En 14208
En 14208
En 14208
ICS 23.020.30
English version
Bouteilles à gaz transportables - Spécification pour les fûts Ortsbewegliche Gasflaschen - Spezifikation für
soudés de capacité inférieure ou égale à 1000 litres geschweißte Druckfässer mit einem Fassungsraum bis zu
destinés au transport des gaz - Conception et fabrication 1000 liter für den Transport von Gasen - Gestaltung und
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
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CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
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© 2004 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 14208:2004 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms, definitions and symbols .......................................................................................................... 6
4 Materials................................................................................................................................................. 8
5 Design .................................................................................................................................................... 9
6 Lifting attachments............................................................................................................................. 16
7 Manufacturing process - Welding procedures ................................................................................ 16
8 Fabrication........................................................................................................................................... 18
9 Welded joints....................................................................................................................................... 18
10 Surface finish of material ................................................................................................................... 18
11 Assembly ............................................................................................................................................. 18
12 Repair of weld defects........................................................................................................................ 19
13 Construction and workmanship ........................................................................................................ 19
14 Testing and examination.................................................................................................................... 20
15 New design tests................................................................................................................................. 25
16 Information to be marked................................................................................................................... 26
17 Records................................................................................................................................................ 27
Annex A (normative) Description, evaluation of manufacturing defects and conditions for rejection of
welded steel pressure drums at time of visual inspection............................................................. 28
Annex B (informative) Examples of design test and batch test certificates ............................................. 31
Annex C (informative) Guidance on the application of conformity assessment modules when using
this standard........................................................................................................................................ 37
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
EN 14208:2004 (E)
This document (EN 14208:2004) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 23 “Transportable gas
cylinders”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by August 2004, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by
August 2004.
This European Standard has been submitted for reference into the RID and/or in the technical annexes of the ADR.
Therefore in this context the standards listed in the normative references and covering basic requirements of the
RID/ADR not addressed within the present standard are normative only when the standards themselves are
referred to in the RID and/or in the technical annexes of the ADR.
For relationships with EC directives, RID and ADR see informative annex C, which is an integral part of this
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
The purpose of this European Standard is to provide a specification for the design, manufacture, inspection and
approval of welded steel pressure drums.
The specifications given are based on knowledge of and experience with, materials, design requirements,
manufacturing processes and control during manufacture of steel drums in common use in the countries of the
CEN members.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for the material, design, construction and
workmanship, inspection and testing at manufacture of refillable welded steel pressure drums, hereafter referred to
as drums, of volumes of 150 litres up to 1 000 litres for compressed and liquefied gases. Cylindrical and spherical
containers are covered.
2 Normative references
This Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative
references are cited at the appropriate place in the text and publications are listed hereafter. For dated references,
subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when
incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to
applies (including amendments).
EN ISO 15607, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - General rules (ISO
EN 288-3, Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials — Part 3: Welding procedure
tests for the arc welding of steels
EN 462-3, Non-destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs — Part 3: Image quality classes for ferrous
EN 629-1, Transportable gas cylinders — 25 E taper thread for connection of valves to gas cylinders — Part 1:
EN 10002-4, Metallic materials — Tensile test — Part 4: Verification of extensometers used in uniaxial testing
EN 10028-1, Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes — Part 1: General requirements
EN 10028-2, Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes — Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steels with specified
elevated temperature properties
EN 10028-3, Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes — Part 3: Weldable fine grain steels, normalized
EN 10028-4, Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes — Part 4: Nickel alloy steels with specified low
temperature properties
EN 10028-5, Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes — Part 5: Weldable fine grain steels,
thermomechanically rolled
EN 10028-7, Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes — Part 7: Stainless steels
EN 14208:2004 (E)
EN 10088-2, Stainless steels — Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plate and strip for general purposes
EN 10088-3, Stainless steels — Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished products, bars, rods and
sections for general purposes
EN 12517, Non-destructive examination of welds - Radiographic examination of welded joints - Acceptance levels
EN 22063, Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Thermal spraying — Zinc, aluminium and their alloys
(ISO 2063:1991, modified)
EN ISO 5817:2003, Welding - Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding
excluded) - Quality levels for imperfections (ISO 5817:2003
EN ISO 8501-1, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of
steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings (ISO 8501-1:1988)
EN ISO 11114-1, Transportable gas cylinders — Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents —
Part 1: Metallic materials (ISO 11114-1: 1997)
EN ISO 11114-2, Transportable gas cylinders –Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents – Part
2: Non-metallic materials (ISO 11114-2:2000)
EN ISO 11116-1, Gas cylinders — 17E taper thread for connection of valves to gas cylinders — Part 1: Specifications
(ISO 11116-1:1999)
yield stress
value corresponding to the lower yield stress or, for steels that do not exhibit a defined yield point, the 0,2 % proof
stress (1% proof stress for austenitic stainless steel)
heat treatment given to the steel by heating to a uniform temperature above the upper critical point (AC3) of the
steel and then cooled in a controlled atmosphere
stress relieving
heat treatment given to reduce the residual stresses of the steel
quantity of finished drums made consecutively during the same or consecutive working days to the same design,
size and material specifications; using the same welding procedures; and heat-treated under the same conditions
of temperature and duration
EN 14208:2004 (E)
test pressure
pressure applied to the drum after completion of all fabrication; it is the parameter used to design the drum
finished drum
drum which is fully assembled and appropriately stampmarked, but without any external coatings
3.2 Symbols
a1 Minimum thickness of the cylindrical part of the drum based on pressure criteria, in mm
Di Internal diameter
fc Maximum allowable stress for the cylindrical section of the drum, in MPa
fe Maximum allowable stress for the dished ends of the drum, in MPa
fp Maximum allowable stress for the pad material of the drum, in MPa
fs Maximum allowable stress for the spherical section of the drum, in MPa
k Minimum length of the edge on the shroud or of the drum, in the case of dished ends convex to pressure, to
ensure compatibility with hooks (see Figure 5)
L The dimension between the external surface of the shroud or of the drum, in the case of dished ends convex to
pressure, and the internal surface of the edge (see Figure 5)
5 2
1) 1 bar = 10 Pa = 0,1 MPa = 0,1 N/mm
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Y Minimum guaranteed value of yield stress of the material in the relevant part of the finished drum, in MPa
4 Materials
4.1.1 Materials for the pressure envelope shall conform to EN 10028-1 to –5 for carbon steels and for austenitic
stainless steels either EN 10028-7 or EN 10088-1 to –3.
4.1.2 The materials used for the drum shall be compatible with the intended gas service e.g. corrosive or
embrittling gases. See EN ISO 11114-1 and EN ISO 11114-2.
NOTE Particular attention should be paid to the specification for bolts, studs and other components, which are in contact
with the gas where the use of high strength materials may be incompatible with embrittling gases.
4.1.3 All parts welded to the drum shall be made of material that is compatible with respect to weldability and
4.1.4 The welding consumables shall be such that they are capable of giving consistent welds with minimum
tensile strength at least equal to that specified for the parent material in the finished drum.
4.1.5 The manufacturer shall obtain and provide certificates proving conformance to the material specifications
for the steel used for the construction of pressure retaining parts of the drum. If the minimum values of the yield
stress of the material guaranteed by the steel manufacturer is greater than the minimum specified in the material
standard, then this higher figure may be used in the design calculations, up to a maximum enhancement of 15 %. It
shall be ensured that the heat treatment (if any) will not affect this minimum guaranteed value.
The manufacturer shall be able to identify all pressure bearing parts of the drum with the cast(s) of steel from which
it is made.
If the steel used, or the steel specification requires it, the drums shall be heat treated or stress relieved. The
manufacturer shall produce certificates for the applied heat treatment. The temperature and process time shall be
continuously recorded during the heat treatment. Localized heat treatment is not permitted.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
5 Design
The design stress fc, fe, fp and fs at the test pressure shall not exceed 0,77 Y.
The minimum thickness a1 of a wall of cylindrical section shall be not less than the thickness calculated using the
Ph × Do
a1 = (1)
20 fc + Ph
The minimum thickness s1 of a wall of spherical section shall be not less than the thickness calculated using the
Ph × Do
s1 = (2)
40 fs + Ph General
For a drum with ends concave to pressure, the minimum thickness b1 of the wall of a torispherical sphere or
ellipsoidal dished end shall be not less than b1=K.a1 where the value of K varies with the shape of the ends, as
shown in Figure 1. The value of K shall not be taken as less than 1,0. If a drum is made of two dished ends, the
thickness of the straight cylindrical part shall be not less than a1 as calculated according to 5.2.1. If a drum is made
of two hemispherical ends, their thickness shall be calculated according to 5.2.2.
The shape factor K is determined and taken from Figure 1, using the appropriate values of He/D0 and b1/Do. The
value for He is determined as follows:
NOTE The external height of the domed end for a torispherical end may be calculated as
H0 = R0 – {(R0-D0/2)(R0+D0/2 –2 r0)}
EN 14208:2004 (E)
EN 14208:2004 (E)
In the case of dished ends convex to pressure, the design shall be confirmed by a burst test and a pressure cycling
test (see clause 15). The arrangement of the end weld shall be such that it can be inspected by radiography or an
equivalent NDT method. Figure 2 gives one example.
Dished ends convex to pressure shall not be used for vessels designed to contained corrosive substances.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
5.3.1 The thicknesses of the shell and ends calculated from the pressure conditions (see 5.2) shall be increased
if they are less than the value calculated from the formula a2 = 2,5 (Do/T) , with a minimum thickness of 2,5 mm. If
the materials used for shell and ends are different, the calculation shall be carried out for each component using
the appropriate properties.
5.3.2 When the thickness of a drum has to be increased in accordance with 5.3.1, the test pressure may
optionally be increased to take account of this increased thickness, provided the other parts of the drum conform to
the design requirements of the higher test pressure.
5.4 Fittings
5.4.1 General
Fittings (valves for filling, emptying, pressure relief, level devices etc.) shall be attached as defined below. While
there is no restriction on the number of apertures, their number shall be kept to the minimum.
NOTE It is recommended that no more than two apertures per end should be used.
Fittings shall be located only in the dished ends or spherical sections. They shall be attached to parts of the
container that are reinforced locally by a pad, or to a flange or access plate bolted to a flange, except when the
thickness of the shell is greater than 15 mm. Openings shall be compensated (see 5.4.6). Screwed fittings up to 80 mm thread diameter may be used. If a tapered thread is used, with sealing of
the pressure on the threads, then a sealant, such as PTFE tape, PTFE spray, a lead ferrule or an aluminium
ferrule, shall be inserted between the threaded components to effect a seal. If parallel threads are used, the
torques used for assembly shall be set both to ensure a seal on the gasket, and to prevent loosening in transit. For standard valves with taper and parallel threads, EN 629-1 and EN ISO 11116-1 respectively define
the dimensions and mode of connection.
NOTE EN 629-2 and EN ISO 11116-2 respectively define the methods of controlling the thread gauges.
Bolted connections shall be made with at least three bolts or studs. Studs shall be threaded to their ends, so that
they lock upon insertion. Joining surfaces shall be flat and true, in accordance with the flatness, parallelism and
perpendicularity tolerances specified on the design drawings (e.g. to EN ISO 1392), and if necessary shall be
machined after heat treatment if they have become distorted. General
Drums shall be such that all fittings are situated inside the contour of the end shrouds or support structure, or the
end of the drum in the case of those with dished ends convex to pressure.
End shrouds shall have minimum thickness of 10 mm, or 7 mm if fitted with a reinforcing ring. They shall be
attached to the drum by welding for at least 50 % of their circumference. Shrouds shall have holes or cutaways, to
allow for drainage.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Drums designed to be carried vertically may alternatively have a frame structure rather than shrouds. Bottom
outlets and their external pipework shall be protected from impact by a steel structural member of second moment
of area not less than 3,5 × 10 mm .
6 4 In addition to the general protection specified in 5.4.4, fittings shall be provided with local protection. Where the gas is toxic, the valves shall be covered by metal domes or individual caps, of thickness not
less than (Dd/15) where Dd is the diameter of the dome in mm, but in any case not less than 2,5 mm. A dome
shall be capable of being hinged or moved to allow access for filling or emptying, and secured for transport. There
shall also be a facility within the dome to allow venting of any gas within, in case of leakage. Where the gas carried is not toxic, the local protection may take the form of a fixed steel cage mounted
local to the fittings. The cage shall allow access to the valves and fittings. In the case of a container that is
designed to remain vertical, additional protection is not required where the clearance between the fittings and the
edge of the shroud or frame is at least 100 mm. Blank plugs, fusible plugs and pressure relief valves do not require additional local protection provided
that they are mounted at a diameter at least 75 % of that of the shroud, and are of low profile protruding not more
than 30 mm from the surface of the drum. Openings shall have their largest dimension N less than 0,5 Do. (See Figure 3). The total cross-sectional area to be compensated, B, required in any given plane shall not be less than
B = N x S where S is the thickness of an un-pierced dished end or spherical section calculated from the formulae in
5.2.2 or 5.2.3.
The area of compensation in the parts available for replacement shall be not less than B (see Figure 3). In
calculating this area, only material up to a distance P from the actual surface of the shell may be considered, where
P = (N.te) .
Where the pad is made from a material strength different from the part to be compensated, the area available to be
considered as compensation shall be multiplied by the ratio of the allowable stresses (fp/fs or fp/fe) as appropriate.
a) when the opening and its compensation are located entirely within the spherical portion of a torispherical
dished end, then S shall not be less than the thickness required for a sphere equal to the spherical portion of a
dished end.
b) when the opening and its compensation are located in an ellipsoidal end and are entirely within a circle having
the radius measured from the centre of 0,40Do, S is the thickness required for a sphere having the equivalent
radius Q taken from Table 1. Intermediate values may be taken from Figure 4.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Area of compensation
H/Di 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,21 0,23 0,25 0,28 0,31 0,36 0,4 0,45 0,5
Q/Di 1,36 1,27 1,18 1,08 0,99 0,9 0,81 0,73 0,65 0,59 0,54 0,5
EN 14208:2004 (E)
EN 14208:2004 (E)
6 Lifting attachments
6.1.1 Drums designed to be carried in the vertical plane shall have structural members of minimum thickness
5 mm of steel to take the forks of a fork-lift inserted into the bottom structure. The configuration of these
pockets/structure shall protect the drum from being impacted during normal handling. The fork apertures shall be
positioned symmetrically about the centre of gravity and their size shall be appropriate to the forks which are to be
used to move the drum. The fork apertures shall be designed such that the drum cannot accidentally disengage
from the forks.
6.1.2 If lifting lugs are fitted, they shall be designed to withstand a design load of 2 x maximum gross weight.
Drums with more than one lifting eye shall be designed such that a minimum sling leg angle of 45° to the horizontal
can be achieved during lifting using the lifting eyes.
Where four lifting eyes are used their design shall be such that they are strong enough to allow the drum to be lifted
by only two. Where two or four lifting eyes are used, diametrically opposite lifting eyes shall be aligned with each
other to allow for correct lifting using shackle pins.
When drums are designed to be carried in the horizontal position, the edge of the shrouds shall be reinforced. The
profile of the edge of the shroud, or the edge of the drum in the case of dished ends convex to pressure, shall
conform to the dimensions given in Figure 5. Dimension k is to be not less than 50 mm, and the angle φ not greater
than 45 °.
NOTE This is to ensure compatibility with the shape of the hooks used.
For carbon steel vessels to be used in the horizontal position, external rolling bands are not required if the external
surface is shot blasted and covered with a zinc or aluminium spray before painting in accordance with EN 22063.
In the case where rolling bands are fitted to the pressure containing part of the shell, they shall be attached by
continuous fillet welds on either side of the band.
If fitted to a non-pressure part (e.g. a shroud) then intermittent welds of not less than 50 % of the circumference are
permissible. The leg length of these fillet welds shall be not less than 5 mm.
Procedural qualification tests shall be performed in such a manner that the welds shall be representative of those
made in production.
Re-qualifying of the procedure, as well as the welder, shall be required if there is a change in any of the essential
variables as detailed in EN 287-1, EN ISO 15607 and EN 288-3.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
a) L < 20 mm
b) L > 20 mm
EN 14208:2004 (E)
8 Fabrication
The dished ends shall each be pressed from a single plate. All forming shall be done by machine; local heating or
hammering is not permissible.
Where material properties require, cold-formed dished ends shall be normalized after pressing. Ends distorted in
this heat treatment beyond the allowable limits shall be re-aligned by cold deformation in the press.
Dished ends pressed with plates heated to above 500 °C, do not require heat treatment after forming
9 Welded joints
The welding of the longitudinal and circumferential seams shall be by an automatic or a semi-automatic process.
The longitudinal weld, of which there shall be no more than one in a cylindrical section, shall be a full penetration
butt weld, and any backing bars shall be removed after welding.
The circumferential welds shall be a butt weld or a joggle joint weld. Vessels designed for corrosive gases shall not
use joggle joints.
The internal surface finish shall be agreed by the parties. Any scale or corrosion shall be removed by an
appropriate method such as shot blasting. The pressure containing parts of the drums shall be examined for
uniform quality and freedom from unacceptable defects (in accordance with annex A).
Any surface defects such as pits, scrapes, rolled-in scale or pressing marks, shall be ground out so that the
reduced thickness is blended in to the rest of the plate at an angle not greater than 1:20.
The depths of the defects shall be limited to 1,5 mm. The thickness at all such locations shall be measured and
proved to be greater than the minimum specified.
11 Assembly
Tacking strips, cleats, or any other attachments temporarily welded to the drum to facilitate manufacture shall be of
the same material as the vessel and shall be completely and carefully removed so as not to damage the drum. Any
surface imperfections remaining after removal shall be made good by repair welding.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
The repaired areas shall be dressed to a smooth finish level with the surface of the adjacent parent material and be
subjected to a check for surface cracks using appropriate non destructive testing e.g. Dye penetrant test in
accordance with ISO 3879 or a magnetic particle examination in accordance with EN 1290 or EN 10246.
The edges of plates at all butt seams shall at no place be out of alignment by more than the limits specified in EN
ISO 5817 level C.
Where joggle joints are used, the fit of the mating parts shall be such that there is no gap greater than 0,5 mm
before welding. When a joggling operation is performed on a cylindrical section, those lengths of weld that are
deformed by the joggle shall be ground flush with the parent plate before the joggling operation, and shall be crack
detected before welding them into circumferential seams.
Any external attachments such as shrouds or skirts shall fit the contour of the part of the drum. Any local gaps shall
not exceed 2,5 mm and any change in the gap shall be gradual.
Shrouds, skirts and other attachments to the pressure envelope shall, prior to fitting to the pressure drum, have
their welds inspected visually 100 % and 10 % by NDT testing e.g. Dye penetrant test in accordance with ISO 3879
with or a magnetic particle examination in accordance with EN 1290 or EN 10246.
If any defects are detected by the NDT, then 100 % of the attachment welds shall be inspected by NDT.
The finished drum shall be checked ultrasonically on a grid basis in accordance with EN 1714, to ensure
maintenance of the minimum thickness as specified on the drawing.
The out-of-roundness of the cylindrical shell shall be limited so that the difference between the maximum and the
minimum outside diameter in the same cross-section is not more than 1 % of the mean of these diameters for two
piece drums and 1,5 % for three piece drums and for spheres.
13.3 Straightness
The maximum deviation of the cylindrical part of the shell from a straight line shall not exceed 0,3 % of the
cylindrical length.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Test plates for mechanical tests shall be provided as specified in 14.2 on one drum in every fifty drums
manufactured, except that for the first 40 of a new design, test plates shall be provided for 1 in every 10 drums.
14.2.1 Test plates shall be provided at the end of a longitudinal seam, except in the case of spherical vessels
where separate flat test plates shall be provided.
14.2.2 The combined length of weld in each set of test plates shall be sufficient to provide material for the tests
required together with any re-tests which may be necessary and with suitable allowances for discards and cutting.
14.2.3 The material used for the test plates shall be from the same cast or to the same specification as the shell
plates of the drum and shall be of the same thickness and welding procedure as that of the shell plates
represented. The test plates shall be securely attached at the end of the longitudinal seam to be welded and shall
be suitably clamped or reinforced to prevent excessive distortion or warping. Alternatively they may be made by
making an overlong cylindrical section, and cutting off a complete ring, or made separately in the case of spherical
14.2.4 For the bend test, the welds in the test plates shall be dressed smooth and flush with, but not below, the
surface of the adjacent plates.
14.2.5 Straightening of the test plates that have warped during fabrication shall be carried out cold.
14.2.6 The test plates shall be subjected to non-destructive examination to the same standard as the main seams.
If the non-destructive examination of a test plate reveals the presence of flaws, which in a main seam would
normally require repair, these flaws shall be avoided in the selection of the test pieces. Repairs of welded test
plates shall not be permitted.
14.2.7 If a production drum requires a repair to a pressure bearing weld, such a repair shall also be tested.
The number of specimens required from each set of test plates shall be in accordance with Table 2. When more
than one specimen of a particular type is required, the specimens shall be taken as far apart as possible.
10 mm or less over 10 mm
Macro examination 1 1
Transverse tensile 1 1
Root bend 2 —
Face bend 1 —
Impact 3 3
For a butt joint made from only one side, one root bend test specimen is required.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Each specimen shall be of a shape in accordance with EN 895. The yield stress and tensile strength shall be not
less than the specified minimum value for the parent metal.
Tensile specimens T1 and T2 shall be made from strips cut from test plates as described in 14.2, with the axis of
strips, where possible, parallel to the axis of the drum. Figure 6 shows the orientation of the test pieces compared
to the drum. Where necessary, test specimen T1 shall be cut transverse to the axis of the drum as shown. The
form and dimensions shall be as specified in EN 895. The face and back of the test specimen shall not be
machined, but shall represent the surface of the drum as manufactured.
The bend test specimens and the conditions and the method of carrying out the tests shall be in accordance with
EN 910.
The un-machined surfaces of bend specimens representing the outside or inside of the vessel shall be dressed
only lightly so that the rolled surface of the parent metal is not wholly removed, except that where the rolled surface
of the abutting plates are not level with one another, one plate may be machined at each face to a depth not
exceeding 1 mm.
The bend test specimens shall be cut transversely to the welded seam. They shall be the full thickness of plates
and shall have a width not less than 1,5 times the plate thickness. The edges shall be rounded to a radius not
exceeding 10 % of the thickness tested.
Two transverse bend tests shall be made. One test piece shall be tested with the surface corresponding with the
outer surface of the vessel in tension, and the other with the surface corresponding with the inner surface of the
vessel in tension. The diameter of the former, around which the test specimens shall be bent, shall not be more
than 3 times the thickness of the test specimens, and the test is to be continued until the two limbs are parallel.
On completion of the test there shall be no cracks or defects at the outer surface of the specimen. Except for the requirements set out below, the impact test (Charpy V-notch) shall be carried out in
accordance with EN 10045-1. The test temperature shall be at least that specified in EN 13445-2, with a minimum design reference
temperature of – 50 °C. For deciding the test temperature, the actual drum wall thickness shall be used. The following impact test samples shall be taken (see Figure 7):
EN 14208:2004 (E)
1 T1 transverse to axis
2 T2 parallel to axis
EN 14208:2004 (E) For the parent material samples, the transverse impact test pieces shall be taken from the wall of the
drum. The notch shall be perpendicular to the face of the wall. The test pieces shall be machined on four faces
only, with the inner and outer face of the drum wall un-machined. For outside diameters equal to or less than
140 mm, longitudinal impact tests may be performed instead of transverse tests. For the welds, impact test pieces transverse to the weld shall be taken. The notch shall be in the
centre of the weld and shall be perpendicular to the face of the drum. The test pieces shall be machined on all six
faces. If the wall thickness does not permit a final test piece width of 10 mm, the width shall be as near as
practicable to the nominal thickness of the wall of the drum.
The average of three specimens shall meet the value specified in Table 3. No specimen shall show a value less
than 70 % of the average value.
1 Circumferential weld
2 Longitudinal weld
The macrocospic examination shall show complete fusion and shall be free of any assembly faults or unacceptable
defects as defined in annex A.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
14.5.1 General
Following a full external visual examination all welded seams shall be examined by radiography/radioscopy or other
method if the method is proved to be as sensitive as radiography.
14.5.2 Radiography/radioscopy
Radiographs shall be taken of the entire length of each weld seam, together with the seams in the corresponding
test plates. Sufficient overlap shall be ensured to cover the whole of the welded seam. The welds shall be
radiographed in accordance with the general principles for X-ray radiography as specified in EN 1435.
The image quality shall be in accordance with Class B of EN 462-3. Images shall be retained.
Where lifting points are fitted, the design shall be proved by a test in which a sample lifting point is tested to 2 times
the maximum gross weight without failure. In production each lifting point shall be subjected to a lift test at the
maximum gross weight. These tests may be carried out by attaching external weights to the drum.
Lifting eyes shall be tested for crack defects on 10% of a batch in accordance with EN 1290 and EN 1291. If a
defect is detected, then the whole of the batch shall be tested.
Structural welded joints shall be tested for defects, on 10% of a batch. If a defect is detected, then the whole of the
batch shall be tested.
It is not necessary to carry out lifting tests on drums which are to be lifted via fork lift pockets.
14.7 Re-tests
If any test fails to meet the requirements, two re-tests of the same type as that which failed shall be taken from the
same test plate and both of these shall conform to the requirements. If one or both of these re-tests fail to conform,
the drums represented by these tests shall be rejected.
Each drum shall be subjected to a hydraulic proof pressure test (unless a pneumatic test in accordance with 14.8.2
is used) at the test pressure after all welding operations and heat treatment of the drum have been completed, but
before any lining or internal or external coating processes.
The joint rings used on all pads, bosses and other attachments for the test shall be of the same material and to the
same dimensions as specified for the operating duty.
During the test the outside of the drum shall be dry, and it shall be possible (with good access and illumination) to
examine the welded seams. There shall be no leakage and no visible permanent deformation.
If bolted connections leak they shall be dis-assembled, the cause identified and corrected and the drum re-tested. It
is not permissible to apply excess torque to cure a leak.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Alternatively, provided adequate safety precautions are taken, the hydraulic pressure test may be carried out using
a gaseous medium. Measures shall be taken to ensure safe operation and to contain any release of stored energy,
which is considerably more than that in the hydraulic test. The pressure source shall be isolated and vented; the
settled test pressure shall not decline by more than 1,0 % in 10 min.
The pressure shall then be reduced to 6 bar, and all seams and joints examined for leaks by an appropriate
detection method, e.g. soap solution testing.
Each drum shall be subjected to a leak test at a minimum pressure of 6 bar (using e.g. dry air or nitrogen) when
fitted as for use with studs, nuts, joints and valves. The joints shall be tested for leaks with soap solution, or by a
method of equal sensitivity.
14.10.1 Volume
The minimum volume (water capacity) of the drum shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer. This can be done, for
example, by weighing empty and full of water or other liquid.
Each drum shall be weighed to an accuracy of 1 %, and the value inscribed on the name plate. The tare weight
shall include all non-removable fittings and internal and external coatings, consistent with normal filling procedures.
Each drum shall have a final internal and external examination. If a drum fails to meet the specification, it shall be
rectified or rejected.
15.1 General
New design tests are not required for drums which meet the limitations on shape and thickness based on the
design calculation of 5.2.3. Drums with ends convex to pressure shall have their design proved by carrying out a
pressure cycling test and a burst test.
A finished drum representative of the design shall be subjected to 12 000 cycles, the upper pressure being the test
pressure ph, the lower pressure not exceeding 10 % of ph. The design shall pass if there is no leakage of pressure
at the end of the test.
A drum representative of the design including the nameplate (which may be the drum used for the pressure cycling
test) shall be subjected to a burst test. The pressure shall be raised at a rate not exceeding 5 bar/min. The design
shall pass if reversal of an end, or other plastic deformation does not occur at a pressure less than 20 % above ph.
The final burst shall be without fragmentation.
16 Information to be marked
16.1 Marking
Drums shall be marked clearly and legibly with certification and gas or pressure receptacle specific marks. These
marks shall be permanently affixed (e.g. stamped, engraved, or etched) on the drum.
— The character(s) identifying the country of approval as indicated by the distinguishing signs of motor vehicles in
international traffic;
— The identity mark or stamp of the inspection body that is registered with the competent authority of the country
authorizing the marking;
— The date of the initial inspection, the year (four digits) followed by the month (two digits) separated by a slash
(i.e. "/" ).
— The test pressure in bar, preceded by the letters "PH" and followed by the letters "BAR";
— The tare weight (empty mass) of the drum, including all permanently attached integral parts in kg, followed by
the letters "KG". With the exception of pressure receptacles of UN No. 1965 hydrocarbon gas mixture, liquefied,
n.o.s., this weight shall not include the mass of valve, valve cap or valve guard, or any coating. The tare weight
shall be expressed to three significant figures rounded up to the last digit;
— The minimum guaranteed wall thickness of the drum in millimetres followed by the letters "MM". This mark is
not required for pressure receptacles of UN No. 1965 hydrocarbon gas mixture, liquefied, n.o.s.;
— In the case of liquefied gases, the water capacity in litres expressed to three significant digits rounded down to
the last digit, followed by the letter "L". If the value of the minimum or nominal water capacity is an integer, the
digits after the decimal point may be neglected;
— Identification of the thread for any valves (e.g. 25E). This mark is not required for drums for UN No. 1965
hydrocarbon gas mixture, liquefied, n.o.s.;
— The manufacturer's mark registered by the competent authority. When the country of manufacture is not the
same as the country of approval, then the manufacturer's mark shall be preceded by the character(s) identifying the
country of manufacture as indicated by the distinguishing signs of motor vehicles in international traffic. The country
mark and the manufacturer's mark shall be separated by a space or slash;
— In the case of drums intended for the carriage of gases with a risk of hydrogen embrittlement, the letter "H"
showing compatibility of the steel (see EN ISO 11114-1).
— Manufacturing marks shall be the top grouping and shall appear consecutively in the sequence given above.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
— The middle grouping shall include the test pressure which shall be immediately preceded by the working
pressure when the latter is required.
— Certification marks shall be the bottom grouping and shall appear in the sequence given above.
— Other marks are allowed in areas other than the side wall, provided they are made in low stress areas and are
not of a size and depth that will create harmful stress concentrations. Such marks shall not conflict with required
— In addition to the preceding marks, each drum shall be marked indicating the date (year (two digits) followed by
the month (two digits) separated by a slash (i.e."/")) of the last periodic inspection and the registered mark of the
inspection body authorized by the competent authority of the country of use.
— gases for which the drum is suitable, and in the case of liquefied gases, the filling weight.
The obligatory markings shall be made on a plate either welded to the head of the drum, or on a plate securely
fixed to a shroud, support or other part that is a permanent part of the drum. The plate shall have space to mark re-
test dates. It shall be positioned so that it is accessible for re-stamping, but is not damaged under normal handling.
The serial number shall be in characters at least 10 mm high, other markings at least 5 mm high.
17 Records
For each batch of drums a record of the results of the tests specified in clause 14 and 15 shall be made.
Satisfactory batch tests may be recorded on a batch test certificate, a typical example of which is given in annex B.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Annex A
Description, evaluation of manufacturing defects and conditions for
rejection of welded steel pressure drums at time of visual inspection
A.1 Introduction
Several types of defects can occur during the manufacturing of a welded steel drum. Such defects can be
mechanical or material. They can be due to the basic material used, the manufacturing process, heat treatments,
marking operations and other occurrences during manufacture.
The aim of this annex is to identify the manufacturing defects most commonly met and to provide rejection criteria
to the inspectors who shall perform the visual inspection. Nevertheless extensive field experience and good
judgement are necessary by the inspector to detect and to be able to evaluate and judge a defect at the time of the
visual inspection (see EN ISO 5817).
A.2 General
A.2.1 Visual examination shall be carried out in accordance with EN 970. It is essential to perform the visual
internal and external inspection in good conditions. Appropriate sources of illumination with sufficient intensity shall
be used e.g. 50 lux.
The surface of the metal and particularly of the inner wall shall be clean, dry and free from oxidation products,
corrosion and scale since these could obscure more serious defects. Where necessary, the surface shall be
cleaned under closely controlled conditions by suitable methods before further inspection.
When this visual inspection is carried out after the circumferential welding, the internal neck area shall be examined
by means of an introscope, dental mirror or other suitable appliance.
A.2.2 Defects may be repaired in accordance with Table A.1. It shall be ensured that any repair method used will
not impair the safety of the drums. Great care shall be taken to avoid introducing new defects. After such repair the
drum shall be re-examined, and, if necessary, the wall thickness shall be rechecked.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Table A.1 — Manufacturing defects in welded steel pressure drums and rejection criteria
Bulge Visible swelling of the drum All drums with such a defect Scrap
Dent A depression in the drum that - When the depth of the dent Repair if possible
has neither penetrated nor exceeds 3 % of the external followed by heat
removed metal (see Figure A.1) diameter of the drum treatment of the
and is greater in depth than 1 % drum, or scrap
of the outside diameter of the
Cut or gouge A sharp impression where metal When the depth of the cut or Repair if possible by
has been removed or gouge exceeds 10 % of the wall grinding (see Note
redistributed and whose depth thickness or when the length 1), or scrap.
exceeds 5 % of the drum wall exceeds 25 % of the outside
thickness diameter of the drum.
Lamination Layering of the material within - Inside defect: all drums with Repair if possible by
the drum wall and sometimes such defect grinding (see Note
appearing as a discontinuity or 1), or scrap
crack (see Figure A.2)
Crack A split or rift in the metal - All drums with such defects Scrap
Internal valve Threads damaged, with dents, - When the design permits it, Repair
boss threads cuts, burrs or out of tolerance threads may be re-tapped and re-
damaged checked by the appropriate
thread gauge and carefully
visually re-examined. The
appropriate number of effective
threads shall be achieved.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Table A.1 — Manufacturing defects in welded steel pressure drums and rejection criteria (cont.)
Illegible, Marking by means of a metal All drums presenting such a Repair if possible
modified or punch defect or scrap
Note 1. After any repair by grinding, it shall be checked that the remaining wall thickness is above the
guaranteed minimum wall thickness.
Note 2. The manufacturer shall ensure that the axial load required to remove a valve boss is greater than 10
times the weight of the empty drum and not less than 1 000 N, also that the minimum torque required to turn
the valve-ring is greater than 100 Nm.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Annex B
ph ....................Do......…………......a1 ....………….…..b1.....…………………
EN 14208:2004 (E)
— longitudinal cross-section of the drum which has been design tested, showing:
— the maximum external diameter, Do with an indication of the design tolerances laid down by the
— the calculated minimum thickness of the dished end (b1) with an indication of the design tolerances laid
down by the manufacturer.
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Date .................................................................................................................................
Manufacturer ...................................................................................................................
Country....................................................Mark ..............................................................
Owner ..............................................................................................................................
Customer ..........................................................................................................................
EN 14208:2004 (E)
to Nos...... mm mm
EN 14208:2004 (E)
EN 14208:2004 (E)
I, the undersigned hereby declare that I have checked that requirements of clauses 14 and 15 of EN 14208
have been carried out successfully.
(Signature of Issuer)
On behalf of .....................................................................................................................................
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Annex C
Table C.1 has been drawn up for use when assessing conformity of the product in accordance with the RID/ADR
clause (b) and the Council Directive 99/36/EC concerning transportable pressure equipment. It shows
how some of the requirements listed in the modules are met by the standard. The table is compiled on the basis
that all requirements of EN 14208 are satisfied, so that all parts of the standard are available for reference in
support of the modules. There is a strict link between the tests and examinations listed in the standard and those
required by the modules, i.e. the tests and examinations are sufficient for ensuring conformity of the transportable
gas drums. Where a link is made between documentation and the standard, the standard cannot fulfil the
requirement completely, but provides some or most of the information required.
The full text of the modules is given in Annex IV, Part I of the Council Directive 99/35/EC which can be found in the
Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 138 of 1999-06-01. Additionally, the Directive requires the
application of particular, specified modules, either singly or in combination, according to categories of transportable
pressure equipment, as prescribed in Annex V.
Conformity with this standard requires all tests and verifications to be carried out. The table is designed to enable
those tests and verifications to be linked to the relevant requirement in each module or combination of modules as
foreseen in the Directive 99/36/EC.
Table C.1 — Detailed application of EN 14208 to the directive conformity assessment modules
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Table C.1 — Detailed application of EN 14208 to the directive conformity assessment modules (continued)
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Table C.1 — Detailed application of EN 14208 to the directive conformity assessment modules (continued)
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Table C.1 — Detailed application of EN 14208 to the directive conformity assessment modules (continued)
E1 2 General description 1
2 Conceptual design and manufacturing drawings 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 16
2 Description of solutions adopted 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 16
2 Results of design calculations 5
Results of examinations carried out 10, 14, 15, 17
2 Test reports 17, annex B
4.2 Examinations and tests 14, 15
4.2 Inspection reports and test data 14, 15, 17, B.1, B.3
5.2 Technical documentation This EN
5.2 Inspection reports and test data 14, 15, 17, B.1, B.3
5.4 Test during visits Selected from 14, 15
F 1 EC type/design examination certificates B.1
2 EC type/design examination certificates B.1
3 Appropriate examinations and tests 14
4.1 Final inspections and proof tests 14
4.2, 4.3 Certificate of conformity 17, B.3
G 2 Technical documentation This EN
3 General description 1
3 Conceptual design 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13
3 Description of solutions adopted 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 15
4 Examine design and construction 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13
4 Appropriate tests 14, 15
4.2 Examine technical documentation This EN
4.2 Assess materials used 4
4.2 Final Inspection 14
4.2 Proof tests 14
EN 14208:2004 (E)
Table C.1 — Detailed application of EN 14208 to the directive conformity assessment modules (continued)
EN 14208:2004 (E)
[1] EN 444, Non-destructive testing — General principles for radiographic examination of metallic materials by
X and gamma-rays
[2] EN 629-2, Transportable gas cylinders — 25E taper thread for connection of valves to gas cylinders —
Part 2: Gauge inspection
[3] EN 875, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Impact tests - Test specimen location, notch
orientation and examination
[5] EN 1712, Non destructive examination of welds - Ultrasonic examination of welded joints - Acceptance
[7] EN 10002-1, Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 1: Method of test at ambient temperature
[8] EN 10002-2, Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 2: Verification of the force measuring system of
the tensile testing machines
[9] EN 10045-2, Metallic materials — Charpy impact test — Part 2: Verification of the testing machine
(pendulum impact)
[10] EN 10120, Steel sheet and strip for welded gas cylinders
[11] EN 10246, Non-destructive testing of steel tubes — Magnetic particle inspection of seamless and welded
ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections
[12] EN ISO 11116-2, Gas cylinders — 17E taper thread for connection of valves to gas cylinders — Part 2:
Inspection gauges (ISO 11116-2:1999)
[13] EN ISO 13920, Welding — General tolerances for welded constructions — Dimensions for lengths and
angles — Shape and position (ISO 13920:1996)
[14] ISO 3879, Welded joints — Recommended practice for liquid penetrant testing
[15] 99/36/EC, Council Directive 1999/36/EC of 29 April 1999 on transportable pressure equipment
[17] ADR, European agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road