Marantz PM 7000 PM 8000 Service Manual

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Service PM7000 /nte, nic, 18 PM8000 /n1e, mic, 1B, FIN Manual Integrated amplifier TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE: 1. SPECIFICATIONS oon - 2, TEST EQUPMENT REQUIRED SERVICING : 4, BLOCK DIAGRAM sn 7 5, WRING DIAGRAM sonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn vn 6. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND PARTS LOCATION PARTS SIDE) 7. EXPLODED VIEW AND PARTS LIST 8, ELECTRICAL PARTS UST... sn BEB oveune Please us th senvco manual wt refering to tho ser guide (OF U) witout a BRON, CONARINERALANDREMBO AMEDD CRA. noDnean peennnt Zz: - PM7000 / PM8000 - MARANTZ DESIGN AND SERVICE Use super design an sects high grade conponans, MARANTZ company has creatod the ultnale in store sours ‘Ony original MARANTZ pars can insur hat your MARANTZ product wil continue to perform 1th epcticaone for which Parts or your MARANTZ equipment are generly avalabe to cu Netonal Marantz Subsiiary or Agent. ‘ORDERING PARTS. Pars canbe ordered alr by mar by Fax. In both cases, the cote part umber has tobe spect ‘The folowing formation must be supptd fo olminate delays in processing you ender 1 Comet adress 2. Complete part numbers ad quaitios required 43, Doscrition of parts 4: Medel number for which partis required ‘.May of shipment 6, Sgnatro any ordr form or Fax. must bo signed, chorise euch pat oder wil be considered 35 rll and od PROFESSIONAL AERICAS — CANADA sawn waar Speinrz ent ne BAVSYymBA | eens ‘tomers ON %S Feiememzcarss; | SSAANCANt voNcena, aK ‘SHOCK, FIRE HAZARD SERVICE TEST [CAUTION :Atorserdcing tn applance and prior torturing to customer, moasur ho rlstance betwen ale primary AC ‘cord comacr pins (wth unk NOT canning to AC mains and fs Power ench ON ) andthe foe or ron Panel of prod nd ‘Any eitance meetuerert ee than 1 Megohme shoud caute uit tobe raped cr coected belo AC power applied nd Ref UL Standard No 1482. Incase of ecules, do not nest to contac the Tecnica Deparment at above mentioned adres. 1. SPECIFICATIONS Power output (cls AB operation) RS Boren (20 He-20 ie) ow IN 8 ohm ae) THD at 8 ohms RMS ratad ouput 03% Damping foc. 160 Power ut put {PME000cassA operation) RUS 8 one (20 He -70 4H). 2sw “THO a 8 ohms RUS. ais out 0.09% Damping factor, 130 |MF dynamic power (class AB operation) Bone s20w IM dynamic power (PMB000 class A operation) Magnetic carte input (4M) Input sonstiy impedance 25 vi Kons Aeouray of reueneyFespONEE TO TEC FAA on 5 8 Slanal toric rao 85 08 TuneriCDIAUTape inputs Input sonatvty pecans. 150 nV40 kone Sipnaltoneise ato 00d Frequeny reponse (1.68 tmts, Source Dec) s0He-sonte “one character (100 He and 10H) $868 (Channa separation (1West0 Wt, Source are. >00/>70 08, General Power Requirements Nversone 230V ACO He Diversions ‘20V ACOH Heit 1501 Depth 3705 nen ie Uni aloe... 123h0 ‘Spectiatons subject change wahout prior nates NCO He 20 ee FP RIL) 99288 95 Wx20.0 Ra 9338. 25Wx26.0 8A) SERED He - 20 10 WEEE OR) 23208 1586 2328 ‘000% REREY OWT. 01896 Hem GORA CORNERO. creeped muaaate (Oy-2F4L9h)__ he sowe 0-1 FYEYTIVI9~ (@ OMB.I00 He 102) 130 DIME /ADIIE-II2 PHONO 0. 25 mV/AT ko HH LEVEL 180 nV/40k9 PHONONS” (1162) on 180 mv PARE 20H) 28 (aH 20 058 SIN FAR I-IAIVI-H PHONO W. or CH LEVEL, 108.8 hevayko-w BASS (100 +2). a8 TREELE (10M) +98 wees AG 100 V, 50 +2/50 He RED RROD 180W 3708 mn 1238 me UE-b Yh O-nLaRMMROSOOCRN, 16 SMORROLOMISMBOROFEE BRIELLE aoa. 2.7EST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR SERVICING some BRRA ryesiTeeRORER AC VIVM | SRurEoRe 49ORI-F BHM, HOTITA pe vTvM _RooR 4YTBA OOO RSIia~ 7497 MEeeDENs IC PITADEMBTS 3.IC INFORMATIONS: [MICROPROCESSOR THP47C2008M BLOCK DIAGRAM i tL ala aWV INOL WOLOATAS O7U 1 pren = . aan, t oes aw fi] pH a | a + essen [] -® +® a a a9H08 | cna ai | dV YIMOd -@. | | +@ : ass no 0? NI 7 wOssADONd 7 5 aNRaD | i Ln0 © adv 9 NRG) NI YOLIATAS 2 NL gounos uxay a “ ° Txav © WANA “0 % ~ ° ONOHE Oa ONOHE wywovia 10078 "+ usec er 6ete IMO see err 6ere AMOMNISAVL sop ex ects Bln 7 “gy >= oouna : 2! pare ern ott see ert eet KATON NOLLONA WYOVIG ONRIM 'S Le AINDUID LNOINI 3aVL'® NOLIN (01s S14¥d) NOLLV907 SLM¥d GNY NV¥OVIG OUVWSHOS '9 POWER CIRCUIT POWER FRONT CIRCUIT veg) ta i eer oe es Cua’ 13 MAIN CIRCUIT Ga ae : tte & ae 16 6 a fina ¢ fe petite 8 ies: foe Suse | vee? Svein Eeyuest zovom — SgeessEverse © Eaouse pass Yooh vant 4unguio ¥3000Na UNDUI MS Hd sss se © Be vars: sects — eveise—sazise © omer ta aoe soem: zamse © yaeoer © soem oa sone ca coee Sesmoe Eavsse © eyecse © Lgyone © paumee © oese © eau |v eeeh wise Lacese —fvense © toamee visor paar Evesae — yoouse = Sboeee © Same | Foams Sonege | Nassa aah gozg 3383 8 3 x & oo sags: fae tate — scrir = Sonmme © pase Ca saee Saves: fais toviese Satis Sa (002M) 1INDwID TOMLNOD BWNTOA (0008Nd) LINDUID TONLNOD AWMI0A @ @ 8 , 8 ' i § 4 + 18 4 Soy 4 yj oF vt neds untapapuner eee uted pen umd Tenn pend beara Fe Oana Anan | 7m pp esyste -OBeSe a eee | Te OCS t T (GuVOE YaMOd ¥ LNO / NI 3dVL'® NOLLONN (o008Wd) casos aNOL (oo0zWa) cxrvos 3NOL ‘This assombly drawing shows a summary ofall possible versions. For components Used in a specific version see schematic diagram and parts list. 4 3 7. EXPLODED VIEW AND PARTS LIST arya. esi PreEErreti etter sey ekeeegeee skskee aga ‘ses a Se a seca See Soereacie Sue 0 siete aan t tara oer Besar Seta Sao ‘ences ars eo co pone ‘eee 1 (er oe (aor 98 vere bi ete sete 8. IDLING CURRENT AND DC OFFSET VOLTAGE ALIGNMENT 18.1 Gulesoant Curent Adjustment or Cis AB “Sotto CO made wth no inp imam vlume postion & ‘rar suply a 220 V 25%. -Powor up unt aust SLOWLY 3299) & 3300) unt ‘tage aos L-Channel —893 (1007 T06) 83357 (7000 {TOO}, R-Crannel — 3336 (TOTS 7014) & 3888 (TOTS / “Togas perthe able boew. Tine ser 3 st min? ‘Vetege Aber 3 rin he volage shod sete down 18.23 * iat tom ead condo, {8.2 Gulscont Curent Aajuament or Cie A Nex, svch 1 Cas Aeperaton. Aus SLOWLY 3309) 83510 (unl volage across L-Channel —- 3335 (T007/ ‘Tooe) & 3337 (T009/ O10), R-Channel —- 3896 (TO13/ Tots) & 3898 (TOTS /TO16) as per te table below. Tine sftr Oso to20 soc Vaiape nv T0mv Ate 30 mi, th wtoge should sti down 6 90 mV £5 mv coninueirmedataly ster 81 REMARKS: Pleas sks nie hat for both Class AB A.A alignment tall ‘ee ding auton, refer othe higher reading f each weag? ‘830c ort Aus 325 ard 2264 DC of votag islssthan #10 nv at Speaker ouput ernnal 87-4 EVD TRRBSUDCTT by REE 81 74 KU> TREE (Coss AB) D BRORBALYFEANSHC, RYa—LelwN E, NOYAROh=2IYHO-LEby9-ESD eas. 2 @E-HEL, RARER OOVELIG. 3) tex PHAR, 5835 (TOOT / TODS) . 3337 (TODD 17010) OF 72/21/8536 (1013 / TO), $338 (015 / 1018 ORFF ADORE FROME BBSRC, HSIAO 1) £55000 BD2RC DURES. 2) ‘exh M885836 (TOOT / TOOE) 3887 (7009 / TOIO) OF ey FIL8896 (F013 / TO, S390C7018 / TINDAT PY 21H OREN FRO BERSEC, YOTRAIOW EDIE OI< UmELEe, ae RE OB=308 +% | SEmV/BLETOWST S09, RESON SMELT MRAM, FCCTS TCHS. 3B: AD DARIUS AMO? {ESTER RCAC, AF Py RIACO THOME ARCA PRE, BUTORERTO eRALUSESELaY, 83007 72> hE Dos Spy hE, Aes CIO PRSECHSRENICENOERRL ET. 9. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST Aston or COMMON Pars Coots. ry Sans see toe ho Note “Pins tn a om SW byt aps parte Coad eceate capacrrors 'S} 01 ket 870, Cranl capac Serpe “amp et P350-N10, SOV payne Exar 2 None carey cater) + roma euioh nuranmed io one ee © cya te ays igh #8 Pa gare tn cre } Tempra 256, 0 b copeaty ais es ‘Bes SELECTROLY CAR“), e)RLM CAP ( Beker ead epec 1 wosinavltgs cipeanyuise Exar 3 Eoscry ve Aree ary “ee 8 ee st Pm ay ae FEE se RG ee SES Semen SE EE conv copecty vawe Examples Panacea ‘ovis Clooor). 102 a. F104 1) The sow COODESIRY #4, Re #4 # aac » 40 ns Gu'3 6 jaro omtad onthe cotonate dgram in| 2) Bre inn ne coated connor prion ne 2) Refer "Common art is fr the ater common artes, O54, Oks NOTE ON SAFETY FOR FUSIBLE RESISTOR : Toe motion and ae yp mambo tia sts at Baenelly ” ypena(KOA) —_Deseigten Nagswax'o—raeB@exsay Gas aw) Mitsrxxtao—careosicxxxnd Gam tiem) Nig 0 seerosan xxx) G35 tom Magsenxuo cers necnay {asta “srenistance vaue Realetance valuo0.1 0 10k.) 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Any other component substitution ( other than original ‘type), may increase risk of fire or electrical shock hazard, ReLorm A css, KermRVERTT, B FREENTSMARSOBREDAL THOU 38 & EERRREEUREREEE ‘ees ‘ar a8 ‘eae eater Ag 10887 ‘ye 1507 ae sony a ‘tes (Ste 8 ‘sr oes pe touast 126 Sonor ok mest iF wes 9 SERRSseeSEseesEs ge Eee SG5 § GGSEG09989298E89 8 9552 es cook ‘ros aan soi aca ott Boe 7% sco maceweous OMeCTOR 2 twecton CMMECTOR Caen CowectoR ca oMcTOR 1 Chonan warns ‘eera 92 (222 3 ‘ber aaa cer 109 wn) ‘CowtecroR cane CoNECTOR CALE SOMECTOR CARE CORUECTOR CARRE | 529988 Se ms San Sie ae ie ame Eas eas Zar Bae my Ee BEE BES pos [ves [em | gescpenon ros [vee | PMRW) cescapnon nO | Same es) NO | coo Pes) seasrons oe ses: [puro ea snooe “ax 050 Hi oe 3eo | Pas om OH See ferries | fom oe Ga 3 wea veenn 2 o6 08M he ‘feramae | ‘Sa Saw Sie fea veew am os oaW sas 2x ox caw Ser |rwo—fanaatems Xa oa se ‘Gortiesas | 2x i Saw ier [Puno daa bene 2 Sk 8H be aries) ae Oa aie eaezions “oe ox ON Pm ‘feraoz09 | ia Saw Sei Piensa orto ARR ates | zimz03 | ja a se ‘ervieaas | ac ox Ga se ; ennm700) 10 1% asW 2s fea tame ect “a $51 ye ‘ereaas| “oem Gow hor fa tame CER wor vars | ut uae aaa ton | igo kW Pat fea isan AB Tor ase | a ‘arsieaor | a ok GW es leavers! 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