Bermudez V Torres (Fullcase and Case Digest)
Bermudez V Torres (Fullcase and Case Digest)
Bermudez V Torres (Fullcase and Case Digest)
indorsement, which is essentially persuasive in The Court there has explained that the President
character and not binding or obligatory upon the merely exercises general supervision over local
party to whom it is made.22 The recommendation is government units and local officials,26 hence, in the
here nothing really more than advisory in appointment of a Provincial Budget Officer, the
nature.23 The President, being the head of the executive department, through the Secretary of
Executive Department, could very well disregard or Budget and Management, indeed had to share the
do away with the action of the departments, questioned power with the local government.
bureaus or offices even in the exercise of
discretionary authority, and in so opting, he cannot In the instant case, the recommendation of the
be said as having acted beyond the scope of his Secretary of Justice and the appointment of the
authority. President are acts of the Executive Department
itself, and there is no sharing of power to speak of,
The doctrine in San Juan, relied upon by petitioners, the latter being deemed for all intents and purposes
is tangential. While the tenor of the legal provision as being merely an extension of the personality of
in Executive Order No. 112 has some similarity with the President.
the provision in the 1987 Administrative Code in
question, it is to be pointed out, however, that San WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. No
Juan,24 in construing the law, has distinctively given costs.1âwphi1.nêt
stress to the constitutional mandate on local
autonomy; thus:
“Section 16. The President shall nominate and, with “SECTION 9. Provincial/City Prosecution Offices.—
the consent of the Commission on Appointments, The Provincial and City Fiscal’s Office established in
appoint the heads of the executive departments, each of the provinces and cities pursuant to law, is
ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, or retained and renamed Provincial/City Prosecution
officers of the armed forces from the rank of colonel Office. It shall be headed by a Provincial Prosecutor
or City Prosecutor, as the case may be, assisted by
or naval captain, and other officers whose
such number of Assistant Provincial/City
appointments are vested in him in this Constitution.
Prosecutors as fixed and/or authorized by law. The
He shall also appoint all other officers of the position titles of Provincial and City Fiscal and of
Government whose appointments are not Assistant Provincial and City Fiscal are hereby
otherwise provided for by law, and those whom he abolished.
may be authorized by law to appoint. The Congress
may, by law, vest the appointment of other officers All provincial/city prosecution offices shall continue
lower in rank in the President alone, in the courts, to discharge their functions under existing law.
or in the heads of departments, agencies,
All provincial and city prosecutors and their
commissions, or boards.”( THE 1987
assistants shall be appointed by the President upon
CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE the recommendation of the Secretary.( Executive
PHILIPPINES – ARTICLE VII) Order No. 292 [BOOK IV/Title III/Chapter 2-
Department Proper])”
In 1997, there was a vacancy in the Office of the Prosecutor by issuing office orders and
Provincial Prosecutor of Tarlac. This impelled memoranda, signing resolutions on preliminary
petitioner Oscar Bermudez, the First Assistant
Provincial Prosecutor of Tarlac and Officer-In- investigations, and filing several informations
Charge of the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor, before the courts. Quiaoit had since been regularly
and private respondent Conrado Quiaoit to have receiving the salary, RATA and other emoluments of
contrasting views on the proper interpretation of a the office.
provision in the 1987 Revised Administrative Code.
Bermudez was recommended by then Justice On 10 October 1997, Bermudez together with his
Secretary Teofisto Guingona, Jr. While Quiaoit was co-petitioners, filed with the RTC of Tarlac, a
supported by then Representative Jose Yap of the petition for prohibition and/or injunction, and
Second Legislative District of Tarlac. mandamus, with a prayer for the issuance of a writ
of injunction/temporary restraining order, assailing
On 30 June 1997, Quiaoit was appointed by the appointment of Quiaoit primarily on the ground
President Ramos to the contested office and on July that the appointment lacks the recommendation of
21 1997, took his oath of office. Bermudez refused the Secretary of Justice prescribed under the
to vacate the Office of Provincial Prosecutor. Revised Administrative Code of 1987.
Nonetheless, Quiaoit performed the functions and
duties of the Office of Provincial
Is the absence of a recommendation of the No. In the instant case, the recommendation of the
Secretary of Justice to the President fatal to the Secretary of Justice and the appointment of the
appointment of respondent Conrado Quiaoit? President are acts of the Executive Department
itself, and there is no sharing of power to speak of,
the latter being deemed for all intents and purposes
as being merely an extension of the personality of
the President.