Fs 2 - Episode 1

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Principles of Application of Principle Non-

Learning application/Contradiction of
the Principle

1. Effective learning The teacher presented her

begins with the objectives by the used of
setting of clear and power point presentation.
high expectations
and learning

2. Learning is an The students identified the

active process. difference between the two
paragraphs which have the
same content.

3. Learning is the The students discover

discovery of connectives words which
personal meaning make a paragraph clear and
and relevance of precise.

4. Learning is a The teacher enhances

cooperative and a cooperative and
collaborative collaborative learning. The
process. Learning teacher presented more
is enhanced is an examples about the topic.
atmosphere of And let the students identify
cooperation and the general and particular
collaboration. statement in the paragraph,

 1. Which principle/s of learning was/were most applied?
The principles of learning that were most applied are learning is an active
process and learning is the discovery of personal meaning and relevance

 2. Which principle of learning was least applied? Why was/were the principles
not very much applied? Give instances where this/ these principle/s could have
been applied.
The principle of learning is that learning is a cooperative and a
collaborative process. Learning is enhanced in an atmosphere of
cooperation and collaboration. It is not much applied because the teacher
wants her students to be active as individual like recitation.

 3. How did the application of these learning principles affect learning?
The application of these learning principles affects the learning of the
students by giving a well-organized and effective learning towards the

 4. How did the non-application of these learning principles affect learning?
There is non- application of these learning principles affect that can affect
the student’s learning.

 5. Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that
they are not always correct?
I agree with the principles of learning, because it is very applicable to the
students. Mostly, to the teachers who aim to have an interactive learning
during discussion. It could be one of the achievements of a teacher in
his/her whole life in teaching because not all the teachers have experience
the same thing.
My reflection and lesson learned on my observations of my Resource Teacher's/s'
application/non-application of these principles

Among those practices that I observe, which practices will I adopt and which ones will I
improve on? What lesson did I learn?

Practices worth adopting

The practices that worth adopting in learning is the active process. Because active
learning approaches form a key alternative. It simply put, active learning is the process
of learning via engaging with the content. It means students are interacting with the
material in any way that can promote active thought in ‘activities’ for learning or re-
framing the note-taking process to encouraging thinking about the material rather than
transcribing the content. I observed that the students are doing more than simply
listening. It aims the skills-development rather than just conveying information perhaps
the students engage in activities (e.g. discussion, debate, application of principles) aimed
to promote higher-order thinking.

Practices to avoid and improve on

The practices that must be avoid is the pen and paper test because the learning
process would not take place. There could be poor thinking skills which is not a good at
all. The teacher should not give activities which give lower thinking skills because it
might be the reason for the learners’ habitual breakdown in learning. Another practice
that should be avoided is that using passive process at all times without any active
response. The teacher should not let the students sit on their chairs and just listen the
whole time. There must be an interactive learning where the students cooperate with the
teacher by providing answers for a specific question during discussion.

Lesson learned

The lesson that I learned, if we want to be a teacher we should know what is the
best for our students. We must think the best approaches and strategies as much as we
could because the learning starts when they find enjoyment and satisfaction in the
discussion. The class environment starts within us (future teachers). We should consider
a lot of things like knowing the kinds of student that we’ll have soon. They are not just
ordinary learners but they are more versatile, flexible, curious, competitive, creative,
innovative and technology literate. For that, we must equip ourselves to the things that
appropriate to their needs.
Principles of learning in my words

Principles of learning is a process of how effective learning of

students will be establish. It possesses several practices that
involves them to different learning approaches and strategies
which objects a better learning outcomes. It also emphasizes
certain fact of which experiences works upon practicing the

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