My Thesis MM
My Thesis MM
My Thesis MM
has taken keen interest on the work and made a remarkable compilation
on the subject.
Date :
blessings are always with me and which brought me safely to the end of
this endeavor.
family .
Atropa Belladona…………………………………………….42
Hyoscyamus Niger…………………………………………..67
Datura Stramonium………………………………………....81
Solanum nigrum……………………………………….......100
Capsicum Annuum………………………………………...109
Repertorial part……………………………………………149
Case Study……………………………………………….....170
a) Case no.1
b) Case no 2
c) Case no 3
It contained 4 volumes of which the first three volumes were published in the
year 1828 A.D. and the fourth volume was published in the year 1830 A.D.. The
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Literature survey on drugs of solanaceae group 2014
first volume contains the theory towards concept of chronic diseases while the
2nd, 3rd and 4th contains pathogenesis of medicines.
It contained 5 volumes of which the first two volumes were published in the
year 1835 A.D. and the third volume was published in the year 1837 A.D., the
fourth volume in the year 1838 A.D. and the fifth volume was published in the
year 1839 A.D.. The first volume contains the theory towards concept of
chronic diseases while the 2nd, 3rd and 4th contains pathogenesis of medicines.
Further, the volumes of The Chronic Disease were condensed by the publishers
and is now available as a two volume book.
The name Solanaceae derives from the genus Solanum, "the nightshade
plant". The etymology of the Latin word is unclear. The name may come from a
perceived resemblance of certain solanaceous flowers to the sun and its rays. At
least one species of Solanum is known as the "sunberry". Alternatively, the
name could originate from the Latin verb solari, meaning "to soothe",
presumably referring to the soothing pharmacological properties of some of the
psychoactive species of the family.
Even though the Solanaceae are found on all the continents except
Antarctica, the greatest variety of species are found in Central America and
South America. Another two centres of diversity include Australia and Africa.
They occupy a great number of different ecosystems, from deserts to rainforests,
and they are often found in the secondary vegetation that colonizes disturbed
The Solanaceae contain 98 genera and some 2,700 species. Despite this
immense richness of species, they are not uniformly distributed between the
genera. The eight most important genera contain more than 60% of the species,
as shown in the table below. Solanum – the genus that typifies the family -
includes nearly 50% of the total species of the solanaceas.
Solanum 1,330
Lycianthes 200
Cestrum 150
Nolana 89
Physalis 85
Lycium 85
Nicotiana 76
Brunfelsia 45
The family has a worldwide distribution, being present on all continents except
Antarctica. The greatest diversity in species is found in South America and
Central America.
o 1 Cestroideae (Browallioideae)
o 2 Goetzeoideae
o 3 Petunioideae
o 4 Schizanthoideae
o 5 Schwenckioideae
o 6 Nicotianoideae
o 7 Solanoideae
Plants in the Solanaceae can take the form of herbs, shrubs, trees, vines
and lianas, and sometimes epiphytes. They can be annuals, biennials, or
perennials, upright or decumbent. Some have subterranean tubers. They do not
have laticifers, nor latex, nor coloured saps.
The leaves are generally alternate or alternate to opposed (that is, alternate at the
base of the plant and opposed towards the inflorescence). The leaves can be
The androecium has (2)(4)5(6) free stamens within it, oppositsepals (that is,
they alternate with the petals), they are usually fertile or, in some cases (for
example in Salpiglossideae) they have staminodes. In the latter case, there is
usually either one staminode (Salpiglossis) or three (Schizanthus). The anthers
touch on their upper end forming a ring, or they are completely free, dorsifixed,
or basifixed with poricide dehiscence or through small longitudinal cracks. The
stamen’s filament can be filliform or flat. The stamens can be inserted inside the
coralline tube or exserted. The plants demonstrate simultaneous
microsporogenesis; the microspores are tetrad, tetrahedral, or isobilateral. The
pollen grains are bicellular at the moment of dehiscence, usually open and
The fruit can be a berry as in the case of the tomato or wolfberry] a dehiscent
capsule as in Datura, or a drupe. The fruit has axial placentation. The capsules
are normally septicidal or rarely loculicidal or valvate. The seeds are usually
The tropanes are the most well-known of the alkaloids found in the
Solanaceae. The many species contain a variety of alkaloids that can be more or
less active or poisonous, such as scopolamine, atropine, hyoscyamine, and
nicotine. They are found in plants such as the henbane (Hyoscyamus albus),
belladonna (Atropa belladonna), datura or jimson (Datura stramonium),
mandrake (Mandragora autumnalis), tobacco, and others.
The solanaceas include such important food species as the potato (Solanum
tuberosum), the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), the pepper (Capsicum
annuum) and the aubergine or egg plant (Solanum melongena).
Many of the species belonging to this family, among them tobacco and the
tomato, are model organisms that are used for research into fundamental
biological questions. One of the aspects of the solanaceas’ genomics is an
international project that is trying to understand how the same collection of
genes and proteins can give rise to a group of organisms that are so
morphologically and ecologically different. The first objective of this project
was to sequence the genome of the tomato.
Active principles:
Sphere of action:
Muscular tissue
Blood vessels
Patho-physiological action
There is beating,tearing,throwing,striking,mania,insanity.
All the plants of this family possess the alkaloid atropine&also possess
Excitement delirium.
Absent minded.
Suicidal tendency.
Silly expression.
There is great fear of unusual & imaginary things ,wants to run away
from them.
Irritability,activecongestionisproduced,convulsions,irritability ,delirium
and pain.
Pains come suddenly and go suddenly.Pain comes from above and goes
Dryness of mouth.
Great despondency.
swallowing fluids.
cold air , after lying down and rising again , motion, uncovering and drafts of
1. Belladonna
a. Atropa Belladonna.
b. AtropaMandragora.(Mandragoraofficinarum )
c. Atropinum.
i. AtropinumPurum.
ii. AtropinumSulphuricum.
2. Duboisia
a. DuboisiaHopwoodi.
b. Duboisiamyoporoids.
c. Duboisinum ( DuboisiaMyoporoides)
3. Strammonium
a. DaturaArborea.
b. DaturaFerox.
c. Daturametel.
d. DaturaSanguinea.
e. DaturaStrammonium.
f. Daturinum.
4. Hyoscyamus
a. Hyoscyamus Niger.
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Literature survey on drugs of solanaceae group 2014
b. Hyosciaminum.
i. HyosciaminumSulphatum.
ii. HyosciaminumHydrobromatum.
iii. HyoscinumBromatum.(ScopolaminumBromatum)
iv. HyoscinumBromhydricum.(ScopolaminumBromhydricum)
5. Solanum
a. SolanumNigrum.
b. SolanumArrebenta.
c. SolanumCarolinense.
d. SolanumLycopersicum. ( LycopersicumEsculentum )
e. SolanumMammosum.
f. SolanumMalacoxylon.
g. SolanumOleraceum.
h. SolanumPseudocapsicum.
i. SolanumTuberosum.
j. SolanumVesicarium. ( PhysalisAlkekengi )
k. SolanumVillosum.
l. SolanumXanthocarpum.
m. Solaninum.
n. SolaninumAceticum.
o. SolaninumPurum.
q. SolanumErythracantum.
r. SolanumIntegri.
s. SolanumMelongena.
t. SolanumNodiflorum.
u. SolanumSodomoeum.
6. Tabacum
a. NicotianumTabacum.
b. Nicotinum.
7. Dulcamera. (SolanumDulcamera)
8. Capsicum.
a. Capsicum Annuum.
b. Capsicum Frutescens.
9. Pichi. – FabianaImbricata.
Common features:
First four attack prominently the brain and have narcotic properties.
Tabacum also has narcotic properties but it acts on other parts of body also,
besides brain.
Dulcamera is slightly narcotic.
Capsicum is decidedly irritant or acrid.
Most of them are OBESE in body structure( Caps.,Bell.,Hyos., Lycpr.,Stram
) and the most important one for obesity is Capsicum
Annuum ( Obesity in children )
(III) Sensitiveness :
Bell : To light.,noise(during chill).,slightest noise., odors.,and pain.
During perspiration.
In puberty.Heat during. Labor during.
Alternating with indifference. Children.
Hyos : To noise. Morning.
Caps : To all external impressions.To noise during chill..
Stram :To noise.,pain.,
Tab : To music.
Bell : Aternating with mania. Of animals (black).
Of impending death. Of dogs(black).
With desire to escape.
Of imaginary things or imaginary animals.
Jumps from bed out of fear. Jumps on touch.
Of liquids with thirst.Of those standing near.
Caps: Of fresh air.
Dulc : Of evil.Of vaults,churches and cellars.
Hyos : Of being alone. Of being bitten.
Chronic fear. Of being devoured by animals.
Of dogs. After eating. Constant of every thing.
Atropa belladonna is a branching herbaceous perennial, often growing as a
subshrub, from a fleshy rootstock. Plants grow to 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) tall with 18
centimetres (7.1 in) long ovate leaves. The bell-shaped flowers are purple with
green tinges and faintly scented. The fruits are berries, which are green, ripening
to a shiny-black, and approximately 1 centimetre (0.39 in) in diameter. The
berries are sweet and are consumed by animals that disperse the seeds in their
droppings, even though the seeds contain toxic alkaloids. There is a pale-yellow
flowering form called Atropa belladonna var. lutea with pale-yellow fruit.It is
naturalized in parts of North America, where it is often found in shady, moist
locations with limestone-rich soils.
Belladonna is one of the most toxic plants found in the Eastern Hemisphere. All
parts of the plant contain tropane alkaloids. The berries pose the greatest danger
to children because they look attractive and have a somewhat sweet taste. The
consumption of two to five berries by a human adult is probably lethal. The root
of the plant is generally the most toxic part, though this can vary from one
specimen to another. Ingestion of a single leaf of the plant can be fatal to an
Medicinal uses
Belladonna has been used in herbal medicine for centuries as a pain reliever,
muscle relaxer, and anti-inflam Scopolamine is used as the hydrobromide salt
for GI complaints and motion sickness, and to potentiate the analgesic and
anxiolytic effects of opioid analgesics. It was formerly used in a painkiller
called "twilight sleep" in childbirth.
This agent, when applied locally, diminishes the sensibility of the sensory
nerves, and when absorbed it produces systemic effects.
.The reflexes at first are slightly stimulated, while later they are
•It dilates the pupil and increases intra-ocular tension, occasions vertigo
and turgescence of the face.
•Assimilation is impaired.
Belladonna plant grows nicely in soil containing calcium carbonate. So
Calcarea carb is complementary to belladonna.The flowers of this plant are
bloated in appearance & this can be used for bloated condition of congestions
Spheres of action
Its chief centre of action is cerebrum, from where it radiates its influence
upon the entire organism.
Brain and its membranes.
Mucous membranes – eyes, mouth, throat, skin etc.
Glandular structures
•Class I (old method)
•New method
(a) Mother Tincture Drug Strength 1/10
Belladonna in course powder 100 g
Purified water 567 ml
Strong Alcohol 470 ml
To make one litre of the Mother Tincture.
(b) Potencies: 2x to contain one part Mother Tincture, four parts Purified Water,
The pains come and go suddenly no matter how long they may last. They
are in great variety, but throbbing, burning, and stabbing are very characteristic:
"stabbing from one temple to the other."
The great intensity and variety of the head pains has caused Bell. to be
regarded as the headache medicine par excellence. Congestion of blood to the
head. Vertigo, mostly at night on turning over in bed, or when getting up in the
morning, also when walking and on every change of position. Headache with
flushed face and brilliant eyes, dilated pupils. Feeling in brain like swashing of
water. Throbbing, pulsating headache, with beating arteries and violent
palpitation of the heart. It has cured a very severe headache in a nervous man
occurring whenever he was exposed to tobacco smoke.
In the mental sphere are mania; rage; disposition to bite, scratch and tear
things. Fantastic illusions when closing eyes. Dull and sleepy; half asleep and
half awake. Spasms and twitchings are very marked. Many disorders of vision.
Symptoms are < afternoon; 3 p.m.; 11 p.m.; after midnight; during the
night and not at all in the day; morning. By touch; draught of air; cold
applications; having hair cut; looking at shiny things; drinking; sleeping; lying
down; lying on affected side. >Bending affected part backwards or inwards;
leaning head against something; standing; by warmth.
Affections of the hair, which may split, or come out, or be hard and dry,
&c.Profuse pungent-smelling perspiration, esp. on the covered parts, while the
body is burning.Shaking or turning of the head backwards.Hydrocephalus, with
boring with the head in the pillows; sensation as if water were moving in the
head; < in the evening and when lying; > from external pressure, and when
bending the head backwards.Boring with the head on the pillow while
sleeping.Boring headache in the r. side of the head; changing to stitches in the
evening.Pressing headache, as if the head would split, pupils contracted, voice
16. Female Sexual Organs.─Violent pressure towards the genital parts, as if all
were going to protrude, principally when walking, or when in a crouching
posture.Shooting in the internal genital parts.Great dryness of the
vagina.Prolapsus and induration of the matrix.Catamenia too copious, and too
early, or too tardy.Catamenia too pale.Before the catamenia, fatigue, colic, loss
of appetite, and confused sight.During the catamenia, nocturnal sweat on the
chest, with yawning and transient shiverings, colic, or anguish of heart, burning
thirst, sharp and cramp-like pains in the back and in the arms.Flow of blood
beyond the period of the catamenia.Flow of blood between the
periods.Menstrual discharge bright red, feeling very hot like hot sealing-
wax.Metrorrhagia of clear red blood, with a discharge of fetid clots; with violent
pain in the small of the back and bearing-down.Menstrual blood of bright
colour, or of a bad smell.Leucorrhœa with colic.Diminished lochia.Spasmodic
contraction of the uterus.Labour pains too distressing, spasmodic; too weak, or
ceasing.After-pains.Congestion and inflammation of the uterus and
labia.Stitches in the organs.Puerperal fever, nymphomania.Flow of milk from
the breast.Mammæ swelled, inflamed, or indurated.
19. Heart.─Violent beatings of the heart, which sometimes are felt in the
head.Palpitation of the heart when ascending.Trembling of the heart, with
anguish and pressive pain.Violent palpitation of the heart, reverberating in the
20. Neck and Back.─Painful swelling and stiffness in the neck and in the nape
of the neck.Painful swelling in the glands of the neck and in those of the nape of
the neck.Sharp pains in the armpits.Red and purulent pimples on the back and
nape of the neck.Veins in the neck swollen.Sour sweat, only on the neck.Pain,
as of dislocation; rheumatic and drawing pains in the back and between the
shoulder-blades.Furunculus on the shoulder.Dartings, as if from knives, in the
bones of the spine.Gnawing in the dorsal spine, with cough.Painful stiffness and
cramp-like pains, in the sacral regions and in the back.
25. Skin.─Swelling, with heats and scarlet redness of the whole body, or of
several parts, chiefly the face, the neck, the chest, the abdomen, and the
hands.Cutting of the skin as though "sliced" with a sharp knife.Erysipelatous
inflammations, with phlegmon, which sometimes turn to gangrene.Gangrene
and sphacelus of several parts.Red places, inflamed and scarlet spots on several
parts of the body, sometimes with small, quick pulse, difficulty of respiration,
violent cough, delirium, liveliness of memory, inclination to rub the nose, and
dilated pupils.Red spots, the colour of blood, over the whole body, principally
on the face, neck, and chest.Eruption resembling morbilli.Eruption of petechiæ,
with itching and redness of the whole body.Miliary eruptions.Vesicles which
Dry, burning heat, often with swelling of the veins, pulsation of the
carotids, heat, redness and bloatedness of the face, burning thirst, agitation,
furious delirium, and shiverings on being even slightly uncovered.
Pulse strong and quick, or full and slow, or small and quick, or hard and
wiry.If slow, the pulse is full.Pulse full; hard; strong, bounding, double.Sweat
with or after the heat; copious sweat during the night, or in the morning; sweat
of the parts that are covered only; ascending from the feet to the head; sweat
when asleep; sweat of an empyreumatic smell, or which imparts a yellow colour
to the sheets.
•It follows well after: Ars alb, Cham, Hepar, Merc sol
While in its action this agent has many points in common with
Belladonna and Stramonium, yet each has an individuality of its own.
The habitual use of this drug produces muscular paralysis and delirium of
a violent character.
Spheres of action
Nervous system
Muscular system
Mucous membranes
urine and faeces. When influenza takes the typhoid form if often finds its
remedy in Hyos. Parotitis with metastasis to brain.
Hyos. is suited to many pulmonary conditions. The characteristic cough is
worse on lying down, almost completely removed by sitting up, worse at night,
worse after eating, drinking or talking. Cough from elongated uvula. The
drowsiness of Hyos. has another side in restlessness. The patient lies awake for
hours, children twitch in sleep, cry out, tremble, and awake frightened. Hy. is
one of our best remedies in toothache, having well-defined symptoms. It is also
an ancient domestic remedy for toothache, the application being peculiar.
Hyos. is suited to nervous, irritable, excitable, sanguine people, to light-
haired people. The symptoms of Hy. are worse by touch, the abdomen is sore to
touch, worse evening and night, worse lying down, worse from cold and cold
air. better From sitting up, motion, walking, warmth. Worse From mental
affections, jealousy, unhappy love, approaching menstruation, commencing
menstruation, during menstruation.
incoherent speech. Peevish and quarrelsome humor. Rage, with desire to strike
and to kill. Stupor, with plaintive cries, especially on the slightest touch, and
complete apathy. Loss of memory. Delirium without consciousness, does not
know anybody, and has no wants (expect thirst). Loss of consciousness, with
eyes closed, and raving about business. Delirium tremens, with clonic spasms,
unconsciousness and aversion to light and company. Delirium, sometimes with
trembling, and fits of epileptic convulsions. Delirium, sees ghosts, demons, etc.
Wandering thoughts. Perversion of every action. Mania, with loss of
consciousness, or with buffoonery and ridiculous gestures. Lascivious mania,
and occasional mutterings, uncovers his whole body.
heat. Hydrocephalus, with stupor, the head is shaken to and fro, sensation of
swashing in the head. Heat of the head, with general coldness of the body,
without thirst. Liability to catch cold in the head, principally from dry, cold air.
Headache, alternately with pain in the nape of the neck. Waving or shaking of
the head from one side to the other, with loss of consciousness and red sparkling
Eyes downcast and dull. Eyes red, fixed, convulsed, and prominent.
Spasmodic movement of the eyes. Redness of the sclerotica. Swelling of the
eyelids. Strabismus. Staring, distorted eyes. Contortion of the eyes. Quivering in
the eye. Spasmodic closing of the eyelids. Inability to open the eyelids. Pupils
dilated. Dimness of sight. Myopia, or presbyopia. Errors of vision. Diplopia.
Objects seem to be much large than they are in reality, or else of a red colour.
Objects have coloured borders, chiefly yellow. Nocturnal blindness. Weakness
of sight, as from incipient amaurosis.
Epistaxis. Cramp-like pressure at the root of the nose and the zygomata.
Dryness of nose. Nostrils sooty. Loss of smell.
Face: cold, pale bluish, or puffed and blood-red. Face flushed, excited,
bloated, dark-red. Twitching of muscles of face. Distorted, bluish face, with
mouth wide open. Cramp-like pressure on the cheek-bone. Dryness of the lips.
Cramps in the jaw. Lock- jaw. Heat and redness of the face.
Pulsative and tearing pains in teeth, from cheek to forehead, especially after
a chill in the cold air, or in the morning, and often with congestion of the head,
heat and redness of the face, swelling of the gums, and spasms in the throat.
Toothache driving to despair, in sensitive, nervous, excitable persons, causing
spasmodic jerks of fingers, hands, arms, and face muscles. Teeth feel too long.
Toothache worse from cold air, morning. Dentition. Pulsating toothache, as
from inflammation of the periosteum. Painful drawing in a single tooth, here
and there, as if a tooth were becoming pithy. Toothache during sweat. Tearing
in the gums, with buzzing and sensation as if the teeth were loose. Clenching of
the teeth. Grating teeth. Teeth covered with mucus.
Loss of taste. Bulimy, with violent thirst, with inability to swallow. Thirst
with drinking but little at a time. Dread of drinking. Hiccough, especially after a
meal (with spasms and rumbling in the abdomen). After a meal, headache,
Dull pains in the hepatic region. Abdomen tight, inflated, painful when
touched. Cramp-like pain in the abdomen, and cutting, sometimes accompanied
by vomitings, pain in the head, and cries. Shootings in the umbilical region, on
walking and breathing. Pain, as from excoriation in the abdominal muscles, on
coughing. Spasms and rumbling in the abdomen, with hiccough.
Urinary Organs
clear, like water. Involuntary emission of urine, as from paralysis of the bladder.
Respiratory Organs
Tettery spots on the nape of the neck. Pains in the back, and especially in
the lumbar region, with swelling of the feet. Lancinations in the loins, and
Upper Limbs
(picking of the bed cover or of the face). Fingers look and feel too thick. Hands
slightly paralysed.
Lower Limbs
Painful cramps in the (anterior part of the) thighs, and calves of the legs,
which contract the legs. Gangrenous spots and vesicles on the legs. Stiffness
and lassitude in the joint of the knee. Coldness and swelling of the feet.
Contraction of the toes when walking and ascending.
Incisive tearing, and dull pulling in the limbs and joints. Limbs, cold,
trembling and numbed. Convulsive movements and shaking of some of the
limbs, or of the whole body, sometimes on making the slightest effort to
swallow liquid. Spasms and convulsions (with watery diarrhoea). Jerking of the
feet and of the hands. Epileptic fits, sometimes with bluish colour and puffing
of the face, involuntary emission of urine, foaming at the mouth, drawing back
of the thumbs, sensation of hunger and of gnawing at the pit of the stomach,
eyes prominent, cries, grinding of the teeth, etc. Epileptic convulsions,
alternately with attacks of cerebral congestion (apoplectic fit). Convulsions
resembling St. Vitus’ dance. Convulsions, with cries, great anguish, oppression
of the chest and loss of consciousness. After the epileptic convulsions, profound
sleep, with snoring. Uncommon sinking of strength. Fainting fits (repeated
attacks). Great weakness and debility. Sensation of levitation, as if walking on
and through air. Paralysis. Jerking of the tendons (subsultus). The majority of,
and the principal symptoms, manifest themselves after eating or drinking, as
well as in the evening.
Skin dry and rough. Hot, dry, brittle skin. Miliary eruption. Eruption of dry
pimples, like confluent small-pox. Brownish (or gangrenous) spots on the body,
from time to time (as in typhus). Frequent, large furunculi. Spots and
gangrenous vesicles on different parts. Rash from the abuse of *Belladonna.*
Bleeding of ulcers.
Shuddering from head to foot. Burning heat of the body, and especially of
the head. Fever, with fits of epilepsy, great weakness, flames before the eyes,
and congestion in the head, quartan or quotidian type. Pulse quick (full hard),
with swelling of the veins (arteries). Universal coldness over the whole body,
with heat of face, ascending from the feet. Nightly coldness, extending over the
back from the small of the back. Heat in the evening, with thirst (congestion of
blood to the head), and putrid taste. Debilitating perspiration during sleep. Cold,
sour- smelling perspiration. Perspiration, principally on the legs.
Relations.─Antidoted by: Vinegar, Citric acid, Bell., Chi., Stram.
It antidotes: Ether, Bell., Stram., Merc.
Is followed well by: Bell., Puls., Stram., Ver., Phos.
Follows well:Bell., Nux, Op., Rhus.
Compare: Suppression of lochia, Nux, Secal., Con., Col., Pul.;
loquacity, Stram., Lach., Op., Cup., Ver.; gossiping, babbling, Ver. (religious
subjects, Ver.); difficult swallowing of liquids, Hydrob., Bell., Caus., Con., Ign.,
Lach., Lyc., Pho. Convulsions from fright or worms, Cin. Every muscle of the
body twitching, Nux (but Nux retains consciousness, Hyo. has unconsciousness);
cough < lying down, Dros.; (> lying down, Mang., Fer.); cough < at night, after
eating, drinking, talking, singing, Dros., Phos.; hæmoptysis of drunkards, Nux,
Op.; meningitis, Bell. (Bell. has < from shaking head; from sitting with head bent
forward; Hyo. has > from both); tickling cough > in warm air, Rumex;
convulsions, spasms, twitchings, Cic. v.; chorea, Stram., Ver., Agar; jealousy,
Apis, Ign.; waves through head, Act. r.; mania, Stram. (Stram. has desire for light
and company, Hyo. aversion to both; Stram. uncovers whole body, Hyo. especially
the genitals; sexual mania, Grat., Calc. ph.; Stram. sees objects.mice, dogs, &c.rise
from every corner and come towards him); sees ghosts and demons, Plat., Kali
bro.; fears being poisoned, Glo., Rhus, Kali bro., Bapt.; hiccough, Ign. (Ign. after
emotions, Hyo. after abdominal operations); spasms, twitchings, Ign., Tarent.;
levitation, Phos. ac., Sticta pul., Hyp.; fits of ungovernable rage, Staph. Teste puts
Hyo. in the Mur. ac. group with Viol. od. He also puts it in the Bell. group.
Common names :
•English: Jimson weed, Devil's trumpet, Devil's weed, Thorn apple, Tolguacha,
Jamestown weed, Stinkweed, Locoweed, Datura, Pricklyburr,
Devil's cucumber,
Hell's bells, Moonflower
•Hindi: Sada dhutura
The leaves are approximately 3 to 8 inches (8–20 cm) long, smooth, toothed,
soft, irregularly undulate. The upper surface of the leaves is a darker green, and
the bottom is a light green. The leaves have a bitter and nauseating taste, which
is imparted to extracts of the herb, and remains even after the leaves have been
The egg-shaped seed capsule is 1 to 3 inches (3–8 cm) in diameter and either
covered with spines or bald. At maturity it splits into four chambers, each with
dozens of small black seeds.
Datura stramonium is native to North America, but was spread to the Old
World early. It was scientifically described and named by Swedish botanist Carl
Linnaeus in 1753, although it had been described a century earlier by herbalists,
such as Nicholas Culpeper.
All parts of Datura plants contain dangerous levels of the tropane alkaloids
atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine which are classified as deliriants, or
Medicinal uses
Datura has long been used as an extremely effective treatment for asthma
symptoms. The active anti-asthmatic agent is atropine, which causes paralysis
of the pulmonary branches of the lungs, eliminating the spasms that cause the
asthma attacks.
Atropine and scopolamine (both of which are found in very high concentrations
in datura) are muscarinic antagonists which can be used to treat Parkinson's
disease and motion sickness, and to inhibit parasympathetic stimulation of the
urinary tract, respiratory tract, GI tract, heart and eye.
•Old Method: Class I
•New method
(a) Mother Tincture Drug Strengt
Stramonium moist magma containing solid 100 g and plant moisture 200 ml 300 g
Purified water 200 ml
Strong Alcohol 635 ml
To make one litre of the Mother Tincture.
(b) Potencies: 2x to contain one part Mother Tincture, three parts Purified Water, six
Spheres of action
•Nervous system
•Mucous membrane
The effect of Stram. on the secretions is to suppress them, and this makes
Stram. an excellent remedy in many cases of illness due to suppressed
secretions menses, lochia, sweat, eruptions.
Stram. causes high fever with rashes, some scarlet, like scarlatina,
petechiae, spots on the arms like flea-bites, vesications, and it corresponds also
to burns and scalds.
Stram. relieved an extensive eczematous eruption which came on after a
fright. As a result of suppressions convulsions occur. These may be general, or
they may be partial or choreic.
The convulsant, spasmodic properties of Stram. are shown in the
respiratory sphere in constriction of the chest, asthmatic symptoms, and cough
of the whooping-cough type. The common practice of smoking Stramonium
leaves for asthma is roughly homoeopathic.
Peculiar Sensations of Stram. are: As if spinning or weaving. As if
objects were smaller than they really are. As if dizzy. As if he had no limbs. As
if drunk. Head as if drawn backward. Starts as if a shock of electricity had been
passed through her body. As if eyes were forced out. As of sparks of fire
rushing from stomach to eyes. Eyelids as if swollen, or as if oppressed with
sleep, as of wind rushing out of ears. As if sawing cheek-bone, as if a hole were
there and the brain were touched. As if nose were shifted. As if pins and needles
were in forehead. As if he was seeking something. As if bones were sawed
through. As if front teeth would fall out. Teeth as if pressed together. Moving
fingers as if searching for something. Cries as if from sight of hideous objects.
As if lips would grow together. Inner mouth as if raw. Soft palate as if drawn
down. As of boiling water in throat. As if a ball were wedged in throat. As if
falling. As if he would vomit. As if navel were to be torn out. Abdomen as if
puffed up. As if abdomen were expanded to extremest degree. As if urine could
not be passed on account of narrowness of urethra. As if a cylindrical body were
being passed through urethra. As if he had not power to close neck of bladder.
As if very tall. As if something turned round in chest. Limbs feel as if gone to
sleep. As if parts of limbs were completely separated from body. Hands and feet
as if loose in joints. As if cold water were poured down back. *Stram. is an ill
smelling plant, and the discharges and secretions it causes are often foul and
even cadaveric in odour.
Stram. is Suited to: Ailments of young, plethoric persons, especially of
children (chorea, mania, fever, delirium).
The symptoms are: worse By touch, by pressure. Motion worse,
removing head from pillow causes vomiting of bile, walking causes involuntary
micturition, walking in dark causes vertigo. worse After motion (vomiting of
bile, palpitation, pain in back, shoulder, and abdomen). While sitting:
involuntary micturition, cough causes lower limbs to be jerked up. Lying better
pulsating heat of vertex, in evening causes prosopalgia in left cheek, causes
cutting pain in sternum. Lying on side worse vertigo. Wind cold worse. Worse
evening and night. Worse In dark.
Better In light. Better in company. Worse looking at shining objects,
water, & c. Worse sun. Great desire for acids, citric acid better. Warmth better.
room, the mental affections are very much <, also in unconscious delirium
when the patient will every now and then jerk up the head from the pillow, then
let it fall again, this being kept up without intermission for a long time, women
in puerperal fever or convulsions have many absurd notions that they are
double, that some one is in bed with them, and other strange and unmeaning
Affections of the intellect in general, madness.
Melancholy ,Sadness, with deadly anguish, and copious tears, especially in
evening, in bed.
Anguish of conscience. Inconsolable disposition, and susceptibility to
irritation by trifles. Great activity and rapidity of movement. Obstinacy and self-
will. Bursts of laughter, alternating with choleric passion or moaning. Howling
and groans. Murmurs, or continued cries. Ungovernable fury, desire to bite, to
strike and to kill. At one time great indifference to matters of business, at
another time fear of being found incapable of discharging them properly. Love
of procrastinating and loss of will-power.
Desire to run away. Desire for society, candle-light, sunshine, because
darkness and solitude worse the moral symptoms. The moral symptoms are
worse after the autumnal equinox. Loss of memory (loses thoughts before she
can utter them, calls things by wrong names).Dulness of all the senses,
insensibility to external influences (insensibility to mental impressions).
Dizziness, with internal agitation. Mental derangement, especially in
Loquacious delirium and mania. Mania-a- potu with clonic spasms and
desire for light and company. Deliria, generally characterized by terror, with
visions of frightful spectres. Loss of consciousness, so that the patientforgets his
own relations.
Fixed ideas, the body is supposed to be cut in two. Carphologia. Delusions
of fancy, in which all surrounding objects appear to be very small, and the
sufferer himself very large, and on an elevation. Deliria, with strange ideas.
Mental alienation, with praying and pious actions (prayers, hymns, devout
aspect, &c.). Mania, generally with endless fictions of imagination, lascivious
talking, conversation with spectres, affectation of importance, dancing, laughter,
and blows, or ridiculous buffoonery, in constant alternation with sad and serious
Hallucinations: a voice near right mastoid process scolding her, frightful,
of rats, mice, cats, dogs, and animals moving. Hallucinations that causes terror
or rage. Saw people coming out of all corners. Rush of blood to head with
furious loquacious delirium. Fear: of losing his senses, that his lips will grow
together, that he will suffocate, of falling, of everything falling on her. Boy
seemed to see black objects, spoke of black people, black clouds, and grasped at
air. Awakens with a shrinking look as if afraid of first thing she sees. Dulness of
senses before a rash. Conversing in different languages.Ecstatic. Mania from
shock. Nervousness and restlessness.
Intoxication and dizziness. Vertigo, cannot walk in the dark, falling to left
or backward. Vertigo, with giddiness and staggering, or with clouded sight,
headache (red face, colicky pain and diarrhoea). Vertigo, head feels drawn
backward. Stupefaction with vanishing of vision and hearing, and convulsive
movements of head.
Headache, with clouded sight and dysecoia. Headaches with tendency to
speak incoherently .Anaemia of the brain in old people. Distressing sensation of
lightness and weakness in head. Woke up with fearful headache and extreme
sickness, got up at noon but could hardly speak to any one all day, this went on
for three days and then left. Head feels empty, hollow, sensitive to very sound.
Eyes red (inflamed) and swollen. Pressure and tension in eyes and lids.
Inflammation of margins of lids. Eyelids ulcerated. Involuntary lachrymation.
Nocturnal agglutination of eyes.
Eyes wide open, staring, prominent. Conjunctiva injected, as if the vessels
were filled with dirty liquid. Eyes fixed, wide open, and sparkling. Eyes half
open in sleep. Photomania. Vague, melancholy look. Paralysis and spasmodic
closing of lids. Eyes convulsed. Contortion of eyes and lids. Marked convergent
Pupils dilated and insensible. Cloudiness of sight. Transient blindness.
Blindness (at night), periodical. Objects appear blue. Myopia. Diplopia.
Indistinct, confused sight.
Amblyopia. Confusion of letters, when reading. Errors of vision, objects
appear oblique or coloured. Illusions of vision.
Hallucinations dark, black spots before eyes. Luminous vibrations, fiery
sparks. Sees balls of fire roll over the counterpane. Sensation as of sparks of fire
rushing from stomach to eyes.
Wind rushes out of both ears. Dryness in Eustachian tube. Pains in ears.
Pain in left ear pressing down to left side of cheek. Tearing pain in right ear
with shooting through forehead and vertex. Hearing very acute. Hallucinations
of hearing. Deafness.
Obstruction of the nose. Alae nasi white, face red. Nasal discharge yellow,
bad-smelling, quickly liquefies. Nose feels obstructed and dry, though she is
able to breathe through it. The cold of Stram. is accompanied by catarrh of nasal
passages and shooting pains over right eye. Spasmodic sneezing.
Dull and bewildered air, with timid behavior. Stupid, distorted countenance.
Anxiety and fear is expressed in the countenance. Sardonic grin. Painful
distortion of features.
Facial muscles in constant play during delirium. Twitching in muscles of
face, frowns on forehead. Left side of face for moments distorted with painless
convulsions, contraction of zygomatic muscles draws cheeks and mouth from
below up, and from face backward to temples. Face deeply furrowed and
Face bloated, puffed with blood, sometimes with an idiotic expression.
Circumscribed redness of cheeks. Hot cheeks. Blood rushing to face. Deep red,
or very pale colour of face. Fainting with paleness of face, dryness in throat, and
subsequent red face. Erysipelas on one side of face and nose. Boils come out on
face while taking. Lips dry and glued together. A yellow streak in red part of
lips. Quivering in lips. Distortion of the mouth. Crawling sensation on chin.
Chewing motion with mouth. Mouth spasmodically closed. Lock-jaw.
Grinding of the teeth. Pulsative toothache, as if the teeth were going to fall
Dryness of mouth (dry fauces and dry, sticky lips). Dribbling of glairy saliva
from mouth. Copious salivation. Saliva decreased. Sanguineous froth before
mouth. Haemoptysis. Tongue swollen and paralysed. Tongue felt stiff, dry, and
parched to the very root, as if edges rolled up as hard and dry as leather. Tongue
paralysed, trembles when put out. Imperfect speaking and stammering (with
distortion of face). Continued murmurs. Complete loss of speech. A trembling
Loss of taste. Food tastes only of sand, or straw (or has no taste at all).
Violent thirst (for large quantities). Violent thirst, especially for acid drinks.
Constant bitterness in mouth, with bitter taste of food. Burning thirst, generally
Risings, with sour taste. Nausea. Watery vomiting with colic and diarrhoea.
Vomiting of mucus, which is greenish, or of a sour smell. Vomiting of green
bile after slight exercise. Convulsive hiccough. Pain in stomach, with smarting
or pressive sensation. Anxietas precordium, with obstructed respiration.
(Inflammation of stomach). Diaphragmitis, delirium, burning along diaphragm,
short-breathed, spasms, struggles against the water offered.
Urinary Organs
Respiratory Organs
Pressure about heart. Angina pectoris. For a week after single dose of felt as
if heart beat insufficiently, and had a suffocating feeling in throat. Palpitation.
Pulse rapid, full, strong, irregular, hard, slow, small, frequent.
Neck stiff, cannot bend head backward. Pain in nape, from neck over head.
Sensitiveness along spine. Pain as of a fracture in back, when moving. Drawing
and tearing in the back and loins. Spine sensitive, slightest pressure causes
outcries and ravings. Drawing pains in middle of spine, in sacrum. Opisthotonos
(with distorted countenance).
Twitching of hands and feet, of the tendons. Trembling of limbs, they fall
Upper Limbs
Lower Limbs
Coxalgia, left hip, violent, distracting pain when abscesses form. Pain in
muscle of outer side of right hip. Morbus coxae, left Drawing pains in thighs.
Jerking in legs, as from a shock, with retraction. Drawing pains in thighs.
Bending of legs when walking (he falls over his own legs). Trembling of feet.
Face red and bloated. Cannot walk or keep on the feet in a darkened room, is
sure to fall. Restlessness of the body, staggering when walking, pithy, numb
feeling of outer parts. Complaints concomitant to morbid sleep. Worse during
perspiration, after sleep, when first awakens from sleep will shrink away as if in
fear, in the dark, in solitude. Better in company. The Stram. patient longs for
light, if lying down, longs to sit up, and dislikes having head on pillow.
Spasmodic, drawing, paralytic pains in muscles and joints of limbs.
Contractive cramp in limbs. Tingling in the limbs. Sensation as if limbs were
separated from body. Slow contraction and extension of limbs. Attacks of
cramps of different kinds. Tetanus. Opisthotonos (the body is bent backwards
with distorted countenance) Cramps, and other hysterical sufferings. Stiffness
and contraction of several of the limbs. Attacks of cataleptic stiffness in body,
with loss of consciousness, preceded by headache with vertigo. Easy movement,
or great heaviness, of limbs. Involuntary motions, hydrophobia. Excessive
aversion to liquids.
Convulsions (in children) with profuse perspiration followed by sleep. The
movement of the muscles subject to the will is easier and increased. Convulsive
jerking of limbs, with weeping. Convulsive movements and jerks, especially on
touching, or fixing the eyes on brilliant objects (such as a candle, a mirror, or
water), or else appearing periodically. Convulsions, as in epilepsy, but without
loss of consciousness. Puerperal convulsions. Syncope, with stertorous
breathing. Unconscious snoring, jaws hang down, hands and feet twitch, pupils
dilated. Trembling of limbs (also in drunkards). Tottering of limbs, when
walking, and when standing upright. Paralysis, sometimes after an attack of
apoplexy. Symptoms as from old age, sight becomes dim, has to use glasses,
mind gets weak, cannot complete sentences, avoids people and suspects them,
wakes with right arm over his head and cannot get it down again Weakness,
with necessity to lie down.
Suppression of all secretions and excretions. Painlessness with most all
ailments. Movements hurried. Restlessness and nervousness beyond description.
Whole body sensitive to touch and every movement aggravates.
Strong disposition to sleep by day. Deep sleep, with snoring, cries, and
howling. Lies on back with open, staring eyes. Restless sleep, with tossing
about, twitching, and screaming. Comatose somnolency, with a ridiculously
solemn expression of countenance on waking. Wakes in a great fright from
indefinable terrors, stammers and puffs on least excitement. Agitated sleep, with
vivid dreams. Frightful visions during sleep. Kneeling position in bed, and
starting at least touch, with shrieks and wild gestures.
Intermittent fever. Chill over whole body without thirst, followed by heat
and anguish, sleep during hot stage, and violent thirst after waking up, which
causes a stinging in throat, until he drinks something. Heat, with anxiety, and
redness of cheeks, or else with thirst and vomiting. At first, heat in head, then
general coldness, followed by heat and thirst. Pulse very irregular, generally
full, hard, and quick, or small and rapid, at times slow and scarcely perceptible,
occasionally intermitting and trembling. Frequent profuse sweat. also at night.
Retention of urine in any fever.
Amaurosis. Chorea. Headache. Heartburn. Hydrocephalus. Mania.
Meningitis. Night-terrors. Parotitis. Peritonitis. Puerperal convulsions.
Scarlatina. Small-pox. Stammering. Tetanus. Trismus. Tympanites. Typhoid
fever. Varicosis. Vertigo. Ulcers.
Sol. n. is a common weed found in waste places. It has white flowers and
black berries. “The leaves applied externally ease pain and abate inflammation.
Too large a quantity occasions violent sickness and headache, giddiness,
drowsiness, and other dangerous symptoms. Close affinity of Sol. n. with Bell.:
Delirium, headache, flushed face, sparkling eyes, pains coming and going
suddenly, fiery rashes, burning skin and sweat. blackness:
“The swelling is very painful, it enlarges, becomes shiny, hard, and deep red,
and in several places, quite black.” “The black hue of the swollen parts grows
deeper, the fingers are stiffened,”.
“The tip of the nose, the hands, from the finger-tips to the knuckles, and the
toes to the tarsal joints become quite black as if regularly dyed.” Corresponding
to the black appearance is a bruised feeling all over the body.
The most peculiar feature of the convulsions is this: “In the midst of these
convulsions the children frequently stretch out their little hands, then carry them
eagerly to their mouths, and go through the motions of mastication and
The symptoms are worse by touch. Worse motion. Worse moving head.
Worse moving. Worse beginning to move after sitting. Worse walking (inclines
to left). Worse misstep. Worse swallowing. Worse light. Worse bright sunshine
Better closing eyes (headache causes him to close eyes). There is very
great sensitiveness to cold air, but headache is worse in warm room and better
in open air. Many symptoms are worse morning on waking. Headache at 10
Delirium: with stammering speech, efforts to get out of bed, with piercing
cries and convulsions. Complete cessation of mental faculties. Apoplectic
stupor, muscles relaxed, face flushed, pulse full and irregular. Coma with
Vertigo: on rising and moving about, with dizziness before eyes, with
nausea and colic, on stooping, on rising in morning, better in open air.- Brain
seems to swim, worse on moving head. On stooping sensation as if everything
moving in a circle.While walking, body inclines to left.
Headache: dull, heavy throbbing, followed by dilatation of
pupils.Lightness in head.Frightful headache.Headache worse beginning to move
after sitting, better walking in open air.Very severe pain in head immediately
over eyes, makes him partially close eyes, worse by light, by stooping,10a
m.Headache worse in close room.Feeling as if head would split.- Feeling on
least motion after sitting as if brain would burst from forehead.In forehead: dull,
heavy pressure, sensation as from a blow, throbbing during whole afternoon.-
Severe pain through temples as if head would split.- Severe throbbing pain in
left temple worse slightest miss-step, and worse stooping at 1 p.m. Sharp
gnawing pain in right temple 9 A.M. causing him to grasp his hand and shut his
eyes.- Throbbing of temporal and carotid arteries, 11 A.M. Pain in small
circumscribed spot on vertex.- Pressure on vertex and forehead.
Eruption on forehead of small red pimples, sore to touch and very hard,
Wrinkles round eyes. Eyes wide open, moist, and sparkling.Eyes: red, full
and tense, dull and heavy, burning, very sensitive to light, sensation as if sand in
them.- Pain: over left eye, severe in supraorbital region on waking in morning,
worse motion and stooping, heavy, bruised sensation. Sharp shooting over right
eye.-Burning in lids. Burning in lid- margins, Lids swollen and itching.Lids
agglutinated.Pain in left inner canthus. Lachrymation.Pupils dilated:
enormously and insensible, alternating with contraction. Vision weak, worse by
bright sunlight.Erethiritic amaurosis.Muscae, flickering black points and
streaks, darkness before eyes, everything seemed too bright. Sparks before eyes
(with nausea).
neuralgic-like pains shooting from lower jaw up into left ear, coming and going
suddenly (10 A.M.). Lips dry and blistered, as if scalded. Trismus.
Urinary Organs
Respiratory Organs
Chest: oppression of, constriction of.- Pressure on sternum and at tenth dorsal
vertebra.- Cutting pains in left side.- On upper part of sternum a large round
blotch, deep red.
Upper Limbs
Arms heavy, prostrated, worse r.Dull, heavy pain in right arm extending to
finger-tips (10 A.M. to 3 p.m.).Lancinating pains down left arm.Pain shooting
through left arm and wrist.- Pain in left shoulder and right wrist.Palms greenish
blue.Tips of fingers black as if dyed.Vesicles appear on back of hands, break
and discharge an acrid fluid.Eruption like small-pox, sloughs form on fingers.
Lower Limbs
It acts with great intensity on the mucous membranes, and also on the bones:
affections of bones in general, pains in bones of face, inflammation of petrous
Capsicum corresponds especially to persons of light hair and blue eyes, also
to persons of lax fibre and muscles, obesity, lazy, fat, unclean persons who
dread the open air, clumsy children, awkward persons, haemorrhoidal troubles.
Lack of reaction and bodily irritability.
Symptoms generally appear on left side. As with Dulcamara, there is
extreme sensitiveness to cold and damp which worse most symptoms. The well-
known burning effects of red pepper is a leading indication for its use:
“Burning pains”. The burning of Caps. is worse from cold water. Redness of
the skin, and even a scarlet eruption like *Belladonna.
Very characteristic is a cough with fetid breath, or bad taste. Cough causing
splitting pain in head. Chill at 10.30 a m., beginning between shoulders and
running down back.
Caps. is a notable fever remedy. The patient is thirsty_but drinking causes
shuddering. Absence of thirst during heat. Burning, pungent pains, worse by
application of cold water, are very marked. Burning, pungent sensation in face
worse by slightest draught of cold air, burning in throat, burning blisters in roof
Acute drawing pains in the ears. Itching and pressure in the bottom of the
auditory tube. Painful swelling on the bone behind the ear, worse by touch.
Tearing behind left ear. Diminution of hearing after previous burning and
stinging in the ear.
Redness of the face (without heat), often alternately with paleness. Many
small red spots on the face. Corroding, itching tetter on the forehead. Pains in
the face, in the bones, where they are aggravated by the touch, or in the nerves
where they are aggravated during sleep. Dull pressure on the cheek-bone.
Swelling of the lips. Ulcerated eruptions, and fissures in the lips.
Pains in the teeth, as if they were set on edge, or elongated. Pullings in the
teeth, and in the gums. Swelling of the gums.
Burning vesicles in the mouth and on the tongue. Viscid saliva in the mouth.
Sore throat with painful deglutition and pulling sensation in the pharynx.
Inflammation, with dark redness and burning of the throat. Cramp-like
contraction of the throat. Uvula elongated, with sensation as if it were pressing
on something hard.
Burning pain in the stomach, and in the epigastrium, especially just after a meal.
Shootings in the epigastrium, on breathing rapidly and deeply, on speaking, and
on the part being touched.
Urinary Organs
Impotence and coldness of the genital parts. Purulent discharge from the
urethra. Dwindling of the testes. Violent erections in the morning. Trembling of
the whole body, during amorous caresses.
Respiratory Organs
Hoarseness. Cough, more violent in the evening and at night, with pains in
other parts of the body, especially in the head and in the bladder, as if they were
going to burst, or with pressure in the throat and ears, as if an abscess were
about to open in them. Cough, after taking coffee. Cough, with fetid breath, and
disagreeable taste in the mouth.
Rheumatic pain in limbs. Tension in the knees and stiffness in the calves of
the legs on walking. Stiffness of the arms and legs, with tingling as when they
are asleep. Shooting-tearing from hip to knee and foot, especially when
coughing. Caries of right hip, left leg atrophied, violent pains in atrophied leg.
Cold sweat on upper part of legs.
Pulse irregular, and often intermitting. Febrile shivering and cold over the
whole body, with ill-humour increasing with the cold, or else with anxiety,
dizziness and dulness of the head. Shivering, commencing at the back, between
shoulders. Cold and shivering whenever drink is taken. Fever with
predominance of cold, and with thirst, burning heat, and affections of the
mucous membranes. Shiverings, with much thirst, afterwards heat, (without or)
with thirst and perspiration. On the upper part of the legs cold perspiration.
family Solanaceae.
5. Nose.─Epistaxis of a very hot and bright red blood, with pressive pain above
the nose.Coryza; dry; with stoppage of the nose, < in cold air.
20. Neck and Back.─Stiffness at the nape of the neck.Stiffness of the neck
from a cold.Engorgement and induration of the glands of the nape, and of the
neck.Violent pains in the lumbar region, above the hips, digging, shooting, or
drawing, chiefly at night during repose.Lameness of the small of the back, from
a cold.Shooting pullings in the loins, shoulders, and arms.
27. Fever.─In the evening, frequent shiverings and coldness, not even relieved
by the heat of the fire.Cold during the pains.At first, febrile shivering, then
burning heat with stunning pain in the head, face red, burning heat in the palate,
and insatiable thirst for cold drinks.Dry, burning heat over the whole body.Heat
and burning in the back.Dry heat and burning sensation in the skin, with
delirium and thirst.Heat with delirium without thirst.Fever, with aggravation in
the evening.Pulse small, hard, and tight, esp. at night.General sweat, esp. at
night.Fetid sweat, with discharge of much urine.Fetid perspiration, at night and
in the morning, over the whole body; during the day, more on the back, in the
armpits and hands.Perspiration suppressed and entirely wanting.
Follows well: Bry., Calc. c., Lyc., Rhus t., Sep., Verat.
Complementary: Baryta c.
Compare: Acon., Ars., Cham., Helleb., Nit. ac., Puls., Staph., Sul. In
faintness during stool, Crot. t., Ver. Effects of cold, moist winds, Ars., Calc., Nux
m. (cold, dry winds, Aco., Bry.). Effects of exposure to wet, and > by motion,
20, 21. Back and Limbs.─L. leg powerless, r. leg rigid.Arms frequently and
involuntary jerked away from the sides.Dorsal and lumbar muscles thrown into
violent rhythmic contractions.Loss of power in lower limbs; staggers as if
drunk..Severe pressive pain in lumbar region in each side on waking, > on
moving about.Peculiar sensation in legs, then in thighs, arms, and other parts of
the body, as if they were asleep.
PARTS USED: Tincture of the fresh leaves collected before the flowers are
The nausea was the first symptom to disappear, then the cold
perspiration. The dizziness, trembling, and excessive weakness did not entirely
leave till next day. The constrictive sensation is not confined to the throat; it
affects the rectum, bladder, and chest. There is violent rectal tenesmus; and
there is also paralysis and prolapsus ani. The vesical sphincter is paralysed,
there is debility of urine, and enuresis. The power of Tab. to paralyse sphincters
and also morbid constrictions accounts for its traditional use in cases of
strangulated hernia and obstruction of the bowels, which has been confirmed in
homœopathic practice. Renal colic comes under the same heading. The same
pair of opposites relaxation and constriction are seen in the weakness and
paralysis on the one hand, and the convulsions on the other. All shades of
nervous tremors, faintings, cramps, jerkings, and restlessness are noted. This is
a central nervous action, and if too much indulged leads to degeneration of
nerve tissue, as seen in tobacco-blindness.
The symptoms are: > Uncovering abdomen. < By pressure. < Motion of
vessel. < Lying; > walking. Lying on left side = palpitation. Motion (even
least) <. Coughing =hiccough; stitches in pit of stomach. Rising <. < Morning:
vomiting; diarrhœa; sickness of pregnancy; cramps in fingers. Thirst < night.
Sight < evening. > In open air; (ear symptoms <). > Cold affusion to
head. < Indoors. Symptoms come in paroxysms; are periodical. < By stimulants.
Weeping >. Vomiting >. Music pains in ears.
6. Face.─Deadly paleness of face (during the nausea; face collapsed, cold sweat
on).Burning heat in face, with redness, sometimes of one cheek only, and
paleness of the other.Face covered with cold sweat.R. cheek glowing, the other
pale.Red spots on face.Tearings in bones of face (and teeth, in evening).Pimples
on cheeks, wings of nose, and corners of mouth.Violent tearing in r. facial
10. Appetite.─Mawkish and clammy, or bitter and sour taste.Acid taste of all
food.Acidulated taste of water, as if it contained wine.Adipsia, and dread of
water.Great thirst; < at night.Absence of hunger and appetite.Constant hunger,
with nausea if nothing is eaten.
14. Urinary Organs.─Renal colic; violent pains along ureters; cold sweat;
deathly nausea.Paralysis of sphincter, constant dribbling.Enuresis.Urine
yellowish-red, with increased secretion.Inflammation of the orifice of the
22. Upper Limbs.─Painful weakness of hands and arms, which are, as it were,
paralysed.Constant need to stretch arms.Shootings and drawing in
shoulders.Red spots on shoulder, which burn when they are touched.Tension in
arm, esp. in elbow.Pain and shootings in l. arm, which disable it and prevent its
extension.(Coldness and trembling of the limbs), trembling of hands.Cold
perspiration on hands.Cramps in the arms and hands.Cramps in single fingers,
esp. while washing; early morning.Cramps and tingling in fingers.Swelling of
fingers.Itching pimples on fingers.
23. Lower Limbs.─Burning pain in knee and soles.Legs icy cold from knees
down.Shooting in knee and ham.Flexion of knees, when walking.Cramp in toes,
extending into knees.Jerking of legs in bed.Tingling, crawling, from knee to
26. Sleep.─Urgent inclination to sleep, esp. after a meal, and towards evening,
with frequent yawnings.Retarded sleep in evening, and difficulty in waking in
morning.Stupefying sleep at night.Disturbed sleep at night, with
Compare: Nicotinum. Cold sweat, Ver. (Ver. on forehead; Tab. all over).
Coldness in abdomen, Colch., Elps., Lach. Spasmodic pains along l. ureter, Berb.
Ménière's disease, Salicin. Incarcerated hernia, Aco., Nux, Op., Sul. Chills or
creeps precede headache (Chel., accompany headache). Sinking immediately after
meals, Ars., Cin., Lyc., Sel., Stp., Ur. nit. Hair sensation, K. bi., Sil. (Tab., in eye).
Blindness, optic atrophy, Carb. s., Benz. din., Filix. m. Emissions, heart, anæmia,
Dig. Retracted abdomen, Pb. Jerking of legs in bed, Meny. As if a hand clutching
throat (Bell., intestines).
Mind :
Thoghts disappear when leaning head against anything.
Unusually active for short periods,followed by longer
periods of dullness.
Head :
Mind, absent-minded (See Forgetful) (p. 1)
Mind, absorbed, buried in thought (p. 1)
Mind, abusive (p. 1)
Mind, admonition agg. (p. 1)
Mind, anger, irascibility (See Irritability and Quarrelsome) (p. 2)
Mind, anger, ailments after anger, vexation, etc. (p. 2)
Mind, anger, ailments after anger, with anxiety (p. 2)
Mind, anger, ailments after anger, with fright (p. 2)
Mind, anger, ailments after anger, with silent grief (p. 2)
Mind, anger, cough, before (p. 2)
Mind, anger, cough, from the (p. 2)
Mind, anger, violent (p. 3)
Mind, anguish (p. 3)
Mind, anguish, menses, during (p. 3)
Mind, anguish, walking in open air (p. 3)
Mind, answers, aversion to (p. 3)
Mind, answers, foolish (p. 3)
Mind, answers, hastily (p. 3)
Mind, answers, incoherently (p. 3)
Mind, answers, incorrectly (p. 3)
Mind, answers, irrelevantly (p. 3)
Mind, answers, refuses to (p. 3)
Mind, antics, plays (p. 4)
Mind, anxiety (p. 4)
Mind, anxiety, daytime (p. 4)
Mind, anxiety, afternoon (p. 4)
Mind, anxiety, evening (agg.) (p. 4)
Mind, anxiety, night (p. 5)
Mind, anxiety, air, in open (agg.) (p. 5)
Mind, anxiety, company, when in (p. 6)
Mind, anxiety, crowd, in a (p. 6)
Mind, anxiety, eating, after (p. 6)
Hyoscyamus Niger
Mind, absent-minded (See Forgetful) (p. 1)
Mind, abstraction of mind (p. 1)
Mind, abusive (p. 1)
Mind, anger, irascibility (See Irritability and Quarrelsome) (p. 2)
Mind, anguish (p. 3)
Mind, answers, abruptly, shortly, curtly (p. 3)
Mind, answers, aversion to (p. 3)
Mind, answers, imaginary questions (p. 3)
Mind, answers, incorrectly (p. 3)
Mind, answers, irrelevantly (p. 3)
Mind, answers, refuses to (p. 3)
Mind, answers, stupor returns quickly, after (p. 4)
Mind, answers, unintelligibly (p. 4)
Mind, anxiety (p. 4)
Mind, anxiety, night (p. 5)
Mind, anxiety, conscience, of (as if guilty of a crime) (p. 6)
Mind, anxiety, fits, with (p. 6)
Mind, bed, desires to remain in (p. 9)
Mind, biting (p. 9)
Mind, business, talks of (p. 10)
Mind, cheerful, gay, happy (See Mirth) (p. 10)
Mind, company aversion to (p. 12)
Mind, company, desire for (p. 12)
Mind, complaining, supposed injury, of (p. 12)
Mind, concentration, difficult (p. 13)
Mind, confusion of mind (See Concentration) (p. 13)
Mind, confusion, heat, during the (p. 15)
Mind, cursing (p. 17)
Mind, dancing (p. 17)
Mind, delirium (p. 18)
Mind, anxiety, noise, of rushing water (p. 7)
Mind, biting (p. 9)
Mind, company, desire for, night (p. 12)
Mind, darkness agg. (See Fear) (p. 17)
Mind, delirium (p. 18)
Mind, delirium, frightful (p. 19)
Mind, delirium, loquacious (p. 19)
Mind, delirium, maniacal (p. 19)
Mind, delirium, muttering (p. 19)
Mind, delirium, noisy (p. 19)
Mind, delirium, raging, raving (p. 19)
Mind, delirium, violent (p. 20)
Mind, delirium, wild (p. 20)
Mind, delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions (p. 20)
Mind, delusions, dogs, attack him (p. 24)
Mind, delusions, fancy, illusions of (p. 25)
Mind, delusions, images, phantoms, black (p. 27)
Mind, delusions, objects, bright from (p. 30)
Mind, dream, as if in a (p. 37)
Mind, excitement, water poured out, from hearing (p. 41)
Mind, fancies, exaltation of (p. 41)
Mind, fancies, exaltation of, frightful (p. 42)
Case no-1
Op no:23087
Presenting complaints:
Rise of body temperature since yesterday. Associated with headache and redness of
Headache<stooping,motion ,cold
associated with headache and redness of face & lip.Also having burning and dryness
of mouth.
Personal history:
Education : degree
Desire: sweets
Thirst: reduced
Sweat: moderate
Response to:
Fanning: aversion
Covering: desire
Thermal: hot
General examination:
Belladona 200/1dose
Follow up:
Case no 2
Op no:22244
Presenting complaint:
<night,lying down,drinking,talking
>sitting up,warmth
The patient has been complaining of dry cough with itching in throat for
Past history:
Family history:
Education;5th std
Domestic position:2/2
Desire:sour,non veg,
Response to:
bathing:warm water
General examination:
Cyanosis:nil lymphadenopathy:nil
Clubbing:nil pulse:64/min
Tongue:slightly coated
Hyoscyamus 200/1dose
follow up:
Case No: 3
Age : 10
Sex : female
OP No 22258
Presenting Complaint :
mental exertion and after sleep.He took allopathic medicines,but only partial
Past history:
Family history:
Father:cardiac complaint
Personal history:
Education:5th std
Domestic position:1/2
General examination:
Pallor:nil icterus:nil
Cyanosis:nil clubbing:nil
Lymphadenopathy:nil BP:120/80mm Hg
Stramonium 200/1dose
Follow up:
coming under Solanaceae family has a variety of use in the persons with varied
constitutions. The project has sought to explore the nature and function of the
medicines coming under this family profoundly and significantly touching its
deduce and discern the importance of the this medicinal family which can be
Prakash Joshi.
Materia Medica