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Seismic Isolation Product Line-up

High Damping Rubber Bearing Lead Rubber Bearing

Natural Rubber Bearing Elastic Sliding Bearing

Version 2017 vol. 1

Bridgestone Seismic Isolation Product Line-up
We will meet the customer needs with our new product line-up

Features Sectional View

High damping rubber includes both spring

and damping characteristics. Generally, a

separate damper is not required, making High Damping Rubber
it an excellent choice for areas with space Reinforcing
Steel Plate
constraints. Since its hysteresis curves are
relatively smooth, seismic isolation can also
High Damping be extended to the equipment inside the Cover Rubber

Rubber Bearing building.There are 3 different elastic moduli

are available (X0.3R, X0.4S, X0.6R). From
light column loads until high rise building Flange
can be accommodated.

This bearing includes a lead plug embedded

at the centre of a laminated natural rubber
structure, where the rubber incorporates Lead Plug Natural Rubber

the spring capability and the lead plug Reinforcing
provides the damping capability. Generally, Steel Plate
a separate damper is not required making
it a good choice for areas with space Cover Rubber
Lead Rubber Bearing constraints. Its hysteresis resembles elasto-
plastic materials. The attenuation can be
tuned by varying the lead plug diameter. One Flange
type of rubber material is available (G0.40).

This bearing uses natural rubber, which

inherently has a low damping ratio (about
Natural Rubber
2~3% equivalent damping ratio), excellent

linearity, and a stable restoring force. Steel Plate
A separate damper is required, but the
overall isolation design has much greater Cover Rubber
Natural Rubber Bearing flexibility. Four different kinds of elastic
moduli are available ( G0.30 , G0.35 ,
G0.40 , G0.45 ) to support a wide range of Flange
column loads.

This bearing consists of 2 pieces: 1) a natural

Elastic rubber bearing bonded with PTFE (Teflon)

material and; 2) a stainless steel slide plate.
Small displacements are absorbed by the

rubber itself, while large displacements
cause the rubber bearing to slide on the
plate. Since there is no restoring force, the

slide bearing is normally used in combination
with NRB, LRB or HDR. Two different Sliding material Sliding Plate
coefficients of friction are available to suit the (PTFE) (SUS or SUS+PTFE Coating)
damping requirements.

Note: The above diagram and hysteretic loop are for illustrative purpose only.
Hysteretic Loop Content
Bridgestone Seismic Isolation product line up................................ 1
HDR LRB NRB Elastic Sliding Bearing
Introduction of Product & System............................................................. 3
High Damping Rubber Bearing X Series.......................................................... 3
X6R Series:γ=±100,250%

Layout Planning Assistance Program............................................................... 5

Product Specification & Performance Characteristic............. 6
High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDR)............................................................... 6
Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB)................................................................................... 9
X4S Series:γ=±50,100,200,300% Natural Rubber Bearing (NRB)........................................................................... 11
Elastic Sliding Bearing............................................................................................. 13
Product Specification......................................................................................... 15
High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDR)............................................................. 15
Certification Number MVBR-0516 (X0.3R)
Certification Number MVBR-0510/MVBR-0519 (X0.4S)
Certification NumberMVBR-0514/MVBR-0520 (X0.6R)
HM Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm)............................................. 15
HN Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)............................................. 16
HH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)............................................. 17
HL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm)............................................... 19
HT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm).............................................. 21
HS Series (S2 = 5).............................................................................................. 23
HD Series (Total Rubber Thickness 32cm)............................................. 24
Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB)................................................................................ 25
Certification Number MVBR-0517
Lead Plug Diameter List.................................................................................... 25
LH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)............................................. 27
LL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm).............................................. 36
LT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm).............................................. 43
LD Series (Total Rubber Thickness 32cm)............................................. 50
LS Series (S2 = 5)............................................................................................... 53
Natural Rubber Bearing (NRB).......................................................................... 62
Certification Number MVBR-0295 (N3,G3,G5)
Certification Number MVBR-0509/MVBR-0518 (G4)
NS Series (S2 = 5).............................................................................................. 62
NH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)............................................ 66
NL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm)............................................. 67
NT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm)............................................. 68
ND Series (Total Rubber Thickness 32cm)............................................ 69
Elastic Sliding Bearing............................................................................................ 70
Certification Number MVBR-0349
SL Series (  = 0.13 & G1.2).......................................................................... 70
Others............................................................................................................................ 71
Compact Flange......................................................................................................... 71
Dustproof Cover....................................................................................................... 72
SL Series

Precautions for Safe Use of Seismically Isolated Bearing..................... 73

Product & System Introduction

High Damping Rubber Bearing X Series

Features of High Damping Rubber Bearing X Series
High damping rubber bearing is a laminated rubber structure that includes a special filler compound in the rubber itself to
provide energy absorption performance. It combines damping and spring charateristics and is widely adopted as a seismic
However, the conventional high damping rubber shows loading hysteresis dependency, where its rate of change of stiffness
has become reduced and restoration becomes progressively worse after repeated loading under increasing deformation.
With Bridgestone’s next-generation of high damping rubber X series, the effect of loading hysteresis dependency is greatly
reduced and the properties become much simpler to manage. Furthermore, it is also more accommodating to the reduction
in ultimate properties caused by bi-directional loading.

 Reduction in Loading Hysteresis Dependency

2.0 2.0

1.5 Conventional material E0.6 1.5 New material X0.6R

Shear stress (N/mm2)

Shear stress (N/mm2)

1 Pre test 1 Pre test
Post test Post test
0.5 0.5

0 0

− 0.5 1.3 time − 0.5 1.15 time

−1 −1

− 1.5 E0.6 − 1.5 X0.6R

−2 −2
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Shear strain Shear strain

Compared to conventional high damping rubber, the change of equivalent shear stiffness (1cycle/3cycle) in repeated loading is greatly
reduced. The properties of seismic isolation bearings are defined by the 3rd cycle and it is able to reduce the load variation during initial
2.0 2.0

Conventional material E0.6 Pre test New material X0.6R Pre test
Shear stress (N/mm2)

Shear stress (N/mm2)

1.6 Post test 1.6 Post test

1.2 1.2

0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Shear strain Shear strain

Conventional high damping rubber shows shear stress reduction after large deformation due to the effect of loading hysteresis dependency,
but the next-generation high damping rubber is able to minimize the change in properties before and after large deformation. By reducing
the effect of loading hysteresis dependency, the accuracy of the overall seismic isolation design can be improved.

 Increasing of Equivalent Damping Ratio

Compared to conventional high damping rubber, the equivalent damping ratio 0.40
(at shear strain  = 100%) of high damping rubber X0.4S, X0.6R are increased
Equivalent damping ratio Heq (−)

(X0.4S:0.220 → 0.240, X0.6R:0.225 → 0.240). Furthermore, compared to the

same diameter of lead rubber bearing (lead diameter/outer diameter = 0.2),
a higher damping ratio can be obtained in the range of   130%.

0.10 Lead rubber bearing

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Shear strain 

Ultimate Properties of High Damping Rubber Bearings by Horizontal
Bi-directional Loading
 Outline
The ultimate deformation of high-damping rubber is degraded by applying bi-directional loading compared to unidirectional
loading. Through a horizontal bi-directional loading test with a full scale model high-damping rubber bearing, torsional
deformation can be seen in the side view of the rubber. Compared with unidirectional loading, the phenomenon of breaking
at early stage by bi-directional loading has been identified. The standard value of the ultimate properties, influenced by
bi-directional loading is shown below and the ultimate compressive stress is confirmed.
MT = ( | u2 | × Fn) /2

Y Solid line : Top flange

(Fixed side)

Damping element
Elastic element ③ u2
u1 ①

Dashed line : Bottom flange

(Loading side)
Figure 2: Torsional deformation during horizontal
Figure 1: The mechanism of torsional deformation bi-directional loading

As shown in Figure 1, when the bi-directional loading is applied on a high damping rubber bearing, the elastic force occurs in the shear
deformation direction, while the damping force occurs in the tangential direction of the deformation trajectory. The torsional moment
created by the damping elements and the shear deformation is present at each rubber layer of the laminated structure. The additional
shear strain  caused by torsional deformation is added to the shear strain caused by the rubber shear deformation itself. Thus, it will
rupture relatively early compared to the unidirectional loading test. However, the torsional deformation caused by bi-directional loading
does not affect the buckling ultimate strain, as verified experimentally.

 Ultimate Property of Horizontal Bi-directional Loading 50


X0.4S (Bi-directional)
According to the Japan Society of Seismic Isolation (JSSI) guidelines, the final ultimate strain X0.4S (Unidirectional)
is determined by the minimum of the ultimate strain L by unidirectional loading and the
ultimate strain Bo by bi-directional loading.
Compressive stress 


 Ultimate strain by unidirectional loading

Ultimate strain by unidirectional loading is defined as shown in Table 1. 20

Table 1: Standard value of ultimate strain by unidirectional loading 10

Compound Ultimate strain by unidirectional loading L
S2 × 0.9 × 100% (0.9 × S2 < 4) 0
XO.4S 0 1 2 3 4 5
400% (0.9 × S2  4) Shear strain 
S2 × 0.9 × 100% (S2 < 4.5)
400% (S2  4.5)

X0.6R (Bi-directional)
S2: Second shape factor X0.6R (Unidirectional)

 Ultimate strain by bi-directional loading

Compressive stress 

Ultimate strain by bi-directional loading is defined as shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Standard value of ultimate strain by bi-directional loading 30
Compound Formula of ultimate strain by bi-directional loading Bo
XO.4S B0 = (5.80 × S2 + 9.05) /(S2 + 4.49)
XO.6R B0 = (5.00 × S2 + 9.05) /(S2 + 4.49)
S2: Second shape factor 0 1 2 3 4 5
Shear strain 

Figure 3: Comparison example of ultimate

property diagram

LAP2 + t.Ver2 (Layout Planning Assistance Program for Seismic Isolation Device)
LAP2 + t.Ver2 is a program that supports layout planning of Bridgestone seismic isolation bearing for seismically isolated building.
The ideal seismic isolation bearing (in terms of size) can be determined from the column axial force (nominal long term column load) and
the selections of sesimic isolation bearing’s series based on the layout of the seismic isolation interface. In addition to Bridgestone made
seismic isolation bearings, hysteresis type dampers or oil dampers which are typically used in Japan can be specified in the program.
The selections can be changed (or specified) interactively on the GUI (Graphic User Interface) screen by the click of a mouse and the
notification calculation for that bearing arrangement can be carried out as well.
Besides, regarding to the bearing layout planning, the mathematical process which is using genetic algorithm could produce an optimization
function whereby by satisfying the notification calculation and at the same time reduce as much as possible the shear force for the layout
plan,or by satisfying the notification calculation and at the same time reduce as much as possible the response displacement for the
layout plan that could meet the criterias. In addition to being able to verify by the notification calculation, the Lap2 + t.Ver2 software allows
response calculation for seismic response analysis.

 Simple Input  Seismic Isolation Devices

From the data-input and modification of the seismic isolation interface, seismic response Bridgestone natural rubber bearing, lead
analysis can be conducted easily. Also, Lap2 + t.Ver2 is compatible software that can rubber bearing, high damping rubber
capture or transfer structural calculation data from the “Super Build / SS3” software bearing, elastic sliding bearing, other
which is developed by Union System. standard hysteretic dampers and oil
”Super Build / SS3” is a registered trademark of Union System Inc. dampers can be adopted.

 2 Calculation Functions of Seismically Isolated  Layout Planning of Seismic

Structure Isolation Devices
 “Seismic Response calculation by seismic isolation notification∗1 “……the results of the The software helps you to choose the
calculation can be printed in a reporting style. appropriate seismic isolation devices
 “Seismic response calculation by time history analysis”……the calculation can be and its placement in the building to
conducted for various earthquake waves. Also, Lap2 + t.Ver2 can work together with the satisfy the target performance.
structural calculation software “Super Dynamic Pro” from Union System.
 1 The structural calculation method is based on the “Technical standards required for
safety which relates to the structural method for seismically-isolated buildings” as stated in
the notification No.2009 of the Ministry of Construction, in the year 2000.

Column coordinates,
axial force, bearing type,
building characteristics

Bearing selection
Product DB

Seismic response

Target No
K,h performance

Bearing selection
is finalized and

Product Specification & Description of Performance

High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDR)

Seismic isolation material certification number by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan
MVBR-0516 (X0.3R Series) Acquired in December 2014
MVBR-0510/MVBR-0519 (X0.4S Series) Acquired in December 2014
MVBR-0514/MVBR-0520 (X0.6R Series) Acquired in December 2014
Product Dimension
Characteristics Sectional View
Outer diameter : Do (mm)
Inner diameter : Di (mm)
Number of inner diameter : ni
Effective plane area : A ( × 102mm2)
Thickness of one rubber layer : tr (mm) Integrated Type Flange
Number of rubber layers :n
Physical Dimensions

Total rubber thickness : H = n  tr (mm)

First shape factor S1 = (Do2 - ni  Di2) / {4  tr  (Do+ni  Di)}
Second shape factor S2 = Do / (n  tr)
Diameter of flange : Df (mm)
Thickness of flange: edge/center : tf / tft (mm)
Connecting bolt PCD : PCD (mm)
Diameter of connecting bolt hole × qty : db (mm) × qty Assembled Type Flange
Bolt size (assumption) : M (db −3)
Thickness of each reinforced steel plate : ts (mm)
Total height : Ht (mm)
Total weight 1 (kN) = 1 / 9.80665 (tonf)

Rubber Material
Notation of rubber kind (standard temperature 20°C standard strain  = 100%) Composition of rubber materials (weight ratio %)
Compound Shear modulus Equivalent damping Natural rubber Filler, Reinforcement Vulcanization agent
Rubber code Rubber code
name Geq (N/mm2) ratio Heq Synthetic rubber agent and others
X3R X0.3R 0.300 0.17 X0.3R 35 and above 15 and above 50 and below
X4S X0.4S 0.392 0.24 X0.4S 35 and above 20 and above 45 and below
X6R X0.6R 0.620 0.24 X0.6R 35 and above 25 and above 40 and below
Cover rubber 40 and above 15 and above 40 and below
Properties of rubber materials
Tensile strength Elongation at Hardness 100% modulus Young's modulus Bulk modulus Correction factor for apparent Young's
(N/mm2) Break (%) (JIS A) (N/mm2) E (N/mm2) E∞(N/mm2) modulus according to hardness, k
Test Standard JIS K6251 JIS K6251 JIS K6253 JIS K6251 − − −
X0.3R 7 and above 700 and above 34 ± 8 0.53 ± 0.2 4.0 1150 1.0
X0.4S 7 and above 840 and above 37 ± 8 0.43 ± 0.2 6.2 1300 1.0
X0.6R 8.5 and above 780 and above 53 ± 5 0.73 ± 0.2 7.6 1500 1.0
Cover rubber 12 and above 600 and above − −

Steel Material
Steel material for each part Anti-rust treatment of flange
Material Preparation Remove rust up to blasting quality of SSPC-SP-10 (SIS Sa 2 1/2)
Reinforced steel plate SS400 (JIS G 3101) Primer Zinc-rich paint 75m × 1 coat
Flange*1*2 SS400 (JIS G 3101) Middle coat Epoxy resin paint 60m × 1 coat
Connecting plate*1 SS400 (JIS G 3101) Finishing Epoxy resin paint 35m × 1 coat
*1: Optionally SM490A (JIS G 3106). Total film thickness 170m and above
*2: Optionally special thickness other than standard thickness.
*1: Standard color is gray.
*2: Other kinds of anti-rust treatment are also available. Please contact us for more details.

 For mid-storey isolation, fire resistant cover is necessary (according to JSSI provision, HS110X4S cannot apply any fire resistant cover).
Please contact fire resistant cover manufacturer who are listed in the JSSI manufacturer list for more details. (
 There are two certification numbers for X0.4S, X0.6R due to difference
of some manufacturing process. Although their properties values are Rubber size 1000 and below Rubber size 1100 and above
the same, please fill the certification number as shown in the table on X0.4S Both MVBR-0510/MVBR-0519 MVBR-0510 only
the right in the design documents. X0.6R Both MVBR-0514/MVBR-0520 MVBR-0514 only

Shear Properties
 Equivalent shear stiffness Keq, equivalent damping ratio Heq, initial stiffness K1, post-yield stiffness
K2, characteristic strength Qd, Function giving ratio of characteristic strength to maximum shear
force of a loop u
Shear properties of HDR is dependent on shear strain amplitude. The shear strain dependency of each property is expressed by the
following equations.
Rubber material X0.3R Geq() = 0.0255 4 − 0.2213 3 + 0.7283 2 − 1.1028  + 0.8703 Q
(0.1    3.0) Heq() = − 0.005 3 + 0.015 2 − 0.006  + 0.166
u() = − 0.0087 3 + 0.0262 2 − 0.0105  + 0.2720
Rubber material X0.4S Geq() = 0.054 4 − 0.416 3 + 1.192 2 − 1.583  + 1.145 Kd
(0.1    2.7) Heq() = − 0.007 3 + 0.020 2 − 0.009  + 0.236 Qd
u() = − 0.0132 3 + 0.0401 2 − 0.0190  + 0.4001
Rubber material X0.6R Geq() = 0.620 × (0.1364 4 − 1.016 3 + 2.903 2 − 3.878  + 2.855) - δ0 δ0
(0.1    2.7) Heq() = 0.240 × (0.02902 3 − 0.1804 2 + 0.2364  + 0.9150 ) W δ
u() = 0.408 × (0.03421 3 − 0.2083 2 + 0.2711  + 0.9028 )
Based on above equations, each shear properties shall be determined by the following equations.*1 - Qd
Equivalent shear stiffness : Keq = Geq  A/H Equivalent damping ratio : Heq =  W/ (2 π  Keq δ2)
Heq = W/(2πKeq δ )
Initial stiffness : K1 = 10 × K2
Post-yield stiffness : K2 = Keq (1− u)
Characteristic strength : Qd = u  Keq  H  
*1: At standard condition only and shall be excluded when considering the properties variation.

Temperature dependency
Each shear properties shall be corrected to the value at standard temperature of 20°C by the following equations.
(Applicable range: −10  T  40°C) (T : Temperature during inspection)
Rubber material X0.3R : Keq (T°C) = Keq (standard value at 20°C) × (1.139 − 9.653 × 10−3  T + 1.721 × 10−4  T2 − 1.847 × 10−6  T3)
: Heq (T°C) = Heq (standard value at 20°C) × (1.050 − 2.790 × 10−3  T + 4.678 × 10−5  T2 − 1.613 × 10−6  T3)
Rubber material X0.4S/X0.6R : Keq (T°C) = Keq (standard value at 20°C) × (1.205 − 1.862 × 10−2  T + 5.991 × 10−4  T2 − 8.991 × 10−6  T3)
: Heq (T°C) = Heq (standard value at 20°C) × (1.065 − 4.134 × 10−3  T + 1.096 × 10−4  T2 − 3.102 × 10−6  T3)
Standard value of temperature dependency (Standard temperature (20°C))
Properties values Equivalent shear stiffness Keq Equivalent damping ratio Heq
−10°C 0°C 30°C 40°C -10°C 0°C 30°C 40°C
X0.3R within +25% within +14% within −5% within −9% within +8% within +5% within −4% within −9%
X0.4S within +46% within +21% within −6% within −16% within +12% within +7% within −4% within −12%
X0.6R within +46% within +21% within −6% within −16% within +12% within +7% within −5% within −13%

Performance variation
The rate of change of main causes (manufacturing variation, aging, temperature change) which affect shear properties as shown below.
Rubber materials X0.3R X0.4S X0.6R
Equivalent shear Equivalent damping Equivalent shear Equivalent damping Equivalent shear Equivalent damping
stiffness, Keq ratio, Heq Function stiffness, Keq ratio, Heq Function stiffness, Keq ratio, Heq Function
giving ratio of giving ratio of giving ratio of
characteristic characteristic characteristic
strength to strength to strength to
maximum shear maximum shear maximum shear
force, u force, u force, u
Manufacturing variation*1 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Aging*2 +10% −10% +10% −10% +10% −10%
Ambient temperature (+) side +14% +5% +21% +7% +21% +7%
variation 20°C  20°C (−) side −9% −9% −16% −12% −16% −13%
(+) side*3 +34% −15% +41% −13% +41% −13%
(−) side*3 −19% +1% -26% −2% −26% −3%
*1 : The variation of each product (standard value) shall be within 20% and variation of total units of products per project (total of standard values) shall be within 10%.
However, if the total units of products is less than 8 units per project, the variation (total of standard values) shall be within 15%.
(For Heq,  (Heq × Keq) / Keq shall be within 15% from the standard value)
Note: For compressive stiffness Kv,variation of each product (standard value) shall be within 30%.
*2 : Predicted rate of change after 60 years at 20°C standard temperature.
*3 : The equivalent shear stiffness Keq and equivalent damping ratio Heq is dependent to each other. The indicated rate of change of Heq are corresponding to both maximum
and minimum rate of change of Keq respectively.
*4 : Above list shows the combination example.

Compressive Properties
Compressive stiffness KV
Compressive stiffness Kv is determined by the following equation.
A E(1+2S12) 
Kv = Ec . Ec =
H 1+E(1+2S12)/E
cr Ultimate compressive
Ultimate compressive stress (γo,o) stress
Critical stress cr at zero shear strain is determined by the following equation.
π (G  E 0.5  S L (γ1,1)
cr = αc  eq b) 2
cr' (γ)
However, Eb = Ecr (1 + 2/3    S12) / {1 + Ecr (1 + 2/3    S12) / E}
(Note) S1 is defined as 35.0 (for X0.4S, X0.6R) and 28.0 (for X0.3R) as standard value.
αc : Correction factor determined from our test data (γ2,2)
Rubber material X0.3R : αc = 1.0 (if S2  5) αc = (1 − 0.2 (5 − S2)) (if 5 > S2)
Rubber material X0.4S : αc = 0.88 (if S2  5) αc = 0.88 (1− 0.07 (5 − S2)) (if 5 > S2) γL γ
Rubber material X0.6R : αc = 1.45 (if S2  5) αc = 1.45 − 0.3 (5 − S2) (if 5 > S2)
ECR = 3 × Geq (for X0.4S, X0.6R) ECR = 2.2 (for X0.3R)
Ultimate compressive stress at any shear strain cr’() is determined by cr by the following equation.

cr’ () = cr  (1 − S )

The ultimate compressive stress shall not exceed the upper limit L determined as below and the strain region corresponding to the
ultimate strain L at 0 compressive stress.
Rubber material X0.3R : L = 40 (if S2  5.0) L = 40 +10 (S2 − 5) (5.0 > S2  3.0)
L is defined as minimum value among 400%, S2 × 0.9 × 100%, (5.80 × S2 + 7.10)/(S2 + 3.45) × 100%
Rubber material X0.4S : L = 45 (if S2  4.9) L = 45 +10 (S2 − 5) (if 4.9 > S2  4.0 ) L = 40 +10 (S2 − 5) (if 4.0 > S2  3.0 )
L is defined as minimum value among 400%, S2 × 0.9 × 100%, (5.80 × S2 + 9.05)/(S2 + 4.49) × 100%
Rubber material X0.6R : L = 60 (if S2  4.9 ) L = 48 +14 (S2 − 4) (if 4.9 > S2  4.0)
L = 24 + 24 (S2 − 3) (if 4.0 > S2  3.5) L = 22 + 28 (S2 − 3) (if 3.5 > S2  3.0)
L is defined as minimum value among 400%, S2 × 0.9 × 100%, (5.00 × S2 + 9.05)/(S2 + 4.49) × 100%

Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB)
Seismic isolation material certification number by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan
MVBR-0517 Acquired in December 2014
Product Dimension
Characteristics Sectional View
Outer diameter : Do (mm)
Lead plug diameter : Di (mm)
Number of inner diameter : Ar ( × 102mm2)
Effective plane area : tr (mm)
Integrated Type Flange
Thickness of one rubber layer :n
Number of rubber layers : H = n  tr (mm)
Physical Dimensions

First shape factor S1 = (Do) / (4  tr)

Second shape factor S2 = Do / (n  tr)
Diameter of flange : Df (mm)
Thickness of flange: edge/center : tf / tft (mm)
Connecting bolt PCD : PCD (mm)
Assembled Type Flange
Diameter of connecting bolt hole × qty : db (mm) × qty
Bolt size (assumption) : M (db − 3)
Thickness of each reinforced steel plate : ts (mm)
Total height : Ht (mm)
Total weight 1 (kN) = 1/9.80665 (tonf)

Rubber Material
Notation of rubber kind (standard temperature 20°C standard strain  = 100%) Composition of rubber materials (weight ratio %)
Compound name Rubber code Shear modulus Rubber code Natural rubber Filler, Vulcanization agent
Geq (N/mm2) Synthetic rubber Reinforcement agent and others
G4 G0.4 0.385 Inner rubber (G0.4) 60 and above 10 and above 25 and below
Cover rubber 40 and above 15 and above 40 and below

Properties of rubber materials

Item Tensile strength Elongation at Hardness 100% modulus Young's modulus Bulk modulus Correction factor for apparent Young's
(N/mm2) Break (%) (JIS A) (N/mm2) E (N/mm2) E(N/mm2) modulus according to hardness, k
Test Standard JIS K6251 JIS K6251 JIS K6253 JIS K6251 − − −
Inner rubber 17 and above 600 and above 37 ± 5 0.8 ± 0.2 2.20 1176 0.85
Cover rubber 12 and above 600 and above − − − − −

Steel Material
Steel material for each part Anti-rust treatment of flange
Material Preparation Remove rust up to blasting quality of SSPC-SP-10 (SIS Sa 2 1/2)
Reinforced steel plate SS400 (JIS G 3101) Primer Zinc-rich paint 75m × 1 coat
Flange*1*2 SS400 (JIS G 3101) Middle coat Epoxy resin paint 60m × 1 coat
Connecting plate*1 SS400 (JIS G 3101) Finishing Epoxy resin paint 35m × 1 coat
Lead plug Pb (JIS H 2105 special) Total film thickness 170m and above
*1: Optionally SM490A (JIS G 3106). *1: Standard color is gray.
*2: Optionally special thickness other than standard thickness. *2: Other kinds of anti-rust treatment are also available. Please contact us for more details.

 Due to the lead plug embedded in the center of the laminated rubber body, special treatment is required in case the laminated rubber
bearing is to be treated as industrial waste, depending on country. Please confirm with the country’s regulation.
 For mid-storey isolation, fire resistant cover is necessary. Please check with fire resistant cover manufacturer who are listed in the JSSI
manufacturer list for more details. (

Shear Properties
Equivalent shear stiffness Keq, equivalent damping ratio Heq, initial stiffness K1, post-yield stiffness
K2, characteristic strength Qd
Shear properties of LRB is dependent on shear strain amplitude.
The shear strain dependency of each property is expressed by the following equations.
Post-yield stiffness : K2 = Kd = CKd  (Kr + Kp) Q
Shear stiffness of laminated rubber : Kr = Gr  Ar /H
Additional shear stiffness by lead plug : Kp = αp  Ap /H
Where, CKd : post-yield stiffness correction factor due to strain dependency Kd

Gr : shear modulus of rubber 0.385N/mm2 0.779  − 0.43 [ < 0.25] Qd
 : shear strain CKd  − 0.25 [0.25   < 1.0] Keq
αp : apparent shear modulus of lead 0.583N/mm2  − 0.12 [1.0   < 2.5] - δ0 δ0

Characteristics strength : Qd = CQd  pb  Ap 2.036  0.41 [  0.1]
Where, CQd : characteristic strength correction factor due to strain dependency CQd 1.106  0.145 [0.1 <  < 0.5] - Qd
pb : Shear stress at yield of lead 7.967N/mm2 1 [0. 5  ]
Initial stiffness : K1 =   Kd
Where,  : Ratio of initial stiffness to post-yield stiffness which is between 1015. (recommended value: 13)
Equivalent shear stiffness Keq Equivalent damping ratio Heq

{ }
Qd Qd
Keq =   H + Kd Qd   H −
2 ( − 1)Kd
Heq = π 
Keq  (  H)2

Temperature dependency
Each shear properties shall be corrected to the value at standard temperature of 20°C by the following equations
(Applicable range: −20  T  40°C) (T: Temperature during inspection)
Temperature correction equation : Kd (T°C) = Kd (standard value at 20°C) × (1.052 − 2.955 × 10−3  T + 1.895 × 10−5  T2)
: Qd (T°C) = Qd (standard value at 20°C) × (1.192 − 1.017 × 10−2  T + 2.722 × 10−5  T2)
Standard value of temperature dependency Standard temperature (20°C)*1
Properties values −10°C 0°C 30°C 40°C *1
: The standard value takes into account the variation of 20% to the value obtained by the temperature correction
Post-yield stiffness Kd +10% +6% −3% −5%
Characteristic strength Qd +36% +23% −11% −21%

Performance variation
The rate of change of main causes (manufacturing variation, aging, temperature change) which affect shear properties as shown below.
Rubber materials G0.4 *2
: The variation of each product (standard value) shall be within 20% and variation
of total units of products per project (total of standard values) shall be within
Properties Post-yield stiffness Kd Characteristic strength Qd 10%.
Manufacturing variation*2 Within 10% Within 10% If total units per project are less than 8 units, variation of total units of products
Aging*3 Within +10% − per project (total of standard values) shall be within 15%.
: Predicted rate of change after 60 years at 20°C standard temperature. (20%
Ambient temperature varia- (+) side Within +6% Within +23% variation is considered in the rate of change)
tion 20°C ± 20°C (−) side Within −5% Within −21% *4
: Above list shows the combination example.
(+) side Within +26% Within +33%
(−) side Within −15% Within −31%

Compressive Properties
Compressive stiffness Kv PV

Compressive stiffness Kv is determined by the following equation. P1

Kv = αv . Ec A Ec = E(1+2S12) A : Laminated rubber plane area Ar : Effective plane area Ap : Lead plug plane area P0
H 1+E(1+2S12)/E A = Ar + Ap KV : Compressive
αv : Young’s modulus correction factor = 1.23 stiffness

Ultimate compressive stress (refer the figure on the right)

Critical stress cr at zero shear strain is determined by the following equation. δ2 δ0 δ1
cr = π  1.26  αc  (Geq  Eb)0.5  S2
However, Eb = E (1 + 2/3    S12) / {1 + E (1 + 2/3    S12) / E}
αc : Correction factor based on S2 determined from our test data 
If S2  5 : αc = 1, if S2 < 5 : αc = 0.25  (S2 − 5) + 1
cr Ultimate compressive
Ultimate compressive stress at any shear strain cr’() is determined by cr by the following equation. (γo,o) stress

 L (γ1,1)
cr, () = cr  (1 − 0.9 )
S2 cr' (γ)
The ultimate compressive stress shall not exceed the upper limit L determined as below and the strain region
corresponding to the ultimate strain L at 0 compressive stress. (γ2,2)

L = 60 (N/mm2)
L = min (400%, S2 × 100%) γL γ

Natural Rubber Bearing (NRB)
Seismic isolation material certification number by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan
MVBR-0295 (N3, G3, G5) Acquired in January 2006
MVBR-0509/MVBR-0518 (G4) Acquired in December 2014
Product Dimension
Characteristics Sectional View
Outer diameter : Do (mm)
Inner diameter : Di (mm)
Number of inner diameter : ni
Effective plane area : A ( × 102mm2)
Thickness of one rubber layer : tr (mm) Integrated Type Flange
Number of rubber layers :n
Physical Dimensions

Total rubber thickness : H = n × tr (mm)

First shape factor S1 = (Do2 - ni  Di2) / {4  tr  (Do + ni  Di)}
Second shape factor S2 = Do / (n  tr)
Diameter of flange : Df (mm)
Thickness of flange: edge/center : tf/tft (mm)
Connecting bolt PCD : PCD (mm)
Diameter of connecting bolt hole × qty : db (mm) × qty Assembled Type Flange
Bolt size (assumption) : M (db −3)
Thickness of each reinforced steel plate : ts (mm)
Total height : Ht (mm)
Total weight 1 (kN) = 1/9.80665 (tonf)

Rubber Material
Notation of rubber kind (standard temperature 20°C standard strain  = 100%) Composition of rubber materials (weight ratio %)
Shear modulus Natural rubber Filler, Reinforcement Vulcanization agent
Compound name Rubber code Rubber code
Geq (N/mm2) Synthetic rubber agent and others
N3 G0.30 0.294 G0.30 55 and above 15 and above 25 and below
G3 G0.35 0.343 Inner G0.35 60 and above 10 and above 25 and below
G4 G0.40 0.392 rubber G0.40 60 and above 10 and above 25 and below
G5 G0.45 0.441 G0.45 65 and above 10 and above 20 and below

Properties of rubber materials Cover rubber 40 and above 15 and above 40 and below

Tensile strength Elongation at Hardness 100% modulus Young's modulus Bulk modulus Correction factor for apparent Young's
(N/mm2) Break (%) (JIS A) (N/mm2) E (N/mm2) E(N/mm2) modulus according to hardness, k
Test Standard JIS K6251 JIS K6251 JIS K6253 JIS K6251 - - -
G0.30 14 and above 600 and above 33 ± 4 0.6 ± 0.2 1.64 1200 0.85
Inner G0.35 16 and above 600 and above 33 ± 4 0.7 ± 0.2 1.92 1200 0.85
rubber G0.40 17 and above 600 and above 37 ± 5 0.8 ± 0.2 2.20 1200 0.85
G0.45 17 and above 600 and above 40 ± 5 0.9 ± 0.2 2.47 1300 0.85
Cover rubber 12 and above 600 and above - - - - -

Steel Material
Steel material for each part Anti-rust treatment of flange
Material Preparation Remove rust up to blasting quality of SSPC-SP-10 (SIS Sa 2 1/2)
Reinforced steel plate SS400 (JIS G 3101) Primer Zinc-rich paint 75m × 1 coat
Flange*1*2 SS400 (JIS G 3101) Middle coat Epoxy resin paint 60μm × 1 coat
Connecting plate*1 SS400 (JIS G 3101) Finishing Epoxy resin paint 35μm × 1 coat
*1: Optionally SM490A (JIS G 3106). Total film thickness 170m and above
*2: Optionally special thickness other than standard thickness.
*1: Standard color is gray.
*2: Other kinds of anti-rust treatment are also available. Please contact us for more details.

 For mid-storey isolation, fire resistant cover is necessary. Please contact fire resistant cover manufacturer who are listed in the JSSI
manufacturer list for more details. (
 There are two certification numbers for G0.40 due to difference of some manufacturing process. Although their properties values are
the same, please fill the certification number as shown in the table on the right in the design documents.
Rubber size 1000 and below Rubber size 1100 and above
Both MVBR-0509/MVBR-0518 MVBR-0509 only

Shear Properties
Shear stiffness Kh Q
NRB shows linear restoring force characteristics in horizontal direction. P0
Shear stiffness Kh is expressed by the following equation.
Geq  A Kh
Kh =
- δ0 δ0

Temperature dependency - P0
Shear stiffness shall be corrected to the value at standard temperature of 20°C by the following equation. δ
0 : Displacement equivalent to 100% strain
(Applicable: −10  T  40°C) (T: Temperature during inspection) P0 : Maximum load
 Temperature correction equation : Kh : Shear stiffness (secant stiffness)
Kh (T°C) = Kh (standard value at 20°C) × (1.052 − 2.955 × 10−3  T + 1.895 ×10−5  T2) Geq : Shear modulus
(Applied to all rubber codes)
Standard value of temperature dependency Standard temperature (20°C)*1
Properties values −10°C 0°C 30°C 40°C *1
: The standard value takes into account the variation of 20% to the value obtained by the temperature correction equation.
Shear stiffness Kh +8% +6% −3% −5%

Performance variation
The rate of change of main causes (manufacturing variation, aging, temperature change) which affect shear properties as shown below.
Rubber materials Common *2
: The variation of each product (standard value) shall be within 20% and variation of total units of products per project (total of
standard values) shall be within 10%. However, if the total units of products is less than 8 units per project, the variation (total of
Properties Shear stiffness Kh standard values) shall be within 15%.
Manufacturing variation*2 Within 10% (Note: For compressive stiffness Kv, variation of each product (standard value) shall be within 20%.)
: Predicted rate of change after 60 years at 20°C standard temperature.
Aging*3 Within +10% (20% variation is considered in the rate of change)

Ambient temperature (+) side Within +6%

variation 20°C  20°C (−) side Within −5%
(+) side Within +26%
(−) side Within −15%

Compressive Properties
Compressive stiffness KV
Compressive stiffness Kv is determined by the following equation.
Kv = Ec . A Ec = E(1+2S12)
H 1+E(1+2S12)/E PV



Ultimate compressive stress (refer the figure on the right) P2

KV : Compressive
Critical stress cr at zero shear strain is determined by the following equation.
cr = π/4  αc  (Geq  Eb)0.5  S2 δv
δ2 δ0 δ1
However, Eb = E (1+ 2/3    S12) / {1 + E (1 + 2/3    S12) / E}

αc : Correction factor based on S2 determined from our test data
If S2  5 : αc = 1.0, if S2 < 5 : αc = 0.10  (S2 − 5) + 1 cr Ultimate compressive
(γo,o) stress
Ultimate compressive stress at any shear strain cr’() is determined by cr by the following equation.
L (γ1,1)
cr’() = cr  (1 − c  /S2) cr' (γ)
c : Correction factor based on S2 determined from our test data
If S2  5 : c = 0.76, if S2 < 5 : c = 0.76/{0.15  (S2 − 5) + 1} (γ2,2)

The ultimate compressive stress shall not exceed the upper limit L determined as below and the γL γ
strain region corresponding to the ultimate strain L at 0 compressive stress.
Rubber materials G0.30, G0.35 : L = 40 (N/mm2)
Rubber materials G0.40, G0.45 : L = 60 (N/mm2)
L = min (400%, S2 × 100%)

Elastic Sliding Bearing
Seismic isolation material certification number by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan
MVBR-0349 (SL Series, G1.2) Acquired in June 2007

Product Dimension
Characteristics Plan and Sectional View
Outer diameter : Do (mm) Sliding plate
Inner diameter : Di (mm) Outer dimension
: L1 (mm)
Effective diameter (outer diameter of sliding material) : Ds (mm) of base plate
Effective plane area : A ( × 102mm2) Outer dimension
: L2 (mm)
Thickness of one rubber layer : tr (mm) of SUS plate
Number of rubber layers :n Inner dimension
: L3 (mm)
Physical Dimensions

Total rubber thickness H = n  tr (mm) of SUS plate

First shape factor S1 = (Do − Di) / (4  tr) Total thickness : ts = tb + tst (mm)
Second shape factor S2 = Do / (n  tr) Connecting bolt
: Lb1, Lb2 (mm)
Diameter of flange : Df (mm) hole position
Thickness of flange: edge/center : tf / tft (mm) Diameter of
Connecting bolt PCD : PCD (mm) connecting bolt : db (mm)  qty
Diameter of connecting bolt hole × qty : db (mm) × qty hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) : M (db − 3) Bolt size

: M (db1 − 5)
Thickness of each reinforced steel plate : ts (mm) (assumption)
Total height : Ht (mm) Weight of sliding
: (kN)
Total weight 1 (kN) = 1/9.80665 (tonf) plate

 Rubber Material
Notation of rubber kind (standard temperature 20°C standard strain  = 100%) Composition of rubber materials (weight ratio %)
Compound Shear modulus Natural rubber Filler, Vulcanization agent
Series Rubber code Rubber code
name Geq (N/mm2) Synthetic rubber Reinforcement agent and others
SL GC G1.2 1.18 G1.2 60 and above 10 and above 25 and below
Cover rubber 40 and above 15 and above 40 and below
Properties of rubber materials
Tensile strength Elongation at Hardness 100% modulus Young's modulus Bulk modulus Correction factor for apparent Young's
(N/mm2) Break (%) (JIS A) (N/mm2) E (N/mm2) E∞(N/mm2) modulus according to hardness, k
Test Standard JIS K6251 JIS K6251 JIS K6253 JIS K6251 − − −
G1.2 15 and above 550 and above 65  5 2.45  0.69 5.88 1569 0.53
Cover rubber 12 and above 600 and above − − − − −

 Sliding Materials  Sliding Plate Coating

Composition of sliding material  sliding plate coating (weight ratio %)
SL Series Tetrafluoroethylene Glass fiber Molybdenum disulfide
Sliding material 80 15 5
Sliding plate SUS (polished by #400 and above)

 Steel Material
Steel material or each part Anti-rust treatment of flange & base plate
Material Preparation Remove rust up to blasting quality of SSPC-SP−10 (SIS Sa 2 1/2)
Reinforced steel plate SS400 (JIS G 3101) Primer Zinc-rich paint 75m × 1 coat
Flange SS400 (JIS G 3101) Middle coat Epoxy resin paint 60m × 1 coat
SUS304, SUS316 Finishing Epoxy resin paint 35m × 1 coat
Stainless plate
Sliding plate (JIS G 4304, G 4305) Total film thickness 170m and above
Base plate SS400 (JIS G 3101)

 For mid-storey isolation, fire resistant cover is necessary. Please contact fire resistant cover manufacturer who are listed in the JSSI
manufacturer list for more details. (

Shear Properties
Initial stiffness K1 Q
Initial stiffness K1 of elastic sliding bearing is expressed by the following equation. Qd
Geq  A Effective plane area A [mm2]
K1 = K1 K1 K1
H Total rubber thickness H [mm]
Shear modulus in the above equation takes the values below. δ0 δ
SL series
Shear modulus Geq (N/mm2) 1.18
Friction coefficient 
Compressive stress dependency and velocity dependency of the friction −Qd
 : Friction coefficient
coefficient μ are expressed by the following equations. Pv : Vertical load
SL series ( = 0.13, G1.2) K1 : Initial stiffness
δ : Horizontal deformation
 = (0.112 − 0.00276  )  V0.0863 Qd : Yield load (characteristic strength)

 (N/mm2) is the compressive stress applied on sliding material; V (mm/s) is the sliding velocity.
The standard compressive stress is  = 10 N/mm2 (for SL series), while the standard velocity is V = 100 mm/s.
Temperature dependency of initial stiffness
Initial stiffness shall be corrected to the value at standard temperature of 20°C.
(Applicable: −10  T  40°C) (T: Temperature during inspection)
Standard value of temperature dependency Standard temperature (20°C)
Properties values −10°C 0°C 30°C 40°C *1 : 20% variation is considered in the rate of change.

Initial stiffness SL series within +14% within +9% within −4% within −8%

Performance variation
The rate of change of main causes (manufacturing variation, aging, temperature change) which affect shear properties shall be shown
as below.
Series SL Series *2
: The variation for both friction coefficient  and initial stiffness K1 of each product (standard value) shall
be within the required variation range.
Properties Initial stiffness K1 Fricition coefficient  (Note: For compressive stiffness Kv, variation of each product (standard value) shall be within 20% for
Manufacturing variation*2 Within 30% Within 20% SL series.)
: Predicted rate of change after 60 years at 20°C standard temperature.
Aging*3 Within +16% − (20% variation is considered in the rate of change.)
: Above list shows the combination example.
Ambient temperature (+) side Within +9% −
variation 20°C  20°C (−) side Within −8% −
(+) side Within +55% Within +20%
(−) side Within −38% Within −20%

Compressive Properties
Compressive stiffness Kv
Compressive stiffness Kv is determined by the following equation.
Kv = αV  Ec . A E(1+2S1 ) 2
Ec = 1+E(1+2S
1 ) /E
H P0
KV : Compressive
(SL series) αV : 1.0 P2

Ultimate compressive stress (refer the figure on the right) δv

δ2 δ0 δ1
Since bearings will slide before reaching to the buckling shear strain L, ultimate compressive stress
takes constant value as below regardless of the deformation of bearings.

For SL series : L = 50 (N/mm2)

The ultimate deformation shall be determined by the relationship between bearing diameter and sliding
plate dimension.
The upper limit of SL series is 700mm. L (γ2,2)

Ultimate compressive


Product Specification
(Please contact us if you require more information regarding the specification)

High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDR)

Certification Number MVBR-0516 (X0.3R) Compound Rubber Shear modulus Equivalent damping
name code (N/mm2) ratio
HM Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm) X3R X0.3R 0.300 0.170

Characteristics HM060X3R HM070X3R HM080X3R

Outer diameter (mm) 600 700 800

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 20

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3847 5023

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 5.0 5.9 6.8

Number of rubber (−) 32 27 23

Total rubber thickness (mm) 160.0 159.3 156.4

First shape factor (−) 29.3 29.0 28.7

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.75 4.39 5.12

Diameter of flange (mm) 800 900 1000

Thickness of flange1 (mm) 19 19 19

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 825 925 1025

Diameter of connecting
bolt hole × qty (mm)  33 × 8  33 × 8  33 × 8

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 294.1 277.9 262.6

Total weight (tonf) 0.44 0.54 0.64

Total weight (kN) 4.4 5.3 6.3

Critical stress cr when  = 0 28 34 40


(0, 0) (0.00,28) (0.00,34) (0.00,40)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.20,28) (0.65,34) (1.24,40)

(2, 2) (3.38,3) (3.95,4) (4.00,12)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 1740 2370 3140

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 5.0 5.0 5.0
compressive stress2
Nominal long term (kN) 1410 1920 2510
column load

Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0

Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 3.82 5.22 6.95

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.382 0.522 0.695

Characteristic (kN) 23.7 32.2 42.0

Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 0.530 0.724 0.964
Equivalent damping (−) 0.170 0.170 0.170
1 Special thickness for flange is available. Please contact us for more details.
2 Nominal long term compressive stress is referred as long term upper limit of compressive stress.

Description of the product designation
H M 080 X3R
Compound name (refer to shear modulus)
Outer diameter (cm)
Series (Shape)
Type of bearing (High damping rubber)

Certification Number MVBR-0516 (X0.3R) Compound Rubber Shear modulus Equivalent damping
name code (N/mm2) ratio
HN Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm) X3R X0.3R 0.300 0.170

Characteristics HN060X3R HN070X3R HN080X3R

Outer diameter (mm) 600 700 800

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 20

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3847 5023

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 5.0 5.9 6.8

Number of rubber (−) 40 34 29

Total rubber thickness (mm) 200.0 200.6 197.2

First shape factor (−) 29.3 29.0 28.7

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.00 3.49 4.06

Diameter of flange (mm) 800 900 1000

Thickness of flange1 (mm) 19 19 19

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 825 925 1025

Diameter of connecting
bolt hole × qty (mm)  33 × 8  33 × 8  33 × 8

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 358.9 340.9 322.0

Total weight (tonf) 0.51 0.62 0.74

Total weight (kN) 5.0 6.1 7.2

Critical stress cr when  = 0 19 25 31


(0, 0) (0.00,19) (0.00,25) (0.00,31)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) − (0.03,25) (0.41,31)

(2, 2) (2.70,2) (3.14,3) (3.65,3)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 1390 1880 2490

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 5.0 5.0 5.0
compressive stress2
Nominal long term (kN) 1410 1920 2510
column load

Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0

Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 3.06 4.15 5.51

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.306 0.415 0.551

Characteristic (kN) 23.7 32.2 42.0

Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 0.424 0.575 0.764
Equivalent damping (−) 0.170 0.170 0.170
1 Special thickness for flange is available. Please contact us for more details.
2 Nominal long term compressive stress is referred as long term upper limit of compressive stress.

High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDR)
MVBR-0510/MVBR-0519 (X0.4S) Code
Note: There are 2 certification numbers due to difference of some manufacturing process. Compound Rubber Shear modulus Equivalent damping
Please refer to "Precautions" in page 6 for the certificate number that used for design document. name code (N/mm2) ratio
HH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm) X4S X0.4S 0.392 0.240

Characteristics HH060X4S HH065X4S HH070X4S HH075X4S HH080X4S HH085X4S HH090X4S HH095X4S HH100X4S HH110X4S HH120X4S HH130X4S HH140X4S HH150X4S HH160X4S

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 55 55 55 65 65 80

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3317 3847 4416 5023 5671 6359 7085 7849 9480 11286 13249 15361 17638 20056

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.0 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0 8.7 9.5 10.0 10.4
Number of rubber (−) 50 45 43 40 37 35 33 31 30 27 25 23 21 20 19

Total rubber thickness (mm) 200 198 202 200 200 200 198 198 201 200 200 200 200 200 198

First shape factor (−) 36.6 36.1 36.4 36.8 36.1 36.4 36.7 36.3 36.4 35.3 35.8 35.8 35.1 35.9 36.5
Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.00 3.28 3.46 3.75 4.00 4.26 4.55 4.79 4.98 5.51 6.00 6.50 7.02 7.50 8.10

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

Thickness of flange1 (mm) 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40 37/45 42/50 50/110

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825 875 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1800

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  42 × 12  42 × 16  45 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36 M39 M39 M42

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8 5.8 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 407.9 390.4 388.3 376.9 422.2 413.1 410.8 402.4 400.6 390.2 385.6 376.9 405.5 410.2 522.0

Total weight (tonf) 0.66 0.72 0.80 0.90 1.21 1.31 1.49 1.59 1.77 2.05 2.38 2.65 3.46 4.05 6.64

Total weight (kN) 6.5 7.0 7.9 8.9 11.9 12.9 14.6 15.6 17.3 20.1 23.3 26.0 33.9 39.7 65.1

Critical stress cr when  = 0 26 29 31 35 38 41 45 48 51 56 61 66 71 76 82


(0, 0) (0,20) (0,23) (0,25) (0,28) (0,35) (0,38) (0,40) (0,43) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.7,20) (0.7,23) (0.8,25) (0.8,28) (0.3,35) (0.4,38) (0.4,40) (0.5,43) (0.5,45) (1.1,45) (1.6,45) (2.1,45) (2.6,45) (3.1,45) (3.7,45)
(2, 2) (2.7,3) (3.0,3) (3.1,3) (3.4,3) (3.6,4) (3.8,4) (3.9,6) (4.0,8) (4.0,10) (4.0,15) (4.0,20) (4.0,25) (4.0,31) (4.0,36) (4.0,42)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 1700 2020 2290 2660 3030 3420 3870 4300 4700 5690 6780 7960 9230 10600 12200
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 4.6 5.5 6.1 7.0 9.4 10.4 11.5 12.4 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0
compressive stress2
Nominal long term (kN) 1300 1830 2340 3090 4710 5880 7280 8780 10200 12300 14700 17200 20000 22900 26100
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 3.28 3.89 4.42 5.12 5.83 6.60 7.45 8.29 9.06 11.0 13.1 15.4 17.9 20.5 23.6

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.328 0.389 0.442 0.512 0.583 0.660 0.745 0.829 0.906 1.10 1.31 1.54 1.79 2.05 2.36
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 45.2 53.0 61.5 70.6 80.3 90.7 102 113 126 152 181 212 246 282 321
Equivalent shear
stiffness (103kN/m) 0.554 0.657 0.746 0.866 0.986 1.11 1.26 1.40 1.53 1.86 2.21 2.60 3.02 3.46 3.98

Equivalent damping (−) 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240
1 Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on the next page (upper top table) for more details.
2 Nominal long term compressive stress is referred as long term upper limit of compressive stress.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 30/36 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

MVBR-0514/MVBR-0520 (X0.6R) Code

Note: There are 2 certification numbers due to difference of some manufacturing process.
Compound Rubber Shear modulus Equivalent damping
Please refer to "Precautions" in page 6 for the certificate number that used for design document.
name code (N/mm2) ratio
HH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm) X6R X0.6R 0.620 0.240

Characteristics HH060X6R HH065X6R HH070X6R HH075X6R HH080X6R HH085X6R HH090X6R HH095X6R HH100X6R HH110X6R HH120X6R HH130X6R HH140X6R HH150X6R HH160X6R

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 55 55 55 65 65 80

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3317 3847 4416 5023 5671 6359 7085 7849 9480 11286 13249 15361 17638 20056

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.0 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0 8.7 9.5 10.0 10.4
Number of rubber (−) 50 45 43 40 37 35 33 31 30 27 25 23 21 20 19

Total rubber thickness (mm) 200 198 202 200 200 200 198 198 201 200 200 200 200 200 198

First shape factor (−) 36.6 36.1 36.4 36.8 36.1 36.4 36.7 36.3 36.4 35.3 35.8 35.8 35.1 35.9 36.5
Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.00 3.28 3.46 3.75 4.00 4.26 4.55 4.79 4.98 5.51 6.00 6.50 7.02 7.50 8.10

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

Thickness of flange 1
(mm) 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40 37/45 42/50 50/110

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825 875 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1800

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  42 × 12  42 × 16  45 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36 M39 M39 M42

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8 5.8 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 407.9 390.4 388.3 376.9 422.2 413.1 410.8 402.4 400.6 390.2 385.6 376.9 405.5 410.2 522.0

Total weight (tonf) 0.66 0.72 0.80 0.90 1.21 1.31 1.49 1.59 1.77 2.05 2.38 2.65 3.46 4.05 6.64

Total weight (kN) 6.5 7.0 7.9 8.9 11.9 12.9 14.6 15.6 17.3 20.1 23.3 26.0 33.9 39.7 65.1

Critical stress cr when  = 0 43 52 58 69 78 89 102 113 122 136 148 160 173 185 200

(0, 0) (0,22) (0,30) (0,35) (0,42) (0,48) (0,52) (0,56) (0,59) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.5,22) (1.4,30) (1.4,35) (1.5,42) (1.6,48) (1.8,52) (2.1,56) (2.3,59) (2.5,60) (3.1,60) (3.6,60) (3.8,60) (3.8,60) (3.9,60) (3.9,60)
(2, 2) (2.7,4) (3.0,5) (3.1,6) (3.4,7) (3.4,11) (3.5,17) (3.5,23) (3.6,29) (3.6,34) (3.7,46) (3.7,56) − − − −

Compressive (×103kN/m) 1970 2340 2660 3090 3510 3970 4490 4980 5450 6590 7860 9220 10700 12300 14200
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 6.6 8.1 9.1 10.7 12.0 13.4 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 1860 2690 3500 4710 6050 7620 9540 10600 11800 14200 16900 19900 23000 26500 30100
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 5.19 6.15 6.99 8.10 9.23 10.4 11.8 13.1 14.3 17.4 20.7 24.3 28.3 32.4 37.3

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.519 0.615 0.699 0.810 0.923 1.04 1.18 1.31 1.43 1.74 2.07 2.43 2.83 3.24 3.73
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 71.5 83.9 97.3 112 127 143 161 179 199 240 285 335 389 446 507
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 0.876 1.04 1.18 1.37 1.56 1.76 1.99 2.21 2.42 2.94 3.50 4.11 4.77 5.47 6.29
Equivalent damping (−) 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240
1 Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

MVBR-0510/MVBR-0519 (X0.4S) Code
Note: There are 2 certification numbers due to difference of some manufacturing process. Compound Rubber Shear modulus Equivalent damping
Please refer to "Precautions" in page 6 for the certificate number that used for design document. name code (N/mm2) ratio
HL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm) X4S X0.4S 0.392 0.240

Characteristics HL060X4S HL065X4S HL070X4S HL075X4S HL080X4S HL085X4S HL090X4S HL095X4S HL100X4S HL110X4S HL120X4S HL130X4S

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 55 55 55

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3317 3847 4416 5023 5671 6359 7085 7849 9480 11286 13249

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 3.95 4.4 4.9 4.85 5.1 5.25 5.65 6.00 6.35 7.2 7.7 8.0
Number of rubber (−) 41 37 34 34 33 32 30 28 26 23 22 21

Total rubber thickness (mm) 162 163 167 165 168 168 170 168 165 166 169 168

First shape factor (−) 37.0 36.1 34.9 37.9 38.2 39.5 38.9 38.8 38.4 36.3 37.2 38.9
Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.70 3.99 4.20 4.55 4.75 5.06 5.31 5.65 6.06 6.64 7.08 7.74

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700

Thickness of flange (mm) 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825 875 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 342.0 330.4 324.9 323.2 373.1 368.4 369.1 358.8 347.1 338.4 341.8 364.0

Total weight (tonf) 0.58 0.64 0.70 0.82 1.12 1.23 1.40 1.49 1.63 1.88 2.22 2.80

Total weight (kN) 5.7 6.3 6.9 8.1 11.0 12.1 13.7 14.6 15.9 18.4 21.8 27.5

Critical stress cr when  = 0 34 38 40 45 48 51 54 58 62 68 72 79


(0, 0) (0,27) (0,30) (0,37) (0,40) (0,43) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.8,27) (0.8,30) (0.3,37) (0.4,40) (0.5,43) (0.6,45) (0.9,45) (1.2,45) (1.6,45) (2.2,45) (2.7,45) (3.3,45)
(2, 2) (3.3,3) (3.6,4) (3.8,4) (3.9,6) (4.0,8) (4.0,11) (4.0,13) (4.0,17) (4.0,21) (4.0,27) (4.0,31) (4.0,38)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2110 2450 2760 3240 3620 4110 4560 5120 5770 6890 8050 9590
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 6.9 7.8 10.1 11.5 12.3 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0
compressive stress1
Nominal long term (kN) 1940 2580 3900 5060 6160 7370 8270 9210 10200 12300 14700 17200
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 4.05 4.73 5.36 6.21 6.93 7.83 8.71 9.79 11.0 13.3 15.5 18.3

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.405 0.473 0.536 0.621 0.693 0.783 0.871 0.979 1.10 1.33 1.55 1.83
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 45.2 53.0 61.5 70.6 80.3 90.7 102 113 126 152 181 212
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 0.684 0.799 0.905 1.05 1.17 1.32 1.47 1.65 1.86 2.24 2.61 3.09
Equivalent damping (−) 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240
1 Nominal long term compressive stress is referred as long term upper limit of compressive stress.

MVBR-0514/MVBR-0520 (X0.6R) Code
Note: There are 2 certification numbers due to difference of some manufacturing process. Compound Rubber Shear modulus Equivalent damping
Please refer to "Precautions" in page 6 for the certificate number that used for design document. name code (N/mm2) ratio
HL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm) X6R X0.6R 0.620 0.240

Characteristics HL060X6R HL065X6R HL070X6R HL075X6R HL080X6R HL085X6R HL090X6R HL100X6R HL110X6R HL120X6R HL130X6R

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1100 1200 1300

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 55 55 55

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3317 3847 4416 5023 5671 6359 7849 9480 11286 13249

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 3.95 4.4 4.9 4.85 5.1 5.25 5.65 6.35 7.2 7.7 8.0
Number of rubber (−) 41 37 34 34 33 32 30 26 23 22 21

Total rubber thickness (mm) 162 163 167 165 168 168 170 165 166 169 168

First shape factor (−) 37.0 36.1 34.9 37.9 38.2 39.5 38.9 38.4 36.3 37.2 38.9
Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.70 3.99 4.20 4.55 4.75 5.06 5.31 6.06 6.64 7.08 7.74

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1400 1500 1600 1700

Thickness of flange (mm) 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825 875 950 1000 1050 1100 1250 1350 1450 1550

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 342.0 330.4 324.9 323.2 373.1 368.4 369.1 347.1 338.4 341.8 364.0

Total weight (tonf) 0.58 0.64 0.70 0.82 1.12 1.23 1.40 1.63 1.88 2.22 2.80

Total weight (kN) 5.7 6.3 6.9 8.1 11.0 12.1 13.7 15.9 18.4 21.8 27.5

Critical stress cr when  = 0 67 78 86 102 111 125 131 149 164 175 191

(0, 0) (0,41) (0,48) (0,51) (0,56) (0,59) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.4,41) (1.5,48) (1.7,51) (2.1,56) (2.2,59) (2.6,60) (2.9,60) (3.6,60) (3.8,60) (3.8,60) (3.9,60)
(2, 2) (3.3,7) (3.4,11) (3.5,15) (3.5,23) (3.6,28) (3.6,36) (3.6,41) (3.7,57) − − −

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2440 2840 3200 3760 4190 4760 5280 6680 7990 9330 11100
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 10.4 12.0 13.1 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 2940 3970 5040 6620 7540 8510 9540 11800 14200 16900 19900
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 6.40 7.48 8.47 9.83 11.0 12.4 13.8 17.4 21.0 24.5 28.9

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.640 0.748 0.847 0.983 1.10 1.24 1.38 1.74 2.10 2.45 2.89
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 71.5 83.9 97.3 112 127 143 161 199 240 285 335
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.08 1.26 1.43 1.66 1.85 2.09 2.33 2.95 3.55 4.13 4.89
Equivalent damping (−) 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240

MVBR-0510/MVBR-0519 (X0.4S) Code
Note: There are 2 certification numbers due to difference of some manufacturing process. Compound Rubber Shear modulus Equivalent damping
Please refer to "Precautions" in page 6 for the certificate number that used for design document. name code (N/mm2) ratio
HT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm) X4S X0.4S 0.392 0.240

Characteristics HT090X4S HT095X4S HT100X4S HT110X4S HT120X4S HT130X4S HT140X4S HT150X4S HT160X4S

Outer diameter (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Inner diameter (mm) 20 20 25 55 55 55 65 65 80

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 6359 7085 7849 9480 11286 13249 15361 17638 20056

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0 8.7 9.5 10.0 10.4
Number of rubber (−) 42 39 37 34 31 29 26 25 24

Total rubber thickness (mm) 252 250 248 252 248 252 247 250 250

First shape factor (−) 36.7 36.3 36.4 35.3 35.8 35.8 35.1 35.9 36.5
Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.57 3.81 4.03 4.37 4.84 5.15 5.67 6.00 6.41

Diameter of flange (mm) 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

Thickness of flange1 (mm) 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40 37/45 42/50 50/110

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1800

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  42 × 12  42 × 16  45 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36 M39 M39 M42

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8 5.8 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 504.4 488.8 478.3 472.8 460.0 455.5 482.0 489.2 603.0

Total weight (tonf) 1.73 1.83 2.00 2.34 2.68 3.01 3.90 4.56 7.22

Total weight (kN) 16.9 18.0 19.6 22.9 26.2 29.5 38.2 44.7 70.8

Critical stress cr when  = 0 33 35 38 43 49 52 58 61 65


(0, 0) (0,26) (0,28) (0,35) (0,39) (0,43) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.8,26) (0.8,28) (0.3,35) (0.4,39) (0.5,43) (0.7,45) (1.2,45) (1.6,45) (2.0,45)
(2, 2) (3.2,3) (3.4,4) (3.6,4) (3.9,5) (4.0,9) (4.0,12) (4.0,17) (4.0,20) (4.0,25)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 3040 3420 3810 4520 5470 6310 7450 8480 9690
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 6.4 7.2 9.5 10.8 12.6 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0
compressive stress2
Nominal long term (kN) 4090 5090 7450 10200 14200 17200 20000 22900 26100
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 5.86 6.59 7.35 8.74 10.6 12.2 14.4 16.4 18.6

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.586 0.659 0.735 0.874 1.06 1.22 1.44 1.64 1.86
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 102 113 126 152 181 212 246 282 321
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 0.989 1.11 1.24 1.48 1.78 2.06 2.44 2.77 3.15
Equivalent damping (−) 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240
1 Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on the next page (upper top table) for more details.
2 Nominal long term compressive stress is referred as long term upper limit of compressive stress.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (900) (950) 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (37/45) (37/45) 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

MVBR-0514/MVBR-0520 (X0.6R) Code

Note: There are 2 certification numbers due to difference of some manufacturing process. Compound Rubber Shear modulus Equivalent damping
Please refer to "Precautions" in page 6 for the certificate number that used for design document. name code (N/mm2) ratio
HT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm) X6R X0.6R 0.620 0.240

Characteristics HT090X6R HT095X6R HT100X6R HT110X6R HT120X6R HT130X6R HT140X6R HT150X6R HT160X6R

Outer diameter (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Inner diameter (mm) 20 20 25 55 55 55 65 65 80

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 6359 7085 7849 9480 11286 13249 15361 17638 20056

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0 8.7 9.5 10.0 10.4
Number of rubber (−) 42 39 37 34 31 29 26 25 24

Total rubber thickness (mm) 252 250 248 252 248 252 247 250 250

First shape factor (−) 36.7 36.3 36.4 35.3 35.8 35.8 35.1 35.9 36.5
Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.57 3.81 4.03 4.37 4.84 5.15 5.67 6.00 6.41

Diameter of flange (mm) 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

Thickness of flange 1
(mm) 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40 37/45 42/50 50/110

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1800

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  42 × 12  42 × 16  45 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36 M39 M39 M42

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8 5.8 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 504.4 488.8 478.3 472.8 460.0 455.5 482.0 489.2 603.0

Total weight (tonf) 1.73 1.83 2.00 2.34 2.68 3.01 3.90 4.56 7.22

Total weight (kN) 16.9 18.0 19.6 22.9 26.2 29.5 38.2 44.7 70.8

Critical stress cr when  = 0 62 71 80 94 115 127 140 148 158


(0, 0) (0,38) (0,43) (0,48) (0,53) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.4,38) (1.5,43) (1.6,48) (1.9,53) (2.3,60) (2.7,60) (3.2,60) (3.6,60) (3.8,60)
(2, 2) (3.2,6) (3.4,8) (3.4,12) (3.5,19) (3.6,30) (3.6,38) (3.7,49) (3.7,56) −

Compressive (×103kN/m) 3530 3960 4420 5240 6340 7310 8640 9830 11200
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 9.7 11.0 12.2 14.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 6170 7790 9580 13300 16900 19900 23000 26500 30100
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 9.26 10.4 11.6 13.8 16.7 19.3 22.8 25.9 29.5

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.926 1.04 1.16 1.38 1.67 1.93 2.28 2.59 2.95
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 161 179 199 240 285 335 389 446 507
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.56 1.76 1.96 2.34 2.82 3.26 3.86 4.37 4.98
Equivalent damping (−) 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240
1 Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 (30/36) 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

MVBR-0510/MVBR-0519 (X0.4S) Code

Note: There are 2 certification numbers due to difference of some manufacturing process. Compound Rubber Shear modulus Equivalent damping
Please refer to "Precautions" in page 6 for the certificate number that used for design document. name code (N/mm2) ratio
HS Series (S2 = 5) X4S X0.4S 0.392 0.240

Characteristics HS070X4S HS075X4S HS080X4S HS085X4S HS090X4S HS095X4S HS100X4S HS110X4S HS120X4S HS130X4S HS140X4S HU150X4S

Outer diameter (mm) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 55 55 55 65 65

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 3847 4416 5023 5671 6359 7085 7849 9480 11286 13249 15361 17638

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.7 5 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0 8.7 9.3 8.5
Number of rubber (−) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35

Total rubber thickness (mm) 141 150 162 171 180 192 201 222 240 261 279 298

First shape factor (−) 36.4 36.8 36.1 36.4 36.7 36.3 36.4 35.3 35.8 35.8 35.9 42.2
Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.96 5.00 4.94 4.97 5.00 4.95 4.98 4.95 5.00 4.98 5.02 5.04

Diameter of flange (mm) 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

Thickness of flange1 (mm) 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40 37/45 50/100

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 875 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  42 × 12  42 × 16

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36 M39 M39

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 286.9 295.9 353.6 362.6 379.6 391.6 400.6 425.6 447.6 468.6 537.2 694.7

Total weight (tonf) 0.65 0.77 1.07 1.19 1.41 1.56 1.77 2.17 2.63 3.07 4.24 7.04

Total weight (kN) 6.4 7.5 10.5 11.7 13.8 15.3 17.3 21.3 25.8 30.1 41.6 69.1

Critical stress cr when  = 0 50 51 50 50 51 50 51 50 51 51 51 51


(0, 0) (0,45) (0,45) (0,44) (0,45) (0,45) (0,44) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45) (0,45)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.5,45) (0.6,45) (0.6,44) (0.5,45) (0.6,45) (0.6,44) (0.5,45) (0.5,45) (0.6,45) (0.6,45) (0.6,45) (0.6,45)
(2, 2) (4.0,10) (4.0,10) (4.0,10) (4.0,10) (4.0,10) (4.0,10) (4.0,10) (4.0,10) (4.0,10) (4.0,10) (4.0,10) (4.0,11)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 3290 3550 3730 4000 4260 4440 4700 5120 5650 6100 6620 7280
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0
compressive stress2
Nominal long term (kN) 5000 5740 6530 7370 8270 9210 10200 12300 14700 17200 20000 22900
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 6.33 6.83 7.20 7.70 8.20 8.56 9.06 9.91 10.9 11.8 12.8 13.8

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.633 0.683 0.720 0.770 0.820 0.856 0.906 0.991 1.091 1.178 1.278 1.376
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 61.5 70.6 80.3 90.7 102 113 126 152 181 212 246 282
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.07 1.15 1.22 1.30 1.38 1.45 1.53 1.67 1.84 1.99 2.16 2.32
Equivalent damping (−) 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240
1 Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.
2 Nominal long term compressive stress is referred as long term upper limit of compressive stress.

Certification Number MVBR-0514 (X0.6R) Compound Rubber Shear modulus Equivalent damping
name code (N/mm2) ratio
HD Series (Total Rubber Thickness 32cm) X6R X0.6R 0.620 0.240

Characteristics HD160X6R HD170X6R HD180X6R

Outer diameter (mm) 1600 1700 1800

Inner diameter (mm) 80 85 5 − 55

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 20056 22641 25328

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 10.4 10.4 11.1

Number of rubber (−) 31 31 29

Total rubber thickness (mm) 322 322 322

First shape factor (−) 36.5 38.8 35.0

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.96 5.27 5.59

Diameter of flange (mm) 2000  1980  2080

Thickness of flange (mm) 50/100 50/100 50/100


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1800 − −

Diameter of connecting (mm)  45 × 12  45 × 24  45 × 24

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M42 M42 M42

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8 5.8 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 696.4 696.4 684.3

Total weight (tonf) 7.69 9.02 9.79

Total weight (kN) 75.4 88.4 96.0

Critical stress cr when  = 0 121 130 138


(0, 0) (0,60) (0,60) (0,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (2.5,60) (2.8,60) (3.2,60)

(2, 2) (3.6,34) (3.6,41) (3.7,41)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 8690 9890 10900

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 30100 34000 38000
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 22.8 25.8 28.9

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 2.28 2.58 2.89

( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 507 573 641
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 3.86 4.35 4.88
Equivalent damping (−) 0.240 0.240 0.240

Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB)
LH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm) P.27
Outer diameter of rubber bearing, Do(mm)
600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Lead plug diameter, Dp(mm)
370 M
360 L
350 K
340 L J
330 K I
320 L J H
310 K I G
300 L J H A
290 K I G B
280 J H A C
270 K I G B D
260 J H A C E
250 K I G B D F
240 K J H A C E S
230 K J I G B D F T
220 K J I H A C E S
210 J I H G B D F T
200 J I H G A C E S
190 J I H G A B D F
180 J I H G A B C E S
170 J I H G A B C D F
160 J I H G A B C D E
150 I H G A B C D E F
140 H G A B C D E F
130 G A B C D E F
120 A B C D E F
110 B C D E
100 C D E
90 D E
80 E

LL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm) P.36

Outer diameter of rubber bearing, Do(mm)

600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Lead plug diameter, Dp(mm)
320 L
310 K
300 L J
290 K I
280 J H
270 K I G
260 J H A
250 K I G B
240 K J H A C
230 K J I G B D
220 K J I H A C E
210 J I H G B D F
200 J I H G A C E S
190 J I H G A B D F
180 J I H G A B C E S
170 J I H G A B C D F
160 J I H G A B C D E
150 I H G A B C D E F
140 H G A B C D E F
130 G A B C D E F
120 A B C D E F
110 B C D E
100 C D E
90 D E
80 E

LT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm) P.43 LD Series (Total Rubber Thickness 32cm) P.50
Outer diameter of rubber bearing, Outer diameter of rubber bearing,
Do(mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 Do(mm) 1600 1700 1800
Lead plug diameter, Dp(mm) Lead plug diameter, Dp(mm)
390 M 215 × 4 M
380 L 210 × 4 L
370 M K 205 × 4 K
360 L J 200 × 4 L J
350 K I 390 M K I
340 L J H 380 L J H
330 K I G 370 K I G
320 L J H A 360 J H A
310 K I G B 350 I G B
300 L J H A C 340 H A C
290 K I G B D 330 G B D
280 J H A C E 320 A C E
270 K I G B D F 310 B D F
260 J H A C E S 300 C E S
250 K I G B D F T 290 D F
240 K J H A C E S 280 E S
230 K J I G B D F T 270 F
220 J I H A C E S 260 S
210 I H G B D F T 250 T
200 H G A C E S
190 G A B D F
180 A B C E S
170 B C D F
160 C D E
150 D E F
140 E F
130 F

LS Series (S2=5) P.53

Outer diameter of rubber bearing, Do(mm)
600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Lead plug diameter, Dp(mm)
370 M
360 L
350 K
340 L J
330 K I
320 L J H
310 K I G
300 L J H A
290 K I G B
280 J H A C
270 K I G B D
260 J H A C E
250 K I G B D F
240 K J H A C E S
230 K J I G B D F T
220 K J I H A C E S
210 J I H G B D F T
200 J I H G A C E S
190 J I H G A B D F
180 J I H G A B C E S
170 J I H G A B C D F
160 J I H G A B C D E
150 I H G A B C D E F
140 H G A B C D E F
130 G A B C D E F
120 A B C D E F
110 B C D E
100 C D E
90 D E
80 E

Description of the product designation
Type of lead plug (mm)
L H 080 G4 A Lead plug diameter (Standard:A)
(20% of rubber bearing outer diameter)
Type T S F E D C B A G H I J K L M
Compound name (refer to shear modulus)
Lead plug diameter A−70 A−60 A−50 A−40 A−30 A−20 A−10 Do/5 A+10 A+20 A+30 A+40 A+50 A+60 A+70
Outer diameter (cm)
*assortment of lead plug diameter is depending on the size of rubber bearing.
Series (Shape)
Type of bearing (Lead rubber bearing)

Certification number MVBR-0517 Compound Rubber Shear modulus
name code (N/mm2)
LH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm) G4 G0.40 0.385

LH060G4 LH065G4
Characteristics E D C B A G H I J E D C B A G H I J

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650

Lead plug diameter (mm) 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2777 2764 2749 2732 2714 2695 2673 2651 2626 3255 3240 3223 3205 3186 3164 3142 3117 3091

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.0 4.4

Number of rubber (−) 50 45

Total rubber thickness (mm) 200 198

First shape factor (−) 37.5 36.9

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.00 3.28

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950

Thickness of flange 1
(mm) 22/28 22/28

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 407.9 390.4

Total weight (tonf) 0.67 0.68 0.68 0.69 0.69 0.70 0.70 0.71 0.71 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.76 0.77 0.77 0.78

Total weight (kN) 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.8 6.8 6.9 6.9 7.0 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.3 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.6

Critical stress cr when  = 0 24 30


(0, 0) (0.00,24) (0.00,30)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.00,24) (0.00,30)

(2, 2) (3.00,2) (3.28,3)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 1670 1970

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 6.0 7.3
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 1670 1660 1650 1640 1630 1620 1600 1590 1580 2370 2360 2350 2330 2320 2300 2290 2270 2250
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 7.14 7.16 7.18 7.20 7.22 7.25 7.27 7.30 7.33 8.47 8.49 8.51 8.53 8.56 8.59 8.62 8.65 8.68

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.549 0.551 0.552 0.554 0.555 0.557 0.560 0.562 0.564 0.652 0.653 0.655 0.657 0.658 0.661 0.663 0.665 0.668
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 40.0 50.7 62.6 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 50.7 62.6 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 181
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 0.749 0.804 0.865 0.932 1.01 1.09 1.17 1.27 1.37 0.908 0.969 1.04 1.11 1.19 1.28 1.37 1.47 1.58
Equivalent damping (−) 0.165 0.193 0.219 0.244 0.266 0.285 0.302 0.317 0.329 0.174 0.199 0.223 0.246 0.266 0.284 0.300 0.314 0.326
1 Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on page 29 for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0517
LH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)
LH070G4 LH075G4
Characteristics E D C B A G H I J E D C B A G H I J

Outer diameter (mm) 700 750

Lead plug diameter (mm) 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 3770 3753 3735 3716 3695 3672 3647 3621 3594 4323 4305 4285 4264 4241 4217 4191 4163 4134

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.7 5.0

Number of rubber (−) 43 40

Total rubber thickness (mm) 202 200

First shape factor (−) 37.2 37.5

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.46 3.75

Diameter of flange (mm) 1000 1100

Thickness of flange 1
(mm) 22/28 22/28

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 875 950

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 388.3 376.9

Total weight (tonf) 0.82 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.87 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.98

Total weight (kN) 8.1 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.6 9.1 9.2 9.2 9.3 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.5 9.6

Critical stress cr when  = 0 35 42


(0, 0) (0.00,35) (0.00,42)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.00,35) (0.00,42)

(2, 2) (3.46,3) (3.75,4)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2250 2610

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 8.1 9.4
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 3050 3040 3020 3010 2990 2970 2950 2930 2910 4060 4040 4020 4000 3980 3960 3930 3910 3880
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 9.63 9.65 9.67 9.70 9.73 9.76 9.79 9.82 9.85 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.4 11.4

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.741 0.742 0.744 0.746 0.748 0.750 0.753 0.755 0.758 0.860 0.862 0.864 0.866 0.868 0.870 0.873 0.876 0.879
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 62.6 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 226
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.05 1.12 1.19 1.27 1.36 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.76 1.24 1.31 1.39 1.48 1.57 1.67 1.78 1.89 2.01
Equivalent damping (−) 0.181 0.205 0.227 0.247 0.266 0.283 0.298 0.311 0.323 0.187 0.209 0.229 0.248 0.266 0.282 0.296 0.309 0.320
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on the next page (upper top table) for more details.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 30/36 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0517

LH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)
LH080G4 LH085G4
Characteristics E D C B A G H I J F E D C B A G H I J K

Outer diameter (mm) 800 850

Lead plug diameter (mm) 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 4913 4894 4873 4850 4825 4800 4772 4743 4712 5561 5542 5521 5498 5473 5448 5420 5391 5360 5328 5294

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 5.4 5.7

Number of rubber (−) 37 35

Total rubber thickness (mm) 200 200

First shape factor (−) 37.0 37.3

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.00 4.26

Diameter of flange (mm) 1150 1200

Thickness of flange 1
(mm) 24/32 24/32

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1000 1050

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 422.2 413.1

Total weight (tonf) 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.29 1.30 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42

Total weight (kN) 12.2 12.3 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 13.2 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.7 13.8 13.9

Critical stress cr when  = 0 49 56


(0, 0) (0.00,49) (0.00,56)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.00,49) (0.00,56)

(2, 2) (4.00,5) (4.00,9)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2960 3360

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 10.5 11.7
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 5180 5160 5130 5110 5080 5060 5030 5000 4960 6500 6480 6460 6430 6400 6370 6340 6300 6270 6230 6190
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 12.7 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.9 12.9 12.9 13.0 13.0 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.7

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.980 0.982 0.984 0.986 0.989 0.991 0.994 0.997 1.00 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.13 1.13 1.13
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.43 1.51 1.60 1.69 1.79 1.90 2.01 2.13 2.25 1.56 1.64 1.73 1.82 1.92 2.02 2.14 2.26 2.38 2.51 2.65
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.213 0.232 0.250 0.266 0.281 0.294 0.306 0.317 0.178 0.198 0.216 0.234 0.251 0.266 0.280 0.293 0.304 0.315 0.324
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0517
LH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)
LH090G4 LH095G4
Characteristics F E D C B A G H I J K F E D C B A G H I J K

Outer diameter (mm) 900 950

Lead plug diameter (mm) 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 6229 6208 6185 6161 6135 6107 6078 6048 6015 5982 5946 6934 6912 6887 6861 6834 6805 6774 6742 6708 6673 6636

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 6.0 6.4

Number of rubber (−) 33 31

Total rubber thickness (mm) 198 198

First shape factor (−) 37.5 37.1

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.55 4.79

Diameter of flange (mm) 1250 1300

Thickness of flange 1
(mm) 28/36 28/36

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1100 1150

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 410.8 402.4

Total weight (tonf) 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.64 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72

Total weight (kN) 14.9 15.0 15.1 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.6 16.7 16.8

Critical stress cr when  = 0 66 74


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.43,60) (0.98,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,14) (4.00,18)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 3800 4210

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 13.0 13.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 8080 8060 8030 8000 7960 7930 7890 7850 7810 7760 7720 9010 8980 8950 8920 8880 8850 8810 8760 8720 8670 8630
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.5 16.5 16.6 16.6 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.3 18.3 18.4 18.4 18.5

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.28 1.28 1.39 1.39 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.42 1.42
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 106 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.78 1.87 1.97 2.07 2.17 2.29 2.41 2.53 2.67 2.80 2.95 2.01 2.10 2.20 2.31 2.42 2.54 2.67 2.80 2.94 3.09 3.24
Equivalent damping (−) 0.184 0.202 0.219 0.236 0.251 0.266 0.279 0.291 0.302 0.312 0.321 0.189 0.206 0.222 0.238 0.252 0.266 0.278 0.290 0.301 0.310 0.319
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on the next page (upper top table) for more details.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 30/36 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0517

LH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)
LH100G4 LH110G4
Characteristics F E D C B A G H I J K F E D C B A G H I J K

Outer diameter (mm) 1000 1100

Lead plug diameter (mm) 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 7677 7653 7627 7600 7570 7540 7508 7474 7439 7402 7363 9276 9249 9220 9189 9157 9123 9088 9051 9012 8972 8931

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 6.7 7.4

Number of rubber (−) 30 27

Total rubber thickness (mm) 201 200

First shape factor (−) 37.3 37.2

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.98 5.51

Diameter of flange (mm) 1400 1500

Thickness of flange 1
(mm) 28/36 30/38

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1250 1350

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36 M36

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 400.6 390.2

Total weight (tonf) 1.82 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.90 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.20 2.21

Total weight (kN) 17.8 17.9 18.0 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 20.7 20.8 20.9 21.0 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6

Critical stress cr when  = 0 80 89


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.40,60) (2.01,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,22) (4.00,31)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 4610 5600

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 11500 11500 11400 11400 11400 11300 11300 11200 11200 11100 11000 13900 13900 13800 13800 13700 13700 13600 13600 13500 13500 13400
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.9 19.9 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.1 20.1 20.2 24.1 24.1 24.2 24.2 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.4 24.4 24.5 24.5

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.52 1.52 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.85 1.86 1.86 1.86 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.89
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 2.22 2.32 2.43 2.54 2.66 2.78 2.91 3.05 3.19 3.34 3.50 2.76 2.87 2.99 3.12 3.25 3.38 3.53 3.68 3.84 4.00 4.17
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.209 0.224 0.239 0.253 0.266 0.278 0.289 0.299 0.309 0.317 0.200 0.215 0.229 0.242 0.254 0.266 0.277 0.287 0.297 0.305 0.313
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0517
LH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)
Characteristics S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1200

Lead plug diameter (mm) 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 11055 11026 10996 10963 10930 10894 10857 10819 10779 10737 10694 10649 10603

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 8.0

Number of rubber (−) 25

Total rubber thickness (mm) 200

First shape factor (−) 37.5

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 6.00

Diameter of flange (mm) 1600

Thickness of flange 1
(mm) 32/40

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1450

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 385.6

Total weight (tonf) 2.45 2.46 2.47 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.50 2.51 2.52 2.53 2.55 2.56 2.57

Total weight (kN) 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 24.9 25.0 25.1 25.2

Critical stress cr when  = 0 98


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (2.58,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,39)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 6690

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 16600 16500 16500 16400 16400 16300 16300 16200 16200 16100 16000 16000 15900
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 28.6 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.8 28.8 28.9 28.9 29.0 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.2

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 2.20 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.22 2.22 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.24 2.24 2.25
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 3.22 3.33 3.46 3.59 3.73 3.87 4.02 4.18 4.34 4.51 4.69 4.87 5.06
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.206 0.219 0.232 0.244 0.255 0.266 0.276 0.285 0.294 0.302 0.310 0.317
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on the next page (upper top table) for more details.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 30/36 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0517

LH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)
Characteristics S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1300

Lead plug diameter (mm) 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 12959 12927 12893 12858 12821 12782 12742 12701 12657 12613 12566 12518 12469

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 8.7

Number of rubber (−) 23

Total rubber thickness (mm) 200

First shape factor (−) 37.4

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 6.50

Diameter of flange (mm) 1700

Thickness of flange 1
(mm) 32/40

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1550

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 376.9

Total weight (tonf) 2.74 2.75 2.76 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.80 2.81 2.82 2.83 2.84 2.86 2.87

Total weight (kN) 26.9 26.9 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.8 27.9 28.0 28.1

Critical stress cr when  = 0 106


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (3.12,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,47)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 7830

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 19400 19400 19300 19300 19200 19200 19100 19100 19000 18900 18800 18800 18700
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 33.6 33.6 33.7 33.7 33.8 33.8 33.9 33.9 34.0 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.2

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 2.58 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.60 2.60 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.62 2.62 2.63 2.63
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 3.84 3.97 4.10 4.25 4.40 4.56 4.72 4.89 5.07 5.25 5.44 5.63 5.84
Equivalent damping (−) 0.199 0.211 0.223 0.235 0.246 0.256 0.266 0.275 0.284 0.292 0.300 0.307 0.314
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0517
LH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)
Characteristics T S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1400

Lead plug diameter (mm) 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 15047 15014 14978 14941 14903 14863 14821 14778 14733 14687 14639 14590 14539 14486

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 9.5

Number of rubber (−) 21

Total rubber thickness (mm) 200

First shape factor (−) 36.8

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 7.02

Diameter of flange (mm) 1800

Thickness of flange (mm) 50/100


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1650

Diameter of connecting (mm)  42 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M39

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 515.5

Total weight (tonf) 5.22 5.23 5.23 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.32 5.33 5.34 5.36 5.37

Total weight (kN) 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 51.5 51.6 51.8 51.9 52.0 52.1 52.3 52.4 52.5 52.7

Critical stress cr when  = 0 114


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (3.68,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,55)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 9060

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 22600 22500 22500 22400 22400 22300 22200 22200 22100 22000 22000 21900 21800 21700
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 39.1 39.1 39.2 39.2 39.3 39.3 39.4 39.4 39.5 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.7 39.8

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.03 3.03 3.04 3.04 3.05 3.05 3.06 3.06
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 276 303 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641 681 723
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 4.39 4.53 4.67 4.82 4.98 5.14 5.31 5.49 5.67 5.86 6.06 6.26 6.47 6.69
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.205 0.216 0.227 0.237 0.247 0.257 0.266 0.275 0.283 0.291 0.298 0.305 0.311

Certification number MVBR-0517
LH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm)
Characteristics T S F E D C B A G H I J K L M

Outer diameter (mm) 1500

Lead plug diameter (mm) 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 17256 17219 17181 17141 17099 17056 17011 16965 16917 16867 16816 16764 16709 16654 16596

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 10.0

Number of rubber (−) 20

Total rubber thickness (mm) 200

First shape factor (−) 37.5

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 7.50

Diameter of flange (mm) 1900

Thickness of flange (mm) 50/100


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1750

Diameter of connecting (mm)  42 × 16

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M39

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 510.2

Total weight (tonf) 5.76 5.77 5.78 5.79 5.80 5.81 5.82 5.84 5.85 5.86 5.88 5.89 5.91 5.92 5.94

Total weight (kN) 56.4 56.5 56.6 56.8 56.9 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.4 57.5 57.6 57.8 57.9 58.1 58.2

Critical stress cr when  = 0 122


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (4.00,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,60)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 10400

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 25900 25800 25800 25700 25600 25600 25500 25400 25400 25300 25200 25100 25100 25000 24900
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 44.8 44.8 44.9 44.9 45.0 45.0 45.1 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.5 45.6

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 3.44 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.46 3.46 3.47 3.47 3.48 3.48 3.49 3.49 3.50 3.50 3.51
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641 681 723 767 811 857
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 5.10 5.25 5.41 5.57 5.74 5.92 6.10 6.29 6.48 6.69 6.89 7.11 7.33 7.56 7.79
Equivalent damping (−) 0.198 0.209 0.219 0.229 0.239 0.248 0.257 0.266 0.274 0.282 0.289 0.296 0.302 0.309 0.314
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please conatct us for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0517 Compound Rubber Shear modulus
name code (N/mm2)
LL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm) G4 G0.40 0.385

LL060G4 LL065G4
Characteristics E D C B A G H I J E D C B A G H I J

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650

Lead plug diameter (mm) 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2777 2764 2749 2732 2714 2695 2673 2651 2626 3255 3240 3223 3205 3186 3164 3142 3117 3091

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 3.95 4.4

Number of rubber (−) 41 37

Total rubber thickness (mm) 162 163

First shape factor (−) 38.0 36.9

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.70 3.99

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950

Thickness of flange (mm) 22/28 22/28


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 342.0 330.4

Total weight (tonf) 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.62 0.62 0.63 0.65 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.67 0.68 0.68 0.69

Total weight (kN) 5.8 5.9 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.8

Critical stress cr when  = 0 41 48


(0, 0) (0.00,41) (0.00,48)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.00,41) (0.00,48)

(2, 2) (3.70,4) (3.99,5)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2070 2400

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 9.2 10.5
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 2550 2540 2520 2510 2490 2470 2460 2430 2410 3410 3400 3380 3360 3340 3320 3290 3270 3240
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 8.82 8.84 8.86 8.89 8.92 8.95 8.98 9.02 9.06 10.3 10.3 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.5 10.5 10.6

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.678 0.680 0.682 0.684 0.686 0.688 0.691 0.694 0.697 0.792 0.794 0.796 0.798 0.801 0.803 0.806 0.809 0.812
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 40.0 50.7 62.6 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 50.7 62.6 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 181
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 0.926 0.993 1.07 1.15 1.24 1.34 1.45 1.56 1.69 1.10 1.18 1.26 1.35 1.45 1.56 1.67 1.79 1.92
Equivalent damping (−) 0.165 0.193 0.219 0.244 0.266 0.285 0.302 0.317 0.329 0.174 0.199 0.223 0.246 0.266 0.284 0.300 0.314 0.326

Certification number MVBR-0517
LL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm)
LL070G4 LL075G4
Characteristics E D C B A G H I J E D C B A G H I J

Outer diameter (mm) 700 750

Lead plug diameter (mm) 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 3770 3753 3735 3716 3695 3672 3647 3621 3594 4323 4305 4285 4264 4241 4217 4191 4163 4134

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.9 4.85

Number of rubber (−) 34 34

Total rubber thickness (mm) 167 165

First shape factor (−) 35.7 38.7

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.20 4.55

Diameter of flange (mm) 1000 1100

Thickness of flange (mm) 22/28 22/28


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 875 950

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 324.9 323.2

Total weight (tonf) 0.72 0.72 0.73 0.73 0.74 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.76 0.84 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.88

Total weight (kN) 7.0 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.3 7.4 7.4 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.5 8.6 8.7

Critical stress cr when  = 0 54 67


(0, 0) (0.00,54) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.00,54) (0.50,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,8) (4.00,14)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2680 3200

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 11.4 13.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 4310 4290 4270 4250 4220 4200 4170 4140 4110 5620 5590 5570 5540 5510 5480 5440 5410 5370
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.9 11.9 12.0 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.7 13.7 13.8 13.8 13.9

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.899 0.901 0.903 0.905 0.908 0.910 0.913 0.916 0.920 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.07
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 62.6 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 226
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.27 1.36 1.44 1.54 1.64 1.76 1.87 2.00 2.14 1.50 1.59 1.69 1.79 1.91 2.03 2.16 2.29 2.44
Equivalent damping (−) 0.181 0.205 0.227 0.247 0.266 0.283 0.298 0.311 0.323 0.187 0.209 0.229 0.248 0.266 0.282 0.296 0.309 0.320

Certification number MVBR-0517
LL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm)
LL080G4 LL085G4
Characteristics E D C B A G H I J F E D C B A G H I J K

Outer diameter (mm) 800 850

Lead plug diameter (mm) 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 4913 4894 4873 4850 4825 4800 4772 4743 4712 5561 5542 5521 5498 5473 5448 5420 5391 5360 5328 5294

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 5.1 5.25

Number of rubber (−) 33 32

Total rubber thickness (mm) 168 168

First shape factor (−) 39.2 40.5

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.75 5.06

Diameter of flange (mm) 1150 1200

Thickness of flange (mm) 24/32 24/32


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1000 1050

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 373.1 368.4

Total weight (tonf) 1.15 1.16 1.16 1.17 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.19 1.20 1.26 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.28 1.29 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.32

Total weight (kN) 11.3 11.3 11.4 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.6 11.7 11.8 12.4 12.4 12.5 12.5 12.6 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.8 12.9 13.0

Critical stress cr when  = 0 74 85


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.00,60) (1.65,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,18) (4.00,24)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 3590 4100

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 13.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 6390 6360 6330 6300 6270 6240 6200 6170 6130 8340 8310 8280 8250 8210 8170 8130 8090 8040 7990 7940
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 15.1 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.4 15.4 171 17.1 17.1 17.2 17.2 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.4 17.4 17.5

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.16 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.19 1.31 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.34 1.34 1.35
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.70 1.79 1.90 2.01 2.13 2.25 2.38 2.53 2.67 1.85 1.95 2.05 2.16 2.28 2.40 2.54 2.68 2.83 2.98 3.15
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.213 0.232 0.250 0.266 0.281 0.294 0.306 0.317 0.178 0.198 0.216 0.234 0.251 0.266 0.280 0.293 0.304 0.315 0.324

Certification number MVBR-0517
LL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm)
LL090G4 LL095G4
Characteristics F E D C B A G H I J K F E D C B A G H I J K

Outer diameter (mm) 900 950

Lead plug diameter (mm) 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 6229 6208 6185 6161 6135 6107 6078 6048 6015 5982 5946 6934 6912 6887 6861 6834 6805 6774 6742 6708 6673 6636

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 5.65 6.00

Number of rubber (−) 30 28

Total rubber thickness (mm) 170 168

First shape factor (−) 39.8 39.6

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.31 5.65

Diameter of flange (mm) 1250 1300

Thickness of flange (mm) 28/36 28/36


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1100 1150

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 369.1 358.8

Total weight (tonf) 1.43 1.44 1.44 1.45 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.53 1.54 1.54 1.55 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.58 1.59 1.60

Total weight (kN) 14.0 14.1 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.6 14.7 15.0 15.1 15.1 15.2 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.5 15.6 15.7

Critical stress cr when  = 0 89 94


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.90,60) (2.28,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,29) (4.00,34)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 4530 5080

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 9340 9310 9280 9240 9200 9160 9120 9070 9020 8970 8920 10400 10400 10300 10300 10300 10200 10200 10100 10100 10000 10000
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 19.0 19.0 19.1 19.1 19.1 19.2 19.2 19.3 19.3 19.4 19.4 21.4 21.4 21.4 21.5 21.5 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.7 21.8 21.8

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.48 1.48 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.64 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.66 1.66 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.68
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 106 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 2.08 2.19 2.30 2.41 2.54 2.67 2.81 2.96 3.11 3.28 3.45 2.37 2.48 2.60 2.73 2.86 3.00 3.15 3.31 3.47 3.64 3.82
Equivalent damping (−) 0.184 0.202 0.219 0.236 0.251 0.266 0.279 0.291 0.302 0.312 0.321 0.189 0.206 0.222 0.238 0.252 0.266 0.278 0.290 0.301 0.310 0.319

Certification number MVBR-0517
LL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm)
LL100G4 LL110G4
Characteristics F E D C B A G H I J K F E D C B A G H I J K

Outer diameter (mm) 1000 1100

Lead plug diameter (mm) 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 7677 7653 7627 7600 7570 7540 7508 7474 7439 7402 7363 9276 9249 9220 9189 9157 9123 9088 9051 9012 8972 8931

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 6.35 7.2

Number of rubber (−) 26 23

Total rubber thickness (mm) 165 166

First shape factor (−) 39.4 38.2

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 6.06 6.64

Diameter of flange (mm) 1400 1500

Thickness of flange (mm) 28/36 30/38


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1250 1350

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36 M36

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 347.1 338.4

Total weight (tonf) 1.66 1.67 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.73 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.98 1.99 2.01 2.01

Total weight (kN) 16.3 16.4 16.4 16.5 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.8 16.9 17.0 19.0 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.7

Critical stress cr when  = 0 101 109


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (2.72,60) (3.32,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,41) (4.00,50)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 5720 6830

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 11500 11500 11400 11400 11400 11300 11300 11200 11200 11100 11100 13900 13900 13800 13800 13700 13700 13600 13600 13500 13500 13400
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 24.1 24.1 24.2 24.2 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.5 24.6 29.1 29.1 29.2 29.2 29.3 29.3 29.4 29.4 29.5 29.5 29.6

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.85 1.86 1.86 1.86 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.88 1.88 1.89 1.89 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.26 2.26 2.27 2.27 2.28
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 2.71 2.83 2.95 3.09 3.23 3.39 3.54 3.71 3.89 4.07 4.26 3.33 3.46 3.61 3.76 3.92 4.08 4.26 4.44 4.63 4.83 5.03
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.209 0.224 0.239 0.253 0.266 0.278 0.289 0.299 0.309 0.317 0.200 0.215 0.229 0.242 0.254 0.266 0.277 0.287 0.297 0.305 0.313

Certification number MVBR-0517
LL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm)
Characteristics S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1200

Lead plug diameter (mm) 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 11055 11026 10996 10963 10930 10894 10857 10819 10779 10737 10694 10649 10603

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 7.7

Number of rubber (−) 22

Total rubber thickness (mm) 169

First shape factor (−) 39.0

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 7.08

Diameter of flange (mm) 1600

Thickness of flange (mm) 32/40


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1450

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 341.8

Total weight (tonf) 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38

Total weight (kN) 22.3 22.4 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.7 22.8 22.8 22.9 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3

Critical stress cr when  = 0 117


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (3.84,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,58)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 8000

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 16600 16500 16500 16400 16400 16300 16300 16200 16200 16100 16000 16000 15900
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 33.8 33.8 33.9 33.9 34.0 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.4 34.5

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 2.60 2.60 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.62 2.62 2.63 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.65 2.65
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 3.80 3.94 4.08 4.24 4.40 4.57 4.75 4.94 5.13 5.33 5.54 5.75 5.98
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.206 0.219 0.232 0.244 0.255 0.266 0.276 0.285 0.294 0.302 0.310 0.317

Certification number MVBR-0517
LL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm)
Characteristics S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1300

Lead plug diameter (mm) 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 12959 12927 12893 12858 12821 12782 12742 12701 12657 12613 12566 12518 12469

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 8.0

Number of rubber (−) 21

Total rubber thickness (mm) 168

First shape factor (−) 40.6

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 7.74

Diameter of flange (mm) 1700

Thickness of flange (mm) 32/40


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1550

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 364.0

Total weight (tonf) 2.88 2.89 2.90 2.91 2.92 2.92 2.93 2.94 2.95 2.97 2.98 2.99 3.00

Total weight (kN) 28.3 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 28.8 28.9 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4

Critical stress cr when  = 0 130


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (4.00,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,60)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 9600

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 19400 19400 19300 19300 19200 19200 19100 19100 19000 18900 18800 18800 18700
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 40.0 40.1 40.1 40.2 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.6 40.7 40.8

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 3.08 3.08 3.09 3.09 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.11 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.13 3.14
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 4.57 4.73 4.89 5.06 5.24 5.43 5.62 5.82 6.03 6.25 6.48 6.71 6.95
Equivalent damping (−) 0.199 0.211 0.223 0.235 0.246 0.256 0.266 0.275 0.284 0.292 0.300 0.307 0.314

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (900) (950) 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (37/45) (37/45) 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0517 Compound Rubber Shear modulus
name code (N/mm2)
LT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm) G4 G0.40 0.385

LT090G4 LT095G4
Characteristics F E D C B A G H I J K F E D C B A G H I J K

Outer diameter (mm) 900 950

Lead plug diameter (mm) 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 6229 6208 6185 6161 6135 6107 6078 6048 6015 5982 5946 6934 6912 6887 6861 6834 6805 6774 6742 6708 6673 6636

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 6.0 6.4

Number of rubber (−) 42 39

Total rubber thickness (mm) 252 250

First shape factor (−) 37.5 37.1

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.57 3.81

Diameter of flange (mm) 1250 1300

Thickness of flange 
(mm) 28/36 28/36

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1100 1150

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 504.4 488.8

Total weight (tonf) 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.89 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.99

Total weight (kN) 17.4 17.5 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 17.9 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.4 19.5

Critical stress cr when  = 0 37 43


(0, 0) (0.00,37) (0.00,43)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.00,37) (0.00,43)

(2, 2) (3.57,4) (3.81,4)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2980 3340

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 8.6 9.6
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 5340 5330 5310 5290 5260 5240 5220 5190 5160 5130 5100 6680 6660 6640 6610 6590 6560 6530 6500 6470 6430 6400
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.9 12.9 12.9 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.1 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.7

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.982 0.984 0.986 0.988 0.990 0.992 0.994 0.997 0.999 1.00 1.00 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.13 1.13
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 106 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.40 1.47 1.54 1.62 1.71 1.80 1.89 1.99 2.09 2.20 2.32 1.60 1.67 1.75 1.84 1.93 2.02 2.12 2.23 2.34 2.45 2.57
Equivalent damping (−) 0.184 0.202 0.219 0.236 0.251 0.266 0.279 0.291 0.302 0.312 0.321 0.189 0.206 0.222 0.238 0.252 0.266 0.278 0.290 0.301 0.310 0.319
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0517
LT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm)
LT100G4 LT110G4
Characteristics F E D C B A G H I J K F E D C B A G H I J K

Outer diameter (mm) 1000 1100

Lead plug diameter (mm) 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 7677 7653 7627 7600 7570 7540 7508 7474 7439 7402 7363 9276 9249 9220 9189 9157 9123 9088 9051 9012 8972 8931

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 6.7 7.4

Number of rubber (−) 37 34

Total rubber thickness (mm) 248 252

First shape factor (−) 37.3 37.2

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.03 4.37

Diameter of flange (mm) 1400 1500

Thickness of flange 
(mm) 28/36 30/38

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1250 1350

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36 M36

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 478.3 472.8

Total weight (tonf) 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.16 2.17 2.42 2.43 2.44 2.45 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.51 2.52 2.53

Total weight (kN) 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 21.0 21.1 21.3 23.7 23.8 23.9 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.6 24.7 24.8

Critical stress cr when  = 0 50 60


(0, 0) (0.00,50) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.00,50) (0.00,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,5) (4.00,11)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 3740 4450

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 10.7 12.2
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 8190 8160 8140 8110 8080 8040 8010 7970 7940 7900 7860 11300 11300 11200 11200 11200 11100 11100 11000 11000 10900 10900
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 16.0 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.4 19.1 19.2 19.2 19.2 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.5

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.23 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.26 1.47 1.47 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.50 1.50
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.80 1.88 1.97 2.06 2.15 2.25 2.36 2.47 2.59 2.71 2.84 2.19 2.28 2.37 2.47 2.58 2.69 2.80 2.92 3.05 3.18 3.31
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.209 0.224 0.239 0.253 0.266 0.278 0.289 0.299 0.309 0.317 0.200 0.215 0.229 0.242 0.254 0.266 0.277 0.287 0.297 0.305 0.313
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on the next page (upper top table) for more details.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (900) (950) 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (37/45) (37/45) 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0517

LT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm)
Characteristics S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1200

Lead plug diameter (mm) 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 11055 11026 10996 10963 10930 10894 10857 10819 10779 10737 10694 10649 10603

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 8.0

Number of rubber (−) 31

Total rubber thickness (mm) 248

First shape factor (−) 37.5

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.84

Diameter of flange (mm) 1600

Thickness of flange 
(mm) 32/40

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1450

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 460.0

Total weight (tonf) 2.76 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.80 2.82 2.83 2.84 2.85 2.87 2.88 2.90 2.91

Total weight (kN) 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.9 28.0 28.1 28.3 28.4 28.6

Critical stress cr when  = 0 76


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.11,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,19)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 5390

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 13.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 14400 14300 14300 14300 14200 14200 14100 14100 14000 14000 13900 13800 13800
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 23.1 23.1 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.3 23.3 23.3 23.4 23.4 23.5 23.5 23.6

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.81 1.81
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 2.59 2.69 2.79 2.90 3.01 3.12 3.25 3.37 3.50 3.64 3.78 3.93 4.08
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.206 0.219 0.232 0.244 0.255 0.266 0.276 0.285 0.294 0.302 0.310 0.317
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0517
LT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm)
Characteristics S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1300

Lead plug diameter (mm) 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 12959 12927 12893 12858 12821 12782 12742 12701 12657 12613 12566 12518 12469

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 8.7

Number of rubber (−) 29

Total rubber thickness (mm) 252

First shape factor (−) 37.4

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.15

Diameter of flange (mm) 1700

Thickness of flange 
(mm) 32/40

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1550

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 455.5

Total weight (tonf) 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.22 3.23 3.25 3.26 3.28

Total weight (kN) 30.6 30.7 30.8 30.9 31.0 31.1 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.7 31.8 32.0 32.1

Critical stress cr when  = 0 84


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.63,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,25)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 6210

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 19400 19400 19300 19300 19200 19200 19100 19100 19000 18900 18800 18800 18700
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 26.7 26.7 26.7 26.8 26.8 26.8 26.9 26.9 27.0 27.0 27.1 27.1 27.2

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 2.05 2.05 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.09
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 3.04 3.15 3.26 3.37 3.49 3.61 3.74 3.88 4.02 4.16 4.31 4.47 4.63
Equivalent damping (−) 0.199 0.211 0.223 0.235 0.246 0.256 0.266 0.275 0.284 0.292 0.300 0.307 0.314
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on the previous page (upper top table) for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0517
LT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm)
Characteristics T S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1400

Lead plug diameter (mm) 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 15047 15014 14978 14941 14903 14863 14821 14778 14733 14687 14639 14590 14539 14486

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 9.5

Number of rubber (−) 26

Total rubber thickness (mm) 247

First shape factor (−) 36.8

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.67

Diameter of flange (mm) 1800

Thickness of flange (mm) 50/100


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1650

Diameter of connecting (mm)  42 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M39

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 592.0

Total weight (tonf) 5.64 5.65 5.66 5.68 5.69 5.70 5.72 5.73 5.75 5.76 5.78 5.79 5.81 5.83

Total weight (kN) 55.3 55.4 55.5 55.7 55.8 55.9 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.5 56.7 56.8 57.0 57.2

Critical stress cr when  = 0 92


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (2.18,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,33)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 7320

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 22600 22500 22500 22400 22400 22300 22200 22200 22100 22000 22000 21900 21800 21700
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.7 31.7 31.7 31.8 31.8 31.9 31.9 32.0 32.0 32.1 32.1

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.47 2.47
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 276 303 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641 681 723
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 3.54 3.66 3.77 3.89 4.02 4.15 4.29 4.43 4.58 4.74 4.89 5.06 5.23 5.40
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.205 0.216 0.227 0.237 0.247 0.257 0.266 0.275 0.283 0.291 0.298 0.305 0.311

Certification number MVBR-0517
LT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm)
Characteristics T S F E D C B A G H I J K L M

Outer diameter (mm) 1500

Lead plug diameter (mm) 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 17256 17219 17181 17141 17099 17056 17011 16965 16917 16867 16816 16764 16709 16654 16596

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 10.0

Number of rubber (−) 25

Total rubber thickness (mm) 250

First shape factor (−) 37.5

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 6.00

Diameter of flange (mm) 1900

Thickness of flange (mm) 50/100


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1750

Diameter of connecting (mm)  42 × 16

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M39

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 589.2

Total weight (tonf) 6.33 6.35 6.36 6.37 6.39 6.40 6.42 6.43 6.45 6.47 6.48 6.50 6.52 6.54 6.56

Total weight (kN) 62.1 62.2 62.4 62.5 62.6 62.8 62.9 63.1 63.2 63.4 63.6 63.8 63.9 64.1 64.3

Critical stress cr when  = 0 98


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (2.58,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,39)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 8360

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 25900 25800 25800 25700 25600 25600 25500 25400 25400 25300 25200 25100 25100 25000 24900
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 35.8 35.8 35.9 35.9 36.0 36.0 36.1 36.1 36.2 36.2 36.3 36.3 36.4 36.4 36.5

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 2.75 2.76 2.76 2.76 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.78 2.78 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.80 2.80 2.81
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641 681 723 767 811 857
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 4.08 4.20 4.32 4.46 4.59 4.73 4.88 5.03 5.19 5.35 5.51 5.69 5.86 6.05 6.23
Equivalent damping (−) 0.198 0.209 0.219 0.229 0.239 0.248 0.257 0.266 0.274 0.282 0.289 0.296 0.302 0.309 0.314

Certification number MVBR-0517
LT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm)
Characteristics T S F E D C B A G H I J K L M

Outer diameter (mm) 1600

Lead plug diameter (mm) 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 19615 19575 19534 19490 19446 19399 19351 19302 19251 19198 19144 19088 19031 18972 18912

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 10.4

Number of rubber (−) 24

Total rubber thickness (mm) 250

First shape factor (−) 38.5

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 6.41

Diameter of flange (mm) 2000

Thickness of flange (mm) 50/110


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1800

Diameter of connecting (mm)  45 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M42

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 603.0

Total weight (tonf) 7.40 7.41 7.43 7.44 7.46 7.47 7.49 7.51 7.52 7.54 7.56 7.58 7.60 7.62 7.64

Total weight (kN) 72.5 72.7 72.8 73.0 73.1 73.3 73.4 73.6 73.8 73.9 74.1 74.3 74.5 74.7 74.9

Critical stress cr when  = 0 106


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (3.07,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,46)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 9610

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 29400 29400 29300 29200 29200 29100 29000 29000 28900 28800 28700 28600 28500 28500 28400
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 40.8 40.9 40.9 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.1 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.3 4.14 4.14 4.15 4.15

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 3.14 3.14 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.16 3.16 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.18 3.18 3.19 3.19 3.20
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641 681 723 767 811 857 904 952
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 4.71 4.84 4.97 5.12 5.26 5.41 5.57 5.73 5.90 6.07 6.25 6.43 6.62 6.81 7.01
Equivalent damping (−) 0.203 0.213 0.223 0.232 0.241 0.250 0.258 0.266 0.273 0.281 0.288 0.294 0.300 0.306 0.312

Certification number MVBR-0517 Compound Rubber Shear modulus
name code (N/mm2)
LD Series (Total Rubber Thickness 32cm) G4 G0.40 0.385

Characteristics T S F E D C B A G H I J K L M

Outer diameter (mm) 1600

Lead plug diameter (mm) 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 19615 19575 19534 19490 19446 19399 19351 19302 19251 19198 19144 19088 19031 18972 18912

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 10.4

Number of rubber (−) 31

Total rubber thickness (mm) 322

First shape factor (−) 38.5

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.96

Diameter of flange (mm) 2000

Thickness of flange (mm) 50/100


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1800

Diameter of connecting (mm)  45 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M42

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 696.4

Total weight (tonf) 7.91 7.93 7.95 7.96 7.98 8.00 8.02 8.04 8.07 8.09 8.11 8.13 8.16 8.18 8.21

Total weight (kN) 77.6 77.7 77.9 78.1 78.3 78.5 78.7 78.9 79.1 79.3 79.5 79.8 80.0 80.3 80.5

Critical stress cr when  = 0 81


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.43,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,22)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 7440

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 29400 29400 29300 29200 29200 29100 29000 29000 28900 28800 28700 28600 28500 28500 28400
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 31.6 31.6 31.7 31.7 31.7 31.8 31.8 31.9 31.9 31.9 32.0 32.0 32.1 32.1 32.2

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 2.43 2.43 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.47 2.47 2.47
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641 681 723 767 811 857 904 952
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 3.64 3.75 3.85 3.96 4.07 4.19 4.31 4.44 4.57 4.70 4.84 4.98 5.12 5.27 5.43
Equivalent damping (−) 0.203 0.213 0.223 0.232 0.241 0.250 0.258 0.266 0.273 0.281 0.288 0.294 0.300 0.306 0.312

Certification number MVBR-0517
LD Series (Total Rubber Thickness 32cm)
Characteristics S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1700

Lead plug diameter1 (mm) 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 200 × 4

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 22082 22037 21991 21943 21894 21843 21790 21736 21680 21623 21564 21503 21441

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 10.4

Number of rubber (−) 31

Total rubber thickness (mm) 322

First shape factor (−) 40.9

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.27

Diameter of flange (mm)  1980

Thickness of flange (mm) 50/100


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) -

Diameter of connecting (mm)  45 × 24

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M42

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 696.4

Total weight (tonf) 9.30 9.32 9.34 9.36 9.38 9.40 9.42 9.45 9.47 9.49 9.52 9.54 9.57

Total weight (kN) 91.2 91.4 91.6 91.8 92.0 92.2 92.4 92.6 92.9 93.1 93.3 93.6 93.9

Critical stress cr when  = 0 89


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.90,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,28)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 8570

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress2
Nominal long term (kN) 33100 33100 33000 32900 32800 32800 32700 32600 32500 32400 32300 32300 32200
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 35.7 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.9 35.9 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.1 36.1 36.2 36.2

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.76 2.76 2.76 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.79
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 491 526 563 601 641 681 723 767 811 857 904 952 1000
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 4.27 4.38 4.50 4.62 4.75 4.88 5.01 5.15 5.29 5.43 5.58 5.74 5.89
Equivalent damping (−) 0.216 0.225 0.234 0.242 0.251 0.258 0.266 0.273 0.280 0.286 0.293 0.299 0.304
1 It will be a multi-plug structure if lead plug diameter is bigger than 390mm.

Certification number MVBR-0517
LD Series (Total Rubber Thickness 32cm)
Characteristics S F E D C B A G H I J K L M

Outer diameter (mm) 1800

200 205 210 215

Lead plug diameter1 (mm) 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 ×4 ×4 ×4 ×4

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 24740 24692 24643 24592 24539 24485 24429 24372 24313 24252 24190 24127 24061 23995

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 11.1

Number of rubber (−) 29

Total rubber thickness (mm) 322

First shape factor (−) 40.5

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.59

Diameter of flange (mm)  2080

Thickness of flange (mm) 50/100


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) -

Diameter of connecting (mm)  45 × 24

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M42

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 684.3

Total weight (tonf) 10.1 10.1 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4

Total weight (kN) 99.3 99.5 99.7 99.9 100.1 100.3 100.6 100.8 101.1 101.3 101.6 101.8 102.1 102.4

Critical stress cr when  = 0 94


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (2.24,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,33)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 9600

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress2
Nominal long term (kN) 37100 37000 37000 36900 36800 36700 36600 36600 36500 36400 36300 36200 36100 36000
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 40.1 40.2 40.2 40.2 40.3 40.3 40.4 40.4 40.5 40.5 40.6 40.6 40.7 40.7

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.13 3.13
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 563 601 641 681 723 767 811 857 904 952 1000 1050 1100 1160
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 4.84 4.96 5.08 5.21 5.35 5.48 5.63 5.77 5.92 6.07 6.23 6.39 6.56 6.73
Equivalent damping (−) 0.219 0.228 0.236 0.244 0.251 0.259 0.266 0.273 0.279 0.285 0.291 0.297 0.302 0.308
1 It will be a multi-plug structure if lead plug diameter is bigger than 390mm.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 30/36 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0517 Compound Rubber Shear modulus
name code (N/mm2)
LS Series (S2 = 5) G4 G0.40 0.385

LS060G4 LS065G4
Characteristics E D C B A G H I J E D C B A G H I J

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650

Lead plug diameter (mm) 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2777 2764 2749 2732 2714 2695 2673 2651 2626 3255 3240 3223 3205 3186 3164 3142 3117 3091

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.0 4.4

Number of rubber (−) 30 30

Total rubber thickness (mm) 120 132

First shape factor (−) 37.5 36.9

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.00 4.92

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950

Thickness of flange 
(mm) 22/28 22/28

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 265.9 277.9

Total weight (tonf) 0.50 0.50 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.53 0.58 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.60 0.60 0.61 0.61

Total weight (kN) 4.9 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.7 5.7 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.0

Critical stress cr when  = 0 81 78


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.46,60) (1.28,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,23) (4.00,21)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2790 2960

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 4170 4150 4120 4100 4070 4040 4010 3980 3940 4880 4860 4830 4810 4780 4750 4710 4680 4640
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 11.9 11.9 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.1 12.1 12.2 12.2 12.7 12.7 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.9 12.9 13.0 13.0

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0.915 0.918 0.920 0.923 0.926 0.929 0.933 0.936 0.940 0.977 0.980 0.982 0.985 0.988 0.991 0.994 0.998 1.00
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 40.0 50.7 62.6 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 50.7 62.6 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 181
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.25 1.34 1.44 1.55 1.68 1.81 1.95 2.11 2.28 1.36 1.45 1.56 1.67 1.79 1.92 2.06 2.21 2.37
Equivalent damping (−) 0.165 0.193 0.219 0.244 0.266 0.285 0.302 0.317 0.329 0.174 0.199 0.223 0.246 0.266 0.284 0.300 0.314 0.326
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0517
LS Series (S2 = 5)
LS070G4 LS075G4
Characteristics E D C B A G H I J E D C B A G H I J

Outer diameter (mm) 700 750

Lead plug diameter (mm) 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 3770 3753 3735 3716 3695 3672 3647 3621 3594 4323 4305 4285 4264 4241 4217 4191 4163 4134

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.7 5.0

Number of rubber (−) 30 30

Total rubber thickness (mm) 141 150

First shape factor (−) 37.2 37.5

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.96 5.00

Diameter of flange (mm) 1000 1100

Thickness of flange 
(mm) 22/28 22/28

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 875 950

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 286.9 295.9

Total weight (tonf) 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.68 0.68 0.69 0.69 0.70 0.70 0.79 0.79 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.81 0.82 0.82 0.83

Total weight (kN) 6.5 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.8 6.8 6.9 7.7 7.8 7.8 7.9 7.9 8.0 8.0 8.1 8.1

Critical stress cr when  = 0 80 81


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.38,60) (1.46,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,22) (4.00,23)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 3220 3480

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 5650 5630 5600 5570 5540 5510 5470 5430 5390 6480 6460 6430 6400 6360 6330 6290 6250 6200
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 13.8 13.8 13.9 13.9 13.9 14.0 14.0 14.1 14.1 14.9 14.9 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.1 15.1 15.2 15.2

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.17 1.17
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 62.6 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 75.7 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 226
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.51 1.60 1.71 1.82 1.94 2.07 2.22 2.37 2.52 1.65 1.75 1.86 1.97 2.10 2.23 2.37 2.52 2.68
Equivalent damping (−) 0.181 0.205 0.227 0.247 0.266 0.283 0.298 0.311 0.323 0.187 0.209 0.229 0.248 0.266 0.282 0.296 0.309 0.320
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on the next page (upper top table) for more details.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 30/36 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0517

LS Series (S2 = 5)
LS080G4 LS085G4
Characteristics E D C B A G H I J F E D C B A G H I J K

Outer diameter (mm) 800 850

Lead plug diameter (mm) 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 4913 4894 4873 4850 4825 4800 4772 4743 4712 5561 5542 5521 5498 5473 5448 5420 5391 5360 5328 5294

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 5.4 5.7

Number of rubber (−) 30 30

Total rubber thickness (mm) 162 171

First shape factor (−) 37.0 37.3

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.94 4.97

Diameter of flange (mm) 1150 1200

Thickness of flange 
(mm) 24/32 24/32

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1000 1050

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 353.6 362.6

Total weight (tonf) 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.11 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.13 1.14 1.22 1.23 1.23 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29

Total weight (kN) 10.7 10.8 10.8 10.9 10.9 11.0 11.1 11.1 11.2 12.0 12.0 12.1 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.5 12.6

Critical stress cr when  = 0 79 80


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.31,60) (1.39,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,21) (4.00,22)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 3650 3910

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 7370 7340 7310 7270 7240 7200 7160 7110 7070 8340 8310 8280 8250 8210 8170 8130 8090 8040 7990 7940
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 15.7 15.7 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.9 15.9 16.0 16.0 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.9 16.9 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.1 17.1 17.2

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.29 1.29 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.32 1.32
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 90.1 106 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.76 1.86 1.97 2.09 2.21 2.34 2.48 2.62 2.78 1.82 1.91 2.01 2.12 2.24 2.36 2.49 2.63 2.78 2.93 3.09
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.213 0.232 0.250 0.266 0.281 0.294 0.306 0.317 0.178 0.198 0.216 0.234 0.251 0.266 0.280 0.293 0.304 0.315 0.324
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details..

Certification number MVBR-0517
LS Series (S2 = 5)
LS090G4 LS095G4
Characteristics F E D C B A G H I J K F E D C B A G H I J K

Outer diameter (mm) 900 950

Lead plug diameter (mm) 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 6229 6208 6185 6161 6135 6107 6078 6048 6015 5982 5946 6934 6912 6887 6861 6834 6805 6774 6742 6708 6673 6636

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 6.0 6.4

Number of rubber (−) 30 30

Total rubber thickness (mm) 180 192

First shape factor (−) 37.5 37.1

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.00 4.95

Diameter of flange (mm) 1250 1300

Thickness of flange 
(mm) 28/36 28/36

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1100 1150

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 379.6 391.6

Total weight (tonf) 1.44 1.45 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.50 1.51 1.60 1.61 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68

Total weight (kN) 14.1 14.2 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.7 14.8 15.7 15.8 15.8 15.9 16.0 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5

Critical stress cr when  = 0 81 79


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00.60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.46,60) (1.33,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,23) (4.00,22)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 4180 4350

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 9340 9310 9280 9240 9200 9160 9120 9070 9020 8970 8920 10400 10400 10300 10300 10300 10200 10200 10100 10100 10000 9950
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 17.9 17.9 17.9 18.0 18.0 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.2 18.2 18.3 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.8 18.8 18.9 18.9 18.9 19.0 19.0 19.1

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.41 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.47
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 106 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 123 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 1.96 2.06 2.16 2.27 2.39 2.52 2.65 2.79 2.93 3.09 3.25 2.08 2.17 2.28 2.39 2.50 2.63 2.76 2.89 3.04 3.19 3.35
Equivalent damping (−) 0.184 0.202 0.219 0.236 0.251 0.266 0.279 0.291 0.302 0.312 0.321 0.189 0.206 0.222 0.238 0.252 0.266 0.278 0.290 0.301 0.310 0.319
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on the next page (upper top table) for more details.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 30/36 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0517

LS Series (S2 = 5)
LS100G4 LS110G4
Characteristics F E D C B A G H I J K F E D C B A G H I J K

Outer diameter (mm) 1000 1100

Lead plug diameter (mm) 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 7677 7653 7627 7600 7570 7540 7508 7474 7439 7402 7363 9276 9249 9220 9189 9157 9123 9088 9051 9012 8972 8931

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 6.7 7.4

Number of rubber (−) 30 30

Total rubber thickness (mm) 201 222

First shape factor (−) 37.3 37.2

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.98 4.95

Diameter of flange (mm) 1400 1500

Thickness of flange 
(mm) 28/36 30/38

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1250 1350

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36 M36

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 400.6 425.6

Total weight (tonf) 1.82 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.90 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.35

Total weight (kN) 17.8 17.9 18.0 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.7 22.8 22.9 23.0

Critical stress cr when  = 0 80 80


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00.60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.40,60) (1.35,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,22) (4.00,22)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 4610 5040

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 11500 11500 11400 11400 11400 11300 11300 11200 11200 11100 11100 13900 13900 13800 13800 13700 13700 13600 13600 13500 13500 13400
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.9 19.9 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.1 20.1 20.2 21.7 21.7 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.9 21.9 21.9 22.0 22.0 22.1

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.52 1.52 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.70 1.70
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 141 160 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 181 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 2.22 2.32 2.43 2.54 2.66 2.78 2.91 3.05 3.19 3.34 3.50 2.48 2.58 2.69 2.80 2.92 3.05 3.18 3.31 3.45 3.60 3.75
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.209 0.224 0.239 0.253 0.266 0.278 0.289 0.299 0.309 0.317 0.200 0.215 0.229 0.242 0.254 0.266 0.277 0.287 0.297 0.305 0.313
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details..

Certification number MVBR-0517
LS Series (S2 = 5)
Characteristics S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1200

Lead plug diameter (mm) 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 11055 11026 10996 10963 10930 10894 10857 10819 10779 10737 10694 10649 10603

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 8.0

Number of rubber (−) 30

Total rubber thickness (mm) 240

First shape factor (−) 37.5

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.00

Diameter of flange (mm) 1600

Thickness of flange 
(mm) 32/40

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1450

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 447.6

Total weight (tonf) 2.71 2.72 2.73 2.74 2.75 2.76 2.77 2.79 2.80 2.81 2.83 2.84 2.85

Total weight (kN) 26.6 26.7 26.8 26.9 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.6 27.7 27.9 28.0

Critical stress cr when  = 0 81


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.46,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,23)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 5570

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 16500 16500 16500 16400 16400 16300 16300 16200 16200 16100 16000 16000 15900
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 23.9 23.9 23.9 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.1 24.1 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.3 24.3

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.86 1.86 1.87 1.87 1.87
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 203 226 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 2.68 2.78 2.88 2.99 3.11 3.23 3.35 3.48 3.62 3.76 3.91 4.06 4.22
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.206 0.219 0.232 0.244 0.255 0.266 0.276 0.285 0.294 0.302 0.310 0.317
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 30/36 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0517

LS Series (S2 = 5)
Characteristics S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1300

Lead plug diameter (mm) 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 12959 12927 12893 12858 12821 12782 12742 12701 12657 12613 12566 12518 12469

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 8.7

Number of rubber (−) 30

Total rubber thickness (mm) 261

First shape factor (−) 37.4

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.98

Diameter of flange (mm) 1700

Thickness of flange 
(mm) 32/40

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1550

Diameter of connecting (mm)  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M36

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 468.6

Total weight (tonf) 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.27 3.28 3.30 3.31 3.33 3.35

Total weight (kN) 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 31.8 31.9 32.0 32.2 32.3 32.5 32.6 32.8

Critical stress cr when  = 0 81


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.42,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,22)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 6000

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 19400 19400 19300 19300 19200 19200 19100 19100 19000 18900 18800 18800 18700
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.9 25.9 25.9 26.0 26.0 26.1 26.1 26.2 26.2 26.2

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 1.98 1.98 1.99 1.99 1.99 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.01 2.01 2.02 2.02
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 250 276 303 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 2.94 3.04 3.15 3.26 3.37 3.49 3.62 3.75 3.88 4.02 4.17 4.32 4.47
Equivalent damping (−) 0.199 0.211 0.223 0.235 0.246 0.256 0.266 0.275 0.284 0.292 0.300 0.307 0.314
 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0517
LS Series (S2 = 5)
Characteristics T S F E D C B A G H I J K L

Outer diameter (mm) 1400

Lead plug diameter (mm) 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 15047 15014 14978 14941 14903 14863 14821 14778 14733 14687 14639 14590 14539 14486

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 9.3

Number of rubber (−) 30

Total rubber thickness (mm) 279

First shape factor (−) 37.6

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.02

Diameter of flange (mm) 1800

Thickness of flange (mm) 37/45


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1650

Diameter of connecting (mm)  42 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M39

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 537.2

Total weight (tonf) 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.42 4.43 4.44 4.46 4.48 4.49 4.51 4.53 4.55 4.57 4.59

Total weight (kN) 42.9 43.0 43.2 43.3 43.4 43.6 43.7 43.9 44.1 44.2 44.4 44.6 44.8 45.0

Critical stress cr when  = 0 82


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.49,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,23)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 6530

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 22600 22500 22500 22400 22400 22300 22200 22200 22100 22000 22000 21900 21800 21700
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 27.9 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.1 28.1 28.1 28.2 28.2 28.3 28.3 28.4 28.4 28.5

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.19
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 276 303 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641 681 723
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 3.14 3.24 3.34 3.45 3.56 3.68 3.80 3.93 4.06 4.19 4.33 4.48 4.63 4.78
Equivalent damping (−) 0.193 0.205 0.216 0.227 0.237 0.247 0.257 0.266 0.275 0.283 0.291 0.298 0.305 0.311

Certification number MVBR-0517
LS Series (S2 = 5)
Characteristics T S F E D C B A G H I J K L M

Outer diameter (mm) 1500

Lead plug diameter (mm) 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 17256 17219 17181 17141 17099 17056 17011 16965 16917 16867 16816 16764 16709 16654 16596

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 8.5

Number of rubber (−) 35

Total rubber thickness (mm) 298

First shape factor (−) 44.1

Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.04

Diameter of flange (mm) 1900

Thickness of flange (mm) 50/100


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1750

Diameter of connecting (mm)  42 × 16

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M39

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 694.7

Total weight (tonf) 7.22 7.24 7.26 7.27 7.29 7.31 7.32 7.34 7.36 7.38 7.40 7.43 7.45 7.47 7.49

Total weight (kN) 70.9 71.0 71.2 71.3 71.5 71.7 71.8 72.0 72.2 72.4 72.6 72.8 73.0 73.3 73.5

Critical stress cr when  = 0 87


(0, 0) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.75,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,25)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 7400

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 25900 25800 25800 25700 25600 25600 25500 25400 25400 25300 25200 25100 25100 25000 24900
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0
( = 100%)
Shear Properties ( = 100%)

Initial stiffness (×103kN/m) 30.1 30.1 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.3 30.3 30.3 30.4 30.4 30.5 30.5 30.6 30.6 30.7

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 2.31 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.36
( = 100%)
Characteristic (kN) 331 360 391 423 456 491 526 563 601 641 681 723 767 811 857
Equivalent shear (×103kN/m) 3.43 3.53 3.63 3.74 3.86 3.98 4.10 4.23 4.36 4.49 4.63 4.78 4.93 5.08 5.24
Equivalent damping (−) 0.198 0.209 0.219 0.229 0.239 0.248 0.257 0.266 0.274 0.282 0.289 0.296 0.302 0.309 0.314

Description of the product designation
N S 080 G3
Compound name (refer to shear modulus)
Outer diameter (cm)
Series (Shape)
Type of bearing (Natural rubber bearing)

Natural Rubber Bearing (NRB)

Certification Number MVBR-0295 (N3,G3,G5) Compound Rubber Shear modulus
name code (N/mm2)
NS Series (S2 = 5) N3 G0.30 0.294

Characteristics NS060N3 NS065N3 NS070N3 NS075N3 NS080N3 NS085N3 NS090N3 NS095N3 NS100N3 NS110N3 NS120N3

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 25 25

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3317 3847 4416 5023 5671 6359 7085 7849 9498 11305

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.0 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0
Number of rubber (−) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Total rubber thickness (mm) 120 132 141 150 162 171 180 192 201 222 240

First shape factor (−) 36.6 36.1 36.4 36.8 36.1 36.4 36.7 36.3 36.4 36.3 36.7
30Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.00 4.92 4.96 5.00 4.94 4.97 5.00 4.95 4.98 4.95 5.00

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600

Thickness of flange (mm) 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825 875 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 265.9 277.9 286.9 295.9 353.6 362.6 379.6 391.6 400.6 425.6 447.6

Total weight (tonf) 0.49 0.57 0.65 0.77 1.07 1.19 1.41 1.56 1.77 2.17 2.63

Total weight (kN) 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.5 10.5 11.7 13.8 15.3 17.3 21.3 25.8

Critical stress cr when  = 0 53 51 52 53 51 52 53 52 52 52 53


(0, 0) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.58,40) (1.39,40) (1.50,40) (1.59,40) (1.42,40) (1.51,40) (1.59,40) (1.46,40) (1.52,40) (1.47,40) (1.59,40)
(2, 2) (4.00,21) (4.00,19) (4.00,20) (4.00,21) (4.00,19) (4.00,20) (4.00,20) (4.00,20) (4.00,20) (4.00,20) (4.00,20)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2140 2270 2470 2680 2800 3000 3210 3340 3540 3870 4290
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 2830 3320 3850 4420 5020 5670 6360 7090 7850 9500 11300
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)

Shear stiffness

(shear strain:  =  100%)

(×103kN/m) 0.693 0.739 0.803 0.866 0.912 0.976 1.04 1.09 1.15 1.26 1.39

 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on the next page (upper top table) for more details.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 30/36 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0295 (N3,G3,G5) Compound Rubber Shear modulus
name code (N/mm2)
NS Series (S2 = 5) G3 G0.35 0.343

Characteristics NS060G3 NS065G3 NS070G3 NS075G3 NS080G3 NS085G3 NS090G3 NS095G3 NS100G3 NS110G3 NS120G3

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 25 25

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3317 3847 4416 5023 5671 6359 7085 7849 9498 11305

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.0 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0
Number of rubber (−) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Total rubber thickness (mm) 120 132 141 150 162 171 180 192 201 222 240

First shape factor (−) 36.6 36.1 36.4 36.8 36.1 36.4 36.7 36.3 36.4 36.3 36.7
30Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.00 4.92 4.96 5.00 4.94 4.97 5.00 4.95 4.98 4.95 5.00

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600

Thickness of flange (mm) 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825 875 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 265.9 277.9 286.9 295.9 353.6 362.6 379.6 391.6 400.6 425.6 447.6

Total weight (tonf) 0.49 0.57 0.65 0.77 1.07 1.19 1.41 1.56 1.77 2.17 2.63

Total weight (kN) 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.5 10.5 11.7 13.8 15.3 17.3 21.3 25.8

Critical stress cr when  = 0 59 57 58 59 58 58 59 58 58 58 59


(0, 0) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40) (0.00,40)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (2.12,40) (1.93,40) (2.04,40) (2.13,40) (1.97,40) (2.05,40) (2.12,40) (2.00,40) (2.06,40) (2.01,40) (2.13,40)
(2, 2) (4.00,23) (4.00,22) (4.00,22) (4.00,23) (4.00,22) (4.00,23) (4.00,23) (4.00,22) (4.00,23) (4.00,22) (4.00,23)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2220 2350 2560 2780 2900 3120 3330 3460 3670 4020 4440
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 2830 3320 3850 4420 5020 5670 6360 7090 7850 9500 11300
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)

Shear stiffness

(shear strain:  =  100%)

(×103kN/m) 0.808 0.862 0.936 1.01 1.06 1.14 1.21 1.27 1.34 1.47 1.62

 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0295 (N3,G3,G5) Compound Rubber Shear modulus
name code (N/mm2)
NS Series (S2 = 5) G5 G0.45 0.441

Characteristics NS060G5 NS065G5 NS070G5 NS075G5 NS080G5 NS085G5 NS090G5 NS095G5 NS100G5 NS110G5 NS120G5 NS130G5 NS140G5 NU150G5

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 40

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3317 3847 4416 5023 5671 6359 7085 7849 9498 11305 13266 15387 17659

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.0 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0 8.7 9.3 8.5
Number of rubber (−) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35

Total rubber thickness (mm) 120 132 141 150 162 171 180 192 201 222 240 261 279 298

First shape factor (−) 36.6 36.1 36.4 36.8 36.1 36.4 36.7 36.3 36.4 36.3 36.7 36.5 36.8 42.9
30Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.00 4.92 4.96 5.00 4.94 4.97 5.00 4.95 4.98 4.95 5.00 4.98 5.02 5.04

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

Thickness of flange (mm) 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40 37/45 50/100

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825 875 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  42 × 12  42 × 16

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36 M39 M39

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 265.9 277.9 286.9 295.9 353.6 362.6 379.6 391.6 400.6 425.6 447.6 468.6 537.2 694.7

Total weight (tonf) 0.49 0.57 0.65 0.77 1.07 1.19 1.41 1.56 1.77 2.17 2.63 3.07 4.24 7.05

Total weight (kN) 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.5 10.5 11.7 13.8 15.3 17.3 21.3 25.8 30.1 41.6 69.2

Critical stress cr when  = 0 72 70 71 72 71 71 72 71 72 71 72 72 73 77


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (1.12,60) (0.93,60) (1.04,60) (1.13,60) (0.96,60) (1.05,60) (1.12,60) (1.00,60) (1.05,60) (1.01,60) (1.12,60) (1.07,60) (1.15,60) (1.49,60)
(2, 2) (4.00,28) (4.00,26) (4.00,27) (4.00,28) (4.00,27) (4.00,28) (4.00,28) (4.00,27) (4.00,28) (4.00,27) (4.00,28) (4.00,28) (4.00,29) (4.00,31)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2490 2640 2880 3110 3260 3500 3730 3890 4110 4510 4980 5360 5840 6620
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 4240 4970 5770 6620 7540 8510 9540 10600 11800 14200 17000 19900 23100 26500
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)

Shear stiffness

(shear strain:  =  100%)

(×103kN/m) 1.04 1.11 1.20 1.30 1.37 1.46 1.56 1.63 1.72 1.89 2.08 2.24 2.43 2.62

 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table on the next page (upper top table) for more details.

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 (750) 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 (30/36) 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0509/MVBR-0518 (G4) Code

Note: There are 2 certification numbers due to difference of some manufacturing process. Compound Rubber Shear modulus
Please refer to "Precautions" in page 11 for the certificate number that used for design document. name code (N/mm2)
NS Series (S2 = 5) G4 G0.40 0.392

Characteristics NS060G4 NS065G4 NS070G4 NS075G4 NS080G4 NS085G4 NS090G4 NS095G4 NS100G4 NS110G4 NS120G4 NS130G4 NS140G4 NU150G4

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 55 55 55 65 65

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3317 3847 4416 5023 5671 6359 7085 7849 9480 11286 13249 15361 17638

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.0 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0 8.7 9.3 8.5
Number of rubber (−) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35

Total rubber thickness (mm) 120 132 141 150 162 171 180 192 201 222 240 261 279 298

First shape factor (−) 36.6 36.1 36.4 36.8 36.1 36.4 36.7 36.3 36.4 35.3 35.8 35.8 35.9 42.2
30Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 5.00 4.92 4.96 5.00 4.94 4.97 5.00 4.95 4.98 4.95 5.00 4.98 5.02 5.04

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

Thickness of flange (mm) 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40 37/45 50/100

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825 875 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  42 × 12  42 × 16

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36 M39 M39

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 265.9 277.9 286.9 295.9 353.6 362.6 379.6 391.6 400.6 425.6 447.6 468.6 537.2 694.7

Total weight (tonf) 0.49 0.57 0.65 0.77 1.07 1.19 1.41 1.56 1.77 2.17 2.63 3.07 4.24 7.04

Total weight (kN) 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.5 10.5 11.7 13.8 15.3 17.3 21.3 25.8 30.1 41.6 69.1

Critical stress cr when  = 0 65 63 64 65 63 64 65 64 64 63 64 64 65 69


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.50,60) (0.32,60) (0.42,60) (0.52,60) (0.35,60) (0.43,60) (0.51,60) (0.38,60) (0.44,60) (0.32,60) (0.45,60) (0.41,60) (0.48,60) (0.88,60)
(2, 2) (4.00,25) (4.00,24) (4.00,25) (4.00,26) (4.00,24) (4.00,25) (4.00,25) (4.00,24) (4.00,25) (4.00,24) (4.00,25) (4.00,25) (4.00,25) (4.00,27)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2280 2420 2640 2850 2990 3200 3420 3560 3770 4080 4510 4870 5290 6030
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 4240 4970 5770 6620 7540 8510 9540 10600 11800 14200 16900 19900 23000 26500
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)

Shear stiffness

(shear strain:  =  100%)

(×103kN/m) 0.923 0.985 1.07 1.15 1.22 1.30 1.38 1.45 1.53 1.67 1.84 1.99 2.16 2.32

 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Description of the product designation
Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
N H 080 G4
Compound name Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (600) (650) 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
(refer to shear modulus)
Standard thickness 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Outer diameter (cm)
Special thickness (option) (26/32) (26/32) 26/32 30/36 32/40 32/40 37/45 37/45 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
Series (Shape)
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
Type of bearing 2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.
(Natural rubber bearing)

Certification number MVBR-0509/MVBR-0518 (G4) Code

Note: There are 2 certification numbers due to difference of some manufacturing process. Compound Rubber Shear modulus
Please refer to "Precautions" in page 11 for the certificate number that used for design document. name code (N/mm2)
NH Series (Total Rubber Thickness 20cm) G4 G0.40 0.392

Characteristics NH060G4 NH065G4 NH070G4 NH075G4 NH080G4 NH085G4 NH090G4 NH095G4 NH100G4 NH110G4 NH120G4 NH130G4 NH140G4 NH150G4

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 55 55 55 65 65

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3317 3847 4416 5023 5671 6359 7085 7849 9480 11286 13249 15361 17638

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 4.0 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0 8.7 9.5 10.0
Number of rubber (−) 50 45 43 40 37 35 33 31 30 27 25 23 21 20

Total rubber thickness (mm) 200 198 202 200 200 200 198 198 201 200 200 200 200 200

First shape factor (−) 36.6 36.1 36.4 36.8 36.1 36.4 36.7 36.3 36.4 35.3 35.8 35.8 35.1 35.9
30Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.00 3.28 3.46 3.75 4.00 4.26 4.55 4.79 4.98 5.51 6.00 6.50 7.02 7.50

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

Thickness of flange (mm) 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40 37/45 42/50

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825 875 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  42 × 12  42 × 16

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36 M39 M39

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 407.9 390.4 388.3 376.9 422.2 413.1 410.8 402.4 400.6 390.2 385.6 376.9 405.5 410.2

Total weight (tonf) 0.66 0.72 0.80 0.90 1.21 1.31 1.49 1.59 1.77 2.05 2.38 2.65 3.46 4.05

Total weight (kN) 6.5 7.0 7.9 8.9 11.9 12.9 14.6 15.6 17.3 20.1 23.3 26.0 33.9 39.7

Critical stress cr when  = 0 31 35 38 43 47 51 56 61 64 70 77 84 90 97


(0, 0) (0.00,31) (0.00,35) (0.00,38) (0.00,43) (0.00,47) (0.00,51) (0.00,56) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) − − − − − − − (0.07,60) (0.44,60) (1.08,60) (1.76,60) (2.42,60) (3.05,60) (3.74,60)
(2, 2) (2.76,0) (3.21,0) (3.46,0) (3.75,3) (4.00,5) (4.00,10) (4.00,16) (4.00,21) (4.00,25) (4.00,32) (4.00,38) (4.00,44) (4.00,51) (4.00,57)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 1370 1610 1840 2140 2420 2750 3110 3450 3770 4530 5420 6350 7330 8470
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 6.0 7.0 7.8 8.9 9.8 10.8 12.0 13.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 1700 2320 3000 3930 4920 6130 7630 9200 11800 14200 16900 19900 23000 26500
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)

Shear stiffness

(shear strain:  =  100%)

(×103kN/m) 0.554 0.657 0.746 0.866 0.986 1.11 1.26 1.40 1.53 1.86 2.21 2.60 3.02 3.46

 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0509/MVBR-0518 (G4) Code
Note: There are 2 certification numbers due to difference of some manufacturing process. Compound Rubber Shear modulus
Please refer to "Precautions" in page 11 for the certificate number that used for design document. name code (N/mm2)
NL Series (Total Rubber Thickness 16cm) G4 G0.40 0.392

Characteristics NL060G4 NL065G4 NL070G4 NL075G4 NL080G4 NL085G4 NL090G4 NL095G4 NL100G4 NL110G4 NL120G4 NL130G4

Outer diameter (mm) 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300

Inner diameter (mm) 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 55 55 55

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 2826 3317 3847 4416 5023 5671 6359 7085 7849 9480 11286 13249

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 3.95 4.4 4.9 4.85 5.1 5.25 5.65 6.0 6.35 7.2 7.7 8.0
Number of rubber (−) 41 37 34 34 33 32 30 28 26 23 22 21

Total rubber thickness (mm) 162 163 167 165 168 168 170 168 165 166 169 168

First shape factor (−) 37.0 36.1 34.9 37.9 38.2 39.5 38.9 38.8 38.4 36.3 37.2 38.9
30Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.70 3.99 4.20 4.55 4.75 5.06 5.31 5.65 6.06 6.64 7.08 7.74

Diameter of flange (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700

Thickness of flange (mm) 22/28 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32 24/32 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 775 825 875 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36

Thickness of each (mm) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 342.0 330.4 324.9 323.2 373.1 368.4 369.1 358.8 347.1 338.4 341.8 364.0

Total weight (tonf) 0.58 0.64 0.70 0.82 1.12 1.23 1.40 1.48 1.63 1.88 2.22 2.80

Total weight (kN) 5.7 6.3 6.9 8.1 11.0 12.1 13.7 14.5 15.9 18.4 21.8 27.5

Critical stress cr when  = 0 42 46 49 57 61 68 71 75 80 86 93 103


(0, 0) (0.00,42) (0.00,46) (0.00,49) (0.00,57) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)
Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) − − − − (0.13,60) (0.77,60) (1.06,60) (1.50,60) (2.01,60) (2.64,60) (3.29,60) (4.00,60)
(2, 2) (3.70,2) (3.99,5) (4.00,9) (4.00,16) (4.00,21) (4.00,27) (4.00,30) (4.00,35) (4.00,40) (4.00,47) (4.00,53) (4.00,60)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 1700 1960 2190 2630 2940 3360 3720 4170 4690 5520 6490 7810
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 8.7 9.7 10.5 12.1 13.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 2460 3220 4040 5340 6530 8510 9540 10630 11800 14200 16900 19900
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)

Shear stiffness

(shear strain:  =  100%)

(×103kN/m) 0.684 0.799 0.905 1.05 1.17 1.32 1.47 1.65 1.86 2.24 2.61 3.09

Specification of flange (edge thickness / center thickness)
Outer diameter of rubber bearing ()1 (900) (950) 1000 1100 1200 1300
Standard thickness 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40
Special thickness (option) (37/45) (37/45) 42/50 42/50 42/50 42/50
1 For adoption of special thickness in regard to those sizes that stated in the ( ), delivery time will be longer due to mold preparation.
2 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.
3 Compared to the standard spefication, total height & weight of product for special thickness will be changed.

Certification number MVBR-0509/MVBR-0518 (G4) Code

Note: There are 2 certification numbers due to difference of some manufacturing process. Compound Rubber Shear modulus
Please refer to "Precautions" in page 11 for the certificate number that used for design document. name code (N/mm2)
NT Series (Total Rubber Thickness 25cm) G4 G0.40 0.392

Characteristics NT090G4 NT095G4 NT100G4 NT110G4 NT120G4 NT130G4 NT140G4 NT150G4 NT160G4

Outer diameter (mm) 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Inner diameter (mm) 20 20 25 55 55 55 65 65 80

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 6359 7085 7849 9480 11286 13249 15361 17638 20056

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 6.0 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0 8.7 9.5 10.0 10.4
Number of rubber (−) 42 39 37 34 31 29 26 25 24

Total rubber thickness (mm) 252 250 248 252 248 252 247 250 250

First shape factor (−) 36.7 36.3 36.4 35.3 35.8 35.8 35.1 35.9 36.5
30Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 3.57 3.81 4.03 4.37 4.84 5.15 5.67 6.00 6.41

Diameter of flange (mm) 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

Thickness of flange (mm) 28/36 28/36 28/36 30/38 32/40 32/40 37/45 42/50 50/110

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1100 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1800

Diameter of connecting (mm)  33 × 12  33 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  39 × 12  42 × 12  42 × 16  45 × 12

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36 M39 M39 M42

Thickness of each (mm) 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.8 5.8 5.8
reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 504.4 488.8 478.3 472.8 460.0 455.5 482.0 489.2 603.0

Total weight (tonf) 1.73 1.83 2.00 2.34 2.68 3.01 3.90 4.56 7.21

Total weight (kN) 16.9 18.0 19.6 22.9 26.2 29.5 38.2 44.7 70.7

Critical stress cr when  = 0 40 43 47 52 61 66 72 77 83


(0, 0) (0.00,40) (0.00,43) (0.00,47) (0.00,52) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) − − − − (0.13,60) (0.65,60) (1.28,60) (1.77,60) (2.36,60)

(2, 2) (3.75,1) (3.81,3) (4.00,5) (4.00,12) (4.00,22) (4.00,27) (4.00,34) (4.00,38) (4.00,44)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 2440 2740 3060 3600 4370 5040 5920 6780 7770
Nominal long term (N/mm2) 8.2 9.0 9.9 11.2 13.1 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 5210 6380 7770 10600 14800 19900 23000 26500 30100
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)

Shear stiffness

(shear strain:  =  100%)

(×103kN/m) 0.989 1.11 1.24 1.48 1.78 2.06 2.44 2.77 3.15

 : Special thickness for flange is available. Please refer to the table above for more details.

Certification number MVBR-0509 (G4) Compound Rubber Shear modulus
name code (N/mm2)
ND Series (Total Rubber Thickness 32cm) G4 G0.40 0.392

Characteristics ND160G4 ND170G4 ND180G4

Outer diameter (mm) 1600 1700 1800

Inner diameter (mm) 80 85 5 −  55

Effective plane area (×102 mm2) 20056 22641 25328

Thickness of one rubber (mm) 10.4 10.4 11.1

Number of rubber (−) 31 31 29

Total rubber thickness (mm) 322 322 322

First shape factor (−) 36.5 38.8 35.0

30Physical Dimensions

Second shape factor (−) 4.96 5.27 5.59

Diameter of flange (mm) 2000  1980  2080

Thickness of flange (mm) 50/100 50/100 50/100


Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 1800 − −

Diameter of connecting (mm)  45 × 12  45 × 24  45 × 24

bolt hole × qty

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M42 M42 M42

Thickness of each (mm) 5.8 5.8 5.8

reinforced steel plate

Total height (mm) 696.4 696.4 684.3

Total weight (tonf) 7.69 9.02 9.79

Total weight (kN) 75.4 88.4 96.0

Critical stress cr when  = 0 64 70 71


(0, 0) (0.00,60) (0.00,60) (0.00,60)

Compression Properties

compressive stress (1, 1) (0.43,60) (1.01,60) (1.17,60)

(2, 2) (4.00,25) (4.00,30) (4.00,33)

Compressive (×103kN/m) 6020 6950 7480

Nominal long term (N/mm2) 15.0 15.0 15.0
compressive stress
Nominal long term (kN) 30100 34000 38000
column load
Allowable tensile stress (N/mm2) 1.0 1.0 1.0
( = 100%)

Shear stiffness

(shear strain:  =  100%)

(×103kN/m) 2.44 2.75 3.08

Description of the product designation for laminated rubber Description of the product designation for sliding plate
S L 040 GC QL 132 29
Compound name Total thickness (mm)
(refer to shear modulus)
Outer diameter (cm) Outer dimension of base plate
Series (friction coefficient) Type of sliding plate (for SK series)
Type of bearing
(Elastic sliding bearing)

Elastic Sliding Bearing

Certification Number MVBR-0349 Compound Rubber Shear modulus
name code (N/mm2)
SL Series (  = 0.13, G1.2) GC G1.2 1.18

Characteristics SL030GC SL040GC SL050GC SL060GC SL070GC SL080GC

Outer diameter (mm) 300 400 500 600 700 800

Inner diameter (mm) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Effective diameter (mm) 300 400 500 600 700 800

Effective plane area 1

( × 10 mm )
2 2
707 1257 1963 2827 3848 5027

Thickness of one rubber layer (mm) 3.5 5.0 6.0 7.5 8.7 10.0

Number of rubber layers (−) 12 12 10 8 7 6

Physical Dimensions of Laminated Rubber

Total rubber thickness (mm) 42 60 60 60 61 60

First shape factor (−) 21.4 20.0 20.8 20.0 20.1 20.0

Second shape factor (−) 7.14 6.67 8.33 10.0 11.5 13.3

Diameter of sliding material (PTFE) 308 408 508 608 708 808

Diameter of flange (mm) 500 650 750 900 1000 1150

Thickness of flange (mm) 16/22 16/22 22/28 22/28 22/28 24/32

Connecting bolt PCD (mm) 420 550 650 775 875 1000

Diameter of connecting bolt hole × qty (mm)  27 × 8  27 × 8  27 × 8  33 × 8  33 × 8  33 × 8

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M24 M24 M24 M30 M30 M30

Thickness of each reinforced steel plate (mm) 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.1 3.1 3.1

Height of laminated rubber (mm) 103.2 121.2 122.8 132.7 130.5 130.5

Weight of laminated rubber (tonf) 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.24 0.31 0.41

Weight of laminated rubber (kN) 0.5 0.9 1.5 2.4 3.0 4.0

Ultimate displacement (mm) (Outer dimension of SUS plate − Outer diameter of laminated rubber) / 2 , (Max displacement =  700mm)
Compression Properties

Ultimate compressive stress (N/mm ) 2


Nominal long term compressive stress (N/mm2) 102

Nominal long term column load (kN) 707 1260 1960 2830 3850 5030

Compressive stiffness (×10 kN/m)

1730 2040 3290 4600 6190 8170

Allowable tensile stress (N/mm ) 2


Initial stiffness (×10 kN/m)

1.98 2.46 3.85 5.55 7.44 9.86

Post yield stiffness (×103kN/m) 0

Coefficient Dynamic friction coefficient (−) 0.13 (compressive stress  = 10 (N/mm2), velocity V = 100 (mm/s))
1 Effective plane area is calculated based on effective diameter (outer diameter of sliding material)
2 Nominal long term compressive stress is referred as long term upper limit of compressive stress.

Sliding plate (SUS finished product of #400) can be used in combination of the following specifications in corespond to the ultimate
Characteristics QL13228 QL14228 QL15228 QL16231 QL17231 QL18231 QL19231 QL20231 QL21231 QL22231

Outer dimension of base plate (mm)  1320  1420  1520  1620  1720  1820  1920  2020  2120  2220

Outer dimension of SUS plate (mm)  1300  1400  1500  1600  1700  1800  1900  2000  2100  2200
Physical Dimensions of Sliding Plate

Inner dimension of SUS plate (mm) 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000

Total thickness (mm) 28 28 28 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

Connecting bolt hole position Lb1 (mm) 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

Lb2 (mm) 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100

Diameter of connecting bolt hole × qty (mm)  35 × 8  35 × 8  35 × 8  41 × 8  41 × 8  41 × 8  41 × 8  41 × 8  41 × 8  41 × 8

Bolt size (assumption) (−) M30 M30 M30 M36 M36 M36 M36 M36 M36 M36

Weight of sliding plate (tonf) 0.38 0.44 0.50 0.62 0.70 0.78 0.87 0.96 1.06 1.16

Weight of sliding plate (kN) 3.7 4.3 4.9 6.1 6.8 7.7 8.5 9.4 10.4 11.4
Longer delivery time may be required if the outside dimension of SUS plate exceeds  2000mm.
Separately, we do offer dust-proof cover (please refer to page 72 for more details).

Compact Flange Type

Installation space improvement Supports many types of seismic isolation rubber bearing
It could save space during installation because the flange size has Any size can be selected from Bridgestone's product range.
been minimized in compact shape. Reduction of footing size is Compared to round-shape flange, compact flange has some limitations in the
possible especially in the retrofit project, edge part's placement & etc. strength of the flange, displacement of rubber bearing & etc. Please contact us for
more details.
Round shape of rubber bearing
Because of round-shape of rubber bearing, there is no change of
shear characteristics due to direction.
Line-up is for the flange-integrated seismic isolation bearing.
Please contact us for any size that isn't listed in the table below.
Certification Number Series Size (diameter of rubber bearing) Type of Rubber Performance
MVBR-0510/MVBR-0519 X4S
HDR 600 − 1300
MVBR-0514/MVBR-0520 X6R Equivalent to Bridgestone
MVBR-0509/MVBR-0518 G4 seismic isolation rubber
NRB 600 − 1300
MVBR-0295 N3, G3, G5 (round-shape flange)
MVBR-0517 LRB 600 − 1300 G4
 For 1400 and above, assembled type flange will be used.

Flange Size Table

Diameter of rubber bearing 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300
Diameter of round-shape flange (D) 900 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
Length of one side of a compact flange (L) 745 795 845 910 965 1010 1055 1100 1200 1290 1380 1470
D−L 155 155 155 190 185 190 195 200 200 210 220 230

Comparison Between Compact Flange and Round-shape Flange

87 100

Compact flange Round-shape flange

Comparison of flange's dimension View of reinforcement bar arrangement





0 D)

(Assume 想定)
Compared to the diameter of round-
(625) shape flange (D), the length of one side
(1082.5) of a compact flange (L) is about 13-16%
(L) smaller, depend on sizes.
(This figure is an example of rubber View of reinforcement bar arrangement with span of 180-
diameter 1000) 200mm.

Dustproof Cover for Elastic Sliding Bearing
Superior workability Dustproof
It is composed of 2.0mm thick polyvinyl chloride and base fabric only, "Dustproof cover SD" are arranged to cover the surface of sliding
easy to carry and excellent workability including easily detach during plate without a gap, so that dirt or dust does not deposit on the
maintenance. surface.
Flame resistance Durability
With self-extinguishing properties, polyvinyl chloride can prevent the Polyvinyl chloride is excellent in durability and there is almost no
spread of fire in the event of fire. degradation in strength. It can be used for a long period of time with
peace of mind.
Other Characteristics Precaution
It helps to clean the dirt or dust on the surface since elastic sliding Because of polyvinyl chloride, it requires high-temperature treatment
bearing and "dustproof cover SD" move together during earthquake, for disposal.
and it does not affect the sliding surface.
Compared to conventional product, we had shortened the lead time.
Example of installation

Joint tape プ 防塵カバー
Dustproof coverSD

Sliding plate of elastic sliding bearing

Precautions for Safe Use of Seismic Isolation Bearing (SIB)
• The term “SIB” as used in this precautions means seismic isolation bearing for seismically isolated building, including
sliding bearing.

WARNING Failure to follow these precautions may result in death or serious injury.
SIB is heavy. Falling or rolling SIB may cause death or serious injury.
Always be careful when you move SIB.
• Transport SIB one by one. If not, it becomes unstable.
When lifting the SIB with a crane or others, observe the followings.
• Use a crane or a suspending jig (eyebolt or others) corresponding to the product weight of the SIB, and use the
bolt hole of SIB flange and hoist at 4 points or more. If not, it becomes unstable.
• Sufficiently check the safety of the surroundings beforehand so that no one enters around the suspended load.
Rubber part of SIB is flammable. Ignition / catch fire on SIB may cause fire or burn.
• Be away from a fire and do not weld the flange part or such like.

Failure to follow these precautions may result in damage to other property, or

NOTICE damage, low performance, malfunction or early deterioration in durability of
SIB itself.
• Do not apply large impact (falling, collision, etc.) to SIB. Damaged SIB may cause function deterioration of the
SIB and an early deterioration in durability.
• Do not roll the SIB or twist it with iron lever or bar. Damaged SIB may cause function deterioration and an early
deterioration in durability.
• Be careful not to damage the SIB with other equipment (such as a cutter when packaging removal). Damaged
SIB may cause function deterioration of the SIB and an early deterioration in durability.
• In case of outdoor storage, be sure to take measures against rain. Due to wetting with rainwater, it may cause an
early deterioration in durability to the flange antirust coating part.
• Do not expose the SIB to a temporary high temperature condition (about 100 ° C or higher). Due to the influence
of heat, the rubber part of the SIB may be damaged, which may cause function deterioration of the SIB and an
early deterioration in durability.
• When tightening the bolt in SIB installation work, do not damage the flange antirust coating part with bolt / washer
fastening jig or others. It may cause an early deterioration in durability to the flange antirust coating part.
• Install the SIB so that the horizontal inclination of the foundation becomes less than 1/400 in inclination accuracy.
(Except when our company acknowledges in advance.) When mounted in an inclined, SIB may not function
properly (function deterioration may occur).
• Do not apply or adhere oils, solvents etc. to the rubber part. Due to deterioration, dissolution etc. of the rubber
part may cause function deterioration of the SIB and an early deterioration in durability.
• Do not scratch the coating part of the sliding plate when removing the packing of the sliding plate of sliding
bearing. Damage of the coating part may cause function deterioration and an early deterioration in durability.
• If the residual displacement after the earthquake is equal to or greater than the preset displacement (standard 5
cm), promptly take measures to restore it to the origin. It may cause function deterioration of the SIB and an early
deterioration in durability.
• After installing SIB, consider aeration and ventilation as much as possible inside seismic isolation interface, and
remove moisture by condensation as necessary. It may cause an early deterioration in durability to the flange
antirust coating part.
• Carry out proper maintenance as prescribed in the design document (building completion inspection . normal
inspection . periodical inspection . emergency inspection . detailed inspection etc. by experts). It is necessary to
periodically check whether events that may cause function deterioration of the SIB and an early deterioration in
durability have occurred.

 Specification and parameter may vary. Please enquire our company or any group’s subsidiary whenever want to use it.
 Content of catalogue is as on January 2017.
Bridgestone Corporation
Seicmic Isolation & Vibration Control Products Business Department
Yaesu Center Bldg. 11F, Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0028, Japan
TEL : +81-3-5205-6865 FAX: +81-3-5202-6848
EMAIL : [email protected]

Bridgestone Engineered Products of Asia Sdn Bhd Bridgestone Engineered Products of Asia Sdn Bhd (Australia)
L1-E-3B, Enterprise 4, Technology Park Malaysia, Unit 17/27 Old Great Northen highway,
Lebuhraya Puchong-Sg. Besi, Bukit Jalil, Midland WA 6056,
57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. P.O Box 2325 Midland WA 6936
TEL: +60-3-8996-2670 FAX: +60-3-8996-2690 TEL: +61-8-9250-0600 FAX: +61-8-9250-0601
EMAIL: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected]

PT. Bridgestone Mining Solutions Indonesia Bridgestone Engineered Products of Asia Sdn Bhd (India)
Wisma Nusantara Building 12th floor, Office No. 404, 4th Floor, Time Tower,
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 59, Jakarta 10350, Indonesia Mehrauli Gurgaon Road,
TEL: +62-21-3190-8077 FAX: +62-21-3983-5881 Gurgaon-122001, India
TEL: +91-124-4262321/+91-124-426232
EMAIL: [email protected]

Bridgestone Diversified Products Japan Co., Ltd. BRISA Bridgestone Sabanci Tyre Manufacturing and
Taiwan branch Trading Inc (Turkey)
6F-2, No.41, Kısıklı Cad. Şehit Teğmen İsmail Moray Sok.,
Nanking W.Rd, No:2/1, 34662 Altunizade,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C Istanbul, Turkey
TEL: +886-2-2556-3459 FAX: +886-2-2556-3487 TEL: +90-216-544-3500/2192 FAX: +90-216-544-3535

1710 300

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