UV Spectros
UV Spectros
UV Spectros
Light Source
Wavelength selectors
Sample Cuvet
Display Unit
• It must be stable
• It permit certain bands of wavelength (bandwidth
of ~50nm)to pass through.
• The simplest kind of filter is absorption filters, the
most common of this type of filters is colored glass
They are not very good wavelength selectors
because they allow the passage of broad
bandwidth and they absorb a significant fraction
of the desired radiation.
The monochromator is used to disperse the
radiation according to the wavelength. The
essential elements of a monochromator are an
entrence slit, a dispersing element and an exit
The entrence slit sharply defines the
incoming beam of hetrochromatic radiation.
The dispersing element disperses the
hetrochromatic radiation into its component
wavelengths. The position of despersion device
is always adjust by rotating motor.
The exit slit allows the nominal wavelength
together with a band of wavelengths together with
a band of wavelengths on either side.
The dispersing element may be Prism of
• Dispersion by prism depends on refraction of light
which is wavelength dependent.
• violet color with higher energy (shorter wavelength)
are diffracted or bent least.
•As a result, the polychromatic light is dispersed into
its individual color.
• Polychromatic radiation from the entrance slit is
collimated (made into beam of parallel rays) by a
concave mirrors.
• These rays fall on a reflection grating, whereupon
different wavelengths are reflected at different angles.
• The orientation of the reflection grating directs only
one narrow band wavelengths to the exit slit of the
• Rotation of grating allows different wavelengths to
pass through the exit slit.
r i
• For Visible and UV
spectroscopy, a liquid
sample is usually
contained in a cell
called a cuvette.
• Glass is suitable for
visible but not for UV
spectroscopy because
it absorbs UV
radiation. Quartz can
be used in UV as well
as in visible
• The detectors are devices that convert
radiant energy into electrical signal.
• A Detector should be sensitive, and has a
fast response over a considerable range of
• In addition, the electrical signal produced
by the detector must be directly proportional
to the transmitted intensity (linear
• It is also known as photo
voltai cell.
• It constitutes-
1- A steel support
2- Layer of metallic
selenium, which is few
hundredths of a millimeter in
3- A thin transparent
electrically conductive layer,
applied by cathodic sputtering.
• Photo diodes
operates on
principle of p-n
junction diode.
• Its responsivity
is 250-500mA W-1
across the visible
• It is a very sensitive device in which electrons
emitted from the photosensitive cathode strike a
second surface called dynode which is positive
with respect to the original cathode.
• Electrons are thus accelerated and can knock out
more than one electrons from the dynode.
• If the above process is repeated several times, so
more than 106 electrons are finally collected for
each photon striking the first cathode.
high voltage
• Single beam instruments are less expansive.
• High energy throughput due to non-splitting of source
beam results in high sensitivity of detection.
• Little or no lamp warm up time is required. This not
only improves throughput of results but also conserves
lamp life.
• Modern improvements in optics permit high level of
automation and offer the same or even better level of
Power indicator light Absorbance & Transmittance display
Sample Wavelength
holder selector
Power switch
Zero control Absorbance & Transmittance control
1) Power on
2) Select wavelength
3) 0% Transmittance
4) Blank (Reference cell) is
inserted into cell holder
5) 100% Transmittance
6) Sample cell is placed in the
cell compartment
7) Readout absorbance
8) Power off
Isoprene - acyclic butadiene = 217 nm
one alkyl subs. + 5 nm
222 nm
Experimental value 220 nm
- acyclic butadiene = 217 nm
one exocyclic C=C + 5 nm
2 alkyl subs. +10 nm
232 nm
Experimental value 237 nm
heteroannular diene = 214 nm
1 exo C=C + 5 nm
234 nm