Rede Fining The Role of Limbic Areas in Cortical Processing: Opinion
Rede Fining The Role of Limbic Areas in Cortical Processing: Opinion
Rede Fining The Role of Limbic Areas in Cortical Processing: Opinion
to more laminated cortices and prediction errors flow in opposite direction (as discussed in [10]).
Cortical limbic areas (cingulate cortex, ventral anterior insula, posterior orbitofrontal cortex, *Correspondence: [email protected]
parahippocampal gyrus, and temporal pole) have the simplest laminar structure in the (L.F. Barrett).
conscious experience. We further suggest that our hypotheses provide novel insights about the
flow of information within intrinsic brain networks. Finally, we discuss how our approach may
offer a unifying framework for the growing number of predictive coding models of neural
processes and disorders.
Box 1. Systematic Variation of Laminar Structure in the Cerebral Cortex and Cortical Limbic Areas
The cerebral cortex varies systematically in its degree of laminar differentiation [29,30]. Laminar differentiation increases
progressively, from agranular cortices (which lack a layer IV) to dysgranular areas (with a rudimentary layer IV), then to
eulaminate areas (with six layers including a well-developed layer IV), and finally koniocortices (with six layers including the
most developed layer IV). For the purpose of the present paper, we operationally define cortical limbic areas or limbic
cortices cytoarchitecturally, rather than by location or function (following [13]). Limbic cortices are those neocortical areas
that either lack a layer IV (i.e., are agranular) or have a rudimentary layer IV (i.e., are dysgranular). Limbic cortices are
located between the simpler allocortex and the better laminated eulaminate cortices [29,30]. They are also sometimes
referred to as periallocortex (agranular parts) and proisocortex (dysgranular parts).
Figure I. Structural Model of Corticocortical Connections. Feedback connections originate in deep layers of less
laminated areas and terminate in superficial layers of more laminated areas (blue neuron). Feedforward connections
originate in superficial layers of more laminated areas and terminate in deep layers of less laminated areas (red neuron).
A direct consequence of using the structural model to implement predictive coding is that the
direction of predictions (‘feedback’ connections) and prediction errors (‘feedforward’ connec-
tions) is determined by the relative degree of laminar differentiation of the cortical areas involved
[10]. Predictions originate primarily in the deep layers of cortical areas with less laminar
differentiation and terminate primarily in the superficial layers of more differentiated areas. By
contrast, prediction errors originate primarily in the superficial layers of cortical areas with more
laminar differentiation and terminate in the deep layers of less differentiated areas. When two
areas have a comparable laminar structure, their projections originate and terminate both in
superficial and deep layers (they are ‘lateral’). This implies that some cortical areas, such as
limbic cortices (which have the least differentiated laminar structure in the entire neocortex)
primarily send predictions to better laminated cortical areas and primarily receive prediction
error. Moreover, primary sensory cortices (with the most differentiated laminar structure) receive
predictions from less laminated cortical areas and send prediction error. Other cortical areas
(with intermediate degrees of laminar differentiation) send both predictions and prediction error
depending on the relative laminar differentiation of the receiving cortices.
In the EPIC model [10], we used evidence from tract tracing studies in monkeys, as well as
functional imaging evidence in humans, to propose that visceromotor limbic cortices (notably
the anterior and mid-cingulate cortices and the ventral anterior insula) send predictions to the
primary interoceptive cortex in the mid-to-posterior insula (I1), which is eulaminate in structure
(extending the logic in [6–9]). Visceromotor cortical limbic areas also send predictions to
subcortical structures that control the autonomic, hormonal, metabolic, and immunological
systems (e.g., the amygdala and the hypothalamus). In this paper, we further extend our
implementation of predictive coding within the structural model of corticocortical connections
to hypothesize that limbic cortices are at the top of each cortical sensory system. We call this the
limbic workspace model.
It is well established that visual and auditory systems work via predictive coding (e.g., [5], [43–45]
in humans, for a review on visual processing see [46]), and there is increasing evidence that the
olfactory and gustatory sensory systems work via predictive coding as well ([47–49] in rodents,
[50,51] in humans), along with a proposal that somatomotor system works similarly [6–9]. We
propose that limbic cortices are at the top of each hierarchical cortical system and send
predictions to better laminated areas. Primary sensory cortices are at the bottom and send
prediction error back to areas with simpler laminar structure. Evidence in support of our
hypothesis can be most clearly seen in the visual, auditory, and somatosensory systems
(Figure 2, blue, green, and red respectively), where predictions flow from cortical limbic areas
(agranular and dysgranular cortex) to multimodal association areas (e.g., lateral temporal
Predicon error Predicon error Allocortex corces Eulaminate I Eulaminate II Koniocortex
Figure 2. Schematic Representation of Exteroceptive and Interoceptive Cortical Sensory Systems. This figure
is not meant to be exhaustive but representative. Each ring represents a different type of cortex, from greater (exterior
circles) to less (interior circles) laminar differentiation. Primary sensory cortices (lower level of each sensory system) are
indicated: A1, primary auditory cortex; G1, primary gustatory cortex; I1, primary interoceptive cortex; O1, primary olfactory
cortex; S1, primary somatosensory cortex; V1, primary visual cortex. Unimodal association areas include extrastriate areas
(V2, V3, V4, MT/V5) for the visual system, superior temporal areas surrounding A1 for the auditory system, and the superior
parietal lobule for the somatosensory system. Multimodal association areas include the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, lateral
temporal cortex, and posterior parietal cortex. Predictions flow from cortical areas with less laminar differentiation to areas
with greater laminar differentiation. Prediction error flows in opposite direction. The number of cortical steps (hierarchical
levels) is less in interoceptive, gustatory, and olfactory systems than in exteroceptive visual, auditory, and somatosensory
cortex and posterior parietal cortex) (e.g., [14–17] and based on intrinsic connectivity analyses in
humans [52]). These multimodal areas are eulaminate in structure (i.e., they have a well-defined
layer IV) and are shared across the three systems. From there, predictions are sent to unimodal
association areas (extrastriate areas for the visual system, superior temporal areas surrounding
primary auditory cortex for the auditory system, and the superior parietal lobule for the somato-
sensory system) (e.g., [36,41,53]). Unimodal association areas are eulaminate cortices with a
better developed layer IV. From these areas, predictions flow to primary sensory cortices
{primary visual cortex or V1 (e.g., [33,54–56]), primary auditory cortex or A1 (e.g., [37,57])
and primary somatosensory cortex or S1 (e.g., [36,40])}, which are koniocortices in structure (i.
e., they contain the most well-developed layer IV).
Sensory input from the periphery (visual, auditory, and somatosensory input via the thalamus)
arrives at the cortex at primary sensory areas (V1, A1, and S1). In those areas, sensory
information is represented in great detail (see, for example, the early experiments for primary
visual cortex [58]) and prediction error is computed. From there, prediction error (the sensory
evidence that did not match the prediction) flows through the gradients of laminar differentiation
to progressively less well laminated areas (unimodal association areas to multimodal association
areas and finally to limbic cortices). Note that even though predictions and prediction errors flow
hierarchically, areas within each system are not necessarily physically placed in a strictly linear
manner (for a discussion see [42]). Moreover, these systems likely influence each other at every
level of the hierarchy through lateral connections.
At higher levels of the predictive hierarchy (in areas with relatively less laminar differentiation),
information becomes more integrated. This integration across sensory domains comes with
progressive dimensionality reduction (meaning sensory detail is summarized and compressed).
For example, multimodal association areas are shared across visual, auditory, and
Moreover, there are differences across systems in the amount of cortical processing. Compared
with interoception (Figure 2, yellow), information from visual, auditory, and somatosensory
modalities is processed more extensively in the cerebral cortex. In these exteroceptive systems,
predictions and prediction errors are computed across several levels of cortical processing (i.e.,
there are several synaptic connections between primary sensory cortices in which representa-
tions are more specialized and cortical limbic areas in which they are more integrated), whereas
there are fewer steps in the interoception system. Accordingly, primary interoceptive cortices in
mid- and posterior insula (I1) are eulaminate in structure (i.e., they have a less developed layer IV
than koniocortices of primary visual, auditory, and somatosensory cortices) (see [10]). This
difference in degree of laminar differentiation along which predictive signals are coded [smaller in
the interoceptive system (eulaminate to limbic) versus larger in the visual, auditory, and somato-
sensory systems (koniocortex to limbic)] may be one reason why interoceptive perception is less
differentiated and lower in dimensionality when compared with exteroceptive perception (for a
description of other reasons, such as the anatomy of the ascending interoceptive circuitry, see
The gustatory system (Figure 2, pink) is structurally similar to the interoceptive system. It has few
steps between limbic and primary gustatory cortex (G1) (see, e.g., [14,15,17]), as G1 is
eulaminate in structure (i.e., not as well laminated as koniocortices) (for a review in humans,
see [61]).
The olfactory system (Figure 2, purple) is structured in a way that likely reflects its ancient
evolutionary origin: the primary olfactory cortex (O1) is three-layered allocortex. It abuts the
anterior insula and receives olfactory input directly from the olfactory bulb without a thalamic
relay (see [62] for a review in humans). Because O1 is allocortical (rather than neocortical), the
neurons are not structured in columns [63,64] and, therefore, strictly speaking, it is not known
whether the structural model of corticocortical connections holds. Furthermore, axons leaving
O1 to ipsilateral limbic cortices travel through the superficial layer I to the targeted areas [65] rather
than through white matter tracts. Thus, they will reach target areas via superficial cortical layers.
We can speculate, however, that predictions flow similarly from limbic cortices to O1, as odor
expectations alone, even in the absence of olfactory input, are associated with activity in the
main olfactory bulb ([66] in rodents; for a review of ‘top-down’ influences on olfaction, see [49]).
Taken together, these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that predictions issued in
limbic cortices involve more integrated, lower dimensional (multimodal) information, and these
predictions become higher in dimensionality (as predictions issued at lower hierarchical levels
within each sensory system are more specialized) until they reach primary sensory cortices,
where the most specialized cortical processing occurs. As prediction error is sent from primary
sensory to limbic cortices, it is compressed and summarized (for evidence consistent with this
hypothesis, see [52,67–69]; for a discussion of the energy efficiency of this arrangement, see
[70]). Therefore, the limbic workspace model proposes a general role of limbic cortices in cortical
processing, which is compatible with more specific functions of these areas and the existence
of differences across them; different cortical limbic areas may be more heavily associated with
specific systems.
In a predictive coding framework, perception and action are tightly coupled, such that action can
reduce prediction error (e.g., [6,7]; see also [10]). Extending this logic to the limbic workspace
model, we speculate that both action and perception arise from the brain's hypotheses about
the world and the body beginning as predictions in limbic cortices. Predictions are then
Box 3. Functional Organization of Intrinsic Brain Networks and ‘Rich Club’ Hubs
‘Resting state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging’ is the measurement of correlations of low frequency
blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal fluctuations while a participant lays ‘at rest’ during functional magnetic
resonance imaging (i.e., is not probed with an external stimulus). Analyses reveal a number of ‘intrinsic’ brain networks
that are anatomically constrained [112–115], can be observed under light sedation [116], and account for a large
proportion of the brain's metabolic budget [117]. ‘Rich club’ hubs are the most highly connected brain areas and have
been identified using diffusion tensor imaging of white matter tracts in humans [86] and reviewing tract tracing studies in
monkeys [87,88]. A large proportion of the rich club hubs are contained in two of the brain's intrinsic networks [75],
conventionally known as the ‘default mode’ network [82] and the ‘salience’ network [80]; these two networks contain
most of the brain's cortical limbic circuitry, and many rich club hubs are, in fact, limbic (e.g., dorsal ACC and anterior
insula). Furthermore, different intrinsic networks such as sensory networks overlap in these hubs, communicating with
each other through them [75]. These findings provide a conceptual replication for the macaque tract tracing data,
because they indicate that all sensory systems share cortical areas with core networks that contain limbic cortices. They
suggest the intriguing hypothesis that these two networks are at the nexus of the brain's architecture for predictive
Intrinsic Networks and ‘Rich Club’ Hubs
The limbic workspace model provides insight on the relationships between different cortical
areas within and across intrinsic networks (Box 3). The brain can be thought of as one large
structural network showing continuous, intrinsic activity [78]. This activity has been parsed as
interconnected subnetworks that follow the white matter tracts within the brain (see [79] for a
review of networks). Empirically, an intrinsic network is defined as those areas whose low
frequency blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal correlates over time when a person is ‘at
rest’ (i.e., not being probed with an external stimulus). Each intrinsic network includes areas with
varying degrees of laminar differentiation (including limbic cortices) such as the ‘salience
network’ [80] (which bears a strong resemblance to the ‘ventral attention’ [81] and ‘multimodal’
networks [52]) and the ‘default mode network’ [82] (sometimes called the mentalizing network
[83], the construction network [84], or semantic knowledge network [85]). Within the limbic
workspace model, intrinsic networks can be understood as hierarchical systems, with the flow of
prediction signals within each network dictated by the structure of the cortical areas involved. In
these networks, limbic cortices (e.g., the ventral anterior insula and dorsal anterior cingulate
cortex for the ‘salience’ network and the posterior cingulate cortex and sub/pregenual cingulate
cortex for the ‘default mode’ network) issue predictions to better laminated areas in the network.
This way, a single network may contain a diverse population of representations across multiple
levels of cortical processing.
Similarly, the limbic workspace model provides insights into the functions of brain areas that
have the strongest structural connections, known as ‘rich club hubs’ [75,86–88], because
these hubs also include areas with different degrees of laminar differentiation (Box 3).
Structural and functional imaging in humans indicates that rich club hubs are ‘connector
nodes’ for intrinsic networks [75] and they have been shown to play an important role in brain
communication [67,89]. Mathematical modeling indicates that when one or more rich club
areas are damaged (e.g., the anterior insula or the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, as
occurs in psychopathology or chronic stress), modularity in the brain increases dramatically
workspace enabling a unified experience. Ultimately, the limbic workspace model may offer a
Are there differences in limbic predic-
unifying anatomical and functional account to better understand the organizational principles of tions during the mental events that are
intrinsic networks and rich club hubs, as well as unify many healthy and pathological phenomena experienced as emotions, cognitions,
that have, until now, been considered as having separate circuitry (see Outstanding Questions). and perceptions?
processing emphasizes the importance of information integration and segregation in the brain
and may help explain how the brain constructs a diverse population of representations across
multiple scales of organization within a relatively constrained architecture.
The authors thank M.Á. García-Cabezas for helpful discussions, thoughtful feedback on earlier versions of this manuscript,
and preparation of Figure I in Box 2. We also thank T. Cleland for guidance on predictive coding account of olfactory and
gustatory systems. This work was supported by a US National Institute on Aging grant (R01AG030311), a US National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development grant (R21 HD076164), and contracts from the US Army Research
Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (contracts W5J9CQ12C0049 and W5J9CQ11C0046) to L.F.B., as well as a
Fyssen Foundation postdoctoral fellowship to L.C.
Disclaimer Statement
The views, opinions and findings contained in this article are those of the authors and should not be construed as an official
position, policy, or decision of the US National Institutes of Health or Department of the Army unless so designated by other
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