Paper 1
Paper 1
Paper 1
Code No: R1631055 R16 SET - 2
4. a) How demand paging affects the performance of a computer system? Give [7M]
b) How does the system detect Thrashing? What can the system do to eliminate this [7M]
problem? Explain.
5. a) What happens if the wait() and signal() semaphore operations are not executed [7M]
atomically? Give explanation.
b) What is Dining Philosophers problem? Discuss the solution to Dining [7M]
philosopher’s problem using monitors.
7. Explain each and every component of the Android architecture with a neat [14M]
Code No: R1631055 R16 SET - 3
4. a) Explain the difference between External fragmentation and Internal fragmentation. [7M]
How to solve the fragmentation problem using paging.
b) Consider the following page reference string: [7M]
How many page faults would occur for the optimal page replacement algorithm,
assuming four frames and all frames are initially empty.
Code No: R1631055 R16 SET - 4
III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018
(Common to Computer Science Engineering, Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Draw the Layered structure of Operating system. [2M]
b) When a process creates a new process, what is shared between parent process and [2M]
child process?
c) List the disadvantages of single contiguous memory allocation. [2M]
d) What is Counting semaphore. [3M]
e) Write about Master File Directory in two-level directory structure. [2M]
f) What are Synchronous and Asynchronous interrupts in LINUX. [3M]
2. a) Discuss various challenges and issues that are to be considered while designing an [5M]
operating system.
b) Why Real time operating systems are needed? Give some examples. [4M]
c) Write the difference between the function and system call. Briefly explain the six [5M]
major categories of system calls.
5. a) How does the signal() operation associated with monitors differ from the [7M]
corresponding operation defined for semaphores.
b) Explain the various ways of aborting a process in order to eliminate deadlocks. [7M]