Siop Lesson Plan

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Anna, Jess, Alba, Julia

20 October 2019

Lesson Plan

Educ 359

Title SIOP Comprehensible Input

Subject Area(s) - SIOP model

- Comprehensible Input

Grade Level - College level

Summary of the Lesson Students will learn about the fifth level of the SIOP
model which is Comprehensible Input and
understand the strategies that can be used in the

Essential Questions - What is Comprehensible Input?

- What is the importance of this level of the
SIOP model?
- What are some strategies you would use in
your classroom?
Objectives - Connect the strategies that can be used for
Comprehensible Input in the classroom to
practical situations.
- Define Comprehensible Input.
- Create a mini skit incorporating one of the
input strategies.

Vocabulary: - Comprehensible Input

- Scaffolding
- Coached instruction
- Monitoring

Estimated Time - 45 minutes

Materials Required - Halloween Poems

- Powerpoint Worksheet
Procedure In a succinct way, describe the step by step format for your
lesson. It is not necessary to script the lesson. Demonstrate
Each professor your knowledge of differentiation and scaffolding. You will
may choose to use the Before/During/After format. Discuss the following
align this section components:
to his/her content
areas. BEFORE:

This section will Anticipatory Set:

anticipated areas - We will ask students to write down on a piece of
of differentiated paper what they think comprehensible input is. After,
instruction. we will ask them to share their answers with their
shoulder partner and then will be asked to share with
the rest of the class.

Activating/Assessing Prior

- For this part of the lesson, the teachers will first go

over any vocabulary the students may not know. The
teachers will then present the powerpoint. After going
over the powerpoint, the teachers will ask if there are
any further questions.
Prepare the learner by building
prior knowledge

Statement of Learning

- The students will be able to understand the meaning

of Comprehensible input and the many activities and
strategies that go along with it.

- The teachers will present a powerpoint. As the
teachers are presenting the powerpoint, the students
will follow along and fill out the worksheet about the
powerpoint. After the presentation is over, the
teachers will go over the answers with the students.
Then, Jess will explain the visualization activity
which is a listen and draw. Jess will read the poems.
Anna will draw an example on the board. Alba and
Julia will walk around and check everyone’s work.
- Next, the students will Choose one of the four
instruction types: Direct, Joined, Coached,
Monitoring, and create a mini demo about how you
would use this type of instruction to benefit your ELL
students. Perform your skit in front of the class and
the class will have to guess which instruction type it
- Next, the groups will Use one of the input strategies:
Use different sources of input, Tell stories, Visualize,
Sing Songs, Play games, Specialized reading, Watch
news or movies, Correction of mistakes, Listen and
draw, Adapt your speech, to create some type of
activity that you would use for your ELL students.

Checking for Understanding

- After the lesson, the teachers and the students will go

over the worksheet handed out to them prior to the
lesson presentation. The students are supposed to fill
this out as the lesson goes along to ensure


- The students will finish with a class discussion
including these two questions:
- “We discussed some tips on how teachers can make
comprehensible input, what is some advice you would
give to future educators?”
- “We discussed some ways how you can integrate
technology with comprehensible input. What are some
examples of technology that you can use for your own
- The students will complete an exit slip of what they
Formative - We will ask students to write down on a piece of
Assessment/ paper what they think comprehensible input is. After,
Assessment we will ask them to share their answers with their
shoulder partner and then will be asked to share with
the rest of the class.
- We will be assessing during our lesson explanation by
having a worksheet that they have to complete while
they follow along us on our powerpoint. After the
lesson is over, we will be going over the answers and
collecting the worksheet.
- The centers also will work for this because they will
be incorporating the vocabulary from the lesson to
show their understanding.
- Exit slip and share

Student Powerpoint, handout


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