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Name: Grade/Section: Date
Name: Grade/Section: Date
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Grade/Section: Date:
18. This is not primarily a philosophical method. Neither is it exactly a set of doctrines but more of an
outlook or attitude supported by diverse doctrines centered on certain common themes including
human freedom.
a. Existentialism. c. Ontology.
b. Logic. d. Postmodernism.
19. The last and highest of Kierkegaard’s three levels of authentic self is the:
a. Aesthetic self. c. Religious self.
b. Ethical self. d. None of the above.
20. They believe that humanity should come at truth beyond the rational to the non-rational elements
of human nature, including the spiritual and the cultural:
a. Existentialists. c. Phenomenologists.
b. Idealists. d. Postmodernists.
21. He is considered the first existentialist philosopher:
a. Edmund Husserl. c. Ludwig Wittgenstein.
b. Jean-Paul Sartre. d. Soren Kierkegaard.
22. It is the conviction of this philosophical tradition that that to some significant degree, philosophical
problems, puzzles, and errors are rooted in language and can be solved or avoided by a sound
understanding of language and careful attention to its workings:
a. Analytical philosophy. c. Phenomenology.
b. Logic. d. Postmodernism.
23. This eastern spiritual philosophy is contained in the teachings of its founder, Siddhartha
a. Buddhism. c. Hinduism.
b. Christianity. d. Islam.
24. According to Hinduism, man has a dual nature, one is the spiritual and immortal essence (soul)
and the other is the empirical lice and character (body). Of the two natures, Hindus consider this
as ultimately real:
a. Body c. Neither body nor soul.
b. Both body and soul. d. Soul.
25. Hindus believe that the soul is bound by this law to the material world:
a. Aum. c. Karma.
b. Brahmin. d. Vidya.
26. Today Buddhism is practiced in its purest form in:
a. Burma and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). c. Japan.
b. China. d. Tibet.
27. The teachings of Buddha in its simplest form gave assurance of entrance into Nirvana through:
a. A deep respect for all living c. The Four Noble Truths.
things. d. The Law of Salvation (Dharma).
b. The Eightfold Path.
28. He said that philosophy is amor sapiential, the love of wisdom, and its aim is to produce
a. St. Anselm. c. St. Thomas Aquinas.
b. St. Augustine. d. Pope St. John Paul II.
29. He considers the human being as a moral agent. For him, of all creatures, human beings have
the unique power to change themselves and things for the better:
a. Siddhartha Gautama, the c. St. Thomas Aquinas.
Buddha. d. The 13th Dalai Lama.
b. St. Augustine.
30. When we _________, we are freed from and transcend our anger and bitterness caused by the
actions and/or words by others.
a. Fail. c. Feel vulnerable.
b. Feel lonely. d. Forgive.
31. In this model of man’s relationship with the environment, man is considered superior and central
to the universe:
a. Anthropocentric model. c. Ecofeminism.
b. Ecocentric model. d. Social ecology.
32. This ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician saw human relationship with the Universe as
involving biophilia (love of other living things) and cosmophilia (love of other living beings):
a. Aristotle. c. Socrates.
b. Pythagoras. d. Thales.
Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
JC Santos St., Sta Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan 3015
33. This cosmic conception is based on the assumption that all that happens in the universe is a
continuous whole, like a chain of natural consequences. The universe does not proceed onward
but revolves without beginning or end. There is nothing new under the sun, “new” is a repetition of
the old. This cosmic concept is:
a. Neither A, nor B, nor C below. d. The Pythagorean cosmic
b. The Chinese cosmic concept concept describing the universe
based on the primeval pair, the as a living embodiment of
yin and the yang. nature’s order, harmony, and
c. The Milesian cosmic concept beauty.
that the universe is without
boundaries or infinite.
34. For this German-American philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, humanity has
dominated nature; and that there can only be change if we will change our attitudes towards our
perception of the environment:
a. Erich Fromm. c. Herbert Marcuse.
b. George Herbert Meade. d. None of the above.
35. In this theory that show care for the environment, the ecological crisis is considered as an
outcome of anthropocentrism:
a. Anthropocentrism. c. Ecocentrism.
b. Deep ecology. d. Social ecology.
36. In this theory that show care for the environment, the ecological crisis is considered as a result of
authoritarian social structures:
a. Authoritarianism. c. Ecofeminism.
b. Deep ecology. d. Social ecology.
37. This German social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, and humanistic philosopher
proposed a new society that should encourage the emergence of a new human being who will
foster prudence and moderation or frugality toward the environment:
a. Erich Fromm. c. Herbert Marcuse.
b. George Herbert Meade. d. Sigmund Freud.
38. There are two ways to look at the world: through a holist perspective or through a partial point of
view. “Holistic” means:
a. Holy, blessed or divine. c. Relating to complete systems
b. Neither A, nor C, nor D. rather than dissection into parts
or subsystems.
d. The possession of many holes.
39. Translated literally from the original Greek, “philosophy” means:
a. The love of intelligence. c. The love of wisdom.
b. The love of knowledge. d. None of the above.
40. This type of logical reasoning draws conclusions from one broad judgement or definition and one
specific assertion:
a. Conceptual analysis. c. Inductive reasoning.
b. Deductive reasoning. d. None of the above.
41. This fallacy is when, in a logical chain of reasoning, a term or word is used several times but with
a different meaning each time:
a. Composition. c. Equivocation.
b. Division. d. Hasty generalization.
42. An inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence is a fallacy of:
a. Appeal to ignorance. c. False cause.
b. Begging the question. d. Hasty generalization.
43. If the purpose of a sentence is to inform or state fact then its words have:
a. Authenticity. c. Emotive meaning.
b. Cognitive meaning. d. None of the above.
44. Buddhism states that life is full of suffering and that suffering is caused by desires. This suffering
will cease only when desires are eliminated. This elimination of desires may be accomplished:
a. By following the Eightfold Path. c. Through a deep respect for all
b. Neither A, nor C, nor D. life.
d. Through the Four Noble Truths.
45. They believe in a seemingly endless cycle of life, death, and reincarnation.
a. Both A and B. c. Hindus.
b. Buddhists. d. None of the above.
46. In this environmental model/theory, nature is not only valued for the future survival of mankind but
is also seen as invaluable in itself:
a. Deep ecology. c. Ecological.
b. Ecofeminism. d. Social ecology.
47. This environmental model/theory argues that the ecological crisis is a consequence of
a. Anthropocentric. c. Ecological.
b. Ecofeminism. d. Social ecology.
Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
JC Santos St., Sta Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan 3015
48. He stated that as human beings, we have not only rights but also duties, and that we are not only
citizens of a community but also how we act to this community we change it. He was:
a. Erik Erikson. c. Herbert Marcuse.
b. George Herbert Meade. d. None of the above.
49. For this philosopher in the analytic tradition, language is socially conditioned:
a. Bertrand Russell. c. Ludwig Wittgenstein.
b. G.E. Moore. d. J.L. Austin.
50. In order evaluate opinions, we need to:
a. Ask relevant questions. c. Both A and B.
b. Assess arguments and d. Neither A nor B.