Letter To The Minnesota Historical Society

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House of

October 18, 2019

Dear Minnesota Historical Society,

We, the undersigned legislators, would like to express our support and appreciation of
your efforts to bring the good folks of Minnesota into the discussion to include the place
name at Historic Fort Snelling - Bdote. It is important that as a state, we acknowledge
and embrace the historic significance at the site we call Fort Snelling, located on sacred
lands of those who lived there long before white settlers arrived and before this land
was renamed Minnesota by its colonizers -- from its original Dakotah name, "Minisota”,
meaning the reflection of the sky onto the water. We write to support the inclusion of
the Dakotah word “Bdote” in the place name of the Minnesota Historical society site.

We affirm the understanding that indigenous place names carry knowledge that has
been passed from generation to generation - they are the story maps that once
connected Indigenous peoples to significant sites and that guided them from place to
place. Our Dakotah and Annishinabe people have kept their Bdote place connection
strong, despite the centuries of assimilation and the devastating efforts to erase
Minnesota’s indigenous culture and communities.

As legislators, we applaud the efforts of the Minnesota Historical Society to bear witness
to the place called Bdote, the place where two rivers meet in the Dakotah language.
The historical society’s own Minnesota History text book teaches young people that
Bdote is believed by Dakotah people to be the place of origin of their people and long a
place for celebrations and trade. By including “Bdote” in the name of the site, the state’s
historical society rightfully recognizes the significance of the multiple histories at that
place that is inclusive of more Minnesotans.

In Minnesota, we are pleased to find many indigenous place names that contribute to
the preservation, revitalization, and strengthening of Dakotah and Anishinabe histories,
languages, and cultures. As the Minnesota Historical Society works in partnership with
our Indigenous peoples to restore the traditional place name, Bdote, which reflects the
culture of the original inhabitants of this state, we pledge our support.


Rep. Mary Kunesh-Podein Speaker Melissa Hortman

Majority Leader Ryan Winkler Rep. Liz Olson

Rep. Jim Davnie Rep. Ami Wazlawik

Rep. Steve Sandell Rep. Mike Freiberg

Rep. Jeff Brand Rep. Laurie Pryor

Rep. Sandra Masin Rep. Robert Bierman

Rep. Jay Xiong Rep. Samantha Vang

Rep. Michael Howard Rep. Brad Tabke

Rep. Alice Hausman Rep. Mohamud Noor

Rep. Anne Claflin Rep. Frank Hornstein

Rep. Fue Lee Rep. Jean Wagenius

Rep. Dave Pinto Rep. Steve Elkins

Rep. John Lesch Rep. Jen Schultz

Rep. Kelly Morrison Rep. Kelly Moller

Rep. John Huot Rep. Connie Bernardy

Rep. John Persell Rep. Jack Considine

Rep. Aisha Gomez Rep. Ruth Richardson

Rep. Peter Fischer Rep. Rick Hansen

Rep. Cheryl Youakim Rep. Ginny Kleavorn

Rep. Kaohly Her Rep. Heather Edelson

Rep. Diane Loffler Rep. Jamie Long

Rep. Todd Lippert Rep. Raymond Dehn
English Dakhóta Dakhóta Translation Anishinaabe Anishinaabe Translation
Crow River Khaŋǧí Wakpá Crow River Aandegwigwan- Crow Wing River
Lake Calhoun Bde Makhá Ska White Earth Lake Gaa- White Earth Lake
Lake Harriet Bdé Umáŋ Other Lake Bakegamaa Side Lake
Lake Mní Tháŋka / Bde Iá Great Water / Great Misi-zaaga’igan Grand Lake
Minnetonka Tháŋka Talking Lake
Mendota Bdóte Confluence Zaagiwakiing At the Outlet-land
Minneapolis Bdeóta Othúŋwe Many Lakes City Gakaabikaang At the Waterfalls
Minnehaha Mníȟaȟa Wakpádaŋ Waterfall Creek Gakaabikejiwani- Little River of Waterfalled
Creek ziibiins Stream
Minnehaha Falls Mníȟaȟa Waterfall Gakaabikejiwan Waterfalled Stream

Minnesota River Mnísota Wakpá Clear Water River Ashkibagi-ziibi Greenleaf River
Mississippi Ȟaȟáwakpa / Wakpá River of the Falls / Misi-ziibi Great River
River Tháŋka Great River
Nicollet Island Wíta Wašté Good Island Chi-minis Big Island
Shakopee Šákpe Six [Chief Shakopee] Zhaagobaying At [Chief] Shakopee’s
St. Anthony Owámni / Falling Water Gichi-gakaabikaa Great Waterfalls
Falls Owámniyomni
St. Croix River Hoǧáŋ Waŋká kiŋ Where the Fish Lies Jiibayaatigo-ziibi Gravemarker River
St. Paul Imnížaska Othúŋwe Little White Rock City Ashkibagi-ziibiing At the Greenleaf River
White Bear Lake Mathó Ska Bde White Bear Lake Waabi-makwa- White Bear Lake

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