Docker Fundamentals: Course Description
Docker Fundamentals: Course Description
Docker Fundamentals: Course Description
Course Time:
2 Days
Course Description
This two-day class will introduce you to the Docker platform. During this training
we will discuss various topics around Docker infrastructure, filesystems and
storage, Images, containers, and clustering capabilities. You will also learn the
various networking mechanisms available.
Course Content
Module 1: Introduction to Docker Module 8: Docker Compose
+ Docker history + Docker compose
+ Overview of the container architecture + Docker compose features
+ Docker features and versions + Docker compose lifecycle
+ Overview of the Docker architecture + Docker compose terminology
+ Docker compose scaling
Module 2: Installing Docker on Linux
+ Setting up environment Module 9: Docker Swarm
+ Installing prerequisites + Docker swarm
+ Installing Docker + Swarm and services
+ Swarm discovery
Module 3: Managing Containers + Swarm scheduler
+ Managing the lifecycle of containers
+ Why containers are lightweight Lab 1 : Installing and configuring Docker
+ How to create, start, and run containers Lab 2 : Managing Docker containers
Lab 3 : Managing container images
Module 4: Managing Container Images
Lab 4 : Setting up a persistent Docker registry
+ Overview of Docker images
+ What are images and layers Lab 5 : Building a Docker file
+ Terminology of Docker images Lab 6 : Attaching Docker persistent storage
+ Create and commit images, images vs. Lab 7 : Accessing Docker networks
containers Lab 8 : Docker compose
+ Learn about Docker registry and Docker hub
Lab 9 : Docker swarm
Module 5: Building a Docker File
+ What is a Docker file
+ Creating a Docker file
+ Examine the Docker file build process