Lesson 3 Eyesight Student Worksheet
Lesson 3 Eyesight Student Worksheet
Lesson 3 Eyesight Student Worksheet
Sense of Sight
Name ______________________________________
Materials required: Black pen or marker, Ruler, Blank white paper (half sheet of A4)
What to do
1. Fold the paper in half along the short edge and draw a
black cross and a solid black circle as illustrated. The
circle and cross should be about 1cm wide and roughly
7cm apart.
4. Look directly at the cross with your left eye and slowly move the paper towards your face. Take notice of
what happens to the circle as you do this, but keep looking directly at the cross.
At a certain distance, the dot will disappear from view. As you keep moving the paper towards you, it
will reappear.
5. Once you have found your left eye’s blind spot, repeat the activity for your right eye. Cover your left eye
and hold the paper so the cross is now on the left hand side.
Sense of Sight
What to do
1. Draw a line straight through the cross and the
circle as illustrated.
What to do
1. Hold this page about 30cm from your eyes and stare at
the dot in the centre of the black circle for at least 25
Sense of Sight
Activity 4 – Seeing in 3D
Your left and right eye both see slightly different images. Your brain puts these images
together to build a single three dimensional image. In this activity, you will try to see a three
dimensional cube using separate images. The one on the left is the right eye’s view and the
one on the right is the left eye’s view. With a little practice, you’ll be amazed how well your
brain puts the two images together.
What to do
Sense of Sight
What to do
Sense of Sight
What to do
Look carefully at the photograph below. Can you see what it is? Not many people see it straight
away. If you really can’t see anything, turn the page upside down and read the clues.
Sense of Sight
What to do
1. Look carefully at the shapes below. Do they mean anything to you? If you really can’t see anything
meaningful in them, turn to page 7.
2. Now that you know ‘how to see’ the image above, look at the next set of shapes. Can you see what this
Activity 6 revealed
Turn this page upside down.
Optical illusions
The activities so far proved that your eyes and brain work together. Your brain usually does
an excellent job of making sense of what the eyes see. But you can also play some amazing
tricks on it. To enjoy these activities, read the instructions carefully and do what comes
naturally. You will enjoy them most if you just let the ‘trick’ to happen before trying to figure
it out.
Paris in the
the springtime
Check again! When you are satisfied with your answer, turn to page 10.
Activity 7 - Solution
Optical illusions
Optical illusions
The backgrounds of these illusions give us the impression there is some sort of perspective. As a
result, our brain sees the shapes distorted but they are in fact a perfect square and a perfect circle.
Even the rectangles around these images seem skewed. Check with a ruler to convince yourself
that it is your brain is not seeing things quite right.
These illusions are named after the psychologist William Orbison who described them in 1939.
Sense of Sight
Amazing websites
Depth Spinner: Make your hand appear to swirl after staring at this animated disk … you’ll be amazed:
Perception: Play with this amazing animation. By looking at just five white dots representing the head,
hands and toes, you can easily perceive that it is a human being walking:
Vision info: If you want to know more about your eyes, start here
Insect eyes: Check out insect eyes with these amazing microscope photos. They have compound
eyes consisting of thousands of individual eyes, each with its own tiny lens!
Activity10 solution:
F1 inished f2 iles are the result of3 scientif4 ic study combined with the experience of5 many years of6 experts.