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Vehicle Tracking and Anti-Theft System Using Internet of Things

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International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN: 2393-2835 Volume-4, Issue-10, Oct.

Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai, India
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract - This paper presents a system that effectively and efficiently provides an application of Internet of things in
transportation by assisting in Fleet Management, Vehicle Security and Safety. Technology achieves success only when it
meets every stratum of people. Apart from the various expensive GPS tracking devices that are available in the market, this
paper introduces a vehicle tracking and anti theft system that works only using GSM-GPS and open source technologies
which makes it cheapest system for Fleet Management, safety and security. The system checks for change in GPS co-
ordinates of the vehicle when not being used by the owner. Once the location of vehicle changes, owner is notified via text
SMS Message. The text SMS message consists of current GPS Location of vehicle and also a warning message. The owner
then sends a SMS, which instructs the microcontroller to turn OFF the vehicle by switching the relay supply of the battery of
the vehicle. The enviable advantage of this system is that it helps the owner in tracking the vehicle at a greater pace, and
reduces the complexities compared to other systems, besides being a cheapest alternative for anti-theft system as well.

Keywords - Internet Of Things, Transportation, Fleet Management, GSM-GPS Tracking System, Anti-Theft System.

I. INTRODUCTION transportation can find the right path with information

about the jam and incidents. Enterprises, such as
Internet of Things (IOT) is interconnection of freight companies, would be able to perform more
things/objects using networks, where things or effective route optimization which allows energy
objects can interact with each other without or savings. Information about the movement of the
minimal human intervention. It enables the objects to vehicles transporting goods together with information
communicate with each other and the user. IoT uses about the type and status of the goods can be
sensors and other hardware to collect the data from integrated to provide important information about the
the system, software to interpret the data and use it delivery time, delivery delays, and faults. For Fleet
for required purpose and connectivity to provide Management, technologies which can provide data
communication between various systems. Thus IoT about location and status of the vehicle in real time
can provide communication, control and information are required. Global Positioning System (GPS) is
processing across the system. Figure 1, shows the commonly used as a space-based global navigation
architecture of IOT. satellite system. The location information provided
by GPS systems can be visualized using Google
Maps/Google Earth. In wireless data transporting,
GSM and SMS technology is a common feature with
all mobile network service providers. Utilization of
SMS technology has become popular because it is an
Fig.1. Architecture of IOT
inexpensive, convenient and accessible way of
1.1 Internet of Things & Transportation transferring and receiving data with high reliability.
Leveraging IoT in Transportation can provide Figure 2, shows the framework of IOT enabled
applications in aspects of transportation systems. Transportation System which consists of: GPS
Dynamic interaction between vehicle, infrastructure, receiver, GSM modem, and embedded controller. The
and the driver or user enables communication users of this application can monitor the location
between vehicles, smart parking, toll collection graphically on Google Map/Google Earth, can stop
systems, traffic control, logistic and fleet any vehicle of the fleet if it was stolen; they can also
management, vehicle security, safety and road view other relevant information of each vehicle in the
assistance.Cars, trains, and buses along with the roads fleet.
and the rails equipped with sensors, actuators and
processing power may provide important information
to the driver and/or passengers of a car to allow better
navigation and safety. Collision avoidance systems
and monitoring of transportation of hazardous
materials are two typical example functions.
Governmental authorities would also benefit from
more accurate information about road traffic patterns
for planning purposes. Where as, private
Fig.2. Internet of Things in Transportation [4]

Vehicle Tracking and Anti-Theft System using Internet of Things

International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN: 2393-2835 Volume-4, Issue-10, Oct.-2017
II. SYSTEMS USED IN TRANSPORTATION efficiency, reduced power consumption, reduced cost
and size, improved accuracy, user-friendly and easy
Despite the various technologies that have been to use and installable in all vehicles (with fuel
introduced in recent years to deter vehicle thefts and injectors) over the existing or theorized systems
tracking it, the effectiveness of these systems have available.
not reduced vehicle thefts by a good rate. Also
several security and tracking systems are designed to III. ANTI THEFT SYSTEM
assist corporations with large number of vehicles for
fleet management. A fleet management system can The main objective of the anti theft system for
minimize the cost and effort of employees to finish vehicles is to establish a connection between vehicle
road assignments within a minimal time. Besides, and the user. The established connection enables the
assignments can be scheduled in advanced based on vehicle to notify the user in situation of theft and the
current vehicles location. user can stop the vehicle after sending a command.
The system should be compact so that it can be
Therefore, central fleet management is essential to placed at a location where a thief cannot perceive it
large enterprises to meet the varying requirements of and hence the safety of the vehicle and the reliability
customers and to improve the productivity. However, of the system is not compromised.
there are still some security gaps where these The scope of the study as follows:
technologies don’t prevent a vehicle from theft, don’t
assist to recover it and don’t allow the users to know  To implement system to provide vehicle
the status of their vehicles. They can’t permit the tracking in real time.
owner to communicate with the vehicle, even if the  Design a mechanism to detect theft and
owner is certain that his vehicle is stolen. notify user of theft.

There exist two types of devices for vehicles for To accurately implement the system in real time a
tracking, theft detection and safety from theft. These GPS Antenna, GPS+GSM Module, a Microcontroller
are, and a Relay circuit will be required. Figure 3 shows
the framework of the system. In this system, a GPS
1. GPS Tracking devices for vehicles: These Antenna is used to acquire real time GPS co-ordinates
systems provide tracking of vehicle location in of the vehicle.
real time. In case of thefts these systems won’t A GPS+GSM Module (SIM808 Module) is used to
be able to stop the vehicle because these systems carry out the extraction of GPS co-ordinates obtained
can only provide the GPS co-ordinates of the from GPS antenna. GSM part of the SIM808 Module
vehicle in real time. There is no program for theft is used for sending the GPS co-ordinates and the
detection or a circuitry involved in the system to warning message about the theft to the user via SMS
stop the vehicle. One of such tracking devices Messages and for receiving commands from the user
that is used in India is called MapMyIndia and it to start or stop the vehicle. Vehicle is stopped using a
costs INR 15000 relay circuit which can cut the supply to fuel injector
from the battery. Relay circuit used is implemented
2. GPS tracking along with Central Locking and using a Hercules Motor driver IC. This IC has high
Immobilizer: These systems provide GPS input range and provides protection from over
tracking as well as mechanisms to stop the voltage/over current. Thus this driver is very safe to
vehicle by using a central locking and use for vehicle battery so that the battery does not get
immobilizer mechanism. These systems have the damaged by any voltage/current fluctuations. The
circuit to implement theft detection and to microcontroller is the most important element of the
prevent the theft from happening. The most system and controls the entire operation while
widely used GPS tracking along with Central coordinating with SIM808, GPS Antenna and the
Locking and Immobilizer are AutoCop which Relay circuit.
costs INR 16000 and 3Detrack which costs INR
18000. These systems are the most widely used SIM808 Module extracts the GPS co-ordinates from
systems worldwide and are not used much in the GPS antenna and the micro-controller converts
India because of the high cost. the GPS co-ordinates extracted into a form that can
be used for signal processing. If theft is detected, the
microcontroller along with SIM808 sends the
Luxury Sports companies that manufacture cars like warning SMS Message to the user and receives the
BMW, Mercedes, Lamborghini, Porsche etc. have commands via reply obtained from the user. The
pre-installed anti-theft and tracking systems. All Microcontroller converts the signal which is then
common car companies do not have such systems. applied to the relay circuit. The SMS message and
Considering all the literature survey and the Market GPS co-ordinates is sent by SIM808, GPS antenna in
survey the system developed should have improved conjunction with Microcontroller.

Vehicle Tracking and Anti-Theft System using Internet of Things

International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, ISSN: 2393-2835 Volume-4, Issue-10, Oct.-2017

Fig.3. Block diagram of the system

The system requires the following I/O functions:

 Conversion of GPS co-ordinates acquired by
GPS antenna (GPS aspect of SIM808) into text
format that can be displayed via a SMS message.
 Conversion of SMS Message (GSM aspect of
SIM808) into electrical signals for controlling
relay and sending of SMS message using
Microcontroller and SIM808
Fig.5. SMS with GPS co-ordinates of vehicle

For theft detection, algorithm shown in figure 4 is

used. Whenever vehicle starts, system will send a
SMS to the owner. If vehicle use was unauthorized,
owner can then reply with a text SMS ‘Stop’ to turn
the vehicle off.

Fig.4. Algorithm for theft detection


The progression was made to implement the system

in real time on a Battery of a vehicle (Bike) while
Fig.6. Location in Google maps
placing the system inside the vehicle such that it is
not visible to the thief. Testing of the system was
done and the system responded by sending a warning
SMS message to the user when there was
The system developed effectively provides an
unauthorized movement of the vehicle. The user got a
application of connected devices or Internet of things
SMS message which had the warning message and
in Transportation. The system includes a Combined
GPS co-ordinates. The user sent a SMS message to
GPS+GSM Module which can track the location of
stop the vehicle and the system responded to this
the vehicle via the GPS antenna implanted in the
message by relaying the supply to the battery and
vehicle. Thus, this system is an integration of several
hence the vehicle stopped.

Vehicle Tracking and Anti-Theft System using Internet of Things

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Vehicle Tracking and Anti-Theft System using Internet of Things


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