Year 3 Cefr Week 34 Complete
Year 3 Cefr Week 34 Complete
Year 3 Cefr Week 34 Complete
Theme Topic
World of knowledge Module 10: THE WORLD AROUND US
Language/ Grammar focus Review of comparatives & superlatives
Main Content Standard 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate rea
Main Learning Standard 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by visuals and the topic
Com. Learning Standard 1.2.4 Understand a wide range of short basic supported classroom instructions
Flashcards/ wordcards
Communication .
Science & Technology Observation
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher displays flashcards and review planet names.
Theme Topic
World of knowledge Module 10: THE WORLD AROUND US
Language/ Grammar focus Review of superlatives & comparatives
Main Content Standard 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print
Com. Content Standard 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital m
Main Learning Standard 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences
Com. Learning Standard 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases
Gallery Walk .
Bubble Map Creativity and Innovation Questions
Collaboration . Observation
Flashcards/ wordcards Thinking skills
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher plays Missing Planets
1. Teacher sticks the word cards of planets on the board. (check previous week)
2. Choose a pupil to come up to the board.
3. Asks the rest of the pupils to look at the word cards carefully for 30 seconds and tell them to
close their eyes.
4. The pupil at the board has to remove one of the word cards.
5. After that, the rest of the pupils open their eyes and try to guess which word card is missing by
asking the pupil in front with the sentence pattern.
Q: Have you got Venus?
A: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
6. Repeat.
Theme Topic
World of stories Module 10: THE WORLD AROUND US
Language/ Grammar focus Review of comparatives & superlatives
Main Content Standard 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts
Com. Content Standard 3.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment
Main Learning Standard 5.2.1 Ask and answer simple questions about characters, actions and events of interest in a te
Com. Learning Standard 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of interest
Communication . Observation
. Values
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher displays adjectives flash cards and elicits pupils
Com. Content Standard 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate
Main Learning Standard 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences
Com. Learning Standard 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of short simple texts
Communication . Observation
worksheets Global Sustainability
Learning Outline
1. Teacher shows the pictures of the two types of camel and elicit some differences between
Pre-lesson them.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher refers SB pg 119. Point to the vocabulary. Pupils 1. Teacher talks to pupils about what they
read and repeat. have learned in this lesson about
2. Asks pupils to look and say about the camel. Play cd track 11 endangered animals and about how we
and pupils read along. can help protect our natural world.
3. Teacher asks questions based on the text and get pupils to 2. Class discussion.
read text aloud in class.
4. Ask pupils if they remember about endangered Malaysian
animals in Lesson 148. Elicits sentences.
5. Teacher divides pupils into pair. Distributes animals picture
to each pairs. Pupils write simple sentences about the
pictures. Cut and colour the pictures.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).
Com. Content Standard 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital m
Main Learning Standard 2.1.5 Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases
Com. Learning Standard 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases
Know the rights and responsibilities in the family (Knowledge)
CIVIC LITERACY Show happiness in life (Action)
Give focus to family members (s/emotional)
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
revise and review previous vocabulary learnt with guidance.
Bubble Map
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Observation
Flashcards/ wordcards
Communication . Worksheet
Thinking skills
Learning Outline
Teacher asks pupils who is in their family/ family members.
Pre-lesson Tell ppls that many different people may be in their families, from grandparents to parents to
cousins. Shows family tree.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Each pupil choose a family member
1.Teacher displays words and briefly practice the family vocabulary.
word and says a sentence about his/her
2. Talk about responsibilities and ways to make family proud.
family related to the word.
3. Tells pupils to draw their family tree. Show how to draw family tree and
2. Teacher displays pupils’ family tree and
asks ppls to share the difference between their family members
have ppls go on a "gallery walk" to check
4. Hand out the papers to each ppls. Have them work independently to
out each other's family tree.
complete their family tree.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).
Assessment (5 minutes)
Assess how pupils are describing the members of their families and distinguishing between family and