Maria Mckeen - Year 10 Mini Inquiry
Maria Mckeen - Year 10 Mini Inquiry
Maria Mckeen - Year 10 Mini Inquiry
You are going to carry out an investigation into a topic of your choice. The purpose of this task is to develop skills
using the inquiry process. You will be marked on how well you investigate your topic.
You must:
● Complete all parts of this task
● Fill in the different template sheets (digital or hard copy) of the Inquiry process
● Develop an interesting and creative way of communicating information about your topic
You can use class and home time to complete this project.
This is a graphic of the general INQUIRY PROCESS. The questions may help you develop and carry out your
PART ONE: The Topic
You need to choose a TOPIC OF YOUR CHOICE to research and inquire about. Write what it is below:
TOPIC: Song about human rights; Bob Dylan blowin’ in the wind
What is the issue this song is about and how does it relate What is the song telling us through its lyrics and why
to human rights? it is about that issue.
Who was the artist who created this song? (About Bob Was Bob Dylan very influential? Did his songs have
Dylan) great meaning for people? Biography of Bob Dylan.
Did the genre of music influence the meaning of lyrics or Folk rock was known for activist/human rights
why they were written? related songs so did the genre have a great part to
3 play in what the song itself was about.
To help select and organise this information, you could use the FOUR PAGE METHOD. (Organise all of the information
relevant to each specific question on one page. You can brainstorm, mindmap, bullet point, summarise notes)
The templates below are like ‘pages’. Fill in the spaces as needed:
FQ 1: Source reference
-This song touches on the problems of war, peace and freedom.
-Does this by asking rhetorical questions of the listener e.g ‘How many %27_in_the_Wind
seas must a white dove sail, before she sleeps in the sand?’.
-Song written for the civil rights movement in the 60’s, which was about
ending racial segregation in the Southern States of America. blowin-in-the-wind-lyrics
-Inspired by the African-American spiritual song ‘No more auction
block’; a slave song
-Racism has been a large problem for human rights and is still a
problem for us today.
-Touches on many different social injustices.
FQ 2: Source reference
-The genre that Bob Dylan mainly belonged to was folk rock
-Folk rock has the characteristics of being acoustic sound and having ock
protestant/activist type lyrics normally about a political issue
-Dylan is well known for his deep and multiple interpretations of his
-Bob Dylan was also greatly influenced by the blues, an african-
amercian style of music that lyrics spoke of hardships of slaves and
everyday life
Paste the source information below into a Bibliography. Use the links here to find out more about how to set your
bibliography out and what information is needed:
Author of site-Wikipedia a known trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
Last edited on the 8th of October 2019
Specific web page titled-Blowin’ in the wind
Published by-Genius lyrics
Genius lyrics is used by Spotify to supply the meaning of the songs. Spotify is one of the most widely used music
Founded in 2009 specifically for annotating rap music but has since developed to include all manner of genres
of music.
Under the business name Genius Media Group Inc.
Published by Songfacts LLC.
Author of this particular article was not mentioned on the site
Date of publish is not stated
Published by New World Encyclopedia
Last modified 17th of April 2017
Powered by MediaWiki
Writer of the article not mentioned
References of the article include: Stephen Matteo. Dylan:The life and Music of America’s Folk-Rock icon.
MetroBooks, 1998
Britta Sweeers. Electric folk:The changing face of English traditional music. Oxford University Press, 2005.
Richie Underberger. Eight miles high:Folk-Rocks flight from Haight-Ashbury to Woodstock. San Francisco;
Backbeat books 2003.
Date of publish; unknown
Last modified on 14th October 2019
Published by Wikipeadia a registered trademark of Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
You can write a report, create a flow chart, make a google slide presentation, develop a poster - you choose. Be
creative, informative and interesting. Take care with spelling, grammar and accuracy of information. Consider
layout, aesthetics and visual appeal.
What are the strengths of this inquiry? What are you proud of? What areas do you think you could have done more with?
I am proud of the extent of research that I did for the I could have added a more diverse range of images
inquiry as well as the audio files I put on my weebly and other visual representations as evidence to justify
site. what I was saying with my words.
I am most proud of the effort that went into my
inquiry and my presentation work most of all.
What source did you like using best? Why? Which source was least useful or helpful?
Source title: Bob Dylan Wikipedia page Source title: Genius lyrics
What did you find challenging about doing this inquiry? What did you enjoy about this inquiry task?
I found that trying to find a variety of reference I enjoyed being able to learn about Bob Dylan and
sources very difficult because with the resources I had learn knew things I didn’t know there was to learn. I
only really had access to websites and though Dylan also enjoyed the presentation part of the inquiry
had many biographies written by and about him I because it made me consider so many different things
couldn't sources them without purchasing them. such as visual appearance and how to word
So I would say that ranging sources was my most information for myself.
difficult task in this inquiry It was a fun challenge and I hope I have done it some