Product Fact Sheet: Emulsogen TS 200
Product Fact Sheet: Emulsogen TS 200
Product Fact Sheet: Emulsogen TS 200
Active substance content about 100 %
Appearance at 40 °C Yellowish liquid
Density at 50 °C Approx. 1.1 g/cm³
Viscosity at 40 °C (Brookfield, spindle 18) About 350 mPa•s
Melting point about 23°C
Solubility at 25 °C Soluble in water
pH value (DIN EN 1262), 10 % in water 6.5 – 7.5
Cloud point (1g /100ml in 10% NaCl) 55-60°C
*) These characteristics are for guidance only and are not to be taken as product specifications. The tolerances are given in the product
specification sheet. For further information on product properties, toxicological, ecological and safety data, please refer to the safety
data sheet.
Processing instruction: Mix Emulsogen® TS 200 with water and all other liquid
components before adding the pigments to the millbase.
Processing instruction: Emulsogen® TS 200 can be used during the pre-mixing phase or
as post additive.
Ethanol MPA
1-Butanol Butyl acetate
Butyl glycol Xylene Clear soluble
Dibasic ester White spirit ○ ○ Instable or insoluble
Emulsogen® TS 200 should be stored in a cool dry place. The shelf life is 2 years.
210 kg drum
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