Micro Strip 1

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5.1 Intrroduction::

Microstripp Antenna (M MSA) in its sim mplest config

guration (fig.55.1) consists of a radiatingg patch on onne side
of a dieleectric substratte (  r  10 ), and has a ground
g plane on the otherr side. The patch conducttors is
normally of copper orr gold. The dielectric
d consstant of the ssubstrate shouuld be low (  r  2.5 ), so as to
he fringe field
enhance th ds which acco
ount for the raadiation.

With resp pect to radiaation properties these anttennas are vversatile in tterms of resoonant frequeencies,
on, pattern and
a impedancce. They allo ow the use oof additionall tuning elem ments like piins or
varactor diodes
d betweeen the patch and
a the groun nd plane. The choice of thee substrate is very much liimited
by the miccrowave circu uit coupled to
o the antenna,, which has too be built on tthe same boarrd. The microowave
circuit tog
gether with th
he antenna is usually
u manufactured by pphoto-etchingg technology.

Fig.5.1 Microstrip
M anteenna Configurration

5.1.1 Ad
dvantages of
o microstrrip antenna
p antenna has several advantages
a compared to conventionaal microwavee antennas. T These
antennas are
a used in many
m applicatiions over the broad frequeency range froom 100MHz tto 50GHz.

Some of the
t principal advantages
a off these antenn
nas are:

 Loow weight, low w cost, low profile

p and con
 Eaasy to fabricatte and can be integrated wiith other micrrostrip compoonents in monnolithic appliccation
ke RFIC and MMIC.
 Thhe antenna can n be easily mounted
m on missiles,
m rockeets and satellitte without maajor alterationns.
 Thhe antenna has low scatteriing cross section.
 Duual frequencyy antenna can be easily mad de.
 Microstrip antennas are compatible with modular designs (Solid state devices such as oscillators,
amplifiers, variable attenuators, mixer, phase shifters ete. can be added directly to the antenna
substrate board)

5.1.2 Disadvantages:
 Narrow bandwidth
 Radiation efficiency deteriorates as frequency and antenna array size increases due to an increase
in the feeding network losses.
 Lower power handling capacity
 Poor isolation between the feed and the radiating elements

In recent years, with the advancement of technology, efforts have been made to minimize these effects

5.1.3 Applications of MSA

For many practical designs, the advantages of MSA far outweigh their disadvantages. With continuous
research and development, the microstrip antennas have been applied in many different and successful
applications. Now a days it is the most popular antenna in the wireless communication market. We can
find applications of MSA in many various fields of high-tech technology which includes:

 Satellite communication
 Mobile communication
 Missile telemetry
 Biomedical radiator
 Radar system
 Radio altimeter

5.2 Microstrip antenna configurations:

Microstrip antennas are characterized by their physical parameters. They may be of any geometrical
shape and any dimension. However all the microstrip antennas can broadly be divided into three basic
categories: (i) microstrip patch antenna, (ii) microstrip traveling-wave antennas, (iii) microstrip slot

(i) Microstrip patch antenna

Microstrip patch antenna consists of a conducting patch of any planar geometry on one side of a
dielectric substrate backed by a ground plane on the other side. There are virtually an unlimited umber of
patch patterns for which the radiation characteristics may be calculated. Fig. 5.2 shows some common
patch configuration.

(ii) Microstrip traveling-wave antenna

Microstrip traveling-wave antennas consists of chain-shaped periodic conductors or an ordinary long
TEM line which also supports a TE mode, on a substrate backed by a ground plane. The open end of the
TEM line is terminate in a matched resistive load. As antennas support traveling waves, their structures
may be designed so that the main beam lies in any direction from broadside to endfire. Various
configurations of microstrip traveling-wave antenna are shown in fig.5.3
(iii) Microstrip slot anntenna
Microstrip o a slot in thee ground planne fed by a miicrostrip line. The slot mayy have
p slot antennaas comprise of
the shape of a rectanglee (narrow or wide),
w a circle or an annuluus as shown iin fig 5.4.

Fig.5.2 Various
V Micro
ostrip patch an
ntenna config

Fig.5.3 Microstrip
M trav
veling wave antenna

Fig.5.4 Microstrip
M slott antenna

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