The U.S. Is Attacked by Terrorists: 1st Quarter Exam English 8
The U.S. Is Attacked by Terrorists: 1st Quarter Exam English 8
The U.S. Is Attacked by Terrorists: 1st Quarter Exam English 8
I. Reading Comprehension
On Tuesday morning , September 11 at 8:47 a.m. an airplane crashed into the World Trade Center. A
second airplane followed at 9:03 a.m.
In New York , hundreds of New York firemen went in to rescue the World Trade Center workers.
These brave men lost their lives when the buildings collapsed.
New York Mayor Rudoph Giuliani says thousands of people have been killed. At the moment no one is
sure who is behind this attack.
4-This text is …
d-a diary
e-an article from a newspaper
f-an e-mail from a friend
II. Identifying Tone and Mood: Identify the tone of each sentence, what context clues
were given and the mood of the text.
1. Bouncing into the room, she lit up the vicinity with a joyous glow on her face as she
told about her fiancé and their wedding plans.
Context Clues
2. She huddled in the corner, clutching her tattered blanket and shaking convulsively,
as she feverishly searched the room for the unknown dangers that awaited her.
Context Clues
3. Bursting through the door, the flustered mother screamed uncontrollably at the
innocent teacher who gave her child an F.
Context Clues
4. Drawing the attention of his classmates as well as his teacher, the student dared to
experiment with his professor’s intelligence by interrogating him about the Bible.
Context Clues
5. He furtively glanced behind him, for hear of his imagined pursuers, then hurriedly
walked on, jumping at the slightest sound even of a leaf crackling under his own foot.
Context Clues
III. Skimming: Read the paragraph given below and answer the following questions.
Size matters
Here’s something to think about the next time you go shopping. Have you ever
noticed how many trolleys are available when you go to the supermarket? In my
experience, it seems like hundreds! But how about the number of hand baskets?
Invariably I struggle to find even one, especially when I only need a few items. Why
might this be the case? Well it seems to be a tactic used to encourage us to buy more.
If you are walking around with an empty trolley, you are more tempted to fill it, so if
you a planning on only doing a quick shop, always try to find a basket. It will be lighter,
easier to use and is sure to save you money!
1. What can you find in large numbers at a supermarket?
2. Why can this be a problem?
3. How can you avoid spending more than you planned?
4. Why is it a good idea to use a basket instead of a trolley
IV. Word Stress: Encircle which syllable should be stressed in the given words
1. accessible
2. accomplish
3. democracy
4. majority
5. methodology
6. bacteria
7. advantageous
8. frequency
9. community
10. happiness
11. hideous
12. person
13. television
14. responsibility
15. geography
V. Essay