UNIT-4 Human Values & Professional Ethics: Harmony in The Nature and Existence - Whole Existence As Co-Existence

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UNIT-4 Human Values &

Professional Ethics

Harmony in the Nature and

Existence – Whole existence
as Co-existence
Understanding Harmony in

After studying this chapter, you should be able to


Nature and our Life

Orders of Nature
Our Planet
Harmony of Technological Society with Nature Need for
Nature and our life
The word nature is derived from the Latin word natura, “essential
qualities, innate disposition”, and literally means “birth”. Natura was a
Latin translation of the Greek word physis, which originally related to
the intrinsic characteristics.

Those plants, animals, and other features of the world develop of their
own accord. It is often taken to mean the “natural environment” or
wilderness-wild animals, rocks, forest, beaches and in general those
things that have not been substantially altered by human intervention,
or which persist despite human intervention. Life is divided into three
terms - that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from
the past to profit by the present, and from the present to live better in
Nature most commonly refers to the "natural environment", the
Earth's environment or wilderness—including geology, forests,
oceans, rivers, beaches, the atmosphere, life, and in general
geographic areas that have not been substantially altered by
humans, or which persist despite human intervention]. This
traditional concept of "nature" implies a distinction between
natural and man-made, artificial elements of the Earth.
“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your
Beauty in
Beauty in nature has long been a common theme in life and in
art, and books emphasizing beauty in nature fill large sections of
libraries and bookstores. That nature has been depicted and
celebrated by so much art, photography, poetry and other
literature shows the strength with which many people associate
nature and beauty’. Our life depend upon nature ,Earth is the
only planet presently known to support life, and the atmospheric
conditions have been significantly altered from the original
conditions by the presence of life-forms, which creates an
ecological balance that stabilizes the surface conditions. Natural
Four orders of Nature
There are four orders of nature-
Material order
Pranic order
Animal order
Human order
 The four orders as above should not be
viewed in isolation. All these are part and
parcel of nature and existence. These are
really mutually complementary and
supplementary. They are not independent
but are mutually interdependent. Each
one nurtures and nourishes the others.
 Material order consists of things like air,
water, soil and so on.
 Pranic order comprises trees, plants,
insects, etc.
 Animal order includes birds and animals.
How we study climate change
 How we care our Planet
 Can A Technological Society Live in
Harmony with Nature
"Do not wait for leaders; do
it alone, person to person."

--Mother Teresa
 Need for Nature

 Nature-our Life

The world is currently facing a sustainability crisis; the
continuation of our daily lives is dependent on
nonrenewable resources. Being ecologically sustainable
means that a society does not undermine the resources
on which its future prosperity depends. In other words, the
society must live off the interest, and not deplete its
capital. Our current situation is the antithesis of
sustainability. We are increasing our population,
deforesting large tracts of land, creating deserts, eroding
tons of soil, eliminating species, and contributing to global
warming at an alarming rate.
Interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment in Nature

 Learning Objectives:

 After studying this chapter, you should be able to
 Human Interrelations
 Harmony with Nature
 The Inner Harmony of Humanity
 Harmony in Nature for Richer Life Need for Nature Spirit of
 Harmony With Nature

 The Industrial Revolution took us away from our ability as
Human Beings to live in Harmony with nature. We need to
cultivate the resources that are available to us from nature
more responsibly. We waste a great deal. This planet is the
only one we have. The only thing to be done is to secure a
safe future for ourselves and future descendants is to
leave our current path of technocracy and leave the whole
idea of the technocratic world behind….instead we should
be working to be in close unison with nature, nothing
invented by man has reached near the perfect ness of
natures design, yet we continue to destroy already perfect
creations to create less perfect creations with the
motivation of money, greed and convenience to the
detrainment of our own existence… we can build our own
futures though and start to become self-sufficient and self
sustainable by observing and incorporating natures system
Get In Harmony With Nature For A
Richer Life
 ‘One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.’

 Being connected to natural surroundings is vital to good

mental and even physical health. Research has shown
that patients in wards with good views out to trees and
greenery heal quicker than patients with restricted views of
brick walls or buildings and in the Netherlands, Italy,
Germany, Belgium and Slovenia patients with depression
are prescribed agricultural work. Country walks reduce
Harmony With Nature: Perspective
On Our Own Lives
 Modern stresses make us lose sight
of what is truly important to us. When
you feel harmonious with nature you
regain vision and perspective on your
own life. You see where you truly 'fit'
in the great scheme of things and can
gain insight into what really needs to
be done in your life - as part of the
greater whole.
Sustainable Development
 The concept of sustainable development was given by
World Commission on Environment and Development.
Sustainable development means meeting the needs of
the present without stripping the natural resources that
future generations would need. Our earth’s vital signs
show that our planet is ailing. It is our responsibility to
keep the earth in good health. We must not strip the earth
of its natural resource. If we do so, productivity will be
weakened. We may meet our needs without depriving the
future generations of the resources that they would need.
Besides this man has now realized that he shares this
planet with millions of other creatures. Man’s position is
not that of domination, but of partnership.
 No generation owns this planet, we are like tenants. And it
is our responsibility to keep the environment healthy. We
owe responsibility to the future generation. We must leave
it to them healthy so that they can live healthy and happily
on it. Government, industry and every person must do
their bit. The air, water and soil of the earth are polluted.
Forests are vanishing. Wildlife on land as well as in the
seas faces extinction. Grasslands and Forests are turning
into scorching deserts. All these are vital symptoms that
show that earth is ailing. We can restore the earth to its
healthy state again if we respect and preserve its
metabolic needs. We should use not more than what the
earth can replenish it with. We have to preserve wildlife,
forests, seas and grasslands.
 Understanding existence as Co-existence
and harmony at all levels of existence
 Learning Objectives:

 After studying this chapter, you should be able

to understand

 Holistic View of Earth

 Ecological View of Earth
 Human Existence
 I and You (Thou) and Us
 Understand Human Existence
I and You (Thou) and Us

 Two different worlds. Two different lives. Each human

existence, being in the world, is a whole world in a
universe of humanity. They are parallels. They are
independent, distinguished, distinct, unique, personal,
dynamic, irrational, subjective and incomprehensive.

 I am the human subject. I am and I try to reflect, deselect

and figure myself out and to see what is going on. I am
confused, lost. What is it? Where am I going in my quest
for peace of mind, happiness, more meaningful/authentic
existence? You, the other, social other as some will call
you, who could do no more than act as a heuristic, to try
to support and be there for me as an aid in my journey,
suddenly have taken life and adopted a role that you
should not have, that is not merely an illusion but also
 Human is the most wonderful creature of god. He can do
any thing. He can make most wonderful thing and also
can make the worst. He can sing he can dance but also
he can hold a gun for fire to mankind. What we are. Are
we most complexion creature of god? What do you think?
What are we??

 I don't think we human are the most wonderful creation of

God as most of the mischief is done by us and majority of
the problem in this galaxy is caused by us. i think we are
the strongest link in the food chain for now. But we are the
foolish developed brain ones. We have good invasive
brilliant ideas but the 75 % people are being useless.
Having no definite aim other than the aim to make money
to live.
 An ancient maxim tells us that the proper study of man is
man. The problem of man is an eternal and at the same
times the most urgent of all problems. It lies at the heart of
the philosophical questions of man's place and destination
in a world that is being discovered and transformed in the
name of humanity, the highest of all values. The main goal
of social development is the formation of human abilities
and the creation of the most favorable conditions for
human self-expression.
 Co-existence is a state in which two or more groups are
living together while respecting their differences and
resolving their conflicts non-violently. Although the idea of
co-existence is not new; the term came into common
usage during the cold war. Co-existence has been defined
in numerous ways:--

 To exist together (in time or space) and to exist in mutual

 To learn to recognize and live with difference.
 To have a relationship between persons or groups in
which none of the parties is trying to destroy the other.
 To exist together (in time or place) and to exist in mutual
 Self Study Impact

 A self-study into human being reveals that:
 Human Is Co-Existence of I (self) and Body---
 Firstly we discuss a lot about self I and body, but when we
discuss about co-existence, there is a need to think about
self I and Body. There is exchange of information between
the two. Body acts according to the decision of I and
sensation taking place in body is received as information
by the I.

 Basic needs of human are happiness and physical
facilities. Happiness is the need of I while Physical facilities
is the need of the body. The need of happiness is
continuous while the need of the physical facilities is limited
in time and quantity. Need of happiness is fulfilled by right
understanding and right feelings (Gyan and Bhav) while
 Two types of Co-Existence

 Passive Co-Existence

 This type of co-existence occurs where relationships are

characterized by unequal power relationships, little inter-
group contact; and little equity. In short, the principals of
social justice are not apparent here. While this type of
environment may lack violence, the continuation of
unequal relationships is unlikely to lead to the resolution
of conflict. Institutions in this environment are not
designed to support equality; consequently unjust and
oppressive structures can be maintained. These
structures often impede community growth, peace
processes, and the development of democracy. Yet since
an inter-group conflict is not widespread, the groups can
 Active Co-Existence

 In this type of co-existence, relationships

are characterized by a recognition and
respect for diversity and an active
embrace of difference, equal access to
resources and opportunities, and equity in
all aspects of life. This type of co-
existence fosters peace and social
cohesion based on justice, equality,
inclusion and equity. In addition,
 Holistic Perception Of Harmony At All Levels Of

 Natural harmony
 Natural harmony in Trees
 Natural harmony in Building
 Natural harmony in residential real estate
 Natural harmony in water
 Natural harmony in Gardening
 Natural harmony in rural ecosystem
 Natural harmony in education institutions
 Natural harmony in school parks
 Natural harmony through yoga
 Natural harmony is necessary to solve the problem of
global warming and depletion of non-renewable natural
resources can be avoided.
 Natural harmony with trees cure all problems like---
reduction of wind velocity, Energy savings, Doing
companion planting, development of an eco-subsystem in
terms of establishing a forest garden, reduction of building
 It is possible to achieve natural harmony in the
establishment, maintenance and management of
educational institution like schools, colleges and
 One can understand the depths of harmony and alignment
in nature by contemplating and reflecting upon the natural
order. It is possible to unravel the mystery of the natural
synthesis in the midst of ongoing chaos at the material
plane. Yoga enables one to understand the intrinsic worth
of life and the meaning and significance of the cosmic
 Implementation of Holistic Harmony on Professional
 Natural acceptance of Human values & Ethical human
 Learning Objectives:
 After studying this chapter, you should be able to
 Ancient Human Values
 Natural Acceptance for Values
 Values Vs Anti Values
 Qualities of Divine Person and Perfect Man
 Qualities of Demonic Person
 Dharma and Adharma Human Conduct According to
Dharma – Ethical Conduct
 Ancient Human Values
 Indian ancient literature is all about values and conduct of
person in the society. The detailed study clearly shows
that the conduct of a person should be ethical. Refer to
any Indian ancient book; one can easily understand what
is right and what is wrong. The system is so well defined
that the actual follower cannot make any mistake in any
given situation. The term value normally means morality
and virtues. Values are described as those qualities of a
person which are very essential for a healthy society and
individual’s moral and spiritual development. The overall
perspective of values is humanistic and universal. They
can be applied as such in any part of the world.
 Man today feels proud that he has mastered many
branches of knowledge and studied a number of texts.
But he does not try to understand the essence of
education. Nowadays, learning is limited only to physical
and worldly aspects; moral, ethical and spiritual aspects
are left out.
 The first value defined in Vedas is – “Satyam Vad” –
always speak truth. There is one story to explain this
 A thief once approached a sage for guidance to get
peace of mind. He was advised to give up any one of his
bad habits. The thief promised to give up lying and
practice Truth. Subsequently, during one night when the
thief went out for stealing, the king, in the disguise of a
thief followed and met him. After got introduced by the
thief the king introduced himself as a thief; both of them
entered the Royal Treasury and robbed two precious
diamonds leaving the third one intact as it was impossible
for them to share same equally. The next day the thief
was caught by the king’s men and brought to the court
session to be briefed in his presence. The thief confessed
having stolen one diamond and acknowledged that the
second one was taken away by another thief.
 Subsequently the treasurer of the royal palace was
summoned and asked to report on the theft the previous
night after verifying with the royal chest. The treasurer,
upon finding that two of the diamonds out of three were
missing, pocketed the third one, hiding the same under
his headgear, reported to the king that all three diamonds
were missing. The thief was resolute in his stand about
the third diamond denying repeatedly any knowledge
about the third one. The king in an afterthought ordered
the commander-in-chief to search the treasurer and the
treasurer was caught red-handed.
The greedy treasurer was put behind the bars for his
unpardonable crime and the thief who stood by his word
was made the treasurer for his truthfulness and
 Second value defines is – “Dharma Char” – Righteous
 The story goes like this - Sage Mahatapa was meditating on Lord
Shiva chanting the Panchakshari Mantra – Om Namah Shivaya.
Once, during his penance he got enraged and cursed a bird to burn
to ashes for dropping on his head resulting in disturbing his
concentration.The sage having acquired great powers due to his
severe penance went to a nearby village to exhibit his powers. He
stood in front of a chaste woman who was busy serving her
husband. Sage Mahatapa begged alms and the woman requested
him to wait for a while. The Sage, who was impatient and highly
short-tempered, insisted the woman to hurry up responding to his
request. The chaste woman retorted that she was not the bird to be
burnt to ashes. The sage was amazed to know that this ordinary
looking woman serving her husband with single pointed devotion
could know about what had happened to the bird. Upon posing the
question by the Sage the chaste woman replied that it was not
necessary the one should take up severe penance in order to attain
knowledge, but was enough if one could perform his duties with
dedication to God. To acquire more knowledge the Sage was
advised to meet Dharmavyada, a butcher by profession in
The sage met Dharmavyada, who was busy cutting and selling
meat. The butcher greeted the sage saluting him, “Welcome Sage
sent by Pativrata. The Sage was again surprised beyond words as
how could such an ordinary butcher attain this knowledge who was
engaged in his worldly life, selling meat. The Sage was further
 Satya / Truth : Tell the truth always. This is
common to all the people, for example Krishna
or GOD consciousness.
Dharma / Rightness: Observe or follow
Dharma or (eternal divine laws). This is
Sanatana Dharma or individual's duty.
So Satya is consciousness to the masses and
Dharma is the duty to the individual to be acted
upon. Satya is the first priority and Dharma
follows next. There should be no inadvertence
about truth. There should be no deviation from
righteous activity.
"Always tell the truth"; (Satyam Vada) "Do
 A religious way of life is which a person aspiring for self
realization or divine knowledge follow. This way of life is
combination of moral and religious values and since it is
elaborated in Upanishad, these are regarded as divinely
ordained duties by Hindus.
Form the gist of these two Anuvaks, one can guess what
kind of life a house holder, aspiring divine knowledge tried
to lead at the time of this Upanishad!
 The following key values are very important according to
 Satyam – Truth
 Tapah – Austerity
 Damah – Sense Control
 Samah – Tranquility of Mind
 Dharmah – Righteousness
 Danam – Charity
 Daya - Mercy
 If we study further, following values are defined in Bhagwat gita for working
professionals in modern day working context. These Qualities are as follows:
 Humility
 Absence of Pride
 Non-Violence
 Tolerance
 Simplicity
 Service to the Teacher
 Cleanliness
 Steadfastness
 Self-control
 Renunciation
 Absence of Ego
 Reflection of the sufferings of Life-Death
 Non-attachment
 Detachment towards son and wife
 Equanimity amidst pleasant and unpleasant happenings
 Constant and unalloyed devotion towards God
 Love for Solitary life
 Detachment towards company of People
 Understanding the importance of self realization
 Philosophical search of the ultimate truth.

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