Zenon R. Perez Vs People of The Philippines and Sandiganbayan, 544 SCRA 532 (Feb. 12, 2008)
Zenon R. Perez Vs People of The Philippines and Sandiganbayan, 544 SCRA 532 (Feb. 12, 2008)
Zenon R. Perez Vs People of The Philippines and Sandiganbayan, 544 SCRA 532 (Feb. 12, 2008)
Perez Vs People of the Philippines Section 19 Article III (Bill of Rights) of the
and Sandiganbayan, 544 SCRA 532 (Feb. 12, Constitution.
The law relied in convicting petitioner is not
The petitioner verbally admitted that part cruel and unusual. It does not violate Section
of the money from public funds was used to 19, Article III of the Bill of Rights
pay for the loan of his late brother, a
portion of it was spent for food and the There is strong presumption of
remaining was spent for medicines. Constitutionality accorded to statutes.
An administrative case was filed against the It is established doctrine that a statute
petitioner. He filed an Answer reiterating should be construed whenever possible
his verbal admission. in harmony with, rather than in
Petitioner was charged before the violation of, the Constitution. The
Sandiganbayan with malversation of Public presumption is that the legislature
funds. The petitioner, duly assisted by a intended to enact a valid, sensible and
counsel de parte entered a plea of “not just law and one which operates no
guilty”. further than may be necessary to
A pre-trial was set but the petitioner’s effectuate the specific purpose of the
counsel moved for postponement. The law.83 It is presumed that the
Sandiganbayan proceeded to hear the case legislature has acted within its
due to the presence of witness Arlene R. constitutional powers. So, it is the
Mandin. generally accepted rule that every
Sandiganbayan dispensed the pre-trial and statute, or regularly accepted act, is, or
allowed the prosecution to present its will be, or should be, presumed to be
witness. valid and constitutional.
The defense presented evidence through He who attacks the constitutionality of
the petitioner himself. He denied the a law has the onus probandi to show
contents of his first Answer to the why such law is repugnant to the
administrative case. He claimed it was Constitution. Failing to overcome its
prepared without assistance of his counsel, presumption of constitutionality, a
and at the time of his counsel and at the claim that a law is cruel, unusual, or
time of preparation, he was not in peak inhuman, like the stance of petitioner,
mental and physical condition. must fail.
Petitioner further alleged that the cash
shortage was due to oversight and argued
that the government did not suffer any
damage or prejudice since alleged cash
shortage was actually deposited with the
Office of the Provincial Treasurer.
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