UNIT-4 Human Values & Professional Ethics: Harmony in The Nature and Existence - Whole Existence As Co-Existence
UNIT-4 Human Values & Professional Ethics: Harmony in The Nature and Existence - Whole Existence As Co-Existence
UNIT-4 Human Values & Professional Ethics: Harmony in The Nature and Existence - Whole Existence As Co-Existence
Professional Ethics
Those plants, animals, and other features of the world develop of their
own accord. It is often taken to mean the “natural environment” or
wilderness-wild animals, rocks, forest, beaches and in general those
things that have not been substantially altered by human intervention,
or which persist despite human intervention. Life is divided into three
terms - that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from
the past to profit by the present, and from the present to live better in
Nature most commonly refers to the "natural environment", the
Earth's environment or wilderness—including geology, forests,
oceans, rivers, beaches, the atmosphere, life, and in general
geographic areas that have not been substantially altered by
humans, or which persist despite human intervention]. This
traditional concept of "nature" implies a distinction between
natural and man-made, artificial elements of the Earth.
“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your
Beauty in
Beauty in nature has long been a common theme in life and in
art, and books emphasizing beauty in nature fill large sections of
libraries and bookstores. That nature has been depicted and
celebrated by so much art, photography, poetry and other
literature shows the strength with which many people associate
nature and beauty’. Our life depend upon nature ,Earth is the
only planet presently known to support life, and the atmospheric
conditions have been significantly altered from the original
conditions by the presence of life-forms, which creates an
ecological balance that stabilizes the surface conditions. Natural
Four orders of Nature
There are four orders of nature-
Material order
Pranic order
Animal order
Human order
The four orders as above should not be
viewed in isolation. All these are part and
parcel of nature and existence. These are
really mutually complementary and
supplementary. They are not independent
but are mutually interdependent. Each
one nurtures and nourishes the others.
Material order consists of things like air,
water, soil and so on.
Pranic order comprises trees, plants,
insects, etc.
Animal order includes birds and animals.
How we study climate change
How we care our Planet
Can A Technological Society Live in
Harmony with Nature
"Do not wait for leaders; do
it alone, person to person."
--Mother Teresa
Need for Nature
Nature-our Life
The world is currently facing a sustainability crisis; the
continuation of our daily lives is dependent on
nonrenewable resources. Being ecologically sustainable
means that a society does not undermine the resources
on which its future prosperity depends. In other words, the
society must live off the interest, and not deplete its
capital. Our current situation is the antithesis of
sustainability. We are increasing our population,
deforesting large tracts of land, creating deserts, eroding
tons of soil, eliminating species, and contributing to global
warming at an alarming rate.
Interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment in Nature
Learning Objectives:
After studying this chapter, you should be able to
Human Interrelations
Harmony with Nature
The Inner Harmony of Humanity
Harmony in Nature for Richer Life Need for Nature Spirit of
Harmony With Nature
The Industrial Revolution took us away from our ability as
Human Beings to live in Harmony with nature. We need to
cultivate the resources that are available to us from nature
more responsibly. We waste a great deal. This planet is the
only one we have. The only thing to be done is to secure a
safe future for ourselves and future descendants is to
leave our current path of technocracy and leave the whole
idea of the technocratic world behind….instead we should
be working to be in close unison with nature, nothing
invented by man has reached near the perfect ness of
natures design, yet we continue to destroy already perfect
creations to create less perfect creations with the
motivation of money, greed and convenience to the
detrainment of our own existence… we can build our own
futures though and start to become self-sufficient and self
sustainable by observing and incorporating natures system
Get In Harmony With Nature For A
Richer Life
‘One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.’
Passive Co-Existence