Enterprise Programme Management Delivering Value

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Enterprise Programme

Delivering Value

David Williams and Tim Parr

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Enterprise Programme
Delivering Value

David Williams and Tim Parr

© David Williams and Tim Parr 2004
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List of figures vii

List of tables x
Acknowledgements xiii
Foreword xv

1 Introduction 1

Part I The enterprise programme management framework 5

2 Why an enterprise approach is required 7

3 Strategic portfolio management 18

4 Programme delivery management 31

5 Project management 43

6 Programme architecture 47

7 Change architecture: managing the human side of change 64

8 Developing an enterprise-wide approach to programme

and project management 86

Part II Enterprise programme management essentials 95

9 Introduction 97

10 Programme management systems 100

11 Managing programme risk 133


12 Benefits management 155

13 Managing suppliers 174

14 Building a communications capability 190

15 The enterprise programme management office 220

Part III Getting started 241

16 Introduction 243

17 Enterprise programme management capability check 244

18 Making sense of your current situation:

knowing where to start 258

19 Practical steps for success 263

Glossary 273
References and further reading 282
Index 283

List of figures

2.1 External and internal forces 8

2.2 The project landscape is changing 9
2.3 The balance between core business capabilities and change
capabilities 10
2.4 The enterprise programme management framework 12

3.1 Strategic portfolio management and the enterprise

programme management framework 20
3.2 The four phases of strategic portfolio management 21
3.3 The portfolio planning phase 24
3.4 A sample executive dashboard 30

4.1 The enterprise programme management framework 31

4.2 The programme delivery management framework 34

5.1 The enterprise programme management framework 43

5.2 The five process groups and nine knowledge areas of
project management 45

6.1 The interaction of symptoms of poor programme

architecture 49
6.2 The programme architecture framework 51
6.3 Typical organisation leadership structure 56
6.4 Organisation leadership structure incorporating project/
programme management 57
6.5 A matrix environment 57
6.6 Organisation leadership structure incorporating strategic
programme management 59
6.7 Organisation leadership structure incorporating a directive
programme management office 60
6.8 Organisation leadership structure incorporating a
supportive programme management office 60

List of figures

7.1 The change acceptance process 66

7.2 The enterprise programme management framework 67
7.3 The phases of change architecture 68
7.4 Phase 1 of change architecture 71
7.5 Phase 2 of change architecture 75
7.6 Example of a high-level change plan 77
7.7 Phase 3 of change architecture 83

8.1 The three elements of T-Mobile UK’s approach to

enterprise programme management 89
8.2 T-Mobile UK: the corporate project process 91

10.1 Logical architecture for programme management systems 102

10.2 Selection considerations for programme management
systems 112
10.3 Typical phased roll-out approach 113
10.4 Logical architecture application mapping: stand-alone
programme 117
10.5 Logical architecture application mapping: enterprise
programme 118
10.6 Worldwide Programme Management Office (PMO)
organisational relationship to Compaq Computer
Corporation 121
10.7 Functionality timeline 123

11.1 The scope of risk management 134

11.2 Enterprise-wide risk management 135
11.3 Five key questions for effective portfolio risk management 136
11.4 Three planes of risk management 139
11.5 The risk management process 141
11.6 Risk appetite and risk tolerance 142
11.7 Risk action plan example 144
11.8 Governance structure for risk management 146
11.9 Dimensions for decision-making 147
11.10 Creating a risk management mindset 150
11.11 Outcome decision tree analysis for contingency planning 153

12.1 Benefits management with the enterprise programme

management framework 156
12.2 Linking project benefits with business objectives 157

List of figures

12.3 Integration of the benefits management strategy 158

12.4 Types of benefits 159
12.5 Keys steps of benefits management 162
12.6 Linking benefits to vision and business drivers 163
12.7 Review and evaluation of benefits achieved 169
12.8 The value of benefits management 171

14.1 The enterprise programme management framework 191

14.2 The resistance pyramid 194
14.3 Stages of reaction to change 196
14.4 Building a programme communications capability 197
14.5 Developing a communications strategy 197
14.6 Possible key messages 205
14.7 Creating a programme communications plan 208
14.8 Building the communications infrastructure 210
14.9 Delivering the communications strategy and plan 211
14.10 Reviewing and improving the strategy and plan 212
14.11 The Project Enterprise communications strategy 216
14.12 Project Enterprise’s involvement and communication plan 217

15.1 The enterprise programme management framework 220

15.2 Difficulties with multiple PMOs in an organisation 225
15.3 Organisation structure for a consumer products
manufacturing company 227
15.4 Revised organisation structure for a consumer products
manufacturing company 229
15.5 The EPMO and the corporate programme infrastructure 230
15.6 The structure of ABN-AMRO 234
15.7 Revised ABN-AMRO structure with programme
support structures 237
15.8 ABN-AMRO’s initiative selection and portfolio
management process 238

18.1 Categorisation of projects and programmes 259

18.2 Integrated programme 259
18.3 An exploratory programme 260
18.4 An expeditionary programme 261
18.5 Programme transition 262

19.1 Sample RACI chart 269

List of tables

4.1 The change control approach 36

4.2 The contingency management approach 36
4.3 The financial management approach 37
4.4 Risk and issue management approach 38
4.5 Performance management approach 38
4.6 Quality management approach 39
4.7 Release management approach 40
4.8 Vendor management approach 40
4.9 Knowledge management approach 41

6.1 Environmental factors in organisations 50

6.2 Programme leadership and governance 52
6.3 Team building and development 52
6.4 Communication infrastructure 54
6.5 Programme infrastructure 54
6.6 Programme resourcing 55

7.1 The contribution of change architecture 69

7.2 Change interventions 73
7.3 Analysis of change interventions 75

10.1 Explanation of the logical components 103

10.2 Business case drivers for each logical component 108
10.3 Compaq’s ranking in the hi-tech industry according
to InformationWeek, 2001 131

12.1 Categories of benefit 165

14.1 Sample communication priorities 199

14.2 Sample audience/stakeholder matrix 202
14.3 Advantages and disadvantages of communication needs
assessment methods 202

List of tables

14.4 Sample communication channel matrix 204

14.5 Project Enterprise: Steering Committee and
Stakeholder Board 219

15.1 Reasons to justify creating an EPMO 232


In writing a book it is inevitable that a large number of people will be

involved to a greater or lesser extent in the endeavour and in this case the
authors have relied on the efforts, enthusiasm and contribution of others to
a large extent. In particular we would like to thank the following for their
contributions to Part II:

Programme management systems Malcolm Wilkinson

Managing programme risk Paul Mansell,
Matt Litchfield
Benefits management Amisha Lakhani,
Nick Culver
Managing suppliers Paramjit Uppal
Building a communications capability Lyndal Petre
The enterprise programme management office Philip Coleman

We would also like to acknowledge the following whose contributions ranged

from encouragement to proceed with the writing, to proofreading to sharing
some of their experiences and thoughts with us. As ever it is impossible to single
out individuals, or to try and make judgements over individual worth, so in
simple alphabetical order we would like to thank Neil Ashman, Richard Barton,
Steve Brandon, John Connolly, Nick Griffin, Melissa Insley, Alethea Leong,
Chris Loughran, John Ormerod, David Owen, Nick Owen, Eric Northcote, Ed
Parry, David Turver, Tim Pitts, Jamie Turner and Ashley Unwin.
The ideas in the book are supported by a number of case studies, and we
would like to thank the organisations that have allowed us to share their
experiences with the readers through the case studies.

T-Mobile UK
Compaq Computer Corporation
Primavera Systems Inc.
Benchmarking Partners
Transport for London
MyTravel plc

Enterprise programme management

Finally we would like to thank Digby Jones of the Confederation of British

Industry for writing the foreword, Joel Koppelmann of Primavera Systems
for reviewing some chapters and encouraging us in our endeavours, and the
partners and staff of Deloitte from whom our ideas and experience have
come to fruition.

David Williams
Tim Parr


One of the keys to the future of wealth creation in Britain and indeed the world
is the productivity of ‘UK plc’, that inter-related network of private and public
enterprise and endeavour that ultimately takes care of each of us in the coun-
try and many overseas. This is equally as true of private enterprise, which
generates the wealth, as it is of the public sector, which has a duty to utilise that
wealth as efficiently as possible. Productivity is probably today a more worry-
ing issue for the UK public sector than its private sector brother. At the CBI
we are, however, only concerned with giving British business a voice, so I will
confine my comments to the private sector of the UK economy.
Productivity improvement is the result of a number of factors ranging
from investments in capital equipment and technology to training, education
and enlightened employment practices for the workforce. However, simply
investing is not enough to realise the maximum productivity increase – the
process of bringing about change also needs to be as efficient and effective
as possible. It is this latter process, bringing about change in an organisation,
ranging from moving a factory, office, or warehouse site, implementing a
new computer system or way of working to a new organisational structure or
cultural change, that this book addresses.
The economic drivers pressing organisations into major change initiatives
in order to generate productivity improvements have never been greater.
Fierce competition, changing business models, new technology, deregula-
tion, cost pressures and globalisation are creating the need for organisations
to undertake more and more initiatives of unprecedented complexity and
with unprecedented speed. However, despite the increasing levels of invest-
ment being made by organisations in projects and programmes, a startling
number of initiatives either fail to deliver the expected value, never get imple-
mented, take substantially longer or cost substantially more than planned. So
many are currently in the too difficult box – so many are presented badly to
the point of self destruction.
The amount of wasted money, time and effort represents a huge opportu-
nity for organisations that are able to utilise effective programme
management techniques to maximise the likelihood of successful change. In
addition, there is an opportunity to be exploited by organisations that can
develop the agility to implement change more efficiently and effectively than
their competition.

Enterprise programme management

This book describes an approach to programme management that outlines

the skills and capabilities that organisations need to develop in order to
manage large change programmes effectively. It addresses key questions
often asked by leaders of large organisations:

• What is programme management and how does it help in the translation

of an organisation’s strategy into a coordinated portfolio of initiatives?
• How can organisations address the challenges that occur in balancing the
needs of operational management of core business activities with the
needs of leading and managing programmes?
• What specific skills and competencies are required in order to lead and
deliver major initiatives?
• How can organisations begin to understand their general level of capability
at programme management?
• How can organisations develop and improve their agility through the
adoption of programme management?

There exist few published works on programme management, the typical

appreciation of the latter often being a collection of high-level variants of
project management techniques and methods. This book suggest that pro-
gramme management is not just about these methods: it is about developing
capabilities to address the spectrum of organisational issues, to act as various
means of managing programmes, as well as to deliver large-scale, long-lasting
and effective change.
This book provides the reader with a non-theoretical but practical frame-
work to develop the competencies in programme management and utilise
this skill-set to implement change in organisations. It is equally applicable to
the public and private sectors, and I recommend everyone to look in the
mirror and think ‘this could be me’!
This book will be a useful and interesting addition to your office reference

Digby Jones

1 Introduction

The economic drivers pressing organisations into major change initiatives have
never been greater. Fierce competition, changing business models, new tech-
nology, deregulation, cost pressures and globalisation are creating the need for
organisations to undertake more and more initiatives of unprecedented
complexity and with unprecedented speed. However, despite the increasing
levels of investment being made by organisations in projects and programmes,
a startling number of initiatives fail to deliver the expected value, never get
implemented, or cost substantially more and take substantially longer than
Although traditional programme and project management approaches and
techniques are being used by many organisations to manage and deliver
change, we believe that they are becoming less effective as the nature and chal-
lenges of change become greater. There are three trends that are driving the
need for new approaches to delivering change in organisations. First, changes
in organisations are becoming increasingly complex and interdependent.
Second, delivering real business benefits involves more cross-departmental or
functional coordination of change, usually changes to processes, systems and
structures, and quite often collaboration with third parties as either suppliers
or partners. Finally, existing organisational structures, processes and systems do
not support this type of working.
The proportion of an organisation’s resources that is committed to pro-
grammes and projects is increasing, and the succession of projects and
programmes is continuous. Senior executives now have to balance carefully
the management of existing ‘business as usual’ activities, and the resource
and focus on change activities. The impacts and conflicts of investments in
programmes and projects with the current business operations must be
understood and managed carefully.
Now more than ever, with pressure from shareholders and stakeholders on
CEOs and public officials to deliver their strategies and policies, there is a
need to focus investment on strategic objectives. This demands a much closer
link between the strategy and policy development processes and the delivery
mechanisms in organisations.
Traditional programme and project management methods and tech-
niques, which are primarily borrowed and developed from their engineer-
ing and construction heritage, do not fully address these new dynamics of

Enterprise programme management

delivering change in complex organisations. The current inefficiencies and

failures, resulting in wasted money, time and effort, represent a huge
opportunity for organisations that are able to develop effective ways to
maximise the likelihood of successful change, and enhance the value
created from strategic investments. In addition, there is an opportunity to
be exploited by organisations that can develop the agility to implement
change more efficiently and effectively than their competition. The ability
to implement change effectively and more quickly than others can create a
competitive advantage.
This book describes an approach to managing continuous change in
organisations that outlines the skills and capabilities organisations need to
develop in order to deliver value successfully when faced with these new
challenges. We call this approach enterprise programme management.
The ideas introduced in this book are based on the practical experience of
the authors as leaders of major change programmes in business and the
public sector, and their consulting experience with many clients over the last
ten years. We introduce an enterprise programme management framework,
which of course builds on the good practices and approaches to programme
and project management we have seen in many organisations.
We define enterprise programme management as the capability to lead and
manage resources, knowledge and skills in the effective deployment of mul-
tiple projects designed collectively to deliver enhanced value. This sounds
quite simple, and not very different from other definitions of programme and
project management. However the approach discussed in this book has some
key elements that address the challenges of delivering changes in our
complex organisations:

• Enterprise programme management is an integrated approach to deliv-

ering business changes, creating a means for continuous delivery. It is
not just a method or technique for controlling individual initiatives.
• The approach we advocate in this book is about building a core organi-
sational capability which enables organisations to be agile in response to
their environment or markets.
• Building this organisational capability requires development and imple-
mentation of new processes, structures and systems, as well as the skills
and abilities of key people.
• The approach addresses the need for a dynamic link between the strategy
process and the selection, prioritisation, sequencing and management of
initiatives, and therefore effective decision-making is critical to the
• The approach recognises that change initiatives do not take place in iso-
lation, and that the integration of mechanisms for delivering
programmes and projects with the operational structures, processes and
systems is key.


• We also recognise that managing people through change is often the key
determinate of whether benefits are delivered and the approach integrates
people change activities at all levels.

The book is structured around three main sections. In Part I, ‘The enterprise
programme management framework’, we discuss further the new challenges
in delivering organisational changes and value, and introduce the integrated
approach of enterprise programme management. Chapters 3 to 7 describe
each of the key elements of the integrated and organisation-wide approach.
While we recognise that current methods and techniques are important
within the framework, we do not go into detail about such approaches, as
there is an extensive body of knowledge available in many of these areas.
The practical application of enterprise programme management is illus-
trated by reference to T-Mobile UK, which is reviewed in Chapter 8. This
also acts as a summary of the ideas and approach outlined in subsequent
chapters, set in a real-life case.
In Part II, ‘Enterprise programme management essentials’, we have
selected a number of topics for further discussion. The subjects we have
chosen for inclusion in this section are either key capabilities that are funda-
mental to developing an enterprise programme management approach, such
as risk management, benefits management, resourcing strategies, and sup-
plier management and communications, or areas of new interest and
increasing importance in supporting an enterprise programme management
approach, such as programme management systems and the enterprise pro-
gramme management office. These chapters are supported by case studies
illustrating practical applications of the ideas introduced. The cases include
Compaq Computer Corporation, MyTravel plc, ABN-AMRO, Transport for
London and TUI UK.
In Part III, ‘Getting started’, we have focused on practical ways of
assessing your current organisational capabilities and situation. This will
hopefully enable you to start developing your own organisation’s plans for
developing enterprise programme management. We have also included a
chapter outlining a number of practical tips for programme managers in this

Part I

The enterprise
programme management
2 Why an enterprise approach is


As business and consumer markets are becoming increasingly competitive
and complex, the pressure on CEOs to create and maintain a competitive
edge for their businesses is greater than ever. Equally, in the provision of
public services, politicians and the public are becoming increasingly
demanding of the quality and efficiency of the services delivered. In the pri-
vate and the public sectors, senior executives and officials are under pressure
to deliver change.
Significant time and effort is invested in formulating the ‘right’ strategies
or policies, which will deliver value to stakeholders and consumers. However,
development of the right strategy is not enough. At its most fundamental
level, achieving strategic objectives means making organisations change.
Executives need to be able to lead their organisations to deliver change and
embed it throughout the business. Unfortunately, internal pressures often
restrict the organisation’s ability to do just that. Many executives often find
themselves in the position whereby external forces are demanding change,
but internal forces are impeding these very changes. The key result is that the
organisation may fail to deliver its objectives and meet its stakeholders’


It is becoming increasingly apparent that traditional methods of responding
to and managing organisational change are no longer delivering the same
returns, and may in some instances inadvertently create additional problems
of their own. We believe this is for two key reasons:
The first is independent versus interdependent change. In the past, the
requirements for (and impacts of) change were often containable to a specific
function or business problem. Increasingly, we see that there are often strong
systemic relationships between key change initiatives within the organisation.
No issue exists in isolation, and ‘point solutions’ can often have opportunity
costs and side-effects that extend beyond the scope of any one problem. Not
only do changes increasingly span the people, process, technological, depart-
mental and geographical boundaries of an organisation, they also increasingly

The EPM framework

External forces Internal forces

• The structure and shape of markets • Complexity within organisations is
are changing – competition is taking increasing – often evidenced by a
many forms, competitors are more number of concurrent initiatives with
difficult to identify. divergent paths and competing
• Stakeholders are demanding delivery Demanding • Current organisational structures,
of value or improved quality of responsibilities and capabilities
services. change support business as usual, rather than
unique initiatives.
• Customer needs continue to fluctuate • The lack of common focus often
and sophistication is increasing – how means that scarce resources are
do you give customers what they allocated incorrectly – wasting time
want, when they want it? and money and ultimately failing to
deliver the required change.
• Technological advancements continue • Board members find it increasingly
to change the way we do business difficult to link current initiatives to
and provide opportunities for step strategic priorities, and do not have a
changes in the value chain. Impeding holistic view of all initiatives.
• The costs of failure are greater than change • Employees are becoming change
ever (annihilation) but the rewards weary and are harder to bring
are tempting (market dominance). onboard with each successive
• Overall, the pace and scale of change • Some ideas don’t get off the ground
is increasing, requiring faster response due to historical problems around
times. financing, planning and delivery.

Figure 2.1 External and internal forces

cross organisational boundaries to impact suppliers, customers, strategic

partners and other third parties.
Second is core business concerns versus change initiatives. In the past,
executives were focused primarily upon managing their businesses. Any pro-
jects or initiatives were often seen as being of secondary priority, and hence
managed as and when time allowed. In markets where stability was relatively
high, executives directed most of their effort towards operational needs.
However in dynamic and competitive markets like today’s, the size, scope
and profile of change initiatives have increased. This means that the propor-
tion of the business effort that these initiatives represent has increased
significantly. Unfortunately existing organisational structures are usually
geared towards operating business as usual, rather than on delivering unique
change initiatives. Strategic change initiatives can no longer be managed by
upscaling existing project management efforts – a new approach is needed.
These issues are faced in an environment where time constraints on change
(impatience among stakeholders including investors, leading institutions,
employees, the government and the public) mean that the performance of
executives is assessed over a shorter and shorter time horizon. In turn, this
means that any changes undertaken have to be shown to be working and
delivering results in shorter timeframes. Regular delivery of benefits is the
modern way of business change.
If the need to undertake complex, multi-phase change is becoming the
norm, how do companies position themselves to meet this need? What sort
of organisation gets it right?

Why an enterprise approach is required
Outsourcing, amounts of
CRM organisations’
Number of people/amount of resource
committed to projects/programmes

New integrating resources are

business service New brand committed
Major development provision and product
through projects
capital acquisitions introduction and programmes
Minor IT/ Major IT
programmes Traditional
Channel proliferation functional
and integration management
and their
systems, do not
Few help the
Low High
Degree of multi-functional and multi-organisational working executives deliver

Relative number of organisations with major

commitment to this activity (indicative sizing)

Figure 2.2 The project landscape is changing


Based on our experience, we have identified that those organisations that can
be characterised as ‘agile’ are more able to identify and respond to changes
in their environment and within their own organisation.
What is organisational agility? Agility can manifest itself in many ways (such
as through flexible organisational design structures and fluid decision-making
systems). However, at the most fundamental level we believe it describes an
organisation that is able to direct effort and capability where and when they are
most needed in order to deliver change. This means that an agile organisation
is one that can quickly identify when change is required, articulate what that
change should look like, construct the change programme as needed, and
deliver that change in a timely manner.
How does an organisation become more agile? The key is in under-
standing what capabilities are required, and when to deploy them. When
thinking of capabilities, agile organisations categorise them as either:

1. Core business capabilities: those capabilities that describe what the

organisation fundamentally does. Examples include printing, content
management, retailing, distribution and customer management; or
2. Change capabilities: capabilities that help create and deploy specific
change initiatives. Examples include investment decision-making and
prioritisation, programme management, leadership, human resource
management and change enablement.

The EPM framework

Agile organisations endeavour to strike the optimal balance between opera-

tional management of the core business, and creation and deployment of
critical change initiatives. Importantly, there is no ‘right balance’ – the rela-
tive effort placed upon each will vary depending on business context, and
will change over time. However, one thing is certain: as the number and
complexity of change initiatives increase, so too does the level of effort and
capability directed towards them.
Figure 2.3 shows the dynamic balance between the two groups of
Relative focus of effort


Core business

Pace and scale of change

Figure 2.3 The balance between core business capabilities and change capabilities

As the pace and scale of change increases, many organisations find themselves
devoting increasing effort towards change initiatives. Executives must learn
to balance operational and project needs in order to deliver strategic objec-
tives. Underpinning this is the need to build and deploy both core business
and change capabilities.
For the purposes of this book, we focus on helping businesses create agility
through understanding, building and deploying change capabilities.


An agile organisation is able to identify the need for change, articulate the
requirements, and deliver the desired change in a timely and efficient
manner. We believe that agility can be developed and deployed through
effective enterprise programme management, a capability that captures a
number of key change competencies, such as translating strategy or policy
into actionable changes, leadership of change programmes, cross-
organisational decision-making, communications and working, programme
and project management, flexible resourcing, risk identification and

Why an enterprise approach is required

How do we define enterprise programme management? Across industry

literature, the term ‘programme management’ is both loosely and poorly
defined. It is often used interchangeably with ‘project management’ to describe
the specific delivery of large projects. It is also defined, in many sources, as the
management of a portfolio of projects, which while more correct still does not
give much insight into how programme management processes, techniques
and structures are distinct from other management disciplines.
We define enterprise programme management as the capability to lead
and manage resources, knowledge and skills in the effective deployment of
multiple projects designed collectively to deliver enhanced value.
At a high level, we consider enterprise programme management as the
mechanism for translating strategic priorities into coordinated practical ini-
tiatives, and then managing the resultant programmes and projects to
achieve those strategic priorities, and adapting to changing imperatives.
Enterprise programme management can be understood more specifically as
comprising three core management processes:

• strategic portfolio management

• programme delivery management
• project management

and two management disciplines:

• programme architecture
• change architecture.

It is the integration of these elements in to an organisation-wide approach

that provides the capability effectively and continuously to deliver change in
Figure 2.4 illustrates these five elements and their relationship with the
realisation of organisational objectives. Strategic portfolio management, pro-
gramme delivery management and project management represent distinct
levels within a hierarchical breakdown of the organisation’s strategy into dis-
crete and achievable units of work (projects). The two disciplines address
management considerations that apply across the whole strategy through to
implementation lifecycle, and are critical to and supportive of the delivery
and change process.
The following sections summarise the five elements of the enterprise
programme management framework.

Strategic portfolio management

The key purpose of strategic portfolio management is to ensure that a
strong link is maintained between the initiatives being executed within an

The EPM framework


realisation Strategic portfolio

Ch ramm


Outcomes Programme delivery management


Outputs Project management

Figure 2.4 The enterprise programme management framework

organisation, and the strategic relevance and rationale for them. Strategic
portfolio management is a senior executive driven process, and is the
mechanism by which executives direct and control the organisation’s
investments to deliver future value.
It is critical at this level that decision-making is made with an under-
standing of strategic priorities, current initiatives, the impact on ‘business as
usual’ activities, and the organisational risks of change programmes.
Strategic portfolio management is a continual process of creating, man-
aging and evaluating a portfolio of strategic initiatives (investments) focused
on delivering an organisation’s strategic objectives. The approach is a cycle
of four phases:

• Strategy translation. Before the portfolio of projects is developed, the

business strategy needs to be understood and then translated into guide-
lines for the portfolio composition. These guidelines outline the desired
portfolio mix of programmes and projects, agree the level of portfolio
risk the business is prepared to undertake, set business targets, budgets,
and agree business key performance indicators (KPIs) for monitoring
and reviewing purposes.
• Portfolio planning. Following the set-up of the guidelines, suitable
programmes and projects are identified to populate the portfolio. The

Why an enterprise approach is required

number of suggested programmes and projects is usually too great for a

business to implement, especially within the constraints of budgets, time
and resources. Hence these initiatives must go through a filter process
that assesses the justification for undertaking the initiative, on both an
individual and comparative basis, with those that pass through the
process to make up the portfolio plan.
• Portfolio management. Once the right programme and projects are in
place in the portfolio, the next step is to manage and track their progress
and performance. The portfolio plan is executed and refined, required
capabilities are developed, risks and issues are tracked and managed,
dependencies coordinated and progress and outputs monitored. The
prime focus of these activities is to ensure that organisational risks are
managed, and that results and benefits are being realised as and when
expected. The portfolio status is reported on a regular basis to higher
management, and reviewed in the next phase.
• Strategy and portfolio re-evaluation. This phase provides a ‘checkpoint’
at which the portfolio progress and performance are reviewed – in terms of
the benefits and results of the programmes and projects – to understand
their impact on the realisation of the business strategy. Typical questions that
management needs to address when performing the review include ‘Are the
initiatives delivering the intended benefits?’, ‘Have strategic objectives
changed, and do they require a change to the portfolio mix?’, ‘Are these
initiatives still relevant?’, and ‘Do the guidelines around the selection and
sequencing of projects need to be re-examined in line with the risk strat-
egy?’. The overall goal of the re-evaluation exercise is to ensure that the
portfolio of initiatives, as well as the portfolio management process, contin-
ues to drive the achievement of strategic objectives. Adjustments to the
initiatives, portfolio guidelines or even strategy will input into the strategy
translation phase, and start the strategic portfolio management cycle again.

Programme delivery management

Programme delivery is the management and consistent application of specific
processes, tools and methods in order to enable the coordinated delivery of
projects within the programme, in a consistent and efficient way.
Developing a coordinated approach to delivery enables groups of projects
that impact similar areas of the business, have critical dependencies, or are
focused on developing a specific capability, to be coordinated and managed
in an integrated way. Often the focus of a programme will be to deliver a spe-
cific element of an organisation’s strategy. Examples of such programmes are
all initiatives relating to new business development, a programme to develop
integrated customer services, and a programme to improve back office effi-
ciency. All these programmes will be made up of a number of related projects
with a common purpose and objective.

The EPM framework

A key element of programme delivery management is therefore the coor-

dination and management of interdependencies between projects within the
programme. Key processes include:

• Planning. The definition of the top-down programme plan, indicating

the logical sequence of projects, and maintenance of a bottom-up
consolidated plan highlighting the critical interdependencies.
• Executing. Implementing the programme-level infrastructure, and initi-
ating and closing projects through execution of the programme plan.
• Controlling. Tracking, managing and reporting on programme risks,
issues, changes, costs and benefits to meet expectations regarding the
provision of information and data in order to evaluate the progress of
executing the strategic plan.

Project management
Project management is concerned with the definition and delivery of a spe-
cific project. When deployed within a wider programme management
approach, the project is framed within the context of the broader programme
objectives and management mechanisms. The project management discipline
is defined comprehensively in the standard text from the Project
Management Institute (PMI), the Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK Guide). Key processes include:

• Initiating: committing the organisation to a new project or a new phase

of a programme.
• Planning: creating a series of documents that facilitates shared under-
standing amongst project stakeholders and guides the execution and
control of the project.
• Executing: delivering the product of the project through execution of
the project plan.
• Controlling: tracking, managing and reporting on project risks, issues,
changes and performance.
• Closing: formal closure of a project and related contracts.

Programme architecture
As noted earlier, the above three processes are supported by programme
architecture. Programme architecture is the establishment of leadership
structures, team dynamics, behaviours and support mechanisms that enable
the delivery of programmes and projects. It also establishes the support
structures and mechanisms to allow effective programme leadership and pro-
vide the programme team with the environment, skills, tools and support it
needs in order to work effectively.

Why an enterprise approach is required

There are five groups of activities within programme architecture:

• Establishing appropriate leadership, governance and decision-making

structures for the programme.
• Team building and development in order to ensure that the necessary
skill-set, culture and motivation are established to drive the programme
• Communication within the programme and project teams in order to
maintain a common vision, focus and sense of programme community.
• Resource management in order to identify and source the skills required
to deliver the programme.
• Ensuring that the basic programme infrastructure is in place, including
suitable office space, access to technology, and appropriate administrative

The architecture described above must integrate to support the delivery

hierarchy of strategic portfolio management, programme delivery management
and project management.

Change architecture
As with programme architecture, change architecture is a discipline focused
on the people aspects of the programme. However unlike programme archi-
tecture, change architecture is concerned with the human considerations of
those in the organisation who will be impacted by programmes and projects
beyond the delivery teams. For example, does the ‘customer’ organisation have
a clear and shared vision of the solution? What structures do we need to
establish within the organisation in order to embed the solution? Does the
proposed change fit with the current culture of the business?
Therefore, change architecture can be defined as the approach to the plan-
ning and coordination of the human elements of change within the wider
organisation. It is the process of understanding the overall strategic objec-
tives, context and capability to change, developing the approach that will
drive the required changes within the organisation, and then planning and
delivering the required people and change (P&C) activities to ensure that the
initiative is embedded within the business.
As a result, it is not just key at the start of a programme or project. It is an
ongoing process to review and evolve activities and infrastructures to ensure
the change is successfully realised and sustainable beyond the initiative’s
There are three key phases in the change architecture discipline:

1. Developing the change strategy. The change architecture process

begins by understanding the context and issues of the programme and

The EPM framework

business, including an assessment of the organisation’s readiness for

change. Based on this, the appropriate people interventions are then
selected to create the optimal solution given the available resources,
money and time.
The interventions will fall into two categories: support infrastruc-
tures and people interventions. Support infrastructures are underlying
support networks to enable people to make the change (such as
communications, stakeholder management, and training and develop-
ment). Support infrastructures are usually only in place for the
programme duration.
On the other hand, people interventions are specific solutions that are
designed and implemented for longer-term use. Examples include perfor-
mance management systems, reward strategies and organisational designs.
They exist beyond the programme and become part of the ‘business as
usual’, future state.
2. Planning the change journey. Once the appropriate interventions have
been identified, change architecture then focuses on planning these at a
high level. This is called the change journey. The change journey outlines
the key milestones and phases for each of the interventions. It provides a
high-level view of what change activities must happen at what point in the
programme in order to deliver the expected outcomes. A change journey
will include both supporting infrastructures and people interventions.
Undertaking this high-level planning prompts careful consideration of
the synergies and interdependencies between different change activities.
Mapping out activities in this way facilitates testing and manipulation of
the plan, ultimately resulting in an effective plan that is closely aligned to
the needs of the overall programme.
Once in place, the high-level plan will inform the subsequent detailed
planning, design and implementation activities which will be undertaken
by other change resources.
3. Embedding and reviewing the change. A key outcome of the change
architecture process is to ensure that the change is embedded within
the organisation. It is critical that the organisation is able to sustain the
change beyond the programme or project. There are two areas of focus
here. The first is to identify and leverage opportunities to build indi-
vidual capabilities and share learnings from the programme. The
second is to identify and track ‘indicators’ of change throughout the
programme, in order to ascertain whether or not the intended changes
are taking place. The results of this review will allow adjustments to be
made to the change architecture to ensure it is aligned to the desired
programme outcomes.

These phases are repeated continuously as new programmes and projects are
considered and initiated, executed and deliver changes.

Why an enterprise approach is required

In summary, the key to developing an enterprise programme management

capability to deliver effective and continuous strategic change is the integra-
tion in your organisation of the five elements of the framework introduced
in this chapter. The exact nature, design and approach required will be very
specific to your own organisation, its culture, its processes, how it is organ-
ised, how decision-making takes place and the nature of your ‘business as
usual’ activities.
Chapters 3 to 7 in this section describe each of the five elements of the
framework. We have focused more on strategic portfolio management, pro-
gramme architecture and change architecture, as these are the areas where
readers will be less familiar with the approach described.
The T-Mobile UK case study in Chapter 8 describes how this organisation
developed its own specific approach to enterprise programme management,
which suits its business challenges and context. This also illustrates the prac-
tical and integrated application of the ideas described in the preceding
chapters, and acts as a practical summary of the ideas contained in the first
part of this book.

3 Strategic portfolio management

‘How does each of your programmes and projects support your strategic
objectives?’ Not many executives can answer that question. Large organi-
sations may recognise the importance of the top and tail of the enterprise
programme management framework – defining the business strategy, and
running projects, respectively – and have no qualms investing substantial
time, money and effort in these activities. However, a common failing is to
ignore the value of creating strong alignment between the two. Enabling
strong links between the strategy and the web of projects will allow opti-
mal value to be realised from the projects, and create a business focus on
the delivery of the strategy. Most organisations have some fragments of the
interface already in place, but more often than not the links are weakest
where strategy meets the management of projects as a whole. Strategic
portfolio management is the first step in creating the alignment of strategy
to programmes and projects.
Gone are the days where organisations operated simple business models
and undertook few and manageable projects. Recent years have seen the
number and magnitude of strategic initiatives grow to such an extent that
even keeping track becomes almost impossible. The nature of these initiatives
has also evolved, from those that are function-specific to those that transcend
functional lines, which can lead to increased risks of conflicts and failures as
a result of the cross-function complexities.
Typical symptoms of an organisation that lacks this capability are:

• No single clear and complete picture of all significant current and

planned initiatives in the organisation.
• Lack of congruency between the strategic aims and purposes of the
initiatives carried out in the organisation.
• Complex interdependencies between initiatives are not recognised,
identified or monitored.
• Time, money and efforts are deemed wasted on the wrong initiatives in
• Initiatives not relevant to the core business are implemented, and end up
bringing little value to the firm.

Strategic portfolio management

The consequences of non-alignment of the business strategy and the pro-

grammes and projects are plenty, but the ultimate consequence is that the
value and benefits derived from the programmes and projects will contribute
little, if at all, to achieving the business strategy.
The challenge is clear: given that the initiatives (whether programmes or
projects) create the future of the business, executives must ensure that the
initiatives are well aligned with the strategy, and are managed in an integrated
way to deliver the desired benefits.


Strategic portfolio management is the continual process of creating,
managing and evaluating a portfolio of strategic initiatives focused
on delivering lasting results and benefits. Its overall objective is to
manage the portfolio in tandem with the continual evolution of the
strategy of the business, and to reap the maximum value from business
The business’s strategic aims and its portfolio of initiatives are very much
interrelated, and drive one another. Defining the strategic intent of the organ-
isation forms the foundation on which a portfolio of initiatives can be estab-
lished. The results and benefits that arise from the portfolio serve to deliver the
strategy, and make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy and
initiatives in delivering value for the business. We can illustrate this relationship
as a cycle of four phases:

1. Strategy translation.
2. Portfolio planning.
3. Portfolio management.
4. Strategy and portfolio re-evaluation.

These activities, and their relationships to the wider enterprise programme

management framework, are depicted in Figure 3.1.
Adopting a portfolio approach to the selection, coordination and
review of projects, with continual reshaping and refinement of the busi-
ness strategy, will enable an organisation to manage the conflicting
demands between its initiatives, and maximise the aggregate value of the


Often organisations underestimate the significance of maintaining a portfolio
perspective of their change initiatives. Strategic portfolio management,
applied well, will serve to:

The EPM framework


Recommen- Portfolio
dations principles
lua rtfol


re- and p









Results and Portfolio Portfolio of


benefits strategic


realisation initiatives

Programme delivery


Project management

Figure 3.1 Strategic portfolio management and the enterprise programme

management framework

• provide the essential link between the realisation of the business strategy
and key strategic initiatives to ensure congruency
• perform a prioritisation of strategic initiatives that best achieve the
targeted changes within budgetary and time constraints
• create a strong link between strategic development, investment decision-
making, business planning and delivery activities
• provide a cross-organisational approach to managing the risks, capabili-
ties and resourcing issues arising from the interdependencies of the
• give senior management the ability to direct and manage a portfolio of
programmes, implementing the corporate objectives and strategy within
a dynamic environment
• focus on strategic initiatives rather than project inputs, and use perfor-
mance measures and reporting based on benefits realisation, rather than
direct programme deliverables/metrics
• prevent poor return on investment on programmes and projects that do
not support the overall strategy of the organisation.

Strategic portfolio management


As mentioned earlier, the strategic portfolio management approach can be
represented as a continual cycle of four phases. This section gives an overview
of each of the portfolio phases, which are illustrated in Figure 3.2.

Strategy translation
Before the portfolio of projects is put together, the business strategy needs to
be understood and then translated into guidelines for the portfolio composi-
tion. These guidelines will, among other things, outline the desired portfolio
mix of programmes and projects, agree the level of portfolio risk the business
is prepared to undertake, set business targets, budgets, and agree business key
performance indicators (KPIs) for monitoring and reviewing purposes.

Portfolio planning
Following the set-up of the guidelines, suitable programmes and projects are
identified to populate the portfolio. There are usually too many programmes
and projects suggested for a business to implement, especially within the
constraints of budgets, time and resources. Hence these initiatives must go

Strategy translation
and portfolio re-evalua

Portfolio planning


Portfo t
lio Managemen

Figure 3.2 The four phases of strategic portfolio management

The EPM framework

through a filter process to assess the financial and strategic justifications for
undertaking the initiative, on both an individual and a comparative basis,
with those that pass through the process to make up the portfolio plan. Key
considerations of the filter mechanism are:

• How much value would the initiative bring to the organisation?

• Is the organisation capable of delivering this initiative successfully?
• In the context of all other projects, when is the best time to deliver this

Portfolio management
Once the right programmes and projects are in place in the portfolio, the
next step is to manage and track their progress and performance. The port-
folio plan is executed and refined, required capabilities are developed, risks
and issues tracked and managed, dependencies coordinated, and progress
and outputs monitored. The prime focus of these activities is to ensure that
organisational risks are managed, and that results and benefits are being
realised as and when expected. The portfolio status is reported on a regular
basis to senior executives, and reviewed in the next phase.

Strategy and portfolio re-evaluation

This phase provides a ‘checkpoint’ at which the portfolio progress and per-
formance are reviewed – in terms of the benefits and results of the
programmes and projects – to understand their impact on the realisation of
the business strategy. Typical questions that management will need to
address when performing the review include ‘Are the initiatives delivering
the intended benefits?’, ‘Have strategic objectives changed, and do they
require a change to the portfolio mix?’, ‘Are these initiatives still relevant?’
and ‘Do the guidelines around the selection and sequencing of projects need
to be re-examined in line with the risk strategy?’ The overall goal of the re-
evaluation exercise is to ensure that the portfolio of initiatives, as well as the
portfolio management process, continue to drive the achievement of
strategic objectives. Adjustments to the initiatives, portfolio guidelines or
even strategy will input into the strategy translation phase, and start the
strategic portfolio management cycle again.


Strategy translation
The first phase is all about setting up the framework on which the portfolio
is to be created. This includes understanding the business strategy and

Strategic portfolio management

strategic objectives, outlining the guidelines of creating the portfolio, desired

project mix, and portfolio reporting structures.

• Articulation of strategic requirements. Before deciding on the appro-

priate programmes and projects to start, management needs to
understand the high-level business drivers, organisational dynamics, and
any external or market factors and changes. This will validate the organ-
isation’s strategy to achieve its vision and objectives, and shape the
development of the portfolio.
• Development of portfolio principles. This activity spells out the prin-
ciples of the key decision points, selection and sequencing, in the
portfolio planning phase. It is an integral activity that determines the
requirements an initiative must meet to qualify for the portfolio, and the
desired portfolio mix and ranking criteria of programmes and projects
that best represent the combined level of risk the business is prepared to
Some questions to consider when developing these principles for
selection include:

Does the project enable other projects of greater value?

Is there a minimum benefit-to-risk ratio requirement?

Does the proposed initiative meet its agreed business case criteria?

Are there strategic objectives that have a greater weighting than others
when determining an initiative’s strategic fit?

What is the maximum percentage of high-risk, high-value projects that

can be taken on in the portfolio?

What are the exceptional circumstances in which a lower ranked project

currently underway is given priority over a higher ranked new project?

Is there a desired balance of people, process and technological projects?

• Development of portfolio reporting framework. This activity is to

develop an ongoing reporting structure for results and outcomes of the
initiatives to senior executives, including defining tolerance levels,
reporting frequency, and exception reporting triggers.
• Key performance indicator (KPI) development. This activity is con-
cerned with the identification of the milestones and indicators to be used
to measure and track the portfolio’s performance, in order to measure
the strategic value it creates.

The EPM framework

Portfolio planning
The portfolio planning phase is where the portfolio roadmap is developed,
whereby programmes and projects that best support the strategic intent of
the organisation are identified, scoped and scheduled into a plan. This phase
can be divided into three stages, creation, selection and sequencing, and is
illustrated in Figure 3.3.

Creation Selection Sequencing

Driven by
strategy/ Project desirability
vital actions
How much value will the initiative
In response bring to the organisation?
In the context
to an issue
of all other
projects, Portfolio
An when is the plan
identified best time to
Project feasibility/viability
opportunity deliver this
Driven by Is the organisation capable of
external successfully delivering this initiative?

Increasing understanding of project detail

Figure 3.3 The portfolio planning phase

Creation stage
The first step to creating the portfolio plan is to identify the potential
programmes and projects for it. Generating such ideas to improve the
business and its operations will never be exhaustive, and they can surface
from a multitude of sources. These ideas (that will become initiatives) can be
categorised into four types:

• those that are driven by strategy

• those that arise in response to existing issues
• those identified as potential opportunities
• those that arise in response to external causes and demand.

Identifying initiatives may be seen as an ad hoc exercise, but there are useful
tools that can assist in generating relevant and valuable initiatives, particularly
at the strategic level. These include:

Strategic portfolio management

• Gap analysis. A gap analysis identifies the key changes required to

achieve the new business and technical architecture, and translates and
scopes these out into initiatives.
• Performance audit of current programmes and projects. It is very
likely that organisations have a number of programmes and projects
already underway when developing the portfolio. Performing an audit
enables the organisation to review and validate the relevance of its cur-
rent programmes and projects against the strategic initiatives, and allows
it to identify any additional programmes and projects needed. This exer-
cise has a dual purpose in that it also highlights programmes and projects
that do not support the strategic initiatives outlined by the business, and
questions their relevance and value they bring to the business.

Selection stage
Those ideas that are of most value to the organisation are translated into
initiatives, and implemented through programmes and projects. The purpose
of the selection stage is to weigh out the risk and rewards of carrying out
each initiative identified in the earlier stage, based on whether it is ideal and
pragmatic to do so.
This splits into two questions to address: ‘Is the initiative desirable?’ and
‘Is the initiative feasible?’ The initiative must meet both requirements before
it moves on to the next phase, in which it is placed into the portfolio. Failure
to meet either one will make the project a lost cause for investment. We dis-
cuss these two requirements, and the activities, tools and techniques that
support their assessment, in greater detail below.

How much value would an initiative deliver to the organisation? By ascer-
taining the expected rewards and the certainty of the outcomes of each
initiative, the value of the proposed initiative can be understood. The objec-
tive of this first part is to assess the ‘attractiveness’ of the project to the
business in terms of its strategic fit and proposed benefits, factoring in the
likelihood of reaping those benefits. A combination of tools can be used:

• Project brief. In order to understand what the initiative is about, we

need to draw up the project objectives and scope, and a proposed plan
outlining key deliverables and milestones. This forms the basis of the
other assessment tools and techniques.
• Strategic fit. This assessment identifies specifically the reasons and ways
that the initiative aligns with the business strategy. A simple example of
one approach is to use a rating scale of low – high of how the initiative
meets each of the business’s strategic requirements.

The EPM framework

• Business case modelling. This is the quantitative or financial justifica-

tion for the initiative, and outlines detailed cost–benefit analyses,
including investment and cashflow requirements, payback schedules and
back-fill costs of resources. A business case is the crux of any strategic
investment decision, and requires a rigorous approach to quantify and
chart its returns versus its outlays. Common financial modelling
methods include net present values (NPV), investment rate of return
(IRR), and payback period.
• Benefits realisation plan. This charts out the expected periodic returns
and action plans associated with the initiatives, in order to help users
understand the quantified value and the length of time in which the ben-
efits are to be realised. This plan is reviewed and updated regularly in line
with the progress of the project.
• Change impact assessment. This activity considers the roles, processes
and systems impacted by the project or programme, to gauge the mag-
nitude of the overall change that will be brought about by the project.
More detail can be found in the change architecture chapter.
• Portfolio impact assessment. Where there are ongoing projects and
programmes, an analysis has to be performed to identify whether the
proposed project will affect or is dependent on the projects and pro-
grammes underway. This will identify any interdependencies between
the proposed and current projects, and how the projects enable one
another. The indirect returns and risk of a project can then be taken into
account, together with the more obvious impacts to show the full impact
of the investment to the business.

An initiative may be recognised as being highly desirable, but may not be
worthwhile to undertake if it is not feasible to implement. This second part
of the selection stage considers the ability of the business to undertake the
proposed initiative, by identifying the likely complexity, challenges and
constraints (the three Cs) the business will face in implementing the
project. The objective of this is to assess the implementation risk of the
Identifying the three Cs includes assessing the following:

• Capability assessment. This evaluates whether the business has the nec-
essary level of physical and human resources required for the project, as
well as the capabilities and competencies that exist. Areas to consider
include the physical infrastructure, finance, people, resource expertise
and leadership capability. In the process, any additional capabilities that
need to be developed internally or procured externally should also be

Strategic portfolio management

• Change readiness assessment. This activity assesses the business and its
willingness to change, and identifies the challenges and risks. This includes
examining this organisation’s history of change, and the readiness of the
business to move to the desired changed state. This information can be
used to plan change strategies to mitigate the risks if the project is imple-
mented. More detail can be found later in the change architecture chapter.

The desirability and feasibility of each initiative should be reviewed by a

board which uses the portfolio principles defined earlier in the strategy
translation phase, and approves the project for inclusion into the organisa-
tion’s portfolio. Following approval of each initiative, planning and risk
management may commence and owners are assigned.

Sequencing stage
A portfolio incorporating these initiatives is created once the initiatives have
been approved. Existing projects also have to be compared with the new
ones, to assess their priority relative to one another.
The goal of the prioritisation exercise is to create the optimal mix of pro-
grammes and projects, within a designated timeline, that will provide the
greatest contribution to the business goals while minimising any conflicting
demands on resources and maximising the use of the latter. The criteria
applied in this stage are based on the portfolio mix principles defined earlier
in the strategy translation phase.
As decisions are made on a comparative basis, the projects are initially
compared and ranked to produce a prioritised list. Using this prioritised list
together with the principles around the desired portfolio mix, we can then
formulate the portfolio and put together the schedule. Note that this priori-
tisation exercise is not an exact science, and there may well be a few possible
portfolios drawn up to be deliberated on by the board, which will choose one
of them.
Aside from the portfolio mix principles, we can apply some of the
following tools to assist in the portfolio scheduling:

• Comparative risk and reward analysis. Each project needs to be scored,

using the results of the project’s desirability and feasibility from the port-
folio planning phase to represent reward and risk respectively, and then
ranked. A two-by-two bubble chart, with axes representing the levels of
risk and reward, is a useful diagrammatic technique to plot and group the
programmes and projects based on their level of risk and reward type.
• Portfolio plan. Also known informally as a road map, the key deliverable
of the portfolio planning phase, this establishes the framework, high-level
budgets and communication plans to roll out the next programme delivery
and project management chapters. The plan serves as a tool to gain a holistic

The EPM framework

view of the individual and collective contribution of the initiatives to the

strategic objectives, as well as to identify and monitor the key interdepen-
dencies. The portfolio plan should ideally span a few years to provide
management with a long-term view, but it is advisable to refrain from chart-
ing periods longer than five years, as the further into the future the timeline
is extended, the more difficult and less reliable those estimates will be.
• Portfolio risk assessment and containment strategy. Subsequent
management of the portfolio will need a plan to manage the portfolio
risks, that is, those arising from interdependencies between projects in
the portfolio. This activity allows us to evaluate the organisational risks
as a result of the interdependencies that exist within the portfolio, and
establish risk strategies and control processes.

Portfolio management
Once the portfolio has been developed, (EPMO) enterprise-wide mechanisms
to monitor and control it need to be in place, to ensure the ongoing perfor-
mance and progress of the projects and the portfolio. The activities in this
phase are usually carried out by a portfolio management or enterprise
programme management office, the equivalent of a programme management
office, but at a portfolio level. This has the responsibility of maintaining the
plan, and tracking and reporting the portfolio’s progress and performance
against targets, and risks against portfolio tolerance levels. Most of the activi-
ties here are similar to those performed at the programme or project manage-
ment level (see programme delivery and project management chapters), but on
a portfolio scale instead. Key tools that are worth mentioning here are:

• Progress and performance monitor. To track and assess the progress

and performance of the programmes and projects at a portfolio level
against high-level budgets, milestones, KPIs and so on. This also cap-
tures reporting issues, based on the reporting framework developed
earlier, to provide input into the next re-evaluation phase.
• Risk and issue management and control. To track and manage inter-
programme risks and issues based on the portfolio risk assessment and
containment strategy developed.
• Quality assurance review. To maintain quality assurance documenta-
tion and processes. This is to ensure that standards in monitoring and
controlling are not compromised, and to preserve the effectiveness of
the portfolio management process.

Re-evaluation of the strategy and portfolio

With new initiatives in the pipeline, current projects not delivering to expec-
tations and constant market changes, the portfolio plan needs to be reviewed

Strategic portfolio management

and adjusted continually to reflect projects undertaken that maximise utilisa-

tion of resources, best support a company’s strategy, and reflect the
business’s response to changing market conditions. The key activities that
support this are:

• Review of the portfolio plan. This review is concerned with ensuring

that interactions and dependencies between projects in the current port-
folio generate the most value to the business.
• Review of the strategy and portfolio principles. This looks at whether
the portfolio policies that were used to shape the portfolio need to be
adjusted or refined in response to changes to the business strategy, or the
view of the level of acceptable risk.

These reviews ought to take place on a regular basis to ensure that significant
deviations in the portfolio plan can be corrected in a timely manner, and that
the projects embarked on are in line with any changing market conditions or
events. The outputs of the reviews feed back into the strategy translation and
portfolio management phases, and are used to refine the strategy, portfolio
principles and portfolio plan where necessary.
Sample reporting mechanisms typically used for the reviews are outlined

• Project exception reports. These could be generated on a needs basis,

and brings to the attention of the review board projects that run into sig-
nificant issues and risks in performance or progress. These exception
reports should be used for those problems that cannot be resolved at
project management or programme delivery levels, or those that are par-
ticularly material in terms of their size, or impact on other projects in the
• Executive dashboard. The dashboard represents the status report of the
portfolio, and presents an overview of the performance of the organisa-
tion, going beyond simple measures of financial performance, to be used
as input into the re-evaluation process. It usually comprises a series of
KPIs that look beyond financial performance alone and can address a
very wide range of issues. An example of one is shown in Figure 3.4.
• Action log. As the name suggests, this is simply a checklist that minutes
the key tasks and amendments the board has agreed to action.

A strategic portfolio management system can be designed using the
approach, activities and tools described in the chapter. However, the robust-
ness of a strategic portfolio management system also depends on other

The EPM framework

Figure 3.4 A sample executive dashboard

• The portfolio should encompass all significant programmes and projects

within the organisation, whether cross-function or function-specific, in
order to realise the organisational values of the projects.
• There need to be high visibility, clear communication and transparency of
the value of the discipline and its processes. This is to generate buy-in of
the processes from the organisation, and ensure they are utilised effectively,
and not seen to be just more bureaucratic red tape and hence bypassed.
• Executive managers need to recognise the business need for the discipline
and to act as internal champions to endorse it to their staff.
• To be effective, strategic portfolio management processes need to be
linked strongly to the programme delivery and project management
processes, and underpinned by supporting mechanisms in programme
architecture and change architecture. Without these elements working
together, the effectiveness of the discipline will be watered down.

In conclusion, strategic portfolio management provides a ‘big picture’ view

of all programmes and projects within an organisation, and enables a system
of collective benefits tracking and realisation. It is the critical first step to
maintaining a line of sight between an organisation’s business strategy and its
programmes and projects.
The next chapters will explore how this strategic focus can be cascaded
down to the programmes and projects in the four other disciplines and
processes of enterprise programme management.

4 Programme delivery

If strategic portfolio management is largely about ‘what’ organisations
should do to deliver strategy and policy through investments, then pro-
gramme delivery management is about ‘how’ to deliver. The focus of
programme delivery management is therefore on delivering maximum
business benefits from the investments made through multiple projects.
So what are programmes?
The process of translating
strategic objectives into Strategic
initiatives will often identify Strategic
large-scale investments. The management

organisational capabilities Benefits

realisation Strategic portfolio
required, which can only management


be developed and imple-




mented through a series of Programme delivery




interrelated projects, are also management


programmes, and need to be


Outputs Project management

managed in a joined-up way.
They are often quite long
term and usually complex, Figure 4.1 The enterprise programme
impacting multiple parts of management framework
the organisation.
Examples of programmes are the rebranding exercise at T-Mobile UK
which is mentioned in the case study in Chapter 8, and the MyTravel e-
commerce business development discussed in Chapter 13 in relation to
supplier management. Another example is implementing an enterprise
resource planning system such as SAP or Peoplesoft, as this ultimately
impacts most areas of the business and has to be implemented in multiple
planned phases.
Programmes are characterised by having multiple elements to be imple-
mented, which need to be managed separately, but the sequencing of imple-
mentation and the management of critical dependencies between them require
a level of management coordination over and above that at the individual
project level.

The EPM framework

What is programme delivery management?

Programme delivery management is the consistent application of specific
processes, tools and methods, to enable the coordination and delivery of the
projects within the programme to maximise business benefits.
Programme delivery is about proactively planning to ensure that projects
are executed in an effective and coordinated way. Programme delivery
management is also concerned with implementing the business changes
required to deliver the benefits, and not just project deliverables and
The core of programme management therefore includes activities such as
integrated planning of multiple projects, identification and understanding of
dependencies, managing risks relating to complex interdependencies, main-
taining a focus on the overall business benefits of the programme, and
coordinating large and often dispersed project teams.
Because programmes often entail large investments, impact multiple
organisational stakeholders and are key to delivering strategy, they are
usually highly visible and of high profile within organisations. Managing
decision-making and organisational politics is often critical to their
This chapter outlines the value of programme management, introduces a
high-level lifecycle model of programme delivery, and provides an overview
of the basic tools and techniques available for programme management.
However, effective programme management requires the integration and
support in an organisation of all elements of the enterprise programme
management framework.
Investment approval, decision-making and continuous leadership support
are required at the strategic portfolio level. The right programme architec-
ture must be adopted to support effective governance, management
coordination, and team working. Resourcing processes must be adequate to
provide the right levels of skilled resources throughout the programme. As
business change is almost certain to impact people, the right change archi-
tecture and change management initiatives should be incorporated into the
programme. Critically the success of the overall programme will only be as
good as the quality and effectiveness of project management at the individual
project level.
Part II of this book discusses in more detail areas such as supplier man-
agement, benefits management, communications, programme management
systems, risk management and the role of programme management offices.
All of these are critical for effective programme management, but they are
not covered in depth in this chapter, which provides only a framework for a
programme management process.
Common symptoms indicating the lack of a programme delivery
infrastructure are:

Programme delivery management

• ‘Not enough time spent planning or understanding what we were trying

to achieve – we went straight into solutions.’
• ‘Over-optimistic or unrealistic estimates (cost, benefits, time).’
• ‘Budget cuts halfway through – couldn’t complete the project.’
• ‘The timescales moved – we needed to complete it yesterday and that
was impossible.’
• ‘Activities were not integrated and coordinated effectively, causing
• ‘Unexpected issues and problems have caused overruns.’
• ‘Projects deliver solutions or deliverables but no or limited business

The value of programme delivery management

Programme delivery focuses on the continuous guidance needed to support
the delivery of a business capability through multiple projects and phases.
Appropriate approaches, techniques and tools are used to plan and organise
the work, and to manage the incremental delivery of the new business
capability. The benefits of effective programme delivery management

• effective control and execution of major business investment in projects

• improved delivery of benefits in agreed timescales by understanding key
dependencies, effective sequencing of projects and managing critical
• effective deployment of the organisation’s resources on projects with the
right skills with clear accountabilities
• reduced potential for overrun in time and cost, and for negative impact
on current operations, by identifying and managing major risks
• effective decision-making concerning the conflict between scope/output
quality, time and resources, made from a business perspective, by the
right people
• increased value from supplier inputs by effective management of
suppliers and contracts
• enhanced overall delivery capability through shared approaches and best
• increased realisation of benefits through integration of process, system,
people and organisational changes.

The bottom line is that programmes are the mechanisms often used to
manage the execution of some of the largest investments that organisations
will ever make. Creating the programme management capability to maximise
effectively the value created from these investments should be a top priority
in our organisations today.

The EPM framework

The programme delivery management framework

The rest of this chapter introduces a simple lifecycle framework for pro-
gramme management delivery. This covers the core management processes
required to plan, execute and control programmes effectively. As with all
processes they require the right organisational structures, systems, people
skills, and experience and supporting tools to be effective.
The programme delivery management framework can be broken into
three process groups:

• planning
• executing
• controlling.

Throughout the three process groups, tools and techniques from nine con-
trol areas are deployed as shown by the programme delivery framework
diagram (Figure 4.2). The three process groups can be described as follows.

This involves the creation of a series of documents that facilitate shared
understanding among programme stakeholders, and guide the execution and

g P



Risks and
Vendor Performance Financial
mgt mgt mgt

Knowledge Quality
mgt mgt


Figure 4.2 The programme delivery management framework

Programme delivery management

control of the programme. There are three distinct planning processes


• Top-down planning. This process takes the goals, objectives and expec-
tations that were defined in strategic portfolio management and
develops a logical plan of how those goals, objectives and expectations
will be delivered through a portfolio of interrelated projects.
• Bottom-up planning. This takes the output from the planning work
done at the individual project level, and rolls up the project plans into a
programme master plan. This allows for a focused and detailed analysis
of interdependencies and risks to take place.
• Infrastructure and policy planning. This establishes a plan describing
how the programme will be managed and executed, and detail protocols
and policies from the nine control areas illustrated in Figure 4.2. (Stan-
dards set out by an organisation’s enterprise programme management
office are tailored and agreed for this programme.)

This is supporting the execution of the programme plan. It involves initiating
new projects, closing out completed projects (or projects no longer relevant),
and tracking the success of the portfolio in achieving the programme’s goals
and objectives.

This involves identifying, managing and reporting on programme risks,
issues, changes and costs, tracking deliverables and monitoring milestones.
Outputs of this phase include formal feedback to the strategic owners of the
programme in order for judgments to be made regarding the progress of the
strategic plan.

Programme control areas (tools and techniques)

Change control approach
Change control is the orderly process of managing, investigating and autho-
rising/rejecting a request for a change on a project or programme. Changes
can be related to scope, schedule, resources or the agreed supporting man-
agement processes. Changes to a programme are referenced against an
agreed scope, plans and budgets, collectively known as the baseline. (See
Table 4.1.)

The EPM framework

Table 4.1 The change control approach

Approach, tools
and techniques Rationale/benefits

Scope baseline Ensures that all items subject to change are identified,
organised, controlled, consistent, complete, correct,
visible, traceable and verifiable.
Change control Provides a formal process for requesting, reviewing
procedure and authorising changes. Ensures that up-to-date
records exist on what has been agreed thereby
allowing control to be maintained on the scope of
the programme. This will also mitigate risks as changes
will be assessed before being implemented, reducing
risk of unforeseen but dramatic impacts to other
project areas.
Change control Provides a formal process for publishing changes,
reporting and aiding team understanding of related changes.

Contingency management approach

Contingency management involves the determination and subsequent alloca-
tion of the programme’s contingency. This involves both budget contingency
(that is, management reserves of unallocated workdays to accommodate
budget overruns) and schedule contingency (the additional ‘float’ built into
the programme’s milestone dates to accommodate schedule overruns). (See
Table 4.2.)

Financial management approach

Financial management involves the control and management of the pro-
gramme’s budget and other finances, as well as financial reporting for the

Table 4.2 The contingency management approach

Approach, tools
and techniques Rationale/benefits

Expected monetary Enables risk exposure to be financially assessed for

value (EMV) risks, enabling the response development process
Earned value analysis A tracking mechanism for both cost and schedule
(EVA) performance that can be used predictively to
determine likely total overruns, hence contingency

Programme delivery management

Table 4.3 The financial management approach

Approach, tools
and techniques Rationale/benefits

Programme budget Lowers risk of maverick spending

allocation process
Standard costing Provides detailed data for business case
(NPV, IRR etc)
Budgeting Provides cost baseline to measure progress against
Cash and accrual Lowers risk of unpredictable cashflow
Financial reporting Lowers risk of business case not being realised due to
lack of control or overspending
Earned value analysis Provides mechanism to forecast project overruns, and
enable early decisions on project lifespan

programme. It ensures that the programme’s leadership has explicitly defined

the financial controls and processes for the programme, including financial
management and the programme’s financial reporting. It thereby ensures
that the cashflow requirements for a project or programme are understood,
and provisions are made for expenditures as they are planned to occur. (See
Table 4.3.)

Risk and issue management approach

Issue management involves the process for identification, analysis, resolu-
tion, reporting and escalation of the programme’s issues, in other words,
current programme problems. Risk management involves the systematic
process of identifying, analysing and responding to project risk, that is,
programme problems that may occur in the future. It includes maximising
the probability and consequences of positive events, and minimising the
probability and consequences of adverse events to project objectives. (See
Table 4.4.)

Performance management approach

Performance reporting involves the documentation of the programme’s
performance against the plan. Performance reporting addresses a
variety of audiences, both internal and external to the programme. (See
Table 4.5.)

The EPM framework

Table 4.4 Risk and issue management approach

Approach, tools
and techniques Rationale/benefits

Issues log Provides a process for issues to be identified,

communicated, assigned accountability, logged and
tracked so that they are actively managed and escalated
through to resolution. It also facilitates the resolution
of issues that are not resolvable at project level and
which require involvement from other participants
within the programme.
Issue discussion/ Enables communication to those impacted by issues
resolution forum and creates a process for this communication.
Expected monetary Enables financial values to be attributed to risks, and
value can be used as a prioritisation tool to determine
mitigating actions.
Decision tree analysis Method of determining decisions to be made.
Critical path analysis Aids identification of high-impact risks and issues to
Risk log Allows potential problems and opportunities to be
identified and managed proactively before they become
critical issues to the project.
Risk response planning Determination of whether a response to a risk is to
accept, mitigate or avoid, and implement change
controls to execute additional actions where required.

Table 4.5 Performance management approach

Approach, tools
and techniques Rationale/benefits

EVA (earned value Provides visibility of project status and early warning of
analysis) potential issues and risks.
Progress and expenditure Provides visibility of project status and performance to
reporting tools and allow appropriate interventions to be identified and
templates actioned. Also provides early warning of potential issues
and risks.
Milestone charts Provides visibility of project status.
Tracking Gantt charts Provides visibility of project status and performance
against baseline.
Resource histograms Snapshot view of amount of resources required versus
resources available.
Cumulative cost curves Provides visibility of project status.

Programme delivery management

Quality management approach

Quality management involves ensuring that the expectations and quality
requirements of the programme are understood and actively managed. The
quality management approach contains six components: expectation man-
agement, quality verification, process management, metrics, continuous
improvement, and rewards and recognition. (See Table 4.6.)

Release management approach

In technology-related programmes, release management involves the coordina-
tion of activities that contribute to a release (that is, cross-project management)
and the coordination of products that contribute to a release (architecture, inte-
gration and packaging). It is concerned with the management of a single release
as opposed to cross-release management. (See Table 4.7.)

Vendor management approach

Vendor management involves selecting and managing resources from outside
the organisation, both suppliers and contractors. This relates to products and
services that will either be included as part of the business capability (such as
software or physical assets) or used to create the business capability (such as
office space or temporary workers). Vendor management supports resource
management for resources procured from outside the organisation. (See
Table 4.8.)

Table 4.6 Quality management approach

Approach, tools
and techniques Rationale/benefits

Cause and effect Provides a mechanism to identify the root cause of a

diagrams particular problem. Helps ensure that the programme
(Ishikawa and fishbone products meet the needs and expectations of the
diagrams) stakeholders.
Regular planned Process to review plan and progress, reducing potential
checkpoints and risks.
output reviews
Implementation of Provides a framework to aid resources meet the
standards and stakeholder expectations of programme products and
regulations service quality levels. Also will help prevent re-work.
Formal sign-off process Ensures that the programme products meet the needs
and expectations of the stakeholders.
Project audits Mechanism to identify health status of project.

The EPM framework

Table 4.7 Release management approach

Approach, tools
and techniques Rationale/benefits

Release plan The release occurs in a structured way such that

impacted parties understand what they need to do
and when they need to do it.
Stepped validation Ensures that the release occurs in a structured way and
procedures that there is uninterrupted service to the business.
Stops an implementation continuing when the signs are
showing critical problems ahead.
Measurement process Tool to identify issues before work is moved into the
live environment, ensuring that live applications don’t
fail in the real business environment.
Crisis war-room Defined approach to deal with release issues.

Table 4.8 Vendor management approach

Approach, tools
and techniques Rationale/benefits

Formal tender process Process to help ensure that the appropriate

mechanisms are in place to select third party
products and services. Also ensures that the
appropriate commercial arrangements are in
place with third parties.
Criteria weighting Process to help ensure that the appropriate mechanisms
model for vendor are in place to select third party products and services.
Contract change control Enables cost and scope control. It is important to put
procedure in place a set of these policies, procedures and processes
to manage change.
Billing and payments Mechanism to ensure timely payments, links into
system financial management
Output verification and Deliverables meet sponsor expectations. Checkpoint to
sign-off process ensure scope has been met and at the right level of
Correspondence Record of correspondence.
Responsibility Accountabilities and interfaces between different parties
assignment matrix are clearly defined.

Programme delivery management

Knowledge management approach

Knowledge management involves ensuring that knowledge created on a
programme is shared with the right people at the right time. It defines the
strategy and principles behind the extent of knowledge sharing in addition
to defining the processes by which knowledge will be shared. In this
context, knowledge refers to existing and new information created as part
of the programme. (See Table 4.9.)

This chapter has described the rationale for managing initiatives that require
multiple projects to deliver and build business capabilities as coordinated
programmes. The sequencing of these related projects, and the management
of their interdependencies and impact on the business to deliver benefits,
require a level of management coordination over and above individual
project management.
The basic management process of planning, executing and controlling
programmes was described and a number of tools and techniques that can
aid the process were outlined.
However programme delivery management is at the heart of the enterprise
programme management approach, and its success in an organisation

Table 4.9 Knowledge management approach

Approach, tools
and techniques Rationale/benefits

Project library (physical To capture knowledge capital created as a result of the

location or virtual) project and/or programme as well as to utilise the
knowledge capital stored from previous projects
Central document Enables document version control, team
repository system communication and system central resource
(e.g. Quickplace) pool (in terms of documentation, process etc.)
Template library Removes the ‘reinvention of the wheel’ risk, saving
time and reducing possibility of missing actions
Lessons learnt workshops Removes the ‘reinvention of the wheel’ risk, and
improves process and knowledge for future work
Documentation, Removes conflicting methods and approaches
coding etc. standards
Sign-off register Ensures that all documentation is approved and that the
delivery meets previous expectations
Policies and procedures Removes conflicting methods and approaches

The EPM framework

depends upon the appropriate integration of the support provided by pro-

gramme architecture (governance, structures, resourcing processes, team
working), the supporting and enabling change architecture to provide effec-
tive business change management, and disciplined and effective project
Programmes by their nature are large business investments, and leadership
and business ownership are critical; therefore the appropriate strategic port-
folio management processes are key to supporting and leading programmes
in organisations.
A number of critical competencies are required for effective programme
delivery management, and these are described in detail in Part II of this
In conclusion, programmes are often the way organisations manage their
key strategic investments. It is critical, if maximum value is to be created from
these investments, that organisations develop programme management capa-
bilities and invest in the appropriate infrastructure to support delivery of
their programmes.

5 Project management

The entire framework described so far exists for one purpose, which is to enable
the right projects to deliver effectively within an organisation. Projects are the
individual efforts that deliver specific measurable results. Strategic portfolio
management and programme delivery management are concerned with ensur-
ing organisations invest in
the right initiatives to deliver
strategic value, and that the Strategic
delivery is coordinated and Strategic
executed in a way that deliv- management

ers the right results and Benefits

realisation Strategic portfolio
contributes towards meeting management

strategic aims, while manag- ge


ing the organisational risks ite

Outcomes Programme delivery management


involved in business change.

However, it is in the projects


that the results are actually

Outputs Project management
In this chapter we briefly Figure 5.1 The enterprise programme
outline the characteristics of management framework
projects and a high-level
project lifecycle management approach. The literature on project management
as a management discipline and method is rich, and standardised methods
such as PRINCE2 are fairly well known and widely used. We have therefore
not repeated that body of knowledge in this book. The key to effective execu-
tion of project management techniques is the environment and organisation’s
capability to deliver change that is associated with the other elements of the
enterprise programme management framework. Too often in organisations,
executives believe that execution of an appropriate project management
method is the key to successful delivery of business change.
Effective project management is a key building block for developing an
enterprise programme management approach, but without the integra-
tion and link to strategy, the appropriate structures for governance and
business ownership, the application of change management approaches

The EPM framework

and a coordinated approach to interdependent changes, projects will fail

to deliver value.


A project is defined as a temporary endeavour that is undertaken to create a
unique product or service (PMBOK Guide). Project management is further
defined as the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to pro-
ject activities to meet project requirements (PMBOK Guide). The key
elements to note in these definitions are as follows.

• Temporary: projects are distinct efforts. They end when specific

objectives have been achieved. As such, projects are characterised by
start and end dates and criteria. Note that while the projects them-
selves are temporary, the results or product of the projects may not be.
For example, a project to build and erect a monument is temporary,
but the monument is intended to become a permanent fixture.
• Unique: there is something unique about every project. Even projects
where there is a lot of previous history of doing similar work are unique
as the context, people and environment will be different.


There is a large volume of literature that attempts to define distinct differ-
ences between a project and a programme. In truth the distinction is blurred,
and in many cases it becomes a judgement call. It is often more helpful to
determine what management disciplines a particular change initiative
requires, rather than to get hung up on definitions. Nevertheless, the fol-
lowing points offer some guidance as to whether an effort can best be
considered a project or a programme.

• Programmes can be ongoing and do not end until they are judged com-
plete or no longer relevant.
• Programmes evolve as more information is obtained. Progressive defini-
tion of desired results and plan elaboration is a common feature.
• Programmes tend to be more complex and deliver multiple distinct
results, each of which has some value on its own, but which collectively
have a value that is greater than the sum of the individual parts.


Unsurprisingly, the project management approach is similar to, and overlaps
with, the programme delivery approach. The programme delivery approach

Project management

sets out standards for component projects to follow. From a project’s per-
spective, if programme standards exist, they are taken and used; if they do
not exist, then the relevant structures are established for the project.
Figure 5.2 shows the five process groups (four phases) of project manage-
ment and the nine knowledge areas as defined in the PMBOK Guide.
Whereas programme delivery management follows three process groups,
planning, executing and controlling, project management follows two addi-
tional process groups, initiating and closing, reflecting the temporary,
defined start and end characteristics of the project.

Project management has only been outlined briefly in this chapter. Standards
such as Project Management Body of Knowledge and PRINCE2 provide
very comprehensive approaches and methods of project management.
Project Management capability is a critical element of the enterprise pro-
gramme management framework, and developing a common approach,
standards and professional project managers within an organisation is key to
enhancing a delivery capability.
The application of project management methods should be done in the
context of the type of project and change programmes an organisation is

ing nn
at in


Integration resources

Scope Communications Cost

Risk Procurement

nt r



i ng

Figure 5.2 The five process groups and nine knowledge areas of project

The EPM framework

likely to undertake. Many organisations adapt and customise standard

methods to suit their requirements. It is also likely that different levels of
control and standardisation way be required for projects of a different scale
and with different risk profiles. Flexibility in the use of project management
standards, based on a clear understanding of the right level of control that is
required, will limit the overhead to that which is absolutely necessary.

6 Programme architecture

Since 1995, the Standish Group have regularly published and updated a
report entitled Chaos, which studies the trends and factors that cause projects
and programmes to either succeed or fail. The top three critical success
factors that have repeatedly been identified are:

1. User/team involvement.
2. Executive support.
3. Clear statement of requirements.

The message is very clear. Getting team and leadership involvement right is
of critical importance, ranked here as being more important even than having
a clear statement of requirements! This reflects an obvious truth: no change,
no matter how well defined or planned, can be achieved without clear
accountability, commitment and support from both leadership and the
people who need to make it happen within the organisation. Programme
architecture is about implementing and using appropriate management and
leadership skills and mechanisms, so that programmes can be resourced and
managed effectively.
The design of the appropriate structures, roles, decision-making and
resourcing processes, team building approaches, human resource policies
and supporting infrastructure for programmes and projects in organisa-
tions is very contextual. The architecture must be integrated with the
approaches to strategic portfolio management, programme delivery
management and project management. The type of projects and
programmes undertaken will influence the appropriate architecture, as will
the need to integrate and dovetail with the ‘business as usual’ structures
and accountabilities.
This chapter therefore provides an overview of the key considerations
when designing programme architectures. It covers all the elements that
need to be considered relating to accountabilities, decision-making,
resourcing and managing people on projects and programmes. The specific
approach and mechanisms adopted should be customised to your own
organisation’s situation.

The EPM framework


Programme architecture is the establishment of support structures and
mechanisms that allow effective programme leadership, and provide the pro-
gramme team with the environment, skills, tools and support they need in
order to operate effectively.
Unlike other programme activities, which tend to generate formal
documentation, the outputs of programme architecture, although very
tangible, are often subtle and invisible when things are working well.
Characteristics that indicate the presence of an effective programme
architecture include:

• a clearly articulated, and shared vision for the programme

• a stable and effective working environment with access to appropriate
technology and other programme infrastructure
• identifiable and effective programme governance and decision-making
• appropriate stakeholder and sponsor commitments, and clear business
ownership for delivery of benefits
• an integrated programme culture representing the needs of different
groups of team members from potentially different organisations
• appropriate skills and capabilities that exist or are being actively
• a clearly understood schedule of communication events and meetings
to address the need for shared understanding and information
• retention, appraisal and performance management and reward structures
for programme and project resources.


While putting effective resource and leadership structures in place may
seem an obvious and intuitive thing to do, it proves time and time again to
be difficult to achieve effectively. As mentioned above, programme archi-
tecture generally becomes most visible through problems indicating that it
is either missing or inappropriate. Symptoms indicative of poor programme
architecture are:

• ‘People didn’t really understand how their project fitted into the bigger
• ‘Nobody involved in the project really wanted to be working on it. As a
result they did not really commit to making it work.’
• ‘Nobody could make a decision. By the time a decision was made it was
too late.’

Programme architecture

• ‘When things went wrong, senior management started shooting, not

• ‘Some of the people working on the project did not have the necessary
skills or knowledge. The team seemed to be made up of people who had
some spare time rather than the people who were most appropriate.’
• ‘Working on projects and programmes is seen as a bad career move.’

Figure 6.1 illustrates how some of these symptoms interact to create vicious
cycles (failure paradigms), which lead to the establishment of ‘blaming’ cul-
tures, fear of accountability and ultimately a reduction in capability to deliver
change successfully.
There are also a number of environmental factors in organisations that, if
left unmanaged, will conspire to jeopardise the effectiveness of programme
leadership and programme teams. (See Table 6.1.) Programme architecture
proactively establishes effective responses to these risks.
Programme architecture can further be understood as the establishment of
five distinct programme support structures (see Figure 6.2):

• Leadership and governance. Ensuring that the programme has appro-

priate leadership and ownership within the organisation; identifiable and
responsible authorities for decision-making and issue resolution; clear

Decisions delegated Lack of commitment and buy-in

or taken by others
Lack of effective
governance structure Ineffective performance
management and reward
structures Individuals
Key people refuse to take
leave accountability
Ineffective decision-
making and Fall in
process Initiative/
Confusion around project objectives programme
Delays in decisions being made at risk
Wrong decisions are made
Lack of skills
understanding, Lack of coherent
transfer or Non-delivery or delivery programme vision
coaching of wrong things and strategy

Misalignment of
operational and
strategic aims
Difficult to Ineffective
exceed client programme
team Poor understanding
expectations of team dynamics/

Figure 6.1 The interaction of symptoms of poor programme architecture

The EPM framework

Table 6.1 Environmental factors in organisations

Leadership Senior executives in organisations are typically organised around
challenges functional roles and responsibilities focused on the management
of ongoing operations, not the delivery of complex unique
The management and leadership style and skills appropriate
for the management of operations can often be inappropriate in
managing complex change initiatives.
Accountability for the success and failure of initiatives is not
placed at a level senior enough within an organisation. This leads
to a mismatch between the accountability and authority required
to make things happen.
The lack of accountability can cause paralysis of initiatives
when senior stakeholders disagree and try to exert influence over
a programme, the success of which they have no accountability
Programme Potential team members may be reluctant to leave established
team career structures and progression paths within line operations to
challenges take on project/programme roles where there is perceived to be
greater personal risk and less career development opportunity.
Where team members are shared with operational functions,
the primary loyalty of individuals tends to reside with the
established organisation. Functional managers are also typically
reluctant to release their most valuable resources to projects and
Team members from operational backgrounds often find
working in project and programme environments uncomfortable
and challenging, and miss the regular gratification that
day-to-day operations provides them. This can lead to talented
individuals becoming demotivated.
Projects and programmes are often dependent on specific
scarce skill-sets. Failure to recognise this in the planning and
scheduling of initiatives leads to projects and programmes with
resource needs that are impossible to fulfil.

accountabilities for the success or failure of the programme; and clearly

defined goals, objectives and expectations.
• Team building and development. Ensuring that the programme team
possesses a shared vision and understanding of the programme goals and
objectives, and agrees appropriate working patterns in order to establish
a sustainable and effective team culture. This area also focuses on
ensuring that the whole team is suitably trained, equipped and supported
to be able to fulfil members’ roles and responsibilities. Additionally, suit-
able retention, reward and recognition processes should be set up and
• Communication Infrastructure. Establishes mechanisms for appro-
priate team communication. These include defining reporting

Programme architecture

Leadership and

Team building
Communication Programme
infrastructure infrastructure


Figure 6.2 The programme architecture framework

requirements and frequencies, meeting calendars and attendance

requirements, and key programme review points. Support for dispersed
working teams may also need to be facilitated.
• Programme infrastructure. Ensuring that executing the programme is
enabled by the provision of appropriate physical and technology infra-
structure. This includes office space, access to information and
technology, meeting rooms and so on.
• Programme resourcing. Policies, tools and structures for managing
resources. This function is essential in balancing the availability and
scheduling of resources across operational needs and different projects
and programmes. Effective programme planning and control cannot
occur without this support structure in place. Having effective human
resource policies that address the needs of staff deployed onto project
and programmes is also vital.


The following section examines the key activities, tools and techniques
that are used in the provision of the five-programme architecture support
structures described above. These tables should act as a guide and check-
list to the key considerations when developing the appropriate programme

The EPM framework

Programme leadership and governance

Table 6.2 Programme leadership and governance

Approach, tools and techniques Rationale/benefits

Leadership organisation review Highlights the balance of programme versus

Examines the structure of the non-programme activity against the balance of
leadership in the organisation leadership’s primary responsibility and focus.
and assesses how appropriate May lead to some executive restructuring in
the structures are for leading order to provide strong leadership and
successful programmes as well direction for critical programmes.
as managing ongoing operations.
Leadership responsibility Clear definition of roles and responsibilities
assignment matrix enables the programme team to locate and call
Identifies specific roles upon leadership support in order to expedite
responsibilities and decisions or resolve issues.
accountabilities for programme
leadership activities.
Workshop with programme A clear definition of stakeholder requirements
leadership and sponsorship group facilitates a shared understanding within the
To develop and articulate team of what is expected and what success
programme goals, objectives looks like.
and expectations.
Leadership development training Helps to create a level of common
Where appropriate, training can understanding with leadership around the
be given to leaders to enable nature of the uncertainty and risks being
them to understand the managed and the nature of the information
nature of the programme and issues likely to result from the
being undertaken, the risks programme. May also provide
involved and the type of issues insights into areas where different
and requirements that the management approaches from those of
programme team will have of typical day-to-day management would be
them in the support of the more effective.
delivery of the programme.

Team building and development

Table 6.3 Team building and development

Approach, tools and techniques Rationale/benefits

Smart-start kick-off meetings Provide team members with a memorable

Workshops designed to introduce introduction to the programme, which sets a
quickly and mobilise a team. shared understanding of the context,
Key items include working approach, vision and objectives of the
patterns, goals and objectives, programme.
context and background.

Programme architecture

Table 6.3 continued

Approach, tools and techniques Rationale/benefits

Team charter The development of a team charter with the

A document created with the team allows the team to develop a set of
programme team that sets out constructive principles and behaviours which
working patterns, principles together can form the cornerstone for a team
for effective teamwork, and culture where mutual respect, support,
personnel policies and procedures. teamwork and delivery are enabled.
Often developed in a workshop
format on or around the time of
the smart-start kick-off workshop.
Team induction pack It is a well-known phenomenon that
A suite of materials that allows introducing new people to a project or
new people joining a programme programme at a critical time often slows
quickly to familiarise themselves progress up in the short term due to input
with the scope, goals and of the established team in assisting in the
objectives of the programme learning curve. Effective induction materials
and the working practices enable new resources to be integrated and
that are being employed. productive with much less distraction to
critical effort than would otherwise be
the case.
Team skills matrix Allows programme management to match role
A complete view of the requirements against skills of the team and
programme team and the skills determine where training or alternative
that the team possesses. resource procurement is required.
Also includes team aspirations
and training plans.
Team review meetings Ensure that the team continues to maintain a
Ongoing scheduled events where big picture of the programme and members
the team can get together and understand their own role in the context of
review progress, analyse lessons the wider programme. Also reinforce team
learnt and keep up to date with spirit, morale and culture.
what is happening on the
Team appraisal Provides continuity of career management for
A formal and recognised individuals working on the programme team
process for the team to set and a mechanism for reward and recognition
objectives and be measured to be equitably distributed.
formally on their performance
on the programme in
meeting those objectives.

The EPM framework

Communication infrastructure

Table 6.4 Communication infrastructure

Approach, tools and techniques Rationale/benefits

Meeting schedule Ensures that a disciplined routine of meetings

A schedule of meetings that is established and that the audience is
illustrates the frequency, purpose appropriate to the needs of the meeting.
and audience for meetings. Typically includes work stream review
meetings, one-to-one reviews, steering group
meetings and project communication meetings
Also ensures that meeting conflicts between
different projects with a programme are visible
and managed.
Meeting output templates and Ensure that discussions are recorded and
follow-up procedures actions are taken and managed to completion.
A format and process to ensure
that decisions, issues and actions
from meetings are recorded
appropriately and then actioned.
Reporting templates Provide a consistent format for the provision
A series of templates for the of data and status information from the
recording of project and projects within a programme.
sub-project status.
Programme newsletters Foster a sense of programme community
Provide an informative and which deepens sense of programme culture
light-hearted way of and belonging to the team.
communicating with a large
programme team.
E-mail/voicemail/web-based Use of multiple channels for information
collaboration tools exchange allows for different receptor styles
Use of technology for the to be accommodated and quick and fast
exchange and dissemination distribution of information over a
of information. geographically distributed team.

Programme infrastructure

Table 6.5 Programme infrastructure

Approach, tools and techniques Rationale/benefits

Office space Working environments contribute to

Setting up of working office productivity and morale. Poor or no working
space (spaces) for the programme environments lead to poor or no performance.
effort. The key consideration is Sensitively balancing co-location issues with
location of teams; co-location is team members’ personal circumstances and
always desirable, however, not needs also can contribute to team morale and
always possible. performance.

Programme architecture

Table 6.5 continued

Approach, tools and techniques Rationale/benefits

Technology infrastructure Most programmes today heavily utilise

Provision of computers, access information rechnology. Provision of suitable
to telephones, servers and access to team members allows their work to
passwords, technology support be completed. Barriers to access will be
and help, appropriate project barriers to work being completed.
PMO administration resource Provision of suitable administration support to
This includes resources and projects allows core team members to stay
processes in order to manage focused on the delivery of the project.
the project administration,
including diaries, meeting
schedules, room booking,
travel arrangements, document
production, timesheet
administration, building access
and regulations control, plan
updating, risk, issues and change
log maintenance, production of
newsletters, presentations, etc.

Programme resourcing

Table 6.6 Programme resourcing

Approach, tools and techniques Rationale/benefits

Project scheduling Projects within programmes routinely

A mechanism of scheduling compete for resources; Similarly, programmes
people to specific projects within within organisations frequently compete for
the programme portfolio. resources with other programmes and
Utilises the team’s skill profiles operations. A scheduling function enables the
and project role definitions in balancing of fulfilment of resource
order to balance needs with requirement with the business priorities and
resources. also identifies where additional training or skill
sourcing may be required.
Recruitment Programmes need to be able to source
A mechanism of obtaining skills resources and skills when required in order to
from outside the programme or proceed efficiently. A speedy mechanism for
organisation. May involve obtaining resources keeps the programme
relationships with contractor moving and prevents delays due to resource
suppliers and consultancies. non-availability.
Performance appraisal Provides regular feedback on an individual’s
This human resource tool performance against targets and helps to
includes setting objectives, manage and develop the personnel skill-sets in
developing a plan on which to line with the business needs.
assess the performance of an
individual, and regular review.

The EPM framework

Table 6.6 continued

Approach, tools and techniques Rationale/benefits

Roles and responsibilities Ensures that the programme team has an

Documentation describing the agreed source of reference to keep, and agree
roles that need to be fulfilled and roles and responsibilities for programme and
what responsibilities and project team members.
accountabilities exist.


Leadership of programmes in organisations is central to developing
successful enterprise programme management capability. The role of lead-
ers is key, and as we have described, senior executives need to be involved
actively in the process of developing and leading programmes of change.
The structuring of executive responsibilities is critical to decision-making
and governance. In this section we discuss a number of approaches to
organising these executive responsibilities. We have simplified these in
order to draw attention to the key considerations when developing
leadership models.


Functional Director Functional Director Functional Director Functional Director

Functional Functional Project/

Manager Manager Programme

Figure 6.3 Typical organisation leadership structure

Typically organisations have leadership structures focused primarily on the

management of ongoing business operations. (See Figure 6.3.) Project and
programme leadership tends to come from within a function. This structure
can be effective for management of small initiatives, where the scope and
impact of the initiative falls under the remit of one particular function, but
tends to be less effective when cross-functional needs have to be considered.
Often with this structure, programme/project work is pushed to second
place whenever operational crises (the day job) occur.
When a larger proportion of an organisation’s activity is dedicated to
change programmes, the programme leadership organisation can be changed

Programme architecture

to reflect the balance, and the need for leadership focus and support across
both programmes and operations.


Functional Director Functional Director Strategic


Functional Functional
Manager Manager
Project/ Project/
Programme Programme
Manager Manager

Figure 6.4 Organisation leadership structure incorporating project/programme


In the structure shown in Figure 6.4, the delivery of programmes is recog-

nised on a par with the management of the business, and has direct
executive-level focus and clear programme delivery accountabilities defined.
There may also be dedicated and skilled programme resources supporting a
strategic programme division.
One problem not overcome by this model is the fact that programmes
need to call on resources and expertise which typically reside within the oper-
ational functions. Having two separate executive organisations for
programme delivery and functions can lead to power struggles and competi-
tion for critical resources. This is often referred to as a matrix environment,
and is illustrated in Figure 6.5.

Sales and
Editorial Production Distribution
Prog responsibility
Mgr A

Mgr B

Figure 6.5 A matrix environment

The EPM framework

Matrix environments vary across different organisations. in so far as the

balance of power can vary between the programme managers and the func-
tional managers. In all matrix environments, a key element of programme
architecture is to identify and establish mechanisms by which resources can
be utilised most efficiently according to the combined priorities of both
operations and programmes.
It is worth noting that the structure of programme leadership can change
throughout the lifecycle of a programme. In programmes where the majority
of the work is in the design or development cycle, a separate programme struc-
ture with distinct programme accountabilities can be effective. For
programmes where there is a large degree of implementation activity that
impacts the business functions, a structure that incorporates functional
accountability for successful implementation becomes more appropriate.
Resolution of conflict around the sourcing of resources is sometimes
managed by having a dedicated organisation-wide scheduling function. More
often, the process for sourcing programme resources resides within a
programme management office (PMO).


There are many different PMO models, and there is no correct model, as the
role of the PMO is always best designed to fit the needs of the specific organ-
isation or programme. However, there are a number of PMO types that
commonly occur. In this section we describe these, and draw attention to the
pros and cons. However this is a developing area in supporting programme
and project delivery in organisations, and we have devoted a whole chapter
in Part II to our view of a new model that supports the enterprise pro-
gramme management approach described in the book.

Strategic portfolio management office

The primary objective of a strategic portfolio management office (SPMO) is
to facilitate the strategic management of key programmes and projects within
an organisation, such that the portfolio of initiatives reflects what is most
critical to the organisation. An SPMO usually reports to a CEO or at an exec-
utive team level (see Figure 6.6).
Key functions of a SPMO are as follows:

• Works with the senior executive team in developing the design of the
programme portfolio based on the strategic plan.
• Prioritises programmes and projects in terms of strategic value, using
high-level financial and benefit assessments of alternatives.
• Initiates new programmes and projects.

Programme architecture


Functional Director Functional Director Strategic


Functional Functional
Manager Manager
Project/ Project/
Programme Programme
Manager Manager

Figure 6.6 Organisation leadership structure incorporating strategic programme


• Closes down or kills programmes and projects where the objectives have
either been met or are no longer considered relevant or important.
• Tracks the realisation of benefits from programmes, and the progress
against high-level plans.
• Creates ‘programme charter’ documentation that describes the
programme and priority, and details the nature of the authority that is
being given to the programme manager in order to take and deploy the
organisation’s resources.
• Ensures priorities are clearly understood by the organisation such that
resource is deployed in the most appropriate way.

Programme management office (directive)

In this model (see Figure 6.7), the PMO leads and controls the projects and
programmes. The PMO has the power to dictate standards and processes, and
has the authority to resolve disputes across competing initiatives. Typically, the
PMO has full-time staff, some of whom are deployed onto specific projects and
programmes in order to establish and enforce the common standards and
programme architecture requirements as set out by the PMO. This type of
PMO typically manages the sourcing and scheduling of resources.
While involved in supporting strategic programme management activities,
this type of PMO is primarily focused at establishing programme delivery
mechanisms and controls.

Programme management office (supportive)

In this model (see Figure 6.8), the key activities of the PMO are similar to
those of the directive PMO; however the power relationships are different.

The EPM framework


Functional Director Functional Director Strategic


Functional Functional
Manager Manager Programme

Project/ Project/
Programme Programme
Manager Manager

Figure 6.7 Organisation leadership structure incorporating a directive programme

management office


Functional Director Functional Director

Functional Functional
Manager Manager

Project/ Project/ Programme

Programme Programme Management
Manager Manager Office

Figure 6.8 Organisation leadership structure incorporating a supportive

programme management office

Also known as a programme support office (PSO), it exists to support and

provide assistance to projects and programmes, often focusing on more admin-
istrative support. The programmes themselves, however, report to and are
controlled and steered by leadership outside the PMO function. The risks of
this model are that the PMO can become ignored and marginalised, and lose
effectiveness if not profiled effectively by strategic programme leadership.
Typical functions of both the directive and supportive PMO are as

Programme architecture

• Sets the PMO function as a critical process embedded into the organisa-
tion’s infrastructure, so that use of it cannot be bypassed. (Rules tend to
be more stringent for the directive model.)
• Develops and maintains processes and procedures for gathering and
reporting consolidated project data and schedules. Documents what
deliverables are being produced and when.
• Highlights key programme interdependencies.
• Aligns implementation plans across interdependent initiatives.
• Monitors all key decision points, the dates by which a decision is required,
and the impact of the decision, through maintenance of schedules.
• Performs regular project risk assessments by identifying future areas of
major risk and providing advice on potential corrective actions to mitigate
the risks.
• Manages the mechanism for early issue raising, issue communication and
issue resolution.
• Highlights the key critical issues that may impinge on the successful
delivery of the projects.
• Monitors changes in terms of their impact on scope, cost and delivery
time frames against the target schedule.
• Enhances problem solving by proposing alternative high-level solutions
and their associated implications.
• Assists in timely decision-making on the overall control of projects.
• Manages resource scheduling across the projects in a programme, and
sources new resources where required.


Other common programme leadership mechanisms are the steering group,
design board and change control board.

Steering group
This is a committee, usually composed of the programme or project sponsor
and other executives who have a legitimate stake and interest in the programme
or project. The role of the steering group is to monitor the progress of the
initiatives, act as a decision-making body for the resolution of issues, take a
strategic view of programme risk management and approve risk response strate-
gies. Typically, the steering group is responsible for authorising changes to the
programme or project budget and the use of contingency funds.
Criteria for successful steering groups include:

• a composition of people who have legitimate interest in the programme

and have the authority to take decisions and make things happen

The EPM framework

• ability to consider the programme in the context of the wider strategic

• accountable for the decisions that are taken.

Design board/design authority

On programmes where there is a strong technical aspect to the product, a
design board can be used as a body responsible for the coherence and applic-
ability of the product design. This group is responsible for ensuring that the
design of the solution meets the needs and objectives of the organisation,
and acts as a key quality assurance and control function.

Change control board

Where the nature of the project is complex, the total impact of a change request
may not be fully apparent to the programme management or leadership. A
change control board, (often, but not always the same composition as the
design board) is composed of people who understand the technicalities of the
products being produced, the methodologies and processes being employed,
and the risks involved. The role of this group is to assess the impact in terms of
cost, schedule and above all risk, of a request for change. To be effective, this
board needs the authority to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to particular changes.
Typically, design and change control boards report alongside the
programme manager to the steering group.

Independent research and our experience have shown that effective leader-
ship and team working are critical determinants of the success of
programmes and projects in delivering value in organisations. However these
areas are the least well developed in many organisations, and often little time
and effort is given to supporting programmes effectively.
We have identified five key areas that should be considered and
addressed in the design of the appropriate programme architecture to
support development of enterprise programme management capability.
The roles of senior executives in leading and supporting decision-making
need to be defined clearly and the appropriate governance bodies imple-
mented. These may be different from existing organisational structures, and
how they interrelate needs to be determined carefully. Senior executives may
need support in developing change leadership roles.
The development of high-performing programme and project teams needs
to be supported with the appropriate human resource policies addressing
recruitment, training, performance management, reward structures and
career development for those deployed onto projects and programmes.

Programme architecture

Communication mechanisms need to support the sharing of knowledge,

create an understanding of how programmes and projects are linked to busi-
ness objectives, and support collaborative and often dispersed team working
The appropriate infrastructure, whether working environment, technology
or systems, needs to be provided for project teams.
A process of cross-organisational resourcing needs to be developed and
visible to allow effective resourcing of critically skilled people onto projects
and programmes.
All these elements need to be specific to the organisational environment
and the nature of the programmes being delivered. This chapter has given an
overview of some of the key considerations for developing an effective pro-
gramme architecture to support enterprise programme management. The
process of adapting and flexing programme architecture is likely to be
continual, to support the evolution and development of the organisation.

7 Change architecture: managing
the human side of change

Imagine you are in the midst of managing the biggest programme of your
career. However, some of the board members don’t support your plans –
they now have very different views on what the end game should be.
Employees are not making the changes you told them about. Is it because
they do not want to or are not able to? The current team structures do not
lend themselves to the new routines, so people are getting frustrated. You
worry that you are about to lose some of your best performers.
This scenario is more common than it needs to be. In today’s complex
business world, we tend to forget some basic logic:

Delivering a programme means changing the organisation in some way.

We know that organisations are made up of people.
So delivering a programme means helping people to change.

Helping people to change is absolutely crucial to delivering a successful

programme. An effective change management approach can help you to:

• ensure that everyone in your business has a clear and shared vision of the
programme and its goals
• secure the commitment of top leadership and key stakeholders
• build organisational structures that will embed, rather than prevent, the
• communicate to the wider organisation so that they know what is going
on and when they need to take action
• maintain motivation in employees who might be weary of successive
• develop a culture that will support the required change
• build a change capability that helps drive organisational agility in the

The above is not a wish list – it is attainable, and for a successful programme it
is a must. The objective of this chapter is to guide you through a simple frame-
work to identify and manage the people challenges that will drive (or else
hinder) the success of your programme. We call this ‘change architecture’.

Change architecture


Hundreds of books have been written on the theory of change management.
We do not intend to replicate that work, but do encourage you to explore
the theory further if you would like to build or improve your understanding.
However, there are some fundamentals to keep in mind as you read this
First, all those impacted by (or involved with) change will go through their
own process of accepting the change. This is a highly personal journey,
although from experience we can identify some key phases:

• Understanding: being aware of the upcoming change and its basic

• Positive perception: starting to support (though perhaps not openly)
the change.
• Try-out: willingness to experiment with the new work processes or
behaviours, whilst essentially doing jobs as before.
• Adoption: following a positive try-out experience, implementing the
changes on a day-to-day basis (although effort is still required to avoid
slipping back into the ‘old ways’).
• Internalisation: accepting the changes and turning them into habits
and routines. Sustaining and improving them moving forward.

Each phase brings diverse human reactions, and requires the use of a variety
of change interventions, such as education, coaching, new team structures
and cultural change. We will return to the idea of acceptance throughout this
chapter, but be aware of the different phases as you build the change archi-
tecture for your own programme.
Figure 7.1 depicts the change acceptance process, as well as the risks of not
managing the change.
Second, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to meeting the needs of
your programme. Change is situational. Both the magnitude of the change
and the organisation’s readiness for that change differ from company to com-
pany, from programme to programme. They probably differ in the following
two ways:

• Magnitude of the intended change:

– number of stakeholders involved
– impact on core competencies
– timeframe to implement the change
– number of people impacted by the change
– extent of behavioural change required
– number of simultaneous changes to processes, technologies and

The EPM framework

Degree of support for the programme

Ownership phase

Buy-in phase Try-out

Positive perception
Awareness phase

Unawareness phase

Unawareness Confusion Negative Decision not to Change aborted Change aborted

perception support/attempt after initial after extensive
installation utilisation utilisation

Organisational response to a lack of coordinated change management

Figure 7.1 The change acceptance process

• The organisation’s readiness for the change:

– support from key decision makers
– degree of management consensus
– understanding of the need for change by those impacted
– past history (success/failure) of change
– need for changes in the company culture
– resources allocated to the change.

Third, change is systemic. Change cannot be viewed from a purely ‘tech-

nology’ perspective, nor for that matter from a purely ‘people’ perspective.
Remember to see the bigger picture of change, from all angles (such as
behavioural, procedural, technological and structural). Also be aware that
what you do in one part of the business may impact other parts, and vice
Fourth, the change process must be linked to business and performance
goals in order to be both aligned and effective. Successful programmes
articulate the impact of the programme on the business, and then set about
developing and measuring indicators of success.
Above all, keep in mind that it takes time to change. For example, while
a technology implementation can theoretically be done in a defined
number of months, it takes significantly longer to gain user buy-in and to
realise the intended benefits. Expect the change journey to be an ongoing

Change architecture


As with programme architecture (discussed in Chapter 6), change architecture
is a management discipline that supports each programme level, from strategic
portfolio management through to individual project delivery. But while
programme architecture is concerned with what happens within the programme,
change architecture is clearly
focused on the human
Strategic impact of the change beyond
the programme.
management So what is change archi-
Benefits tecture? It is the process of

realisation Strategic portfolio

crafting an overall change
an Program

ge me

strategy and planning inter-

ar archit
ch ectu

Outcomes ventions to drive the change.

ite re

Programme delivery management

It also involves overseeing

the detailed design and

Outputs Project management
implementation of the
change interventions, and
Figure 7.2 The enterprise programme making appropriate adjust-
management framework ments to the strategy and
plan. Change architecture is
relevant to individual projects or programmes as well as a portfolio of
Specifically, it involves three overall phases:

1. Developing the change strategy.

2. Planning the change journey.
3. Embedding and reviewing the change.

The emphasis of change architecture activities will typically change as the

programme progresses. In the early stages of the programme, for example,
the focus will be on understanding the specific needs of the business and
developing the optimal change strategy. The focus will then shift to planning,
at a high level, the appropriate interventions to enable the change, such as
communication networks or organisational restructuring. As these interven-
tions are put in place, the focus will shift to embedding and reviewing the
change activities to ensure that the ‘right’ changes are actually taking place.
Each programme has specific needs; however the typical focus on change
activities can be summarised, as shown in Figure 7.3.
Change architecture is not a linear process. The critical factor underpin-
ning successful change architecture is to identify and meet programme needs,
whatever the maturity stage of the programme at hand. For example, a port-
folio of programmes may require a continuous, long-term cycle of checking

The EPM framework

Developing Planning the change


the change journey

strategy Embedding and

Figure 7.3 The phases of change architecture

the indicators of change against the portfolio’s change strategy and plan, and
making adjustments where necessary.
In summary, however, we believe that there is a huge advantage in taking
the time to design the optimal change architecture, and then making
strategic adjustments as the programme progresses. This is where change
architecture differs from contemporary change management. The latter
often jumps to the what, why and how of the change plan, such as a detailed
organisation design or a new performance management system. In some
cases, these detailed areas can become independent work streams of their
own, with little strategic coordination. Change architecture avoids these pit-
falls by first designing the overall solution at a high level, then overseeing
design and implementation.
Why do we use the word ‘architecture’? Consider the role of the design
architects on a building development. They are responsible for interpreting
the client’s brief, developing a vision for what the building will look like,
then creating the blueprints that will bring that vision to life. Once the blue-
prints are agreed, the architects then commission builders, plumbers,
plasterers and electricians to bring the plan to life. The architects brief these
tradespeople, but they leave the details to the experts in each area. As the
building work proceeds, the architects closely monitor building progress,
making adjustments where necessary to ensure that the work continues to
reflect the overall vision.


We discussed earlier the benefits of an effective change programme,
including ensuring that everyone has a clear and shared vision of the pro-
gramme, building organisational structures that will embed the change, and
motivating employees who might be weary of past changes. When it is
viewed as a key component of the strategic programme management frame-
work, however, we can also see how change architecture contributes directly
to the success of the overall programme. (See Table 7.1.)

Change architecture

Table 7.1 The contribution of change architecture

Programmes that are effective Change architecture contributes by:

Shape the right programme Ensuring that the programme strategy is

strategy for the organisation aligned to the strategic direction of the
business, is attainable, and is tailored to the
business context and capability to change.
Deliver the programme Scoping the activities needed to realise the
objectives and realise the benefits from a people perspective, assessing
expected benefits evidence of the actual organisational change
against the planned change journey.
Flex in response to changing Revisiting the people activities and adjusting
business needs appropriately.
Achieve a successful Selecting and prioritising the optimal people
organisational transition making interventions, e.g. performance management,
the best use of scarce resources, cultural development, organisational design.
money and time
Have visible commitment from Defining the strategies for generating
the programme’s stakeholders ownership of the change within the
stakeholder group.
Mobilise employees to work Establishing the conditions in which
effectively in new ways employees understand and are enabled to
Create capability within the Working with the organisation to identify
organisation to sustain the responsibility within the organisation to
change ensure knowledge and skills transfer.

In practice, the benefits of change architecture are specific to the pro-

gramme and business under consideration. In later sections, we highlight the
need to identify the benefits and expected contribution of the specific change
activities being undertaken.


Earlier on we identified the three phases on change architecture. What actually
happens in each phase?

Developing the change strategy

The change architecture process begins by understanding the context and
issues of the programme and business, including an assessment of the organi-
sation’s readiness for change. Based on this, the appropriate people interven-
tions are then selected to create the optimal solution given the available
resources, money and time.

The EPM framework

The interventions fall into two categories: support infrastructures and people
interventions. Support infrastructures are underlying support networks to
enable people through the change (such as communications, stakeholder
management, and training and development). Support infrastructures are
usually only in place for the programme duration.
On the other hand, people interventions are specific solutions that are
designed and implemented for longer-term use. Examples include perfor-
mance management systems, reward strategies and organisational designs.
They exist beyond the programme and become part of the business as usual,
future state.

Planning the change journey

Once the appropriate interventions have been identified, change architecture
then focuses on planning these at a high level. This is called the change jour-
ney. The change journey outlines the key milestones and phases for each of the
interventions. It provides a high-level view of what change activities must
happen at what point in the programme in order to deliver the expected
outcomes. A change journey will include both supporting infrastructures and
people interventions.
Undertaking this high-level planning prompts careful consideration of the
synergies and interdependencies between different change activities.
Mapping out activities in this way facilitates testing and manipulation of the
plan, and ultimately results in an effective plan which is closely aligned to the
needs of the overall programme.
Once in place, the high-level plan will inform the subsequent detailed
planning, design and implementation activities which will be undertaken by
other change resources.

Embedding and reviewing the change

A key outcome of the change architecture process is to ensure that the
change is embedded within the organisation. It is critical that the organi-
sation is able to sustain the change beyond the programme or project.
There are two areas of focus here. The first is to identify and leverage
opportunities to build individual capabilities and share learnings from the
programme. The second is to identify and track ‘indicators’ of change
throughout the programme, in order to ascertain whether or not the
intended changes are taking place. The results of this review allow adjust-
ments to be made to the change architecture to ensure it is aligned to the
desired programme outcomes.
At the same time, change architecture must also be sensitive to changes to
business and programme priorities. If these changes take place, then the
change architecture must be reviewed and adjusted as necessary.

Change architecture


The objective of this chapter is to provide some practical guidance for identify-
ing and managing the people and organisational challenges of your programme.
Because change is so situational, there is no generic solution or methodology
that can be plugged into your own programme. Instead, we can help you to ask
the right questions that will
enable you to create the Planning the change

change architecture that will the change journey

work for your organisation. strategy Embedding and

The following sections
therefore tap into our expe- Time
rience to pose questions to
consider and suggest out- Figure 7.4 Phase 1 of change architecture
comes of each stage.

Phase 1: Developing your change strategy

This first stage is critical. The aim is to work with key stakeholders from the
organisation and the programme team to:

• understand the programme vision, strategy and goals

• create a comprehensive solution to meet your people challenges
• identify the links between the people work and the broader programme

Understand the business case for change

Before doing anything else, you need to understand the context of your busi-
ness, the reasons for changing, and its ability to make the change. Ask
yourself (and others):

What is our business strategy, our key goals?

Why is the organisation undertaking this programme? What are the
business drivers?
Are there any related programmes planned or underway?
Is there evidence of the need for change? Can we describe why this is
What is our experience of past changes?

Taking the time to find answers to these questions will provide a good con-
text for identifying the real needs of the business. It will also help you

The EPM framework

understand (even if only at a general level) the company’s inbuilt capability

to change.

Question the scope and pace of the programme

At this point, you will want to understand the extent of the change to be

What is the ‘people’ scope of this programme?

What will be the magnitude, pace and style of the change for key
groups across our organisation (for example, employees, management,
shareholders, suppliers)?
What change principles or assumptions should guide this programme?

After answering these general questions, you will need to understand exactly
who will be impacted by the programme and how they should be involved.

Analyse the needs of stakeholders and audiences

There are two general groups of people you should be interested in: stake-
holders (who have an influence on the programme) and audiences (who
will be impacted by the programme). The buy-in of both groups is critical.
A failure to understand this will jeopardise programme success. See
Chapter 14 for advice on how to conduct an analysis of stakeholders and

Investigate current capabilities to make the change

Is your organisation ready and able to make the necessary changes?
Questions to ask include:

Have stakeholders bought into the upcoming changes?

Are audience groups aware of what will happen?
Is there a shared vision of what the future will look like, after the
Will the company’s culture help or hinder the changes we need to make?
Do our leaders have the ability to lead this change?
Do we have an ability to communicate to the right audiences at the right
Does the current organisational structure support the future vision?

Change architecture

How robust are our People and HR processes? Will they support the

In some cases, programme resources and senior personnel will have the
answers. In other cases, you may need to hold focus groups or conduct staff
surveys to answer these questions.
The output for these steps should be a documented understanding of your
company’s context, the business case for change, and a preliminary assess-
ment of your company’s readiness to make the change. Based on the above,
you can then begin to shape the change strategy for the business.

Select the most appropriate change interventions

Once a good understanding of the high-level people requirements is
achieved, you can then choose the appropriate people interventions that will
help deliver the change. Remember that there are two types of interventions:
support infrastructures and people interventions.
Every programme and business will require a unique set of interventions.
However these may include those listed in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2 Change interventions

Support infrastructures People interventions

Creating a programme vision Changing the culture

Managing stakeholders Redesigning the organisation structure
Development of leadership abilities Identify future competencies
Communication to audiences Designing performance management and
(internal and external) reward systems
Building employee skills Updating human resource policies and

How do you know which interventions to include? Ask yourself the


What are the critical success factors from a ‘people’ perspective?

What interventions will be required to deliver this change?
Which interventions will deliver the optimal solution given the available
resources, money and time?

These are hard questions which will take time to answer, and will also ben-
efit from the experience of those who have been through similar exercises.

The EPM framework

The output should be a list of agreed interventions within the constraints of

resources, money and time.

Clarify the contribution of your planned change activities

The involvement and commitment of the organisation is a key driver of pro-
gramme success. Ironically, the investment made in people and change
activities is often the hardest to justify. You should identify the contribution
of your change activities: this will be critical when explaining the work of
your resources as well as focusing team efforts:

What benefits are we trying to achieve?

How do they link to the bottom line?
When will these be delivered?
How are we going to measure the success of the change initiatives?

Define the change strategy

Document your change strategy early on. While it is expected to be a living
and breathing document, actually writing the strategy can help clarify the
intended approach and identify possible gaps. It is also a useful document
when describing the change activities to others.
The content of your change strategy is strictly situational. However you
may want to use the following sections:

Executive summary
The business case for change
Description of the future state
Programme requirements
Scope of the change activities
Guiding principles
Recommended interventions (and rationale)
Contribution management
Next steps

Change architecture

Phase 2: Planning the change journey

Following creation of the change strategy, this phase will focus on:

• defining each interven-

Planning the change tion in further detail

the change journey • building an integrated

strategy Embedding and
high-level plan describ-
ing each intervention
Time • creating a one-page
journey map to describe
Figure 7.5 Phase 2 of change architecture the overall change pro-

When we speak of the change journey, we mean the high-level activities

and milestones that need to take place in order to realise the intended
changes and benefits. It is a high-level plan of what needs to take place,
and when.
In phase 1 you have identified the appropriate interventions. Before cre-
ating the high-level plan, these interventions will need to be explored in
further detail. To do this, you may find it useful to complete Table 7.3 for
each intervention.

Table 7.3 Analysis of change interventions

Intervention E.g. Organisation design

1 Purpose:

2 Objectives:

3 Milestones and outputs:

4 Requirements:

5 Stakeholders impacted:

6 Links to other work streams:

7 Assumptions:

8 Resource requirements (including

numbers and skills/experience):

9 Risks:

10 Timeframes:

The EPM framework

This basic information will allow you to continue with your high-level
planning, and is also a good way to identify your resourcing needs. Be as spe-
cific as possible when detailing your resource requirements: skills, experience
and knowledge are critical when it comes to change management. Consider
the best strategy to acquire these skills: internal (already exist; develop skills;
recruit) and/or external (consultants, contractors). Once resources are
assigned, be sure to involve these people in your planning from now on.
When creating the high-level change plan:

How will the people activities be integrated with the overall plan?
What are the inter-dependencies between the people interventions?
What are the key milestones and deliverables?
What do these look like over time?

The output should be a high-level change plan including key dependencies

between the various areas of focus and with other parts of the programme.
Most people choose to use Microsoft Excel or Project for this. Many com-
panies also find it useful to create a one-page pictorial representation of the
plan. It focuses the team on the key activities, and helps communicate them
to others. An example is shown in Figure 7.6.
Remember that it will take some time to scope each intervention in sufficient
detail. The need for and scope of each intervention will be specific to your
programme. To give you a head start, however, we have explored some of the
more common support infrastructures and people interventions below.
Every programme is unique: only some of the following are likely to be
applicable to your needs.

Shape your approach to stakeholder management

Stakeholder management is the process of identifying and involving those
who will have an influence over the success of your programme, both inside
and outside the organisation. Your stakeholders might include the board,
your shareholders, employees, customers, business partners, suppliers and
the community.
Effective stakeholder management is vital for every programme. To define
your stakeholder needs, ask the following questions:

Who are the stakeholders in this programme?

What roles do they play?
Can we influence them?
Is there visible sponsorship of the change?

Change architecture


GO Final
1 Jul 1 Oct 1 Jan 1 Apr 1 Jul LIVE 1 Oct 1 Jan roll-oo ff
2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 28/9/01 2001 2002 1/2/01
How does this
support CRM
Co-ordination of
Workstream mgt Mobilise and manage workstream change initiatives
Business involvement
Stakeholder mgt Create, implement and review stakeholder plans and commitment
Agree eCRM vision and create
journey maps
Visioning Defined and share
Create and execute vision roll-out plan vision for the future
Organisational Assess organisational readiness for
change and share results Change support
Articulate ‘As-Is’ and Environment and
Cultural ‘To-Be’ culture behaviour supportive
Test and finalise
change blueprint Integrate cultural work into programme of new vision
Leadership Design and co-ordinate Leadership Development Programme Leadership awareness
and skills
Employee understanding
Communication Develop and implement communications (aspirational and tactical) and commitment
Design Speaker
SkySpeakers network Employee involvement
and buy-in
Mobilise, co-ordinate and review
Co-ordinate change aspects of Effective transition
Telephony drop telephony drop to new technology

Develop organisation design for customer service

Design other in-scope
Optimal organisation
Organisation areas structure to deliver
design vision
Plan and support implementation

Design customer service competencies Defined skills,

Competency Design competencies for behaviours and
model other in-scope areas knowledge required
Plan and support implementation to achieve vision

Plan the eJPM process

JPM Design support for JPM process Resources matched
to operational needs
Plan communications and support implementation

Plan impact Understanding of

Impact analysis analysis process Perform analysis
changes required
Needs identification and management
Training a nd Build skills in
delivery Co-ordinate development and delivery of training support of new vision
Recommend actions to sustain CRM

Strategy and ‘asis’

Recruitment and Procure high calibre
High level design Detailed design resources to support
orientation vision
Upskill business

Design and implement interim Design and imple-

Assess ‘asis’ Achievers 2 ment Achievers 2 Aligns individual and
Performance Design and implement SHS performance organisational
management objectives and
management Source IT system to support performance management business success
Design and implement corporate performance management

Attracts required
Reward Reward
Design reward elements Implement skills and motivates
Assess ‘asis’ Develop retention strategy and plan
Retention Develop retention strategy elements
Implement Retain high
strategy performing employees
Review and evaluate retention
and turnover statistics

Operational Org. design and Ready and able to
finance competency model
support the business
Support implementation

B o l d text = Critical areas of focus
Dependencies: Successful
Progressive ‘exit’ points completion of the above. People and
change activities are largely
dependent upon timely completion
of Process, Technology, Location,
Implementation and Migration
APRIL 2001
1 Jul 1 Oct 1 Jan 1 Apr 1 Jul 1 Oct 1 Jan
2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002

Figure 7.6 Example of a high-level change plan

The EPM framework

Where are they in the change acceptance process?

What process do we require to maintain effective relationships with both
internal and external stakeholders?

You can translate the above into a high-level stakeholder management plan,
and mobilise resources to create and manage the detailed plan.

Shape your high-level strategy to manage individual transitions

We already know that those involved with your programme will go through
the change acceptance process. Although people will probably start out at
different stages of the process, every person will need to make a personal or
individual transition from one stage to another. This personal journey is
often called ‘individual transitions’.
Why focus on individual (rather than organisational-wide) transitions?

• Individuals have unique capacities for change.

• During change, there is the need to acknowledge and address the ‘me’
• Change involves both personal gains and losses (and there are often
more losses than gains at the lower levels of the organisation).
• Major change, implemented quickly, can tax the capacity of individuals
to absorb it.

To craft an effective transitions plan, ask the following questions:

Do people themselves recognise that they will go through a change

acceptance process?
What can we do to help people deal with their own change issues?
How can the other change infrastructures be used to deliver transition
What are the transition messages that we need to get across?

The outcome of your work will be a high-level strategy to manage individual

change through the use of the other change infrastructures. For example, use
your training resources to deliver your key transition messages.

Shape your approach to communication

Effective programme communication is about communicating with the right
people at the right time in order to secure their involvement and buy-in. It
means understanding what is important to those who have an influence over

Change architecture

the programme, and interacting with them in an engaging and effective way.
Ask yourself the following questions:

Is there a need for immediate communication with and involvement of

the wider organisation?
How can the initiative be positioned within the organisation in a com-
pelling way?
What has worked/not worked before?
What are the key messages we need to get across?

Answering the above should give you an early view on the communications
needs of your programme, enabling you to agree first principles and mobilise
the appropriate resources to develop and execute the plan.
Communications – both internal and external – is a vital area of focus for
any programme. For advice on how to build a programme communications
capability, please refer to Chapter 14.

Shape your approach to a change agent network

Delivering on a programme vision often requires change (sometimes
dramatic) at various levels in a business. Our work with clients shows that
face-to-face communication, involvement and role modelling are vital in
assisting people through change. In addition, most people tend to prefer
face-to-face communication to more formal mechanisms.
But in large organisations today, it is not possible for leadership, or even
the programme team, to reach everyone in this way. We also know that many
people prefer communications to come from people they know, often those
who work with them, rather than from a distant senior manager. So in some
programmes, particularly those that are large scale, we need to create a local
network of people to reach everyone and help them make the change. This
is what we call a change agent network. The objectives and processes of these
networks vary from company to company. Would your programme benefit
from a change agent network? How would it work? Ask yourself the
following questions:

Will the organisational transition require support from a change agent

Do infrastructures already exist in the organisation that can be utilised as
a change agent network?
Are there other programmes and business initiatives that the change
agent network should be integrated with?

The EPM framework

Should the change agent network focus on those directly impacted by

the organisational transition, or should it also include those indirectly

The outcome of this exercise will be an understanding of the need for a net-
work, high-level principles for its operation, and potential resources. If you
decide to go ahead with this network, then you will want to assign resources
to its development.

Shape approach to training and leadership development

Training and development opportunities for both leaders and employees will
play a crucial role in building the necessary capabilities for programme suc-
cess. In our experience, every programme has required some form of training
and development support
Training and development is often a time and resource-rich exercise.
Before launching any training initiatives, think through the following:

Do the organisation’s leaders require additional capability to support the

organisation transition?
Will the organisation’s transition best be supported by a formal training
programme or utilising informal organisational learning?
What is the extent of training needed in terms of audiences impacted?

The key outputs here are areas of focus for capability building as well as an
understanding of the extent of training and development required. You will
want to mobilise resources as early as possible.

Shape approach to cultural change

Company culture is a key factor of programme and business success, but
what do we mean by ‘culture’? Basically, organisational culture describes ‘the
way things are done around here’, including:

• the shared attitudes people have towards their work and the organisation
• the behaviours that are predominant and valued
• the quality of relationships (both internal and external)
• what constitutes success and how it is recognised.

Do the current behaviours and values of the organisation drive or

hinder the changes you are trying to make? In our experience, every signif-
icant business change requires some form of behavioural or cultural

Change architecture

How would we describe a culture that would support the new vision and
What would this ‘to be’ culture look, feel and sound like?
How would we describe the ‘as is’ culture?
Are there any disjoints between the ‘as is’ and ‘to be’?
Is cultural change needed? What interventions should we consider?

Cultural interventions can vary widely, but may include:

• articulating a new culture (including values and behaviours)

• delivering training to reinforce new behaviours
• updating performance management and reward systems to reward the
new behaviours
• helping leadership to ‘model’ the new behaviours.

Key outputs include a high-level view of the gap between the ‘as is’ and ‘to
be’ as well as opportunities to close that gap.

Shape approach to organisation design

Organisation design is a key method of implementing change. If depart-
mental and team structures continue to reflect the ‘old way’ of working, then
change is harder to embed. If employee role descriptions remain unchanged
in the face of new processes, then change is again hard to secure. In practice,
organisation design is a practical and tangible way of signalling and
supporting change.
In general terms, organisation design is defined as:

• Scope: the processes and activities that each part of the business com-
pletes and is accountable for.
• Structure: the formal structures, boundaries, groupings and reporting
relationships required across the business to deliver the above scope.
• Roles and dependencies: the resources required to deliver the scope and
structure, including the purpose and dimensions of each role, and specific
indicators of performance.

Before undertaking any detailed organisation design activities, consider the


What are the key structural implications of the change we are undertaking?
How are our competitors structured? Can we learn from them?

The EPM framework

How are we currently structured?

Will our current structure meet our future needs?
If there is a need for organisation design, at what point in the pro-
gramme must structures and roles be changed?

The outputs of this exercise include a view on what organisational design

changes, if any, are required as well as the point at which they will be needed.

Shape approach to performance management and reward

Aligning the change process to performance management and reward is one
of the fundamental principles of change architecture. If people are to change
the way they work and behave, then these changes need to be aligned to the
way they are measured and rewarded. This concept is relevant to all organi-
sational levels, and can also be applied to external parties such as suppliers
and partners.

Do people in our organisation understand what they are measured and

rewarded on?
Are our current performance management and reward systems linked to
key performance indicators?
If we could change the current systems, what would they look like?
What are the biggest hurdles we face with respect to performance man-
agement and reward?

The key outputs from this high-level analysis include an outline of the ‘to be’
performance and reward infrastructure, and an appreciation of the barriers

Shape approach to human resource processes and policies

The human resource (HR) processes and policies will underpin the extent
to which both the programme is successful and the proposed changes
become ‘business as usual’ activities. HR processes and policies include
resource planning, recruitment, induction, performance management and
reward (as discussed above), retention and succession planning. Each of
these processes must support achievement of the programme and business
goals. Ask yourself:

What are the key HR processes and policies in our business?

How do these relate to business success?

Change architecture

To what extent do we think they are fulfilling their objectives?

Can we prioritise the redesign of those processes that will have the
biggest impact?

The key outputs include a summary of the contribution of current HR

processes and policies, and a view on which require redesign.

Phase 3: Embedding and reviewing the change

So far the focus has been on building and mobilising change activities that
will support achievement of the programme goals. However, we also need to
make sure that the change
architecture continues to be Planning the change

aligned to the programme, the change

and that these activities are strategy and reviewing
actually having the right
impact. Time
The focus for the ‘embed-
ding and reviewing the Figure 7.7 Phase 3 of change architecture
change’ phase is therefore
to interpret evidence of the organisation’s transition, and to ensure that the
change initiatives planned are aligned with the changing state of the organi-
sation. In addition, this phase concentrates on embedding changed
behaviours, and transferring skills and knowledge to ensure long-term
sustainable change.

Interpret indicators of organisational change

To establish if you on the right track, think through the following:

Is the organisation showing early signs of responsiveness to the change?

What evidence indicates that the organisation is changing in the desired
Are people becoming more aware of the change and the reasons behind it?
Are people demonstrating new behaviours?
How is the value in the contribution model being realised?

Carefully examining these questions should result in:

• an understanding of the areas in your organisation in which people are

successfully demonstrating new behaviours, and areas in which they are not

The EPM framework

• an assessment of actual change against the planned change journey

• a sense of the actual pace of change at grassroots level
• An assessment of the contribution of your team.

This valuable information enables you to refine or redevelop aspects of your

change architecture.

Review and evolve the focus of change resources

Re-examine the way you have allocated change resources. The programme
itself will go through a number of changes through its lifecycle; your focus
must reflect this. Ask yourself:

Where is most focus required now?

How do the change journey and focus need to be adjusted in response
to indicators of organisational change?
As the organisation is evolving, what new change interventions are
required to embed the change?
Are there any new change initiatives being undertaken which necessitate
a change in our activities?

The outcome of this should be a continuously evolving change plan in

response to changing programme and organisational needs. Remember that
change is situational: changing your approach based on new circumstances
can be a positive step, not a failure to deliver.

Build organisational capability to embed and sustain the changes

One of the objectives of this book is to help to build internal capabilities for
use beyond the programme. This is essential not only to sustain the benefits of
the current programme, but also to maximise returns from future initiatives.
To build this capability, ask the following questions:

How do we ensure that capability required to realise the business benefits

exists within the organisation?
What does successful handover look like?
Is the organisation in a position to sustain the newly designed processes
and structures?
What requirements are there for ongoing change architecture support
beyond the programme?

Change architecture

How do we build capability within the organisation to ensure future

change initiatives benefit from the experience of this initiative?

The outputs should include:

• an agreed focus and approach to capability building

• agreed success factors for handover
• agreed handover plans and close-out documentation.

Delivering a programme means changing your organisation in some way. We
know that organisations are made up of people, so delivering a programme
means helping people to change. However, helping people to change is not
easy. Change is situational: no two programmes will have the same needs. No
two people will respond to change in the same way.
The key to success is to take the time to develop and deliver the appro-
priate change architecture that will meet the specific needs of your

1. Develop the change strategy. Understand the context and issues of

your business and programme, including the organisation’s readiness for
change. Based on this assessment, select the appropriate people inter-
2. Plan the change journey. Scope each intervention and develop a high-
level view of what needs to happen, and when. Consider the
interdependencies between the various interventions and with the
overall programme plan.
3. Embed and review the change. Leverage opportunities to build capabil-
ity and share programme learnings. Track indicators of change and make
the appropriate adjustments to the change architecture to put the
programme back on course. Be sensitive to changing programme priorities:
ensure that the change architecture continues to be aligned.

In closing, change architecture is a simple process that guides you through

the above activities, helping you to identify and manage your specific people
challenges. This not only enables programme success in the short term, but
also creates future organisational agility to deal with, and prosper in,
changing circumstances.

8 Developing an enterprise-wide
approach to programme and
project management

The T-Mobile story in this chapter describes how the company has developed
its own specific and successful approach to enterprise programme management,
which suits its business challenges and environment. The case also illustrates
the practical and integrated application of many of the ideas contained in
Chapters 3 to 7, and acts as a real-life summary of the first section of this book.


T-Mobile UK is part of one of the largest mobile communications compa-
nies in the world, and has more than 12 million mobile subscribers. It is the
UK network of T-Mobile International, the mobile telecommunications sub-
sidiary of Deutsche Telekom. Deutsche Telekom’s subsidiaries and affiliated
companies currently serve more than 86 million mobile customers world-
wide. T-Mobile’s UK network covers over 99 per cent of the UK population,
and its customers make around 260 million calls every week.
T-Mobile UK’s business has grown rapidly in a dynamic and evolving
market over the last ten years. Over this period, the huge scale and pace of
change and growth in the telecommunications market have demanded great
agility from telecommunications operators. This has resulted in the need to
deliver new business initiatives and products, serving new customers and
building a strong business infrastructure to support this growth. Maintaining
a strong focus on delivering value from strategic investments has been critical
to achieving business success in the sector.
This case provides an insight into how T-Mobile UK has succeeded in
building an enterprise-wide investment and programme management capa-
bility that is integral to the development of their business. The approach has
enabled the organisation to maintain the critical focus and control required
to create value from investments in a multinational business environment.
We initially describe the story of how T-Mobile UK evolved and developed
this capability over the five years to 2003, and how it currently manages a
portfolio of strategic investment projects through an enterprise-wide
approach. We also highlight the relevant examples of good practice from
T-Mobile UK to illustrate the practical application of the framework.

Developing an enterprise-wide approach

The T-Mobile UK Story

In 1998 One 2 One (as T-Mobile UK was then known) behaved as a start-up
business, managing initiatives to develop the business with speed and agility
but with very few formal controls. This approach served the business well in
the early days when the market was developing so quickly that achieving rapid
customer growth was the main goal. Most of the change initiatives arose from
sales and marketing activities, creating as many problems as they solved because
of the lack of structured implementation. Asher Rickayzen, T-Mobile’s Direc-
tor of Programme Development and Management, described it as ‘an anarchic
situation that we were trying to get on top of’.
T-Mobile UK’s first step was to create a Commercial Planning function to
start prioritising marketing initiatives into a programme, and to provide full
visibility of the marketing plan to the rest of the business. A project review
board was established to prioritise projects, using the strategic context and
resourcing requirements. Projects were evaluated serially in a chronological,
piecemeal fashion, with a limited amount of attention paid to the financial
consequences of a proposal.
The next transition involved leadership changes at the top of the organi-
sation following the purchase by Deutsche Telekom. The new leadership
team recognised the need for better company-wide control of initiatives,
broadening the scale of the Commercial Planning function to make it a busi-
ness-wide role. The expanded scope involved prioritisation of initiatives from
across the entire business, including those originating from Finance and
Customer Services.
With greater visibility of the organisational impact of all current and pro-
posed projects, it became clear to the leadership that T-Mobile UK was
trying to carry out too many initiatives. In response to this, the leadership
instigated two events that signalled its seriousness about managing strategic
change and focusing resources: the head of the Commercial Planning func-
tion was appointed a director of T-Mobile UK, and the number of projects
that were underway was radically reduced by 75 per cent through a two-day
review by the top leadership.
Other factors also played a role in creating the momentum for the devel-
opment of enterprise programme management. Among these was an
organisation-wide enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation which
forced T-Mobile UK to examine closely its business processes for the man-
agement of funds, with the objective of increasing investment control. This
indirectly gave rise to a process supported by systems to measure and track
the allocation of funds.
External factors were also important. The collapse of the value of the
telecommunications sector in 2001, brought about by the over-optimistic
demand forecasts for wireless communications and the ensuing scarcity of
capital, encouraged a more rigorous approach to understanding the value

The EPM framework

delivered from investments in programmes and projects. Through estab-

lishing a more formalised and consistent approach to financial business cases,
a tighter link was developed between the financial investment process, and
programme and project management activities.
Finally an internal business review, aimed at rationalising and streamlining
the way T-Mobile UK’s business was organised, resulted in all its project
management and project office resources being consolidated into a single
function called Programme Development and Management (PDM).
These various events and developments contributed to T-Mobile UK’s
current approach of supporting its business investment and development
through an enterprise PDM function responsible for managing project man-
agement resources and key process experts, together with facilitating the
investment decision-making process.
T-Mobile UK’s journey towards developing an enterprise programme
management capability evolved through a combination of needs and cata-
lysts. The business requirement to focus and control strategic investments,
the need to respond to a crisis in the market, and the implementation of
operational and system improvements, all created the desire for better con-
trol and management of their initiatives. Strong leadership support from the
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Finance Officer (CFO), clear
demonstration of leadership’s determination through the discontinuation of
non-priority projects and empowerment of the programme management
function, by creating representation and leadership at director level, were the
nurturing drivers that enabled the development of T-Mobile UK’s enterprise
programme management capability.

T-Mobile UK’s approach to enterprise programme management

T-Mobile UK’s approach is built around three fundamental principles,
‘Choosing the right things’, ‘Doing them right’ and ‘Achieving the benefits’,
and these are supported by the appropriate organisational processes, systems
and structures. Figure 8.1 illustrates the three elements and their relationship
with one another.
The investment management process is focused on the decisions of senior
executives to select projects that will create most value for T-Mobile UK:
‘doing the right things’. The project management process is focused on
developing and executing a consistent and effective approach to delivering
projects, supporting all projects with professional project managers and util-
ising a consistent project management process: ‘doing things right’. The
third element of the approach is project ownership, which ensures clear busi-
ness ownership for projects and the delivery of business benefits. This
involves developing the necessary leadership skills and capabilities to own
projects, and change management skills to deliver business changes:
‘achieving the benefits’.

Developing an enterprise-wide approach

anage Projec



Choosing the Doing them
‘right’ things ‘right’

the benefits

Pr ip
t Ownersh
Figure 8.1 The three elements of T-Mobile UK’s approach to enterprise
programme management

Investment management process

The organisation has a central fund available for investments in new business
initiatives. All project proposals require a business case that is presented in a
standard format. The business case is developed by both the business owner
and an independent specialised team of ‘business case consultants’ who sit
within the finance function.
Business cases are clearly linked to the business strategy, as they have to
demonstrate the way they will impact critical business key performance indi-
cators (KPIs). These cases are reviewed and approved by a Senior Investment
Board comprising key senior executives of the organisation. This includes the
CEO, CFO, Chief Technology Officer, Commercial Director and PDM
Director, thereby ensuring that the project will be assessed from a number of
Beneath the Senior Investment Board are a number of sub-investment
boards which review investments that are focused in one area of the business.
For example, the Network Investment Board deals with initiatives related to
their communications network. These boards have delegated power from the
Senior Investment Board, and also function as filters for the more complex,
cross-functional programmes or projects that need final approval from the
highest level.

The EPM framework

The board that approves the project business case will usually be the same
board that reviews progress of the project, tracks the investments and reviews
the benefits delivered. This provides consistency in decision-making and
accountability throughout the lifecycle of the project, from investment
through to the delivery of business benefits.
Another key aspect of the T-Mobile UK’s investment process is its strong
integration with the annual business planning process. Once a year, the busi-
ness reviews its current portfolio of programmes and projects, and identifies
additional initiatives, including the investment required to achieve their
strategic objectives. These proposed activities are built into the yearly invest-
ment budget and resourcing plans, but their funding and resource allocation
are not signed off. The final allocation of funds and resources to commence
is only authorised through the investment process outlined above.
In order to ensure that the output of this planning is a selective set of initia-
tives focused on the organisation’s strategy, rather than a ‘wish list’, up to 80
per cent of the process is performed by the PDM and Finance functions. It is
also the responsibility of the PDM function to ensure that all these planned and
budgeted initiatives are developed into project proposals and assessed by an
investment board. Projects that are authorised for implementation are allocated
project resources and a programme or project manager by the PDM function
through joint consultation with line resource managers.
Where possible, T-Mobile UK schedules its project portfolio so that not
all activities are happening at the same time. However, for extenuating rea-
sons such as competitive pressures, there are occasions whereby the business
has to execute more projects than is viably sensible. In these cases, T-Mobile
UK attempts to mitigate the additional risks by strengthening management
controls and increasing the focus on change management processes.

Corporate project process

At T-Mobile UK, the investment process is strongly linked to the corporate
project process, as you can see from the first two steps through the develop-
ment of the business case (Figure 8.2). Once the project has been approved
and funds allocated, the project becomes part of the portfolio of projects that
are reviewed and reported as part of the portfolio management process.
Progress, issues and risks for all projects in the portfolio are tracked by a
Corporate Project Office. These are reported to the relevant investment
boards, which meet fortnightly to review proposals and the status of invest-
ments. An overall portfolio report is produced to illustrate the progress of
the projects, drawing attention to key issues, such as risks arising from
interdependencies between projects.
A Programme Board also meets to review the management of the portfolio
on a more regular basis than the investment boards. The Programme Board
is made up of a cross-functional team of senior programme stakeholders,

Developing an enterprise-wide approach

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5

Check desirability Analysis and design Build and test Implement Closure

• Refinement • Develop • Launch • Learn from

• Strategic of project product/ product/ the project
assessment proposition service service • Acknow-
of project • Test accept- into the ledge
• Further ability
proposition project market project
prior to place completion
assessment launch
Key deliverables
• Stage 1 • Post imp.
• Stage 2 • Detailed • Test results report
Business case • Project
Business case design • Go/No Go
• Customer closure
• PID • Test plans document
experience notification

Figure 8.2 T-Mobile UK: the corporate project process

again of a diverse make-up, allowing the portfolio of projects to be reviewed

from different perspectives.
Although the corporate project process has now been established in the
organisation for some time, it is recognised that there is an ongoing need to
challenge, strengthen and enhance control of project execution. These needs
are met through a continuous improvement routine based on full documen-
tation of procedures and standards, updating of documentation as the
processes evolve, and proactive communication to all parties involved in pro-
ject execution. Training courses have also been created to familiarise
programme and project managers with the approach.
T-Mobile UK’s current initiatives are mostly organised into projects, with
programmes set up as and when the need arises to manage larger, more com-
plex and interdependent projects. One major programme that T-Mobile UK
recently undertook was its rebranding from One 2 One to T-Mobile in
2002. This was managed as a single programme of multiple, interrelated pro-
jects. The whole programme was reviewed and approved by the investment
board but projects within the programme were still individually assessed as
and when they occurred.

Leading and supporting delivery: creating clarity, defining roles and

developing skills
Most of the key groups involved in the management of the portfolio
(investment boards, Programme Board, Corporate Project Office) have
been described above. Each project in T-Mobile UK also has its own
governance, and is typically organised to have a project owner who

The EPM framework

is responsible for delivery of benefits, and a project manager who is

responsible for the implementation of the project. The project owner’s
role starts earlier and persists longer than the project manager’s.
Both the project managers and PDM Director are measured and rewarded on
the basis of whether projects are delivered on time, within the expected cost and
with the desired quality. It is the project owner’s responsibility to deliver the
business benefits from the business changes the projects have delivered.
In T-Mobile UK, there is a lot of emphasis placed on the role of a pro-
gramme or project owner. Choosing to deliberately steer away from the
common title of project sponsor, Asher Rickayzen explains T-Mobile UK’s
choice using an analogy quoted from Eddie Obeng:

Being a project sponsor is like being the Queen: you turn up to launch a
ship, smash the champagne, wave goodbye and welcome it back to port
six months later. This attitude is totally inappropriate for leading projects
in our business environment. We need ownership that is one of passion and
continual involvement in order to drive maximum realisation of benefits
out of the project.

T-Mobile UK therefore fills the role with a manager who is senior enough
in the business to be effective in ensuring the delivery of the benefits, and
to manage the integration of the project outputs into normal business
The project manager is appointed from a central pool of trained project
managers, and is responsible for the quality and timely delivery of the pro-
ject within the budget. Project managers are all trained in a project
management approach developed internally by T-Mobile UK, which draws
some of the key concepts and best practice methods from PRINCE2.
A common risk for project managers is that they take on additional tasks,
as a result of insufficient resources, which are actually line rather than project
responsibility. Clarity of the roles of project managers, project owners and
business managers is hence critical to the business. Training these project
owners and managers with the skills to perform these roles is therefore key.
Much of the training at T-Mobile UK focuses on leadership and ‘softer’ man-
agement skills such as stakeholder management, coaching skills, and
influencing and negotiation skills.
T-Mobile UK has started to invest heavily in activities that enable those
involved in managing change programmes and projects to be equipped with
the necessary ‘people’ skills to support their project teams’ delivery, as well
as to overcome organisational resistance to change. During the large-scale
ERP implementation, the importance of investing in the skills to support
people through business change was vital to the organisation embracing the
new system. Initially, T-Mobile UK relied on external professional support in
this area. Since then, the business has set up a team of dedicated change man-

Developing an enterprise-wide approach

agement specialists within its Human Resource department, who have devel-
oped an approach and toolkit to support change management. These trained
change agents are deployed onto projects where there are major change
requirements or implications. They also train project managers in the change
management skills.
The PDM function includes a resource pool of process experts. These
experts in specific business process areas are also deployed onto projects to
act as architects and catalysts to help improve core business processes.

Supporting systems
With the building blocks of its enterprise programme management capability
in place, T-Mobile UK is now looking to improve the efficiency and quality
of its project management processes by implementing a programme man-
agement system. It is its intention that basic project processes such as
planning, scheduling, resourcing, issue and risk management are not only
automated, but also tied into its ERP financial applications. The objective is
to have a common platform of interaction between activity-level project con-
trol and financial information. The programme management system will
enable company-wide portfolio reporting and management information,
strengthening integration of the investment management and project process
– one of the key objectives of the T-Mobile UK approach. Currently, the
ERP system is the main tool for the financial management process of
managing allocation and tracking project spending.

The future for T-Mobile UK’s enterprise-wide programme

management approach
T-Mobile UK has developed a robust programme management approach but
still acknowledges that it has some way to go to develop its programme man-
agement capability to its full potential. The business will continue to invest
in building the skills and capabilities of project and programme managers,
and in its change management capabilities. There is still more work to be
done in the area of benefits management, to create better visibility of the
business benefits delivered. T-Mobile UK also believes that automation of
the processes through the implementation of supporting systems will create
a much clearer view of its capacity for future change in the business. Finally,
the biggest challenge ahead for T-Mobile is to implement an effective enter-
prise programme management approach in its pan-European business
environment, to promote the efficient use of funds and resources at both a
national and international level. This will involve flexing the model that cur-
rently operates in its UK business; however, the principles of clear
decision-making, control of resources and ensuring a return on investment
will undoubtedly remain.

The EPM framework

Circumstances highlighted the organisation’s need for an enterprise pro-
gramme management approach, but identification of the issue was only the
beginning of its journey. We have seen T-Mobile UK’s model transform from
what used to be an approach foisted on the business in its early days to being
the de facto approach the business now embraces to initiate or manage busi-
ness change. The business has seen and acknowledged these processes to be
the easiest, most effective and objective way of approving and delivering
change in the business.
What was and still is key to T-Mobile UK’s success in implementing such
an organisation-wide approach and obtaining buy-in is not strangling the
business with bureaucracy and controls, but instead, providing support for
processes that enable the delivery of business change more quickly and with
greater benefit. This has been made possible through strong leadership
understanding, and support for development of programme management
capability as an effective means to control and focus investment and deliver
business value.
T-Mobile UK has grasped an excellent understanding of the need to
develop processes, structures, systems and personal skills to enhance its
organisational ability to deliver change and value as the company grew into
a multinational business. The challenge to improve and maintain its
programme management capability still continues.
Asher Rickayzen sums up what T-Mobile UK is constantly trying to

The objective of what we are trying to do is very, very simple. It is to create

an environment where the whole organisation understands the change we
are trying to implement, understands the value of that change, ensures that
we have the capacity and ability to deliver the change, and understands
(after the change has been implemented) that the expected benefits have

It is important to remember that the T-Mobile story is one of evolution and

development of an approach specific to its own business requirements. The
development of enterprise programme management in any organisation will
take time, and will need to be contextual and sympathetic to the nature of
the organisation and its environment.

Part II

Enterprise programme
management essentials
9 Introduction

In this section, ‘Enterprise programme management essentials’, we have

selected a number of topics for further discussion. The subjects we have chosen
for inclusion in this section are either key capabilities that are fundamental to
developing an enterprise programme management approach, such as risk
management, benefits management, resourcing strategies, and supplier
management and communications, or areas of new interest and increasing
importance in supporting an enterprise programme management approach,
such as programme management systems and the enterprise programme
management office.
The topics covered in Chapters 10 to 15 are summarised here.

Chapter 10: Programme management systems

Systems to enable enterprise programme management go far beyond the
capability of typical desktop project management tools, and can add radically
more value to the organisation as a whole. (Payback on systems support for
programme management can be very rapid.) This chapter explores the spe-
cific functionality required to unlock that value in a variety of programme
management situations, and provides practical lessons in implementation. It
includes: a definition of programme management systems; the functionality
that programme management systems must provide to be effective; the busi-
ness case for investment in programme management systems; systems
selection and implementation considerations; the interaction between pro-
gramme management systems and programme architecture and processes;
and example application mappings for typical programme management situ-
ations. Compaq Computer Corporation’s successful use of programme
management systems is described as a case study.

Chapter 11: Managing programme risk

This chapter looks at some of the key challenges faced when managing risk
across programmes, and identifies effective ways of rising to the challenge.
Through discussion of appropriate techniques for identifying, assessing,
communicating and managing risk, some developed from project disciplines,
some unique to programmes, you will see what approaches are suitable for

EPM essentials

you. A case study provides a real example of what has worked for a successful
organisation managing a successful programme. The experiences of deliv-
ering London’s Congestion Charging provide a framework for dealing with
large, complex, time-critical and highly political programmes that have inter-
related social, economic, environmental, political, financial and technological
constraints. If these risk factors had not been managed proactively and
pragmatically, it is unlikely the programme would have been successful.

Chapter 12: Benefits management

Many business change programmes fail to deliver the benefits on which their
business case and investment was originally justified. The Office of
Government Commerce estimate that 30–40 per cent of projects to support
business change deliver no benefits whatsoever. The ongoing costs and risks
will usually be monitored, but the anticipated benefits are not so easy to
define and quantify. Benefits management, within the enterprise programme
management context, tries to ensure that business change achieves valuable
results by translating business objectives into identifiable, measurable
benefits and systematically tracking and communicating the results.
Benefits management is the activity of identifying, realising and tracking
the expected benefits from business change to ensure that they are achieved,
and of identifying and minimising the negative impact of change.
This chapter focuses on the continual process of planning, identifying,
structuring, tracking and evaluating benefits.

Chapter 13: Managing suppliers

It is one thing delivering programmes involving multiple internal organisa-
tions, with the usual conflicting priorities, organisational boundaries, internal
politics and previous histories. When it comes to working with external
providers, particularly multiple external service providers, in a business change
programme with tight commercial and delivery demands, there are a huge
number of new challenges for the programme team to understand and manage.
These challenges arise from differences in style, cultural, contractual and
commercial pressures, as well as more familiar problems such as coordination
and issue resolution.
In this chapter, we consider the practical approaches that programme
leaders should adopt when delivering complex, integrated and technology-
heavy programmes. We consider the pressures and approaches when working
with multiple internal and external service providers working together to
deliver an integrated IT solution within an overall programme that also
includes new business processes, and organisation and commercial/legal
arrangements to achieve a business imperative. We follow through a recently
completed programme that involved many internal and external service


providers to deliver a new online internet business for an existing global

travel and leisure company, MyTravel plc.

Chapter 14: Building a communications capability

Effective programme communications are about communicating with the
right people at the right time in order to secure their involvement and buy-
in (whether they are employees being impacted or senior managers who will
need to make key decisions). It means understanding what is important to
those who have an influence over the programme, and interacting with them
in an engaging and effective way. It means establishing communication
mechanisms that are relevant to the programme, rather than just using ‘busi-
ness as usual’ techniques (which are made for ‘business as usual’ situations,
rather than complex cross-organisational changes).
Importantly, programme communications is not just about sending the
right messages: it’s also about tapping into ideas and expertise that exist
outside the programme team, then using this feedback to improve the
Overall, we believe that the ability to communicate with your organisation
as you implement programmes is an essential capability in today’s market.
Developing and using this capability will not only help you achieve the goals
of your programmes, but will also help you deliver long-lasting and sustain-
able change within your business. In addition, a communications capability
is just one characteristic of high-performance programme teams – teams that
can act as a competitive edge for your business, as discussed in earlier chap-
ters. The objective of this chapter is to help you build this capability by laying
the foundations for a robust communications strategy and plans.
The approach is illustrated by a case study on a major change initiative at
TUI UK (formally Thompson Travel Group).

Chapter 15: The enterprise programme management office (EPMO)

This chapter integrates many of the ideas introduced in this book and exam-
ines the role, benefit and value of an enterprise-wide programme
management office in providing, maintaining and developing an organisa-
tion’s programme management capability and infrastructure. In using the
term EPMO we are referring to an enterprise programme management func-
tion and capability. This deliberately goes beyond the traditionally accepted
definition of a programme management office (PMO). The case study on
ABN-AMRO, one of the world’s largest banks, illustrates the new role of a
more strategic and enterprise-wide programme management office.

10 Programme management

Almost everything in a modern organisation is automated, yet the activities
that can contribute most to an organisation’s success, strategic programmes,
are frequently run with little or no specific systems support. Organisations
that embrace the need for enterprise programme management must imple-
ment the necessary systems to support and drive the development of that
Programme management systems can provide assistance to:

• ensure alignment of activities across multiple projects

• optimise the use of resources
• communicate with and involve people, both within and outside the
• drive the achievement of strategic objectives, and the delivery of benefits.

Systems to enable enterprise programme management go far beyond the

capability of typical desktop project management tools, and can add radically
more value to the organisation as a whole. (Payback on systems support for
programme management can be very rapid.) This chapter explores the spe-
cific functionality required to unlock that value in a variety of programme
management situations, and practical lessons in implementation.
This chapter includes details relating to:

• a definition of programme management systems

• the functionality that programme management systems must provide to
be effective
• the business case for investment in programme management systems
• systems selection and implementation considerations
• the interaction between programme management systems and programme
architecture and processes
• example application mappings for typical programme management
• case studies to illustrate the successful use of programme management

Programme management systems

This chapter does not include a specific analysis of any of the currently-avail-
able software packages, beyond references to packages within the case
studies. The software solutions for programme management are developing
rapidly, and any specific analysis would likely be out of date before publica-
tion. In addition, any specific analysis would not address organisations’
requirements in their own context, and thus could be misleading.


Programme management systems are those applications that enable the
delivery of interrelated projects with common goals. They:

• assist in the coordination of resources, timescales and scope across

project teams
• facilitate the effective deployment and sharing of skills and knowledge
across the programme
• track and manage issues, risks, delivery of benefits and alignment to
programme objectives
• provide executive management with a ‘dashboard’ on programme
• provide programme management with the information and levers that
they need to effectively manage programmes.

Programme management systems are often thought of as multi-user

project management systems with enhanced resource management, and
this is where many current solutions originated. However, to effectively
deliver the above objectives within and across organisations, the scope of
programme management systems must extend beyond this into areas such
as workflow/collaboration, knowledge management and management
reporting. In addition, to work effectively within an enterprise, programme
management systems must be integrated with the other applications used
to run the business.


Although programmes vary greatly in scale, complexity, cost and goals, the
systems requirements of programmes are typically very similar (as with the
processes and organisation structures to run effective programmes). The sys-
tems requirements of a programme are typically delivered by several
applications: a combination of specialist packages and a business’s existing
Figure 10.1 and Table 10.1 describe a logical architecture for programme
and project management systems, illustrating the building blocks of
functionality that are required, and how they interrelate.

Purchase Contract
order management

Capital Benefits case Management

asset tracking reporting

Direct costs
Budgeting and capture and Programme
planning status Communication
reporting (email)
Financial reporting
management Task/action
Financial capture and management
reporting reporting Programme
Timesheet Scope mgmt
recording and change
Time control Diary
Resource Programme management
capture and management
Expense reporting communications
Issue forum
capture and
payment management Communication
Programme Programme
HR/resource planning and library
management Risk
portfolio mgmt management

management Project Project Document
tracking and management/ Knowledge
planning management
reporting workflow

Programme Ongoing
Programme Project business Scope of PM
functions functions and project
functions functions systems

Figure 10.1 Logical architecture for programme management systems

Programme management systems

Table 10.1 Explanation of the logical components

Logical component Description

Project planning Planning of projects by a project manager, incorporating

task scheduling, dependency management and
budgeting. Also includes ability to use template plans
and estimating guidelines.
Project tracking and Monitoring of progress against plan by a project
reporting manager, including analysis of critical path progress.
Document management A solution to provide version control of documents
workflow and manage approval routes.
Programme planning The ability to coordinate multiple projects with
and portfolio interdependencies, using the same resource pool.
management This includes both schedule and financial aspects
of portfolio management.
Task and action The ability to assign and receive progress updates
management on tasks within aproject.
Scope management Controlling key project scope definition documents,
and change control and managing approval of any plan or budget
changes arising.
Issue management The allocation of responsibility for solving issues,
and maintenance of an audit trail of issue progress.
Risk management The identification and quantification of risks,
assignment of a risk strategy and assessment of the
impact of risks on the overall programme.
Diary/events The management of project meetings and calendars to
management provide effective coordination across the programme.
Communications A programme ‘workspace’ where project resources can
forum access key project documents, receive up-to-date
information and discuss ideas.
Project/programme A document repository for key templates and standards,
library and also storage of controlled copies of final
deliverables, key contract documentation etc.
Direct costs capture The capture of all costs coming in via purchase
and reporting orders/invoices from third parties.
Expense capture and The capture of out-of-pocket expenses incurred by
reporting project and programme personnel.
Time capture and The capture of hours worked by project and
reporting programme personnel, and reporting of this
against budgets and to calculate project/
programme progress.
Contract management The linking of contract requirements to milestones
in the project plan (this is much smaller than the
complete scope of contract management).

EPM essentials

Table 10.1 continued

Logical component Description

Financial management The financial monitoring of the programme, including

budgetary management, committed spend reporting,
cashflow analysis and reporting for corporate
Resource management The ability to assign resources to a project, manage
pools of resource and allow operational managers to
track their reports’ commitments.
Benefits case tracking The tracking of project outcomes against initial project
Programme status The reporting of project progress on schedule and
reporting financial bases to all stakeholders.

The role of existing business applications

Existing business applications (those used to manage the ongoing business)
also have a key role to play in delivering an effective programme management
systems solution.
To the left-hand side of Figure 10.1 are the elements of functionality typi-
cally delivered by financial or ERP applications, and the control processes
that surround those. These are typically interfaced to programme manage-
ment systems to provide a source of data, and may also take information back
for reporting purposes. The benefits of relying on existing applications for
this functionality include:

• the ability to rely on existing control processes in areas like procurement

• no need to implement additional processes which may be at odds with
those already in existence
• integrity controls which should already be in place for financial data in
existing systems.

To the right-hand side of Figure 10.1 are the existing collaboration and man-
agement tools that can assist programmes. Adopting existing systems and
processes in these areas (where they have the required capability) can speed
adoption of new processes due to user familiarity with existing systems, and
ensure knowledge acquired during the programme will be available to the
business after the programme has concluded.
One specific area where existing systems often do not have the required
capabilities is knowledge management. Leading programme management
solutions offer this functionality, with extended capability in the areas of
most relevance to programme effectiveness: for example, methodology
managers to capture project lessons and reuse these in future project plans.

Programme management systems

Key characteristics of programme management systems

In addition to the specific elements of functionality considered above, there
are certain characteristics that all effective programme management systems
must possess:

• Ease of use. Programme management systems must be intuitive to all

users (for at least their basic day-to-day requirements). For many
people interacting with a programme, the activities of the programme
are not part of their regular job. Even with good training, occasional
users soon forget what they have learnt. Effective solutions usually
provide a role-specific user interface that simplifies the functionality
that the user sees, supported by online help.
• Accessibility. Programmes are typically distributed across locations,
many of which may not be office-based. Solutions must cater for
multi-user access by programme resources to the systems they need,
ideally allowing for both online and offline working.
• Single source of reliable data. One of the major benefits of
programme management systems is the access of all resources to a
‘single version of the truth’. This is true for programme plans,
programme metrics (progress, cost and so on) and key documents
(scope, organisation charts and the like). This requires strong
control over the integrity of data coming into the programme
management system, and also good version control for documents
and reports.


There are many ways in which investment in programme management sys-
tems can be justified. The major benefit drivers for programme management
systems fall into three key areas:

• Reduction in programme risk (this is often phrased as ‘improvement in

business control’, but a quantification of the reduction in risk/exposure
is necessary to ascribe this a financial value).
• Increased efficiency of programme resources (this is a key benefit but is
very difficult to quantify reliably).
• Reduction in programme administration overhead (the value of this
benefit is often significantly less than the benefits above, but this can be
the easiest benefit to quantify in monetary terms if it results in a straight
headcount saving).

These major benefit drivers are considered in more detail below.

EPM essentials

Additionally, there is often a need to define or justify the complete scope

of a programme management systems solution, and the extent of integration
with existing business systems. The business case drivers for each logical
component of functionality are considered.
Finally, there is often a need to justify the requirement for integration to
existing systems, as this can be costly. In many ways, integration is an enabler
of the other benefits, rather than a driver of benefits in itself. This is also

Reducing risk
Major strategic programmes can be a ‘bet the company issue’ – in terms of
size of investment, competitiveness, and impact of issues on continuing oper-
ations. In these cases risk typically only needs to reduce by a few percentage
points to justify the additional expenditure.
There are a number of key risks areas where the effect of programme man-
agement systems can be quantified. These typically occur at different stages
of the programme:

1. Procurement risk. This occurs early on in the programme, where the

main contractual costs are committed, and relates to obtaining best value
for money from vendors who will deliver reliably. Fraud risk on major
contracts is included in this risk area.
2. Budgetary risk. This occurs throughout the programme, and relates
to the control of spend that is not committed in the upfront
procurement. Fraud risk on ongoing expenditure is included in this
risk area.
3. Delivery risk. This also occurs throughout the programme, and relates
to the ongoing progress and coordination of projects within the
4. Scope risk. The scope of the programme must be controlled carefully to
ensure resources remain focused on the key deliverables, and to minimise
the complexity and interdependencies.
5. Transition risk. This occurs towards the end of the programme, and
relates to the effective transition to a post-programme environment
with minimal disruption to ongoing operations. This risk is closely
linked to delivery risk, but the programme management tasks become
more complicated and business-critical as many of the component
projects of the programme conclude concurrently, and hard deadlines
for transition are set.

To quantify the benefit of risk reduction arising from the implementation of

programme management systems, it is easiest to quantify the amounts at
stake for each of the above risks, and quantify the anticipated potential reduc-

Programme management systems

tion in risk by surveying the stakeholder group. (Mathematical quantification

methods are more objective, but the data to perform calculations can be very
difficult to source.)

Improving efficiency
Efficiency benefits that apply to all programme resources arise in a number
of ways:

• Increasing the overall utilisation and focus of available resources. This

arises from visibility of the projects that each resource is assigned to, and
being able to view their actual allocation of hours. Under-utilised
resources can be given greater workload, over-utilised resources can be
relieved before burn-out, and any inappropriate focus on lower-priority
activities can be corrected.
• Improving the deployment of appropriate skills: maintenance of skills
databases, and scheduling of resources on the basis of skill-set, can
increase overall efficiency.
• Improving planning and estimating efficiency and accuracy: many pro-
gramme management systems include the capability to capture learnings
from previous projects, and the ability to use previous projects and stan-
dard plan formats as planning and estimating templates. This reduces the
time spent in planning and estimation, and increases overall plan accu-
racy. Across a programme with many interdependencies, the ability to
plan each project accurately has a major influence on the ability to opti-
mise the critical path and thus minimise the time and cost required to
deliver strategic goals.
• Improving reuse of knowledge and deliverables.
• Improving efficiency of communication.

Streamlining administration
The key areas of programme administration where systems can help to
increase efficiency are:

• Reporting. Complex programmes have many stakeholders and commu-

nities of interest, all of whom have their own specific reporting
requirements. Compilation of these reports from multiple data sources
can be a major source of administrative overhead. Also, manual compi-
lation typically results in reporting delays, reducing the value of
information, and also errors and lack of trust in the data. A systems
architecture that delivers a ‘single version of the truth’, and enables
report production, can eliminate the overhead while also improving the
timeliness and quality of reports.

EPM essentials

• Scheduling. Assigning resources to projects and tasks, and sourcing

resources to meet forward estimates of workload, can be a significant
management and administrative overhead. Systems can greatly improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of scheduling.
• Planning. Systems can put more power in the hands of project
managers for the preparation of plans and tracking of cross-project
dependencies, reducing the need for dedicated planning resources.
Correctly configured systems can also ensure that control over over-
all programme timescales is maintained in a distributed planning

Table 10.2 explores the business case drivers for each logical component.

Table 10.2 Business case drivers for each logical component

Logical component Business case drivers

Project planning Reducing risk and streamlining administration.

Planning across the programme in a controlled,
consistent manner, incorporating all
dependencies and adopting estimating
Project tracking and Reducing risk and streamlining administration.
reporting Project managers can only work with the
information available to them. Also, if tracking
is not up to date, programme milestones and
dependencies cannot be monitored with any level
of certainty.
Document Increasing efficiency and streamlining administration.
management Document management, including version control,
workflow check-in/check-out and audit trail on updates, is key if
several parties are working on the same document.
This supports scope control and effective
communication across the programme.
Programme Reducing risk and increasing efficiency. Effectively
planning and monitoring the delivery of the programme, and
portfolio ensuring that resources are optimally deployed and
management focused.
Task and action Reducing risk and increasing efficiency. Many resources
management will be involved, with many streams of activity,
especially at the critical transition time. Having clear
allocation of responsibilities, and a definitive picture of
progress, is critical to the successful programme

Programme management systems

Table 10.2 continued

Logical component Business case drivers

Scope management Reducing risk. Any changes to budgeted spend should

and change control be tightly controlled. Also, any proposed schedule
slippages will have knock-on effects across the
programme, as will scope creep.
Issue management Reducing risk. Systemising issue management increases
visibility and management control.
Risk management Reducing risk. Research has shown that effective risk
management increases the predictability of programme
outcomes by a significant amount. A 15 per cent
increase in predictability in relation to a major
programme can have a very large financial impact.
Diary/events Increasing efficiency and streamlining administration.
management Ensuring that people know what is happening when
increases efficiency in itself, and the general feeling of
organisation that a well-managed programme diary
creates will bring additional productivity gains through
focus of resources.
Communications Increasing efficiency. This can make the process of
forum induction and multi-site working much easier and
make project resources feel more involved even if
they only play a small part in the overall programme.
Project/programme Reducing risk and increasing efficiency. Storage of
library lessons learnt and programme standards enables the
programme to estimate, plan, communicate and work
more effectively; while having a central repository of
key documents allows resources to easily find the
information they need.
Direct costs capture Reducing risk and increasing efficiency. Keeping control
and reporting of external costs requires a tightly controlled
purchasing process aligned with the project structure.
Expense capture Reducing risk and increasing efficiency. Keeping control
and reporting of expenses requires a tightly controlled process.
Expense processing can also be a major administrative
Time capture and Reducing risk, increasing efficiency and streamlining
reporting administration. For certain types of resource, the
hours of effort give an indication of progress and
overrun. Accurate time data allows management
to ensure that employees are spending their time
on the high-priority areas. Also, a manual timesheet
process can be a significant administrative overhead.

EPM essentials

Table 10.2 continued

Logical component Business case drivers

Contract Reducing risk. Allows project managers to easily

management reference the contractual terms of delivery from
contractors. Can also be used to link payment
milestones to the completion of plan milestones.
Financial Reducing risk. This is essential for financial control and
management compliance with with external requirements (corporate
reporting, audit, etc.).
Resource Increasing efficiency and streamlining administration.
management For certain types of resource, this capability can greatly
improve efficiency and focus on important things.
This capability also enables the business to identify
forthcoming skills gaps in sufficient time to resolve
Benefits case Reducing risk. Monitoring the out-turn of the project
tracking against its expected benefits greatly increases the
likelihood that the expected benefits will be delivered.
Programme status Reducing risk and streamlining administration.
reporting Enabling programme and executive management to
take the right decisions in a timely manner, and
ensuring that project managers and administrative
resources are not excessively burdened with reporting

Business case drivers for integration with existing systems

The key value drivers associated with the integration of programme management
systems with existing business systems include:

• Maintenance of a reliable ‘single source of the truth’ over a period of time.

This does not release value in itself, but it is difficult to realise the report-
ing benefits listed above (reduction in reporting administration, reduction
in manual information gathering) if the data is not integrated reliably.
• Elimination of ‘dual-keying’. Data should be entered only once (wherever
makes most sense) and then used everywhere it is needed. Systems integra-
tion enables this, and the benefits are increased data integrity (due to reduced
opportunity for manual error) and savings in programme personnel.


Selection criteria
Many criteria must be applied in the selection of programme management
systems. Meeting functional requirements is important, but other factors

Programme management systems

such as ease of adoption and fit into existing technology can be equally
important, particularly for programmes within and across existing enter-
prises. The key selection criteria, and how they interrelate, are described in
Figure 10.2.

Selection process
Critical success factors for selecting programme management systems are:

• Develop a balanced scorecard for selection. This should incorporate

the functional and non-functional factors outlined in Figure 10.2, along
with a weighting of their relative importance.
• Consider sets of solutions, not just single packages. A complete pro-
gramme management solution will typically incorporate several
applications, including those already in use within an organisation.
Consider alternative combinations of applications, and the relative
ranking of these, to get the best total solution.
• Ensure executive sponsorship from early on in the selection process.
Senior management should view programme management systems as
their ‘eyes and ears’ in tracking the progress of programmes and the
delivery of strategic goals. It is therefore essential that they are involved
right from the start, so they have ownership and trust in the selected
• Ensure involvement of key influencers across the business early on
in the selection process. Gaining adoption of programme management
systems is always a major challenge. By gaining cross-business involve-
ment from the start, and carefully choosing who to involve in the
selection process, subsequent implementation activities can be made
much easier.
• Always progress the selection process to its conclusion through
demonstration and pilot stages, even if the best solution appears clear
from initial functional rankings. The demonstration and pilot stages are
key both to ensuring full buy-in and commitment from the user com-
munity and senior stakeholders, and also for learning about the selected
applications and how they can best work together prior to committing
to a full roll-out. A little extra time spent on these stages will repay time
and cost in the full roll-out.


The major challenges in implementing programme management systems are
rarely technical: most issues relate to acceptance of systems by users, and
getting a consistent quality of data input. There is also an additional challenge
if the systems are being implemented at the onset of a major programme,

Scope considerations
considerations Server Database
• Speed of access • Speed of access
• Scalability • Scalability
Potential • Ease of configuration • Ease of configuration
functional uses Functional fit • Supportability • Supportability
• Planning considerations
• Resource management
• Task management
• Issue and risk management Apps Operating system Hosting
• Financials development • In-house
• Document/version control requirements • Existing architecture? (within firewall)
• Document repository • Off-the-shelf?
• Security/access • In-house
• Communications considerations (outside firewall)
• Customisation
• Impact on existing • Third party
Interface types
• Fully integrated apps
• Manual interfaces considerations Vendor
Co-ordination with Financials
Interface with... existing project/ Vendor stability
programme initiatives • Licensing costs
• Finance systems • Support • Financial viability
and tools • Track record
• HR/resource • Training
management systems • Infrastructure • Support/partner
• Procurement Roll-out • Business case network
• Knowledge-sharing • Business acceptance • Upgrade path
apps. of need/benefit
• Ease-of-use/similarity
to existing tools

Figure 10.2 Selection considerations for programme management systems

Programme management systems

getting sufficient time from programme personnel for implementation

activities at the same time as programme mobilisation activities, and before
programme resourcing has reached its steady-state level. Practical implemen-
tation steps to overcome these hurdles are considered below.

Adopt a phased roll-out approach

Programme management systems are best implemented and introduced in
a gradual way, so that programme staff learn with the systems as they
develop, rather than being presented with full functionality all at once.
This is also a cost-effective way to roll out systems: although the imple-
mentation activities go on for longer, the later requirements are informed
by early implementation learnings. This means that the system is ultimately
a better fit to the business’s requirements, and that functionality addresses
real needs rather than those areas initially viewed as important from a less
informed position.
Implementations typically begin with a pilot, and then gradually roll out
functionality in easy stages, such as by groups of projects or groups of
resources. Advanced functionality and reporting is also rolled out in a phased
manner, as are interfaces to existing applications. (See Figure 10.3.)
Although roll-out in this way is gradual, there are certain aspects of func-
tionality that should be in place right from the start: document templates, plan-
ning templates, programme resources and basic programme communications

Pilot release Release 1 Release 2
Key milestones Basic functionality Basic functionality for new Additional functionality and
limited group of key users and high-priority projects integration, more projects
Foundation Business engagement
Pilot design Pilot rollout Release 1 rollout
Business foundation Basic functional Limited number Begin with new projects
Policy implications solution, limited scope of users and high-priority areas
and process design Further
Release 1 design Release 2 design releases
Refine design for first Increase functionality, Ongoing
functional roll-out address more areas deployment
Technical set-up and
Application install, refinement
Pilot build and test Release 1 build and test Release 2 build and test
environment set-up Basic application Refine application Refine application
and data model design configuration config. for full roll-out config. for full roll-out

Data cleansing, migration and integration

Tidy up of legacy data, mapping to new data model, transfer onto system

Characteristics of approach

• Phased roll-out of functionality with rapid deployment cycles gives faster delivery of benefits, reduced
risk, better adoption by users.
• Roll-out phased by project or impacted community.
• Data conversion and integration continues until data completely transferred, all required interfaces
in place.

Figure 10.3 Typical phased roll-out approach

EPM essentials

should all be available within a system before it is released to users. Imple-

mentation of systems presents an excellent opportunity to gain consistency of
approach across projects. If the disciplines are not there from the start, it is very
hard to introduce them later, and the opportunity is lost.

Invest in training
Many programmes make the mistake of not investing in training for all sys-
tems users. They thus fail to realise the benefits and the control that the
systems can bring. Training is essential, and should focus on programme
management processes and techniques, with systems training wrapped
around this. In this context, the training should be seen as an investment in
the development of programme management capability, rather than just a
requirement for roll-out.

Implement processes and systems simultaneously

Training should be delivered on a just-in-time basis, or else all of the key
messages will be forgotten. Thus the training plan and the roll-out plan must
be linked seamlessly, with staff being trained in new processes, techniques
and disciplines at the same time as they are required to adopt those processes
to perform their day-to-day activities.

Develop a ‘change agent’ community

From the pilot onwards, the initial users should be the greatest advocates of
new systems (as well as the greatest critics!), and are the most effective
resources to train and support new users. Ideally, the pilot should be
resourced with personnel who will then play a super-user/change agent role
in subsequent roll-out. This should be made clear to them from the outset,
and they should be trained specifically in this role.
The concept of the change agent community goes beyond the ‘train the
trainer’ approach recommended by many software vendors as a cost-effective
way of delivering training. The super-users/change agents are specifically given
an ongoing role (with appropriate development objectives and incentives) in
addition to their day-to-day roles within the programme to:

• maintain a greater level of systems knowledge than standard users

• support their colleagues in the learning curve that continues after the
formal training
• represent their user community in ongoing systems refinement
• communicate the implementation activities and benefits to their user
• lead by example in the adoption and use of systems.

Programme management systems


Core programme management systems
Programme management systems are only effective if they are part of a
strong programme management organisation with clear, consistent
processes, as described elsewhere in this book. Good systems cannot make up
for deficiencies in the programme management structure, nor can they
replace the key programme meetings and forums through which progress is
discussed, risks are managed and issues resolved. The key areas in which
systems do help include:

• capturing a reliable source of information on all aspects of the

• producing reports for key meetings and to enable resources to do their
day-to-day tasks
• providing templates, examples and lessons learnt to all programme
• supporting communication across the programme
• automating programme management processes through workflow.

Communications infrastructure
One area of technology that does not fall strictly into the definition of ‘pro-
gramme management systems’ but which can greatly assist the effective
running of a multi-site programme is video conferencing and web confer-
encing. Given the one-off and developmental nature of many programmes,
informal communications between programme resources are at least as
important as formal communications.
Programme staff may be working as close colleagues with people on dif-
ferent continents that they have never met, and know little about, so
informal communication needs to be promoted actively. On a large multi-site
programme it is often impractical, if not impossible, to get programme staff
co-located even once in the life of the programme. Thus it is important to
make several channels of communication easily available, and persuade pro-
gramme staff to spend time working with each other via all available
communication media.


This section considers a number of generic application mappings to the log-
ical elements of programme management system functionality, representing
typical programme management system situations.

EPM essentials

Stand-alone or cross-enterprise programme

A stand-alone or cross-enterprise programme is one where links into existing
enterprise systems are not particularly important, or are impractical because
of the potential need to link into the systems of several different enterprises.
A typical scenario is a development programme (construction, systems or the
like) performed under a consortium or joint venture arrangement. Under
this arrangement no one party wishes to fully integrate the programme into
its systems, and thus the programme requires a stand-alone infrastructure of
its own.
The situation is slightly complicated if the programme vehicle is a sepa-
rate legal entity with statutory reporting obligations. Under this circum-
stance additional accounting functionality is required, as illustrated in
Figure 10.4.

Enterprise programme
For a programme that is performed substantially within the context of a single
enterprise, the links into existing systems are far more important. In the first
instance, user adoption will be much easier, and later on it is more likely that the
new programme management capabilities will become successfully embedded if
the systems deployed link seamlessly into ‘business as usual’.
A typical application architecture in this scenario is outlined in Figure
10.5. The extent to which existing ERP/financial/MIS solutions are used to
provide programme management functionality is largely dependent on the
capability of the specific systems already in place.

Programme management systems are very valuable tools for supporting an
enterprise programme management approach. To support multiple cross-
organisational projects the systems must, in addition to planning, scheduling
and resourcing, support workflow/collaborating knowledge management
and management reporting. Integration of programme management systems
with other business applications is becoming increasingly important to
provide consistent and consolidated information.
Programme management systems add value by reducing risks, improving
efficiency and streamlining administration. It is important to consider
carefully the selection of appropriate systems, based on rigorous selection cri-
teria including scope and functional fit, integration feasibility, business case,
vendor suitability and technical considerations.
The following case study illustrates many of these points and shows the
successful use of programme management systems in a multi-project global

Purchase Contract Core programme and project management application
order management

Capital Benefits case Management

asset tracking reporting

Budgeting and Direct costs Programme

capture and Communication
planning reporting status
reporting (email)
management Task/action
Financial Expense
capture and management
reporting reporting Programme
Timesheet Scope mgmt
recording and change
Time control Diary
Resource Programme management
capture and management
Expense reporting comms.
capture and Issue forum
payout management Communication
Programme Programme
HR/resource planning and library
management Risk
portfolio mgmt. management

management Project Document/
Project tracking and Knowledge
planning management
reporting workflow management
* where significant external Programme Project Programme Standard Scope of PM
reporting requirements exist functions functions and project business systems
functions functions

Figure 10.4 Logical architecture application mapping: stand-alone programme

Purchase order Contract Core programme and
management management project management application
Existing ERP/
Benefits case Management
Capital asset applications tracking reporting

Budgeting and Direct costs

capture and Programme
planning status Communication
reporting (e-mail)
Financial reporting Existing
management Task/action e-mail/
Financial Expense
capture and management calendar
reporting reporting Programme
Timesheet Scope mgmt
recording and change
control Diary
Time capture Resource Programme management
and reporting management comms.
Expense forum
capture and Issue
payment management Communication
Programme Programme
HR/resource planning and library
management Risk
portfolio mgmt management
management Project Project Existing Document
tracking and management/ Knowledge
planning document workflow management
Programme Ongoing Scope of PM
Programme Project and project business
functions functions systems
functions functions

Figure 10.5 Logical architecture application mapping: enterprise programme

Programme management systems


A Primavera Systems case study, February 2002

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Benchmarking Partners is an industry analysis, consulting, and software firm
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global best practices in key business processes.
Benchmarking Partners serves clients in three practice areas:

• Championship mobilization: supporting corporate champions in mobil-

ising their own organisations to realise value from complex initiatives.
• Champion-centred selling: standing behind many of the world's most
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• Opportunity acceleration: working in partnership with leading innovators
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EPM essentials

Primavera Systems sponsored research performed in support of this case
study. We would like to thank all the employees of Compaq who contributed
their time and insights to this process.

Company profile
Compaq Computer Corporation, acquired by Hewlett-Packard Company in
May 2002, was a leading global provider of enterprise technology and
solutions. With annual sales of US$33.6 billion, Compaq was the third
largest computer company in the world. Compaq designed, developed, man-
ufactured, and marketed hardware, software, solutions, and services that
were sold in more than 200 countries.
Global Business Solutions (GBS) provided Corporate IT support to the
entire organisation. The Worldwide Programme Management Office (PMO)
was created in 1999 to better control project management throughout the
entire enterprise and was charged with developing consistent project
methodologies and processes to improve project performance.
The Compaq PMO matrix consisted of 24 PMO offices across the enter-
prise responsible for over 1100 active projects. Over 1400 project managers
and 3000 team contributors were part of this organisation (Figure 10.6).

Project background

PMO business needs:

• Manage multitude of projects across the enterprise

• Control costs
• Improve probability of project success
• Raise a level of project consistency

Challenges of corporate IT
Information technology (IT) executives around the world are facing
increasing pressure to contain costs, manage operations more tightly, and
create more visible value from disparate projects. In order to achieve these
objectives, IT executives are treating their operations more like independent
businesses – focusing more than ever before on project planning, disciplined
delivery of services, and satisfying their internal customers.
For many global corporations, corporate IT managers are responsible for
thousands of projects on a daily basis. At the same time, they are relying

Programme management systems

Compaq Computer Corporation

Global business solutions Worldwide sales

Global business units
Corporate strategy and and service

Worldwide PMO

Worldwide 15 PMO managers

PMO staff geographic and business
unit and corporate
function based

Project managers

Team contributors

Figure 10.6 Worldwide Programme Management Office (PMO) organisational

relationship to Compaq Computer Corporation

Source: Compaq Computer Corporation

on antiquated techniques (often phone calls, email and meetings) to priori-

tise competing programs and projects, deploy people, and monitor project
In order to operate more like a business, corporate IT needed to gain visibility
across all concurrent projects on which their personnel was working and ensure
other offices worldwide were not duplicating projects with similar scope.
Compaq’s senior management required a view of the entire range of pro-
jects to enable informed decision-making on funding and to align projects to
the timing and direction of the business. With this visibility, the department
projected that they could significantly improve cost control and return on
However, the IT organisation needed more than visibility. In 1997 and
1998, Compaq acquired Microcom, Tandem Computer, and Digital Equip-
ment Corporation. The merger activities significantly increased the firm’s
number of projects, and each company brought unique processes and proce-
dures for project management. Compaq needed to prioritize the projects and
set expectations consistently across the newly integrated teams.

EPM essentials

IT needed somehow to manage the 2500 projects underway with 160,000

activities, 7500 resources, and 3000 users. They determined that a single,
unified, enterprise-wide project management approach needed to be devel-
oped. In this environment, Don Kingsberry (Director of the GBS Worldwide
Programme Management Office— PMO), in concert with a selection team,
was charged with the responsibility to identify the optimal solution for the
company’s needs.

Key partner selection criteria:

• Multi-user, multi-project, multi-location

• Integrated and scalable
• Role-based functionality with ease of use
• Flexible for multiple plans, proposals, hypothetical scenarios, and
real-time analysis
• Ability to integrate with third party systems (e.g., SAP, PeopleSoft
and Microsoft)

Selection process
Robert Napier, Compaq’s CIO, played an active role in the selection process
because he believed that enterprise project management was central to the
department’s future direction. Napier, along with Kingsberry and a large
number of worldwide PMO managers and project managers from the geo-
graphically dispersed PMOs (with dotted line responsibility to the
Worldwide PMO) formed the selection team.
The selection team’s activity was organised in four main steps:

(1) Determine selection criteria

(2) Research qualified partners
(3) Product demonstration
(4) Pilot

Compaq’s selection criteria emphasised scalability. The solution needed to be

able to handle up to 5000 users at any one time, with over 3000 projects
running concurrently in over 100 locations. The solution also had to be
adaptable to a variety of roles (from senior executives to peripheral team
contributors) that compose the project teams.
Compaq required a solution with flexibility for real-time analysis of
multiple plans backed by a strong, responsive service capability. Finally, in
order to optimise enterprise functionality, the solution had to be capable of
integrating with third party systems.

Programme management systems

Based on analyst research and market share analysis, the selection team iden-
tified the top four players in the enterprise project management market. Despite
some apparent similarities in functions and features, Kingsberry was unsure if any
of the solutions could handle the volume of users Compaq anticipated.
To decide the final outcome, he tested the claims made by each product
through pilot programmes. ‘After the completion of each pilot program, Primav-
era TeamPlay® was clearly the winner due to its enterprise scalability, multi-user
functionality, and vendor commitment to do whatever it takes’, says Kingsberry.

The implementation
Compaq began implementation with the installation of Primavera’s database
and the convergence of existing project information into Primavera TeamPlay
structures. During the pilot, the department, in close cooperation with Primav-
era, had clarified its needs for defined policies, procedures and guidelines on
how to use Primavera TeamPlay, as well as training requirements and needs for
system support plans.

Apr. 1999 Sept. 1999 Nov. 1999 Dec. 1999 to Mar. 2000 Nov. 2000 Jan. 2002
Feb. 2000
Started Started Completed Developed Began Complete Complete
pilots Primavera pilots and methodology, rollout and bulk of integration
concurrently TeamPlay evaluated planned training rollout with
with top Pilot performance imple- financial,
four solution mentation, and human
providers configured resources

Figure 10.7 Functionality timeline

Source: Compaq Computer Corporation

Based on early positive results, John Buda, Vice President of Strategy &
Planning, supported an aggressive schedule for a global rollout of Primavera
TeamPlay on a phased basis. In addition, Buda played a key part in
mobilising the organisation behind that effort.
By December 2001, over 3000 Compaq employees had been trained to
use Primavera TeamPlay.
Miguel Peralta, the Operations Manager in the PMO, reports that the
implementation process exceeded the unit’s expectations. (According to an
internal survey conducted by Corporate IT, 93 per cent of users were satisfied
with Primavera TeamPlay’s functionality and 96 per cent were satisfied with the
process whereby their project activities were brought into Primavera TeamPlay.
According to Peralta users no longer had to manually re-enter data. Projects
and resources were, for the first time, all in one central database.) By agreeing,
in advance, within their organisation on how they wanted to use the software,

EPM essentials

Compaq was able to redirect its culture. Through the use of Primavera Team-
Play, said Peralta, ‘we were able to rapidly institute a whole host of changes that
would not otherwise have been possible. This was our way of getting every-
one on board.’
To show his support, Compaq’s CIO, Robert Napier, signs every training
certificate issued upon completion of the training programme. Napier sees
his active involvement as contributing to each user’s understanding of the
necessity of the Primavera solution to achieving his wider objectives.
As the benefits of the Primavera TeamPlay implementation have been
recognised throughout the enterprise, Kingsberry reports that other business
units are expressing interest in using enterprise project management to
improve their business processes. Several have purchased additional licenses
and have begun to use the system for many different types of projects. Areas
that include the solution in their processes range from Human Resources to
New Product Development. In addition, Primavera TeamPlay has been fully
integrated with Compaq’s internal IT help desk software (Remedy) and is in
the process of being integrated with SAP and PeopleSoft.

Benefits achieved

Primavera TeamPlay has facilitated, in a way that was not before pos-
sible, the Global PMO’s goal of bringing its overarching principles into
practice. ‘Programme and project plans now accurately reflect the work
our people accomplish.’
Don Kingsberry (Director of the GBS Worldwide
Programme Management Office – PMO)

Compaq reports multiple tangible and strategic benefits of the Primavera

TeamPlay implementation in both the PMOs where the solution is in use and
in the organisation as a whole. These benefits tend to overlap and extend
beyond the business units where they have had the strongest impact.
At the highest level, Kingsberry reports that Primavera TeamPlay has facil-
itated, in a way that was not before possible, the Global PMO’s goal of
bringing its overarching principles into practice. ‘Programme and project
plans now accurately reflect the work our people accomplish.’

Programme Management Office benefits

A standard for project performance
Compaq faced challenges in controlling its enterprise-wide project manage-
ment. While many individual projects were properly managed, some were

Programme management systems

not formally planned and were managed with task lists. Project plans were
not in a single database and actual project status was often unknown or
Projects not being managed with a consistent methodology hindered
comparisons and progress assessment. Executives or managers seeking
actual project costs often found that they could not be determined with
any certainty or timeliness.
By using Primavera TeamPlay, Kingsberry reports that the Worldwide
PMO increased its percentage of projects meeting deadlines, budget and tar-
gets while accountability increased.
According to Kingsberry, ‘The PMO’s improved project performance is
apparent even to people who are not Primavera TeamPlay users. Through
web publishing, we are able to share our project plans and supporting
documentation with our customers.’

ROI (return on investment) improvement

Compaq wanted a solution that would enable the group to determine
actual project costs with certainty. By using data generated within Primav-
era TeamPlay, Compaq uses a standard return on investment (ROI) Calcu-
lator (developed in cooperation with Pricewaterhouse Coopers) on every

Within the first year after the implementation, Primavera TeamPlay sur-
passed (by a factor of 15) the ROI that Compaq projected for the
software in its Business Case. The Global PMO’s business performance,
also (measured by an averaged ROI) was significantly improved.

Don Kingsberrv reports that the initial benefits of the TeamPlay implemen-
tation have far exceeded Compaq’s expectations. Compaq does not publicly
disclose its ROI numbers, but the calculator revealed that within the first year
after the implementation, Primavera TeamPlay surpassed (by a factor of 15,
according to Kingsberry) the ROI that Compaq projected for the software
in its Business Case. The Global PMO’s business performance, also
(measured by an averaged ROI) was significantly improved.

Standardised reporting
Prior to using Primavera TeamPlay, the PMOs used a desktop solution that
did not provide the level of project information that was needed on a large,
global scale. The work involved in gathering information on project status
was manual and required multiple updates from project contributors. The

EPM essentials

time it took to prepare this information was considerable and the results were
insufficient to meet Compaq’s fast-paced needs.
The PMOs were spending an enormous amount of time reacting to the
needs of their internal customers. They often responded to ‘fire drills’, where
project performance reporting was needed on an ‘emergency’ basis by var-
ious business units. Now, the PMOs use Primavera TeamPlay to standardise
and update responses to such requests.
Originally, the PMO implemented the executive level program scorecard,
a CIO Program Dashboard, with a manual process using a spreadsheet. Now
this weekly executive reporting is generated directly from Primavera
TeamPlay and the result is a web-based report that is easily viewable around
the world.
Today, through TeamPlay features such as Reporting Wizard and Issue
Management capabilities, the PMOs have been able to lessen the number of
fire drills by proactively providing weekly scorecards in a more timely fashion.
The scorecards created an objective standard for measuring project perfor-
mance, which has become an increasingly important corporate requirement.
Instead of taking weeks to assemble specific project information, it now
takes only a few hours. By dramatically reducing this unproductive time, the
PMOs are now able to be more active in managing deeper levels of their
projects and better monitor critical path issues.

Reduced resource costs and increased utilisation

Managers desired to have visibility into total resource utilisation. Primavera
TeamPlay made this possible by providing a centralised view into resources
which has helped the worldwide PMO make better decisions regarding
resource utilisation and reduce overall payroll costs.
For example, Kingsberry reports that by being able to view resource require-
ments throughout the enterprise, the worldwide PMO was able to better utilise
its offshore development partner. This, he said, helped reduce their high costs
of outsourced labour and increased their internal utilisation rate.

Improved project management and risk mitigation

The reporting capabilities of Primavera TeamPlay have lessened the amount
of rework that is required to provide project updates and, more importantly,
to view resource utilisation. For example, to gain visibility into resource util-
isation, project managers used to gather team members for project status
meetings and enter the information into spreadsheet and a one-dimensional
project management software. This process was tedious, and it was difficult
to obtain timely information.
Team members are now able to enter timesheet information directly into
Primavera TeamPlay, enabling project managers to quickly gain real-time

Programme management systems

resource utilisation information. Through this visibility, project managers are

quickly identifying project risks and issues.
The tendency in the PMOs, as in any technically sophisticated envi-
ronment, is to prioritise technology issues, but delay focus on project
management until later in the process. Using Primavera TeamPlay, according
to Kingsberry, Compaq’s PMO is counteracting that tendency to:

1. Bring project issues to the fore earlier in the process

2. Expose potential problems more quickly
3. Maintain focus on the business requirements that are motivating the
project activity

Moving classroom training to the web enabled us to reduce the cost of

training by 80 per cent.
Miguel Peralta, Operations Manager in the PMO

Knowledge management, repeatability, and streamlined deployment

‘We think of Primavera TeamPlay as a knowledge management system’,
Kingsberry said. Compaq is using Primavera TeamPlay to capture best prac-
tices and lessons learnt from projects all over the world. The worldwide
PMO is using those lessons to build and disseminate repeatable, realistic best
practices. For example, user acceptance testing for some large SAP projects
was routinely scheduled for two weeks but actual data suggested four weeks
was required. As a result of this enhancement, Compaq changed the plan-
ning template.
By not having a standardised project management approach, Compaq had
put itself at unnecessarily high risk for loss of the accumulated expertise and
knowledge, whenever a valuable employee was promoted, changed jobs or
left the firm.
Through Primavera TeamPlay Methodology Manager, PMOs have been
able to facilitate the transfer of many elements of project management
expertise using project architecture plans. With this feature, junior project
managers are now able to create plans based on the accumulated experi-
ence of Compaq’s best, most senior project managers. This, reports
Peralta, has reduced planning time and increased the speed of project staff

Reduced training costs

With differing and inconsistent project methodologies, Compaq could
not train its personnel effectively. In shifting to Primavera TeamPlay with

EPM essentials

its web-based training as its single standard, Compaq was able to reduce
classroom training and all its attendant costs (such as travel and work
‘Primavera TeamPlay’s web-based TeamPlay training is one of the best
implementations we’ve seen,’ says Peralta. ‘With its dynamic screens, the
users are actually performing the functions and the built-in tests confirm
overall competency.’
‘Moving classroom training to the web enabled us to reduce the cost of
training by 80 per cent,’ says Peralta. ‘In addition, users are now able to
access training independent of time and place, taking advantage of certain
training modules only when needed and proceeding at their own pace.’

A major benefit of Primavera TeamPlay is Compaq’s ability to ‘increase

the percentage of its resources directed at the company’s primary

Enterprise benefits
Portfolio management
Prior to Primavera TeamPlay, Compaq had no common executive level status
reporting programme and no master plans for GBS programs.
Now, programmes are all instituted in a standardised format, using master
plans accessible to senior executives and customers as appropriate. The stan-
dardised weekly scorecard generated by Primavera TeamPlay enables
executive level reporting on every project that makes up the portfolio.
Portfolio management takes alignment to another level. The priorities of
senior management are better able to influence both high-level decision-
making and the most granular level execution.
Primavera TeamPlay helps managers, wherever they are located within
Compaq’s organisational structure, to consolidate disparate project informa-
tion, to drill down into the details at whatever level is required and to take
slices into varying layers of depth or breath.
Compaq has been able to improve its monitoring and decision-making on
projects by systematically coding projects as strategic, legacy, or support.
Similarly, Primavera TeamPlay allows Compaq to code projects based on
their motivators (e.g., cost saving, revenue generating, direct business model
support and compliance). Senior management is, thus, able to analyse the
mix and learn what proportion of spending is going into each category.
A major benefit of Primavera TeamPlay, reports Kingsberry, is Compaq’s
ability to ‘increase the percentage of its resources directed at the company’s
primary goals’.

Programme management systems

Improved decision-making and flexibility

Prior to Primavera TeamPlay, IT management had to make decisions regarding
project funding with information that was not always available or up-to-date.
Since collecting the information was a time consuming process, PMO’s were
only able to provide about 10 per cent of the information they have available
today, according to Kingsberry. With Primavera TeamPlay, the global PMO
office has been able to provide much needed information to senior management.

Primavera TeamPlay enables a vice president with responsibilities for

Europe and a vice president responsible for the Global Business Units
to view both an entire programme and all its constituent projects. Each
can drill down for visibility into those aspects of the work that concern
them the most.

Managers now have the ability to view their entire project portfolio and
determine if there are duplications in project effort across the enterprise.
In addition, as business needs change, they have the added flexibility to
change the course of projects and replace those who do not address
company needs.
For example, through portfolio management, the department has been
able to redeploy resources to more strategic projects. In addition, they were
able to better see when key project requests should be addressed, given the
overall view into the programs they were supporting. And lastly, they were
able to evaluate those projects that did not fit into the timing and direction
of the current business agenda and cancel them before they were begun.
Overall, by having an enterprise view into corporate IT’s project portfolio,
reports Kingsberry, IT executives have been able to reallocate resources result-
ing in cost savings of US$15 million over the course of three business quarters.
With Primavera TeamPlay, Compaq has a better capability to shift the
reporting responsibilities of entire teams without disrupting work and, at the
same time, allow flexible visibility. Multiple vice presidents, for example, can
simultaneously view the work of project teams whose output is important to
them. Primavera TeamPlay enables a vice president with responsibilities for
Europe and a vice president responsible for the Global Business Units to both
view an entire program and all its constituent projects. Each can drill down for
visibility into those aspects of the work that concern them the most.

Improved coordination
Primavera TeamPlay facilitates global management through its unified data-
base, allowing units in Latin America or Asia, for example, to be managed

EPM essentials

together with teams closer to Compaq’s Houston headquarters in ways that

were not before possible.
Primavera TeamPlay has been a tool for both simplifying project categori-
sation and rapidly altering staffing when required. Jonathan Winfiele, a
Project Manager and leader within the Global Business Unit Systems PMO
organisation, reports that his unit was able to pare 200 programmes down to
65. In addition, Winfiele credits Primavera TeamPlay with facilitating the
successful growth of his group, due to organisational changes, from about
300 employees to over 900 virtually overnight.

With Primavera TeamPlay, every project can be audited in a consistent,

commonly understood framework.
Jonathan Winfiele, Project Manager

Compaq has, Winfiele says, embedded Primavera TeamPlay in the steering

process. Now, with every project being reviewed in a standardised fashion, the
basis for decision-making can be understood and appreciated by all concerned.

Winfiele sees Primavera TeamPlay’s standard reporting tool as a powerful
unifier, often cutting through unintentional miscommunication with instru-
ments such as Primavera TeamPlay’s Project Lifecycle Reports, which
Compaq prints out weekly.
Prior to Primavera TeamPlay, reports of completion levels were heavily
dependent on subjective assessments. ‘In one instance’, he points out, ‘a pro-
ject was being loosely reported as being on the order of 60 per cent
complete. Once we entered all the data into Primavera TeamPlay and ran the
report, it was actually less than 10 per cent complete.’
Previously, Winfiele reports, it was not possible to get everyone to use the
same project management approach and tools. Now, all Compaq IT Project
Managers understand that for their work to show up on the single radar used
by senior management, they must be in Primavera TeamPlay. Winfiele sug-
gests that by using Primavera TeamPlay as they have, Compaq ‘created a
totally different atmosphere in managing new projects.’
The entire organisation is now influenced by using Primavera TeamPlay to
standardise the format for consistently and comprehensively describing
opportunities, scope, analysis, and decision-making. With Primavera
TeamPlay, according to Winfiele, every project can be audited in a consistent,
commonly understood framework.
Now, with a consistent system for all project reporting, everyone can rely
on data with more certainty – for everything from budgeting through

Programme management systems

resource allocation to assessing progress in achieving both strategic and

tactical objectives.

Enhancing competitive position

Compaq has built its respected brand over many years by bringing new prod-
ucts and services to market. By utilising Primavera TeamPlay, and enabling
enterprise-wide visibility. Corporate IT has been able to selectively emphasize
those projects that help Compaq to achieve technological, procedural and
organisation innovation.
This strength was recently recognised by InformationWeek and listed in their
InformationWeek 500 Report. Compaq received the honour as one of the most
innovative IT organisations, and was the top ranking IT organisation within
the hi-tech industry (Table 10.3).

Table 10.3 Compaq’s ranking in the hi-tech industry according to

InformationWeek, 2001
Revenue ranking
in Revenue IT
Rank Company millions change executive Title Industry

1 Owens & $3,504 9.7% David Sr. VP Health Care

Minor Inc. Guzmán & CIO & Logistics

2 Continental $9,899 14.6% Janet Sr. VP Logistics &

Airlines Inc. Wejman & CIO Transportation

3 Boises $7,807 9.9% Robert VP Metals &

Cascade Egan of IT Natural
Corp. Resources

4 Snap-on Inc. $2,176 11.8% Alan VP Manufacturing

Biland & CIO

5. Compaq $33,554 10.0% Robert Sr. VP Information

Computer Napier of Technology
Corp. Global

Being named to this list, far ahead of the next hi-tech organisation at #19, helps
differentiate Compaq in the marketplace. Moreover, says Kingsberry, this

EPM essentials

department now views Primavera TeamPlay as a primary tool in facilitating the

flexibility and adaptability that they depend on for competitive advantage.

Primavera TeamPlay is delivering tangible and strategic benefits to Compaq’s
corporate IT executives, PMOs, project managers and the company as a whole.
Compaq’s Global Business Solutions organisation has quantified ROI in
both its usage of Primavera TeamPlay and the overall project portfolio.
Using Primavera TeamPlay’s capabilities for project standardization, stan-
dardised reporting and full project visibility, corporate IT has realised reduc-
tions in resource costs, training costs and project risk, with increases in resource
utilisation, improvements in project management, process repeatability and
deployment efficiencies.
As a result, corporate IT is able to run its operations more like a separate
business entity and, simultaneously, increase the satisfaction of its internal
customers. Both the corporate IT staff and senior management associate the
implementation of Primavera TeamPlay with increasing sophistication of
project management within the organisation.
Furthermore, the enterprise as a whole is deriving additional benefits from
portfolio management enabled by Primavera TeamPlay. Specifically, they
have been able to improve decision-making, flexibility, coordination, and
By using Primavera TeamPlay, Compaq’s corporate IT division already
dramatically and substantively improved its internal processes, qualitatively
and strategically increased its enterprise-wide impact at the executive level,
and enhanced Compaq’s overall competitive position in the marketplace.

11 Managing programme risk

Much has been written on the subject of managing risk in projects. The tools
and techniques for project risk management are well documented and devel-
oped. Nonetheless many large, complex projects still fail because of a lack of
understanding of end-to-end risk management.
In a large programme, not only are the difficulties faced by projects com-
pounded, a whole new swathe of potential problems can be encountered.
Conflicting objectives within the programme; demands on critical resources;
maintaining balanced and sustained sponsorship; managing the ‘business as
usual’ while focusing on strategic change; communicating the right mes-
sages; and managing risks across the extended enterprise are just some of the
This chapter provides an introduction to risk management, giving defini-
tions of risk and risk management. Our approach goes ‘back to basics’ with
a look at some of the fundamentals needed to close the gap between theory
and reality. We look at some of the key challenges faced when managing risk
across the programme, and identifies effective ways of rising to the challenge.
Through discussion of appropriate techniques for identifying, assessing,
communicating and managing risk, some developed from project disciplines,
some unique to programmes, you will see what approaches are suitable for
you. A case study provides a real example of what has worked for a successful
business managing a successful programme. The experiences of delivering
London’s Congestion Charging scheme provides a framework for dealing
with large, complex, time-critical and highly political programmes that have
interrelated social, economic, environmental, political, financial and techno-
logical constraints. Without managing these risk factors proactively and
pragmatically, the programme would be unlikely to succeed.
Throughout this chapter, emphasis is placed on the attributes required of
programme teams, their management and their sponsors, and how to
develop these attributes to deliver the desired benefits. Risk management is
not treated as a management add-on, a function within the programme
office. It is given its rightful place as an integral part of the programme, per-
tinent to programme objectives, crucial to programme strategy and
decision-making, and practised by the programme executive.

EPM essentials


Risk mitigation
mitigation – reduce
– avoid impact Business
Risk controls
– reduce Business
probability contingency plan

pecific c
ness s

Initiatives Business as usual

Figure 11.1 The scope of risk management

Promulgating a standard language around risk management and programme

levels is a strongly recommended first step in beginning to establish the
approach required for risk management to function effectively. We define risk
as ‘an uncertain event or set of circumstances that, should it occur, will have
an impact, positive or negative, on the achievement of desired objectives’.
This complements the Project Management Institute’s definition of risk
management: ‘the systematic process of identifying, analysing, and
responding to project risk’.
Prime Minister Tony Blair gives his own definition in his introduction to
Risk: Improving government’s capability to handle risk and uncertainty, a
report by the Cabinet Office Strategy Unit in November 2002: ‘Risk man-
agement – getting the right balance between innovation and change on the
one hand, and avoidance of shocks and crises on the other’.
Our take on this is that risk management should aim to improve deci-
sion-making through the reduction of uncertainty, the identification and
analysis of specific risks in relation to the goals and constraints of the enter-
prise; followed by the selection and implementation of an appropriate
programme-specific mitigation or general enterprise control response in
light of the criticality of the risk and the enterprise’s risk tolerance. More
simply put, it should equip decision makers with sufficient information to
make timely and proactive choices to achieve the desired effect. The imple-
mentation and effectiveness of the response is then monitored, and adjust-
ments are made as appropriate. Thus the purpose of risk management is

Managing programme risk

not to remove all risk, but to remove avoidable risk, leaving the desired
level of intrinsic risk. This approach also serves to reduce the uncertainty,
or the ‘unknown unknowns’ that may exist in an business’s external
While risk management may be easy to describe, it is very difficult to
achieve. Recent history shows us that up to 70 per cent of programmes are
late, over budget or ineffective, especially if the programme is large, complex,
critical and incorporating major change.


Risk management as a concept can be applied at all levels within the enter-
prise. However a differentiated approach is required, as each has a different
purpose, scope and application.

Enterprise Enterprise

Portfolio Business

strategy and



Programmes Divisions
r is




Projects Departments

Initiatives ‘Business as usual’

Figure 11.2 Enterprise-wide risk management

Before we take a closer look at the approach to risk management used by the
Congestion Charging programme, it is important to understand the four
different levels:

• enterprise (across the business)

• portfolio (multiple programmes)
• programme (multiple projects)
• project (multiple activities to achieve a defined output in a defined period).

At every level, there will be the requirement to integrate and link with the
‘business as usual’ risk.

EPM essentials

Enterprise risk
At the enterprise level, we bring together the assessment and management of
strategic risk within the ‘business as usual’ and initiative (programmes) sides
of the enterprise to recognise dependencies, realise synergies, and integrate
with the strategic risk management.

Portfolio risk
We see two types of risk within the portfolio. The first are simple, high-level
faults that are generic in nature. These are often the cause of failure.
Examples are a programme with inconsistent targets for delivery time, cost
and performance, and programmes with incompatible targets. The other cat-
egory of risk is detailed, project-specific risk that is not easily predicted or
mitigated. At the portfolio level, the focus is the potential of the portfolio of
initiatives (programmes and projects) to realise and implement business
strategies within an effective and efficient approach. Figure 11.3 highlights
the five key questions behind effective portfolio risk management.
The review of portfolio risk also includes aggregating and integrating the
escalated individual project and programme risks.
Risk management at the portfolio and enterprise level represents a central
component of strategic portfolio management. The principal steps involved in
repeatable portfolio optimisation, of collecting information, analysing the port-
folio, prioritising projects, and communicating and reporting, are supported
by the risk management undertaken while monitoring the competitive

Are we doing the Are we doing enough

right things? of the right things?

Are we getting the benefits?

Are we doing them Are we getting them

the right way? done well?

Figure 11.3 Five key questions for effective portfolio risk management

Managing programme risk

Programme risk
As mentioned earlier, risk management is fundamental to programme and
project management. Within the programme arena, the principal balance
is between investment, benefits realisation, and risk. Rapid top-down
identification and mitigation early in the programme should run concur-
rently with the establishment and maintenance of programme lifetime risk
management. Key risk responses at the high level include changing the
programme scope, goals and approach, realistic re-planning, significant
alteration of resources availability, amendment to the programme organ-
isation, management processes and communication mechanisms. Key
actions to reduce the intrinsic risk for the delivery of programme benefits

• ensuring adequate direction and inspiration from senior sponsors and

• building a focus on delivery of value
• structuring the programme activity around an optimised programme
• explicitly managing all required resources: money, people, office space,
infrastructure, knowledge
• encouraging appropriate capability transfer to build ongoing capability
• communicating more and better than ever before
• managing the programme through integration of benefits, cost, risk,
reward, people and planning.

The initial routes for identification of risk are the explicit and implicit
assumptions in the programme set-up; historical review of a programme’s
performance; analysis of the programme roadmap; and diagnosis of the pro-
gramme management capability. The use of periodic external diagnostics/
validations is an extremely powerful method of risk reduction.

Project risk
At the project level the emphasis moves to strict time, cost, quality and scope
criteria. Project risk management needs effectively to filter the identified pro-
ject risks to identify those whose impact is critical at the programme level, or
that could influence other projects across the programme.


Getting back to basics
Risk management is a relatively recent phenomenon outside certain spe-
cialised areas. It first developed as a formal process in the financial sector

EPM essentials

(insurance and banking), the military, and in audit and health and safety
functions. More recently, partly attributable to the Turnbull Report, it has
entered mainstream management activity across both public and private sec-
tors. Risk has moved from being seen as a technical subject to being viewed
as central to managing the whole organisation. There are strong parallels
with other disciplines such as financial management and project manage-
ment, which have increasingly become seen as necessary mainstream
management skills (albeit supported by professional experts). In each of
these areas the benefits of a systematic approach are well established and
widely recognised.
Despite these advances, it is clear from the research and the experiences
of programme managers that there is a significant gap between what is
published in a plethora of risk management books and journals, and
real-life programmes. The gap between reality and theory is often a
chasm. This section presents a number of key themes that seek to bridge
this gap:

• Mind-set/culture. Understanding the culture of the organisation and

the stakeholders is critical. This requires heavy investment in time and
political/emotional sensitivity.
• People. There is nothing more important than people: clients, cus-
tomers or team members. All need to have a common understanding of
risk management, and the risk team needs the right capabilities and skills
to enable the processes to work.
• Process – the six Ps. Prior preparation and planning prevent poor
performance. Processes are essential to get the right information to the
right person at the right time. However, it is much more than appointing
a risk manager or defining a new risk process - processes are enablers, not
the product.
• Tools: KISS principle, keep it simple and straightforward. The
paradox of programme risk management is that the simple often seems
complex, whereas the trick is to make the complex seem simple. Good
software tools can help to achieve this; bad tools can distract and
• Structure. The structure of the risk management organisation needs to
reflect the needs of the programme. In other words, it should be as small
as is needed to achieve its aims.
• Communication. The single most important factor is the maintenance
of good communications. The best results come from having a strong
emphasis on face-to-face communication wherever possible.
• decision-making. Risk management is a critical ingredient to effective
decision-making. This requires fundamental changes in the decision-
making processes and priorities, especially at the senior management

Managing programme risk


Often we find that risk management in practice is concerned with just two
factors: process and tools. This greatly limits the potential value to be gained.
We believe risk management requires a much broader set of capabilities. It is
enabled through the interrelationship of five parameters (people, process,
tools, structure and information), all guided by the culture and mindset of
the enterprise and stakeholders involved, for the purpose of making and
optimising specific decisions.
These are represented in Figure 11.4 by three parallel planes: the Ends, the
Ways and the Means. The right-hand plane is the decision-making plane (the
Ends), where decisions are made, either direct risk management decisions or
more general business decisions. It is termed as the ‘Ends’ because this is
where risk management has greatest effect, enabling decision makers to
maximise positives and minimise negatives. The left-hand plane represents the
general enterprise and programme culture, and specific mind-set of those
involved in risk management (the Ways). In the middle, the enabler plane
provides the necessary capabilities (the Means) to undertake risk management.

Plane 1: Mind-set and culture (the ‘Means’)

The correct risk management mind-set is a critical but frequently neglected
component of risk management: critical because it shapes the effectiveness

Figure 11.4 Three planes of risk management

EPM essentials

and focus of risk management, neglected because it is difficult to engender

and intangible.

Recognising risk
The nature of the industry, competitive position and shareholder expectation
will be major determinants in the appropriate mind-set, culture and focus of
risk management. This will allow a view of the necessary risk appetite (target
degree of risk) and tolerance (limits of unacceptable risk). This is most effec-
tively realised through embedding in the mind-set, rather than through
enforcing a methodology. This requires an emotional connection with the
risks and business objectives.
Some cultures encourage the proactive identification of challenges and
risks; in others this is tantamount to an admission of failure. The most impor-
tant factor is the matching of environment, expectation and action. The
quest for higher returns requires the acceptance of greater risk. The demand
for faster benefits realisation is incompatible with the emphasis on cost min-
imisation or the elimination of uncertainty. For some, these require major
mind-set shifts.
In most situations there is usually a warning signal that leads to a chain of
events, which may or may not be noticed. Sensitivity to pick up signals, or
the absence of signals, is required for optimal decision-making in dealing
with risk.

The following changes are required to create an effective risk mind-set:

• improving the sensitivity to warning signals

• establishing a culture of direct learning and reflection
• encouraging accountable risk-taking
• the encouragement of contra-thinking to take the wider perspective.

Managing risk
The culture of the business and the specific mind-set of the people involved
determine the priority given and the quality and value derived from the risk
management enablers, and influence the decision options and outcomes.
Risk management must be seen as important, and an ongoing responsibility.
It must integrate with the planning, goal setting, progress tracking,
resourcing and benefits realisation elements of programme management. It
must be much more than a paper exercise, undertaken to be seen to meet the
regulated management requirements. Ownership of risks must be real,
proactive and meaningful. Immersion by the risk team and the programme
leadership team in the purpose and the methods of the customers is essential
to creating the right foundation for risk management.

Managing programme risk

Being nominated as a risk owner must be seen as a serious responsibility

and potentially a personal opportunity. Risk management is not the sole
domain of the risk manager: he or she is present to facilitate, monitor, struc-
ture and validate the process and the risks raised, not to take direct
responsibility for mitigation. For all concerned the culture must show
reward, and support the notion of faster and better risk management.

Plane 2: Enablers (the ‘Ways’)

What is at risk?

Risk appetite
and tolerance





Figure 11.5 The risk management process

Processes using the six Ps (prior preparation and planning prevent poor per-
formance) are essential to get the right information to the right person at the
right time. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of completeness of
process in risk management.

What is at risk?
In order for the identification and analysis of risk to be meaningful it is
necessary to have a clear understanding of what is at risk. This requires a
clear definition of goals, objectives, scope, strategy and the programme

EPM essentials

Risk appetite and tolerance

95 % max




95 % min

Risk averse Risk taking

Figure 11.6 Risk appetite and risk tolerance

It is necessary to have a clear definition of the organisation and

programme’s ‘risk appetite’ (target) and ‘risk tolerance’ (limits) in order to
define the most suitable risk management approach, and calibrate risk
sensitivity and risk criticality. The definition of appetite and tolerance will
include the definition of certain outcomes which must be prevented from
happening. An organisation must also measure levels of uncertainty, and
look to transfer uncertainty into manageable risk where possible.

Risk approach
The approach to risk management will depend on all the above decisions,
and will define the scale, scope, resourcing and importance of risk
management. The output from this step will be confirmation that the
proposed approach is appropriate, and a documented description of the
risk management approach, plan and processes.

Managing programme risk

The risks should be identified as comprehensively as is possible, yet this
should be achieved in a practical and cost-effective manner. Confidence in
the thoroughness of the identification process is necessary to give the risk
management process validity. Normally all stakeholders should be included
in the identification process. Wherever possible, lessons learnt from previous
programmes or general enterprise experience should be sought, assessed and

The risks and responses need to be described and characterised sufficiently to
allow effective risk planning to be conducted. To the extent that is practical
and value-adding, quantitative and qualitative assessments need to be made
of the probability of occurrence, impact (time, cost, performance, related
risks and issues) and time to impact (net of mitigation lead time).
Typical tools include the probability, impact, and time grid to both com-
municate risk criticality and prioritise risk activity. These can prioritise time
or scale of risk (and benefit). Simultaneously, risk management should be
identifying the principal uncertainties in the baseline activity plans and cost

The typical responses of mitigate, monitor and ignore need to be consid-
ered for each risk. The chosen risk response plans provide a direct input
and revision to the programme and work package plans. Contingency plan-
ning should be undertaken for critical risks, and these provide supplemen-
tary plans to the base plans. Contingency planning must include defined
triggers and structured decision rules for initiating reactive contingency

The key aspects of this iterative phase are implementing the risk action plans,
and frequent, meaningful monitoring of programme progress, risk action
progress and the underlying residual risk, driven by unambiguous allocation
of responsibility to nominated individuals. This is the area that is most fre-
quently inadequate. We believe that risk management, although well
understood in theory, has yet to realise its full potential in many companies
in practice. As part of the ongoing risk management process, it is important
to monitor the effectiveness of the process and compare the risks arising with
the original estimates of likelihood and probability.

Project: Programme level and occupation %; 2 1–20%; 3 20–50% Sort by L-I rating Avoid,
Sort by Active,
Updated: 09-May-02 Reduce,
risk no 4 50–90%; 5 > 90 % Standardised to 0-100% Monitor,
= L 1/2*I Closed
Post mitigation Ignore
Title L-I rating
Risk Risk Risk Owner Respon. Adopted Management action

Description, inc. cause Likelihood Impact This Last entity Status
no. area cat. person strategy with named action owners
impact and assumptions month month Initial

84 Occ Migration Insufficient DR capacity in xx: although there will be plenty 4 5 89% 89% 63% ES Active Reduce ACTION: forecast space (power, heat) requirements
of space at HDC, no production migration can occur unless understand problem better
DR is in place at HH or xx. There is a risk, given the ACTION: identify initiatives to significantly increase spare
environmental constraints, that this constrains the migration capacity
to a dual site strategy and embarrassingly prevents
businesses taking advantage of the xx capacity.
61 Occ Migration FSU delivery: the FSU project currently has insufficient 5 4 89% 80% 46% ES Active Reduce ACTION: get agreement on who will own the project, and
planning and coherence which is delaying implementation of provide resources
the FSU. This has dramatically reduced the number of ACTION: highlight dependencies on FSU
consolidations from xx, resulting in increased migration costs,
and some businesses finding alternatives to the FSU. The
delay, assuming this leads to no FSU consolidations, will
significantly increase the total PUAM cost.

74 Occ Migration Intelligent space planning: There is a risk that space 5 4 80% 80% 54% ES Active Reduce We need to ascertain who will do the intelligent space
allocation is sub-optimal, if no single person owns all planning and allocation; and then integrate with xx and
allocation, if the xx process is not fully integrated with that the xx team
person, and if migration allocation is not integrated with new ACTION ON xx space planning guidelines still in progress
77 Prog Purchase authorisation: The delayed procurement 3 5 77% 77% 72% ES Active Reduce xx are reviewing the procurement process for x related
authorisation for the xx kit needed to migrate from xx has kit/services - chase up
significantly delayed the migrations and put at severe risk the ACTION: more clearly identify time critical purchases;
vacation of xx by the end of June. The remaining xx storage track their way through the system; ensure no blockages
elements that are still subject to approval and if delayed will within the x team
impact the migration from xx and other locations, as well as
impact the credibility/utility of the SAN.

115 Occ Migration Last minute cancellations: There have been a number of last 4 4 72% 72% 89% ES Monitor Reduce ACTION: ensure authorised business representatives
minute cancellations, often due to preventable reasons. This is communicate to all involved
partly due to an apparent lack of timely communication with all. ACTION: ensure much more urgency in responding to the?

Figure 11.7 Risk action plan example

Managing programme risk

The use of risk tools is a significant enabler for long-term success. This
includes quantitative analysis of plans, cost breakdowns, risk logging, priori-
tisation and tracking, risk action management and reporting. The
appropriate tool may be an Excel spreadsheet, an Access database, a
commercially available programme risk management tool or an enterprise-
wide risk tool, depending on the size, complexity, duration, criticality, risk
appetite and risk management maturity of the initiative and enterprise under
We frequently see inadequate use of standard tools, reducing efficiency
and effectiveness, or alternatively the implementation of risk tools without
the shifts in behaviour required to drive through an effective risk manage-
ment approach. Tool implementation may offer an opportunity to embed
the culture and ways of working required around it.
The paradox of programme risk management is that the simple often
seems complex, whereas the trick is to make the complex seem simple.
Good software tools can help to achieve this; bad tools can distract and

The skill-set, capability and motivation of an organisation’s people are crit-
ical to the successful function of risk management. Inconsistencies, gaps
and deficiencies in skills, motivation and training must be addressed to
create the capability for risk management to function. The selection of risk
management staff must be done with due consideration.

For risk management to be effective, a continuous self-sustaining process for
risk management must permeate all levels of the organisation, ultimately
driven by the board and the CEO. Key to the establishment of a dynamic risk
management system is an appropriate governance structure through which
to feed relevant information and make decisions. Imperfect organisations
create new risks for themselves, and tend not to manage existing risks as well
as they could.
The risk manager is a core part of the overall programme and portfolio
management. In a programme environment, the risk manager works day to
day with the PMO (at project or enterprise level), facilitating the risk man-
agement processes, working with the programme team in identifying and
analysing new and changed risks, and liaising with those responsible for plan-
ning, resourcing and benefits within the PMO. The links to planning and
benefits management are particularly critical.

EPM essentials


Programme PMO
Programme PMO
manager manager


Risk manager Planning


Resourcing Benefits
manager manager

Figure 11.8 Governance structure for risk management

Additionally, the risk manager should have regular risk reviews with the
programme manager and/or director (as this is often the only way to achieve
the real benefits of risk management). Risk owners must be in a position to
facilitate and manage the risk mitigation actions.

The availability of up-to-date and accurate information, and the ability to
analyse and aggregate, are key to helping the risk management decision-
making process: garbage in, garbage out. Elements of the information may
be held in a central repository created from the various tools available, as dis-
cussed in the tools section.
The single most important factor is the maintenance of good communica-
tions. The best results come from having a strong emphasis on face-to-face
communication wherever possible.

Plane 3: decision-making (the ‘Ends’)

The point at which a decision is made, or should be made, is the point
of impact for risk management. What does this mean? This is where
risk management has traction and must be integrated with the general
decision-making mechanisms within the project, programme or port-
folio. Effective risk management will be apparent through the contribu-
tion of risk thinking to existing business decisions, and the addition
of extra decisions solely because of the outcome of risk analysis and

Managing programme risk

The principles of project management can be applied to decision-making,

and the balance between speed, cost and quality of decision can be managed
to suit circumstances. This will shape the decision-making chain complexity,
duration and inclusiveness.
The appropriate selection will depend on the impact of the identified risk,
probability of occurrence, time till impact, cost and lead time of mitigation
options and the complexity of the decision. Remember that typically the
value of a course of action decays with time, and hence a more rigorously
analysed decision is not necessarily a better decision.
There are a number of well-documented psychological traps that are
particularly likely to undermine business decisions. These include the
anchoring trap, where the mind gives disproportionate weight to the first
information it receives; the status quo trap, a bias towards decisions that
maintain the status quo; the confirming evidence trap, where supporting
information is gathered and contradictory information is avoided; and the
estimating trap, where most people are over-confident in the accuracy of
their predictions. These are especially important after a significant issue has
arisen or event has occurred. In the panic that follows, mistakes can easily
be made again, procedures forsaken and the overall risk increased.

Maximise performance and quality

(decision utility)



Minimise time Minimise cost

(to make decison) (of making decison)

Figure 11.9 Dimensions for decision-making

EPM essentials


We have discussed the components of a best practice risk management
system, but how do you implement this? How can you realise the benefits of
risk management? The first priority is to diagnose the key risks, and the effec-
tiveness of the risk management process. All too often we see partially
complete and under-performing risk management systems. The greatest
shortfall is typically seen in the definition of the key desired outcomes and
the risk tolerance; together with full analysis of the risks and ongoing man-
agement of the risks. Of course best practice risk management cannot be
achieved overnight.
An overview of risk management options is given below. There are three
levels of intervention: effective implementation from the start; a diagnostic
and assurance of the current environment; or longer-term ongoing risk
management implementation, either stand-alone or as part of a broader
portfolio/programme/project management service.

Enterprise diagnostic
This is performed to identify the risks to and within the project portfolio.
These include risks of poor alignment, conflict, omission and duplication. This
diagnostic is supported by the transformational alignment matrix (TAM). The
TAM maps activity to the core objectives and targets of the business. The TAM
allows us to identify the contribution of the portfolio to the desired key
organisational capabilities, and identify gaps and inappropriate focus.

Strategic management diagnostic

This activity prioritises all initiatives within the portfolio for the purpose of
focusing risk management activity and general management attention. This
is a direct contributor to optimising the risk approach.

Change overload diagnostic/initiative management maturity

This is to address the risk of the enterprise being unable to cope with the
degree of change required, and the management of change necessary in
relation to ‘business as usual’.

Programme risk diagnostic

This identifies and analyses the key risks facing a programme (top-down
analysis), including key programme assumptions and confidence in likely
mitigation effectiveness.

Managing programme risk

Programme management diagnostic

This reviews the underlying programme management capability to deliver its
planned outcome. This diagnostic uses the eight programme leadership
dimensions as the framework for review and development of a continuously
improving capability programme.

Risk management maturity diagnostic

This identifies the current maturity of the risk management capability in the
organisation. It addresses the risk that the risk management itself is poor,
insufficient or inappropriate. It uses the three-plane model and process
methodology as the basis for diagnosis, and hence reviews mind-set, process,
people, information, tools, structure and decision-making capability.

Cost and benefit component analysis

This is performed early in the programme lifecycle to build a relatively
simple, Monte Carlo cost model; enabling the identification of key risk com-
ponents and facilitating meaningful scenario analysis and budgeting

Hot spot analysis

Once initial network charts and Gantt charts are available, the hot spot
analysis highlights the critical and riskier activities within the plan, to allow
proactive mitigation and contingency planning. This takes into account crit-
ical path analysis (CPA), but has a far broader range of inputs and outputs
than CPA. The focus is proactive amendment to the planning on the basis of
confidence in completion.

Decision management
Effective decision-making is critical to delivery of the desired outcomes,
whether they are strategic, programme or at a project level. Treating decisions
as critical mini projects can significantly speed up and improve decision-
making, and we have a number of tools to do so, including a decision-making
diagnostic. This can remove a significant amount of systemic risk.

Implementing business-wide change to create the risk management mind-set
and culture requires a structured approach to enable individual stakeholders
to understand the logic behind the risk management system.

EPM essentials

The logic from the analysis Compelling, eye-catching dramatic

feeds into the creation of situations are created to help others
compelling eye-catching Logic visualise problems, solutions or
dramatic situations progress in solving complacency,
strategy and empowerment

The visualisations provide useful ideas
Emotionally charged that hit people at a deeper level than
ideas change the surface thinking. They evoke a visceral
behaviour or reinforce Feel response which reduces emotions
changed behaviour that block change and enhances
those that support it

Figure 11.10 Creating a risk management mindset

This approach is based on the ‘See, Feel, Change’ model (see Figure
11.10) developed by Deloitte. It aims to enable and motivate individuals
to recognise the importance of risk management within the business
through visualisation, dramatisation creating emotion and then changed



Background: the challenge

Road user charging is an increasingly popular approach
to reducing road congestion. The benefits associated
with this include reduced traffic volumes, congestion and travel time;
increased travel time predictability; increased road safety; additional revenue
for the charging authority; an alternative policy to road or vehicle taxation;
an improved environment; and improved quality of life.
Along with New York and Tokyo, London is one of three world cities that
was being brought to a halt by a failing transport system. In 2002, traffic
travelled at the same speed in London as did horse-drawn carts in the nine-
teenth century, with vehicles typically spending half their journey time in
queues. Road congestion was costing London’s business community around
£2 million per week.

Managing programme risk

In 1999 the UK government gave the Mayor of London the go-ahead

to introduce congestion charging, which is a charge on motorists for using
congested roads. Ken Livingstone, the first elected Mayor of London,
made proposals for the introduction of congestion charging in Central
London a key element of his summer 2000 manifesto and his Transport
Strategy of July 2001. This was the world’s largest congestion charging
scheme, involving:

• A 21 square km charge zone.

• An 18 month consultation process consisting of presentations, public
meetings, and public exhibitions.
• A network of over 600 enforcement cameras (fixed and mobile),
Europe’s largest camera and telecommunications contract, sited at the
174 entry/exit points as well as sites within the charging zone.
• Daily monitoring and charging of approximately 200,000 vehicles.
• A broad range of innovative payment options including SMS text
messaging from mobile phones used by some 100,000 people per
• UK’s largest public information exercise since British Telecommunication’s
‘Ask Sid’ privatisation campaign.
• Europe’s largest traffic management schemes to ensure that the traffic
flowed at its optimum volume and speed, while minimising any negative
impact on the boundary. For example, in a single borough (Westminster
City Council) there were: complementary traffic measures; automated
traffic monitoring sites to give real-time data on traffic volume and speed;
new major bus schemes and new routes with new bendy-buses; traffic
signs and road markings; and real-time traffic management schemes which
provided the police and traffic planners with immediate visibility and
awareness of traffic flow patterns, to enable proactive management to
avoid traffic queues.

As programme managers, we helped establish eight work streams that managed

the 45,000 tasks needed to deliver the scheme by 17 February 2003. The key
ingredients to the successful integration of the work streams (with over 430
separate projects) was having the right processes and tools to get the right
information to the right manager at the right time, in order to allow a timely
decision to obtain the most benefit from the situation.
To enable the team to remain focused on the primary aim of achieving ‘go
live’ on 17 February 2003, the management of risks and issues became fun-
damental to maintaining tight timelines in a constantly changing
environment. One of the primary success factors of the programme manage-
ment methodology was the ability to identify risks proactively, analyse their
likely impact, and employ mitigation strategies to minimise negative effects,
or maximise positive impacts.

EPM essentials

The success
To the credit of the Transport for London (TfL) directors and their team,
Central London Congestion Charging Scheme went live on 17 February
2003 on time, within budget, and achieved the technical specification to
meet the required customer service levels. Heralded as a huge success, it has
reduced traffic in Central London by a steady 16 per cent within the zone,
shortening delays by 40 per cent and generating revenues of up to £3 mil-
lion per week. All net revenues are to be reinvested into London’s transport
So what was the risk methodology underpinning the programmes’
successful programme risk management?

Implementation planning and risk management

Risk management played a vital part in the planning process. Given the scale,
complexity and political profile of the project, it was important to model the
uncertainties and risks in the programme cost and duration. One of our ini-
tial tasks was to build a high-level Monte Carlo cost model (using Pertmaster
and @Risk) to determine potential cost variance. As the implementation plan
developed, Monte Carlo analysis and probability curves were also used to
ensure critical analysis of task durations, to identify the criticality/likelihood
of achieving key milestones, thereby enabling proactive management to
ensure timely go lives.

Contingency/continuity planning
In anticipation of Scheme Go-Live, we helped TfL to make the transition
from a focus on project and implementation risks to active contingency plan-
ning. Key operational risk scenarios, along with appropriate owners,
mitigations and contingencies, were identified through a series of workshops,
interviews and discussion documents. Advanced modelling simulation was
also used to test results. Contingencies were signed off by project sponsors
to enable a swift response in the event that a risk scenario arose during live
operations. These scenarios were entered into a customised version of the
central Risk Register for ongoing reference.
Stakeholder interest in the Congestion Charging Scheme was very high,
and responding to it was an important part of our role throughout the pro-
curement and implementation phases. We managed a comprehensive
consultation process, first engaging key stakeholder organisations, including
London boroughs, the emergency services and business representatives, and
then engaging the general public. The public consultation included distrib-
uting leaflets, articles in newspapers, broadcasts on radio and television,
public meetings, notices, an exhibition and a call centre to answer any

Key Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Current
Possible event 1 Possible event 2 Possible event 3 Possible event 4
Appeals to wins appeal STOP
House of Lords 50%
? Opposition appeals to
European court
Opposition 20%
Scenario A Accepts 50%

= Unknown
Opposition loses appeal
No change
wins appeal STOP Opposition ?
on dates

?% loses appeal
20% 60%
Opposition Opposition appeals to 80%
Scenario C
appeals House of Lords Opposition
Start: End of May
80% 30%

= Key event
Win 80% 40%
Opposition Opposition
loses appeal STOP
wins appeal
80% 20%
Continue as Scenario B1
JR Opposition Opposition
per Scenario A Milestone 2: Jan
stops stops
Start: Easter
20% STOP
20% Accepts 20%

= Key decision point

Scenario D
Undertake an EIA – ?
80% 4 to 6 month delay


Appeal Scenario B2
Milestone 2: Jan
40% Start: Easter


= Programme suspended

15/07 31/07 01/08 31/10 01/11 15/04 16/04 31/05
2 wks 1 day 13 wks 1 day 18 wks 1 day 6 wks Note: Timeline not to scale

Figure 11.11 Outcome decision tree analysis for contingency planning

EPM essentials

queries. As part of the ongoing risk mitigation strategy, the programme con-
tinues to work very closely with key stakeholder groups to ensure that the
scheme meets the needs of specific customer groups such as drivers of black
cabs, people with disabilities and fleet operators. The provision of compre-
hensive reports to the Greater London Assembly’s scrutiny committee has
also been an important aspect of ensuring that the scheme meets stakeholder

Risk management is an approach to creating competitive advantage, oppor-
tunity and flexibility while minimising risk exposure and nugatory expense.
Fully effective risk management will shape the plans of the business, test the
plans of the business and realise learning from the outcomes.
Risk management depends on a number of parallel capabilities, and this
often requires fundamental changes in the decision-making process and pri-
orities, especially at the senior management level. People, process, mind-set
and tools must operate as a system to drive executive decision-making within
the organisation.
Thus it is concluded that risk management is an integral part of the change
programme, central to its objectives, crucial to strategic portfolio manage-
ment and programme delivery management. Risk management is key for
enabling decision makers to take the right decisions at the right time to
ensure delivery to schedule, quality and cost criteria, whilst protecting the
existing business or organisational activities.

12 Benefits management

Analyses and post-mortems of programme failure tend to concentrate on
whether the programme delivered the product as specified on time, on
budget and to a certain quality. In other cases, a post implementation review
may conclude that the programme has been delivered successfully, the team
are successfully redeployed, suppliers have been paid and the impacted users
or stakeholders are reasonably happy. Much more rarely does the most per-
tinent question of all get asked: that is, did the programme really deliver the
benefits that were outlined and predicted when the investment was sanc-
tioned? A ‘successful’ programme that does not deliver the intended benefits
is akin to that cliché of medical black humour, ‘the operation was a complete
success; unfortunately the patient died’. This chapter on benefits manage-
ment discusses the processes required to ensure that the survival of the
patient is identified as a key success measure, that the pulse is taken
throughout the course of the operation, and the patient’s well-being is
monitored for a relevant post-operative period of time.
The Office of Government Commerce estimates that 30–40 per cent of
projects designed to support business change deliver no benefits whatso-
ever, and one must assume a not dissimilar percentage fail to meet the
anticipated benefits. Benefits management is challenging, and often over-
looked, not least because it spans a time period greater than what is often
seen as the overall lifecycle of the programme. Thus the enterprise
programme management pyramid view, topped by the business strategy of
the organisation, is a useful framework with which to consider benefits
management. Benefits management begins with benefits identification
before a specific programme is initiated, and continues with measurement
even after the programme has delivered and ‘business as usual’ has
reasserted itself. To add to the difficulty, benefits management may require
different skill-sets and mind-sets from those needed for other aspects of
programme delivery.
Benefits management, within the enterprise programme management con-
text, directs business change towards valuable, desired results by translating
business objectives into identifiable, measurable benefits and systematically
tracking and communicating the results.

EPM essentials



Vision statement
and strategic

Business case
and objectives Strategic portfolio

Ch ramm




realisation plan Programme delivery management


Delivery of Project management

Figure 12.1 Benefits management with the enterprise programme management


Benefits management has application within all dimensions of the enter-

prise programme management pyramid. The enterprise programme
management approach recognises that change initiatives do not take place
in isolation, and the integration of mechanisms for delivering programmes
and projects with the existing operational structures, processes and systems
is key.
At the strategic portfolio management level, a continual process of cre-
ating, managing and evaluating a portfolio of strategic initiatives aims to
focus on delivering lasting results and benefits. This is where the benefits
management strategy is defined and executed. Processes include validating
the direction of the programme initiatives, articulating the value propositions
and business cases, and defining the goals, objectives, benefits and other cri-
teria for success. Portfolio management ensures that the initiatives are
continually managed and tracked. Finally the benefits and results of initia-
tives are reviewed in order to measure the progress towards realisation of the
business strategy. The benefits must continue to be relevant and aligned to
the initiatives. At this level, the key objective is to ensure that all change ini-
tiatives are aligned with the strategy, and are managed in an integrated way
to deliver the desired benefits.

Benefits management

Programme delivery management uses the results of the strategy and

portfolio alignment to link strategy with operational activities. This
ensures that the delivery of the benefits is coordinated and that processes,
tools and methods are used consistently and efficiently. The planning,
executing and controlling processes define, implement and track the
benefits delivery.
Project management addresses the operational activities where results are
actually achieved. Specific measurable benefits are delivered and controlled,
project teams are managed and incentivised to focus on the delivery of the
benefits as set out in the business case, and anticipated and realised benefits
are communicated.

Business Enterprise Projects

programme Impact
Idea management realised benefits
Benefits Impact
management realised benefits
Opportunity Impact
realised benefits

Figure 12.2 Linking project benefits with business objectives

It is often the case that once a business case defining benefits is signed off,
the emphasis becomes on managing delivery time and cost. One of the
reasons for this is the isolation of business case development from the
resulting delivery of the programme. The other usual stage in the tradi-
tional approach is the post-delivery or post-implementation review. Again,
this is too often done in isolation and fails to reveal the true benefits from
the programme, focusing instead on time, cost and quality of the
programme delivery. Establishing a continuous programme management
approach, where the business case is integral to the business outcomes, can
mitigate these risks.
A benefits plan that is quite separate from the programme management
process is a common pitfall. The two must be aligned, dynamic processes
with reporting on benefits integrated into the programme reporting process
from the start. The integrated plan needs visibility and ownership at the
sponsor level, as well as at the delivery level.
The scope of the process for managing the benefits of a programme will
vary according to the type and size of the programme, and the organisation
in which it is being implemented. There are however some fundamental prin-
ciples that apply to all change programmes, which we will discuss in this
chapter. We look at the overall approach, key tools and techniques, required
roles and responsibilities, and highlight some common pitfalls.

EPM essentials

Vision statement

Financials strategy

Programme plan

Figure 12.3 Integration of the benefits management strategy


Benefits management is the identification of potential benefits, their planning,
modelling, tracking and reporting, and the assignment of roles and responsi-
bilities from programme initiation through to realisation of benefits. The term
‘benefits management’ is sometimes replaced by ‘benefits realisation’ in some
industries. We have deliberately stuck to the term benefits management to
emphasise that it is a continual process of planning, identifying, structuring,
tracking, reviewing and evaluating processes in order for them to be realised.
Key features of a successful benefits management approach are that it will:

• identify expected benefits that will be delivered by a programme

• establish a benefits management structure defining processes, relationships,
communications, roles and responsibilities
• develop models to structure the programme benefits, including
intermediate and final outcomes
• define the benefits, including their value, attributes and measures,
owners and risks
• assess how the benefits are interrelated
• develop a benefits realisation plan, including a schedule for delivery,
review points and interdependencies with other projects or programmes,
and business change processes for implementation and delivery
• establish accountability for realisation and a means of tracking benefit
realisation, including any performance management requirements for
programmes and businesses.

Quantifying benefits
Privately, programme sponsors and managers sometimes admit that benefits
management does not receive the focus it should because quantifying bene-

Benefits management

fits is simply ‘too difficult’. Similarly, being on the hook to deliver benefits
quantified by a strategist keen to receive programme sign-off is just too
painful or too risky.
Quantification can be made easier by having a clear understanding of the
categories into which benefits can fall. Ensuring involvement and continuity
of the relevant stakeholders throughout the benefits management process
also enables ownership and buy-in to quantified benefits.
Many different types of benefits may accrue to an organisation, enabled by
the introduction of new ways of working. The importance attached to indi-
vidual types of benefits will depend on what the organisation is trying to
achieve. These are the outcomes that the organisation is seeking – not nec-
essarily a saving in cash terms, although it will often include this. Identifying
and quantifying potential benefits can be difficult when you start to look
away from just the return on investment benefits. A robust approach is there-
fore needed, a prerequisite of which is understanding and communicating
what the intended benefits are.
Benefits fall into three categories:

• direct financial benefits: those that can be quantified and valued

• direct non-financial benefits: those that can be quantified, but are difficult
or impossible to value (tangible)
• indirect benefits: those that can be identified but cannot easily be
quantified (intangible).

Better staff morale


Customer satisfaction
Reduction in costs
Corporate ‘image’
Accommodation savings
Better access to information
Better cash management
Improved processes
Increased revenue
Increased competitiveness
Access to markets

Better quality of service

Improvement to KPI targets

Lower staff turnover

Fewer customer complaints
Productivity improvements

Direct/tangible Indirect/intangible

Figure 12.4 Types of benefits

EPM essentials

Tangible benefits
Financial and direct non-financial benefits are relatively easy to identify and
quantify. Direct financial benefits can be compared with each other in cost
terms, or to other potential investments (to assess the opportunity cost).
Non-financial benefits, such as improving market share percentage, must be
justified more aggressively to ensure stakeholder buy-in. Gartner Group
points out that implementing automated computer systems will not neces-
sarily result in direct cost savings, but has enabled many other benefits to the
organisation to be realised, such as an improvement in productivity. To fully
assess the overall contribution, it is important to identify, measure and value
benefits in terms of their contribution to business value.

Intangible benefits
Indirect or intangible benefits must be identified and prioritised, even
though there may be no common currency between them. To do so requires
that their contribution to business objectives be assessed. For a clear
meaningful linkage to be made, the objectives themselves should be stated in
the most specific and measurable way possible. Even so there will remain a
qualitative aspect to documenting and comparing intangible benefits.
During the benefits management process, intangible benefits must be
tested continually against business strategies and objectives in order to ensure
they are robust, relevant and in some way measurable, even if against an
artificial scale aligned to a business objective.
Different benefits will have a different profile for their delivery and
realisation, and this profile in terms of timing, ease of measurement and
likelihood of achievement will be defined as part of the identification
process. This will be used to input to the timing and structure of benefits

Objectives, success criteria and benefits

Objectives, success criteria and benefits are different ways of expressing the
outcomes that the programme is trying to achieve. Confusion between them
can obscure the benefits management process. Although very similar, they
have some distinct characteristics which are clarified below:

• The objectives define the overall programme aims and reasons for
investing in change. These will not normally change throughout the
length of the programme.
• The success criteria are key measurements which, when achieved, are
indicative of whether the task/project/programme has accomplished
what it was set out to do (the stated objectives and benefits). These are

Benefits management

subject to tolerance levels and do not change regularly unless key

performance indicators are changed.
• The benefits are the advantages delivered by the specific programme or
project plan. The benefits describe how the successful achievement of the
programme objectives will impact the business, the staff, and customers.
Once the original benefits are delivered it is possible to identify and deliver
additional benefits from the new capabilities provided by the project or

The high-level objectives of a benefits management strategy within a

programme are to:

• define the investment costs and benefits (the business case)

• estimate additional benefits and probability factors
• develop an implementation plan for realising the benefits
• identify those who will be accountable for realising the benefits
• assist those accountable in implementing the plans.

The key steps in an effective benefits management approach begin before
the programme is initiated and continue throughout the lifecycle of the
programme and even beyond it.

• Initial planning for how the benefits will be delivered. The programme
and project business cases should describe how the organisation wishes
to manage and achieve benefits. This should include key benefits state-
ments and stakeholder analysis, benefit models, the benefits register and
schedule for delivery, and alignment with other programmes or projects
and the business case. Structuring the phasing of the projects and ben-
efits delivery should aim to maximise the speed of delivery of benefits
while taking into account resource constraints and risks.
• Benefits identification and definition. For each programme, the bene-
fits must be tied back to the overall strategic business objectives. The
needs and expectations of the stakeholders, which may not be explicit in
the programme definition, must be understood and defined. This
involves assessing what the programme outputs will actually mean in
business terms, understanding their dependencies and linkages, and
prioritising them using appropriate measures.
• Realising and tracking benefits. A process for developing detailed action
plans for the delivery of benefits should be developed. The progress against
the benefits realisation plan should be reviewed throughout the
programme lifecycle. This should continue after the delivery of the usual
project deliverables and post implementation organisation changes.

EPM essentials

• Review and evaluation of benefits. This process measures the benefits

achieved against the targets and measures set out in the benefits plan.
Additional or unplanned benefits should also be measured throughout
the life of the programme at ‘gateways’, as well as at the end of projects,
to assess those benefits achieved.

Strategic portfolio management Project management

new, adjusted and maximised benefits

Plan and structure Realise and track

Identify and define Review and evaluate

Strategic initiatives Delivery of results

Stakeholder expectations
Delivery capabilities

Figure 12.5 Key steps of benefits management

Key steps
Plan and structure benefits management plan
The benefits management process needs to be anchored to the vision and
strategic objectives of the organisation. A vision statement for the pro-
gramme should be produced to describe how the implementation of the
programme will contribute to the achievement of these objectives.
For each programme, an appropriate benefits management strategy should
be framed, to answer the following questions:

• Why is the programme being undertaken and how does it align to the
vision and strategic objectives?
• What are the anticipated business improvements from the programme?
• Can these be quantified and is there a financial value?
• Who should be responsible for delivery of each benefit or improvement?
• What changes are needed to obtain it?
• Who will be affected by the changes?
• How can the benefits be achieved?
• When can the changes be implemented?

Grow revenue
Gather and Manage Manage
manage brands customers
knowledge Grow Acquire and
contribution retain profitable Sell
per customer customers product
Deliver Deliver
brand customer
message comms
Availability dimension
Plan and
Manage Increase ideas
categories distribution Implement
Develop and
Demand dimension launch new
quality and Shareholder Introduce
Grow brands
safety value brands
Maximise consumer Optimise
demand portfolio Acquire and
Reduce cost Maximise the brands Manage assets
bottom line Operational and risk

Fill Provide and Comply with

Manage Procure
Manage maintain Collect legal and
performance materials/ customer corporate regulatory
assets revenue
services Produce orders environment req’ts
Support Manage Manage Collect
culture forecasts inventory revenue
plans Manage Develop and
Manage Manage Produce distribute
company management
people suppliers product
funds information

Figure 12.6 Linking benefits to vision and business drivers

EPM essentials

Business case development

The key output of benefits management planning that addresses the above
questions is normally considered to be the business case. However, the busi-
ness case will need to fulfil a variety of functions, and in some cases may
comprise a series of documents, some dynamic which will be amended
throughout the programme lifecycle, and some baselined which will serve as
fixed points of reference.
The business case must first and foremost act as the primary source of deci-
sion-making data for programme investment authorisation. To this end,
commonly used techniques of cost–benefit analysis, discounted cash flows,
return on investment hurdles, value analysis and the like are employed. To
facilitate the selection of those programmes that will yield the greatest com-
bined return in terms of achieving overall strategic objectives, business cases
must be in a common format to allow competing programme options to be
considered against each other. However, the use of a structured, common
format carries the pitfall that business cases are engineered to meet the
known criteria of programme acceptance. This risk is compounded where
organisational and role structures mean that those who compose and autho-
rise business cases are too often those who have something to gain by the
project going ahead. This risk must be mitigated by ensuring that those who
author and sign off business cases have ‘skin in the game’ to ensure they are
delivered. Most commonly this is achieved by structured incentive pro-
grammes that are directly tied to the predicted benefits. It is clearly also
essential that those who will be responsible for delivering the benefits in the
operational environment sign up to the benefits predicted.
The business case must provide specific actions and dates for ongoing ben-
efits management which can be included in the programme plan. Best
practice would require some element of contingent actions, or ‘what if’
analysis associated with key benefits management milestones. That is, if these
benefits have not been achieved by this date, what actions should be taken?
Finally, consideration should be given to the ease of measurement of ben-
efits, for both the baseline case and the ongoing measurements. In some
instances the cost of establishing the baseline, or ensuring accurate ongoing
measurement, will become a significant factor in the business case itself.

Structuring benefits tracking

In a complex business environment, the precise attribution of benefits to
particular change or action is extremely difficult because isolating the cause
and effect is not possible. A benefits matrix should include a combination
of directly attributable benefits (which may be minor, or predominantly
intangible), and contributory benefits, which the programme can reason-
ably said to have impacted. Benefits reporting (which is discussed in more

Benefits management

detail below) requires qualitative commentary as well as a quantitative

element. The definition and estimation of benefits definition will require
updating if and when external forces outside the remit of the programme
significantly impact the benefit measures. The important thing is that a
structure process is in place to revisit and update predicted benefit
measures, and then to feed this result into the strategic portfolio manage-
ment process to verify that the portfolio of projects is still optimal to
achieving strategic business goals.

Identify and define benefits

Defining benefits
Benefits can be defined and documented in several ways, including using a
benefits profile or a framework. A standard categorisation system and
template for recording benefits reduces the time spent, can stimulate ideas,
and facilitates comparison of benefits across alternate or competing
programmes. Typically a benefits framework will be derived from the busi-
ness balanced scorecard, with benefits aligned to the scorecard compo-
nents. The framework may also prompt for benefits in the form of ‘new
benefits’, ‘improved benefits’ and ‘disbenefits to be reduced or eliminated’.
The framework must also include who will own the delivery of the bene-
fit, the measurement method and measurement frequency, and key perfor-
mance indicators that can give early warning of the impact of the
programme on the intended benefit.
At a high level, all benefits could fall into the categories shown in Table 12.1.
In addition, risk avoidance should always be considered as a further ben-
efit. In some instances risk avoidance can be the main driver for change. For
example, financial services organisations will ensure their anti-money laun-
dering processes are robust in order to avoid fines, prosecutions and negative

Table 12.1 Categories of benefit

Tangible Intangible

Cost avoidance Strategic alignment

New income Competitive advantage
Additional income Competitive response
Reduced working capital Management information
Employee satisfaction
Improved customer service

Source: C. Worsley, Project Justification, Project World Seminar, 2002.

EPM essentials

Establish baseline
Establishing a baseline involves collating key organisational, financial and
operational metrics against which improvements can be measured objec-
tively, and the establishment of a control tool or mechanism for managing
changes to costs and benefits through the implementation.
Key activities and tasks to establish the baseline are:

• Devising a strategy for the collection of baseline data (questionnaire,

interviews, reports by location and organisation structure).
• Confirming a baseline date with the relevant authority to determine a
relevant starting point for benefit quantification.
• Establishing a collection template and set minimum information
• Nominating appropriate resources to manage the distribution, collection
and collation of data.
• Reviewing the quality of information and information gaps and addressing
• Designing and develop a change control mechanism for holding baseline
data and identified costs and benefits.
• Inputting the baseline data into a database.
• Signing off baseline data.

Where baseline data is not available, an initial programme phase for collec-
tion of data, with a checkpoint for authorisation to proceed after it is
collected, should be considered.

Identify target baseline

Target measures that can be achieved as a result of the redesigned process and
systems are set, and the estimated costs and benefits quantified and refined.
Key activities and tasks to identify the target baseline are:

• Establishing target baseline and performance measures based on outputs

from redesign workshops, best practice and benchmarks.
• Assessing process interdependencies.
• Conducting further research/analysis to clarify workshop outputs where
• Quantifying the net benefit.
• Determining supporting infrastructure needs and high-level implementa-
tion steps to support achievement of the target baseline.
• Reviewing cost estimates and revise where appropriate.
• Obtaining agreement on the target baseline, quantified benefits and costs
from stakeholders.

Benefits management

Resistance among business owners to accepting the target baseline is not

uncommon, particularly where step change improvements are anticipated.
However, gaining the buy-in and understanding of the key stakeholders at
this stage is critical to the whole benefits realisation approach.

Prioritise benefits
A key input to programme planning will be the prioritisation of benefits
delivery. For example, proof of early benefits may be essential to secure
continued programme funding, even though delivering early benefits may
have a higher cost than a programme approach that defers them. Similarly,
programme activities that relate to benefits impacting business areas or
objectives that are subject to change may be scheduled for later in the
Prioritisation of benefits should be a structured process that compares a
number of options, or analyses one option based on the benefits and the like-
lihood of realisation. Benefits should be analysed according to a number of
criteria, typically including:

• alignment with strategy

• short and long-term expected results
• required resources versus capability: is the expertise readily available?
• probability of success (the benefits management interface to the risk
management process).

The aim of this analysis is to get the best pace of programme, taking into
account the investment needed and resistance/acceptance to change.

Set performance management targets

Realistic measures, agreed by those who will be responsible for delivery,
should be derived using a number of sources such as:

• organisation and business unit strategy

• management forecasts
• industry best practice
• internal and external service level agreements.

Realise and track benefits

Tracking and reporting on the realisation of benefits encompasses two
distinct areas: first, tracking and reporting on the likelihood and achievability
of benefits, and second, tracking and reporting actual benefits realised. The
former will always be required within the lifecycle of the programme; the

EPM essentials

latter may be relevant within this timescale, or may only begin after the
programme has formally delivered.
Tracking and reporting on the likelihood and achievability of benefits
requires more than reporting on the status of programme delivery; it needs
to include the influence of factors external to the programme on the bene-
fits that are predicted. This reporting should be regular and periodic, though
generally less frequent than programme status reporting. It requires revis-
iting the business case, having an understanding and familiarity with those
factors and initiatives that will impact the anticipated benefits, and applying
analysis and reporting skills. The output from the process will feed into the
benefits review and evaluation.
Tracking and reporting actual benefits realised may take place while the
programme is still in the delivery phase, or may commence after delivery. In
either case, giving responsibility for tracking and reporting actual benefits to
the business unit impacted yields a number of benefits. This approach
encourages ownership of the solution and associated benefits within the rel-
evant business area, reduces the risk of ‘optimistic’ reporting from within the
programme delivery team, and enables the benefits reporting to be assimi-
lated within regular management reporting. Where the programme is still in
the delivery phase and actual benefits are being measured, a feedback loop
mechanism to programme planning needs to be in place to ensure variance
from expected results can be used as an input to programme planning.

Review and evaluate benefits achieved

Formal benefits reviews may occur at any suitable time during the pro-
gramme, prompted by the scale and timing of delivery of the benefits. These
will typically take place after the realisation of any major benefit or group of
benefits. The purpose of the review is to:

• inform the stakeholders of progress in benefits delivery

• identify further potential benefits
• assess the performance of the changed operations against original
performance levels
• assess the level of benefits achieved against the benefits profile or
baseline, and advise on the effect on the programme’s business case
• review the effectiveness of the benefits management strategy, and implement
improved methods based on the lessons learnt
• provide an opportunity to publicise progress and successes.

Roles and responsibilities

The need for clearly defined responsibilities, and assignment of these to roles
and individuals, is heightened within benefits management because of the

Benefits management


Benefit slow start



Figure 12.7 Review and evaluation of benefits achieved

potential ambiguity between tasks for the delivery team, and tasks for the
operational business. Moreover, as alluded to above, there is a benefit in
recognising the difference between a delivery capability, and a capability that
seeks to assess whether that delivery has resulted in the intended benefits.
This is not to say that the benefits management process needs to be run by
individuals outside the programme delivery function, in a checking or
auditing capacity; only that the different roles and behaviours required must
be recognised even if they are to be enacted by the same individuals.
Key roles that are required for successful benefits management are
described below.

Business benefits manager

This role within the programme delivery teams acts as the key interface
between the team and the business units who will be impacted. The role
requires the holder to work closely with the individual managers of business
areas involved in the change programme, who will be responsible for actual
benefits delivery in their area. It is therefore essential that the business bene-
fits manager has knowledge and credibility with the leadership of the business
areas to be impacted by the programme. The business benefits manager owns
the benefits management process, from the planning and structuring phase
through to review and evaluation. (Responsibility may pass from one individ-
ual to another, but the role and recognition of its importance must remain.)
The business benefits manager will work closely with the programme manager,
but it is advisable that the two roles are not performed by the same individual,
and that the business benefits manager does not report to the programme
manager, but rather to the sponsor or a similar business-focused executive.

EPM essentials

Business change managers

Virtually all programmes of business change necessitate or require changes to
the way people behave in order to realise the intended benefit of the change.
Despite the voluminous literature and multitude of ‘change managers’,
‘people specialists’ and the like, many business cases continue to assume that
the appropriate changes of behaviour will take place, with the same certainty
of a purely mechanistic change. This change needs to be managed carefully,
and requires the skills and resources of change managers. Business change
managers should be identified as early in the process as possible so that they
can play an active part in formulating the implementation and communica-
tion plans. This role is required to identify and drive through process change,
involve the impacted business units and increase ownership, and act as a key
communicator and ‘lightning conductor’ for issues and concerns of the indi-
viduals in those impacted areas. Business change managers must be fully
committed to the achievement of the benefits, need good knowledge and
credibility from the business areas they represent, and should be empowered
to make decisions on behalf of their respective business units or process areas.

As the champion and ultimate owner of the programme and associated business
case, the sponsor must look beyond delivery of the programme to delivery of the
associated benefits. The sponsor’s role in scope setting and issue resolution must
be informed by the likely impact on the programme benefits. The sponsor must
also exercise leadership in the communication of the anticipated benefits, and the
required ‘benefits focus’ from the programme delivery and operational teams.

Programme manager
The programme manager is a vital role within the benefits management frame-
work, because he or she will be responsible for flexing, amending and fine
tuning the programme plan in response to the outputs of the benefits manage-
ment process. The programme manager will work closely with the business
benefits manager, since the analysis of programme status with regard to likely
achievement of benefits will require the input of both. As part of programme
delivery, the programme manager is responsible for ensuring the stakeholder
management and communication mechanisms are in place to facilitate
continued buy-in to the programme through a focus on business benefits.


Without a proactive approach to benefits management, programmes risk
taking on a life of their own and becoming an end in themselves rather than

Benefits management

a means to an end. Benefits management helps ensure that the best portfolio
of projects to meet the strategic objectives of the business can be selected and
maintained. Structured benefits management is thus a vital navigational aid
on the journey to achieving strategic objectives.
Benefits management addresses the risk of operational areas failing to
commit to the benefits, by involving key stakeholders from these areas
throughout the process. This in turn reduces the likelihood of unrealis-
tic benefits being forecast at programme inception in a desire to secure
investment. In addition, benefits management lends the ability to fine
tune, replan or even abandon programmes that do not look as though
they will achieve sufficient benefit. As projects and programmes become
an increasing part of many business endeavours, benefits management
provides a key input to the learning organisation, helping build a knowl-
edge base of the characteristics of programmes that deliver sustained
business benefits.
To increase the likelihood of gaining the value from structured benefits
management, the following can act as an essential checklist.

Insist on a robust, realistic business case

The business case should be put together as the key input to the initiation
and approval process, not as retrospective justification for a decision already
taken. The business case must be a key programme document throughout
the life of the programme; it must be realistic, and committed to by key
stakeholders who stand to gain or lose by its success or failure.

Create benefits ownership

The right people, with a real stake in the outcome, need to be involved
throughout the benefits management process. It is essential that there is
continuity of accountability through the business case and delivery.

Programme management success measures

Traditional project Business outcomes = mix of:
success measures
Organisational Strategic and
benefits financial gains
Project outputs =
On time + to cost improvements

Figure 12.8 The value of benefits management

EPM essentials

Ensure priority of benefits realisation

Executive ownership will ensure that the programme team has some
authority to make organisational and process changes in order to realise the
benefits. Programme and business leadership must actively support, and be
seen to support, the benefits management process and the philosophy of
programmes aligned to benefits aligned to strategic objectives.

Manage expectations
Do not assume that all stakeholders will be as committed to benefits man-
agement and realisation as the programme sponsor and team. Stakeholder
management and ongoing two-way communication of anticipated and
achieved benefits are vital if benefits management is to be accepted
throughout the enterprise.

Track benefits and risk

Factors contributing to the erosion of possible benefits must be identified at
an early stage. Revisit the business case early and often, and revalidate based
on programme progress and changes to the business environment outside of
the programme.

Benefits realisation is a structured, repeatable process applied to corporate
initiatives to maximise the likelihood of achieving the expected business
benefits. Benefits management includes:

• a robust approach to identifying and quantifying potential benefits

• key enablers to establish corporate ownership and accountability of key
business processes
• a repeatable process for continuous performance improvement to
increase the likelihood of getting and keeping the benefits
• a structured approach for guiding the organisation through the required
process and organisation change.

Key steps include:

• Planning and structuring: rigorously defining the desirability of a pro-

gramme and projects. Ensuring understanding of the purpose of the
• Identifying and defining: balancing desirability with ‘doability’.
Identifying the business targets with measures and values. Forecasting all

Benefits management

potential benefits. Linking all benefits to business targets. Developing an

action list for delivering the benefits.
• Realising and tracking: measuring the value of the benefits, and
monitoring the progress and received benefits.
• Reviewing and evaluating: continuously tracking the benefits, not just
the time, effort and activities.

There are many obstacles to implementing a successful benefits management

approach, and too often the process is de-emphasised, haphazard, glossed over
or ignored. In order to achieve a sustainable, robust benefits management
framework, the following foundations need to be in place:

• unambiguous support of senior management and key stakeholders

• a clear distinction between projects and programmes
• supporting knowledge management framework
• a systematic view of resources and timeframes
• programme alignment to vision and strategy
• openness to change and restructuring of priorities in order to achieve the
intended benefits.

Applying and ingraining a structured benefits management framework

cannot of course guarantee that programmes yield the anticipated business
benefits. Moreover, if applied successfully programme failure, curtailment or
cancellation will be painfully visible. The benefits, however, in terms of
visibility of results, the early warning of programme deviation, and the sav-
ings from directing effort and investment to those endeavours yielding
maximum business advantage, make benefits management a vital component
of successful enterprise programme management.

13 Managing suppliers

It is rare for any one organisation to possess all the people it needs to deliver
a programme. This is particularly the case when a programme brings
together information technology (IT), processes and organisational changes
to achieve an overall strategic business imperative. The larger the IT element,
the more likely it is that the programme will need to bring together a multi-
tude of internal organisations and external service providers (ESPs). IT-heavy
programmes tend to have the most common requirement for significant
involvement of multiple ESPs – very few organisations have all the skills,
experience and resources required to deliver a large and complex IT solution
for an overall strategic business change.
It is one thing delivering a programme involving multiple internal organ-
isations, with the usual conflicting priorities, organisational boundaries,
internal politics and ‘history’. When it comes to working with external
providers, particularly multiple ESPs, in a business change programme with
tight commercial and delivery demands, there are a huge number of new
challenges for the programme team to understand and manage. These chal-
lenges arise from differences in style, cultural, contractual and commercial
pressures, as well as more familiar problems such as coordination and issue
In this chapter, we consider the practical approaches that programme
leaders should adopt when managing suppliers in a complex, integrated and
IT-heavy programme. We consider the lifecycle of supplier engagement from
initial sourcing strategies through to managing deliverables and post-launch
support. The context for this chapter is complex and integrated business pro-
grammes with a significant element of IT delivery, concentrating mainly on
the IT suppliers. These programmes tend to be most complex from a pro-
gramme management perspective, and also have most likelihood of going
We will follow through a recently completed programme that involved
many internal and external IT service providers to deliver a new online
Internet business for an existing global travel and leisure company. The
Solution Build Stream of this programme involved 22 separate service
providers working over 18 months. In this chapter we will use this pro-

Managing suppliers

gramme, and the Solution Build Stream in particular, to highlight five

approaches that are key to successful ESP management:

• Recognise and accept capability gaps in your own organisation and for-
mulate approaches on how to fill the gaps and the type of ESPs you will
• Contract in the right way. This includes commercial/legal consideration,
solution design and programme processes.
• Integrate everyone into one united programme team with shared
understanding of key processes, tools and working methods.
• Manage and behave as an integrated team covering business, process
and IT.
• Clearly understand cross-ESP issues, risks and changes, and actively
micro-manage to resolve them before they become showstopper issues.

Before we explore these topics in detail, let us provide you with an overview
of the case study.


Mytravel plc is a global travel and leisure business offering everything from
budget flights to luxury cruises. Mytravel has operations in the UK,
Scandinavia, Germany and the United States, operates using over 50 brands,
and has multiple sales channels which include brochures, call centres and
high street shops. Historically, Mytravel had a range of transactional and
brochure-ware web sites, each with their own ‘look and feel’ and customer
On 27 November 2001 Mytravel.com was launched, completing one of
the biggest online initiatives ever attempted. Mytravel.com is an umbrella
brand linking several tour operators, their brochures, call centres and high
street shops, and replacing existing websites into one seamless travel
provider. Mytravel.com is a new business for the online sales channel, cov-
ering the UK, Scandinavia, Germany and the United States, and provides
more travel products (real time) than any of its competitors.
The programme to deliver Mytravel.com included three main work
streams, covering:

• Business launch: this stream covered organisation, commercial and

fulfilment processes for the new business.
• Content management: this stream covered transactional content relating
to purchasable products (for example, price and availability) and
‘brochure’ content to promote, inform and push products to customers
(for example, resort guides and accommodation details).

EPM essentials

• Solution build: this stream covered the IT elements to develop, deliver

and integrate the online transaction site, the content management plat-
form, the network and server infrastructure, together with the
integration of the solution with the existing reservation systems.

The technical solution for Mytravel.com contained five major integrated sub-

• Engage, a content management and publishing solution

• Broadvision for the website presentation and personalisation engine
• a MOAI-based auction sub-site
• integration with four different reservation systems
• a managed service hosting and network infrastructure.

These subsystems and related components (such as content feeds, testing and
systems management) were designed and delivered by 22 different external
service providers.


All programmes will, to one extent or another, need resources with the right
expertise to complete the various programme work packages or deliverables.
The first issue for the programme leader is to understand and develop a
sourcing plan. There are essentially three options open to the programme

• Use your own people and potentially supplement with specialist contract
or secondment staff where gaps exist in your own capabilities or avail-
ability. This approach keeps most of the programme activity internal to
the organisation, helping with post-programme support and increased
business integration, and builds programme delivery capability within
the organisation. This approach is similar to the in-sourcing approach
adopted by some organisations for their IT.
• Appoint a single supplier to undertake all of the work packages. The
appointed supplier may engage the services of other suppliers to deliver
its contractual commitments. This approach is similar to an outsourcing
arrangement. This type of arrangement has been common for some large
and complex programmes, particularly in the public sector, where a
prime supplier is appointed to deliver the overall programme.
• Appoint a series of suppliers based on the ‘best of breed’ approach, where
the overall programme is parcelled up into a series of packages or work
streams, and suppliers contract to deliver one or more of them. This
arrangement is similar to selective sourcing, whereby a supplier is engaged
based on the unique specialist expertise it brings to the programme.

Managing suppliers

This type of arrangement has attracted a lot of backing more recently,

particularly in the private sector and financially constrained times.

Most programmes have an element of insourcing supplemented by either the

outsourcing or selective sourcing approach. Organisations need to retain
control, even if it is limited to financial or contractual management, over the
programme delivery. Furthermore, in any large-scale business change pro-
gramme, this approach provides the umbrella structure that ties together the
various business, IT, process, organisational and change pieces into a single
cohesive programme. The outsourcing and selective sourcing strategies on
their own cannot deliver business change.
The main differences between the outsourcing and selective sourcing strate-
gies are the extent to which a single supplier can be trusted with all the capa-
bilities required for the programme, and the level of change in the business the
programme is expected to deliver. In most cases, the selective sourcing strat-
egy is adopted for the simple reason that most suppliers just do not have all the
expert resources at the right price to deliver complex integrated programmes.
In considering any of these strategies, another factor should also be con-
sidered: the use of offshore suppliers. This area has had a tremendous impact
on the IT industry in the United States and UK. Offshore IT providers have
changed the sourcing game by:

• undercutting traditional suppliers by as much as 90 per cent on price alone

• demonstrating very significant credentials and capabilities (for example,
many Indian offshore organisations can demonstrate a SEI-CMM
Level 5 rating)
• overcoming the cultural and geographical issues by having local presence
and the ability for their staff to work locally on site.

This book does not focus on offshore suppliers: an entire book could be
written about this subject alone. The key point is that a selective sourcing
strategy should consider the use of an offshore supplier, particularly for the
IT element of the overall solution. The more traditional professional
services organisations can then focus on the business and process pieces
and the support for the programme management team.


Using a high-level design and planning process as a way of
driving out supplier engagement
The delivery of a large-scale programme, particularly involving a large degree
of IT, means suppliers will be trying many approaches to get involved. They

EPM essentials

will be pushing their particular product, service or people offerings. Their

ultimate aim will be to secure the most business (and revenue) that is pos-
sible without putting themselves at too much risk. As a programme leader,
you need to be wary of such tactics, and ensure the supplier scope is consis-
tent with your needs and their experience or cost. Yet at the same time,
involvement of suppliers in the early stages of the programme formation is
critical to success:

• They gain a much better understanding of your specific business, the

objectives and priorities of programme and the overall context.
• You will gain an early view of their strengths and weaknesses, and their
product or solution offering.
• The supplier can provide early input into the planning and solution
design, resulting in a richer solution with the best of breed, and a
much more realistic programme plan and timescales, as well as good
understanding of issues, risks and early concerns that need to be
• The supplier is able to take ownership and understand its commitments,
resulting in much better contractual arrangement between the supplier
and programme.

However, this can be difficult to achieve in a situation where competing

organisations may be jostling for position against other providers for a
greater slice of the pie. And yet without the early involvement of suppliers,
the programme is likely to be much more difficult to deliver. So how do
achieve this?
There are three principal techniques to managing the involvement of
suppliers in the early, perhaps pre-contractual stage, of a programme:

• Establish a strong core programme team comprising at least a solu-

tion architect, programme planner and programme office support.
The solution architect will own the master blueprint of what the pro-
gramme will deliver: for example, containing view of the business
structure, organisation, applications, integration, high-level data and
infrastructure. With this view, the programme team can ensure the
involvement of suppliers is appropriately focused.
• Set up a physical space for programme planning and collaboration
among suppliers. We have found this aspect to be a critical success
factor. During the early stages of the programme, the different suppliers
need to get to know each other in a working environment. At the same
time, the planning and set-up often needs to be done quickly to main-
tain overall momentum, and to avoid suppliers spending significant
resources in a pre-contractual stage.

Managing suppliers

• Retain overall ownership of the solution blueprint and plans

through coordination and involvement of each supplier. Facilita-
tion skills are key in this stage. The programme team needs to guide
each supplier to think through its specific area of involvement, its
scope, approach and issues, while maintaining the cross-dependencies
and resolving cross-supplier issues and decision-making. This is one of
the most difficult stages of the programme. Get this wrong and it will
hurt in the delivery stage.

Within the Mytravel programme, a number of specific steps were undertaken

early in the programme to engage with suppliers.

1. The programme team facilitated brainstorming, planning and deci-

sion-making workshops to build the overall solution design and plans.
Each supplier was asked to complete a common project initiation
document (PID) to detail its scope, deliverables and activities. The
programme team maintained and shared the overall scope with every-
one, deliverables and plans, including the key dependencies across
2. The solution design and planning was completed over an intensive six-
week period, with the main suppliers co-hosted into a common space.
The space was partitioned to provide a semi-degree of privacy for each
supplier. A common web-based collaboration and sharing facility was
established by the programme office to allow suppliers to see common
documents, schedules and announcements.
3. The programme team played a leadership role for the overall solution
architecture blueprint and programme plan. The team had in place
people with experience and skills, to challenge suppliers on many aspects
of the solution and integration, force suppliers to constraint themselves
to focus on the right areas, and manage overall risks in the programme.
There was a tendency for some suppliers to ‘bite off’ more than was
desirable. There was also the need to ensure that everything that was
required from the collective set of suppliers was covered by someone,
and that no gaps could arise in the future. For example, the interface
between Broadvision and Engage had to be defined tightly by both sup-
pliers through the programme to ensure that both suppliers delivered
components that could work without further development work by the
client or programme team.

As a result of this planning phase, the programme team was confidently able
to define its resource needs from the internal business and IT organisations
as well as each supplier. Each supplier was then able to contract with the right
understanding of its commitments.

EPM essentials

Do not forget to plan knowledge management and transfer

An often neglected area is the process of transferring knowledge and know-
how from the suppliers to the internal organisation. This is often put in by
suppliers as an ‘end of project activity’ that in reality gets squeezed as delivery
pressures become significant. Failure to achieve effective timely knowledge
transfer can lead to operational issues as well as significant cost implications.
The programme leader can help significantly in this area through a number
of simple activities:

• Treating knowledge management and internal capability build-up as a

specific programme stream.
• Creating a coordinated plan for recruitment, induction and involvement
of new people into the programme.
• Organising specific learn and share sessions, sometimes also referred to
as ‘brown-bag’ sessions.
• Incorporating specific knowledge transfer activities into the project plans
of suppliers (as part of the PID development process).
• Using a common team room, both physical and virtual, to encourage
learning and sharing.


Create ‘joined-up’ contracts
One of the features of a large and complex programme is the need to inte-
grate everything together: not just IT but also the delivery processes. By
this we mean that the programme should bring together the statement of
work, legal and commercial aspects (the things the supplier is going to
deliver) with the programme processes and solution architecture (that is,
how the supplier is expected to work within the programme). This impor-
tant factor is critical if the programme team is going to be able to manage
the overall programme as an integrated programme using common
processes. It is no good if one supplier has a different set of acceptance
criteria from another, and does not fit in with the programme agreed
While this may sound obvious, it does not often happen in reality. The
legal representatives of the supplier and the internal lawyers spend many
hours debating specific points of the termination and indemnity clauses
which, while it is recognised they are important, have nothing to do with the
mechanics of delivery. Within the Mytravel programme, the programme
team included a legal expert who was integral to the design of key pro-
gramme processes such as acceptance, observation reporting and change
control. His job was to ensure that the contracts being drawn up reflected
these processes while at the same time flexibility was maintained in the con-

Managing suppliers

tract. In many cases, the standard supplier contract required substantial

changes to fit in with the programme processes and overall solution.

Do not contract too early

One of the tendencies, particularly driven by the suppliers, is to enter into
the contractual negotiations too early in the programme. While a supplier
may want a signature on the contract and recognition of a closed deal, this
is not in the best interest of the programme. The programme team should
get the key processes in place, perform a pilot or test case, and prove some
of the downstream process (such as the strategy for testing and acceptance).
This takes time, and if rushed will lead to problems later on. The programme
team should define the key strategies and plans for these processes, and then
ensure they are factored into the contract with the supplier.
On Mytravel, the testing approach caused particular difficulty with the
supplier contracts. The testing approach defined the numbers of individuals
required from each supplier during end-to-end integration testing. However
by the time the approach was developed, the contract with one of the sup-
pliers had already been signed, and it did not accommodate sufficient
resource to support the testing phase. After many protracted discussions and
negotiations, the programme team was left with either a change order to the
contract very early in the programme, or constraining the testing approach
to be consistent with the contractual commitments. In the end the second
option was adopted, leading to a sub-optimal testing phase.

Spell out clear reporting lines and roles

One of the main areas of difficulty with the Mytravel programme was the
contractual arrangement. The suppliers were contracted on a selective
sourcing arrangement without any one prime supplier. It would have been
difficult to find any one supplier to take the overall risk on this programme.
The programme management team also included resources from an ESP.
This caused many difficulties. The programme team had no direct man-
agement control over the suppliers other than through influence and gentle
coaching of the suppliers. While this was a good outcome for Mytravel, it did
present difficulties that can occur with multiple reporting lines.
On the positive side, the contract did include regular supplier review meet-
ings, scheduled alongside key programme milestones and set timing. This
provided an opportunity for the programme team and the commercial/legal
representatives to present a consolidated view and approach. In addition, the
programme sponsors made it clear to the suppliers that the programme team
would need to sign off on deliverables before payments could be made.
These simple steps gave the programme team significant power to manage
and direct the suppliers in the context of the programme.

EPM essentials

In one incident, a project manager from one suppler was significantly

under-performing. The programme leader raised this with supplier account
management, and within a short period of time a new, much improved
project manager was put in place.


Working together is difficult
The critical success factor in delivering an integrated solution is to ensure the
people involved in the delivery work in an integrated fashion. There is a com-
monly used saying that ‘integrated people and processes lead to integrated
solutions’. So why is this hard to achieve?

• Each supplier team has its own culture, approach and processes. No two
suppliers are the same.
• The legal and contractual frameworks often prevent openness and flexi-
bility for the greater good.
• There are individual capabilities, styles and positional jockeying, as is
often the case on any project.

So what can you do? This is where the programme leader and programme
office can make a major difference.

Induction role
The programme team should always have on hand a current pack of infor-
mation for introducing new people into the programme. This should detail
the structure of the programme, the teams and key individuals, the various
programme processes, current status and forward plans. This pack is critical
not just at the start of the programme, but also during delivery. For example,
on Mytravel the programme started with around 40 people and added an
average of 10 people each month, reaching something like 150 people
directly involved and some additional 30 to 50 with minor roles or interests.
The programme induction pack served as a key tool for delivering a consis-
tent picture of the programme and its forward plans. The programme team
also encouraged the individual suppliers to use the pack as they brought in
their new people behind the scenes.

Coaching, mentoring and support role

Another critical aspect of the programme team is to coach, mentor and sup-
port the individuals in the programme. This goes beyond administrative
support. When you have a larger number of people working intensively over

Managing suppliers

a long period of time, the strengths and weakness of each individual should
be understood, and development encouraged. This will not directly support
the delivery of the programme, but it makes the process a positive and devel-
opmental one for the individuals involved. This may appear to conflict with
the contractual arrangements, but without it the contract will become a
stumbling block to the success of the programme, which ultimately depends
on the performance of individuals in their specific roles.
Within Mytravel, the programme team took several steps to promote this
kind of behaviour:

• It built on role models and good examples. The team often made a small
positive contribution or success into something very big, and then used
it as an example of individual behaviour to encourage others. As an
example, the way the wider team worked together to agree the web page
design was highlighted to others.
• It supported supplier team leaders with facilitating key meetings and
workshops. This is a skill often lacking among very technical people, but
key to engaging with a wide range of business and IT people.
• It provided formal feedback directly to individuals and their leaders,
around specific development needs or areas to improve in the context of
the programme.

Standards and process role

The adoption of common tools and processes to direct, track and report
progress from suppliers is critical to the smooth running of the programme.
This is important as programmes typically last between one and two years.
Having a common tool set will not only make everyone’s life easier, but also
encourage integration of teams and solutions. Within Mytravel the key
programme processes included:

• status and deliverable reporting

• issue and risk tracking and resolution
• change management
• problem definition and management (during testing)
• interim deliverable sign-off.

Even with these processes and standards in place, some suppliers will fail to
deliver. For example, on Mytravel one supplier was contracted to deliver a
solution design document (SDD) for the content management engine. The
structure and content of their document was significantly below required
standards because it had failed to follow the programme guidelines. As a
result the users, sponsor and programme team all started to lose confidence
in the supplier’s ability to understand the requirements and deliver the

EPM essentials

solution. However, with a strong senior-level push, the situation was

managed and the SDD delivered effectively.


The difference between programme and solution
The programme team has a difficult job. It has to manage not only the
schedule and cost but also the solution, weaving and joining together the
various components to deliver an integrated IT and business solution. This
requires two types of skilled individuals:

• A programme manager, a commercially minded individual who provides

strong delivery.
• A solution architect with strong technical and architectural skills to
govern the overall design and integration.

The solution architect should be the custodian of the detailed blueprint that
each supplier is meant to be delivering against. This is a critical role. While
the programme manager owns the delivery processes, there need to be indi-
viduals on the programme team who own and can resolve the
solution-related issues, be these technical, infrastructure, data, processes or
The basic premise for the programme team should be that the individual
supplier teams will be focusing on their specific component of the solution,
and pushing as much as possible onto other suppliers. The role of the solu-
tion architect is to focus each supplier’s solutions to achieve an overall
integration. Again, this will be helped tremendously if the contract has been
set up with a degree of flexibility.
In the case of Mytravel, a key element of the solution was the interface
between the content management solution being delivered by one supplier
and the Broadvision subsystem being delivered by another supplier. The ini-
tial interface was defined at a high level during the early phase of the
programme. As is often the case, the devil is in the detail! The mapping logic
in the interface can only be done at one end or the other. Once the pro-
gramme reached the implementation stage, there was significant friction
between the two suppliers. Each supplier was pushing the other to write the
logic. The role of the programme team was critical. The solution architect
micro-managed each issue, and worked in detail with each supplier through
negotiation and compromises. The programme solution architect was able to
find and build on a sufficient basis to move each supplier in different areas to
deliver the overall solution. Looking back, it would have been better to con-
tract with one supplier to perform the intelligent processing, and the other
to act as the dumb recipient/sender of data.

Managing suppliers

Architects, architects …
They say that everything is created twice, initially on paper (such as an architect
creates the plan for a house) and then in real life (as a builder and project manager
build the house). It is important for the programme to pull together technical
representatives from each major supplier into a technical design authority (TDA)
to make decisions and resolve issues around the overall solution. The TDA
should also include the overall solution architect from the programme team.

Who is the integrator?

The biggest challenge in any complex integration programme is to ensure all
the sub-systems come together at the right time and in the right way to
deliver an integrated solution. This can be achieved with a strong oversight
solution architect role, and the programme team conducting joint planning
and actual delivery of key common streams.
Within Mytravel, the programme team managed the central programme
plan and milestones (under change control), and tracked project team plans
and deliverables. Weekly progress meetings were held for the Solution Build
Stream with representatives from each supplier. Overall and dependent
deliverables were tracked and managed at a programme level.
The programme team directly managed the data, infrastructure and integra-
tion test streams of work. These streams culminated in the bringing together of
the various independent components into a single integrated environment for
end-to-end testing and release to the business. The individual suppliers were
required to demonstrate that they had reached a certain level and quality in their
own individual components before delivering into the end-to-end environment.
This included, for example, suppliers working together on a point-to-point basis
to test interfaces formally prior to delivering. The end-to-end environment was
not meant to be the first time two suppliers had formally tested their integration.
The end-to-end environment was also the first opportunity for suppliers to
work with real test data. This proved to be a stumbling block for one of the
suppliers. Its own testing prior to delivery had made too many incorrect
assumptions about the data model. When delivered, the solution did not
work with real-life data. This was pushed back before further integration
testing was performed with the other suppliers, which would have wasted
significant time for everyone involved.


This is where the programme team really proved its worth when working
with suppliers. While each supplier manages and resolves its own issues
and risks, the role of the programme team is twofold:

EPM essentials

• Enforce the timely identification and reporting of issues within a supplier

stream that could impact the overall delivery. These issues are relatively
easy to resolve since the supplier can usually be forced to resolve them
through its contractual obligations.
• Do the same for cross-stream/supplier issues. This requires real focus
and attention since these kinds of issues will not be easily addressable
through individual supplier contracts.

The programme team needs to be on top of all the important programme

issues and issues.

Plan to manage change in supplier contracts

Another complexity for the programme team is changes to scope and
requirements. This is unavoidable in any large complex business pro-
grammes. Change is inevitable but must be managed appropriately. Supplier
contracts will be written to deliver specific products well before the overall
solution has been designed, and well before multiple suppliers have created
their own specific designs and interfaces.
The process of managing change is critical. Within Mytravel, the
programme team established a robust change process that included:

• a simple change order form that could be raised by anyone proposing a

• the programme team acting as the central control for change logs and
• a change board comprising the programme team and the supplier
account managers.

Change is also a difficult subject: a change from one supplier may impact
timescales and costs for another supplier. It is also usually an emotive subject.
A clear and robust process coupled with programme management leadership
will help.

When things go wrong

It is inevitable that no matter how well the programme is structured and
managed, there will be issues that need to be addressed with suppliers. The
most important aspect of effective supplier management is to identify the
issues promptly and focus the necessary resources to resolve them. One of
the primary reasons given for poor programme performance and failure is
that issues known about early in the programme were either ignored or not
dealt with promptly, thereby coming back to bite when they were much
more difficult to resolve. For example, a design or integration issue with

Managing suppliers

supplier deliverables will be much more difficult and costly to fix during
integration testing.
We have come across two effective techniques for managing programme-
level issues with suppliers:

• Micro-management: the application of substantial management time and

resources to manage and resolve 100 per cent of the details. For example,
in the case of the Broadvision and content management interface, both
suppliers were raising issues associated with the other suppliers’ provision
and processing of data in the interface. The programme team quickly
determined the underlying problem to be related to the physical imple-
mentation of the data model in both systems. The programme team then
applied significant focus and resources to micro-manage:
– the list of issues
– the decisions that had to be made that could impact functionality
– the scope and contractual changes
– testing and test data changes.
One could argue that such an issue should not have arisen in the first
place. However, this was inevitable. When the logical data model and the
interface were agreed between the two suppliers, neither supplier team
had a complete and full understanding of the other’s detailed solution.
• SWAT: in this case, a formal sub-unit or team is created to clear a
backlog or complete a specific deliverable. The team is created with full-
time individuals, hand-picked from the existing team members. This is
usually a special team, working together to complete a specific outcome.
In the case of Mytravel, this approach was applied to the completion of
the web HTML design. This was initially planned as a serial activity, with
the Mytravel in-house team completing the design and a supplier team
completing the implementation. However, the programme team soon
realised that this was not working. The designs were late, they did not
always match the scope, implementation was running late and often did
not have much resemblance to the designs. The programme team cre-
ated a single SWAT team, co-located in the same space and containing
all the Mytravel web developers and supplier resources involved in this
area. The team was led by the programme management and lasted for six
weeks, after which the deliverables were completed and agreed. The
team was then disbanded into the original involvements.

Contractual versus doing the right thing

This is perhaps the most sensitive area of working with suppliers. There is
always a natural tension between the team on the ground and their manage-
ment back at base. The team on the ground will be part of an integrated
programme focused on delivery under the guidance of the programme team.

EPM essentials

If the programme management has done a good job, then the supplier team
will be working and behaving as part of one overall team. However, back at
base, there will be pressures to manage tightly to contract, look for oppor-
tunities for additional revenue through scope changes, and at the same time
manage any internal delivery or people-related problems at arm’s length
from the programme leadership. The question is, how do you manage in this

• As we have mentioned elsewhere, create a one-team environment with

open, impartial discussions and reporting.
• Manage the human aspects of the team effectively, to win over the sup-
plier’s team and its loyalty. This means tending to the team’s personal,
development and social needs as well as the formal contractual role. In
Mytravel, the programme team considered its role to be as much as team
mentoring and coaching as overall delivery. This also helped the team on
the ground to be much more open and clear about progress and issues.
• Build a strong relationship with people at base, for example through
formal review meetings, status updates and social gatherings. It is just as
important to ensure the account/relationship management team of the
supplier is well integrated into the programme so that issues can be
resolved quickly without unnecessarily complex contractual hurdles. In
Mytravel, regular supplier meetings kept the account managers copied in
on progress reports, and they were invited to key meetings and socials.
In this way, they were directly involved and could be called upon to
resolve issues.
• Be very clear about contractual commitments, and the authority invested
in the programme team. The programme team has to ensure it does not
cross the line between managing the programme, and making key design
or contractual decisions without proper consultation. It is very easy to
make remarks that could be taken by a supplier as approval of a change
request or scope change. It is also easy to become too friendly and lose
the impartiality of the programme leader role. This a balance that needs
to be struck by the programme team members, based on their individual
style and the nature of individuals involved in the programme.

The programme leader needs to be able both to manage the contract and to
operate with a team mind-set. This is a subtle area: getting it wrong can cause
all sorts of issues. Getting it right will help smooth the path delivery.

In this chapter, we have outlined a number of approaches to working with
suppliers as part of a large integrated programme. In summary, the key to
successful engagement of suppliers is to balance the team and contractual

Managing suppliers

management with a focus on both the delivery processes and the final
solution. We recommend programme leaders and teams ensure they
address the following areas in any programmes involving one or more

• Establish an appropriate sourcing strategy.

• Create the environment for suppliers to work with in-house staff on the
design early in the programme.
• Include the solution design and programme processes in the contractual
agreements with suppliers.
• Treat suppliers as part of the programme team.
• Ensure someone in the programme retains an overall integration over-
• Step in early to resolve cross-supplier issues, risks and changes.

Managing relationships, both contractual and interpersonal, with suppliers is

a key capability required to deliver programmes and projects within our

14 Building a communications

Consider for a moment these recent business trends:

• increasing merger and acquisition activity

• a greater number of strategic alliances, even between competitors
• blurring of lines between industries and regions
• emerging power of the individual in the war for talent
• industry shake-ups due to regulatory pressures
• increasingly complex customer needs
• shorter and shorter product lifecycles
• continued integration of technology and business
• increasing pressure on senior executives to deliver.

These trends mean that today’s organisations are spending more money, more
often and on bigger programmes. You have probably had some level of involve-
ment in these initiatives, perhaps as a project manager or as a recipient of the
change. However, greater experience with change may not always necessarily
mean that you are better able to deal with it and deliver maximum benefits.
As discussed in earlier chapters, a startling number of programmes still fail
to deliver the expected value. They go over budget and over time. Probable
reasons for this are:

• Programme team members often do not understand the interdependen-

cies of their work and so cancel out each other’s efforts.
• The intended changes to employee work practices do not always happen,
or occur grudgingly only after extra time and expense.
• Board members do not understand where the programme is up to, and
are unconvinced of the value of the work.
• Shareholders fail to support a resolution to release funds to allow the
programme to continue.
• Suppliers are not aware of procedural changes and think the business is
failing to respond to their queries, so they focus their efforts on other
• decision-making is slow and windows of opportunity are lost.

Building a communications capability

These outcomes are often the consequences of failing to communicate effec-

tively with those who influence the programme’s success: team members,
employees, sponsors and decision makers, shareholders and business part-
ners. These people have the power to make or break an initiative. Their
involvement and buy-in is critical.
So effective programme communications is about communicating with
the right people at the right time in order to secure their involvement
and buy-in (whether they are employees being impacted or senior
managers who will need to make key decisions). It means understanding
what is important to those who have an influence over the programme,
and interacting with them in an engaging and effective way. It also means
establishing communication mechanisms that are relevant to the
programme, rather than just using ‘business as usual’ techniques (which
are made for ‘business as usual’ situations, rather than complex cross-
organisational changes).
Importantly, programme communications is not just about sending the
right messages, it is also about tapping into ideas and expertise that exist out-
side the programme team, then using this feedback to improve the
Effective programme communication underpins the enterprise programme
management (EPM) model, and has multiple touch points, including
programme architecture, change architecture and project management. It is a
key capability to develop, and
will help drive organisational
Overall, we believe that initiatives
the ability to communicate Strategic
with the organisation as pro-
grammes are implemented is Benefits
realisation Strategic portfolio
an essential capability in management


today’s market. Developing




and using this capability will


Outcomes Programme delivery management



not only help you achieve the


goals of the programme, it Outputs Project management

will also help you deliver
long-lasting and sustainable
change within your business. Figure 14.1 The enterprise programme
In addition, a communica- management framework
tions capability is just one
characteristic of high-performance programme teams, teams that can act
as a competitive edge for your business, as discussed in earlier chapters.
The objective of this chapter is to help you build this capability
by laying the foundations for a robust communications strategy and

EPM essentials


There are a number of organisational players who have varying levels of
interest in programme communications. To get the most out of this chapter,
you should identify the outcomes or objectives that are important for you.
For example, if you are a programme manager, you will want to understand
how best to share the programme vision, goals and progress with those who will
impact, and be impacted by, the programme. You will want to secure buy-in of
key people as soon as possible, and hence secure resources to develop and
execute a robust communications plan. If you are responsible for change
management for a particular initiative, you will want to develop and deliver a
detailed communications plan that will help achieve the business objectives.
You may be part of the internal communications department, in which
case you will want to understand the process that programme staff go
through in developing and delivering their communications plan, and then
identify opportunities to leverage existing channels and media. Or you may
be a programme team member who has regular contact with the wider
organisation. You will need to know which messages to communicate at
which point in the programme, often informally and alongside the more
visible communication methods.
Whatever your role, take a few minutes to identify why programme com-
munications is important to you, and what you hope to achieve by reading
this chapter. This will then help you to focus on those topics that will have
the most impact on your job.


In general, good communication is about exchanging meaningful information
with other people, often aimed at influencing beliefs or actions. Programme
communications is no different: it is about exchanging timely and useful infor-
mation with programme stakeholders (such as team members, senior executives
and employees) in order to secure their buy-in and involvement. Examples
include face-to-face discussions, formal presentations by senior managers,
regular progress meetings, email distributions and intranet sites.


The benefits can be defined at the organisational and individual level.

Organisational benefits
• Provides clarity around communication roles and responsibilities.
• Contributes toward developing appropriate levels of commitment to the

Building a communications capability

• Creates an underlying foundation of trust, as communication

becomes frequent and meaningful, needed to engage all levels of the
• Minimises destructive rumour mills.
• Energises people for change.
• Builds credibility in the programme’s solution.

Individual benefits
• Prepares and manages expectations about the upcoming changes.
• Facilitates a sense of community.
• Promotes morale and feeling of value.
• Links management to employees.
• Builds buy-in and ownership for change.
• Helps people understand how they fit into the change, are impacted by
the change and what they need to do to contribute to the change.

The rest of the chapter will show how these types of benefits can be obtained
by developing a programme communications capability.


Programmes usually mean change, and change affects people in very signifi-
cant ways. This creates turbulence and uncertainty. People can react strongly
and unpredictably, often resisting the change. This in turn affects the stability
and performance of the business during the programme and beyond.
Having worked with many businesses going through change, we have seen
first hand what resistance can do, whether it comes from shareholders, senior
executives, employees or even unwilling programme team members.
Resistance can come in a variety of guises: a failure to commit resources,
missing meetings, complaining about the project (all ‘active’ forms of resis-
tance), and not advocating the change or not asking questions in meetings
(both ‘passive’ forms of resistance).
Why do people resist change? Change is very situational, and people
oppose change for a wide range of personal and organisational reasons. In
general terms, however, resistance is often driven by three states:

• Not knowing: people do not know about the change.

• Not able: people do not have the ability to change.
• Not willing: people are not willing to change.

You may hear this referred to as the ‘resistance pyramid’. Within your
company, different people will be at different states, or levels, of the pyramid.
In fact, they may be in more than one state at the same time. Programme

EPM essentials


Not able

Not knowing

Figure 14.2 The resistance pyramid

communication is directly relevant to targeting and overcoming these states

of resistance, and building the commitment needed for successful pro-
Nearly every communications plan focuses, at least in part, on ‘not
knowing’. Sharing information about the programme vision, strategy, ratio-
nale, approach and progress helps to remove uncertainty and fear of the
unknown. This state is often the easiest (relatively speaking) to deal with.
The state of ‘not able’ is more complex. Here communication activities
need to focus on two issues: first, understanding why people think they
cannot make the change, and second, taking actions to help overcome this
view. In some cases, people are not aware of the fact that they already
possess the knowledge and skills to make the change. They may also not be
aware of the extent of support available. In these cases, information and
two-way communication activities can reduce resistance. However, in
other cases, barriers such as lack of skills, an inappropriate organisation
structure or lack of funding may mean that people really are not able to
make the change. In these cases, the broader programme resources will
play a role in helping develop the skills, structures, processes and systems
to enable the change. Whatever the scenario, programme communications
can play a supporting role.
The third state, ‘not willing’, is the most difficult to overcome. In these
cases, people may already understand the need for the change and its impact
on them. They may even have the knowledge, skills and support to make the
change, but are reluctant to do so. Here, the role of communications will be
to understand people’s needs (which will differ up and down the organisa-
tion) and to deliver communications that address these needs.
Communication needs at this level often include:

Building a communications capability

• Reassurance: people often believe the worst.

• Business strategy: people need to know that there is one.
• Direction: where should they focus their efforts.
• Involvement: wanting to feel part of the programme and having a real
impact on the results.
• Expectations: what can they control and manage?
• Performance and reward: what is in it for them?

Effective communications addresses all three states, hence it is important to

remember them as you work through the programme’s communication


The resistance pyramid focuses on the reasons why people are not buying
into the programme, allowing you to employ specific techniques to address
different problems. This is a reactionary, yet valuable, approach. But when
building buy-in to the programmes, it is just as important to employ a proac-
tive approach – to progressively help people to commit to and own the
change. As discussed in Chapter 7, each person who is involved with, or
impacted by, the programme will go through a personal process of accep-
tance of the oncoming change. This is true of a wide range of stakeholders,
including programme team members, employees and business partners. The
stages these people go through usually range from a lack of awareness of
what is happening up to an internalisation or ownership of the change.
Those responsible for communications must be aware of the acceptance
process that stakeholders are likely to go through, and tailor communications
messages and roles accordingly. Figure 14.3 provides an example of what this
process might look like. The focus on communication activities must align to
the relevant stages of the change acceptance process.
As you can see from the figure, the five ‘types’ of communications
activities are:

• Advertise (tell people about the programme in general terms).

• Counsel (tailor messages to address people’s concerns).
• Involve (work with people to gain their input and buy-in).
• Educate (help people build the skills and capabilities to be successful in
the new environment).
• Support (provide ongoing coaching to sustain commitment).

At different points in the programme, you will need to initiate different types
of communications activities, although usually more than one type in par-
allel. Bear in mind, however, that people within your organisation are likely

EPM essentials
to awareness Understanding Try-out Adoption Internalisation

People first hear Impact is People move Tangible People make a

that change is personalised toward imagining experience with conscious decision to
going to occur the changed the changed own the change

What does it environment environment

Interest levels mean (more confidence, Manage by
vary to me? Leadership provides less anxiety) performance
clarification of measures
Denial may occur Resistance/ the changed Fear is removed
as people ask, negative attitudes environment Continuous
“why change?” may surface improvement culture
(e.g. sabotage) Openness develops



Figure 14.3 Stages of reaction to change

to be at different stages of the change process at any one time. Even people
within one audience group may be at varying stages. As you will see later in
this chapter, it is important to focus on both general and individual face-to-
face communications to address this issue.
As we move through the remainder of the chapter, keep two concepts in
mind: the resistance pyramid (responding to resistance issues) and the
change acceptance process (proactively building commitment). Building
these concepts into your communications approach will help you deliver
meaningful and practical communications.


Effective programme communications relies upon three key outcomes:

• Developing a communications strategy that is aligned to the programme

strategy and goals.
• Creating a comprehensive and practical work plan that outlines the who,
what, when and how of all communication activities.
• Organising resources and processes to create, manage and deliver the
strategy and plan.

This chapter is about helping you to build and deliver a communications

strategy and plan for your particular programme, but we know that no two
programmes will have the same communication needs, even within the one
company. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach for effective programme
communications. For this reason, we focus on posing questions that will help
you to define your requirements, and suggest tools or techniques that you

Building a communications capability

will find helpful. In addition, we include some examples to bring the ideas
to life: a merger of two companies, a technology implementation and a
customer-focused brand re-launch. To achieve these outcomes, this chapter
will guide you through the process shown in Figure 14.4.

Develop the programme

communications strategy

Create the detailed

communications plan

Build/access the
necessary infrastructure

Deliver the communications

strategy and plan

Review and improve the

communication strategy and plan

Figure 14.4 Building a programme communications capability


The quality of your communications strategy is the key factor in building
an effective programme communications capability. The strategy must
reflect the goals of the programme and the context of your business. It
must pinpoint those people
who will be impacted by Develop the programme
communications strategy
the programme, and isolate
the best way to communi- Create the detailed
communications plan
cate with them. As a strat- Build/access the
egy, it will set the direction necessary infrastructure

and tone of the subsequent Deliver the communications

strategy and plan
communication activities.
Review and improve the
This is an important docu- communication strategy and plan
ment and you need to get
it right. Figure 14.5 Developing a communications
The elements of a good strategy
communications strategy
are split out into the following ten sections. Take the time to think through
and write down your answers to the questions within each section. This is
not a textbook exercise to be done in 20 minutes. It will take time, effort and
consultation with your colleagues, but the end result will be a documented

EPM essentials

programme communications strategy – one that meets the specific needs of

the programme and business.
Before you get started, decide who to involve in the development of the
communications strategy: your peers, team members or just yourself for now.
Whatever you decide, it will be critical to allow opportunities throughout
this development process to test and confirm your ideas with others.

Step 1: Define your high-level objectives

Think through the rationale and objectives of the programme itself:

Why are you doing this programme?

What is the programme strategy? What are the programme goals?
At a high level, who will be impacted by the programme, and in what
What will happen if the programme fails?

Once you have a solid grasp of the programme strategy and goals, translate
these into the high-level communication requirements:

As a result of the above, what are the preliminary communication objectives

and priorities?
Overall, what general types of communication are likely to be required
(advertise, counsel, involve, educate and/or support)?

These questions are designed to provide the initial direction; the answers
will be refined later. Moreover, the answers to these questions are very situ-
ational. They depend on the nature of the programme you are undertak-
ing and the context of your business. For example, Table 14.1 lists some
priorities identified by three different programmes.
Once the high-level objectives and priorities have been defined, consider
the next set of questions:

What will be the benefits to the programme and the business if these
objectives are achieved?
What issues will be critical to the success of programme communication?
What are the existing barriers that programme communication must

The answers to these questions will form the opening section in the pro-
gramme communications strategy document. You will want to revisit and

Building a communications capability

Table 14.1 Sample communication priorities

Type of programme Communication priorities

Merger of two companies Decide and communicate structure and leadership

quickly (advertise)
Deal with the ‘Have I got a job?’, ‘What is my
role?’ questions (counsel)
Shape the future strategy and business priorities
Technology implementation What will happen and when (advertise)
How roles will change (educate)
Customer-focused brand Understand how internal behaviours reinforce the
re-launch brand (educate)
Communicate what needs to change at an
organisational and individual level
(advertise, educate)

review these answers once you have analysed the detailed communication
needs of the business.
You should of course create a document that works for you and your busi-
ness, but as a starting point you may want to reproduce each of these section
headings in your own document.

Step 2: Agree guiding principles

This strategy will set the direction for the later development of the commu-
nications plan and content. Think through the guidelines that would need to
be shared with those responsible for developing and delivering the plan:

What are the principles that should guide effective programme

communication in your business?

For example, when one of our clients undertook a brand relaunch, some of
their communication guiding principles included:

• ‘The timing, integration and presentation of communications to

Customer Service, Marketing and Operations staff will be estab-
lished and agreed by consultation with the Steering Group, the
leadership team and key stakeholders (identified as Level 1 in the
Stakeholder Directory);
• Communications will be regular – monthly at a minimum. Even if
there is little new information to share, we will continue to reinforce
key messages and minimise staff anxiety;

EPM essentials

• We will communicate the latest thinking wherever and whenever

possible (after consultation with the Legal Department with regard
to commercial sensitivity);
• Internal and external communications will be aligned and consis-
tent. Our communications team will work closely with Corporate
• Line Managers will be accountable via the performance management
system for delivery of communications to their staff.’

Your communication principles might be quite different from the above, per-
haps more general or more detailed. The critical step is to define those that
make the most sense for the programme and business.

Step 3: Identify the needs of stakeholders and audiences

Identifying who’s who with respect to the programme is one of the most
critical steps. This can also be labour intensive, so you may want to enlist
support if you have not already done so.
There are two broad groups of people who will be important to the pro-
gramme. Stakeholders are key individuals who can make or break a project,
and usually need to be managed on an individual basis. Examples are the
managing director, trade union officials and unofficial leaders. Audiences are
groups of people who will be impacted by the project and who need to buy-
in to the upcoming changes. Examples are employees, customers and
suppliers. The way you manage stakeholders and audiences will often be
quite different.

Who are the stakeholders of this programme, both internal and external
to your business?
Who are the audiences that will be impacted, both internal and external
to your business?

Your two lists might be drawn from the following, but remember to be as
specific as you can (naming names where possible).

Possible stakeholders and/or audience groups

• programme management
• programme team members
• board and senior executives
• middle management

Building a communications capability

• team leaders
• employees (usually distinguished by function)
• trade union representatives
• suppliers
• customers
• shareholders
• city analysts
• government or regulatory bodies
• local community.

Once you have compiled your two lists, ask yourself:

How will this programme affect them?

Are they currently showing resistance to the programme? If so, what is
driving this (not knowing, not able, not willing?)
Where are they currently on the change acceptance process (lack of aware-
ness to awareness, understanding, try-out, adoption, internalisation)?
Where do you want them to be?
Based on the above, what type of communication activities will best build
their commitment (advertise, counsel, involve, educate and/or support)?

Stakeholders and audiences that have common communication needs could

be grouped together. Initially these audience segments may be quite broad.
The audience groups can be segmented further as the programme progresses
and the impact on different audiences is further understood.
For a recent technology implementation, we helped our client to populate
the matrix shown in Table 14.2. You may find it helpful to capture this infor-
mation in a similar way. When populating this matrix, remember to revisit
your stated objectives, priorities and guidelines. Later on this matrix can be
used as a basis for the more detailed communications plan.
Answering these questions can be challenging. In general, there are two
methods that can be employed to determine the attitudes and needs of the
stakeholder and audience groups:

• ‘Rough and ready’ assessment, where the programme manager, commu-

nications specialist or other key individuals involved in the programme
undertake an assessment of resistance and change acceptance levels of
stakeholders and audience groups according to observed behaviours and
attitudes of those groups.
• Qualitative assessment, where the stakeholders and audience groups are
asked to complete a questionnaire on their thoughts, feelings and under-
standing about the programme.

EPM essentials

Table 14.2 Sample audience/stakeholder matrix

Audience/ Impact Influence Evidence Current Desired Communication Action
stakeholder from the on the of stage of stage of needs steps
programme programme resistance acceptance acceptance (advertise;
process process counsel;

Which one do you choose? Consider the advantages and disadvantages listed
in Table 14.3.

Table 14.3 Advantages and disadvantages of communication needs

assessment methods
Method Advantages Disadvantages

Rough and Quick Subjective

ready Fit for purpose Does not allow the person/people
(internal project being measured the opportunity to
management document) ‘have their say’
Based on observed Confidentiality/data protection issues?
behaviour rather
than espoused behaviour.

Qualitative Asks the person/people Takes much more time

assessment being assessed to provide People may not be willing to be
their own thoughts and involved
feelings which can make May be difficult when there are groups
them feel involved and of people being observed
listened to
Better quality information

Building a communications capability

Step 4: Review current communications capability

Understanding the current communications capability will help you to
decide the extent to which it can be used for the programme, or whether
additional development is required.

What are the current communications channels used within your business?
How effective are they?
Who in the organisation is responsible for developing communication
content, and managing activities and infrastructure?
What messages have already been communicated about the programme
– how have they been received?

To answer these questions, a communication audit should be undertaken to

gather information about current channels, ownership, messages, audiences,
processes and resources, feedback loops and sign-off routes. This will also
help to identify the barriers and enablers of the existing communication
Channels vary between organisations. However the following list can be
used as a starting point:


• steering committees
• annual general meetings
• team progress reports
• annual reports
• intranet/Internet
• general emails
• magazines and newsletters
• bulletin boards
• general memos
• general voicemails.

Face to face:

• team meetings
• one-on-one coaching sessions
• senior management briefing sessions
• training courses
• video conferences
• management walkarounds.

EPM essentials


• one-on-one coaching sessions

• personalised voicemails
• personalised emails
• the grapevine.

For a recent merger programme, we helped our client to populate the simple
matrix shown in Table 14.4. You may find it helpful to capture this informa-
tion in a similar way. Once the assessment is complete, validate the
information with people from all levels within the business. These meetings
can also serve as an opportunity to elicit information about the hot topics
within the business.

Table 14.4 Sample communication channel matrix

Communication Current Advantages Drawbacks Opportunities Assessment
method/ fre- (use,
channel quency develop,

Ultimately, you need to decide the extent to which you can use the
existing communications infrastructure to meet the programme needs.

Which methods already in place will communicate the programme

strategy and goals most effectively?
Which channels will need to be developed or improved?

When identifying the most appropriate communication methods to

employ, keep in mind the levels of the resistance pyramid. For example,
if key groups ‘don’t know’ about the programme, then look for methods
to gain maximum exposure. If some stakeholders ‘aren’t willing’ to
support the programme, look for methods to involve them in an
appropriate way.

Building a communications capability

Also, based on our experience it appears that the greater the degree of
personal change expected, the better people respond to face-to-face and
personal communications. Build these considerations into the plan by
looking for methods that involve one-on-one, personalised interaction.

Step 5: Define the key messages

What are the vital messages to communicate to stakeholders and

To answer this question, refer back to your objectives, priorities and guide-
lines as well as the stakeholder and audience assessment. For example, during
a recent merger of two multinational businesses, the priorities of the com-
munications plan were to communicate the leadership structure quickly, deal
with the ‘Have I got a job?’ and ‘What is my role?’ questions, and share the
future strategy and business priorities. As a result, the communications team
identified key messages that would need to be transmitted via the various
How do you know what the relevant messages are? In most cases, you
will use the knowledge of programme personnel and senior management
to identify the most appropriate messages. These messages must support
the programme’s vision and strategy, as well as being meaningful to the
recipients (see Figure 14.6, and your stakeholder and audience analysis
for ideas).

Strategy Building community

• Strategy of the firm and how we are working to • How we are, and should be, working together to
achieve this achieve the new strategy
• New value proposition and resultant action plan • Networking opportunities

Performance Aspirational/motivational

• Wins and successes in the marketplace • Why this is a great place to work
• Performance against plan and utilisation figures • Why you should want to stay with the firm

Marketplace People

• Updates on what is happening in the marketplace • Career progression

• Competitor performance • Promotions
• Forward view of ‘order book’ • Reward and recognition

Figure 14.6 Possible key messages

EPM essentials

Step 6: Consider style and tone

How you communicate is just as important as what you communicate:

How should the key messages be communicated?

Will the communication styles be simple or flashy?
How do you want the audience groups to feel about communication?
How important is it that your messages are consistent in style and tone?

Consider language and style use. The language used is one of the most pow-
erful factors in whether people understand the message or not. As a general
rule, keep it simple.
A useful tip is to get someone from the intended audience to review each
communications piece before it is published. Opportunities for this will
depend on the content and confidentiality of the message. This is a good
technique for weeding out any jargon and ensuring the communication
messages are explained in a way that can be understood by the target

Step 7: Align communications with programme milestones

At what stage in the overall programme do key messages need to be
At a high level, what is the logical sequence for communicating to dif-
ferent stakeholders and audiences?

An effective programme communication strategy will be aligned to the

overall programme and its milestones, and should run in tandem with it.
Work with programme management personnel to understand the key stages
and milestones of the programme, and adjust the communication calendar as
appropriate. This will be an ongoing activity.

Step 8: Be able to measure the effectiveness of the

communication strategy
The communication needs of the programme will change over time.
Similarly, the audiences will change their perceptions and requirements over
time. The programme itself may be redefined. For these reasons, it is critical
to establish a feedback process that works for the programme.

How will you know if your communications are sufficiently proactive

and clearly understood?

Building a communications capability

How will you identify if the sponsors and executives are committed to
the programme’s objectives?
What mechanisms can you use to determine whether the communication
strategy is achieving the programme’s objectives?
How will you ensure that objectives are achieved and the working
philosophy is adhered to?

There are various forms of formal feedback, such as questionnaires/feedback

forms, focus groups, annual surveys and telephone surveys. Informal feed-
back routes include project teams, management findings when ‘walking
around’ and feedback from human resource management staff. During a
recent technology implementation, we helped the client to establish an
intranet-based feedback mechanism. This proved to be a valuable source of
information for the programme team.
It is also important to understand the informal routes that already exist
in the organisation, which can be used to gather feedback either on
programme communications to date or on what people would like to hear.
Informal routes include the grapevine and casual chats over the water
cooler or lunch table.

Step 9: Establish a lasting communication framework

Developing a programme communications capability is a long-term goal,
rather than a short-term fix, so consider the way that you can sustain the
capability across the business.

Have roles and responsibilities been clearly defined in order to achieve

long-term goals?
Have line managers been provided with the skills and involvement to
enable them to conduct regular face-to-face communication with their
Will those affected by the programme be involved in a continuing
programme of two-way communication, enabling them to contribute
their experience and ideas to the improvement of the implementation

During a recent customer-focused vision and brand relaunch programme,

we helped the client to develop internal communication capabilities, and
gradually transferred knowledge from consultants to employees. As part of
this, we jointly established a regular review mechanism to sustain the
quality of programme communications.

EPM essentials

Step 10: Gather support for your strategy

By this point, a draft programme communications strategy should be in place –
one that focuses on the specific needs of the programme and business. However,
the job is not yet over. Be sure to test the content with others within your busi-
ness and make the necessary refinements. You may want to obtain formal sign-
off from key stakeholders such as the steering committee, programme manager,
human resource director and internal communications staff.
Once the strategy is in a good state, the process of translating it into a
detailed communications plan can begin. In reality, the strategy will be a
dynamic document. It is likely that it will be revisited throughout the life of
the programme.


Completing the above steps will place you in a strong position to now
develop the detailed communications plan. The programme communication
plan should include the
Develop the programme
communications strategy following major sections:
Create the detailed
communications plan

Build/access the
necessary infrastructure
What messages are needed:
Deliver the communications
strategy and plan recommended messages
Review and improve the that need to be communi-
communication strategy and plan
cated to the audiences, and
the purpose for providing
Figure 14.7 Creating a programme them with this information.
communications plan

Desired outcome
Why these are needed: the desired result we hope to achieve by sending the

Who needs information: specific audiences being impacted by the business

Where the message is going to be communicated: the event that gives the
sender the opportunity to communicate the required message.

Building a communications capability

When each message should be delivered: recommended timeframe for
implementing each communication vehicle during the implementation.

How these messages can be delivered most effectively: recommended com-
munication vehicles for delivering these messages to the appropriate

Feedback mechanism
How the information is to be gathered: the most effective way to gather
feedback from the audience regarding the communicated message.

Who will develop the message: specific person(s) responsible within your
business for preparing the message and the material needed to present the

Who should send each message: specific person(s) most effective in commu-
nicating each message to the appropriate audiences.

The plan can take many forms; however a spreadsheet matrix or project plan
is probably the easiest to manage.
At this point, the strategy and planning phases – often the most time-
intensive phases – should be complete. The next three phases are simply
about turning those plans into reality. This involves working out the
resources and infrastructure needed, executing the plan, and reviewing and


Once your communications strategy and plan are in place, the appropriate
infrastructure needs to be planned. Early on in the process, you will need
to assign responsibilities for the design and delivery of programme

Do new programme roles need to be created?

Can existing communications infrastructure be utilised?

EPM essentials

How do you ensure

Develop the programme that management takes
communications strategy
responsibility for com-
Create the detailed
communications plan
Build/access the
necessary infrastructure Consider the following
Deliver the communications principles.
strategy and plan

Review and improve the

communication strategy and plan
Ensure roles and
responsibilities are
Figure 14.8 Building the communications clearly defined
Communication must be
an integrated part of the project. One or two people who are not involved
in design or process work cannot effectively communicate to audiences on
their own. There needs to be a strong link between the design teams and
the communications team/ person.
It is important to ensure roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.
Communication is more than content, it is process and delivery too. It is often
too easy to assume other people doing something that they are not.

Consider joint working with other teams

There may be other programmes or projects running in parallel with your
own. It is imperative that you find out what other activities are happening,
and consider these in your work. You do not want to send conflicting mes-
sages. You might also want to tap into the communications resources being
used elsewhere.

Make sure you include, or link to, external communications

Depending on the organisation, you may find that employees find out what
is happening by reading it in daily newspapers before you have had a chance
to communicate it internally, especially if there are leaks. Similarly, you may
find the public relations (PR) people are communicating messages externally
that differ from the ones you are generating internally. Sometimes this hap-
pens because PR is in one department such as marketing, and internal
communications is in another department such as HR. If this is the case, you
may want to include a PR person in your joint communications group.

Consider using an editorial team

Do not underestimate how long it takes to publish and distribute communi-
cations material. If there is a lot of change or many impacted audiences it

Building a communications capability

may be worth establishing an editorial team. This team could be responsible

for developing the detailed plan, and act as a sounding board for communi-
cation activities and messages. Ideally this team would be representative of
the organisation, know what is happening at the grassroots level of the busi-
ness, have the ear of the organisation, and could spend time reviewing
communication materials at short notice.
Additionally, consider if there are other people the team needs access to,
such as copywriters, creative experts, conference organisers or market
research agencies.


AND PLAN Develop the programme
communications strategy
By this stage, you should Create the detailed
have a validated commu- communications plan

nications strategy and plan Build/access the

necessary infrastructure
along with a view on the
Deliver the communications
resources and infrastructure strategy and plan
required. To now deliver and Review and improve the
implement the strategy and communication strategy and plan

plan, the following activities

should be undertaken: Figure 14.9 Delivering the communications
strategy and plan
1. Mobilise the communication team:
– Are the required resources in place?
– Do they have the necessary skills?
– Have performance measures been established?
2. Develop communication content:
– Based on your previous analysis, what are the detailed communications
messages required by stakeholders and audiences?
3. Deliver the communications:
– Is the plan flexible enough to change as the programme evolves?


Implement the feedback loops developed earlier in the process. Remem-
ber to:

• Gather feedback about communications from stakeholders and

– How effective is the communication process?
– Are the key messages still relevant for the needs of the stakeholders
and audiences?
– What are people saying about the programme?

EPM essentials

• Review the communication team:

– How effective is the team?
– Are team members achieving their objectives?
– Is there a need to build further capability?
• Review programme status:
– Does the communication strategy still reflect the needs of the
– Is the communication plan still aligned to programme mile-
– Adjust the strategy and plan as necessary.

A checklist for effective communication

By this point, you should have a good understanding of the communication
needs of the business and the best way to meet them. If you have a programme
in play right now, then you may also have established the necessary communi-
cations infrastructure.
Develop the programme
communications strategy
Remember that commu-
Create the detailed
nications is situational: the
communications plan strategy, plan and infra-
Build/access the structure need to fit your
necessary infrastructure
organisation. Moreover, the
Deliver the communications
strategy and plan requirements of your organ-
Review and improve the isation will change as the
communication strategy and plan
programme progresses. But
here are a few final bites of
Figure 14.10 Reviewing and improving the communication know-how
strategy and plan that are widely applicable:

Communication strategy
• Segment and assess the impacted change on audiences and stakeholders.
• Conduct a communications audit.
• Develop and document an overall communications strategy for each
phase of the change process.
• Assess the effectiveness of the communication strategy on a regular basis.
• Assign somebody to be responsible for the overall execution of the

Communications plan
• Be clear on what messages to send, when.
• Increase message credibility by using the appropriate sender and
involving leadership.

Building a communications capability

• Use the most effective methods to convey messages: this often means
using existing channels where buy-in already exists.
• Set up effective feedback mechanisms to help the sender understand
whether the message was received and how it was accepted.
• Document and regularly update your plan.

Communications infrastructure
• Ensure roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.
• Utilise existing communications resources where possible.
• Link to external communications.
• Consider using an editorial team.

• Mobilise the communication team with the necessary skills and Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs).
• Develop communication content based on previous analyses of stake-
holder and audience needs, particularly the stages of change acceptance
and resistance.
• Ensure that the communications plan is flexible enough to cope with
future changes.

Review and improve

• Gather feedback on a regular basis from stakeholders and audiences,
both formally and informally.
• Review the communication team and help build capability.
• Ensure that the communication strategy and plan continues to reflect
programme needs.

Effective programme communications is about communicating with the
right people at the right time in order to secure their involvement and buy-
in to the programme. It means understanding what is important to those
who have an influence over the initiative, and interacting with them in an
engaging and effective way. Securing their buy-in can help the programme to
achieve its objectives and deliver the intended benefits.
But achieving this buy-in requires careful thought as to the most appro-
priate communications strategy, plan and infrastructure for the programme
at hand. It means establishing communication mechanisms that are relevant
to the programme, rather than just using ‘business as usual’ processes. The
high-level process outlined in this chapter can help you achieve this:

EPM essentials

• Develop the programme communications strategy.

• Create the detailed communications plan.
• Build or access the necessary infrastructure.
• Deliver the communications plan.
• Review and improve.

Overall, the ability to communicate with your organisation as you implement

programmes is an essential capability in today’s market. Developing and
using this capability will not only help you achieve the goals of the pro-
gramme, but will also help you deliver long-lasting and sustainable change
within your business.


Resignations of key personnel. Decreasing employee morale. Dips in
productivity. These concerns are enough to make most managers nervous
about communicating a significant change to the wider business. This anx-
iety is further increased if there is a risk of redundancy, requiring
communication with employee representative groups. There may also be
concerns about how city analysts, customers and suppliers will react to the
news – whether they will perceive that the programme will be of benefit. A
robust approach to communications can meet these challenges.
To illustrate some of the concepts covered in this chapter, here is an
example of how a communications strategy was put into practice as part of
TUI’s recent programme to implement leading-edge technology across the
business and build a new Finance Shared Service Centre.

Company background
In 2000, Preussag AG bought Thomson Travel Group, Thomson being the
largest travel group in the UK. In 2002 Preussag AG formally changed its
name to TUI AG, and Thomson Travel Group became TUI Northern Europe.
The UK-based operation, TUI UK, has remained the largest travel and tourism
company in the UK and is the name behind many popular brands. Its retailers
include Lunn Poly, Travel House and Manchester Flights. It also owns tour
operators including Thomson Holidays and the Specialist Holidays Group,
with brands such as Magic, Crystal, Thomson and Austravel. TUI UK had
revenues of £3270 million in 2001 and over 10,000 employees UK-wide.

Programme background
The travel industry has been hard hit in recent times, with significant world
events sending holiday bookings on a downward spiral. As profit margins

Building a communications capability

have been eroded, travel organisations have been forced to reduce the overall
costs of their business, with a particular emphasis on reducing back-office
infrastructure costs.
Deloitte worked with TUI Northern Europe’s senior management to
transform the finance organisation, enabling it to reduce costs across the
business and support greater business consolidation. The initiative was called
Project Enterprise. Achieving these strategic objectives involved:

• Implementing standard business processes, state of the art technology

and information systems.
• Designing and implementing a new Shared Service Centre (SSC) organ-
isation that would provide consolidated financial processing for multiple
business units.
• Building a strong customer service capability within the new model.

The programme team realised that effective communications would be

critical to achieving the above. While space does not permit a full account of
the wide-ranging communication initiatives that were implemented, the
following paragraphs highlight some of the key aspects.

Using the communications strategy to guide team efforts

The team recognised that it was vital to develop a coordinated and consis-
tent approach to communications early on in the project. The scale of the
change also meant that all team members had to recognise and accept their
responsibility for effective project communications – this activity could not
remain the sole responsibility of an HR manager or the Executive Steering
Group. If the project was to be a success, all team members needed to start
talking directly to employees as they collected information for the upcoming
design phase.
By developing a comprehensive communications strategy, the team
ensured they were able to achieve their goal of making everyone
who would be impacted by the project aware of the proposed changes.
Below is an example of some of the initial guidelines issued to all team

• Provide finance employees with timely, honest and useful updates on

Project Enterprise, facilitating their understanding of the need for
the changes.
• Provide group wide audiences with updates, as and when necessary,
to facilitate their overall understanding of the impact Project
Enterprise will have on them (for example, changes to employee
expenses; purchasing process).

EPM essentials

• Target senior managers within the finance team to obtain their buy-
in and support to ensure effective management of the finance teams
during the project.
• Minimise any negative press coverage that may arise as a result of fol-
lowing Project Enterprise recommendations (for example, moving
to SSC model and corresponding redundancies).

Figure 14.11 helped explain the principles behind the Project Enterprise
communications strategy:

honest and
• Leadership endorsed and Open, Varied media
Most appropriate
ly mmunication
c o
• Delivered by line time channel e.g.
• Face to face meetings
management/senior • Roadshows
stakeholders for • Electronic (email
maximum impact and CLICK intranet)
• Business design • Memos and
workshops newsletters
• CLICK intranet Q & A
• Local/regional meetings
focus groups
and surveys
• Relevant Clear vision
to audiences and message
• Answers “What’s • Accurate
in it for me?” for all H ig n • Make sense to the
recipients h impact content and desig specific audience
• Senior stakeholders to • Interesting and make it
share relevant experience R egular feedback ‘real’ for TUI employees

Figure 14.11 The Project Enterprise communications strategy

Creating a comprehensive and practical work plan

The comprehensive nature of the communications plan for Project
Enterprise is captured in Figure 14.12. Not only was this high-level plan
translated into a detailed diary that outlined the specific communication
activities key stakeholders would be involved in each month, it also con-
firmed the supporting activities that the project communication team would
be working hard to deliver throughout the duration of the project. This was
a vital document for encouraging detailed discussion about how the com-
munications strategy would be put into practice.
By developing and sharing this high-level plan at the start of the project,
everyone knew the headlines about what, and when, things would be

Phase one: model office Phase two: design and build Phase three: pilot implementation Phase four: future implementation
Launch SSC - What does Launch news-
project to hound monthly
Launch SSC
Communicate it mean? Poster
Finance campaign update newsletter
decision to TUI
UK finance
employees Roadshow
for business
to sites to
Update to Launch explain
finance from employees changes
project feedback SSC customer SSC customer SSC customer SSC customer
sponsor Communicate scheme
CCS decision site visits site visits site visits site visits
Recruit TUI
takers TUI talker activities

Finance Q&A with Build team for

Ongoing Change agent new SSC
stakeholder project sponsor

Involvement and
Regular use of All impacted

communication activities
business employees
communication Recruitment activities Business
channels training
Senior team
aware of
project n enterprise
Finance involvement i

audience Prepare newsletter communications
Carry out current Plan and develop cascade materials
communication Plan project
channel visit launch event
Communicate changes to internal
and external customers and suppliers
Set up communications
infrastructure and roles Plan launch of feedback
Develop and manage site visits for SSC customers (internal and external)
and support mechanism Run involvement groups for
Develop feedback for finance employees transferring finance employees
mechanisms Develop
Establish Develop detailed communication
Develop TUI briefing
and involvement plan talker approach packs for Develop TUI talkers meeting packs (notes; posters; handouts)
involvement and
communication • Timing TUI talkers
team and agree • Message
• Audience
roles • Mechanism Ongoing gathering of feedback and communication plan revision to meet needs (event feedback/surveys/unsolicited feedback)
• Feedback

Supporting activities
• Sender
Plan new SSC launch event
Prepare poster Design and develop
campaign roadshow for business
Prepare stakeholder updates and circulate/attend meetings
Prepare press release Statutory consultation

Figure 14.12 Project Enterprise’s involvement and communication plan

EPM essentials

happening from a communications perspective. This plan contributed to a

successful project by supporting individual work stream planning, and out-
lining the sequence and nature of communication events when team
members would need to give input.

Organising communication resources and processes to deliver the plan

The detailed communications and involvement plan clearly assigned respon-
sibilities for the design and delivery of programme communications, but
what specific resources and processes were put in place to support Project
The appointment of a separate Stakeholder Board was probably the
most significant factor influencing the success of TUI’s communications
approach. This was distinct from the role of the Executive Steering
Committee, which was more typically engaged in providing strategic direc-
tion and giving final approval to project decisions. Instead, the Stake-
holder Board comprised local business finance directors and some
cross-business representatives from each of the impacted groups, and was
established to:

• ensure key business people were involved in signing off processes

• provide a regular forum for discussing project progress and key decisions
• formalise communication between the project and decision makers in
the business
• ensure the business got what was required from the project, and was part
of decisions where compromises needed to be made.

Table 14.5 was used within the programme to help distinguish between the
Steering Committee and Stakeholder Board.
In addition, Project Enterprise effectively leveraged existing TUI resources
to support its communication efforts. The team:

• Met regularly with representatives from Internal Communications and

Public Relations to test out reactions to their proposed key messages.
• Utilised existing web sites, newsletters and bulletin boards as additional
methods to get the message across to the wider audience.
• Established a Question and Answer database accessed from the
intranet, which provided a two-way communications mechanism for
employees to let the team know those questions that still needed
answering. Measuring the similarity of questions asked and the
frequency with which specific queries were ‘hit’ helped the communi-
cations team to prioritise their efforts, and address specific points of
interest to employees that might not have been covered effectively in
previous events.

Building a communications capability

Table 14.5 Project Enterprise: Steering Committee and Stakeholder Board

Steering Committee Stakeholder Board

Expectations Allocate time to Allocate time to assist and to

understand and resolve provide feedback
issues and risks presented Own and facilitate the
by the project communications
Deliver any allocated with employees
tasks as part of the Deliver any work allocated, as
decision-making/ part of the Stakeholder Board
resolution process involvement
Keep the project
informed of any strategic
decisions which may impact
upon Project Enterprise
Actions required Apply knowledge and Apply knowledge and expertise
expertise to resolve to help design the solution
difficult project issues Partake in interviews and maybe
Use knowledge gained workshops
in the Steering Committee Satisfy themselves that they/the
to input into other roles business will get what is
‘Walk the Talk’ – be seen required
to support the project Attend monthly meetings as
in public scheduled
Attend monthly meetings Partake in ongoing informal
as scheduled communication and
Partake in ongoing involvement with key project
informal communication team members (SSC, Change,
and involvement with Process, Applications, Interfaces,
Project Sponsor/Project PMO)
Managers Gain and provide feedback from
process representatives ‘Walk the
Talk’ – be seen to support the
project in public

Overall, the Project Enterprise team utilised a number of the communication

concepts covered within this chapter. The result was an effective translation
of their communications strategy into a comprehensive plan, which they suc-
cessfully implemented to deliver a series of well coordinated and informative

15 The enterprise programme
management office

Leading enterprises today have established and mature organisation
structures which reflect the core skills and capabilities the organisation
possesses, and are focused
on efficiently delivering the
core products or services
Strategic that the organisation exists
to produce. In this book we
Strategic portfolio
have discussed at length the
management idea that the core capabili-


ties that enable and support




the everyday business are


Outcomes Programme delivery management



inadequate to enable organ-


isations to manage complex
Project management
programmes of change.
This chapter examines
Figure 15.1 The enterprise programme the role, benefit and value
management framework of an enterprise-wide pro-
gramme management office
(EPMO) in providing, maintaining and developing an organisation’s pro-
gramme management capability and infrastructure. In using the term EPMO
we are referring to an enterprise programme management function and capa-
bility. This deliberately goes beyond the traditionally accepted definition of a
programme management office (PMO).
An EPMO enables organisations to develop and integrate the essential
disciplines described in the PM framework.

Strategic portfolio management

An EPMO coordinates all project and programme activity within the
organisation and ensures that a ‘line of sight’ is maintained between an
organisation’s strategic imperatives and its investment in projects and

The enterprise programme management office

Programme architecture
An EPMO is an organisational function which represents the portfolio of
change programmes with authority and voice at the most senior levels of an
organisation’s leadership. The EPMO is also responsible for establishing the
systems and infrastructure that the organisation needs to be able to deliver
change programmes consistently and efficiently.

Change architecture
The EPMO function maintains a ‘big picture’ perspective of all change activ-
ity in an organisation, and uses it to plan and manage the implementation and
acceptance of change within the organisation.

Programme delivery management and project management

The EPMO function should develop standard good practice programme
delivery and project management tools and methodologies spanning all
activities within the organisation.

This chapter includes:

• an overview of the varieties and types of traditional programme

management offices
• shortcomings of traditional PMO models
• role of an EPMO
• rationale and justification for establishing an EPMO
• implementation considerations for establishing an EPMO.


PMOs have been commonplace and routine, in project and programme envi-
ronments, for many years now. Traditionally a PMO has fulfilled the
following roles in support of project and programme activity:

• Provides administrative support to projects.

• Develops project management standards, tools and templates which
are then applied consistently across projects within a programme.
• Provides a point of coordination for planning, prioritisation and
resource allocation across multiple projects and competing demands.
• Assists in communication within the programme and project teams and
externally to other stakeholders.
• Applies consistent tracking processes and standards, enabling visibility
and comparability across different projects and programmes.

EPM essentials

• Provides software applications, tools and templates to enable project

teams to work efficiently and in a consistent way.

The first PMOs were mainly supportive and administrative structures.

However it is now increasingly common for PMOs to take direct manage-
ment authority over projects, thereby adding the following roles to those
described above.

• Owns project management resources and assigns project managers to

• Provides quality control checks and audits on projects.
• Holds project budgets and act as gatekeeper for access to critical resources.

Reach and lifespan of a typical PMO

The reach or span of a PMO traditionally follows one of two models.

• Programme-specific PMO: many PMOs are set up to support one par-

ticular programme. The reach of such a PMO extends to all projects
within that programme but not to projects outside it. The PMO is in
existence for the length of the programme, which may be significant but
is unlikely to be permanent.
• Subject-specific PMO: often certain business functions establish PMOs
to bring the benefits of coordinated programme management to all pro-
jects occurring within that area of the business. This tends to occur in
business units that have a high degree of project activity, and is common,
for example, in information technology departments. These PMOs tend
to be more permanent structures whose scope extends to a wider variety
of projects.

The degree to which the modern PMO has arisen out of relatively new and
project-intensive business functions, such as IT, cannot be overstated. The
pressures for project speed and success upon such functions have supported
the evolution of the PMO concept.
In summary, modern PMOs have typically arisen either to support specific
temporary programmes or to support specific project-intensive functions. In
both scenarios the PMO represents a tactical investment (or overhead) put
in place to support delivery of a specific set of results. In neither case has the
PMO arisen from a need to support a sustained strategic advantage.


Traditional PMOs can be very effective in supporting the delivery of project
and programme activity. However, traditional models often fail to contribute

The enterprise programme management office

as much as they should to the development of an organisation’s overall

programme management capability, for a number of reasons.

Multiple PMOs with narrow focus

Traditional PMOs are focused on one specific programme or specific busi-
ness area, and do not reach across all project and programme activity in an
organisation. This results in some major shortcomings.

• Traditional PMOs fail to support business executives in making decisions

regarding priority of initiatives and skill and capability development
• Multiple PMOs within an organisation are often blind to each other’s
existence, leading to duplication of effort and reinvention of the wheel
in attempts to establish programme management good practice.
• Different PMOs in an organisation often adopt different standards, policies
and systems.
• The same project may be under way in more than one part of the busi-
ness, with its members oblivious to a duplicate endeavour occurring
• Senior management have no visibility regarding what project/
programme activity is occurring across an organisation.
• Senior management have no way of linking today’s results with the expec-
tations and business cases set for yesterday’s projects and programmes. In
short, benefits tracking is impossible.
• Pockets of programme management excellence develop in particular
areas of the organisation, but their value is not capitalised upon, and
extended to help develop the programme management capability of the
wider enterprise.
• Different parts of an organisation do not work effectively together on
projects and programmes, as different ways of working clash and compete.
• PMOs do not have access or visibility of the best resources in the business
unless they are local to the PMO’s area of focus.
• Poor economies of scale are realised in investment in project and
programme management.
• Programme management activity is managed using very basic tools and
systems, which are poorly integrated, if at all, with established business
• It is impossible to cost-justify meaningful investment in developing a
programme management capability. This can be illustrated by reference to
the business case for programme management IT systems, discussed in
Chapter 10. The better programme management IT systems can be costly,
and therefore very difficult to justify on just a sub-set of an organisation’s
project or programme activity.

EPM essentials

The situation of having multiple PMOs in an organisation is analogous to a

hypothetical situation of a business having many unique and separate human
resources and finance departments scattered throughout the enterprise. If this
unlikely scenario were to occur, it would undoubtedly be exorbitantly costly,
confusing and inefficient. Meaningful management information would be very
difficult to obtain, and management control of the business would suffer.
No one individual finance or HR unit would ever be able to justify invest-
ment in enterprise management software systems, purely on its own needs,
and the likely result would be an entire organisation managed using basic
spreadsheets and simple desktop applications. This may sound a ludicrous
scenario, and would rarely be allowed to occur for any modern business func-
tion, yet it is the most commonplace distribution of programme
management capability within organisations today.

Fragmented PMOs focus on programme delivery in silos

Traditional PMOs focus (and justifiably so) on programme delivery and pro-
ject management. However the traditional PMO is ineffective and poorly
placed to exercise the strategic portfolio management processes that ensure
scarce resources are focused and prioritised on the initiatives that deliver the
most value. This results in some or all of the following major shortcomings.

• The PMO is distant from the strategic portfolio management processes

that ensure that the right initiatives are pursued.
• The PMO focuses on delivery of projects, not the measurement of and
realisation of benefits.

In short, the traditional PMO may enable the exceptional delivery of the
wrong project. and in the process, miss critical dependencies and fail to
deliver the expected benefits.

Inconsistent interfaces with other essential capabilities

No PMO works in isolation from other business functions and capabilities.
Projects and programmes almost always require contributions from most or
all of the following business areas.

• Finance: for programme budgeting, financial tracking and accounting.

• Human resources: for programme resource allocation and recruitment,
and assisting with the people impacts resulting from projects.
• Facilities: providing suitable accommodation for project and pro-
gramme teams and providing access to sites, canteen facilities, telephony,
IT equipment and so on.

The enterprise programme management office

• Legal: assistance with programme contracts and other legal matters.

• IT: Provision of development and/or support services.

Where multiple PMOs exist in an organisation, it is likely that many interfaces

will exist between the PMOs and the business support capabilities. In this
scenario there is no overall coordination regarding the nature of involvement
or the level of involvement. It is likely that programmes will be served in an ad
hoc and inefficient way. Worst still, there will be no mechanism to plan for
developing these business support capabilities so that they can adequately
support both project/programme demands and business as usual demands.

Core business function Core business function

Legal IT Finance Facilities HR



Figure 15.2 Difficulties with multiple PMOs in an organisation

In our experience, it is commonplace that supporting capabilities in an

organisation provide excellent service to routine ‘business as usual’ needs,
but fail dramatically in supporting projects and programmes.

Inability to develop programme management professionals

It is likely that the people working within the regular business have well-
defined career paths, training and other career development opportunities,
and a performance management framework that aids their development and
rewards their contribution appropriately. However, many organisations are
yet to recognise the need to support, train, develop and reward people
undertaking project and programme roles. In the case of an organisation
housing multiple programme management structures with a narrow focus,
the following problems can occur.

• People get pulled into project roles from the regular business and end up
losing the career and personnel infrastructure that they had. This can act

EPM essentials

as a disincentive for all but the least effective individuals to undertake

project and programme roles.
• Project and programme management does not get recognised as a dis-
tinct expertise in its own right. Good technical staff end up getting
reassigned to project management, with little support, and end up
becoming lousy project managers.
• Rewards may be inconsistent across equivalent roles on different
• People are not trained and developed for programme and project roles.
• People with exceptional business skills may be redeployed into unfamiliar
programme and project roles where they are set up to fail. All too often,
in our experience, organisations lose valuable motivated and skilled staff
and gain demoralised and ineffective programme and project managers.


The EPMO is the logical evolution of the traditional PMO, and addresses
the shortcomings of the traditional model in the following ways.

• It is positioned right at the top of an enterprise’s organisation structure,

and spans all project and programme activity occurring within an
• It becomes a permanent organisational entity, responsible for the devel-
opment of the programme management capability within the enterprise.
• It is headed up by a strategic programme director (or equivalent) who
is part of the organisation’s main leadership team and accountable to
the CEO for execution of the business strategy through projects and
• It supports the ongoing development of the business strategy and the
strategic programme portfolio.
• It coordinates the involvement of the core organisational functions and
the supporting organisational functions in project and programme
• It establishes project and programme management systems, policies,
methodologies and standards for the entire enterprise.
• It develops a pool of deep expertise in project management and
programme delivery.
• It becomes an established capability of the enterprise.

Consider Figure 15.3, which illustrates a fairly typical organisation structure

for a consumer products manufacturing company. It shows the complexity of
an established organisation supporting a business whose core processes are
regular, routine, well understood, well practised and highly developed over

manufacturer -

Product Operations Human resources Finance directorate Information Other corporate

development directorate directorate technology
directorate directorate
Accounting Legal
Marketing and sales Planning and and reporting
New technology recruitment Applications
research Real estate
Planning Accounts payable/ and property
Training and accounts Infrastructure
Market research development retrievable and comms
Purchasing Public relations
and press office
New product Performance Contracts Support and
development Manufacturing management, and budgets disaster recovery
reward and
Quality control Internal audit

Warehousing Treasury
and distribution


Figure 15.3 Organisation structure for a consumer products manufacturing company

EPM essentials

Programmes require the development of new and unique ideas into new
and unique products, services and capabilities. Delivering programmes
involves undertaking unfamiliar and exploratory processes. It should be no
surprise that major programme failures are so common, when the area of
organisational activity that represents the highest risk, traditionally operates
with the weakest organisational representation.
The modified organisation chart in Figure 15.4 illustrates (shaded)
how a EPMO would fit into the existing top-level organisation structure.
The EPMO is responsible for providing the following four programme
management capabilities to the enterprise.

Strategic portfolio management

The EPMO is responsible for coordinating the processes that link the busi-
ness strategy to the projects and programmes being undertaken in the
business. Specifically, it is responsible for coordinating the following strategic
portfolio management processes.

• Strategy articulation and review: development and translation of the

business strategy and revalidation of the strategic priorities at regular
• Business architecture and design: developing models of how the business
will transform to meet the strategic imperatives and mapping the journey
• Benefits realisation: measuring the benefits and results from the pro-
grammes and projects that have been completed and feeding these
results into the portfolio design process.
• Portfolio design: ensuring that the enterprise portfolio of projects and
programmes is aligned to the strategy and is appropriately prioritised
according the priorities of the strategic imperatives.

These processes are often seen as the domain of business strategists and not
programme managers. However, a business strategy (other than a do-
nothing one) is delivered through execution of projects and business change
programmes. The closeness between strategy and programme planning
cannot be overstated. A strategic programme director and strategy director
are likely to need to work very closely together.

Strategic resource planning

The EPMO is responsible for ensuring that the resources required
to deliver the strategic programme are identified and sourced. Specifi-
cally, it is responsible for coordinating the following resource planning

manufacturer -

Product Operations Human resources Strategic Finance directorate Information Other corporate
development directorate directorate programme technology
directorate directorate directorate
Accounting Legal
Marketing and sales Planning and and reporting
New technology recruitment Strategic portfolio Applications
research Real estate
management Accounts payable/
Planning and property
Training and accounts Infrastructure
Market research development Strategic retrievable and comms
Purchasing resource Public relations
planning and press office
New product Performance Contracts Support and
development Manufacturing management, and budgets disaster recovery
reward and Corporate
renumeration programme
Quality control Internal audit

Warehousing Project and Treasury

and distribution programme

Figure 15.4 Revised organisation structure for a consumer products manufacturing company
EPM essentials

• Strategic capability development: continuous review and development of

the skills, knowledge and capability existing within the enterprise against
the combined needs of everyday business and delivering the strategic plan.
• Identification of key suppliers and partners: recognising that the capa-
bility to deliver the strategic programme is unlikely to be provided
exclusively by internal resources, the EPMO will identify and develop
relationships with key third-party suppliers.

Corporate programme infrastructure

The EPMO is responsible for establishing the infrastructure required to sup-
port the delivery of the portfolio. Specifically, it is responsible for
coordinating the following programme management processes.

• Implementation of programme management systems and tools.

• Working with the human resources function to establish essential career
management structures for those working on projects and programmes
within the organisation.
• Working with the finance function to establish standard support mecha-
nisms for programme budgeting, financial control and accounting.
• Developing relationships and standard programme support processes
with other business support functions: for example, IT, legal, facilities,
public relations and internal communications.
• Establishing mechanisms for projects and programmes to request and
obtain support from other business functions in a consistent and
controlled way.




Figure 15.5 The EPMO and the corporate programme infrastructure

The enterprise programme management office

Project and programme delivery

The EPMO is responsible for establishing the project and programme man-
agement standards, methodologies, practices and pool of expertise required
to support the delivery of the strategic portfolio. Specifically, it is responsible
for coordinating the following programme delivery elements.

• Developing project and programme management methodologies for the

• Recruiting and developing deep project and programme management
skills within the organisation.
• Establishing a career path for project and programme managers within
the organisation, and a training and education programme to support
career development.
• Deploying programme and project managers to delivery the strategic
priorities for the business.
• Establishing quality assurance systems to ensure that the projects and
programmes are being delivered effectively.


There are two fundamental questions to be addressed by organisations con-
sidering establishing an EPMO.

Why establish an EPMO?

How can the investment required be justified?

Why establish an EPMO?

There are a number of reasons organisations consider establishment of a

• Continuous investment in programmes and projects: the continuous

nature of change requires a permanent function focused on coordinating
and delivering projects and programmes.
• Major programme ahead: the organisation is facing a major pro-
gramme of work that will require significant coordination of resources
across multiple organisational units.
• History of failure: the organisation has a history of having struggled to
convert strategic good intentions into reality.
• Changing balance of risk: the balance of the business risk is moving
away from business as usual towards the need for change.
• Volume not value: too many projects are occurring in the business and
delivering insufficient value.

EPM essentials

• Competitive edge: competitors are delivering change to their organisations

faster and more effectively.

How can investment in an EPMO be justified?

The investment required to develop a programme management capability and
an EPMO can be significant and will require justification. The justification for
EPMOs comes from the four areas outlined in Table 15.1.


The major challenges in implementing EPMOs relate to establishing the
PMO and gaining the acceptance of it by the groups in the business that will
need to work closely with it.

Table 15.1 Reasons to justify creating an EPMO

Efficiency and Strategic benefit Competitive Risk of inaction

cost saving realisation advantage

Reduction of non- Faster Agility to Current business

project activity implementation of implement cannot survive
allowing focus a strategic goal strategic intentions unless change is
on programmes leading to earlier and realise value successfully
that create the realisation of value faster than the implemented
most value Focus on the competition Future of the
Removal of strategic priorities Ability to be first organisation is
duplicate and elimination to market with ‘bet’ on the
programme of valueless new ideas successful
management distractions Ability to react to implementation
functions. It Ability to respond competitive of a strategy
costs little more and change when pressures quickly
to establish one the strategic
enterprise-wide context or
set of programme priorities change
standards than it
does for one
programme or
business area
Economies of
scale with respect
to the procure-
ment of project
and programme
Fewer programme
and project failures

The enterprise programme management office

Specific challenges that will need to be overcome

These include:

• Managing the impact on existing disparate project and programme

management functions within the business.
• Establishing the credibility and authority of the EPMO.
• Building the key relationships between the EPMO and the core business
and support functions.
• Not allowing the forming EPMO to be consumed by fire-fighting
existing programmes in trouble.
• Getting groups of people to work together who have avoided each other
in the past.

Recommended strategies for establishing an EPMO

Trojan Horse
We have already acknowledged that pockets of excellence often exist within
traditional PMO functions in the business. It is often very effective to work
with existing areas of the business that are demonstrating good practice and
extend their scope, reach and authority.
This is often an effective strategy where there is a risk of conflict with an
existing function. It also ensures that knowledge, already within the business
is captured and built upon rather than discarded.
When a major strategic programme is commencing, the PMO that is set
up to support this initiative can be designed and groomed to evolve into an
pan-organisational PMO over time.

Under promise and over deliver

Nothing is likely to destroy the credibility of a EPMO more than a fanfare
announcement followed by a period of inactivity or setbacks. As we have seen
the EPMO brings together many complex new capabilities, which take time
to establish and work effectively. A phased introduction, with credible
services, will be more effective than a grandiose design.

The role of a EPMO must have 100 per cent support from an organisa-
tion’s leadership. Once responsibility for the organisation’s portfolio has
been established with the PMO, leaders need to enforce and reinforce the
working of the EPMO. Acceptance of maverick pet projects, hidden agen-
das and non-standard working practices will undermine the authority of
the PMO.

EPM essentials


ABN-AMRO is the seventh largest bank in Europe and fourteenth largest
worldwide. It trades from over 3400 branches in over 60 countries, and is
listed on several stock exchanges, including Amsterdam, London and New
York. ABN-AMRO’s business is structured into three very distinct Strategic
Business Units (SBUs) (see Figure 15.6).


Wholesale Retail Private clients and

(WCS) (C and CC) Asset mgt (PCAM)

Major international corporations High net-worth individuals

and institutions Individuals and small and medium
enterprises (day-to-day banking) Assets under management
Operations in over 45 countries
Assets under administration

Figure 15.6 The structure of ABN-AMRO

ABN-AMRO recently reviewed the strategy for the bank. The revised
strategy includes intentions to grow the business both by opening up new
markets and by broadening the bank’s offering to existing customers by cap-
italising on existing relationships within other SBUs. The strategy also
addresses a need for the bank to operate more efficiently and to exploit
opportunities for synergy between the SBUs.
ABN-AMRO found it needed to address one of the most common prob-
lems facing organisations about to embark on implementing a strategic
programme: how to get business functions which traditionally operate as
silos to work effectively together, while balancing demands with the need to
keep control of the everyday business.

There were a number of obstacles that, if not addressed, would have
impaired ABN-AMRO’s ability to execute this strategy effectively.

• Each SBU was largely autonomous, led by a team of dedicated Senior

Executive Vice Presidents (SEVPs) whose performance and reward
measures were aligned to those of their SBU. Consequently, there was
little incentive for cross-SBU collaboration; in fact such behaviour was
• Many in the business were supportive of the strategic intent but cynical
about how collaboration would be achieved and would work in practice.

The enterprise programme management office

• Previous synergy initiatives had been sponsored outside the SBUs. There
was therefore no accountability for success placed upon SBU leadership.
• There was a history of failed cross-SBU synergy initiatives. 75 per cent
of early initiatives had failed to deliver against expectations, and this
reinforced cynicism from within the SBUs.
• There was evidence that many early initiatives represented good ideas
which were not properly researched in terms of value to the business
versus cost. Hence there was a perception that the failure to deliver value
was partly attributable to choosing to do the wrong things, compounded
by a tendency to overestimate benefits while underestimating costs.
• Many of the common project and programme pitfalls regarding insuffi-
cient resources and inconsistent or ineffective project management were
also being experienced.

Collaborating across business units is like kissing your sister …

mostly an unpleasant chore to be performed at the insistence of
your parents, but hardly exciting and rich with possibilities!
ABN-AMRO Executive Presentation

There is nothing in next year’s performance contracts about

Not another head office initiative getting in the way of real
We are trying to do this already, but it is those guys in … who are
constantly frustrating our efforts.
Just make sure this stays focused and delivers real benefits other-
wise it will fail.
We need to be tough on selecting only those projects that will add
real value.
The leadership will need to walk the talk on this one otherwise it
won’t happen – no matter how sensible it is.
We have to do this if we are to convince the analysts that our
strategy has any value.
ABN-AMRO stakeholder interviews

EPM essentials

How ABN-AMRO responded to these issues

ABN-AMRO recognised that it would be impossible to implement its
strategic intentions without establishing a dedicated team with an organisa-
tion-wide remit, appropriate management and leadership, and an effective
decision-making and governance model. It started a process of developing an
enterprise programme management capability through the following four

Establishing a dedicated task force

ABN-AMRO established a full-time task force to oversee all strategic
programme activity, from business case development to benefit realisation.
The task force was established not only to see one programme through,
but with the intention of becoming ‘the way the bank works’. It was made
responsible for establishing enterprise-wide programme and project
management procedures and controls, including the following:

• project identification, initiation and set-up

• documentation control
• benefits management
• executive dashboard production
• reporting to business leadership
• communication planning and execution
• risks, issues and dependencies tracking and management
• programme scope, change control and progress tracking
• performance tracking and planning.

The task force identified good practice around the bank, and existing project
and programme management support systems that had the potential to be
extended across the enterprise (in itself delivering synergies for the bank).

Establishing a programme organisation structure working across the

business organisation structure
Programme support structures were established at all relevant levels of the
business organisation (see Figure 15.7). The accountability for delivery of
the strategy was made the sole focus of one main board director. This board
director chaired an executive decision-making forum that made final
decisions regarding all investment decisions.
A steering group/senior management team, known as the Spaghetti
Council, was established. The remit of this was to coordinate initiatives
across the distinct SBUs. The Spaghetti Council took responsibility for
directing business case development, managing cross-SBU interdependen-

The enterprise programme management office

Main board

Board owner/
decision forum

SBU mgmt team SBU mgmt team SBU mgmt team

council steering


SBU delivery

BUs/projects BUs/projects BUs/projects


Figure 15.7 Revised ABN-AMRO structure with programme support structures

cies and reporting on costs and benefits. A key function of the Spaghetti
Council was to solve issues relating to inter-SBU working by managing
communications and ‘opening doors’.
Each initiative was assigned a sponsoring SEVP, who was made account-
able for the successful implementation of the initiative. This responsibility
was reflected in the SEVP’s contract and performance targets. The organisa-
tion model implemented was designed to ensure a line of report and visibility
between projects being delivered and the senior bodies responsible for
setting strategy and determining priorities.

Implementing a process for evaluating initiatives and managing the

ABN-AMRO recognised that it needed to ensure the initiatives chosen were
the ones most likely and able to deliver value. A process was developed, util-
ising the newly established programme organisation, to evaluate and make
decisions regarding investment priorities. Opportunities were reviewed along
four dimensions:

• within scope
• materiality
• achievability
• level of interest.

6. Monitoring and
1. Opportunity 2. Analysis and 3. Business case 4. Planning, design 5. Build and
identification evaluation development and architecture roll-out

Strategic agenda items Strategic agenda items

Accountable SEVP
identified Rapid Task force Review by
pressure Spaghetti
? analysis Implementation
Potential tests Council
synergy OK OK
opportunity NO
One page Review by Spaghetti
Council and identification
OK Full business Funding
of an accountable SEVP case request
case where required

Weak proposition and/or ‘orphan’ (no SEVP)

Figure 15.8 ABN-AMRO’s initiative selection and portfolio management process

The enterprise programme management office

From a candidate list of 27 synergy opportunities and ideas, a three-tier

priority list was generated.

Tier 1: Strategic priorities

Tier 2: Ones to watch
Tier 3: Off strategy/out of scope.

Targeted quick wins first

ABN-AMRO recognised it had to prove to a cynical organisation that there
was benefit to be had from collaboration and efforts to find synergies. The
team deliberately prioritised some quick wins in the early initiatives in order
to prove the concept and win hearts and minds within the organisation.

ABN-AMRO found that the organisation structures set up to support the
programme started to bridge gaps between the SBUs, both in terms of pro-
gramme effectiveness and also in broadening general understanding and
communication across the bank.
The commitment of SBU leadership has slowly but consistently risen
through demonstration of value from both the approach and the initiatives
The establishment of the enterprise programme management structures
was itself a demonstration of the synergy strategy, and has helped make the
strategy understandable and accessible to those the bank are relying on to
deliver it.

Part III

Getting started
16 Introduction

In this section we have focused on how you could start to use some of the
ideas we have introduced in this book in a practical way in your organisation.
First, in Chapter 17 we introduce the enterprise programme management
capability check, based on the enterprise programme management frame-
work. The answers to the 60 questions will help you understand where to
focus to enhance your organisation’s capability.
In Chapter 18 we discuss issues relating to the different types of pro-
grammes organisations may be engaged in, and the priorities associated with
this context.
In the final Chapter 19 we share some practical hints for delivering pro-
grammes successfully, based on the experience of the authors and their
colleagues at Deloitte in managing large-scale programmes over many years.

17 Enterprise programme
management capability check

The enterprise programme management capability check (PMCC) takes the

form of a 60-point questionnaire which assess your organisation’s capability
around each area of the framework. By answering each of the 60 questions
you can begin to gain an understanding of your organisation’s programme
management capability. It is often useful to get a number of people in your
organisation to complete the questionnaire, to gain different perspectives of
your situation.
The scale used for the questionnaire is a simple qualitative one: strongly
agree/agree somewhat/disagree somewhat/strongly disagree, plus an
option for ‘I do not know’.

EPM capability check


The following statements and examples address the perceived level of
programme management capability within your business. Please tick one
response for each question.

Consider the way in which your organisation translates business

strategy into manageable change initiatives:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do
agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
1 Our organisation’s This might look like...
vision is clearly vision shared via
and consistently our website or
defined and annual report.

2 Members of the This might look like...

management team ‘We are currently
could give a No. 3 in our field,
number of however our vision
examples of how is to be No. 1 by
our current 2005.’
situation is
different from
our desired state.

3 The leaders within This might look like...

our business our strategy is
clearly define our presented at all
organisation’s company-wide
strategy and events.
communicate this
to others.

4 When undertaking This might look like...

major changes, we a report outlining
typically review technology and
our business in process needs.
order to
understand current
and future needs.

5 Our strategic This might look like...

planning process a documented
involves the strategy impact
translation of analysis.
strategic objectives
into change

Getting started

Consider the way in which your organisation translates business

strategy into manageable change initiatives:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do
agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
6 Before any This might look like...
large-scale scope documents
initiative can for each programme
proceed, we insist or project.
upon detailed
scoping to
understand the
key requirements,
dependencies and

7 Rather than This might look like...

operate multiple a monthly project
stand-alone review meeting
projects, we attended by senior
frequently review management.
initiatives to
opportunities to
group them.

8 At any time, we This might look like...

have a high-level a journey map
map of how each depicting all
initiative relates initiatives and
to the others and their impacts.
will contribute
to delivering our
future vision and

9 The business This might look like...

benefits and the business cases are
costs of the in place for all
initiatives are initiatives.
identified, defined
and agreed in
clear and
unequivocal terms.

10 Plans have been This might look like...

defined and benefit realisation
agreed on how plans are in place.
benefits will be
achieved and
measured within
the business.

EPM capability check

Consider the way in which your organisation translates business

strategy into manageable change initiatives:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do
agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
11 When undertaking This might look like...
major change, we an agreed capability
identify and build development process.
those capabilities
required for

12 The programme is This might look like...

fully planned and detailed plans which
relationships include inter-
between projects dependencies.
are understood.

13 The group of This might look like...

initiatives or performance
programmes management
under way is tools used.
monitored as a
group as well as

14 Mechanisms are This might look like...

successfully benefit realisation
operating to plans are documented
monitor and and utilised.
report progress
on the
of all business
benefits resulting
from the
portfolio of

15 If our strategy or This might look like...

business context a monthly project
were to change, review meeting
we would attended by
immediately senior management.
review our
current and
to ensure fit.

Getting started


The following statements and examples address your perceived level of
programme management capability within your business. Please tick one
response for each question.

Consider the way in which your organisation builds infrastructure to

help programmes and projects succeed:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do
agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
16 The roles and This might look like...
capabilities of our a leadership
leadership are competency
assessed regularly assessment.
in order to
understand their
ability to lead
change as well as
business as usual.

17 Our leaders This might look like...

regularly receive a leadership
training and/or development
coaching in order programme.
to sharpen their
ability to lead
major change.

18 The roles and This might look like...

responsibilities each programme
of those who leader has a written
lead the role description.
programmes are
defined and

19 Before a strategic This might look like...

initiative named stakeholders
commences, we must sign off on
always ensure that key initiatives.
the appropriate
stakeholders are
involved in
developing the
goals and

EPM capability check

Consider the way in which your organisation builds infrastructure to

help programmes and projects succeed:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do
agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
20 Creating an This might look like...
effective team each initiative is
environment is supported by a team
important to us charter, induction
and hence we pack and training
create clarity plans.
around working
patterns, training
needs, goals and

21 We routinely This might look like...

undertake status fortnightly review
meetings within meetings take place
programmes in for each initiative.
order to update
all team

22 We have a team This might look like...

performance a documented team
appraisal process performance appraisal
in place. process is in place.

23 In order to This might look like...

remove programme meeting
confusion schedules are
regarding published weekly.
we publish
meeting schedules
to ensure that all
key players
understand their

24 To ensure This might look like...

consistency of templates exist for
progress meeting outputs and
reporting, we reporting formats.
create templates
for team

Getting started

Consider the way in which your organisation builds infrastructure to

help programmes and projects succeed:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do
agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
25 Processes or mech- This might look like...
anisms exist to email, team briefings
support effective and the intranet are
two-way commu- used for two-way
nication between communication.
the various levels
of the programme

26 Before kicking This might look like...

off an initiative, team infrastructure
we assess the needs are assessed
office space and by our Facilities
technology personnel.
requirements of
the team.

27 A programme This might look like...

management office an operational
exists with defined programme
and agreed terms management
of reference, tools office.
and processes.

28 Resource utilisation This might look like...

is planned on a an agreed resource
programme-wide utilisation process is
basis, with scope in place.
for sharing
common resources.

29 Programme leaders This might look like...

build effective HR advisors are
working relation- involved in the
ships with HR people management
advisors in order aspects of the
to ensure that all programme.
programme needs
are managed.

30 The roles and This might look like...

responsibilities of each team member
all programme has a written
staff are defined role description.
and agreed.

EPM capability check


The following statements and examples address your perceived level of
programme management capability within your business. Please tick one
response for each question.

Consider the way in which your organisation manages the impact of

change initiatives on the wider business:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do
agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
31 Before undertaking This might look like...
a major change, a report outlining
we normally test change issues to
the organisation’s consider.
readiness and
ability to change.

32 We clearly This might look like...

understand the an organisational
key impacts of our impact analysis.
programmes on
people within the

33 Before This might look like...

undertaking a a business case for
major change, change.
we define a
business case to
justify investment
in people change

34 At any one time, This might look like...

we have a good an inter-dependency
understanding of map including
all initiatives that the people impact.
are under way and
how they specifically
impact our people.

35 Our organisation This might look like...

has the ability to personnel have
identify and shape designated people
the people and and change
change activities responsibilities and
required to skills.
support the pro-
gramme or project.

Getting started

Consider the way in which your organisation manages the impact of

change initiatives on the wider business:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do
agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
36 Our people and This might look like...
change experts an agreed and
will develop a documented people
comprehensive and change plan.
plan to support
the overall
business change.

37 Those with This might look like...

expertise in external change
people and change experts are sourced
activities are if required.
actively sourced
in order to
leverage their

38 The specific This might look like...

interests and stakeholder plans
involvement of are in place.
within the
business have
been defined
and acted upon.

39 When undertaking This might look like...

a major change, individual transition
we focus on the plans are developed.
personal change
required as
much as the
change required.

40 We consider the This might look like...

communication an agreed and
requirements of executed
the wider communications.
organisation and plan
build these into
a robust

EPM capability check

Consider the way in which your organisation manages the impact of

change initiatives on the wider business:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do
agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
41 We have a network This might look like...
of people through- a defined and
out the business named group of
who we can call supporters.
on to support or
champion a new

42 Employee skills This might look like...

and competencies an established
are new initiatives employee skills audit
and changes to the and development
way we operate. process.

43 In order to This might look like...

understand the an agreed and
extent to which documented
the organisation is performance
actually changing management process
in line with the to track indicators
programme, we of change.
monitor and
interpret indicators
of organisational

44 Owners are This might look like...

assigned to the a defined and
people and change named group of
activities in order change owners.
to ensure that
these efforts
continue to reflect
business needs.

45 Throughout a This might look like...

programme or a learn and share
project, we process established
endeavour to to identify and
share earnings transfer learnings.
with the broader
organisation in
order to build a
capability to change
in the future.

Getting started


The following statements and examples address your perceived level of
programme management capability within your business. Please tick one
response for each question.

Consider the way in which your organisation delivers major

programmes or groups of initiatives

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do

agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
46 Each strategic This might look like...
initiative is documented
supported by programme
high-level plans are in place.

47 All project-level This might look like...

plans relating to a project plans are
particular initiative rolled up into a
are combined to master plan.
create a master
plan for that

48 Programme leaders This might look like...

are able to kick-off procedures are in
or close projects place to initiate
as and when and close projects.

49 Mechanisms are in This might look like...

place to ensure a scope and change
that any changes to control approach is
the programme’s agreed and in place.
original scope are
assessed for
impact prior to

50 The programme This might look like...

generates effective an established
management financial
information management
enabling approach is used
identification of by all personnel.
variances and
opportunities for

EPM capability check

Consider the way in which your organisation delivers major

programmes or groups of initiatives
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do
agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
51 Each programme This might look like...
and project has an a risk and issue
effective risk and management
issue register. approach is agreed
and in place.

52 Each programme This might look like...

subscribes to our a performance
performance management
management approach is agreed
approach to enable and in place.
regular and mean-
ingful reporting.

53 The quality perfor- This might look like...

mance of all parts a quality
of the programme management
is measured, approach is agreed
monitored, and in place.
reported and used
as a basis for
initiating ongoing

54 In order to make This might look like...

the best use of our an agreed resource
scarce resources, management
we follow an approach.
agreed resource

55 Effective processes This might look like...

exist to share and a knowledge
access key management
information about approach is in place.
plans, progress
and learnings.

Getting started


The following statements and examples address your perceived level of
programme management capability within your business. Please tick one
response for each question.

Consider the way in which your organisation manages projects:

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly I do

agree some- some- disagree not
what what know
56 Every project This might look like...
within our project managers
organisation has a use consistent
defined kick-off procedures to
point and is mobilise a project.
initiated through
use of our agreed

57 Individual projects This might look like...

and work streams projects have
are planned in detailed plans that
terms of activities, include activities
milestones and and milestones.

58 Each project is This might look like...

examined to each project has
understand its a dependency
inter- register.
with other

59 Projects are This might look like...

monitored using performance
our standard management tools
performance are used to track
management progress.

60 Each project has This might look like...

a natural end project managers
point at which our use consistent
closing procedures procedures to close
are completed. down a project.

EPM capability check

The following section provides an opportunity for you to write any com-
ments or thoughts about your company’s programme management
capability. Please write your comments in the section below.

End of questionnaire

18 Making sense of your current
situation: knowing where to

This book has focused on delivering an organisation’s strategic objectives

through a process of strategic portfolio management, programme delivery
management and project management, and building a programme manage-
ment capability. In reality it is very unlikely that in starting to take seriously
the need to develop this capability, an organisation will currently have no
projects or programmes ongoing. In fact, it is most likely that there are
numerous projects and programmes currently at different states of develop-
ment and implementation throughout an organisation. In this situation, it is
often difficult to know where and how to start implementing some of the
ideas described in this book.
The enterprise programme management capability check described in the
last chapter is a useful tool for highlighting areas of weakness or deficiencies
in the current approach, indicating where skills need to be enhanced and
where process or structure is required around current programmes and pro-
jects. It is also useful to understand the status of current programme and
project initiatives, and how they relate to each other and contribute to the
delivery of the organisation’s strategy or vision.
As part of the strategic portfolio management process, it is normal to
assess current projects and programmes against criteria based on the organ-
isation’s vision and strategic objectives, in order to review their alignment.
This may lead to decisions to stop or suspend some initiatives, or indeed
start others. It is also important to assess the logic for managing projects
within coordinated programmes with the associated processes, structures
and controls.
In our experience, it is usually possible to characterise the current state
of projects and programmes as one of four types, based on how clearly
ongoing projects relate to the organisational vision and strategy, and how
clear the approach to delivery is for these projects and programmes. (See
Figure 18.1.) The differing types of programme have differing needs in
terms of how their management should be undertaken. This analysis, along
with the findings of the enterprise programme management capability
check, help to define where to get started in enhancing an organisation’s
programme management effectiveness.

Making sense of your current situation

Vision Clear Expeditionary Integrated

Unclear Exploratory Movie (rare)

Unclear Clear

Figure 18.1 Categorisation of projects and programmes

Type 1: Integrated programmes

Integrated programmes are those where the organisation has a clear vision of
what will be delivered and how this helps to deliver the organisation’s vision
and strategic objectives. In practice these are often technology-led, where the
solution is clearly defined (for instance, an ERP package) and the approach
and method of delivery is as clear and well defined. Usually this type of pro-
gramme is made up of a number of streams of work or sub-projects, clearly
structured to deliver an integrated solution.
Issues often found in the scope and structure of these projects include the
failure to recognise the people and change implications of implementation.
Therefore appropriate enabling projects addressing the change architecture
issues are not scoped, planned and executed as part of the integrated pro-
gramme. This often leads to solutions being delivered but the real value of
business benefits not being realised.

Project 1 project 1

Project 2 Project 3 Integrated programme:

Project 6 programme A series of
outcomes interdependent projects
Project 5 with a common business
Project 4 Enabling
project 2

Figure 18.2 Integrated programme

Getting started

Another common issue is that the programme architecture does not

adequately identify the business or organisational accountability for deliv-
ery and implementation in the business. Again in these cases the solution
may be delivered but the true benefits are not realised by the organisation.

Type 2: Exploratory programmes

In this situation, an organisation has numerous projects relating to many
business issues, but without a clear view of how these will deliver an overall
business vision or strategic objectives. Equally the interdependencies, rela-
tionships or multiple impacts of the projects on the business are not clearly
understood. Surprisingly, this is one of the most common situations
observed in organisations.
In this situation again, the Programme Management Capability Check and
assessment of individual projects will be useful. The focus of initial activity
must be on establishing whether the individual projects should be structured
into programmes, and whether any of the projects should be stopped. This
involves defining more clearly the strategic objectives and organisational
vision, and assessing each project against criteria relating to their contribu-
tion to delivery of these objectives and their interdependence on other
Clear business cases and benefits need to be identified for each project, and
assessed against ‘hurdle’ criteria for inclusion in a programme of projects.
There may be some projects that can continue but are stand-alone and can
run independent of inclusion in a programme. In these cases it is important
that common project management processes and approaches are installed,
and standards of management and control are maintained.

Project 1 Outcome A

Exploratory programme:
Project 2 Outcome B
A series of
Project 3 Outcome C interdependent and
unrelated projects

Project 4 Outcome D

Figure 18.3 An exploratory programme

Type 3: Expeditionary programmes

These programmes are characterised by organisations having a clear vision of
what they want to achieve, but lacking a clear road map and portfolio of pro-
jects and programmes to get there. There may well be a number of projects

Making sense of your current situation

on the go to deliver a common organisational objective or vision, but little

coordination between them.
The danger here is that unforeseen dependencies or impacts may affect the
delivery of the overall objective, and resources may not be used efficiently across
the projects. Opportunities for shared resources and processes may be identified.
In this situation, it is important to consider whether there is a sensible
structure for a programmed approach that will help coordinate these pro-
jects, and an overall high-level plan that takes account of dependencies and
multiple impacts of the projects on the organisation. There may also be
opportunities to leverage consistent methods and processes across all the
projects: for example, a shared programme office providing support services
and maintaining common processes.
There is often the need to develop appropriate ‘enabler’ projects to sup-
port the people and organisational changes across all the projects within a

Common vision

Project 1 Outcome A

Expeditionary programme:
Project 2 Outcome B
A series of interdependent,
Project 3 Outcome C unrelated projects with
a common vision

Project 4 Outcome D

Figure 18.4 An expeditionary programme

Type 4: The movie

This type of programme is rare in business since it comes from a known
approach (such as making a movie) where the outcome is not clear (the
movie evolves).

Wherever an organisation is starting from, it is vital that the programmes are
clearly related to delivering value aligned to the vision and strategic objec-
tives, and that there is a clear approach or path by which this will be achieved.
This means that an exploratory programme will evolve to an expeditionary
programme, as the vision and objectives are clarified, and may then transit to
an integrated programme. (See Figure 18.5.)

Getting started

Clear Integrated
vision programme
All projects and
programmes should
become part of an
integrated programme
clearly linked to delivering
the organisation’s vision
and strategic objectives
if value is to be created
in the most efficient way
Unclear Exploratory Movie from initiatives.
vision programme (rare)

Unclear Clear
approach approach

Figure 18.5 Programme transition

The conclusion reached is that an organisation is most likely to be suc-

cessful in delivering real value through projects that are part of coordinated
programmes clearly linked to its strategic objectives. The three programme
management processes and two disciplines outlined in the book provide a
best practice process for delivering value through business change, and a
business capability to continue to implement and deliver change and value.
However, clearly understanding the status of your current projects and
programmes and the quality of your programme management capability will
provide an indication of the priorities, and the start point at which to develop
this process in your organisation.

19 Practical steps for success

In the course of working with many clients across the globe, Deloitte is often
asked to review existing programmes and to articulate the reasons they are not
delivering the results that were anticipated. We have summarised our experi-
ence from a number of these situations to establish a set of practical sugges-
tions that could help to drive success in programmes. In this section, we outline
some practical considerations concerning strategic portfolio management,
programme architecture and programme delivery management.


Build a tight linkage between the strategy articulation and the
programme of change to implement it, rooted in a rigorous
cost–benefit case
One of the most common issues relating to delivery of strategic programmes is
creating and maintaining a clear link or ‘line of sight’ between an organisation’s
strategy and the programmes that are delivering it.
First, it is important to build time into the strategy development process,
to understand the way the business will need to be configured in terms of
technology, structures, processes and people to support the strategy. This
helps to define the key changes and programmes that need to be delivered to
implement a strategy.
Another commonly seen issue is that organisations are much better at
starting new programmes and initiatives than they are at continuing to mon-
itor and review programmes, and stopping activities that are not aligned to
strategy. Stopping non-aligned activities is critical to focus effort on what is
strategically important.
The best mechanism for linking programmes and the projects within them
to strategy is through a rigorous business case, articulating clearly how the
benefits delivered support the overall organisational strategy and business
case associated with it.
Building a ‘benefits’ linkage between the strategic vision, the programmes
and the projects is the best way to align all investments in the organisation.
By tracking the benefits delivered by projects and programmes, progress
towards delivering the vision can be measured.

Getting started

Temper ambition with practical reality

It is very easy, in the hothouse atmosphere of strategy development, to
become over-optimistic about what can be achieved within a particular time-
frame. Thus targets are set at unrealistic levels, which could cause a
destructive dynamic to occur between middle and senior management.
Middle managers can see that the targets are over-ambitious, yet feel obliged
to support the new strategy through fear of being seen as dissenters in a time
of turmoil, which could potentially lead to job losses.
Managers tempering their short-term ambition and looking to the longer
term can achieve long-term success. This can be achieved by structuring the
programme to deliver smaller benefits in the first instance, to build support
and belief in middle management, deliver benefits early into the business and
create a cycle of success leading to greater success.

Building the right balance of power
Many organisations are built along fairly traditional functional or business
unit lines, with fairly strong barriers between organisational units. This is a
reasonable organisational structure in a time of steady state, when the busi-
ness only needs to focus on delivering financial results for the current quarter
or fiscal year. However, most organisations are now faced with perpetual
change driven by the forces outlined above. However, companies have not
updated their organisation structures in response to the combined need
simultaneously to deliver financial results and drive business change. This can
lead to a number of potentially fatal issues for change programmes.

• The programme lacks sufficient support in the organisation to be high

enough on the priority list of functional managers. This is why it is crit-
ical for the CEO to be involved in leadership and governance of
programmes at the strategic portfolio management level.
• A linked issue is that often programme managers lack positional power
when compared to functional managers in the organisation. This
makes it extremely difficult to secure the right resources for the
programme at the right time. One effective approach to address this
involves seconding already well-respected resources from elsewhere
with the organisation.

In most cases we suggest that major cross-organisational programmes are

sponsored and led by a board director – this could be in addition to his or
her normal line accountabilities. The executive team chaired by the CEO
should act as the overall governing body for all programmes, resolving cross-
organisational conflicts if they arise.

Practical steps for success

Aligning stakeholder expectations and objectives

Many modern programmes now create a need to build programme teams
from many different organisations. For instance, the programme may be to
build a joint venture company between two formerly fierce competitors.
The programme may rely on the software from a particular company,
require its preferred implementation partner to provide resources skilled in
that software, another party to provide hardware and infrastructure, and
may need to collaborate closely with the potential customers of the new
Such an endeavour can very quickly become embroiled in the differing
goals and objectives of all the parties involved. This is not least because all
the parties may well have differing objectives, but also because not all those
involved in the programme will be supporters of the programme.
It is imperative that when this situation arises, management takes a step
back, prior to signing contracts, to review formally all the objectives of the
parties involved, document them, and ensure that all parties sign up to the
common objectives of the venture. Moreover, managers should do all they
can to ensure that detractors from the venture, from any of the parties, do
not participate in the venture in any form.

Structure and plan the decision-making process

In our experience, one of the most common issues and reasons for delays in
programmes is the inability of the organisation to consider and make the
necessary decisions to support and enable the progress of the programme.
There is often confusion over who needs to be involved in key decisions.
Key decision points are often not planned, and people are unavailable to con-
sider these at the appropriate time. There is confusion over those who need
to be involved, and those who are accountable and responsible for key deci-
sions. Decisions that could be made at a lower level are often passed to senior
executives who have neither the time nor often the knowledge to make a
correct decision.
It is critically important when designing the governance structures and
planning programmes that clear accountabilities are defined, those respon-
sible for decisions are identified, their roles are defined and the correct
mechanisms are established. The regularity of key meetings (such as sponsors
meetings) needs to match the likely pace of the programme.
It is also advisable to plan for decision-making. The programme plan can
be viewed from a key decision-point perspective, and a plan and timetable of
decisions can be established. This manages the expectation of key decision
makers, and prepares them for their role at critical points in the programme.
It is too late to try to sort this out once the organisation is facing time-critical
and important decisions.

Getting started

A flexible and dynamic programme structure

Many programmes continue over a long period of time: months and years.
The nature of the programme will change during these extended periods.
Different work streams and projects are required at different phases, and the
emphasis on planning, executing and controlling will need to adapt, as will
the nature of the interaction with the normal activities and functions of the
Those organisations that establish structure and clear accountabilities and
roles often fail to adapt their programme organisations to reflect the
changing nature of the activities and focus as programmes progress.
To generalise, structures usually need to focus on collaborative working and
collective decision-making, in phases that are focused predominately on plan-
ning activities. When the main focus is design and development, a more clearly
defined structure around distinct projects and work streams is required, with
more formalised reporting and control mechanisms. As implementation or
launch becomes the main focus, the structures then need to be much more
integrated with the organisation’s business structures, and processes such as
risk and issues management become critical. At this stage, some of the normal
management processes need to be managed through accelerated time cycles
(for instance, daily rather then weekly programme review meetings).
In some cases where the programme is delivering a new organisational
structure or launching a new business, the programme structure evolves to
become the business structure post implementation.


Even if the strategic portfolio management and the programme architecture
provide the right context and environment for programme delivery, there is
plenty that can go wrong in delivering a large programme of change. The fol-
lowing are some tips that address some of the most commonly experienced

Build the guiding star of the detailed business case

We have previously discussed the need to establish a clear and robust linkage,
based on business benefits, between the business strategy, the business struc-
ture and the programme to effect the change. The first part of the
programme planning process should be to take the resultant business case,
and break it down to a lower level of detail.
The process should attribute benefits to be achieved to the functional
department level, and devolve responsibility to the line managers. Moreover,
the granularity of the timescales for measuring the benefits and costs should
be narrowed down to appropriate measurement periods.

Practical steps for success

This will encourage business buy-in to the plan, ensure that middle
management understands that senior management is very serious about
achieving success in this programme, and generate a much greater level of
certainty in the business case and in the plans that support it. This docu-
ment should then form the ‘guiding star’ of the programme, ensuring that
the rationale and reasoning behind the programme is robust and built on
solid foundations. This document can very easily be updated to reflect
changing circumstances in the marketplace that might justify fine-tuning
the plan at a future point.

Build a two-level plan

It is probable that any transformational change activity will take place over
quite a long time period. At the same time, the business context in which
the programme is taking place is likely to be changing rapidly. Conse-
quently, spending a great deal of effort resolving plans and business cases
down to a monthly level, over say a three-year timeframe, is likely to be
wasted effort.
We therefore suggest that a two-level planning approach is taken,
where activities within the planning horizon (for instance, 6 to 12
months), are resolved to a low level of detail, and those outside this plan-
ning horizon are kept at a high-level cost–-benefit case and major depen-
dency level. This approach will necessitate a periodic (for instance,
quarterly) planning exercise where previous assumptions are challenged,
and future activities are resolved down to a lower level of detail before
new projects are initiated. In this way, the programme and the business
case can be updated on a periodic basis to ensure they stay firmly linked
with the business strategy, and remain focused on delivering solutions
that will benefit the business.

Drive minimum ‘time to benefit’ instead of minimum ‘time to activity’

A common pitfall is for the programme manager to initiate too many pro-
jects or streams of activity at the same time. This generates a great deal of
activity, with the illusion of significant amounts of progress. However, it is
often the case that the resources required to deliver all of the projects that
have been initiated far exceed the resources available within the business. It
is then difficult to stop any of the projects that have been started, for fear of
losing face, so the net result is that all projects are delayed, thus incurring
costs earlier, and delivering benefits later, jeopardising the business case and
damaging the image of the programme.
We recommend that senior management ensures that programme man-
agers focus on delivering benefits early, by constraining the number of
activities that are carried out concurrently.

Getting started

Avoid over-optimism in estimating the effort and time required to

effect procedural and organisational change
When embarking on change programmes, it is very easy to underestimate the
amount of effort required to deliver a change to technology, people and
process, and ensure that benefits are delivered. It is common, particularly in
change programmes that involve significant information technology imple-
mentation, to focus too much on the tasks required to ‘get the system in’ and
not enough on the activities required to deliver the benefits. Consequently,
the business case can be built on shaky foundations, since the activities
required to realise the benefits are only partially included in the plan.
We recommend that management thoroughly reviews the business case in
the light of realistic estimate of costs and risk exposure. If the potential cost
of the work or the exposure of the risks puts the business case in jeopardy, it
is better to know this before expending most of the cost rather than after. It
also gives the opportunity to review the scope of the projects, and constrain
it to those areas of the business where benefits will be gained, thus reducing
costs, and improving the overall business case.

Align the contractual structure with the management and

responsibility structure
If the programme that is being embarked on involves building a new organ-
isation as either part of an alliance or a joint venture, then it is likely that
many parties will be involved in making it happen. Moreover, it is likely that
the point of agreement that is made to go ahead with the endeavour will be
characterised by the high emotion that surrounds high-profile deals. It is very
easy in this circumstance to agree to elements of a deal or contract that mis-
align the contractual position of parties with the responsibility and
accountability for making it happen.
The key to avoiding this is to ensure that a work breakdown structure to
achieve the desired end goal is created, and mapped on to the organisation
chart for the venture. From this a formal responsibility, accountability, con-
sultation and information (RACI) chart can be created, which should form
an integral part of the negotiations. In this way, management can be clear
that costs, benefits and responsibility of the initiative are spelled out clearly,
and negotiated openly in the discussions.

Managing suppliers
Most large programmes involve integrating the services, support and prod-
ucts of a number of third-party suppliers. Managing the inputs and
contributions of consultants, vendors and contractors is fundamental to the
success of programmes. Organisations often fail to get real value from their

Practical steps for success

Resource 1

Resource 2

Resource 3

Resource 4
Example RACI
Work item 1 R C C

Legend Work item 2 A R C

R: Responsible
A: Accountablity/approve Work item 3 A R I
C: Consultation
I: Informed
Work item 4 A R

Work item 5 A C R I

Work item 6 R C C A

Figure 19.1 Simple RACI chart

third-party partners and do not manage their work as part of an integrated

It is important to use these third parties in the appropriate way that best
fits with the services they offer and the value they can provide. It is also
important to coordinate effectively the input of different third parties in a
seamless and integrated way. In general, the more specialist consultants
should be used to help in planning, design, provide specialist advice, manage
integration and build internal capability. Vendors (such as package software
implementers) should be used to deliver specific solutions in their own
product areas, and contractors used to supplement internal resources where
a short-term requirement for internal resource with specific skill is required.
When setting supplier performance expectations, it is important to define
broadly the performance criteria, and if possible, build these into the con-
tracts. In addition to the obvious deliverables, performance objectives should
be set around compliance to programme management standards and
processes, working methods and behaviours (such as teaming expectations),
accessibility of key supplier staff, and skill and competence requirements of
the staff. Encouraging suppliers to work as part of the overall programme
team is important, and often challenging if their contracts define only
narrowly focused deliverables.
As well as the ongoing management processes, it is advisable to establish
regular reviews with each supplier, to take a step back from day-to-day activ-
ities and review performance and relationships more broadly. These sessions
should involve executives from the suppliers who have overall accountability
for the service provided to the programme.

Getting started

Finally, it is advisable for the programme manager to develop relationships

at a senior level in the businesses of the key suppliers. This will provide a cru-
cial point of escalation if and when the supplier teams on the ground are not
resolving issues.

Confront and address conflict early

The initial planning stages of a programme, either to create a new venture or
to bring the organisation to a new state, are very likely to lead to resistance
being generated somewhere in the organisation. It is tempting to avoid this
conflict in the early, planning stages of the programme in the hope that it will
resolve itself over the coming weeks and months. However, a failure to
address this conflict directly could be interpreted by middle management as
a lack of resolve on the part of senior management.
The decisions on when to address and when to avoid conflict are often
finely balanced. However, we would err on the side of counselling manage-
ment to tackle sources of conflict directly, and where necessary make
compromises or decisions to ensure that the path is cleared for the strategic
change process to get under way in an atmosphere of certainty.

Secure the right resources on the right terms

The plan that was created in the planning phase may only have gone to the
level of identifying the types of resources required, and the times they will be
needed. The programme manager, and his or her project managers running
each project, will then have to identify specific named resources to work on
each project as it is initiated. If the balance of power has been established cor-
rectly ahead of time, it should be possible to work with functional and
department heads to get the right resources assigned to the programme.
As far as possible, resources should be made available to work on the pro-
gramme full-time. However, where this is not possible it is important that
explicit contracts are made between the programme and the functional heads
to ensure that the input required does not get subsumed by other initiatives
or competing priorities.

Organise around outcomes

Many programmes, particularly those that include a significant information
technology component, tend to organise themselves around activities to be
carried out (analyse, design, build, test and so on). However, particularly
with programmes that cover multiple projects and multiple releases, this
structure does not give sufficient focus on the outcomes of achieving the
benefits. Balanced against this are the economies of scale of grouping
together the technical skills of analysis, design and so on.

Practical steps for success

The programme manager needs to build a focus on the deliverables to ensure

that someone has the responsibility for delivering each major component of the
programme, along with responsibility for delivering the expected benefits and
outcomes. In this situation he or she has two main choices. The first is poten-
tially to lose the economies of scale by breaking up the technical teams and assign-
ing them solely to projects. The second is to implement a matrix structure within
the programme, which appoints a project manager to provide focus for the
deliverable, and negotiates the right resources from the technical team leaders.

Monitor and control effectively

It is perhaps obvious to say that the programme should be monitored and
controlled effectively by the installation of:

• progress reporting
• issues tracking
• risk management
• earned value analysis.

However, in our experience this is not done formally very often, and where
some of these policies are in place, they are often inadequate.
It is important, however, that processes and templates for reporting are
simple and easy to complete and that these processes create the minimum of
bureaucracy, and provide quality useful information to all those involved in

Be prepared to be flexible in the face of changing circumstances

The business world is changing very rapidly, and the actions of competitors
or new entrants into the marketplace may well have a significant impact on
the strategy of a business over the life of a transition programme.
Management should recognise this reality and be prepared to change tack,
by revisiting the objectives of some of the projects during their life, and per-
haps cancelling some projects if they will no longer deliver results aligned to
the business strategy. This approach will take courage and may cause some
difficulties, but is a preferable course to spending money and expending
valuable management time on projects that no longer add value.

Ensure that the business benefits of each project are achieved before
closing each project
When each project in the programme is closed, a formal assessment should
be carried out to ensure that the benefits of the project have been achieved,
and establish what actions need to be taken.

Getting started

Ensure that adequate time and resources are allocated to learning

lessons from all projects so that the subsequent projects in the
programme can be improved
When running programmes at a fast pace, perhaps running concurrent pro-
jects across multiple geographies, it is important to build time into the
process to ensure that any lessons, skills, tools or techniques are shared
amongst geographically diverse project teams. This will enable subsequent
projects to deliver their results faster, better and cheaper than the trailblazing
Regular review and learning sessions, if action oriented, can also enhance
performance during a programme or project lifecycle.


Action log A record of the tasks that need to be

completed, by whom, and by when.
Agile organisation An organisation that is able to direct effort
and capability where and when they are
most needed in order to deliver change and
respond quickly to its environment.
Audience Those individuals and groups of people
who need to be informed and commu-
nicated with during a programme of
Balanced scorecard A set of performance measures covering a
range of areas that reflect a broad and bal-
anced view of business or organisational
Baseline The combination of a scope, timescales and
budgets usually agreed at the start of a
programme or project.
Benefits realisation plan A plan of activities that links the delivery of
programme and project deliverables and
objectives to the delivery of real and mea-
surable business benefits over time.
Business case modelling Building the financial justification for an
initiative, and identifying detailed costs and
benefits, including investment require-
ments, cashflow requirements and payback
schedules. It usually uses a financial measure
such as return on investment or internal rate
of return.
Capability assessment An analysis of an organisation’s ability
to perform a certain activity or set of activ-
ities. Capabilities are usually built up from
a combination of processes, systems, struc-
tures, and people’s skills and knowledge.
Cause and effect diagrams A method used to identify the root cause of
a particular problem, and to understand


the relationships between different factors

in organisations.
Change agent network A local network of people in an organisa-
tion who are used to influence a change
programme and its implementation. These
agents normally receive change manage-
ment training and have a specific role in
supporting the change process.
Change architecture The scope of the activities required to sup-
port the effective implementation of
changes to an organisation. Focused pri-
marily on people change, these may include
the specific blend of HR policy changes,
structures and roles, communication
mechanisms, training and development,
recruitment, redeployment, redundancy
and rewards.
Change control The orderly process of managing, investi-
gating and authorising/rejecting a request
for a change on a project or programme.
Changes can be related to scope, schedule,
resources or the agreed supporting manage-
ment processes.
Change impact assessment An activity to consider the roles, processes
and systems impacted by the project or
programme, to gauge the magnitude of the
overall change that will be brought about
by the project.
Change overload diagnostic A tool to address the risk of the enterprise
being unable to cope with the degree of
change required, and the management of
change necessary in relation to business as
Change readiness assessment This activity assesses the organisation and
its willingness to change, and identifies the
challenges and risks.
Comparative risk and A useful diagrammatic technique to plot
reward analysis and group the programmes and projects
based on their level of risk and reward type.
Content management Usually refers to the storage, organisation,
management and accessibility of digital
data, information and multimedia content.
Contingency management Planning for unexpected circumstances
that could lead to extended time or costs


on programmes. This normally involves the

allocation of resources to a reserve, and
their subsequent distribution and use to
deal with these unexpected events.
Core competencies The critical abilities of an organisation that
allow it fulfil its purpose.
Cost and benefit Tool based on Monte Carlo cost model,
component analysis enabling the identification of key risk
components, and facilitating meaningful
scenario analysis and budgeting activities.
Criteria weighting model A mechanism for applying different levels
of importance to the criteria used in
selection exercises.
Critical path analysis (CPA) Understanding the sequence and relation-
ship between activities that define the
timescales and logical order of a plan. This
allows high-impact risks and issues that
impact this critical path to be assessed and
Cumulative cost curves A graphical representation of the costs
accumulated over time on a programme or
Customer relationship The processes, systems, people and their
management (CRM) organisation for the management of all inter-
actions with an organisation’s customers.
Decision tree analysis (DTA) A method for depicting choices as a route
through layers of decisions. Decisions
points are shown as nodes, and choices
made as lines between nodes.
Deliverable An agreed output from a piece of work,
project or programme. Could be physical
product, a document, a business change or
a decision.
Design authority (DA) An individual or more often a group who are
responsible for the coherence and applicabil-
ity of the product design. This group is
responsible for ensuring that the design of
the solution meets the needs and objectives
of the organisation and acts as a key quality
assurance and control function. It is
normally responsible for any technical speci-
fications required to define the product or
Discounted cash flow (DCF) Financial model to understand the value of


future cashflows taking account of inflation

or the real cost of money.
Earned value analysis (EVA) A tracking mechanism for both cost and
schedule performance that can be used pre-
dictively to determine likely total
Enterprise programme An organisational function that supports
management office the enterprise programme management
(EPMO) process across the organisation, from port-
folio management at a leadership level
through to developing the appropriate sys-
tems, processes and capabilities to deliver
programmes consistently and efficiently
throughout the organisation.
Enterprise resource A information system that supports key
planning (ERP) system organisational functions and processes, and
is usually integrated across areas such
as HR, finance, operations, customer
management and supplier management.
Executive dashboard A graphical depiction mostly used by senior
executives on their desktop computers to
gain a high-level oversight of the perfor-
mance of a business, or progress of a
programme. These should provide summary
information and draw attention by exception
to key performance or progress issues.
Expected monetary value Model to enables risk exposure to be
(EMV) assessed financially.
Fish-bone A type of cause and effect diagram for
breaking down different aspects of a
problem or issue.
Gantt chart Graphical representation of project activi-
ties and their independencies related to a
Gap analysis A comparison between the status quo and
the blueprint for the future, to determine
what needs to be done to make the transi-
tion to the desired position.
Gatekeeper An individual who controls access to
another, and acts to open or close commu-
nications with that individual or sometimes
to a team or group.
Groupthink A situation when a team becomes so inte-
grated that it develops a common view,


new ideas are not generated and existing

ideas are never challenged.
Insourcing The practice of an internal function, such
as IT, acting more like a external service
provider. As a profit centre it offers services
to the other departments based on service
level agreements.
Internal rate of return (IRR) Financial modelling method to take account
of the cost of using capital which could be
used to earn a return elsewhere. The
method takes account of the opportunity
cost of capital.
Ishikawa A type of cause and effect diagram.
Key performance An agreed appropriate measure to show
indicator (KPI) how well something is performing.
KISS principle Keep it simple and straightforward.
Knowledge capital The value that is retained in the combined
knowledge of an organisation.
Knowledge management The effective storage, management, dis-
semination and development of the data,
information and knowledge resources of an
Knowledge transfer Transferring knowledge from one medium
or person to another.
Leadership responsibility A tool for defining the roles of senior
assignment matrix executives in matrix organisational or pro-
gramme organisational environments. The
matrix maps areas of responsibility against
the level of involvement required by
individuals. Sometimes this is defined by
RACI analysis: responsible, accountable,
consulted or informed.
Lifecycle model Projects or programmes can be described
as following a lifecycle model based on
phases. These phases can vary but often
include initiation, design, detailed design
and implementation. Some projects with
specifically defined phases have ‘gateways’
or review stages between phases.
Logical architecture Developing a diagrammatical represen-
application mapping tation of the information system app-
lications that support an organisation’s
activities, and the relationships between


Management information Systems in place to provide aggregated

systems (MIS) information to management for the
primary purposes of control and decision
Milestones Points in the programme or project plan
defined by time. Usually they are events
such as end of phase review, key sponsors’
meeting or end of testing.
Monte Carlo cost model A method of assessing and quantifying risk
based on operations research simulation
Net present value (NPV) A measure developed by a financial
modelling method to calculate the true
value of an investment taking into
account inflation and other depreciating
Pilot stage Stage of a project when a completed solu-
tion is tested in real-life working conditions
with a limited group or on a small scale
before being fully implemented.
Portfolio impact assessment An analysis to be performed to identify
whether the proposed project will affect
or is dependent on any projects and
programmes underway.
Portfolio management Translating strategy or organisational
objectives into a portfolio of programmes
and projects, prioritising, sequencing and
continuously monitoring and reviewing the
Portfolio plan The time-based map showing the sequenc-
ing of the programme and projects within
the portfolio.
Portfolio planning The process of creating a portfolio road
map or plan.
Portfolio prioritisation A tool for evaluating and prioritising
diagnostic projects into a portfolio.
PRINCE2 A standard and widely used project
management methodology.
Programme architecture The establishment of support structures
and mechanisms that allow effective pro-
gramme leadership and provide the
programme team with the environment,
skills, tools and support they need in order
to operate effectively.


Programme delivery The management and consistent applica-

management tion of specific processes, tools and
methods in order to enable the coordi-
nated delivery of projects within the pro-
gramme, in a consistent and efficient way.
Programme management A function to support the delivery of spe-
office (PMO) cific programmes. It normally provides all
programme management process, systems
and administrative support to the
programme manager. Functions include
planning, monitoring, risk and issue man-
agement, reporting and financial control.
Programme management Those applications that enable the delivery
system (PMS) of interrelated projects with common
goals. They are often thought of as multi-
user project management systems with
enhanced resource management, and this is
where many current solutions originated.
Project audit The process of reviewing the status of a
project and the effectiveness of the man-
agement processes and approach.
Project brief The project objectives, scope and proposed
plan, outlining key deliverables, milestones
and resources required. This is usually
prepared in the initiation phase of a project.
Project exception reports Reports generated on a needs basis to
highlight significant risks, performance or
progress issues.
Project initiation document A document that outlines the scope of the
(PID) work to be undertaken within the confines
of a project, the expected timescales,
resourcing requirements and capital expen-
diture, the deliverables as well as the
baseline plan.
Project management The application of knowledge, skills,
tools and techniques to project activities
to meet project requirements, where a
project is a temporary endeavour that is
undertaken to create a unique product or
Release management In technology-related programmes, release
management involves the coordination of
activities that contribute to a release of soft-
ware (cross-project management) and the


coordination of products that contribute to

a release (architecture, integration and
Responsibility assignment A documented view of clearly defined
matrix accountabilities and interfaces between
different parties.
Return on investment A quantitative measure of what the
(ROI) expected return will be as a percentage of
the original capital investment.
Risk management maturity A tool to identify the current maturity of
diagnostic the risk management capability in the
organisation. Areas covered include mind-
set, process, people, information, tools,
structure and decision-making capability.
Risk response planning Determining whether the response to a risk
is to accept, mitigate or avoid, and devel-
oping the appropriate actions and plans in
response to the risk assessment.
Road map A high-level plan showing the sequence of
programmes and projects that will be
implemented over time.
Selective sourcing Sourcing where suppliers are engaged
based on their unique specialist expertise.
Service level agreement An agreement made between two parties
(SLA) that specifies a level of service to be pro-
vided and the commercial arrangements for
the provision of that service. This normally
involves defining key measurements of the
service quality.
Smart-start kick-off meeting Workshops designed to introduce and
mobilise a team quickly. Key items include
working patterns, goals and objectives,
context and background as well as team-
building activities.
Solution design document A technical document that details the
(SDD) design for the proposed solution.
Sponsor The owner of a project or programme,
with responsibility for the delivery of the
benefits of the programme.
Stakeholder All those individuals and groups who have
an interest and influence in the outcome of
a programme or a project.
Stakeholder management The process of identifying and engaging
appropriately with all those identified as


having an interest and/or influence on a

Strategic portfolio The continual process of creating, man-
management aging and evaluating a portfolio of strategic
initiatives focused on delivering strategy,
organisational objectives and benefits.
Strategy translation Taking the articulation of a strategy and
turning it into a number of programmes,
projects and activities that when executed
will deliver the strategy.
Statement of work document A document that outlines the scope of the
work to be undertaken within the confines
of a project, the expected timescales,
resourcing requirements, capital expendi-
ture and deliverables.
Super user Someone who will use a solution extensively.
He or she is often involved in depth so
he/she can help design new solutions, pass
on knowledge to other users and test
solutions prior to complete implementation.
Team charter A document that details the agreed
approach to working in a team. Usually this
defines ways of working, behaviours,
processes and procedures, guidelines and
rules relating to the human aspects of
working together.
Team induction pack A set of documents to be provided for
those joining a programme to facilitate
their integration into the programme.
Technical design authority A design authority with a systems or
(TDA) technical focus.
Transformational alignment A tool that maps activities to the core
matrix (TAM) objectives and targets of the overall

References and further reading

CCTA (1994) Achieving Benefits from Business Change, HMSO, London.

Cranfield School of Management (CSM) (undated) Benefits Management:
Best Practice Guidelines, CSM, UK.
Deloitte (Consulting) Ltd (2002), Benefit Realization Strategy, Deloitte
(Consulting) Ltd.
Murphy, Arthur (2002) Project Risk Management: Reducing Benefits, paper
to Project World Seminar, Birmingham, 2002.
Office of Government Commerce (OGC) (2002) Managing Successful
Projects with Prince2, OGC, London.
OGC (2002) Business Benefits Through Project Management (www.ogc.gov.uk),
OGC, London.
OGC (2003) Managing Successful Programmes, OGC, London.
Parker, Marilyn M. and Benson, Robert J. (1988) Information Economics,
Prentice Hall, London.
PMI (2000) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 2000
edn, Project Management Institute, USA.
Standish Group (1994) The Chaos Report (www.standishgroup.com/
sample_research/chaos_1994_1.php), Standish Group, West Yarmouth,
Thiry, Michel (2002) Delivering Benefits through Programme and Value
Management, paper to Project World Seminar, Birmingham, 2002.
White, Dr Phil (2002) Benefits Management through the Project Lifecycle,
paper to Project World Seminar, Birmingham, 2002.
Worsley, Christopher (2002) Project Justification, paper to Project World
Seminar, Birmingham, 2002.


@Risk 152 change control 62

design 62
ABN-AMRO 234–9 functions 27, 89, 145, 264
action log 29, 273 investment 89–90
administration 55, 105, 221 programme 90
streamlining of 107–10 stakeholder 218–19
appraisal 48, 53, 55 Boda, John 123
see also reporting brands/rebranding 91, 175, 199–200
architect, solution 184–5 Broadvision 176, 179, 184, 187
automation 93, 119–23, 160 brown-bag sessions 180
see also programme management budget 90
systems programme 37, 222
business applications, existing 104–5,
balanced scorecard 111, 165, 273 191
baseline 106–7, 166 business benefits manager 169
Benchmarking Partners 119–32 business case 161, 171, 223, 266–8
benefits management 93, 98, 104, development 164, 263
128–31, 145, 155–73 modelling 26, 273
approach 161–70 business change manager 170
definition 98, 158 business capabilities, core 8–9
features 158 balance with change capabilities 8,
in EPM lifecycle 156–7 10, 133
objectives 161 business, development of new 13, 165
strategy 162–3 buy-in 30, 72, 190–6 passim, 216, 267
value 170–2
benefits Cabinet Office Strategy Unit 134
assessment 22, 271 capability assessment 26, 273
and business objectives 157 case studies 3, 17, 31, 47–8, 133,
case tracking 110 174–5
categories 159–60, 165 ABN-AMRO 234–9
definition 161 Compaq 119–32
evaluation 162, 168–9 London Congestion Charging
identification 155, 161, 165 150–4
importance of small quick 264, 267 Mytravel.com 175–87
matrix 164 T-Mobile UK 86–94
prioritisation 167 TUI 214–19
quantification 158–60 champions, managers/directors as 30,
realisation plan 26, 172, 228, 273 47, 64, 111, 137, 173, 190, 264
tracking 161, 167–8, 172, 223 change architecture 11, 15–16, 32,
Blair, Tony 134 64–85, 186, 221, 246–7, 251–3,
board 274
attitude to programmes 190 definition 67


framework 69–70 framework 207–8

phases 68 infrastructure 50–1, 54, 115,
value 68–9 209–10, 213
change key messages 79, 205, 208, 211,
agent network 79–80, 114, 253, 274 215–16
business case for 71 media 218
capabilities 9 needs assessment 200–2
communications to manage 193–5 plan 208–9, 252
contribution of 74 public information exercise 151
control 35–6, 40, 62, 109, 274 strategy 197–208, 212, 215–16
embedding 16, 70, 83–5 style and tone 196
failure of organisation to support 1, timing 199, 206, 209
7, 194, 264 two-way 207
impact assessment 26, 274 within the EPM framework 191
increasing pace/complexity 1, 8 Compaq 119–32
independent vs interdependent 7–8 competition 1, 7, 130–1, 232
interventions 73, 75–85, 246–7 between suppliers 177–8, 182
journey 16, 65–6, 70, 78, 196, 201 conflict 270
manager 170 congestion charging see London
managing people through 3, 32, consultation, public 152–4
64–85, 94, 193–5, 251–3 contingency management 35–6, 274–5
nature of today 7–8 contract management 103, 110, 175,
need for coordination 1 180–2, 225
plan 75–85 need for flexibility in contracts
programme management approach 180–1, 184, 188
2, 61, 64–85 structure aligned with management
reactions to 193–6, 271 268
readiness assessment 27, 66, 72–3, time to contract 181
274 costing techniques 37, 103, 109
resources dedicated to 1, 9, 84 critical path analysis 38, 275
role of executives in 7 culture
scope 72 change in 80–1
strategy 74, 183 company 72–3, 138–40
in supplier contracts 186 programme 48
time to 66, 72 stakeholder 138
vs core business concerns 8, 10, supplier 182
56–7, 133
Chaos 47 data
checkpoints 39 assumptions and reality 185, 187
communication(s) 15, 30, 48, 61, 63, baseline 106–7, 166
73, 78–9, 99, 113, 130, 137, 138, reliability 105
146, 168, 190–219, 221, 249 decision making 12, 32, 128–9, 146–7,
audit 212 223, 265
barriers to 198 decision points 61
benefits 192–3 decision tree analysis 38, 275
channels 203–4 Deloitte Consulting 150, 215, 263
definition 192 design board 62
editorial team 210–11 desirability assessment 25–6
effectiveness of 206–7 Deutsche Telekom 86
efficiency 107 diary management 109
electronic 54, 115 Digital Equipment Corp 121
external 152–4, 210, 216 document management 108
face to face 79, 146, 207
forum 103, 109 earned value analysis 38


e-business 175–6, 179–88 passim Kingsberry, Don 121–31 passim

efficiency, improvements in 107–10 knowledge management 39, 41, 104,
Engage 179 107, 127, 180, 233
enterprise programme management knowledge transfer 180, 277
87–9, 115–17
definitions 2, 11 leadership 49–50, 52, 72, 233, 248
framework for 12, 18 development 52, 73, 80
office see office models 56–9
T-Mobile’s approach to 88–91 organisation review 52
see also programme management responsibility assignment matrix 52,
enterprise resource planning 31, 87 277
ESP see suppliers at T-Mobile UK 87, 88
exception reports 29 learning from experience 272
executive dashboard 29–30, 276 library, project/programme 41, 103,
expectations, management of 172 109
expected monetary value 38, 276 Livingstone, Ken 151
external service providers see suppliers London Congestion Charging 98, 133,
facilities management 224, 250
feasibility assessment 26–7 management information 254, 255
feedback 211 manager, programme see programme
financial management 36–7, 104, 110, matrix
224, 230 audience/stakeholder communica-
techniques 164 tion 202
financial services organisations 138–9, environment 57–8, 164, 271
165, 234–9 responsibility alignment 52, 280
fit, strategic 25 team skills 53
forces acting on organisations 8 transformational alignment 148, 281
meeting schedule 54
Gantt charts 38, 149, 276 mentoring 182–3, 188
gap analysis 25, 276 mergers and acquisitions 121, 190,
Gartner Group 160 199, 205
Global Business Solutions 119–20 Microcom 121
Greater London Assembly 154 Microsoft 76, 122
micro-management 187
Hewlett-Packard 119 milestones 278
hot spot analysis 149 monitoring and control 271
human resource see also reporting
management 93, 188, 193–5, 224, Monte Carlo models 149, 152, 278
230, 250 morale/motivation issues 64, 193, 214
processes and policies 82–3 Mytravel.com 175–87

induction pack 53, 182 Napier, Robert 122, 123

information technology 55, 120–32, newsletters 54
174, 222, 225, 268
Information Week 131 Obeng, Eddie 92
integration of systems 2, 106, 110, 184–5 objectives 160–1
Internet 175–6, 179–88 passim, 204 office, project/programme management
Ishikawa diagram 39, 277 55, 90, 99, 145, 220–39, 250, 279
issue management 28, 37, 103, 109 at Compaq 120–9 passim
issues log 38 enterprise programme management
office 220–39, 276
key performance indicators 21, 23, 82, models for 58–61
89, 213, 277 rationale for establishing 231–2


shortcomings of traditional models planning 12–13, 21–2, 24–8, 228,

222–6 278
strategies for establishing 233–4 principles 23
types 221–2 re-evaluation 13, 22, 28–9
Office of Government Commerce 98, reporting framework 23
155 risk 136
office space 54 time scale for planning 28
One 2 One 87, 91 post-implementation review 157
online commerce 175–87 passim Preussag AG 214
organisation Pricewaterhouse Coopers 125
agile 9–10 Primavera 119–32
customer-oriented 15 Prince 2 43, 45, 92
environmental factors 50 prioritisation 27–8, 59
structures 56–9, 73, 81–2, 145, programme architecture 11, 14–15,
220, 225–9, 234, 237, 239 32, 47–63, 221, 264–6, 278
ownership 195, 253 characteristics and definition of 47
of benefits 171 framework 51
of projects/programmes 49–50, 88, symptoms of lack 48–9
91, 222 programme delivery management 11,
13–14, 31–42, 115, 157, 221,
Peoplesoft 31, 122, 124 266–72, 279
Peralta, Miguel 123, 127 benefits of 33
performance audit 25 capability check 244–57
performance management 16, 37–8, definition 32
48, 70, 81–2, 92, 167, 225 framework 34–5
Pertmaster 152 office see office
pilot projects 113–14 symptoms of lack 32–3
planning 14, 34–5, 108, 143, 161, programme management, strategic
177–80, 254, 267 58–9, 86–94, 137
annual process of 90 programme management systems 97,
bottom-up 35 100–32, 230, 279
change journey 70, 74–85 added value from 105–10
and estimating 107 at Compaq 119–32
programme 108 definition 101
project 103, 108 implementation 111–14
top-down 35 key characteristics 105
two-level 267 logical architecture 101–4
see also portfolio planning sample footprints 115–16
PMBOK Guide see Project Management selection 110–12, 237–9
Body of Knowledge, The uses 100
portfolio management, strategic 11–13, programme management, traditional
18–30, 32, 108, 156, 228, 258, definition 11
263–4, 281 failures 1–2
at Compaq 128 programme manager 170, 184, 192,
definition 19 programme team
and EPM framework 20 challenges for 50
framework for 21–2 roles within 169–70
signs of lack 18 see also teams
portfolio programmes
impact assessment 26, 278 categorisation of 258–61
management 103, 128, 278 charter 59
mix 23, 24–27 definition and examples 31
office 28 distinction from projects 44
plan 27–8, 278 existing pre portfolio 25, 258


expeditionary 260–1 requirements, strategic 23

exploratory 260 resistance to change 193–5, 201, 204,
infrastructure for 51, 54–5, 230, see also change
248–50 resource management 15, 32, 51, 55,
integrated 259 59, 61, 63, 84, 87–8, 104, 105,
leadership and governance 52, 56–9 107, 110, 126, 137, 228–30, 250,
major 231 255, 268–9, 270, 276
milestones 206 resources, lack of 92
reasons for failure to deliver value 190 responsibility assignment matrix 52,
resourcing 51 280
risk 137 retention strategy 48
selection 21–2, 24–7, 43, 231 return on investment 20, 125, 132,
stopping 59, 263 164, 280
structure 266 reward structures 48, 70, 82, 92
success factors 47 Rickayzen, Asher 87, 92, 94
project risk
audits 39, 279 action plan 143–4
brief 25, 279 assessment and analysis 61, 143
categorisation 258–61 avoidance 165
distinction from programme 44 budgetary 106
initiation document 179, 279 delivery 106
initiation and closure 256 enterprise 136
library 41, 103, 109 log 38
risk 137 ownership 140–1, 146
stand-alone 260 portfolio 136
success factors 47 procurement 106
project management 14, 43–6, 86–94, programme 137
157, 221, 231, 280 recognition 140, 143
definitions 11, 44 register 152, 255,
five process groups/nine knowledge response planning 38
areas 45 and reward analysis 27
Project Management Body of Knowledge, scope risk 106
The 14, 44, 45 strategy 22, 183
Project Management Institute 14, 134 tolerance 141–2
projects transition risk 106
existing pre portfolio 25 risk management 28, 37–8, 62, 93, 97,
number at Compaq 121, 122 103, 105–10, 126–7, 133–154,
selection of 21–2, 24–7, 43, 87, 185–6, 231
236–7 definition 134
psychological traps in decision making differentiated approaches 135–7
147 programme risk management
approach 137–8
quality tools and techniques 148–9, 280
assurance 28 at Transport for London 150–4
management 37, 39, 222, 231, 255 Risk 134
roles and responsibilities 56, 62, 81,
RACI (resources, accountability, consul- 168–9, 177–85, 203, 207, 210, 236,
tation and information) 268–9 248, 270–1
recruitment 55, 180
release management 39–40, 280 SAP 31, 122
reporting 13, 23, 37, 61, 103, 107, scheduling 55, 108
108, 110, 125–6, 167–8, 181–2, scope management 109
183, 186, 255, 271 services, integrated customer 13
mechanisms for 29 sign-offs 40, 41, 181, 183, 208


skills 48, 49, 50, 55, 73, 92, 107, 230, at ABN-AMRO 236–7
231, 253 appraisal 53, 249
matrix 53 building and development 15, 50,
software 100–4, 152, 222 52–3
see also individual programs/manu- charter 53, 281
facturers coordination of 32
Solution Build Stream 174–5 core programme 178
sourcing strategy 176–7 editorial 210–11
sponsor see champions including external suppliers within
staff, project 59 175
see also appraisal, teams induction pack 53, 281
stakeholders 8, 32, 72, 73, 90, 143, involvement 47
152, 159, 190–1, 195, 200–1, 248, joint working 210
252, 281 review meetings 53
board 218–19 roles within programme delivery
expectations and objectives 265 169–71
management 76–8, 281 room 180
standards 183–4, 221 structures 64
Standish Group 47 SWAT 187
steering group 61–2 TeamPlay 122–32
strategic technical design authority 185, 281
fit 25 technology 55
requirements 23 and Compaq 120–32
strategy 18–20, 24, 71, 205, 231, 245 telephones, mobile 96–94
business 71, 195, 205 templates 54, 115, 222, 249
change 71–4 tendering 40
driving programmes and projects testing 181
24, 70 user acceptance 127, 185
non-alignment with people and Thomson Travel Group see TUI
processes 18–19 time
translation 12, 21, 22–3, 281 to benefit 267
structure, organisational 56–9, 73, capture and reporting 103, 109
81–2, 145, 220, 225–9, 234, 237, to implement change 66, 72
239 scale for planning 28, 61, 263, 267
supporting business as usual 1, 7–8 tracking systems 103, 108, 161, 167–8
success criteria 160–1 training and development 80, 91, 114,
see also key performance indicators 127–8, 182–3, 195, 225–6, 248
suppliers 265 cost management 127–8
engagement plan for 177–80 transitions, individual 78
management of 33, 98–9, 174–89, see also change
268–9 Transport for London (TfL) 152–4
offshore 177 Transport Strategy for London 151
relationship issues 187–8, 270 travel business 175–87, 214–19
sourcing strategy 176–7, 230 TUI 214–19
systems see programme management Turnbull Report 138
vendor management 39–40
T-Mobile UK 86–94 vision statement 162
Tandem Computer 121
task management 103, 108 Winfield, Jonathan 129–30
teams 133, 191, 212, 249–50, 265, 270 workshops 41, 52, 179, 183


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