Styrene Design Problem

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CHEG 464 Styrene Design Problem


Commercial development of styrene began during World War II with the introduction of synthetic rubber. Butadiene-
styrene copolymers later found extensive use in latex paints while various polystyrene plastics and foams are used in
packaging, wall tile, household articles, and insulating material in refrigerators. Styrene can be produced via the catalytic
dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene, which is derived from the alkylation of benzene with ethylene. Precursor feedstocks
are commonly associated with petroleum refining and petrochemical processes. Although the present supply and
economics dictate the use of petroleum derived feedstocks, a changing world situation could make coal-derived
feedstocks acceptable alternatives. In either case, styrene is a valuable monomer in a variety of commercial products.

Design Basis:

The requested preliminary appraisal study should include all the process steps needed to manufacture 20 million pounds
per year of styrene monomer from ethylbenzene. This plant will be considered as an addition to an existing
petrochemicals complex.

Wenner and Dybdal (1) provided information on the reaction kinetics of the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene. The
following reactions were proposed as being important:

C6H5C2H5 ↔ C6H5C2H3 + H2 (Eq. 1)

C6H5C2H5 → C6H6 + C2H4 (Eq. 2)

C6H5C2H5 + H2 → C6H5CH3 + CH4 (Eq. 3)

Equilibrium information indicates that reaction 1 is the only one with an important reverse reaction.

Reaction rate equations are given by Wenner and Dybdal (1) as follows (these pseudoelementary rate laws fit reaction
kinetic data reasonably well):

r1 = k1 (PE - PSPH2/K1) (Eq. 4)

r2 = k2 PE (Eq. 5)

r3 = k3PEPH2 (Eq. 6)

Effect of temperature on the reaction rate constants was interpreted from the experimental results as follows:

log10k1 = (-11,370/4.575•ToK) + 0.883 (Eq. 7)

log10k2 = (-50,800/4.575•ToK) + 9.13 (Eq. 8)

log10k3 = (-21,800/4.575•ToK) + 2.78 (Eq. 9)

Reported experimental results were obtained with a packed-tube reactor, 0.75 in. i.d., 1.00 in. o.d. by 78 inches overall
length. A preheat section of 1.5 ft. was packed with 6-mm porcelain Berl saddles followed by a 4-foot long catalyst
section containing 348 cc of catalyst. Temperature was measured by a thermocouple in the catalyst bed 12 in. from the
exit. Results of detailed calculations show that the effect of diffusion in the pores of the catalyst pellets was probably a
significant factor in the rate mechanisms. However, given the same similitude of catalyst pellet size and pore structure, a
reasonably accurate rate replication and scale-up can be obtained. Catalyst regeneration in the present project can be
accomplished with a periodic superheated-steam treatment.

A shell-and-tube heat-exchanger-type packed tube reactor should be used to provide the necessary large heat transfer area
per unit catalyst volume. Ethylbenzene can be fed downward on the tube-side (tubes filled with platinum catalyst on a
silica-alumina carrier) while hot flue gas is passed countercurrently and upward on the shell-side. Reactor design
variables are too numerous unless some variables are fixed at reasonable or typical values. Variables include: tube length
Prof. Wood
and diameter, catalyst shape and size, feed temperature, heating medium temperature, mass velocity of the feed stream
and others. Tables I and II contain lists of tentative fixed parameters and also variables to be investigated in this study.
The experimental results of Wenner and Dybdal provide the basis and bench-mark values for those listed in the following

Assume that the pressure drop is given by the Ergun equation, (BSL-Eq. 6.4-14, p. 200 or p 696 Peters and Timmerhaus,
or p 177 Folger).

The styrene recovery and refining system may consist of one, two or three distillation columns in series to avoid
exceeding the maximum-allowable temperature of 90oC; above this temperature styrene will polymerize (Faith et al.). In
fact, even to reach 90oC, small quantities of a non-volatile inhibitor must be added to the top of the high-temperature
column(s) to prevent styrene polymerization. Note no significant polymerization occurs in the reactor since the products
are gases. With a maximum-allowable process stream temperature in this case, a vacuum distillation system will be
necessary. The purity of all product distillation streams should be greater than 98%. Existing plant utilities include a
vacuum system operating at 40 torr. A new sieve-tray design for use in vacuum operation provides overall column
efficiencies above 50% and a pressure drop across each tray of 3 mm Hg or less in similar cases. The ethylbenzene-
styrene system may be assumed to exhibit ideal solution behavior within 2% deviation for this case. Quick-method
estimates may be based upon a reflux ratio of 1.4 x RD MIN and the Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland methods may be used.
VLE may be considered ideal for SM-BZ.


Catalyst: alumina, 1/8-inch spheres, ρc = 61 lb/ft3, ρp = 117 lb/ft3

Purchase cost = $4.20/lb (12/84)
Overall heat transfer coefficient, h = 10 BTU/hr*ft2*oF
Inlet flue gas temperature = 850oC
Reactor tubes and tube-sheet: 316 stainless steel
Reactor pressure range: 10 to 50 psig


Tube length: 8, 12, 16 ft

Tube diameter: 2, 4 inches o.d.
Feed temperature: 450, 550, 6500C
Superficial mass velocity of reactor feed: 3600, 4800, 6000 lb/hr*ft2


1. Wenner, R. R. and E. C. Dybdal, "Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ethylbenzene, Chem. Eng. Progr., 44, 275 (1948).
2. Peters, M. W. and K. D. Timmerhaus, "Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers", Fourth Edition,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1991.
3. Faith, W. L., D. B. Keyes, and R. L. Clark, Industrial Chemicals, Wiley & Sons, NY (1950).


r1 reaction rate, lb moles/(hr) (lb cat), for formation of styrene by eq. 1; r2 for eq. 2; r3 for eq. 3
k1 rate constant, lb moles/(hr)(atm)(lb cat), for styrene formation; k2 for eq. 2; k3 for eq. 3
PE partial pressure, atm, ethylbenzene
PS partial pressure, atm, styrene
PH2 partial pressure, atm, hydrogen
Prof. Wood
K1 equilibrium constant for styrene formation, atm
ToK reaction temperature in Arrhenius equation, K
T(z) reactor temperature as a function of position, oF
To reactor feed temperature, oF
Tfg flue gas temperature, oF (assume constant.)
X fractional conversion to ethylbenzene, lb moles EB react/lb mole EB fed
Y yield of styrene (S), lb moles S formed/lb mole EB reacted
Z yield of toluene (T), lb moles T formed/lb mole EB reacted
Cpi(T) heat capacity of the ith component, BTU/(lb-mol oF)
L catalyst depth, feet
F feed to reactor, lb moles/hr
W catalyst weight, lb, dW differential catalyst element
di,do inner and outer tube diameter, inches
dc mean catalyst particle diameter, inches
Fo feed rate of ethylbenzene, lb-mole/hr*tube
FE(z) molar flow rates of ethylbenzene, lb-mole/hr*tube
FS(z), FH(z) for styrene and hydrogen
h overall heat transfer coefficient, Btu/hr*ft2*oF, based on do (assume constant)
∆Hrl standard heat of reaction at 77oF for first reaction (Eq. 1), BTU/lb-mole,
∆Hr2, ∆Hr3 for the other two reactions
Po total pressure at reactor inlet, psia
P(z) pressure in reactor, psia
z axial distance from reactor inlet, ft
ε void fraction in the tubes, ft3void/ft3 total volume
ρc catalyst density, lb catalyst/ft3reactor
ρp catalyst density, lb catalyst/ft3catalyst
ξ* open-system extent of reaction, lb mol/hr

Based on the styrene design project, I would like you to do the following:

A. Derive the equations you would use to find the following quantities as a function of axial position in the

Conversion of ethylbenzene: X = moles E reacted/moles E fed

Yield of styrene: Y = moles S produced/moles E reacted

Temperature of the reaction mixture: T(oF)

Express your equations in terms of the parameters given in the design project description:

Assume the overall heat coefficient h and flue gas temperature Tfg are constant.
Assume the viscosity of the reaction mixture to be 0.02 cp, where 1 cp = 6.72 x 10-4 lbm/ft*s.
Assume the pressure drop is given by the Ergun equation.

Make it clear how you will determine X(z), Y(z), and T(z) from the dependent variables of your design
equations. Then sketch the expected shapes of FE, FS, FH, X, Y, XY, and T vs. z (include results for large

Calculate the initial value of Y. (Hint: it is not 0)

B. Indicate how your set of equations would have to be modified if you could not assume a constant flue gas
temperature, but were given the entering flue gas temperature (Tfg)o, the flow rate of the flue gas (qfg,
lb/h-tube), and the flue gas heat capacity Cfg (Btu/lb-oF).

Prof. Wood
C. Solve the problem of Part A by stepping forward in position (with suitably small position increments).
Have the program calculate and print out X, Y, XY (moles S produced/mole E fed), T, and P at incremental
values of z up to a 30% conversion of ethylbenzene. (Build an upper limit of 20 ft into the program.) Also,
print out the final molar flow rate of E and S, and the component mole fractions in the reactor effluent.

D. Run the program using the following system parameters.

di, do = 4.03 in., 4.50 in.

ε = 0.48, dc = 1/8 in., ρp = 117.3 lb/ft3 catalyst
Fo = 4 lb-moles/h-tube
h = 9.7 Btu/h-ft2-oF (based on outside tube area)
Po = 41 psig, To = 1000oF, Tfg = 1600oF
print data with step size = 0.50 ft

Suggestion: The first time you run the program, have it write the calculated values of the rate and equilibrium
constants, heats of reaction, and the five derivatives at the initial conditions, and then STOP. Check these

E. Calculate the number of tubes and their length required to produce 2.0 x 10 7 lb. styrene per year with a
fractional conversion of ethylbenzene of roughly 30%.

For your information, I am summarizing below the results of studies performed by Wenner and Dybdal [Chem.
Eng. Progr., 44, 275 (1948)] and Bodman [The Industrial Practice of Chemical Process Engineering, MIT
Press (1968)] on this reaction system, along with thermochemical data you will need.

Thermochemical and Kinetic Data for Ethylbenzene-Styrene System (equations of Bodman corrected for mass
transfer resistance in the catalyst particle)

k1 = 650 exp (-19 100/l.987•T)

log10k2 = -50 800/(4.575•T) + 9.13

log10k3 = -21 800/(4.575•T) + 2.78

T in Kelvin,
k in lb-mole/(hr•lb catalyst•atm) or lb-mole/(hr•lb catalyst•atm2)

K1 (500oC) = 2.8 x 10-2 atm Assume the integrated (constant ∆H)

form of vant Hoff's equation is valid
K1 (600oC) = 2.4 x 10-1 atm

Substance ∆Hof @ 77oF, Cp[T(oF)], vapor-phase heat capacities

Btu/lb-mole BTU/(lb-mole oF)

Ethylbenzene (g) +12,816 26.18 + 0.0602T - 1.84 x 10-5T2

Styrene (g) +63,396 25.12 + 0.0542T - 1.71 x 10-5T2

Hydrogen (g) 0 6.89 + 3.94 x 10-5T + 2.11 x 10-7T2
Benzene (g) +35,676 16.29 + 0.043lT - 1.37 x 10-5T2
Ethylene (g) +22,491 9.25 + 0.0155T - 5.08 x 10-6T2
Toluene (g) +21,510 20.86 + 0.0523T - 1.58 x 10-5T2
Methane (g) -32,202 7.94 + 7.66 x 10-3T - 3.60 x 10-7T2

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