Good Governance Literature Matrix

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Governance and Muham Document Good governance means the art of Ali, M. (2015). Governance and
Good mad Ali Analysis government, in which all public Good Governance: A Conceptual
Governance: A decisions and other affairs are dealt Perspective. Dialogue (Pakistan),
Conceptual with transparency and government 10(1).Retrieved from https://
Perspective officials are made responsible and p d f s . s e m a n t i c s c h o l a r. o r g /
appointed on merit, and the gap 2395/3c1185cb16f6c0ec5c17b50c57
between the government and people is 9d4dc66796.pdf
bridged. Governance becomes good
when the decisions and actions of the
government are based on peoples’
consent, legitimacy and accountability.
Participation as Mar- Document In the good governance dimension, the Poto, M. and Fornabio, L. (2017).
the Essence of gherita Analysis participatory-based approach is Participation as the Essence of Good
Good Paola considered crucial, so that private and Governance: Some General
Governance: Poto public actors are integrated and Reflections and a Case Study on the
Some General and actively engaged in the decision- Arctic Council. Arctic Review on Law
Reflections and a Lara making process, with the common aim and Politics 8 (2017), 139-159.
Case Study on Fornabio
 of pursuing challenges of common
the Arctic Council interest.

The Relationship Valdir Quanti- Good governance result in lower Lameira, V. and Ness, W. (2010).
Between De tative emissions of Carbon Dioxide, higher The Relationship Between
Governance and Jesus Explora- number of Internet users (indicating Governance and Sustainable
Sustainable Lameira tory greater access to technologies), Development. SSRN Electronic
Development and increased consumption of electricity, Journal (2010). Retrieved from
Walter higher levels of per capita income,
Lee higher market values of publicly-traded papers.cfm?abstract_id=2054660
Ness companies; and lower annual rates of
How Governance Joachim Quanti- Good governance significantly matters Ahrens, J., & Meurers, M. (2002).
Affects the Quality Ahrens tative for achieving effective policy reform How governance affects the quality
Policy Reform and and sustained economic growth. of policy reform and economic
and Economic Martin However, it does not directly spur performance: new evidence for
Performance: Meurers economic growth but rather affects economies in transition. Journal for
New Evidence for economic performance indirectly Institutional Innovation, Development
Economies in through its impact on the quality policy and Transition, 6, 35-56. Retrieved
Transition and institutional reforms. f r o m h t t p : / / w w w. u m a r. g o v. s i /

Quality of Ma. Descrip- There is no relationship between the Adriano, M.I. (2014). Quality of
Governance and Niña tive quality of governance and the state of Governance and Local Development:
Local Adriano Quanti- local development in the Top Nine The Case of Top Nine Performing
Development: tative Performing LGUs in the Philippines. Local Government Units in the
The Case of Top method Good governance does not translate to Philippines. Asia Pacific Journal of
Nine Performing economic, social, and environmental Multidisciplinary Research, 2 (4),
Local development of a local government 146-153. Retrieved from http://
Government Units unit.
in the Philippines 2014/08/APJMR-2014-2-113.pdf.

Analyzing Good Malik Document In light of the neoliberal economic Nadeem, M. (2016). Analyzing Good
Governance and Nadeem Analysis paradigm, the inclusion of ‘good Governance and Decentralization in
Decentralization governance’ and ‘decentralization’ Developing Countries. Journal of
in Developing concepts in the development plans of Political Sciences and Public Affairs,
Countries developing countries is a strategy of 4 (3), 1-8. Retrieved from https://
neoliberal capitalists to maximize
profit. analyzing-good-governance-and-

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