VDI Sizing Guide
VDI Sizing Guide
VDI Sizing Guide
Gather info
Sizing environment
1- Gather info:
- What application the user need?
- Are the app. more cpu, or memory intensive?
- Are there an excessive number of storage operation?
- What type of N/W load generated by users?
- What type of peripherals the users are connected to?
- What’s the available network bandwidth?
- What are the type of users?
- How many locations are there?
- What type of endpoints to be used?
- What storage solution the customer is running?
2- Sizing the environment:
VDI Requirements
A good, conservative starting point in the design is 6 vCPUs per pCPU when
calculating density. This ratio of vCPU:pCPU is called the overcommit ratio.
After you have determined the optimal vCPU:pCPU ratio in your design,
your virtual-machine-per-host sizing can follow this simple formula:
(Virtual Machines per Server) = ((Cores Available on Server) / (vCPUs
needed per Virtual Machine)) * (Overcommit Ratio of vCPUs per pCPU)
As a guideline, for balance between performance and memory utilization,
the virtual machine should have
Approximately 25 percent more RAM allocated than the maximum active
load on the virtual machine. This allocation prevents Windows from writing
data to its paging file and keeps the active working set (applications and
data) for the virtual machine in RAM instead of in virtual memory space.
The Windows 7 64-bit version requires an additional 4GB of disk space over
the Windows 7 32-bit version. This will decrease the number of virtual
machines on your server, unless additional storage can be added
The maximum virtual machines per LUN is 128 for Fiber Channel, and an
unlimited number of virtual machines for NFS and iSCSI place View
Composer replicas on solid-state disk drives
Most cases 500 MB profile per user
There are three types of profiles available for use in a terminal services
environment from Microsoft—local, roaming, and mandatory profiles.
Which profile type an organization decides to go with will be dependent on
the decision made about the overall environment?
• Local profiles are used when the settings in the profile do not matter as a
user roams from desktop to desktop.
• Roaming profiles allow user settings to be persistent across logins and
across machines, ensuring a consistent user experience no matter which
desktop a user logs in to.
• Mandatory profiles provide groups of users with a single profile, and
changes to the profile are discarded upon logout.
Virtual Desktop Configuration by User Type
ESXi 6.7 requires a host machine with at least two CPU cores
ESXi 6.7 requires a boot device that is a minimum of 1-GB. When booting
from a local disk, SAN or iSCSI LUN, a 5.2-GB disk is required to allow for the
creation of the VMFS volume and a 4-GB scratch partition on the boot
Horizon 7 Sizing Limits & Recommendation
Horizon 7.7.8 Documentation
Horizon 7 Installation
ESXi Documentation
VDI sizing session