College of Nursing: DIOSANA, Janine V. - 2018 - 10241 - Group C

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University of the Philippines Manila

The Health Sciences Center



Name of Client: B.A.
Age: 59 yrs. old Sex: Male
Unit / Ward: Ward 02 Bed No: 20
Home Address: 5th Avenue, Caloocan City
Medical diagnosis (if applicable): Inguinal hernia recurrence

I. Complete Blood Count Test

Complete Blood Count Normal Values [10/13/19] SIGNIFICANCE

WBC 4.5-11.0 x10^9/L 7.60 Indication:

RBC 4.2-5.4 x10^12/L 5.00 Complete Blood Count Test is usually a standard to set references for the current situation
HGB 135-180 g/L 151 of the patient. The extensively of the test allows for an initial analysis of the overall state of
the patient. For this reason, a CBC was drawn prior to surgery to establish a baseline" for
HCT 0.40-0.54 0.45
comparison with labs drawn after surgery. This way, it will be more obvious if there is a large
MCV 80-96 fL 90.6 change after surgery, or if something very serious like bleeding is happening during the
MCH 27-31 pg 30.2 hours and days after surgery.
MCHC 320-360g/L 333
RDW 11-16 13.2 Interpretation:
Retics The patient’s lab results are all within normal values.
Platelet 150-450 x10^9/L 226
Neutrophil 0.5-0.7 0.5
Normal values indicates normal amount of red blood cells and negative sign of infection.
Lymphocyte 0.2-0.5 0.3
Monocyte 0.02-0.09 0.09
Eosinophil 0.00-0.06 0.09
Basophil 0.00-0.02 0.02
Stab - -

DIOSANA, Janine V. | 2018 – 10241 | Group C 1

Blast - -
Promyelocyte - -
Renal cyst - -
Table 1. CBC
II. Coagulation Tests
Exam Name Normal Values 10/13/19 SIGNIFICANCE
PT - Reference sec 12.6 Indication:
PT - Time 11.4 – 13.9 13.4 PT or Prothrombin Time Blood Test is done to evaluate the blood for its ability to clot. It is
Pt% % 91 done before surgery to evaluate how likely the patient is to have a bleeding or clotting
PT - INR 1.06 problem during or after surgery.
APTT - Reference sec 30.38
APPT 25.8-35.0 sec 29 APPT or Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Blood Test is performed primarily to detect
the presence of a clotting disorder.

The INR or International Normalized Ratio is used to make sure the results from a PT test is
the same at one lab as it is at another lab.

The patient’s lab results are all within normal values.

The patient’s blood can clot in an average amount of time.

Table 2. Coagulation Tests

III. Electrolyte Serum Test

Serum Analysis Normal Values 10/13/19 SIGNIFICANCE
Creatinine 58-110 umol/L 70 Indication:
Egfr Electrolyte serum test determines the level of electrolytes in your blood. These chemicals
BUN 3.2-7.1 mmol/L 3.5 help regulate heart rhythms and other body functions.
AST 17-59 U/L -
ALT <50 IU/L - Interpretation:
Albumin 35-50 g/L 3.5 The patient’s lab results are all within normal values.
Sodium 137-145 mmol/L 139
Potassium 3.5-5.1 mmol/L 3.6 Implication:

DIOSANA, Janine V. | 2018 – 10241 | Group C 2

Chloride 98-107 mmol/L 103 Normal electrolyte level indicates balanced electrolytes in the body.
Calcium 2.10-2.55 mmol/L 2.16
Magnesium 0.7-1.00 mmol/L 0.86
Table 3. Serum electrolytes

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Cafasso, J., & Gotter, A. (2017, April 6). Red Blood Cell Count (RBC). Retrieved October 15, 2019, from
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Dugdale, D. C. (2019, April 29). ALP - blood test: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved October 16, 2019, from
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Holm, G. (2017, October 9). Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) Test. Retrieved October 16, 2019, from
John Hopkins Rheumatology Department. (n.d.). Coombs' Test. Retrieved October 16, 2019, from

DIOSANA, Janine V. | 2018 – 10241 | Group C 3

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