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Part B – Paper 1 – General Ship Knowledge (3 hrs, 50% pass)

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Ship Stability
1. Working knowledge and application of stability, trim, stress tables, diagrams and
stress calculating equipment.
2. Understanding of the fundamentals of watertight integrity.
3. Stability criteria. Hull form Coefficients, displacement, deadweight, lightweight.
Curves and tables of displacement and TPC. Load Line markings. Density, Relative
Density, Archimedes principle, flotation. Effects of density of water on draught and
freeboard. FWA, DWA. The marine hydrometer and its uses. Buoyancy, reserve
buoyancy, partial loss of intact buoyancy.
4. Transverse stability; Definitions of 'G', 'B', and 'M'. Equilibrium positions of 'G', 'B',
and 'M'. Righting lever and righting moment.
5. Stability information; Stability information supplied to ships. Uses of hydrostatic data
for stability, draught and trim. Adding and removing weights. Free surface effect,
danger of slack tanks.

1. Definitions
i. Weight – is a force and is the product of mass and acceleration due to earth’s
gravity. Expressed in Newtons (N).
W= M xA
ii. Mass – expressed in Kilograms (Kg)
iii. Force – the product of mass and acceleration
iv. Moment – the product of force and distance
Moment = weight x distance
v. L – Length
vi. B – Breadth
vii. D – Depth
viii. d – Draught
ix. Displacement – the weight of vessel = the mass of water displaced
Displacement = Volume x density
x. Deadweight
Deadweight = Full loaded displacement – light displacement
xi. Density – mass per unit volume expressed as kg per cubic meter
xii. Specific gravity (SG) / Relative density (in Kg per cubic meter)
SG - density of substance / 1000
xiii. Archimedes’ Principle. When a body is wholly or partially immersed in a fluid. It
appears to suffer a loss of mass equal to the mass of the fluid it displaces.
xiv. Reserve buoyancy (RB)– the watertight volume above the waterline.
RB (in M3) = Total volume – volume of displacement
xv. Center of Buoyancy (B) – the geometrical center of the underwater volume and
the point through which the total force due to buoyancy may be considered to act
vertically upwards. The position of B may be calculated by Simpson’s rules
xvi. Variable immersion hydrometer. An instrument based on the law of Archimedes to
determine the density of liquids. It is made of non corrosives material and consists
of a weighted bulb with a narrow rectangular stem which carries a scale for
measuring density. As density of water increases, the hydrometer will float higher,
and a larger density scale will be read.
xvii. Center of Gravity (G) – the point of a body at which all the mass of the body may
be assumed to be concentrated. It is also the point through which the force of
gravity (equals the weight of body) act vertically downward. It is also the point
the body would balance. When a weight is suspended, its G is considered to be at
the point of suspension.
xviii. Metacentre (M) - The point where the verticals through the center of buoyancy at
2 consecutive angles of heel intersect
xix. Longitudinal Center of Flotation (F) or (LCF) – The point at which the ship trim,
is the center of gravity of the ware plane area. Trimming moments are taken about
F, where rotation takes place.
xx. List -
tan θ= GG1 / GM
xxi. GM – Initial Transverse Metacentric Height. When G is below M, GM is positive.
xxii. GML – Longitudinal Metacentric Height
GML / GG1 = L / change of trim
xxiii. GZ – Righting lever. The perpendicular distance between center of gravity (G)
and the vertical through the center of buoyancy (B). However for large angle of
heel, force of buoyancy no longer act vertically upwards through M.
GZ = GM x sin θ [for small angle of heel]
GZ = (GM + 1/2 BM tan2θ) sin θ [for angle which deck edge immersed
New GZ = Old GZ + GG1 sin θ [Stability curve, + when vsl KG > assumed KG]
xxiv. KM - Height of the transverse metacentre above the keel. It depends upon the
underwater form of ship
xxv. KG – Height of center of gravity above keel.
Final KG = Final moment above keel / Final displacement
xxvi. Shift of center of gravity (GG1) in meter. The G of a ship will move parallel to the
shift of G of any weight moved within the ship.
GG1 = Final moment about centerline / Final displacement
xxvii. KB – Height of center of buoyancy above keel
For box shape: KB = (1/2) draft
For ship: B below centerline = (1/3) x (d/2 + V/WPA)
xxviii. Moment of Statical Stability – moment taken about G to return the ship to the
initial position when inclined by external force
Moment of Statical Stability = W x GZ
xxix. Waterplane Coefficient (Cw) – ratio between the waterplane area (A) and the area
of the circumscribing triangle.
Cw = A / (L x B)
xxx. Block Coefficient (Cb) – ratio between the underwater volume (V) and the
volume of circumscribing block.
Cb = V / (L x B x d)
xxxi. Prismatic Coefficient – ratio between the underwater volume (V) and the volume
obtained from the product of the LBP and the underwater are of the midship
section (Am). It indicates a vessel’s shape at the ends.
Cp = V / (LBP x Am) = Cb / Cm
xxxii. Midship coefficient – ratio of the transverse area of the midship section to a
rectangle having the same breadth and depths
Cm = Am / B x d
xxxiii. Tonnes per centimeter immersion (TPC) – the mass (in tonne) to be loaded /
discharged to change the mean draught in salt water by 1 cm.
TPC = (Water Plane Area x density) / 100
xxxiv. Fresh Water Allowance – change in mean draft when ship sail from SW to FW
FWA = (Sea Water displacement) / (4 x TPC)
xxxv. Dock Water Allowance – change in mean draft when ship sail from SW to DW
DWA = FWA x (1025 – Density of DW) / 25
xxxvi. Moment to change Trim by 1 Centimeter
MCTC = (W x GML) / (100 x L)
xxxvii. Bodily sinkage or rise
Weight / TPC
2. Effect of density on draft. When density of water change, mass of water displaced will not
be changed. So the draft must change to displace the same mass of water.
i. Box shaped vessel
New draft = Old draft x Old density / New density
ii. Ship shaped – FWA
3. Loadline marking – all lines is 25 mm thick
i. Draw a circle outer diameter = 300 mm, center on summer loadline
ii. Center of circle – vertically + statutory freeboard = deck line
iii. Deck line = horizontal 300 mm long
iv. Horizontal line dividing the disc = 450 mm long
v. Center of disc – horizontally right 540mm – draw a vertical line
vi. In line with the horizontal line of the disc, draw horizontal line (230mm) at the
right hand side of the vertical line, named “S”, of which the upper edge is the
summer draft.
vii. “S” line vertically + FWA = “F” line on the left of vertical line
viii. The sequence = TF, F, T, S, W, WNA
4. Equilibrium
i. Stable equilibrium - A ship is said to be with positive stability if, when inclined
for small angle of heel, she tends to return to the initial position. The centre of
gravity (G) must be below the metacentre (M), i.e. a positive initial metacentric
height (GM).

Buoyancy Force



Weight (W)
When ship is inclined to a small angle, position of G remains unaffected by the
heel and force of gravity act vertically downwards through G. The B moves out to
the low side to B1 to take up the new center of gravity of the underwater volume.
The force of buoyancy act vertically upwards through B 1 and M. Take moment
about G, a moment called ‘moment of statical stability’ (= W x GZ) is to return
the ship to the upright. GZ is the righting lever and is the perpendicular distance
between the G and the vertical through the B. At a small angel of heel (15 ゚), GZ
= GM x sin θ.
ii. Unstable equilibrium – When a ship is inclined to a small angle tends to heel over
still further, she is in unstable equilibrium. The ship must have a negative GM, i.e.
G is above M. moment of statical stability (W x GZ) is a capsizing moment.
iii. Neutral equilibrium – G coincides with M. If ship inclined, she tends to remain at
that angle of heel. GZ = 0. Moment of statical stability = 0.
iv. Correcting unstable equilibrium
a) Weight loaded below G of ship / discharged above G of ship
b) Remove Free Surface Effect
c) Lower the weight in the ship
5. Angel of loll

Buoyancy Force



Weight (W)

i. Negative initial GM
ii. As angle of heel increases, B move out to the low side
iii. If B moves out to position vertically under G, capsizing moment disappear
iv. The angle of heel at which this occur is angle of loll
v. GZ is zero, G remains on center line
vi. If ship is heel beyond angle of loll, B will move further and she will be return to
angle of loll
6. Free Surface Effect
i. Within a slack tank, G of water shift when ship incline
ii. Effective GM reduced by GGv (G of ship shift off center line by GG1)
iii. Negative GM may be resulted and ship heel by the angle of loll
iv. G of ship should be lower
v. Slack tanks should be topped up. Fill up small tank first. Fill up low side tank
7. Change of draft forward and aft
i. Calculate the bodily sinkage / rise ( = w / TPC)
ii. Calculate the change of trim ( = trim moment / MCTC)
iii. Change of draft aft due trim = [(length aft to F) / (length of ship)] * (change of
iv. Final draft = Old draft + bodily sinkage + change due trim

Past Questions:
1. A vessel of 12000 tonnes displacement has a KG of 7.4m. She plans to work the following
load 200 tonnes at Kg 5.7m
load 1200 tonnes at Kg 4.8m
load 650 tonnes at Kg 0.5m
load 4010 tonnes at Kg 8.2m
discharge 250 tonnes from Kg 7.2m
discharge 1250 tonnes from Kg 5.0m
discharge 400 tonnes from Kg 10.2m
transfer 2000 tonnes from Kg 1.2m to Kg 10.2m.
Calculate her final GM. KM is constant at 8.2m.

Weight Kg Moment
12,000 7.4 88,800
200 5.7 1,140
1,200 4.8 5,760
650 0.5 325
4,010 8.2 32,882
-250 7.2 -1,800
-1,250 5.0 -6,250
-400 10.2 -4,080
-2,000 1.2 -2,400
2,000 10.2 20,400
16,160 134,777

Final Kg = Total moment/ Total weight = 134,777/16,160 = 8.34m

Final GM = KM – Final KG = 8.2-8.34 = 0.14m

2. A vessel of 8000 tonnes displacement is to discharge a 60 tonne weight from the centre
line of her lower hold (Kg 1.5m) using her own derrick.
Given that the height of the derrick head is 30 metres above the keel and that KG is 7.5m
and KM 8.0m,
(i) the ship’s KG when the weight is in suspension in the lower hold
(ii) the ship’s KG when the weight is at deck level
(iii) the list when the weight has been swung out 12.0m from the centre line.

Weight Kg Moment
8,000 7.5 60,000
-60 1.5 -90
60 30 1,800
8,000 61,710

Final KG = Moment/ Weight = 61,710/ 8,000 = 7.71m

(ii) KG unchanged (i.e. 7.71m)

(iii) Final GM = KM – Final KG = 8.0 – 7.71 = 0.29m

GG1 = List moment / Total weight = 60x12/8,000 = 0.09m

Tan (angle of list) = GG1/ Final GM = 0.09/0.29
Angle of list = 17.5 deg

3. A vessel is floating in dock water of relative density 1.02m with the upper edge of her
summer loadline submerged by 10mm.
Given that her TPC=15 and FWA=150mm, calculate how much cargo to load to reach her
summer displacement.

DWA/FWA = (1.025-1.020)/(1.025-1.000)
DWA= 0.005x15/0.025 = 30mm
At this moment the summer loadline is submerged by 10mm
Therefore the ship may further submerged by 20mm or 2cm
Additional cargo allowed to be loaded = 2cm x TPC x [ρ(DW)/ ρ(SW)]
= 2 x 15 x [1.02/ 1.025] = 29.85t

1. M.V. Sinbad is floating upright in dock water of RD = 1.02. The lower edge of her
summer load line is 10mm above the water.
Calculate how much more cargo she can load to reach her summer displacement.
Present draft = summer draft - mark width -10mm= 8.879 - 0.025 - 0.01 = 8.844m
From table, displacement at seawater at draft 8.844m = 20,000.4t
Displacement at DW 1.02 at draft 8.844m = 20,000.4 x 1.020 / 1.025 = 19,902.8t

At summer draft 8.879m  Displacement=20,094t

Maximum cargo to load= 20,094 – 19,902.8 = 191.2t

1991, 1995
6. Explain, with the aid of sketches what happens when a ship has unstable equilibrium.

Q.6 (see Ship Stability for Masters and Mates, Firth Edition, D R Derrett, P.46)

1992, 1994
7. Explain, with the aid of sketches, why a ship with positive stability returns to the upright
position after being inclined by an external force.
(see Ship Stability for Masters and Mates, Firth Edition, D R Derrett, P.44-45)
Note: Positive Stability = stable equilibrium)
See notes above

7. A vessel of 16,000 tonnes displacement has a KG of 7.8m. She discharges 3,000 tonnes of
cargo Kg 4.7 and 2.0m from the centre line.
Calculate the resultant list. KM is constant at 9.5m.

Weight KG Moment
16,000 7.8 124,800
-3000 4.7 14,100
13,000 110,700

Final KG = 110,700/ 13,000 = 8.515m

Final GM = KM – Final KG = 9.5 – 8.515 = 0.985m

Transverse shift of KG (GG1) = List moment/ Displacement = 3,000 x 2 / 13,000 =0.4615m

Tan (angle of list) = GG1 / Final GM

Angle of list = 25.1deg

1. Using the GZ-curve for different KG values at a displacement of 19078 tonnes for M.V.
Sinbad, find for a KG = 7.15m,
(i) the initial GM
(ii) GZ at an angle of heel of 30°
(iii) the maximum GZ and the angle at which it occurs
(iv) the range of positive stability

State the precautions to be observed when using a marine hydrometer to ascertain the
density of dock water.
(i) Displacement = 19,097t  KM=9.15
Initial GM = KM – KG = 9.15-7.15 = 2.0m
(ii) GZ at angle or list 30deg = 1.25m
(iii) Max. GZ = 1.4m at angle of list 42.5deg
(iv) Range of stability = 90deg

6. A vessel of 15,000 tonnes displacement and 190m length, discharges 400 tonnes of cargo
from 30m forward of amidships.
Using the following particulars calculate her final draughts forward and aft.
Original draughts 8.0m forward, 7.8m aft
LCF is amidships TPC = 25 MCTC = 200 tonnes m.

Bodily rising = Weight discharged/ TPC = 400/25= 0.16m

Change of trim = trimming moment/ MCTC = 400x30/ 200 = 60cm = 0.6m

Change of aft draft = LCF x change of trim/ LOF = 1 x 0.6 / 2 = 0.3m

Change of forward draft = change of trim – change of aft trim = 0.6-0.3 = 0.3m

Forward Aft
Initial draft 8.0 7.8
Bodily Rising -0.16 -0.16
Change of draft -0.3 0.3
Final draft 7.54 7.94

1. (a) Using the information given for M.V. Sinbad, calculate, at her summer load
1)volume of displacement
2)area of the load waterplane
3)area of midship section
4)light ship displacement
6)DWA at RD : 1.010

(b) State the precautions to be observed when using a marine hydrometer to ascertain the
density of dock water.
Q. A1 (a)
i. At summer load draft 8.879m ~ 8.88m, Displacement = 20,090t, Volume = Displacement /
density = 20,090 / 1.025 = 19,600t
ii. Waterplane area = L x B x water plane co-efficient = 140 x 22.59 x 0.851 = 2874.96
iii. Midship area = B x summer draft x Midship section Co-efficient = 22.59 x 8.879 x 0.938
= 188.14 cub.metre
iv. Light ship Displacement = difference of displacement and deadweight at any draft =
17,770 – 13,238.8 = 4531.2t
v. FWA = Displacement / TPC at summer draft / 4 = 20,097 / 26.58 / 4 = 189mm
vi. DWA / FWA = (ρsw –ρdw) / (ρsw – ρfw)
DWA = (1025-1010) x 189 / (1025-1000)

Existing port list moment = displacement x GM x tan (angle of list) = 10,000 x 0.5 x tan
3.0deg = 262.04tm

Required starboard list moment = 262.04 = weight x distance from centerline

Distance from centerline = 262.04 / 500 = 0.524m

6. A vessel of 10,000 tonnes displacement has a KG of 8.5m and a GM of 0.5m. She has a 3°
port list and still has 500 tonnes of cargo to load in the tween deck, Kg 12.0m. Calculate
how far from the centre line this cargo should be loaded to bring the ship upright.

Required righting moment = present list moment = Displacement x GM x tan(angle of list) =

10,000 x 0.5 x tan (3.0deg) = 262.04mt
Distance of the cargo to load from centerline = Righting moment/ weight = 262.04/500 =

7. A vessel of 12000 tonnes displacement has a KG of 8.5m. She discharges 2000 tonnes of
sea water ballast, Kg 4.2m and loads the following:
400 tonnes of plastic, Kg 5.0m
3000 tonnes of fertilizer, Kg 3.5m
Calculate her final KG.

Weight KG Moment
12,000 8.5 102,000
-2000 4.2 8,400
400 5.0 2,000
3,000 3.5 10,500
13,400 106,100

Final KG = 106,100/ 13,400 = 7.918m

A1. M.V. Sinbad is sails with an even keel draught of 8.50m and a KG of 7.5m.
The following tanks are 96% full,
#3 F.O.T. (c), Kg 1.1m
#4 F.O.T. (c), Kg 1.1m
#7 F.O.T. (p & s), Kg 1.8m
After arrival at the discharging port the above tanks are empty and 1050 tonnes of cargo, Kg
6.2m, have been discharged.
Calculate the final GM. R.D. 1025.

Q. A1

Draft 8.5m  Displacement = 19,078t , KM = 9.15m,

Weight KG Moment
19,078 7.5 143,085
-294.49 1.1 -323.939
-260.72 1.1 -286.792
-100.41 1.8 -180.738
-135.89 1.8 -244.602
-1050 6.2 -6510.00
17236.49 135,538.929
Final KG = 135,538.929 / 17236.49 = 7.863m

Displacement 17,236.49, New KM is unobtainable in the table ???

GM = New KM – New KG = ??? – 7.863 = ???

B4. A vessel of 12000 tonnes displacement has a KG of 8.5m. She discharges 2000 tonnes of
sea water ballast, Kg 4.2 and loads the following cargo:
400 tonnes of plastic, Kg 5.0m
3000 tonnes of fertilizer, Kg 3.5m.
Calculate her final KG.
Weight KG Moment
12,000 8.5 102,000
-2,000 4.2 -8,400
400 5.0 2,000
3000 3.5 10,500
13,400 106,100
Final KG = 106,100 / 13,400 = 7.92m

A1. M.V. Sinbad is floating upright and at an even keel draught of 8.15m in seawater. KG =
7.20m. A piece of machinery weighing 340 tonnes, Kg = 12.5m and situated 6.0m off the
centerline to port, is discharged by shore crane.
Calculate the resultant list.

Q. A1
List moment due to cargo discharged = 340t x 6m = 2040tm (to starboard)
At draft 8.15m displacement = 18,158t,
New displacement = 18,158t – 340t = 17,818t  new KM = 9.07m

GG1 = List moment/ displacement = 2040/ 17818 = 0.1145m

Weight KG Moment
18,158 7.2 130,737.6
-340 12.5 -4,250
17,818 126,487.6
Final KG = 126,487.6/ 17,818 = 7.099m

Final GM = New KM – Final KG = 9.07 – 7.099 = 1.97m

Tan (angle of list) = GG1/ GM = 0.1145/ 1.97

Angle of list = 3.3 deg to starboard
B6. A vessel of 16200 tonnes displacement has a KG of 8.70m. A double bottom tank, 20m x
25m x 1m, is full of fresh water.
Calculate the final GM if half of this fresh water is consumed. Assume the effect of free
surface is to reduce the GM by 0.83m. KM is constant at 10.3m.
Total fresh water weight = L x B x D x ρ = 20 x 25 x 1 x 1.000 = 500t
Original KG of the DB tank = 1.0 / 2 = 0.5m
Final KG of the DB tank = 0.5 / 2 = 0.25m

Weight KG Moment
16200 8.7 140,940
-500 0.5 -250
250 0.25 62.5
16,150 140,752.5

Final KG = 140,752.5/ 16,150 = 8.82m

GM (solid) = KM – KG = 10.3 – 8.82 = 1.48m

GM (fluid) = GM (solid) – Free surface effect correction = 1.48 – 0.83 = 0.65m

A2. (a) M.V. “MEXNA III” is floating in salt water and displaces 16, 086 tonnes.
She has a positive GM of 0.54 metre.
Plot a curve of GZ levers of the ship (statical stability curve).
(b) Briefly explain the information which can be obtained from the curve.

Q. A2(b)
 Max. GZ = 0.855m at angle 38 deg
 GM = 0.54m
 Angle of vanishing stability = 69 deg
 Range of stability = 0 deg ~ 69 deg

B3. (a) Explain why slack tank in a ship reduce the effective GM of that ship.
(b) In M.V. “MEXNA III”, the cargo oil tanks in number 4 hold contain vegetable oil with
a specific gravity of 0.8.
All four tanks are unacceptably slack.
If her GMsolid was 0.5 metre, what is her GMfluid ?
Q. B3 (a) As the ship roll, the movement of the water inside the tank virtually increase the
centre of gravity of the liquid and thus the centre of gravity of the ship. GM=KM-KG. If KG
increases, effective GM decrease.
(b) Total FSM = (405+405+327+327) x 0.8 = 1,171.2mt
Virtual loss of GM = FSM/ Displacement
Displacement = ????????????
(Answer unknown???????????????)

B4. (a) Explain why a ship may lie at an “angle of loll”.

(b) Sketch and describe a typical curve of statical stability for a vessel with an angle of

Q. B4(a) An angle of loll occurs when GM is negative. Negative GM may be caused by

improper way of loading / discharging. At sea, due to the consumption of fuel, it may be the
case that a vessel which left port with positive GM, has now developed a negative GM.

(b) (see Ship Stability for Masters and Mates, Firth Edition, D R Derrett, P.48)
see notes above

A1. A vessel of 8000 tonnes displacement is to discharge a 60 tonnes weight from the
centerline of her lower hold, Kg 1.5m, using her own derrick.
Given that the height of the derrick head is 30 metres above the keel and that KG is 7.5m
and KM 8.0m,
(i) The ship’s KG when the weight is in suspension in the lower hold,
(ii) The list when the weight has been swung out 12.0m from the centerline.

Q. A1 (i)

Weight Kg Moment
8000 7.5 60000
-60 1.5 -90
60 30 1800
8000 61710

Final Kg = Total Moment/ Total Weight

61710/ 8000

Q.A1 (ii)

GM = KM – KG = 8.0 – 7.714 = 0.286m

GG1 = List Moment / Total Weight = 720 / 8000 = 0.09m
tan (angle of list) = GG1 / GM = 0.09/0.286m
angle of list = 17.5 deg

B2. A vessel is trimmed 35cm by the stern. She loads 200 tons of cargo 100m forward of the
after perpendicular and discharges 200 tonnes 90m forward of the after perpendicular.
Given that her centre of floatation is 80m forward of the after perpendicular and her
MCTC is 250 tonnes metres, calculate her final trim.

Weight Distance Trimming Moment

200 20 4000mt by head
200 10 2000mt by stern
400 2000mt by head

Change of trim = trimming moment / MCTC = 2000/250 = 8cm by head

Final trim = present trim +/- change of trim = 35cm – 8cm = 27cm by stern

B4. A vessel of 5000 tonnes displacement has a KG of 6.0m. She then works the following
300 tonnes loaded at Kg 7.0m,
200 tonnes loaded at Kg 2.0m,
500 tonnes discharged from Kg 5.0m.
400 tonnes of deck cargo, Kg 8.37m is then transferred to a lower hold, Kg 1.37m.
Calculate her final KG.

Weight Kg Moment
5000 6.0 30000
300 7.0 2100
200 2.0 400
500 5.0 -2500
400 8.37 -3348
400 1.37 548
5000 27200

Final Kg = Total Moment/ weight = 27200mt/ 5000t = 5.44m

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