Henshin Basic Playset

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Henshin!: A Sentai RPG

o start playing Henshin!, read over these materials and pitch a few friends on the game. The “Form
a Squad” sheet will help everyone at the table brainstorm and create an original concept for your
© 2017 Tim Batiuk & Sam Kusek team, though feel free to start generating ideas early on. Alternately, keep an eye out for pre-made
Artwork by Evan Palmer modules that provide everything you need to start transforming right away!
Next, find a few hours for everyone to play and then prepare by printing a single copy of each
Cave of Monsters Games page that follows. Also, grab some small items to use as tokens, about four or five for each player. Speak-
ing of players, whoever has read these materials all the way through should consider being the Narrator.
Find out more at henshingame.com The “Narrator” sheet and Color reference sheets are just for this person, whereas each other player only
has their own Color sheet to manage.
All mention of copyright works is for reference purpose That’s it! Have fun and...let’s henshin!
only and is not a challenge of copyright or trademark.
H enshin!: A Sentai RPG

NOTES TO THE the school parking lot, and students who don’t have as the creaky wooden floor begins to give out.

NARRATOR afterschool activities are lining up to donate. Yellow,

what role are you playing in the drive and how are we
seeing you manage your responsibilities?
Or the Narrator can play a Turn for a monster
they created.
This mechanic is called a “Turn” be-
Getting to the Action cause turns encourage everyone to hand over
Narrator, don’t be afraid to keep the camera
Before sitting down to play Henshin!, pitch each moving by framing scenes that are short and to the play to the next person as a response, each
other on interesting concepts for setting and point! Ask if viewers see anything else before a scene taking their turn. A player’s Turn is responded
aesthetics. Don’t worry if it’s simple or obvious! closes and suggest that unresolved conflicts get to by the Narrator’s Turn, who then may shift
You’ll develop interesting twists once you’re revisited later. the focus to another player who will play a Turn.
starting play. While you could spend an entire The Narrator should encourage players to This keeps the action moving and draws the
session forming a Squad from scratch, arriving trigger a Turn from their Color sheet during a scene, curtain on conflicts at their most interesting.
with a distinct concept or two helps get the either by prompting them to react to something or Managing the Episode
group playing sooner. interpreting how they act as a Turn. Sometimes this
(As an alternative, themed modules are Midway through an episode, the Narrator
may require a clarification.
published at henshingame.com and provide all should find that all players have taken and
Black’s Player: So, when I land in this unfamiliar spent tokens as a result of their Turns and a
the prep you need to get Henshin! to the table.
situation, the first thing I do is hide and try to observe monster has been announced, even if only
Check them out!)
what’s going on. offscreen. Now, check in as a group about a
When everyone sits down to form a
Squad, the Narrator manages the “Form a Narrator: Is there a Turn you’re trying to hit here? particular Task a player is working toward or a
Squad” worksheet to guide everyone along the Turn someone wants to use. This flags content
Black’s Player: ...You know what? That’s not what I
process. The Narrator consults the Agenda, that the table can help make happen in
would do. I just charge right into the conflict while
asks questions, and takes lots of notes. Keep interesting and challenging ways.
the others make a plan. That’s the Light Turn, “Inter-
this moving and if players are stumped on an During the remaining episode, the
fere with a reliable course of action.” (Player takes a
element, suggest to revisit it during play. Narrator addresses the conflicts on the table
token.) You see me just barreling forward!
Once the table is at the “Introductions” (including the monster) and to help players hit
section of the worksheet, the Narrator should Other times, the player may announce the Turn interesting Turns that haven’t seen play, espe-
pass out Color sheets. Try folding these in thirds explicitly or it is just obvious that the Turn was cially transformations, weapons, and mechs.
with the artwork facing out, encouraging play- triggered. As soon as the action is dying down during the
ers to choose based off the brief Color descrip- Narrator: So the monster rears around to face you, final moments, the Narrator shifts focus to a
tion. This cuts down on player deliberation so Red, and it snarls when it sees your transformer on round of final spotlight scenes before cutting
that Colors are chosen and then introduced! the ground in front of you. Its tendrils whip out in a to credits. Remember, this may be the last time
flash and it’s coming right at you. How do you viewers see this character in the episode!
Taking Turns in Scenes respond? Once play is over, players reflect and
When the Narrator begins an episode, they unpack as they review a relevant Task they
Red’s Player: (Grabbing one of their tokens) I got this. worked toward. Without too formal of a process,
consider scenes that are “spotlights” to direct
You see my eyes narrow, and I just somersault for- everyone decides as a group on one character
attention to a Color or the Squad. These can be
ward between its legs while grabbing the transform- that did so in an especially engaging way, and
set up entirely by a player or the Narrator can
er. “Face down danger without hesitation.” (Player that player is able to select a Raise. Sometimes
prompt them. For example, a player can set up
spends the token for this Heavy Turn.) the chosen Raise is consistent with what the
a scene by responding to:
When a player has a Turn, the Narrator consid- Color did during the episode, meaning the Raise
What do we see your Color doing that tells us
ers their own Turns as a response. For example, after already took effect, or perhaps the effect of the
what they’re all about?
Black Player’s Light Turn above, the Narrator could use Raise is instead revealed in a special post-
However, if a player needs direction, the Narra- their own Heavy Turn ‘Incapacitate someone’ as Black credits scene. Or, if the group will be playing
tor may prompt them with concrete details. walks right into a trap. After Red Play’s Heavy Turn, the again, this Raise can be set up at the start of
So, the community blood drive is assembled in Narrator could still respond with ‘Alter the landscape’ the next episode.
H enshin!: A Sentai RPG

You possess the qualities to lead the team,
Special Turn
When you take on solving someone else’s
problem, they gain a token.
During play, work toward how you could:
• Charge ahead recklessly if no one is
even if it you’re not yet ready for that depending on you.
Heavy Turns -1
• Rise to the occasion when it’s the right
power. Whether the others decide to listen to a
Spend a token to: thing to do.
hot-headed rookie like yourself, well, that’s up
to them. • Use your weapon to drive off an opponent. • Express wonder, even if it borders on
• Face down danger without hesitation. naïveté.
Choose a Name • Transform when danger appears. • Eagerly shine the spotlight on your
Adam, Akane, Flynn, Garnet, Jasper, Maple, • Summon your mech when danger escalates. teammates, too.
Rowan, a commanding name • Ask someone, “Who is really behind this?” • Explore self-realization & eventual
Choose Looks Regular Turns
Tender face, naïve face, You may always: Raises
eager face, defiant face, • Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable. When told, you may choose the following:
cocky face • React by taking temporary cover. • You become, without a doubt, a true
Calm eyes, fiery eyes, • Display impressive fighting technique. leader. No one will question it from here
devoted eyes, • Try to prove yourself to another. on. Describe why.
impulsive eyes, • Speak up for someone weaker. • Your suit, weapon, or mech become
courageous eyes undeniably better. Describe how. Start
Light Turns +1
each episode with a token from now on.
Active wear, Gain a token when you: • Retire your character. Swap powers with
flattering wear, • Head into danger without your Squad. someone, lose your powers, step down, or
dependable wear, • Fail to react and suffer the consequences. disappear. Describe what happens.
casual wear, • Let your temper cloud your judgment.
flashy wear • Talk smack to someone more powerful than Describe Your Color’s:
Choose a you.
Named Attack
Connection • Ask someone, “Why do people follow me?”
Sworn rival, Squad Turns
estranged parent, • When the Squad confronts danger to follow Suit
vulnerable sibling, their Principle, Colors present gain a token.
budding love interest, • When the Squad is all suited up, their weapons
venerable fighting master may combine into an Ultimate Attack.
Describe the Other • When the Squad is suited up with mechs Weapon
summoned, they may call on their Ultimate
H enshin!: A Sentai RPG

You’re straight-laced, sensible, and
Special Turn
When you accept the support of someone stronger,
your next Heavy move does not cost a token.
During play, work toward how you could:
• Calculate possible courses of action.
ambitious. You may be a classic over­achiever, • Play it by the book…most of the time.
Heavy Turns -1
• Find the right time for sensibility and for
and you know that the others rely on your quick
Spend a token to: deadpan humor.
• Devise the proper tool for the job. • Prove that brain trumps brawn.
• Remain absolutely calm under pressure. • Explore fallibility & prodigy.
Choose a Name • Transform when danger appears.
Azura, Carolina, Cyan, Hinto, • Summon your mech when danger escalates. Raises
Iris, Jay, Royal, a thoughtful • Ask someone, “How could I get you to do the When told, you may choose the following:
name sensible thing?” • You are, without a doubt, a capable
fighter. No one will consider you weak
Choose Looks Regular Turns when you rely on your brain. Describe why.
You may always: • Your suit, weapon, or mech become
Serious face, cold face,
plain face, • Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable. undeniably better. Describe how. Start
unassuming face, • React by taking temporary cover. each episode with a token from now on.
wise face • Display precise fighting technique. • Retire your character. Swap powers with
• Try to pinpoint an adversary’s weakness. someone, lose your powers, step down, or
Quiet eyes, bright • Point out the obvious to another. disappear. Describe what happens.
eyes, focused
eyes, stern eyes, Light Turns +1 Describe Your Color’s:
calculating eyes Gain a token when you:
Named Attack
Formal wear, • Ruin something perfectly.
sensible wear, uniformed • Fail to react effectively.
wear, careless wear, • Become demoralized by a setback.
retro wear • Construct something dangerous. Suit
• Ask someone, “What do others really think of
Choose a me?”
Squad Turns Weapon
Accomplished sibling,
overworked parent, • When the Squad confronts danger to follow
jealous rival, unlikely crush, their Principle, Colors present gain a token.
a creation you built • When the Squad is all suited up, their weapons
may combine into an Ultimate Attack. Mech
Describe the Other • When the Squad is suited up with mechs
Colors summoned, they may call on their Ultimate
H enshin!: A Sentai RPG

You’re cool and laid-back. Others know that
Special Turn
When you accept the support of someone weaker,
your next Heavy move does not cost a token.
During play, work toward how you could:
• Show your strength.
you always wear the right clothes, listen to the • Defend those you care about at any cost.
Heavy Turns -1
• Oblige yourself to others, even if you will
right music, and know just the right thing to
Spend a token to: let them down.
• Clear the way of adversaries during a brawl. • Prove that brawn trumps brains.
• Shake off a beating like it’s nothing. • Explore duty & martyrdom.
Choose a Name • Transform when danger appears.
Clara, Corbett, Dolan, Huyen, Kass, Melanie, • Summon your mech when danger escalates. Raises
Raven, a potent name • Ask someone, “What do I need to sacrifice in When told, you may choose the following:

Choose Looks order to see this through?” • You are, without a doubt, smarter than
you look (in your own way). No one will
Eager face, Regular Turns sell you short when you solve problems
stubborn face, You may always: forcefully.
guarded face, loyal • Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable. • Your suit, weapon, or mech become
face, tough face • React by taking temporary cover. undeniably better. Describe how. Start
Intense eyes, devoted • Display reckless fighting technique. each episode with a token from now on.
eyes, warm eyes, • Try to protect someone in need. • Retire your character. Swap powers with
vigilant eyes, wild eyes • Remind someone of the real task at hand. someone, lose your powers, step down, or
disappear. Describe what happens.
Comfortable wear, Light Turns +1
trendsetting wear, loud Gain a token when you: Describe Your Color’s:
wear, athletic wear, • Take the brunt of someone else’s burden.
everyday wear Named Attack
• Fail to react and overexert yourself.
Choose a • Interfere with a reliable course of action.
Connection • Frighten another with an impressive feat.
• Ask someone, “Who have I failed to protect?” Suit
Unskilled peer,
military parent, Squad Turns
unrequited crush, • When the Squad confronts danger to follow
unfortunate boss, their Principle, Colors present gain a token. Weapon
obliged family friend • When the Squad is all suited up, their weapons
may combine into an Ultimate Attack.
Describe the
• When the Squad is suited up with mechs
Other Colors Mech
summoned, they may call on their Ultimate
H enshin!: A Sentai RPG

You could become the best, someday, but
Special Turn
When you take an opportunity to prove what you’ve
learned to someone else, they receive a token.
During play, work toward how you could:
• Show that one size doesn’t fit all.
you’re not there yet. Others will put up with • Throw inexperience or ineptitude at a
Heavy Turns -1
problem and see what sticks.
your eccentricities and jokes in the meantime.
Spend a token to: • Approach the right thing to do from the
• Stumble upon an unlikely, perfect hit. wrong way to do it.
• Gather hidden endurance to take what’s • Unveil a profound talent when others
Choose a Name coming. don’t expect it.
Graham, Iva, Jade, Kadir, Lorn, • Transform when danger appears. • Explore vulnerability & coming of age.
Lu-Chu, Zarqa, an unusual name • Summon your mech when danger escalates.
• Ask someone, “What is an unorthodox Raises
Choose Looks When told, you may choose the following:
Aloof face, distant face, excitable • You have, without a doubt, matured and
face, offbeat face, youthful face Regular Turns come into your own. Others will
You may always: appreciate the strange things that make
Curious eyes, playful eyes,
solitary eyes, sparkling • Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable. you tick. Describe why.
eyes, uncommon eyes • React by taking temporary cover. • Your suit, weapon, or mech become
• Display eccentric fighting technique. undeniably better. Describe how. Start
Asymmetrical wear, • Try to bring people together with a wisecrack. each episode with a token from now on.
baggy wear, crafty • Act as a decoy. • Retire your character. Swap powers with
wear, uncommon wear, someone, lose your powers, step down, or
whimsical wear Light Turns +1
disappear. Describe what happens.
Gain a token when you:
Choose a Describe Your Color’s:
Connection • Endanger someone instead of accomplishing
Named Attack
Straitlaced relative, • Fail to react and cower.
out-of-your-league crush, • Pull a prank gone wrong.
odd pet, dangerous creditor, • Act childish when someone expects better.
sympathetic adversary • Ask someone, “What don’t I understand about Suit
the world yet?”
Describe the Other
Colors Squad Turns
• When the Squad confronts danger to follow Weapon
their Principle, Colors present gain a token.
• When the Squad is all suited up, their weapons
may combine into an Ultimate Attack.
• When the Squad is suited up with mechs
summoned, they may call on their Ultimate
H enshin!: A Sentai RPG

You’re able to support others while still
Special Turn
When you acknowledges someone’s admission of
friendship with you, their next Heavy move does
During play, work toward how you could:
• Talk out an issue, especially when
retaining that creative individualist streak. not cost a token. everyone else is fighting.
Others will find you trusting and sociable—so • Diffuse tense situations with insight or
Heavy Turns -1
long as you’re willing to open up.
Spend a token to: • Observe who is doing what and with
• Address an immediate problem with a level whom.
Choose a Name head. • Prove that your role is anything but
Aurelia, Amber, Boyd, • Remain totally dependable under pressure. subordinate.
Huang, Saffron, Taji, • Transform when danger appears. • Explore individuality & insecurity.
Xanthe, a likeable name • Summon your mech when danger escalates.
• Ask someone, “What’s a creative solution to Raises
Choose Looks work this out?” When told, you may choose the following:
Approachable face, • You are, without a doubt, a vital
tenacious face, good-
Regular Turns guiding force. No one will think you
natured face, shrewd You may always: deserve a backseat role. Describe why.
face, lively face • Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable. • Your suit, weapon, or mech become
Focused eyes, sincere
• React by taking temporary cover. undeniably better. Describe how. Start
eyes, knowing eyes,
• Display agile fighting technique. each episode with a token from now on.
familiar eyes,
• Try to boost another Color’s morale. • Retire your character. Swap powers with
enthusiastic eyes
• Reveal a hidden talent or passion. someone, lose your powers, step down, or
disappear. Describe what happens.
Versatile wear, stylish Light Turns +1

wear, sophisticated wear, Gain a token when you: Describe Your Color’s:
flattering wear, • Doubt yourself when taking definitive action.
Named Attack
professional wear • Fail to react and ignore the important.
Choose a • Do what’s best for someone when they
wouldn’t agree.
Connection • Overcommit yourself to another cause. Suit
Suspicious volunteer • Ask someone, “What was one of my past
coordinator, hapless mistakes?”
cousin, doting parents,
misfit crush,
Squad Turns Weapon
friend-turned-celebrity • When the Squad confronts danger to follow
their Principle, Colors present gain a token.
Describe the Other • When the Squad is all suited up, their weapons
Colors may combine into an Ultimate Attack. Mech
• When the Squad is suited up with mechs
summoned, they may call on their Ultimate
H enshin!: A Sentai RPG

You’re a bit unorthodox, able to both fire off a
Special Turn
When you take time to confide in someone, they
receive a token.
During play, work toward how you could:
• Demonstrate warmth and care to be
witty retort and give someone a shoulder to cry crucial strengths.
Heavy Turns -1
• Understand someone’s problem,
on. Others admit that you are the heart of the
Spend a token to: especially if there’s nothing to gain.
• Strike at the heart of the problem. • Balance emotional burdens.
• Remain positively cheery under pressure. • Defy expectations when stereotyped.
Choose a Name • Transform when danger appears. • Explore themes of empathy & cynicism.
Braden, Coral, Jared, Hong, Li-Wei, Rosa, Vartan, • Summon your mech when danger escalates.
a gentle name • Ask someone, “What secret pain do you carry?” Raises
When told, you may choose the following:
Choose Looks Regular Turns • You are, without a doubt, the anchor first
Cheery face, pouty face, You may always: and the heart second. No one will think
radiant face, sensitive face, • Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable. you’re a pushover. Describe why.
tireless face • React by taking temporary cover. • Your suit, weapon, or mech become
Spirited eyes, shining eyes, • Display innovative fighting technique. undeniably better. Describe how. Start
penetrating eyes, dreamy • Try to rally the Squad when they are in each episode with a token from now on.
eyes, watchful eyes disagreement. • Retire your character. Swap powers with
• Just be there for someone. someone, lose your powers, step down, or
Sporty wear, disappear. Describe what happens.
couture wear, Light Turns +1
innovative wear, Gain a token when you: Describe Your Color’s:
essential wear, • Exhaust yourself when taking definitive action.
Named Attack
bold wear • Fail to react and get cast aside.
Choose a • Demand that someone pay attention to you
right this moment.
Connection • Show a soft spot for the wrong person or at Suit
Overly proud parent, clueless the wrong time.
best friend, first crush, • Ask someone, “Why doesn’t someone take me
unlikely Color, tragically seriously?”
uncool peer Weapon
Squad Turns
Describe the Other • When the Squad confronts danger to follow
Colors their Principle, Colors present gain a token.
• When the Squad is all suited up, their weapons Mech
may combine into an Ultimate Attack.
• When the Squad is suited up with mechs
summoned, they may call on their Ultimate
H enshin!: A Sentai RPG

FORM A SQUAD Power Source

• The power source is a: coin, crystal, buckler,
Civilian Life
• The Colors share some obligation
Agenda electronic device, something tangible through: school, work, an elite order, a
• The custodian of this power is a: wise promise, something demanding
• Set a special effects budget and use mentor, eternal alien, former Color, sentient • The setting is named: Woodfield,
every cent. robot, someone knowledgeable Highland Park, Black Hawk, Port Evans,
• Determine unique aesthetics from the Sylvan Beach, Proto Station, Air Shinobi
Squad Concepts. Adversaries Academy, City of Zula, somewhere worth
• Embrace diverse Colors, personalities, • The big bad desires the power source for: defending
and roles. absolute control, vast wealth, undeserved • The Colors share a base that is: a
• Guide tension between a Color’s civilian freedom, age-old revenge, something laboratory, a storage room, a land lost
and hero life, including with each other. unyielding in time, a command center, somewhere
• Start with the simple and obvious, then • Their general is kept on hand because they unnoticed
expand on that during play. are: crafty, capable, blameworthy, fawning, • A location in the community that the
Squad Concept something useful Colors share is: a coffee shop, ancient
• Their foot soldiers are the first line of offense nearby woods, a classroom, a dojo,
• Everyone: Each write 2 simple concepts because they are: pesky, predictable, unruly, somewhere familiar
onto separate notecards. maddening, something inconsequential • List the Connections made by the
• Narrator: Shuffle and read aloud all Colors and ask questions.
notecards. Weapons & Mechs
• Everyone: Vote for each concept that Decide now or when they come into play:
pops. The most voted becomes the first • When the weapons combine, their Ultimate Setting Map
Squad Concept. Weapon is (choose a couple): piercing,
• Narrator: Shuffle the next 3 most popular slashing, scoped, blunt, hi-tech, antique,
notecards. Select one randomly as the something impressive
second Squad Concept. • When the mechs combine, their Ultimate Form
• Everyone: Discuss how these are is (choose a few): gigantic, terrifying, winged,
synthesized. limber, shielded, blade-wielding, blaster-
shooting, something awesome

Squad Concept Notes Transformation

Create the signature hand motion that players
use whenever Colors transform.

Going around the table, each player
introduces their Color with:
• Name
Principle • Looks
• Connection
The Squad currently fights for: Beauty, Compas- • Suit, Weapon, Mech, Attacks
sion, Courage, Fairness, Helpfulness, Honesty, • Special Turn
Justice, Peace, Responsibility, Service, Unity
H enshin!: A Sentai RPG

NARRATOR Before Play

• If an established Color will not be
present, ask, “Will we see this Color, and
First Session Checklist what might they be doing?”
• If it feels right, ask, “Will a Color have a
• Colorfully depict sentai and a Squad. spotlight this episode?” If so, instruct
• Choose a scenario or create a new that player to read aloud their Tasks.
Squad. • Review the Squad’s Principle, powers,
• Ask players to read aloud all Color flavor and civilian life. Consider how to push on
text before they choose one. them.
• Once Colors are filled out, ask players to • Imagine a new location in the community.
read their Special Move and one or two • Imagine a new or evolved monster.
Tasks. And ask many questions during Special Turn
introductions. During Play
As fiction dictates, the Narrator may write a new
• Explain Turns and remind players to work Turn for some/all Colors on a notecard and then • Spotlight the Colors alone and together.
toward earning their first token. remove it when appropriate. • Frame tight scenes that drive the
Creating a Monster episode.
Heavy Turns • Play your Turns to highlight the
• List an example from at least two After a player’s Light Turn, you may: Color’s weaknesses and showcase their
categories: creature, machine, everyday • Incapacitate someone. strengths.
object, weapon, vice. • Pull back on someone’s power for now. • Use your monster’s Turns, too.
• Then, ask players to describe aspects of • Withdraw badness now, with or without their • Wrap up the conflict with a promise of
each example. Use these to synthesize a objective. more.
new, unique monster. • Give someone a reason for vengeance.
• Write a Regular Turn describing what it After Play
• Enact the last step in a devious plan.
does reliably. • Request character vignettes before
• Write a Heavy Turn describing how it is Regular Turns cutting to credits.
effective or dangerous. Then add the When the time is right, you may always: • Ask players to review Tasks and vote on
additional Turn, “Make my monster grow.” • Separate someone temporarily. who grinded up against these the most.
• Write a Light Turn describing when it • Announce badness on the scene. That character takes a Raise at the
reveals a flaw or fails to act. • Direct unwanted attention toward the Colors. fictionally appropriate moment
• Use someone’s power against them. • Plan how a Connection could become
• Put someone else in a compromising developed or resolved.
situation. • Plan which new Colors could be
introduced soon.
Light Turns • Make notes about everything!
After a player’s Heavy Turn, you may still:
• Reveal a threat or monster off-screen.
• Remind Colors of civilian respon­sibilities.
• Offer an opportunity with a choice or cost.
• Put someone on the spot.
• Alter the landscape.
H enshin!: A Sentai RPG

Red Blue Black

Played by Played by Played by
Looks Looks Looks
Connection Connection Connection
Notes Notes Notes

Tasks Tasks Tasks

• Charge ahead recklessly if no one is depending on • Calculate possible courses of action. • Show your strength.
you. • Play it by the book, most of the time. • Defend those you care about at any cost.
• Rise to the occasion when it’s the right thing to • Find the right time for sensibility and for deadpan • Oblige yourself to others, even if you may let them
do. humor. down.
• Express wonder, even if it borders on naivete. • Prove that brain trumps brawn. • Prove that brawn trumps brains.
• Eagerly shine the spotlight on your teammates, • Explore fallibility & prodigy. • Explore duty & martrydom.
• Explore self-realization & eventual leadership. Special Turn Special Turn
• When you accept the support of someone stronger, • When you accept the support of somone
Special Turn weaker, your next Heavy move does not cost a
your next Heavy move does not cost a token.
• When someone relies on you to solve their prob- token.
lem, they gain a token. Heavy Turns
• Devise the proper tool for the job. Heavy Turns
Heavy Turns • Remain absolutely calm under pressure. • Clear the way of adversaries during a brawl.
• Use your weapon to drive off an opponent. • Transform when danger appears. • Shake off a beating like it’s nothing.
• Face down danger without hesitation. • Summon your mech when danger escalates. • Transform when danger appears.
• Transform when danger appears. • Ask someone, “How could I get you to do the sensible • Summon your mech when danger escalates
• Summon your mech when danger escalates. thing?” • Ask someone, “What do I need to sacrifice in order
• Ask someone, “Who is really behind this?” to see this through?”
Regular Turns
Regular Turns • Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable. Regular Turns
• Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable. • React by taking temporary cover. • Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable.
• React by taking temporary cover. • Display precise fighting technique. • React by taking temporary cover.
• Display impressive fighting technique. • Try to pinpoint an adversary’s weakness. • Display reckless fighting technique.
• Try to prove yourself to another. • Point out the obvious to another. • Try to protect someone in need.
• Speak up for someone weaker. • Remind someone of the real task at hand.
Light Turns
Light Turns • Do the wrong thing perfectly. Light Turns
• Head into danger without your Squad. • Fail to react and prove yourself ineffective. • Take the brunt of someone else’s burden.
• Fail to react and suffer the consequences. • Become demoralized by a minor failure. • Fail to react and overexert yourself.
• Let your temper cloud your judgment. • Construct something dangerous. • Interfere with a reliable course of action.
• Talk smack to someone or something more pow- • Ask someone, “What do others really think of me?” • Frighten another with an impressive feat.
erful than you. • Ask someone, “Who have I failed to protect?”
• Ask someone, “Why do people follow me?”
H enshin!: A Sentai RPG

Green Yellow Pink

Played by Played by Played by
Looks Looks Looks
Connection Connection Connection
Notes Notes Notes

Tasks Tasks Tasks

• Show that one size doesn’t fit all. • Talk out an issue, especially when everyone else is • Demonstrate warmth and care to be crucial
• Throw inexperience or ineptitude at a problem and fighting. strengths.
see what sticks. • Diffuse tense situations with insight or humor. • Understand someone’s problem, especially if
• Approach the right thing to do from the wrong • Observe who is doing what and with whom. there’s nothing to gain.
way to do it. • Prove that your role is anything but subordinate. • Balance emotional burdens.
• Unveil an unexpected profound talent. • Explore individuality & insecurity. • Defy expectations when stereotyped.
• Explore vulnerability & coming of age. • Explore themes of empathy & cynicism.
Special Turn
Special Turn • When someone acknowledges their friendship with Special Turn
• When someone gives you an opportunity to prove you, their next Heavy move does not cost a token. • When you take time to confide in someone, they
what you’ve learned to others, they receive a receive a token.
token. Heavy Turns
• Address an immediate problem with a level head. Heavy Turns
Heavy Turns • Remain totally dependable under pressure. • Strike at the heart of the problem.
• Stumble upon an unlikely, perfect hit. • Transform when danger appears. • Remain positvely cheery under pressure.
• Gather hidden endurance to take what’s coming. • Summon your mech when danger escalates. • Transform when danger appears.
• Transform when danger appears. • Ask someone, “What’s a creative solution to work this • Summon your mech when danger escalates.
• Summon your mech when danger escalates. out?” • Ask someone, “What secret pain do you carry?”
• Ask someone, “What is an unorthodox solution?”
Regular Turns Regular Turns
Regular Turns • Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable. • Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable.
• Take action, leaving yourself vulnerable. • React by taking temporary cover. • React by taking temporary cover.
• React by taking temporary cover. • Display agile fighting technique. • Display innovative fighting technique.
• Display eccentric fighting technique. • Try to boost another Color’s morale. • Try to rally the Squad when they are in disagree-
• Try to bring people together with a wisecrack. • Reveal a hidden talent or passion. ment.
• Act as a decoy. • Just be there for someone.
Light Turns
Light Turns • Doubt yourself when taking definitive action. Light Turns
• Endanger someone instead of accomplishing • Fail to react and ignore the important. • Exhaust yourself when taking definitive action.
something. • Do what’s best for someone when they wouldn’t • Fail to react and get cast aside.
• Fail to react and cower. agree. • Demand that someone pay attention to you right
• Pull a prank gone wrong. • Overcommit yourself to another cause. this moment.
• Act childish when someone expects bettter. • Ask someone, “What was one of my past mistakes?” • Show a soft spot for the wrong person or at the
• Ask someone, “What don’t I understand about the wrong time.
world yet?” • Ask someone, “Why am I not taken seriously?”

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