Liver Function Tests (LFTS) : March 2010
Liver Function Tests (LFTS) : March 2010
Liver Function Tests (LFTS) : March 2010
11 7,734
2 authors, including:
Tarchoon Aw
Changi General Hospital
All content following this page was uploaded by Tarchoon Aw on 25 January 2016.
Each liver function test by itself is neither highly sensitive nor specific but when interpreted together may provide
the clinician with useful information about the patient’s liver, and may also indicate other health issues such as
malnutrition and bone disease.
Keywords: albumin, ALP, ALT, AST, bilirubin, hepatocellular injury, liver function tests
Fig. 1. Typical serum AST or ALT values for various liver conditions.
aminotransferases (>15 times the upper normal) for distinguishing bone from liver source of
suggests acute hepatitis and hepatoxicity such ALP; heat lability is of historic interest only.
as acetaminophen overdose. The diagnosis for A bone specific ALP immunoassay (Ostase,
alcoholic hepatitis is supported by the finding of Beckman-Coulter) is available but costly and thus
a ratio of AST to ALT of at least 2:1 and gamma- not widely used.
glutamyl-transpeptidase (GGT) that is twice the
normal level3. The AST:ALT ratio may also be used Another canalicular enzyme, GGT corroborates the
to differentiate between different conditions: ALP increase in biliary disease. Moreover, GGT is
high ratio in hepatitis C with cirrhosis, liver normal in bone disease. Hepatic GGT production
metastases and HCV with cirrhosis versus low ratio is increased with alcohol intake and has been used
in acute inflammation and cholestasis4. The log to indicate alcoholism or alcoholic liver disease.
of aminotransferase range in U/L against normal However, GGT is elevated with medications
subjects, and the diagram may be used to guide (anticonvulsants and histamine receptor blockers),
interpretation of ALT and AST results (Fig. 1.)5. prostate disease, obesity, diabetic nephropathy
and hypertension. Hence, this mitigates against its
ALP use as a routine LFT.
ALP is found in the liver, bone, kidney, intestine and
placenta. Serum ALP is thus a mixture of different Bilirubin
ALP isoenzymes and can be fractionated by Serum bilirubin is a mixture of α, β, γ and δ fragments
electrophoresis. In normal serum, ALP comprises which are unconjugated, singly conjugated, doubly
the liver and bone moieties; bone ALP is heat conjugated and covalently bound to albumin,
labile. Liver ALP, found on canalicular surfaces, respectively. Although δ bilirubin measurement is
is raised in any condition of biliary obstruction available, it has not gained wider utility. In most
(intrahepatic and extra-hepatic). In hepatocyte cases a total bilirubin assay suffices for LFT, but
injury, ALP is often normal or marginally elevated. fractionation may be required in isolated increases
This feature is used as a guide to differentiate liver in bilirubin and neonatal jaundice. Direct bilirubin
parenchymal disease from biliary dysfunction. It (DB) refers to the conjugated bilirubins that react
is unusual to require ALP isoenzyme fractionation directly with the diazo reagent, while indirect
bilirubin is a derived value obtained from the blood sample after an intramuscular injection
difference of the total bilirubin and DB. DB assays or a haemolysed blood sample due to a difficult
measure only 70–90% of the conjugated and phlebotomy or haemoconcentration from
δ bilirubins, and may underestimate the severity prolonged tourniquet application. The cytosolic
of jaundice. Direct measures of conjugated and ALT and cytosolic and mitochondrial forms of AST
unconjugated bilirubin is available (Vitros BuBc, are released into the plasma when the red blood
Johnson & Johnson), but its use is confined to a cells are damaged. Haemoconcentration will also
minority of labs. compromise albumin results.