prior to
the start time listed on your contract. The Two Legs, Four
Legs, Six Legs, More! program requires an area in your
classroom large enough to fit all of your students into a
semi-circle on the floor around the Aquarium instructor.
Also, a power outlet is required in order to properly care for
the animals used during the program.

The day after the Outreach program, complete Activity 2 –
Cockroach puzzle found on pages 15-16 and Activity 3 –
Number Tracing found on pages 17-22.

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 4

Despite the fact that they have no legs, snakes are very
mobile animals. Snakes can live on the ground, among
trees, and in the water. They have the ability to climb, swim,
and some species can even “fly”. So how do these limbless
creatures move? Their movement begins at the neck; a
snake contracts its muscles, thrusting its body from side
to side, creating a series of curves. As the snake bunches
up, it presses its body against resistance points (i.e. rocks,
branches, and bumps on the ground) to push off of and
propel themselves forward. Scales act like the tread of a
tire, gripping the surface and propelling the snake forward.
Flying snakes are not actually able to “fly,” but they can glide
through the air after they spring from a tree. The snake
flattens its body and undulates from side to side so that it
can glide down from its perch on a high tree to a lower one.
Snakes “fly” to catch prey, flee predators, and efficiently
Teacher Background move from one tree to another.
Snakes are carnivores, meaning they eat meat. Snakes will
Animals have many different strategies to get from one place feed on a variety of prey including birds, fish, frogs, lizards,
to another. Some use wings to fly, while others have legs to and rats. They kill their prey using one of three methods:
climb, jump, swim, or walk. Some animals do not have legs catching and eating it immediately, suffocating it, or injecting
at all. it with venom. All snakes swallow their prey whole. They
accomplish this feat by having a jaw that can dislocate and
open up to 150 degrees. It is very difficult and dangerous to
SNAKES eat a live animal, which is why some snakes first immobilize
Many people consider snakes to be fearsome creatures. their prey. Venomous snakes have specialized hollow teeth
Television and movies often portray them as creepy- called fangs that are attached to venom glands. When they
crawly, slimy, and scary. Snakes have an undeserved bad bite their prey, toxic venom is injected to paralyze the prey.
reputation, but they are actually very beneficial to humans. Constrictors wrap around their prey to strangle it and then
They are great at controlling pests that carry disease such swallow it once it is motionless. All snakes have teeth, and
as rodents. Snakes are not very dangerous animals. Out of many have teeth which are point backwards in their mouth
the 2500-3000 species of snakes only about 500 of them are in order to keep their prey from escaping. Although snakes
venomous. The majority of snakes that humans come into have no taste buds, they are able to use their tongue to help
contact with are non-venomous. Even if a person is bitten by them smell the air. When you see a snake flicking its tongue,
a venomous snake it is likely that the snake would not inject it is “smelling” the air.
venom. Snakes try to save their venom supply until it is really
needed. BIRDS
Snakes are cold-blooded, legless reptiles. Like other reptiles Because of their ability to fly and travel great distances, birds
they have scales and lay eggs. Cold-blooded animals are have colonized every continent and every habitat on Earth.
unable to control their body temperature and are subject to Members of the bird family have adapted to move easily on
the temperature of their surroundings. Snakes bask in the land, water, and sky.
sun to speed up their metabolism and will often be found in
the sunshine after a meal to cool off. In winter, snakes find a The main mode of transportation for most birds is flight.
suitable den and hibernate until spring. Birds’ bodies have adapted very well for flight. Lifting one‘s
body off the ground becomes easier the lighter you are,

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 5

therefore the bones of birds are hollow. Birds also have far Because birds can live and move around in many different
fewer bones than most animals, making them even lighter. places, the types of food they eat are varied. Birds can be
Feathers are another special adaptation that enable birds carnivores, insectivores, others are scavengers, and some
to fly. Generally there are three types of feathers. Down specialize in eating nuts, seeds, fruit and nectar. Birds beaks
feathers are close to the birds‘ bodies working to keep the are specialized just as their feet are. A parrot has a thick
birds insulated and warm. Contour feathers are the feathers hard beak to crack open nuts, herons have long thin beaks
along the outside of the birds‘ body that give them their to pluck unsuspecting fish out of the water, and ducks have
shape. The flight feathers are those on the wings that are flattened beaks to strain food out of the water.
specialized for flight.
Although most birds often fly to move from place to place, FROGS
birds can also get around using their legs. And birds‘ legs There are over 4000 species of frogs. They live on every
are not just for walking. Birds‘ legs and feet are specialized continent except for Antarctica. Frogs come in all shapes and
for different purposes. For instance birds that spend much sizes; the smallest being the Cuban tree toad which is less
of their time in water have webbed feet. Webbed-feet allow than half an inch long and the largest being the goliath frog
ducks, geese, and cormorants to paddle through water. which can grow up to 15 inches and weigh up to 7 pounds.
Long-legged waterfowl, such as herons and egrets, wade in
Frogs, toads, and salamanders are amphibians. The word
the shallow water stalking prey. Their long legs afford them
amphibian comes from the Greek word amphibios meaning
the ability to peer from above into the water and pluck out
“double-life” which refers to the switch from aquatic larvae
unsuspecting fish below. Parrots grip and manipulate their
to land-dwelling adults. Frog eggs are usually laid in water or
food with their feet. Flightless birds like ostriches and emus
in a moist place. After hatching, most frogs begin life as fish-
use their powerful legs for running and kicking in defense.
shaped tadpoles. Tadpoles look very different from the adult
Birds that live in fields such as pheasants scratch in the soil
frog. They have gills instead of lungs. The have a tail, but no
for food with long nail-like toes. Perching birds have three
legs, so they must undulate like a fish to move about. After
toes facing forward and one toe facing backward so that they
a period of time, which varies from species to species, the
can easily grasp onto branches. Birds of prey such as hawks,
tadpoles undergo a drastic change known as metamorphosis.
eagles, and owls have large claws called talons which are used
During this stage they develop into frogs. They reabsorb
to catch their food.
their tails and gills, as well as develop lungs, forelimbs, and
hindlimbs. Adult frogs breathe through their moist skin as
well as their lungs. Frogs can live on land as well as in water.
Frogs are able to walk slowly, but their main mode of
locomotion is jumping. They have very powerful hindlimbs
and weak forelimbs. Many frogs are able to jump up to
twenty times their own body length. However not all frogs
can jump. Aquatic frogs have webbed feet to propel them
through water. Some ‘flying’ tree frogs actually glide from
tree to tree. Most tree frogs have special sticky pads on the
ends of their fingers and toes for climbing and walking on
smooth, shiny leaves.
Frogs eat live prey that includes insects, spiders, worms,
snails, and small fish. In order to catch their prey, frogs shoot
out their sticky tongue. The sticky end catches the prey item
and pulls it into their mouth. To aid in swallowing their prey,
frogs will push their eyeballs into their heads and force the
prey down into their throat.

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 6

Frogs have vocal cords and are able to produce sounds.
These sounds are what usually alert us to a frog’s presence.
While both males and females can call, females are generally
not as loud or emphatic as males. It is usually the male frog
that is heard calling. Vocalization is an important part of
courtship behavior. When you hear the familiar ‘jug-o-
rum’ call of a bullfrog, it is likely the male announcing his
presence to the female bullfrogs in the area. In addition,
many frogs have vocal sacs that increase the volume of the
sounds they make. Tiny frogs, therefore, are capable of
producing sounds that are surprisingly loud for such small
creatures.Frogs exhibit a wide range of colors from earth-
tone shades of green, gray, and brown to jewel-like colors of
blue, green, orange, yellow, and red. In addition they may
have dark stripes or spots.
Frogs that are dull in color blend well with the natural
environment including leaf litter, tree bark, and plants. This
is called camouflage. Bright colored frogs on the other hand,
stand out to warn predators that they are poisonous to eat.

stay attached when pounding waves hit. The mouth is located
Sea stars, formerly known as starfish, are related to sand
in the center of the body on the same side as the tube feet.
dollars, sea cucumbers, and sea urchins. The name “starfish”
was changed to sea star since the animal is not a fish. Unlike The eating habits of sea stars are often seen as intriguing. All
fish that swim using fins, they crawl on the ocean floor using sea stars are predators and eat snails, crustaceans, worms,
their arms lined with tube feet. Whereas fish are vertebrates fish, and other sea stars. Many sea stars have the ability to
(animals with backbones), sea stars are invertebrates since eat bivalves like clams, oysters, and mussels. The two shells
they lack an internal skeleton. There are 1,600 species of sea of bivalves are held closed by muscles. The shells do not fit
stars found worldwide. perfectly and leave small gaps around the edge of the shells.
The sea star attaches its tube feet to the shells of its prey. The
All sea stars have a similar body form. Typical sea stars have
sea star pushes out its stomach through its mouth and inserts
five arms, but some, like the sunflower star found on the
it into the small gaps between the shells. Digestive juices
West Coast, have as many as forty! A light sensitive eye is
are released, which dissolve the flesh of the bivalve. The
located at the end of each arm. The back of the sea star
liquefied food is absorbed by the sea star‘s stomach lining.
is rough with a spiny appearance due to the presence of
When finished, the sea star pulls its stomach back through its
small spines and ridges. Located on the back of the sea
mouth. Some sea stars lack tube feet and swallow their prey
star is a dark spot called the madreporite. Students often
incorrectly think this is an eye, nose, or mouth of a sea star.
The madreporite is an organ that acts like a straw to suck up
water into the sea star‘s body to move the tube feet located INSECTS
on the underside. The tube feet are hollow with suction cup Insects are the most abundant animals on earth; there are
tips. When water is squeezed through the hundreds of tube about one million species! In fact, if you totaled the weight
feet, they extend and allow the sea star to move, climb, and of all of the insects in the world and compared that weight
hold onto objects. The suction cups at the end of the tube to the total weight of all of the elephants in the world, the
feet can firmly attach the sea star to rocks and allow them to insects would greatly outweigh the elephants! They have

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 7

populated most habitats on Earth. They are found on land Madagascar hissing cockroaches are an interesting insect.
and in water, including deserts, rainforests, freshwater ponds, They get their name from their unique ability to produce
and even in the arctic. Insects‘ diets vary from species to hissing sounds by squeezing air through holes in their
species. They will eat anything from pollen, to carrion (the abdomen. As the air comes out it, the hissing sound is
rotting carcass of a dead animal), to wood. created. The cockroach hisses when disturbed or alarmed
and males also hiss when they encounter each other. Like
Insects have an exoskeleton. This means that they have a all cockroaches, Madagascar hissing cockroaches have two
hard skeleton on the outside of their body rather than brains, stomach teeth (tooth-like plates in their stomach
having bones on the inside as we do. Insects have three body which break up food for digestion), and ears on their legs.
sections: the head, thorax, and abdomen. The head contains Cockroaches eat fallen fruit and other rotting vegetation, as
complex eyes, mouth parts (mandibles), and antennae. The well as carrion.
thorax is the area where the legs and wings are attached. The
abdomen is the area that contains most of the organs. All
insects have six legs. Insects move three legs at a time, one SPIDERS
leg on one side of the body and two legs on the other. Spiders belong to a group of animals called arachnids.
Contrary to popular belief, spiders are not insects. Unlike
Some species of insects hatch from an egg into a miniature insects, they only have two body sections: a cephalothorax
adult or a nymph. However, in almost 90% of insect (a head and a thorax together), and an abdomen. The
species newly hatched young are known as larva, and look cephalothorax contains the eyes, legs, and jaws (called
completely different from the adult form. As they grow, the chelicerae). The abdomen contains most of the organs
larva periodically sheds its exoskeleton which enables it to including the digestive tract, the heart and the specialized
grow larger. This process is called molting. When an insect glands that produce silk. Another way to distinguish spiders
goes from the larval stage to the next developmental stage from insects is that spiders have eight legs whereas insects
they are said to be metamorphosing. Therefore a caterpillar have six. Also, unlike insects, spiders do not have mandibles
larva metamorphoses into an adult butterfly. or antennae.
Although they have eight eyes, spiders do not have great
eyesight. They rely mostly on another sense altogether.
Spiders have small sensitive hairs that cover their entire
body. Their legs are especially hairy. These hairs pick up
vibrations from what the spider is standing on. Spiders do
not have ears; they can “hear” using these hairs on their legs.
Spiders are carnivorous animals. In most cases spiders build
elaborate webs of silk in order to trap unsuspecting insects
Almost all spiders are venomous. Like snakes, they possess
fangs to inject venom in their prey. The fangs of most
spiders are too small to penetrate human skin, so they are
not really a threat to humans.
Some spiders, like the bird-eating spider, eat larger prey. As
their name suggests, they are able to eat small birds such as
hummingbirds (although this is not their main prey), as well
as large insects, small rodents, lizards, and frogs. The bird-
eating spider is a type of tarantula. Tarantulas are a group of
large, hairy spiders that live either in burrows in the ground
or in trees. They come out at night to hunt. Tarantulas can
bite, but usually defend themselves by flicking hairs from

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 8

their abdomen when threatened. The irritating hairs may Once the shell is broken open, the crab backs out of the
land in the eyes or nose of the predator. old exoskeleton. The crab then draws in water, forcing its
new soft shell to swell. The crab‘s new exoskeleton will be
While all spider species spin silk, they do a number of about one-third larger than the old one. The newly exposed
different things with the fiber once they produce it. Not all exoskeleton is soft and the crab is extremely vulnerable and
species spin webs, and many do not use their silk for hunting weak. During this time, crabs hide in protected areas such as
at all. Some spiders use silk to create an egg sac for their marshes and grass beds. It takes about two days for the new
eggs. Spiders that live in burrows such as the tarantula will exoskeleton to completely harden.
use silk to line their burrow. Spiders use their silk to wrap
up and immobilize their prey. Also, newly hatched spiders Crabs are opportunistic feeders or scavengers. They catch
can use silk to parachute from their hatching site to another and eat live prey including fish, mussels, clams, and other
location. Spiders often recycle their web. Webs need to be crabs, but will also eat carcasses of dead animals. They are
repaired daily, so spiders will eat the silk in order to use the not strictly carnivores, they eat plant material when they
proteins to make a new web. come across it. Just as crabs prey on many things, they also
fall prey to many animals. They are eaten by fish, birds,
Have you ever wondered how spiders can walk on walls? other crabs, and people. The blue crab is important to the
Spiders have specialized feet which allow them to climb Maryland commercial fishery. Maryland has one of the
walls and trees. The ends of spiders‘ legs contain many hairs. largest blue crab fisheries in the United States.
These hairs fit into grooves on walls and ceilings and the
spider can easily move up and down. Although the crabbing industry is heavily regulated, blue
crab populations continue to decline in the Chesapeake
CRABS Bay. Many factors have affected their population, including
over fishing and habitat loss. Pollutants such as car exhaust,
Crabs have ten legs. They belong to a group of animals called
plant and animal waste, and fertilizer are the main factors
decapods, deca=ten poda=leg. The first pair of legs has
impairing the blue crab’s habitat. These pollutants release
sharp claws which are used for defense or to hold and
excess nutrients into the Bay, which can reduce the amount
capture food. Usually the next four pairs of legs are for
of oxygen in the water. They also can produce algal blooms,
walking. These walkinglegs have pointed tips which allow
which in turn damage the underwater plants that the crabs
the crabs to move around easily on substrates such as sand
use for food, shelter, and as nursery areas for their young.
and rocks. Most crabs‘ legs are distributed on either side of
their body. When they walk, one set of legs leads and the
other follows and the crabs therefore walk sideways. Some
crabs such as the spider crab have legs radiating out from all
sides of their body. These crabs can move in any direction
(back and forth as well as sideways). Other crabs such as the
blue crab have paddle-like legs. These paddles on their fifth
pair of legs allow the crab to swim up and down in the water
Crabs, like insects, have complex eyes. Their eyes are perched
on stalks. This allows the crabs to see in many directions at
once. Also, just as insects have a hard exoskeleton, crabs do
too. This rigid outer skeleton is made of chitin and calcium.
Exoskeletons must be shed and replaced periodically by
a new, larger outer skeleton. During this process, called
molting, the old shell cracks just below the crab‘s eyes
and all the way to the points of the shells. The shell also
cracks along the backside and along the tops of the claws.

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 9

The name millipede literally means “one thousand legs”
(milli=1000, ped= leg). Contrary to what their name implies,
millipedes do not actually have one thousand legs—they
usually have between one hundred and four hundred legs.
The record for the most legs on a millipede goes to a species
in California known as Illacme plenipes which has 750 legs.
The millipede is easily distinguished from its cousin, the
centipede, because the millipede has two pairs of legs on
each body segment whereas the centipede has only one pair
of legs per segment. Millipedes are found in dark moist
places such as under logs, stones, rotting leaf litter, and in
moist soil where they often burrow. They are herbivores;
their diet consists of a variety of rotting vegetation. Since
millipedes require a moist environment, they are more active
at night when there is less danger of drying out. Millipedes
have extremely poor eyesight so they must sense their way by
continuously tapping their antennae on the ground as they
One might think that having hundreds of legs would enable
an animal to move very quickly, but actually having so many
small legs really slows the millipede down. However having
many legs gives millipedes a lot of power to muscle their way
through dirt and debris. They are great at bulldozing through
rotting vegetation.
Female millipedes lay eggs in nests that they carefully guard.
When a millipede hatches out of its egg it has only three
pairs legs. Every time they molt, or shed their exoskeleton,
they add more segments and thus more legs. Until
completing their first two molts, they do not eat and they are
blind. Before going into molt, the millipede must find a safe
place to hide, because during this time, they are vulnerable
to predation. When threatened, the millipede‘s main line of
defense is to coil into a tight ball in order to protect its soft
underbelly. They can also excrete a foul-tasting and smelling
fluid from specialized stink glands.
The giant African millipede is found in tropical and sub
tropical forests in Africa. They are one of the largest
millipedes in the world. They can grow to be twelve inches
long and can be as thick as a person‘s thumb. On average
they have about one hundred legs.

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 10


Abdomen – the end segment of the body of an insect or Exoskeleton – the hard outer “shell” of an animal such as an
spider that is attached to the thorax which contains most of insect or crustacean that provides support and protection
the organs
Invertebrate – an animal that does not have a backbone
Amphibian – a cold-blooded animal that typically lives on including insects, spiders, and crustaceans
land but breeds in water. Aquatic larvae undergo
metamorphosis in order to become mature adults Larva – the early, immature stage of an animal before
metamorphosis takes place
Antennae – moveable sensory organs attached to the head of
insects, typically sensitive to touch and taste
Mandibles – mouth parts or “jaws” of an insect or spider

Bivalve – an animal characterized by two hard shells which

Molting - the process of shedding an outer layer such as the
incase a soft body, for example clams and oysters
exoskeleton, permitting growth in the case of arthropods
such as crustaceans
Carnivore – an animal which feeds on the flesh of other
Nymph - an insect that emerges from the egg as a miniature
adult as opposed to emerging as a larva
Carrion – the carcass of an animal that is fed upon by
Reptile - an animal that is cold-blooded, has scales, breathes
air and lays eggs
Cephalothorax – the fused head and thorax of an arachnid
(i.e. spider) or crustacean (i.e. lobster) containing the brain,
Tadpole - the aquatic larva of a frog or toad
stomach, eyes and mouth

Thorax - the middle segment of an insect that bears the legs

Chelicerae – appendages located on the cephalothorax of a
and wings
spider which contain the fangs

Venom - a toxic substance that is actively transferred to

Constrictor – a snake that coils around and asphyxiates its
another organism to either incapacitate, paralyze, or cause
prey before swallowing it whole

Cold-blooded – an animal that cannot regulate its own body

Vertebrate - any animal that has a backbone including birds,
temperature and is subject to the surrounding temperature
fish and mammals

Decapod – an animal that has ten legs such as the crab

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 11


The National Aquarium in Baltimore‘s website provides
information about many animals. The website also includes
useful information pertaining to other teacher resources.

The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology‘s Animal
Diversity Web is an online database of animal natural
history, distribution, classification and conservation biology
written by students.

A revolutionary eight-part television series that reveals the
dramatic rise of the animal kingdom through the
breakthroughs of scientific discovery. The Shape of Life
website features activities and resources, animal facts, and
scientist biographies.

This website contains a great list of web links to find
information about animal facts and conservation.

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 12


Activity 1 — How Many Legs?

During the Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! program,
your students will learn about many animals. In this activity
your students will practice their counting and matching skills.
They will also become familiar with the animals that they will
be seeing during the program.


1. Read the Teacher Background information provided in

this booklet on pages 5-12 and share it with your students.
2. Photocopy the How Many Legs? Activity Sheet found on
page 14 for each student. Provide your students with
crayons or markers to color in the pictures of the animals
and the numbers.
3. Tell the students that they must draw a line from the
animal to the number that corresponds with the
number of legs the animal has. For example the students
will draw a line from the bird, which has two legs, to the
number two.
4. This activity can also be used as a matching game. Have the
students color and cut out the pictures of the animals and
numbers. Then have them pair up the animals and the
correct numbers.

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 13


Activity 1 — How Many Legs?

How many legs does the spider have? Match the animal to each number by drawing a line to the right answer.

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 14


Activity 2 — Cockroach Puzzle

The Cockroach puzzle activity will allow your students to review
what they learned by matching the animals they learned about
with their legs.


1. Photocopy the Cockroach puzzle on page 16. There

should be one page for each student.
2. Have your students color the puzzle pieces.
3. Have your students cut out the puzzle pieces (you may
want to cut these out for them).
4. Have your students fit the pieces of the puzzle together
explaining the different parts of the animal and what each
part is for:

Antennae – moveable sensory organs attached to the

head of insects, typically sensitive to touch and taste

Head – contains the eyes and mouthparts.

Legs – the knees of cockroaches are where their ears are!

Body – contain the stomach, where the legs attach.

5. Your students may glue the pieces together or they may

save the pieces to use the puzzle again.

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 15


Activity 2 — Cockroach Puzzle

Cut along the dotted lines, then paste the bug together so it looks like the picture below.
How many legs does this animal have? How many pieces are there?

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 16


Activity 3 — Number Tracing

The Number Tracing activity lets your students to review what they
learned about the animals, while practicing their writing skills.


1. Review with your students the animals that they learned

about during the Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More!
program. These may include birds, frogs, sea stars,
hissing cockroaches, spiders.
2. Make a copy of each of the Number Tracing Activity
Sheets found on pages 18-22. There are five Activity
Sheets: bird, frog, sea star, hissing cockroach, and spider.
3. Provide your students with crayons or markers to color
the sheets.
4. Have your students trace the number which corresponds to
the number of legs the animal has (i.e. For a frog, trace the
number four).

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 17


Activity 3 — Number Tracing

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 18


Activity 3 — Number Tracing

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 19


Activity 3 — Number Tracing

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 20


Activity 3 — Number Tracing

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 21


Activity 3 — Number Tracing

Two Legs, Four Legs, Six Legs, More! – Grades PreK-K 22

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