Newell Price2006
Newell Price2006
Newell Price2006
Cushing’s syndrome
John Newell-Price, Xavier Bertagna, Ashley B Grossman, Lynnette K Nieman
Cushing’s syndrome results from lengthy and inappropriate exposure to excessive glucocorticoids. Untreated, it has Lancet 2006; 367: 1605–17
significant morbidity and mortality. The syndrome remains a challenge to diagnose and manage. Here, we review the Division of Clinical Sciences,
current understanding of pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostic, and differential diagnostic approaches. We University of Sheffield,
Northern General Hospital,
provide diagnostic algorithms and recommendations for management.
Sheffield, UK
(J Newell-Price FRCP);
Cushing’s syndrome results from lengthy and inappropriate prove that control of cortisol excess is more beneficial than Department of Endocrinology,
exposure to excessive concentrations of circulating free attention to more specific abnormalities of metabolic and Royal Hallamshire Hospital,
Sheffield, UK (J Newell-Price);
glucocorticoids. When presentation is florid, diagnosis is cardiovascular risk. The presentation and investigation of Département d’Endocrinologie
usually straightforward. However, this diagnosis is adrenal incidentalomas with sub-clinical Cushing’s de l’Institut Cochin-INSERM U-
increasingly being considered when the phenotype is syndrome is beyond the scope of this Seminar. 567, Faculté de Médecine René
subtle, and in common disorders such as type 2 diabetes Descartes, Université Paris 5,
Paris, France
and obesity. Only once the diagnosis of Cushing’s Causes of Cushing’s syndrome (Prof X Bertagna MD);
syndrome is established can the underlying cause be Endogenous Cushing’s syndrome is more common in Department of Endocrinology,
searched for. This investigation is frequently a complex women than men and is divided into corticotropin- William Harvey Research
process needing all the skill of doctors, endocrinologists, dependent and corticotropin-independent causes Institute, Queen Mary School
of Medicine and Dentistry,
chemical pathologists, radiologists, and surgeons.1–3 We (table 1). Overall, corticotropin-dependent causes account London, UK
review advances in the understanding of the biology of for about 80–85% of cases, and of these, 80% are due to (Prof A B Grossman FRCP); and
Cushing’s syndrome and discuss its diagnosis, differential pituitary adenomas (Cushing’s disease), with the Reproductive Endocrinology
diagnosis, and management. We focus on recent remaining 20% or so due to ectopic corticotropin and Medicine Branch, National
Institute of Child Health and
developments and highlight areas of controversy. syndrome.10–12 Ectopic corticotropin secretion most Human Development, National
The most common cause of Cushing’s syndrome is usually takes place with small-cell carcinoma of the Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
use of supraphysiological amounts of exogenous lung and bronchial carcinoid tumours, but might also MD 20891-1109, USA
glucocorticoids, including topical or inhaled corticosteroids arise with almost any endocrine tumour from many (L K Nieman MD)
(iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome). Thus, adequate different organs (eg, phaeochromocytoma, pancreatic Correspondence to:
Dr John Newell-Price
knowledge of an individual’s medication history is essential neuroendocrine tumours, gut carcinoids). Classically, Division of Clinical Sciences,
for diagnosis. Rarely, patients might present with factitious when due to small-cell carcinoma of the lung, or widely University of Sheffield, Northern
Cushing’s syndrome, with covert use of glucocorticoids, metastatic cancer, ectopic corticotropin syndrome can General Hospital, Sheffield
which can be a substantial diagnostic challenge, especially have a rapid onset with severe features, although in S5 7AU, UK
if hydrocortisone is being taken, since use of this substance some patients a paraneoplastic wasting syndrome can
will cause raised concentrations of circulating cortisol. mask hypercortisolism, and hypokalaemia might be a
Here, we will focus on endogenous Cushing’s syndrome. clue to diagnosis. By contrast, the clinical phenotype
(and some biochemical features) of carcinoid tumours
Epidemiology and prognosis can be indistinguishable from that of Cushing’s
Patients with incompletely controlled Cushing’s syndrome disease.10,11
have a five-fold excess mortality, lending urgency to its Corticotropin-independent Cushing’s syndrome is due
ascertainment,4 although this rate might not necessarily in most instances to a unilateral tumour: adrenal adenoma
apply to patients with the subtle clinical and biochemical in 60% and adrenal carcinoma in 40% of cases. Very rare
phenotype being increasingly diagnosed. Depending on adrenal causes of Cushing’s syndrome are corticotropin-
the population studied, incidence of the disorder ranges independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia, primary
from 0·7 to 2·4 per million population per year.4–6 New pigmented nodular adrenal disease (either as isolated
data, however, suggest that Cushing’s syndrome is more
common than had previously been thought. In screening Search strategy and selection criteria
studies of obese patients with type 2 diabetes, especially
those with poor blood glucose control and hypertension, We searched MEDLINE from January, 2000, to October, 2005.
the reported prevalence of Cushing’s syndrome is between We used search terms “Cushing’s” OR “Cushing’s” AND
2% and 5%.7–9 In these studies, diagnosis of the disorder “Syndrome”. We selected publications from this 5-year
was not suspected on the basis of clinical features, but period, but our search also included other commonly
patients’ metabolic control improved after intervention for referenced and highly regarded older publications known to
their Cushing’s syndrome. If confirmed in further large- us, and those that we judged appropriate. Several review
scale prospective studies, these data suggest that more articles or book chapters were included because they provided
widespread screening for Cushing’s syndrome in such comprehensive overviews beyond the scope of this Seminar.
patients is warranted, although researchers still need to
because features might be mild and cyclic in nature. It can Clinical features of Cushing’s syndrome
be sporadic or part of Carney complex (an autosomal Table 2 summarises clinical features of Cushing’s
dominant multiple neoplasia syndrome); most cases syndrome. These are variably present in any given patient
present in late childhood or in young adults.52,53 Of the very and can differ in a cyclic way, causing diagnostic difficulty.
rare forms of familial Cushing’s syndrome, Carney The diagnosis is being increasingly considered in patients
complex is the most frequent and needs lifelong with metabolic syndrome, who might have mild features
surveillance for potentially fatal complications, including of slow onset, and diagnosis can be a substantial
cardiac myxomas. Germline mutations of the regulatory diagnostic challenge. Signs that most reliably distinguish
subunit R1A of protein kinase A (PRKAR1A) are present Cushing’s syndrome from obesity are those of protein
in about 45% of patients with Carney complex54,55 and in wasting—presence of thin skin in the young, easy
sporadic primary pigmented nodular adrenal disease.56 bruising, and proximal weakness. In children, presenting
These patients with Carney complex and sporadic primary features differ, with obesity and decreased linear growth
pigmented nodular adrenal disease show a paradoxical especially evident.66–70 Important data shows the difference
rise in cortisol secretion in response to dexamethasone in presentation between women and men, with purple
associated with heightened expression of the glucocorticoid striae, muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, and kidney stones
receptor.57 more frequent in men.71 Renal stones are present in about
McCune-Albright syndrome is due to a postzygotic 50% of all patients,72 but are usually not apparent clinically.
activating mutation in the GNAS1 gene. The resulting Gonadal dysfunction is common in both sexes. Adverse
tissue mosaicism produces a varied phenotype, and the effects of glucocorticoids on bone metabolism are shown
disease can present in the first few weeks of life. These by decreased bone-mineral density, although the exact
mutations lead to constitutive steroidogenesis in the incidence is not known73 and it tends to return to normal
affected adrenal nodules.58 Mutations of GNAS1 have also over time after effective treatment.74 Bone loss can be
been seen in corticotropin-independent macronodular more severe in primary adrenal Cushing’s syndrome than
adrenal hyperplasia.59 pituitary-dependent Cushing’s syndrome.75,76
With respect to adrenal cortical tumours, new data More than 70% of patients with Cushing’s syndrome
show a high rate of β catenin mutations, particularly in can present with psychiatric symptoms ranging from
adenomas,60 and rarely mutations of PRKAR1A.61 anxiety to frank psychosis; if present, depression is often
Molecular changes that distinguish adrenal cortical agitated in nature. Some degree of psychiatric disturbance
carcinomas from adenomas are being increasingly frequently persists after cure of Cushing’s syndrome.
recognised: in carcinomas, allele loss or loss of imprinting Impairment in short-term memory and cognition is
at the 11p15 locus is common.62 This loss is associated common and can persist for at least a year after
with overexpression of insulin-like growth factor II and treatment.77 These effects are associated with a reduction
reduced expression of p57/KIP2 62,63 an imbalance that in apparent brain volume that slowly reverses after
favours cell growth. A specific germline mutation of correction of hypercortisolaemia.78 Patients continue to
TP53 was associated with a high rate of adrenocortical have impaired quality of life even after resolution of
carcinoma in Brazilian patients.64,65 cortisol excess79–81 and should be counselled about this
Proportion Cortisol excess predisposes to hypertension and
Obesity or weight gain 95%* glucose intolerance. Patients with Cushing’s syndrome
Facial plethora 90% are at increased cardiovascular risk, which might not
Rounded face 90% return fully to normal after remission.82–84 Hyper-
Decreased libido 90% homocysteinaemia and reduced serum folate con-
Thin skin 85% centrations present in active disease return to normal
Decrease linear growth in children 70–80% during remission,85 suggesting that ongoing cardio-
Menstrual irregularity 80% vascular risk is not related to these factors. The adverse
Hypertension 75% metabolic profile is also evident from imaging studies
Hirsutism 75% showing hepatic steatosis (20% of patients)86 and
Depression/emotional lability 70% increased visceral fat.87
Easy bruising 65%
Glucose intolerance 60% Biochemical diagnosis of hypercortisolaemia
Weakness 60% Diagnostic assessment is usually prompted by clinical
Osteopenia or fracture 50% suspicion, but in certain groups of patients without
Nephrolithiasis 50% classic clinical features, screening might be warranted,
such as in poorly controlled and hypertensive diabetic
*100% in children. 67
differentiate between pituitary and non-pituitary causes.10,11 test is of restricted usefulness in the differential diagnosis
In women with corticotropin-dependent Cushing’s of corticotropin-dependent Cushing’s syndrome.123,124
syndrome, nine out of ten cases will be due to Cushing’s Similarly, a combined test with corticotropin-releasing
disease. It is against this pretest likelihood that the hormone and desmopressin has been used,125 but larger
performance of any test needs to be judged. The results of series have suggested that overlap remains between
corticotropin-releasing hormone and dexamethasone tests responses in patients with Cushing’s disease and ectopic
and pituitary MRI should be judged together, and bilateral corticotropin syndrome.126 Responses to both corticotropin-
inferior petrosal sinus sampling is recommended unless releasing hormone testing and the high-dose
there is a clear diagnosis (figure 2). dexamethasone suppression test are also more frequently
High concentrations of cortisol can either saturate the discordant in patients with Cushing’s disease secondary to
11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II enzyme in the a pituitary macroadenoma.18
kidney or decrease expression of this enzyme, allowing
cortisol to act even more as a mineralocorticoid.116 The Invasive testing
most common cause of hypokalaemia is the ectopic If a patient has corticotropin-dependent Cushing’s
corticotropin syndrome, but it is also present in patients syndrome, with responses on both dexamethasone
with Cushing’s disease who have very high cortisol suppression and corticotropin-releasing hormone testing
production.1 suggesting pituitary disease, and their pituitary MRI scan
shows an isolated lesion of 6 mm or more, most clinicians
Dynamic non-invasive tests will diagnose Cushing’s disease. A major drawback is that
The high-dose dexamethasone suppression tests (2 mg up to 40% of patients with proven Cushing’s disease have
given every 6 h for 48 h, or a single 8 mg dose) have been normal pituitary MRI scans.114 In these patients, sampling
in widespread use for many years. The tests are based on of the gradient of corticotropin from the pituitary gland to
the relative sensitivity of pituitary corticotrope adenomas the periphery is the most reliable means of discriminating
to the effects of glucocorticoids, compared with the between pituitary and non-pituitary sources of
resistance shown by non-pituitary tumours. About 80% of corticotropin. Since the pituitary effluent drains via the
patients with Cushing’s disease will show suppression of cavernous sinuses to the petrosal sinuses and then jugular
amount of cortisol in serum to a value of less than 50% of bulb, there is a gradient of the value of plasma corticotropin
the basal level.1 The performance of the test is, therefore, compared with the simultaneous peripheral sample when
less than the pretest likelihood of Cushing’s disease and, there is a central source of corticotropin. Bilateral inferior
thus, by itself the high-dose dexamethasone-suppression petrosal sinus sampling is a highly skilled and invasive
test has little diagnostic usefulness.117 Moreover, if the 48-h technique, requiring placement of catheters in both
low-dose dexamethasone-suppression test is used and if inferior petrosal sinuses. Catheter position and venous
suppression of serum cortisol by more than 30% has anatomy are confirmed by venography, because non-
already been shown, there is no further advantage of using uniform drainage is not uncommon. Diagnostic accuracy
the high-dose dexamethasone suppression test.93 We of the test needs corticotropin-releasing hormone to be
would not recommend continued routine use of the high- given. A basal central:peripheral ratio of more than 2:1 or
dose dexamethasone-suppression test, except when a ratio after stimulation with corticotropin-releasing
bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling is not available. hormone of more than 3:1 is consistent with Cushing’s
In the corticotropin-releasing hormone test recombinant disease.127 The combined data for many series suggest a
human or ovine-sequence corticotropin-releasing hormone sensitivity and specificity of 94%.128 When corticotropin-
is given as an intravenous bolus dose of either 1 µg/kg or, releasing hormone is unobtainable or too costly,
more usually, 100 µg. This dose stimulates corticotrope desmopressin offers a reasonable alternative, keeping in
tumour cells in the pituitary gland to release corticotropin mind that few patients with ectopic corticotropin secretion
and hence raise cortisol concentrations in serum, although have been studied in this way.
responses are uncommon in ectopic corticotropin Although bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling
syndrome. The ovine-sequence corticotropin-releasing remains the gold standard for differentiating between
hormone test has a sensitivity of 93% for Cushing’s disease pituitary and non-pituitary sources of corticotropin, data
based on corticotropin responses at 15 and 30 min.118 Using have highlighted some of the potential pitfalls. In a series
more detailed sampling (up to 90 min) and a stringent of 179 patients, two were noted to have responses
cutoff point of 50% increment in plasma corticotropin, consistent with Cushing’s disease but ultimately turned
ovine-sequence corticotropin-releasing hormone had a out to have the ectopic corticotropin syndrome, while
sensitivity of 86% for Cushing’s disease.119 This sensitivity nine patients had a false-negative response, turning out
also falls below the pretest likelihood, at least in women. to have Cushing’s disease.129 Small-series data have
An almost identical sensitivity is found for human suggested that these false-negative responses can be
sequence peptide sampling at the same timepoints.120 Since identified by simultaneous sampling of prolactin to
the V3 receptor is expressed in pituitary and many ectopic correct values in corticotropin.130,131 It is possible that
tumours secreting corticotropin,14,27,121,122 the desmopressin falsely positive results might be caused by inadequate
suppression of the normal corticotropes; the duration useful for follow-up,142 because it has a low false-positive
and amount of hypercortisolism should be assessed rate.143 PET with 18-fluorodeoxyglucose is of little benefit
before the test. because these tumours are usually of low metabolic
In adults, bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling is activity.144 Although use of 11C-5-hydroxytryptophan has
only 70% accurate for lateralisation of the source of been proposed as an universal imaging technique for
corticotropin within the pituitary gland,1,91 but in children neuroendocrine tumours, few patients have been
it can have greater accuracy for this purpose than MRI.132 studied145 and further experience is needed to establish its
Sampling from the cavernous sinuses directly does not usefulness. Despite detailed investigation, the cause of
improve accuracy.133 corticotropin production might remain occult in 5–15%
Sampling from the internal jugular vein has been of patients, and these patients need continued follow-up,
proposed as a simplified procedure compared with this rate decreasing with time.10,11
bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling. Direct
comparison in the same patients has shown internal Management
jugular vein sampling to be inferior to bilateral inferior Medical therapies to lower cortisol
petrosal sinus sampling.134 This test can, however, have Metyrapone, ketoconazole, and mitotane can all be used to
usefulness in centres with limited sampling experience, lower cortisol by directly inhibiting synthesis and secretion
where bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling should be in the adrenal gland.2,19 Metyrapone and ketoconazole are
reserved for instances when the results are negative.135 enzyme inhibitors and have rapid onset of action, but
frequently control of hypercortisolism is lost with
Imaging corticotropin oversecretion in Cushing’s disease (known as
CT gives the best resolution of adrenal anatomy. In escape). These drugs are not usually effective as the sole
corticotropin-dependent Cushing’s syndrome, nodules long-term treatment of the disorder, and are used mainly
can arise, and adrenal hyperplasia is not always either in preparation for surgery or as adjunctive treatment
symmetrical, causing diagnostic confusion with a after surgery, pituitary radiotherapy, or both procedures.2
unilateral primary adrenal cause if the biochemistry is Mitotane acts as an adrenolytic drug with delayed onset but
not strictly assessed. In 30% of patients with Cushing’s longlasting action, but there is no escape occurrence.
disease, the adrenal glands appear normal, whereas in Medical treatment can also be used in patients who are
ectopic corticotropin the adrenal glands are virtually unwilling or unfit to undergo surgery. These drugs have
always homogeneously enlarged.136 gastrointestinal side-effects, and with ketoconazole,
Up to 40% of corticotrope adenomas causing Cushing’s hepatocellular dysfunction is frequently noted and rare
disease in adults are not visible on MRI scanning.114 Those cases of hepatic failure described.146 Treatment can be used
that are visible usually do not enhance with gadolinium long term for patients with ectopic corticotropin secretion,
on T1-weighted imaging. Use of dynamic MRI with but some centres opt for adrenalectomy in that setting.10,147
administration of intravenous contrast media and rapid For acute control of severe hypercortisolaemia when the
sequence acquisition does not improve the overall oral route is not available, the short-acting anaesthetic agent
diagnostic rate. However, spoiled gradient sequences etomidate can be very useful,148,149 including in children.150 In
might have high sensitivity in adults137 and children.138 patients with corticotropin-independent macronodular
There is also a 10% rate of pituitary incidentalomas in the adrenal hyperplasia, cortisol secretion can be controlled by
normal population,139 emphasising the need for careful blocking the aberrantly expressed receptor—eg, propranolol
biochemical discrimination of pituitary from non-pituitary use with aberrant β adrenergic receptor expression—or
sources of corticotropin. In the absence of a pituitary suppressing the ligand of the illegitimate receptor by giving
macroadenoma, an abnormal MRI scan is not conclusive somatostatin analogues in gastric inhibitory peptide-
evidence in favour of Cushing’s disease. responsive corticotropin-independent macronodular
Axial imaging with thin-cut multislice CT of the thorax adrenal hyperplasia or leuprolide in luteinising hormone-
and abdomen, MRI of the thorax, or both procedures, dependent Cushing’s syndrome.13,41,45,151
has the highest detection rate for ectopic corticotropin
syndrome.10–12 Most patients harbour small neuro- New therapies to reduce corticotropin
endocrine tumours, which can express somatostatin There has been renewed interest in use of agents that
receptors and might be disclosed on somatostatin- might directly inhibit the secretion of corticotropin by
receptor scintigraphy. However, although standard corticotrope tumours. The peroxisome proliferator
somatostatin scintigraphy can confirm functionality for a activated receptor γ agonist rosiglitazone reduced
lesion seen on axial imaging, it has only rarely been corticotropin and cortisol concentrations and prevented
shown to disclose truly occult tumours that are not visible tumour growth in an animal model of Cushing’s disease.152
on CT.1,10–12,140,141 Using higher than standard doses of Although human pituitary corticotrope tumours express
radionucleotide might, in some cases, disclose lesions peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ,153 studies in
that were otherwise negative on imaging. In patients patients with Cushing’s disease have, unfortunately, been
with recurrent disease, somatostatin scintigraphy can be almost uniformly disappointing. Rosiglitazone achieved
only short-term control of cortisol, with later escape.154,155 Cushing’s syndrome. Unfortunately, this goal often is
Similarly, the PPAR γ agonist pioglitazone (at licensed precluded by metastatic or occult disease, which is then
doses) did not affect corticotropin concentrations.156 treated medically or by adrenalectomy.10,11
Rosiglitazone at 1·5 times licensed dose did not decrease
the high amounts of corticotropin caused by corticotrope Adrenal surgery
tumour progression after bilateral adrenalectomy (Nelson’s Laparoscopic surgery is now the treatment of choice for
syndrome).157 Although these data are disappointing, it unilateral adrenal adenomas.182–190 Prognosis after removal
might be that higher doses or more potent agonists are of an adenoma is good, although, by contrast, the outlook
needed, but at present the use of PPAR γ ligands cannot be is almost uniformly poor in patients with adrenocortical
recommended. Corticotrope tumours may also express the carcinomas. These latter tumours frequently present
dopamine 2 receptor, and short-term administration of with metastases and are characterised by a dismal 5-year
cabergoline at a dose of 1–3 mg per week can reduce survival. They are not usually radiosensitive or
hypercortisolism in up to 40% of cases,158 but larger studies chemosensitive and the most important predictor of
are needed. A newer somatostatin analogue, SOM-230, outcome in this disease is the ability to do a complete
reduces corticotropin secretion in cell-culture models and resection.191
in culture of human corticotrope tumour cells.159 The In any cause of corticotropin-dependent Cushing’s
results of first trials in human beings are awaited: syndrome, total bilateral adrenalectomy induces a rapid
preliminary results look encouraging.160 In ectopic resolution of the clinical features. After surgery, patients
corticotropin syndrome, occasionally the somatostatin need lifelong treatment with glucocorticoids and
analogues octreotide and lanreotide directly inhibit mineralocorticoids. With low morbidity associated with
corticotropin secretion,140,141 or their combined use with laparoscopic adrenal surgery, this approach is being
high-dose cabergoline might be of benefit.161 Finally, considered more frequently, and possibly even as main
preliminary data in an animal model suggest that retinoic treatment in some individuals with Cushing’s disease,
acid might cause direct inhibition of corticotropin secretion especially when disease is severe or because of patient
from corticotrope tumours.162 preference. A major concern after bilateral adrenalectomy
in patients with Cushing’s disease is the development of
Surgery Nelson’s syndrome—a locally aggressive pituitary tumour
Tumour-specific surgery that secretes high concentrations of corticotropin,
Several series, including many within the past 5 years, resulting in pigmentation. Whether the tumour
have shown the results and long-term follow-up of trans- progression is a result of the lack of cortisol feedback
sphenoidal surgery for Cushing’s disease.18,163–179 Trans- after adrenalectomy, or whether the progression results
sphenoidal surgery offers the potential for a selective from corticotrope tumours that were programmed to
microadenectomy of the causative corticotrope adenoma behave in an aggressive manner from the beginning, is
leaving the remaining pituitary function intact. Taking all controversial.192 The tumour itself might be treated with
published series together, the quoted initial remission rate further surgery or radiotherapy.193 Some clinicians
is between 60% and 80% (<15% for macroadenomas18) but advocate pituitary radiotherapy at the time of
with a relapse rate of up to 20% when followed up for adrenalectomy to reduce the risk of this syndrome,194 but
many years. It is probable that these variations result from others have not confirmed this finding.192
varying surgical skill and from controversy about the
characterisation of remission or continuing disease in the Pituitary radiotherapy
postoperative period. If there is clear persistent disease Persisting hypercortisolaemia after trans-sphenoidal
postoperatively, immediate reoperation might be of surgery can be treated with pituitary radiotherapy.
benefit.180,181 Patients who are hypocortisolaemic in the Conventional fractionated radiotherapy is a very effective
immediate postoperative period need glucocorticoid means of treatment but is associated with long-term
treatment until the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis hypopituitarism,195 and can be very delayed in
recovers full activity usually 6–18 months after surgery. effectiveness, although it tends to be more rapidly
On long-term follow-up (10 years), however, the overall curative in children.196 Use of stereotactic radiosurgery
remission rate is about 60%, whereas on careful endocrine has also been reported.197,198 Despite enthusiasm for the
testing in some series, there can be deficiencies of other gamma knife, a relapse rate of up to 20% after treatment
pituitary hormones in up to 50% of cases.172 Although has been shown,199 which does not compare favourably
long-term remission is most probable when postoperative with conventional radiotherapy. It might, however, be
concentration of cortisol in serum is low (<50 nmol/L), more rapidly effective.
there is no threshold value that fully excludes possible
recurrence. These data emphasise the ongoing need for Conclusions
alternative therapies directed against the pituitary gland. Diagnosis and management of Cushing’s syndrome
Resection of the tumour producing corticotropin remains a considerable challenge. Our understanding of
ectopically is optimum treatment for this cause of the pathogenesis has advanced, but mainly with respect to
the very rare causes of Cushing’s syndrome, although the 17 Storr HL, Isidori AM, Monson JP, Besser GM, Grossman AB,
underlying pathogenesis of the most common cause— Savage MO. Prepubertal Cushing’s disease is more common in
males, but there is no increase in severity at diagnosis.
Cushing’s disease—remains to be elucidated. Cushing’s J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004; 89: 3818–20.
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poorly controlled type 2 diabetes, and has great implications characteristics of adrenocorticotropin-secreting macroadenomas.
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and further management, patients presenting with 21 Ray DW, Gibson S, Crosby SR, Davies D, Davis JR, White A.
Cushing’s syndrome warrant referral to major centres. The Elevated levels of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) precursors in
outcome of treatment for the most common cause of post-adrenalectomy Cushing’s disease and their regulation by
glucocorticoids. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1995; 80: 2430–36.
Cushing’s syndrome—Cushing’s disease—remains 22 Raffin-Sanson ML, de Keyzer Y, Bertagna X. Proopiomelanocortin, a
disappointing, and further developments are needed in polypeptide precursor with multiple functions: from physiology to
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23 Kaye TB, Crapo L. The Cushing syndrome: an update on diagnostic
Conflict of interest statement tests. Ann Intern Med 1990; 112: 434–44.
We declare that we have no conflict of interest. 24 Korbonits M, Bujalska I, Shimojo M, et al. Expression of 11 beta-
Acknowledgments hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase isoenzymes in the human pituitary:
induction of the type 2 enzyme in corticotropinomas and other
We thank Sarah Adnett for her expert assistance in preparing the
pituitary tumors. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001; 86: 2728–33.
manuscript. This research was supported in part by the National
25 Morris DG, Kola B, Borboli N, et al. Identification of
Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH (LKN salary).
adrenocorticotropin receptor messenger ribonucleic acid in the
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